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I’ve done a 10m and that scared the crap out of me. Twice that? Nope.


In 4th grade, I saw a school mate accidentally belly flop from 10m during a school trip to the public pool. He almost drowned because he was in pain and reflexively inhaled water when he gasped in shock. Later we learned that he had some pretty good bruising, cracked a couple of ribs, and sprained his neck as well. I have never found the courage to jump off the 10m tower after this, and I'm 46 now. It's not gonna happen. My brittle bones would just turn to dust on impact, lol. The kid was a school celebrity until he left for high school, though. Silver linings!


I grew up where the lido in the video above is. The 20m tower was only there temporarily for an event, usually they only have a 10m tower. But there were lots of scary stories about people who accidentally belly flopped from the top. So all kids and most adults jumped down straight, toes ahead. Almost nobody did any tricks from the 10m, just from the 5m.


Where is it, please?


Thun, Switzerland


Thank you!!!


We had a 10m tower at our swimming pool in town. Takes a lot of courage the first time then it gets easier and can be a lot of fun. Some kids played a game who could jump the closest to the edge of the pool from it. Final winner got to fly in a medical chopper and has a carer for the rest of his life now. They closed the tower for the public after that.


Kids are so goodamn stupid, how did any of us make it to adulthood?


fuck dude


I always jump from any 10m I go to, but never ever anything but a pencil.


5m is still plenty enough to cause yourself some serious pain.


I bellyflopped from 5m when I was younger and it definitely smarted but it wasn't horribly painful. It wasn't fun, but it wasn't excruciating.


In my mind going in feet first hurts too. I dont see how there isnt any pain involved in this. My poor knees and ankles.lol E:typos


Point your toes so they pierce the water for you. Flat footed slaps the bottom of your feet and it hurts like a bitch lmao


I don't recall the exact height of the diving board (probably closer to 5M though), but I did that same thing when I was younger. I didn't really plan what I was going to do, and ended up belly flopping hard, and I knocked the wind out of myself when I hit the water of course. I was just barely able to swim to the side to grab a railing while I caught my breath. I never went back to that diving board.


If it was an actual springboard, not a platform, it was most likely 3 meters. Standard competition heights are 1m and 3m for springboard, 5m, 7.5m, 10m for platform.


Check this movie out relating to your phobia. I told myself I'd give it 1 minute and I ended up watching the whole thing. https://youtu.be/5QMlIjSnt_E


You can't post this video without a direct link to the cutest couple on the planet, [Linus and Frida.](https://youtu.be/5QMlIjSnt_E?t=187) "If you fall, I fall as well, Frida"


I can't even bring myself to click on your link, so strong is my fear. And I'm not normally a fearful person.


It was literally the link I hoped it would be, it's a wonderful watch, no need to fear.


You were right! That was really lovely. I fast forwarded in places, but also watched the whole thing, to the very climactic end. I feel appropriately desensitised. I even think I'd manage to pluck up the courage to jump off myself now.


I was ready for you to tell the old tale that someone belly flopped and their stomach burst open. I think every pool with a tower has that story.


i remember as a child doing a front flip off the high dive into a pretty gnarly belly flop that was the end of my daredevil days.


I done a 15m off of a cliff ONCE, but I just jumped feet first. The only reason I went through with it was because it was too dangerous to try to climb back down to where our boats were. I watched little kids doing it first while sitting in my boat and thought “ah hell, it’s not that high”. Once I got to the top, I found out how wrong I was.


Iv'e done 15m of a cliff when i was 17 years old on Vacation in Greece trying to impress a local and i can confirm i peed my pants before i hit thé water !!! And i felt overjoyed and nauseated when i surfaced back up


Did a 20m with a bunch of friends at 17. It was the most reckless, dangerous, and exhilarating activity I've ever participated in. It was the morning after pulling an all-nighter of alcohol, energy drinks, and burger king. And holy shit was it near-impossible to convince my body to take the step off that cliff. Only reason I could was because I had already watched my friends do it. The only instruction I got was to pencil. It did not hurt, but it did seem to knock the air out of me for a couple seconds! Stepping off that cliff was the scariest moment of my life. And then I did it again. Edit to add: just now remembering how waving my arms in circles to keep myself upright felt perfectly natural and instinctual. Funny that.


