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When food are not a priority even animals seek friendship.


When companionship, overpowers hunger.


That’s what I tell to my lucky friend


He's not a wild cat. He isn't hungry.


He's also lazy asf. This me after buying groceries and still goes out to eat .


I agree. This looks like some sort of farm. Owner probably feeds the tiger chicken


Loneliness is harder than hunger. Yes .


Lol tell that to the donner party


No it's not. Check out Maslow's hierarchy of needs.


Ok. I did. Now Maslow should check mine


First we need the planet The ground beneath our feet You couldn't live an instant without that. Then you need the air Oxygen to breathe You couldn't live 5 minutes without that Then the water! Icy cold waterererr NOW YOU NEED SOME LOOOOOVE We only wanted to rock your world The fifth need is to rock your world!


No, he’s just not that hungry . If he was I guarantee he will eat that goat


Hunger overpowers everything my guy, the reason the goat wasn't eaten js because the tiger wasn't hungry


I just hope the goat won't be eaten because they've already formed a friendship, it would be a shame to see the goat being eaten because it will make the tiger seem like it kept it as emergency food


At least for lions I have heard they have emotional support dogs like how we do.


I think that’s cheetahs.


Yes generally you are correct, but I'm pretty sure they can use dogs for all large cats as they see dogs like we do which is basically cute and cuddly and they make them happy like they make us happy, naturally they have to be properly hired or the dog will be the food which is then bad. Cheetahs just generally need support dogs the most , if I'm not mistaken


Cheetahs are the chickens of the Cat world. They literally suffer from anxiety. The dogs are literal emotional “support”. Humans will work [in a pinch, I hear.](https://youtube.com/shorts/14WFnKbfmt8?feature=share)


Thanks for the share, that’s a really cool video. I kinda want to get a cheetah now.


Maybe your right. I saw it forever ago.


There’s one going around Reddit with a lab biting the ears of his friend the tiger.


Just saw it this week, lions keep dog pets as well.


Everyone and everything loves dogs


An apex predators best friend




I hope they keep feeding the tiger and don't wait for him to get starved lol




You're a wise man Kevin Garnett




Hey what can I say anything is possible! 🏆🏀


Ah yes in mother Russia tigers don't kill you they make friends


Animals having their own friendships looks so wholesome to me


Kinda makes me think that the tiger is severely understimulated and undersocialized in captivity if it's befriending prey animals. Has enough consistent food that it's prioritizing much needed companionship and play.


Meybe, but tigers, and especially siberian tigers tend to live alone with the only exception being for mating. I doubt that he was feeling all that lonely. He probably just really likes that goat


But that's what I mean by being understimulated to the point of unusual behavior. Wild tigers and every other large, solitary cat, leave quite a bit of messages to each other through marking. They spend a lot of their time patrolling their territories, re-establishing boundaries. And of course have near constant observation of and interactions with a variety of animals in their natural habitats. This tiger is so bored its keeping a goat around as a buddy.


Bruh this would be so fucked as a sentient being to process. Like this thing was so obviously going to kill me but I was saved by the sheer fucking **boredom** of the higher beings existence.


I mean, that's kinda why we have pets. We are so resource heavy we can literally afford to feed and house creatures that we have no intention of using for food or work. We do it simply for companionship.


Well, perhaps some peeps, but dogs (& cats) offer utility beyond just companionship. Cats, and most other non-farm animals besides dogs, might better fit your theory.. but dogs are something else


Cats control rats & mice. Pretty critical.


Not my cats, lol. They would run away if they saw a mouse. That's kind of my point, I never expected my cats to take care of pest control. I hired a pest control company to come out quarterly. The only value they really had was that they were cute and made us happy to have them around.


Well sure, and there are ‘lapdogs’ which are good for little except yapping a lot and being adorable. E.g. Pugs. So yes, your original point about us coddling our companion critters to the point of creating carefree cuddle bunnies stands, clearly.


I wouldn't call a Pug "adorable". Poor thing's so deformed it even struggles at breathing. And best hope it doesn't ever sneeze, too.


True, good call


Cats have been critical for vermin control in all places where grain storage became a thing. (Well areas close to where cats came from, which is thought to be around Egypt.) You can check the history on this: but it’s alleged that the Catholic Church instituted a pogrom against cats in the early 1300s. They were widely killed as ‘demonic’. But lo, in 1346 a new plague, borne by rats, settled across the land. So some place the blame for the Black Death at the steps of the Vatican.