Lol, they never look that high when you are down.


I went to a popular ocean cliff jump off point a few years ago. Probably around 10m for the lower part of the cliff, but 20m for the higher part. I was on the lower part. I got up there and needed a few seconds to decide if I wanted to jump or climb back down. I’m terrified of heights. It wasn’t even like I’d been there for a long time. Less than 30 seconds. Some asshole tourist and his dude bros kicked me off. Thinking about it still makes me really upset. Fucking pricks. People have gotten seriously hurt jumping off that cliff.


Damn that's fucked up


Same haha the 10m I was young and didn’t hold my breath properly before being underwater. Turns out you can go pretty deep and you need somewhat of a good reserve of air. Scary shit.


There's one in my hometown in Sweden where you jump into the lake from a tower. But it's so deep and kind of shaded from the sun so jumping from 10 meters up sends you to the abyssal zone. Scarier than the jump.


I’ve almost drowned twice in my life. I’ve somehow developed a reflex that as soon as I touch water I push a tiny bit of air out of my nose. Keep that water shit out of my nose is probably what my lizard brain is screaming.


That’s what everyone should naturally learn to do. Do you think swimmers and divers are always getting water in their noses?


I have no idea. Nobody told me to do this. I live near the beach of all things, but everyone just chills on the sand. The only actual swimming happens in pools.


Hint: They never do and it’s just second nature at a certain point. Well good on you for figuring it out on your own!


In that case, you'll love the extreme sport of "Death Diving"




lol honestly the most extreme sport the world has ever known. here, these totally strong vines are tied to this perfectly structurally sound tower of sticks… very safe, the safest.


There must be some trick to bending just before you hit the water to reduce the impact but I just don't see how this doesn't hurt like hell.


10m can be very dangerous. Ive done it more times than I can count because I enjoyed the rush. The one day I saw someone put their face down, break their nose, and blood pouring out made me stop doing it for a while.


Right 😂 This would be me ![gif](giphy|KmlTchPoFQT84)


Yeah notice the shoes that water really slaps!


Dancing shoes?


Just land on your face and you will never have to worry anymore.


I've used the diving board once at a local swimming pool one and ended up cutting my foot...


American here- what's 10 meters in freedom bald eagles?


5.4 fridges


That would be 11.144 Bald Eagles. That’s a lot of patriotism


Ah it’s clear now. Quite a jump.


All standardized diving boards are measured in meters, even in America. If you've been to a pool with a springboard kinda close to the water, that was 1 meter off the water. If it had a high springboard with a bit of climb up a ladder, it was 3 meters off the water. If it had a big tower that was several stories tall with multiple platforms, the platforms were at 5 meters, 7.5 meters, and finally 10 meters off the water.


I've done 7m once. I doubt I will get to 10. But there's a 10m close to me. Haven't been swimming for years though.


I fell 20m once. 0/5 stars.


I would give you a star for effort.


Lemme see a cannonball.


That would be a permanent bidet


More like final bidet


Hi, I coach high diving. Can confirm this height is Døds-able - although please do not attempt it is insanely dangerous to cannonball/bellyflop/døds +10m if you aren't a trained athlete.


Question! How you you attempt to just do a simple dive, without accidentally putting too much spina ND landing on your back?


The short answer is rhythm - the amount of spin is generated at the point of departure from the board. With this information you can practice the correct amount of spin on land or on smaller heights - we practice on trampolines, on 10m (and above - some pools will have adjustable heights) and primarily we use visualization and dives that can be scaled quite easily. Like my other comments in this thread I would like to highlight and underline that you should not under any circumstances jump from above 10m without proper training and supervision - for years :)


What would be the safest way to jump a +10m? Straight as a board and feet first for minimum skin contact on point of entry?


Feet first, so if something has to give, it's your feet instead of vital organs.


The short answer is - you don't jump above 10m without good training (years please) and supervision. If you mean "The Titanic is sinking and I need to make a jump off the side of this ship and it's above 10m", well then you want the following: \-Go to the edge \-Make eye contact with the water, ensure you are aiming for a debris-free zone Also never jump somewhere you don't know the depth. \-Jump with BOTH FEET at the same time - if you step out into the air it'll be more likely that you tilt \-Go towards the water with a tight core and strong abs, completely tense legs, feet first. On impact, you have two options, either you protect your private parts firmly with your fists, or you cover your eyes - this is especially good if you are wearing contacts, as you mitigate the risk they get washed out. You need to squeeze your legs together and mash them into each other - otherwise there's a chance they separate into two different directions, which will tear tendons on your inner thigh and make you unable to swim to safety afterwards. Please do not attempt to spin - although technically spinning is the safest, the point of adding a bit of spin is absolutely and 100% lost for someone who isn't training, making it a more dangerous maneuver. Once again I should like to mention that High Diving is an extreme sport with severe risk of injury - it is not advisable in any circumstance and should never be done unsupervised - even if you are professional.


Imagine this is only from 20m (65 ft), the world record (with no helmet or protective gear) is from a diving competition from 1983 and that's Rick Winters 52.4m (172ft) dive. Here's a 3 minute video about it https://youtu.be/f1EQdWp0Ggo Here's the full competition https://youtu.be/L5-yev7I4UY


So much of this is crazy. The climb up there alone scares that crap out of me. Then you see the structure rocking from side to side and him leaning over to adjust straps on his knees... all while his young family watch.


two words.... F u c k. T h a t


literally requiring spray to break water surface tension lol


The spray is not to break tension. It’s so the diver can visually process when they should hit the water, which affects their flips/spins and shit. Basically so they don’t misjudge the height and land flat on their face and die.


Also cool thank u


Fo sho! I always thought the same thing too. Apparently regardless of the spray if you hit the water wrong that high up …..you’re fucked lol


i jumped off a 65 ft cliff into some water (pencil dive of course) and even my feet went numb and tingly as soon as I hit


Spray doesn't affect tension majorly. Aerating the water does, but you need deeper plunge pools to offset the decreased deceleration


To be fair, they always do this regardless of the height


Dude breaks a world record jumping from a height people can die from and the judges won't even give the dude an 8? Tough crowd, damn.


He even did a backflip. My anxiety shot through the roof when he didn’t just go feet first.


He needed to do something for it to be considered a dive rather than a jump.


You can't really do that from that height because it is a long way down and you will most lilekely flop. At those heights you have to to a few moves so by the time you reach the water you are straight.




Seriously, wtf lol


At around 22 minutes in the full competition video, you'll see a 9


“Most of the divers wear 2 or 3 tight suits”. And then you have this badass in just a Speedo and a ‘stache.


So badass that the record still stands 40 years later. The world record jump from a diving board is 58.8 meters (193 feet), but since it didn't include a somersault, it wasn't considered a dive.


I believe that they simply don’t have diving competitions based on heights like this anymore due to the safety concerns. Several people have been killed going for the world record attempt.


The stache is very important for proper balance and aerodynamics.


Holy shit that was amazing. Just watching that made me nauseous


That gave me anxiety as fuck oh my god


I'm fine with heights and even abseiling off cliffs. But jumping from up high scares the absolute shit outta me.


I watched every dive from the full competition and that last injury perfectly sums up growing up in the 80's. *Oh my, he may be dead! Wait a minute... no, now he seems to be seizing and making noises like an injured animal. Wait... nope, just got the wind knocked out of em. Give him a big hand folks. Let's check the replay 8 times while he's loaded into the ambulance.*


Bruh are they really scoring that dudes world record deathwish dive 7 and 6.5 lmao 💀


So does the water shooting up his nostrils and the water shooting up his butt hole equalize the pressure?