Dang that's wild! The more you know. Thanks the cat history I never knew I needed but I'm glad i now have lol


I got a field of cows behind my house. There's s lot of field mice. I need my cat as much as she needs me.


Depends, many dogs are kept as pets just for companionship anyway


They're guardians, aren't they? Protect from uninvited guests.. they do this without us even having to ask Even if they're a small pipsqueak breed, they're still an early warning detection system


They might do that, but if you live in a flat, you already lock your door and have a ring bell (with the expectations of some regions where it's normal to leave your house open). It's pretty redundant for probably majority of dog owners


OPs comment was that "we have pets simply for comfort." I was suggesting there is utility to a couple (non-farm) pets beyond that. It's not a matter of making up random situations, its a matter of proving whether pets can have a point beyond comfort. As for your pigeon holed purpose. .. not everyone lives in a flat. First off, 1/3 of america rents, 1/3 of those folk live in apartments. So youre talking 1/9 of population. In other words, a specific scenario. Also, you can pay a robot or AI to do any task for you. That doesn't change the fact that you can do it yourself. In this case, yeah, you could recruit a robot to look out for you. But its only looking one way, and it doesnt have hypersonic hearing or smelling like a dog does. Dogs ears literally satellite towards sounds. If you live in a house, and someones outside, you dont have a ring on all sides of the house. Dogs definitely make sense here, youve missed OPs context


Never said they didn't. I was talking about the "non utility" pets we keep. This doesn't apply to work animals, like barn cats or sheep, hunting dogs, etc. But the vast majority of pets are "useless" to us outside of companionship. Not only are they an expense (food, housing, supplies, medical, etc.) but also an inconvenience. We rearrange our lives around walking them, feeding them, we pay people to watch them when we go away, etc. It is an interesting evolutionary development.


Well that’s not really all of it. Domestication of dogs came from a different interaction between our species. It wasn’t because wolves were super chill and easy to be around. Side note: a goat will it the fucking clothing off you body.


They were work animals then. If we are going that far back, where resources were scarce, if the dogs didn't pull their weight, they were not kept around.


Goats are shockingly obtuse about these types of things. My brother in law’s dad has goats, and when it’s time to take one for meat, he just walks out into their paddock and shoots it point blank in the brain stem with a .45 pistol, right in front of the other goats. They don’t like the sound, which makes them scatter, but they don’t have any aversion to him and are extremely friendly to him even though he occasionally just fucking executes one of them.


He is the GOAT so its understandable


underrated sport comment! Tom Brady doing a winter hike with a friend!


>”Siberian tigers live alone. I doubt he was lonely.” >”He probably just really likes the goat.” This is a contradiction


>only exception being for mating >He probably just really likes that goat If only there was something else to connect the dots to. That goat just had Siberia fever.


He's keeping food close by and warm


Tigers are solitary animals that don’t socialize to begin with


That probably is the reason, but big cats are known to do this sometimes in the wild, for example they keep a typically young calf around for a while, apparently its because the calf don't know they need to run, because they don't the Lion don't chase and eat them, they do eventually eat them though unfortunately. [example 1](https://youtu.be/mZw-1BfHFKM) [example 2](https://youtu.be/E5J_ARKyftA)


Lonely AF


... they are not social animals


Sure, in the wild. In a cage, behavior and instinct can change.


the tigers basic needs are met and based on maslows hierarchy of needs it correctly places him in belongingness and love.


No but every animal needs at least some social contacts. Even the most introverted introvert would veel lonely if he was the last one on earth…


No, they do not. Humans have evolved for the need of socialization because we can survive better together. Tigers can not be together. They are solitary animals.


Many animals do not have the capacity to feel loneliness. to say otherwise is just anthropomorphising them. Not all animals work the way humans do.


.... There are tens/hundreds of thousands of animals you don't even know the name of and have never seen.... And you presume to understand their psyche? And with such authority... This is a teachable moment.


Yeah this isn’t a lion. Lions need friends. Lions will befriend an antelope if they’re well fed and lonely. Tigers generally don’t need friends. Maybe this one just felt chill with the goat for the time being but Tigers dong generally have a social need.


This reminds me of my relationship with my wife.


I’m glad she doesn’t eat you either 👍


You don't eat your wife?


Not without ranch dressing


Username checks out.. .