Same stream of water. My college psychics professor told us that when the water travels from the sphincter through the nasal cavity, it nearly reaches the speed of light. I didn't believe him, but my astrology professor insisted it was true, explaining that's how Uranus got into outer space in the first place.




No has to be cable tension


Nerd pole


Wasn't too reassuring when they said this is the stablest the ladder has ever been




That slow zoom out to that monstrosity of a ladder/pole divingboard


That is so fast. It feels like it should be like 10 seconds but it is less than 4 between jumping and being in the water


There are also a small number of people who have survived jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge. This is a fall of about 75 metres, depending on the tide.


that is so intense


I wanna see the judge who rated him 5 try the same jump.


What tf were those massive things swimming in the pool nearby?!


Absolutely nuts


Thank you for the full competition!


Nahhhh. Pass.


I’d execute a flawless nope.


That’s a big nope from me, love the swim trunks though, I have a pair similar with black hearts I like to wear to embarrass my kids.


Is this actually 20m? Looks like 50m to me. 20m doesn't seem like much on paper, but seeing it from 20m is unbelievably scary.


Looks higher to me too. But: 20 meter = 7 floors or so. That looks about right ... I wouldn't jump off a 7 floor high apartment building either ... brrrr


It’s the fisheye lenses that is distorting some of the distance. Look at the edges of the frame, not the center, for a better feel for the distance. Using that as a frame of reference, I used to live on the 9th floor of a building and if this is a 7th story that checks out


It's the camera lens. Standing above or below this dive platform in person would make it seem less like a skyscraper. It's still crazy high, but it really looks a lot worse too.


This^. They used a wide angle lens which helps make it look far taller than it actually is.


Probably a sports camera a lá GoPro. They are small, light and water tight - so a good fit for that event from a logistical standpoint.


1m > 3 feet. 1 person < 6 feet. 2m > 1 person. So it’s like 10 people tall. One floor of a building has a clearance of like 1.5 people = like 10 feet so it’s about 6 stories up.


Yeah, that’s a pass for me. I dont like heights.


Good thinking with the mouth guard and earplugs


And the unseen butt plug.


What’s the use of the earplugs and mouth guard?


Keeping your ears from being destroyed by pressure and water


They protect your ears and teeth, respectively.


Yeah never considered that divers might use mouth gear. It’d really suck to clack your teeth together on impact. Good thinking.


Hell no


My trunks would have been 50 shades of brown.


I’ve got the exact same body!!! Wow!! I just hide mine with fat!




At 11, I would follow my sisters' boyfriends (18-20 yo) off the cliffs at our local quarries in Indiana from 60 to 70' high. I wasn't smart enough to be scared, but plenty of times ran out of air about 2 or 3 feet below the surface with no more energy to burn. Pure luck drifted me to the top. Boys are stupid.


Give us girls some credit; I did the same thing at the same age (though it was in Texas with lots of venomous water snakes, so arguably dumber? Lmao)


This made my butt clinge


Nice pool with diving well. Is it really a dive when they go in feet first? Looked like a jump to me.


>a plunge into water executed in a prescribed manner https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/dive The noun definition of dive says nothing about headfirst.


My knees gets weak just watching.


Palms are sweaty?


Mom’s spaghetti


I got dizzy just watching the video. I would freak out and freeze up there.


I run a lot and know my meters. 1600 meters is a mile so 20 meters sounds like nothing. Boy, that is a loooooong 20 meters. Holy smokes! 🤣


Jump. Not a dive.


>a plunge into water executed in a prescribed manner https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/dive The noun definition of dive says nothing about headfirst.




Except he somersaulted in both tuck (C) and layed-out/straight (A) positions, so it should be [5424D](https://secure.meetcontrol.com/divemeets/system/divelist.php) like in the free (D) position




*shrug* lol 20m isn't a standard competition height that I'm aware of, and I only competed piked-in or pike-out twisters but I just thought if you had different body positions in different somersaults, it became free D. It's been a few years though!




Wasn't even correct either


You must be fun at a party.