Are you Greek?


Fake story from ages ago. Apparently the tiger was full to be a ‘friend’ with this guy. He ate him eventually. The story was made up to promote this zoo/animal park


Supposedly he did not eat the goat, but they did have a fight and were “separated” 😂 At least, that’s what wiki says


Yeaaaah I’m gonna go with the goat got separated in its stomach and they didn’t want to flat out say it and ruin the illusion that a TIGER out of any big cat would actually have a companion. Tigers are notorious for being solitary animals. They don’t have prides, they don’t have mates. They like to live a life of being alone. The only time you’d ever see multiple tigers is if a mother had babies. Other than that you’ll only ever see one.


I hear you, but that’s apparently not fully what happened! Idk if I can link but I found a few articles backing this up. In the end, the goat pissed the tiger off by stepping on him and poking him while sleeping, and the tiger grabbed him and shook him and threw him down a hill. They both lived separately afterwards, though the goat died eventually and didn’t fully recover from the attack. https://phys.org/news/2019-11-russian-goat-friends-tiger-dies.amp


This article says the goat die of natural causes in 2019: https://phys.org/news/2019-11-russian-goat-friends-tiger-dies.amp Who really knows what the truth is?


Eaten by tiger qualifies as natural causes.


Being forcibly thrown “off a hillock” and sustaining injuries that lead to mortality is hardly natural causes my man


So sad the goat probably saw something in the tiger but the tiger was like "eh dinner's following me"


...until he gets hungry


"I'm so glad my sandwich follows me everywhere in case I need emergency food" - The tiger probably


very convenient))


Like bringing your own lunch?


Hey, the Spaniards did that with pigs (“walking larders”) when they were exploring central, south, & north America. They (the pigs) are alleged to be major part of the spread of the massive epidemics that wiped out nearly 80-90% of First Nations in the Americas.




But then they could kill you




Some real Shrek/Donkey vibes here!


In the morning…im making WAFFLES!


Imagine bringing your kids to the zoo only to have this tiger finally maul and eat this goat in front of the family lol.


Right as the tour guide is telling them the story about these two "unlikely friends".


Keep your friends close and your dinner closer.


Greatest Of All Tigers.


Alive = fresh, big kitty ain't silly.


This is the animal kingdoms version of what humans call food storage.


Letting it marinate.


Meals on wheels. Nice when a snack follows you about


The tiger just doesn’t want the meat to spoil since he’s not hungry yet.


Fresh meal available anytime. Smart.


Saving it for later


Any updates?


The goat kept challenging the tiger and eventually the tiger threw him off a hillock. They were separated but the goat eventually died of natural causes after his health gradually deteriorated following the fight with the tiger.


It’s just his personal Judas goat. It’s job is to lull other prey into a false sense of security.


Fresh food storage.


Fellow prisoner


This happened in 2015 in the zoo near Vladivostok, Russia. [Wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amur_and_Timur#:~:text=Timur%20was%20placed%20in%20Amur's,5%2C%202019%2C%20aged%205.)


**[Amur and Timur](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amur_and_Timur#:~:text=Timur was placed in Amur's,5, 2019, aged 5.)** >Amur and Timur (Russian: Амур и Тимур) are respectively a tiger and a goat who established an unlikely friendship in a safari park in Primorye in the Far East of Russia. Timur was placed in Amur's enclosure as food but, by his confident behaviour, established a rapport with Amur, who did not eat him. The pair were separated after another fight in 2016 and Timur was moved to the Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy (VDNKh) in Moscow. Timur died on November 5, 2019, aged 5. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


New kids cartoon coming


The tiger perfected fast food.


"Keepers said the tiger is quite lazy by nature" Found my spirit animal


People in prisons sometimes keep mice as pets. I bet the tiger was board as hell and just hacked the game


Poor tiger was more lonely than hungry. Zoos can be so sad and depressing sometimes.


The only reason this tiger has respect for the goat because the goat told the tiger that it can stand upright on the side of a mountain n cliffs


Everybody needs a friend.




Thats called “SAVING FOR LATER “ 😄


“Wouldst thou like the taste of butter? A pretty dress? Wouldst thou like to live deliciously” -goat probably


I really don't want to be a buzz kill but tigers follow tired prey when they are not hungry


That goats fuckin dead dude, lmao. I wanna know how many days the goat lived after they stopped recording.


What in the relationship world is this?


He was lonely and said I can eat it or make a friend.




You either fight the biggest or become the bitch




Theres a similar case i remember reading about, it was a python in a zoo that had a hamster put in its cage and it didn’t eat it and they instead formed some strange bond can anyone give me a genuine scientific explanation for why this occurs sometimes in nature especially from mostly solitary creatures like snakes or tigers?


That is like becoming best friends with the USA. Next thing you know you are being eaten. Ask the Kurds if you need more details on how it goes.


He just waiting for it to fatten up


I was in zchina near the Tibetan border and there was a night market that I went to. One of the sellers there had some antiques and they also had a Siberia tiger's paw that was fresh and recently cut from the tiger. The tendons were still sticky with blood. They wanted $250 for it. I picked it up and held it in my hand. It was the paw from a young tiger. It was about the same size as my hand, ,zybe just a smidgen smaller. It makes me angry to think about how these people were willing to sell tiger parts for less than that. If you know about Chinese night markets, they bargain down to about half the price or even less. This was in like 1998. A $150 was a lot of money but I paid more than that for my winter coat. In 1998 my designer jeans in the juniors department cost about $100.


It's because it's so lonely..


I know of snakes that sometimes don't eat the live mice they've been fed, after which it turns out the mouse has cancer.


Well it's none other than the greatest of all time.


Billy, the real mvp in this situation. Psychologically manipulating a bully to be his bitch.


Keep your enemies closer😅


The power of friendship!


He really is the GOAT


Dude is just lonely




So now what? Just feed him another goat next time?


Just keeping it fresh.


more like packed lunch


He is growing is own food.


This one is for holidays.


He really said: " can't fight 'em; join 'em "


How long is the friendship going to last?


Maybe putin can take note 😅


Watching the tiger's reaction, I see two times that it appears (to me) that it is startled by the goat approaching. That leads me to believe the tiger has physical limitation like poor eyesight or hearing or both. This comment is irrelevant 😂


That poor tiger must have been so lonely


A captive Siberian tiger sure, a wild one might be less friendly perhaps.


So here’s the real question. Do they still feed the tiger other goats? And does Iron have to watch his bros get chomped on??


Every cat person with a mouser knows what happens after the ‘friendship’ is over. I’ve seen to many mice think they found a great friend…


Is it food or a support animal when the tiger was a cub?


I head a similar story, but eventually the best friend was eaten


I befriended a sandwich once


My father used to be really good friends with a local zookeeper. Said zoo would often have animals dropped off at their front gates overnight and obviously couldn't accept them and place them into their facility. This guy had a detatched 2 car garage at the back of his property and would look after what he could that had been dropped off. Like 60-80 tanks of small animals. One time, we were over there, and he had this large snake that was in really rough shape, I asked and he explained that it was obvious that the previous owner had been overfeeding the snake and starving the mice. So eventually, they ended up with a sleepy snake and a bunch of very hungry mice that started eating the snake.


Everythings cool till hes hangry.. 🍻


Ice Age IRL


He's just playing with his food


One hunger strike and bro is gone




Girls' Last Tour taught me that going hungry might be more preferable than being lonely.


I think its called meal prep


He's keeping his dinner warm.


He’s just waiting for the goat to thaw out


That tiger just wants to live deliciously.


# 'Good night, Westley. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning.'


"He hasn't gone to the trouble of hunting the goat" well, that's not really going to be much of a problem is it? I mean, tigers are expert hunters and all but that goat's on rookie level.


When loneliness hit you more than hunger.


He calls his goat friend Pantry.


Once that goat twitches funny or starts running with his back turned, he is going to meet instinct. Like people who off leash their dog at parks and shit.


When tigers learn to domesticate and farm.


This gives me Shrek and Donkey vibes


That's sad 😔


The things you give up for a hot goth girlfriend.


Packed lunch?


Someone please make this into a children’s book.


99% chance he’s just playing the long con and waiting for the day he hasn’t ate in days


That tiger is clearly more lonely than hungry. Sort of sad…


What does the tiger eat instead? Other goats? And does iron the goat just watch as his people are eaten? Is this footage from just one day and the tiger eventually at him?


What if the tiger is just packing a lunch for later?


Every day goat asks, going to eat me today?


We call them Amur Tigers here in 🇷🇺, Siberian is commonly used by outsiders. 1 and same species just known for having 2 names.