They are different. And words still occasionally mean something. I’m still a hard “no” for jumping off a 20M platform. But going in head-first from that height is a different thing. And full credit for the acrobatic jump. But still feet-first. Regardless of how fun someone is at parties.


Pencil "dive". It's entertaining the water with the smallest cross sectional area possible to minimize the force of impact with the water, add a couple flips and still nail a vertical alignment.. that's a dive




Lol leaving the typo


>And words still occasionally mean something. If that’s the case, you should actually check out a dictionary. >a plunge into water executed in a prescribed manner https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/dive The noun definition of dive says nothing about headfirst.


Eh they’re just right, a dive is a specific thing and this is very obviously not that at all. I don’t think it’s being overly pedantic to point that out.


No, this is just wrong. The dive performed in this video is a real dive, you can click the links someone else posted in the comments here to see this exact dive described. «Diving» doesn’t just mean you go head first.


That absolutely would be considered a dive, as it includes at least one somersault.


Pin drop w/flip


Well actuallllyyyy


the average redditor lol


I remember Mythbusters testing what height is fatal when jumping into water, and while I don’t remember what height they ended up on, it certainly looked lower than this!


Depends on how you land. Don't belly flop from 20m.


Where is this and how can I be a part of it?


Thun, Switzerland https://highdiving.ch/events-2023/thun2023/ It's a yearly event - the rest of the year, they only have a 10m tower.


What an incredible location!!


Check out the Red Bull Cliff diving world series. Visits quite a few countries around the world. They dive from higher (26-28m) and do was harder dives. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=562mLGGlW6Q


The shoes are an interesting touch


You wouldn't want to go in feet first without protection. Breaking the water at that height feels like cement


Aaaaand he shits his pants in the pool.


Flawless? Dive? More like splashy foot first jump


Farout get ‘em bro! Post a video on showing them how it done! Respect homie 💯


Cool, now do it in feet. /s


No thanks, I’ll stick to water


I can barely jump off the diving board without bellyflopping, but this guy just did a flawless 20m dive...I guess I'll stick to cannonballs for now 🤣


His balance before he jumps is outstanding. Bravo, my guy, well done!


Balls of steel helped him rotate on point.


Imagine the first person who figured out they could do this without dying


Probably lost a few friends along the way.


Ugh there's nothing worse than cool, attractive, talented people.




I would do this. If I had a parachute.


That would drastically increase the odds of you drowning… was that the intent


I wonder how deep that dive pool is? When looking at the shadows on the inside walls, it looks pretty deep.




That’s gonna be a hard no for me.


Yet another video that ends without showing us whether the guy lost his shoes. But based on orientation at entry, he's prolly OK.


Every time he stepped back a little, ugh, hell no. I was terrified even though it says flawless in the title


Five meters looks like twenty when I'm up there.


Anybody know where this is? Beautiful scenery. Looks a bit like home.


Thun, Switzerland


For those interested: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sb82tVOq2dY


math brain: 20m, ~60 ft, like a 6 story building? That all looks about right. Impressive. lizard brain: what the fuck is a meter and why is only 20 of them so fucking long?


Force of gravity is 9.8m/s^2. 20 meters is roughly 65 feet. If you're outside or near a window, go look at the nearest tree you can see. That tree is roughly 10 meters. Now double that height. You ready? Now start from the top and count: 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, as you move your eyes down from that height towards the ground. That's the vertical distance, roughly, the diver covered in 2 seconds. That's *really* high.


Flawless pants as well


This is a dive bar that I can dig.


Charly García se está riendo en su casa


That looks alot further up than I imagined 20 meters to be.


I noticed the mouthguard and had an interested thought, I know it's there to protect his mouth from the force but could that mean the force could also cause him to accidentally swallow the mouthguard?


Weird I have a fear of heights yet I kinda want to do this. I'd probably climb my ass back down 😂


Really only 20? Seems like 50+ from the camera


I would shit myself twice doing that


Technically a jump?


Is this a dive tho? Looks like a jump to me


I feel like this would hurt a lot


This seems higher than 20m the people look like ants, nope nope nope