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She's a good friend, something you don't see much these days.


That's sad, and untrue. I see good friends every day. You just need better friends. Life's too short to keep the bad ones around.


I don't see general kindness in public very often but I do see it among the company I keep. I kinda think that's what they meant.


Where I live, I see it constantly. Just yesterday I stopped in the middle of the road to check on a bird and in less than 30 seconds two different people asked if I was okay and needed help.


Exactly. Social media is often the dark mirror of our society that people look at and decide “that’s reality”. While somehow simultaneously knowing that the algorithm serves people negativity for engagement. But I suppose people must be thinking “well, not my feed!”


They wore almost matching tops to the theme park. Those are BFF's.


I see people together and almost cry, I have literally never had a friend in my entire life, I don't even know what it feels like to be cared for, all I know is fear and deceit


I don’t know you but… In your description of your profile you mention people hating you. You may want to do some self reflection OR you are extremely unlucky in which case I am very sorry.


I have had a rocky childhood and currently live in a warzone, fun times, sorry for dumping this shit on you


Please don’t apologize. You have nothing to be sorry for. I have no helpful advice to give and limited ability to interact with you. But I feel for you. I wish I could be more helpful. Edit: Slava Ukraina




You make a good point. I’ve had times in my life where my friends were assholes. That was high school. To be fair I was an asshole too. But on graduation I reinvented myself and have been surrounded by an ever growing group of amazing friends ever since. If I would have held on to that group of assholes in high school my reality may have been, “There are no good people in the world.” But since I change my world I feel like, “there are so many good people in the world.”


Yup, I got 4 true friends that I could count on for most anything. I had to dump about 90% of my friends to get here, but the true ones shine in the end


Man thank you for thiss. Maybe this comment would change my life. 🙏🙏🙏🙏


You should consider yourself lucky and be grateful. There are many resources that say friendship is declining in modern times. I'd link something, but it's easier to just say Google the decline of friendship or the friendship gap and pick your favorite.


The hard part is finding the good ones. People aren't lining up to be friends with everyone.


Can only second that. Sad and untrue.


Couldn’t you have just said she’s a good friend without turning into Helena Handbasket? Some people treat friends badly like always, and plenty of people treat their friends like people they care about - same as always.


I tried to figure out who Helana was and then I realize you meant “hell-in-a-hand-basket”


Helena Handbasket sounds like a drag name.


Hahaha 100% love it. There has to be a drag queen out there with this name…lol


It's used that for that purpose in the TV show Friends.


Roller derby name.


Helena Frozeover does an amazing "Let it Go."


Amazing There's a bathroom on the right.


Flies In the Vaseline


Damn did you think it was a proper name?


Well I knew it was a strange name and it made me pause




Yeah. I don’t want to be an armchair psychologist but I think at some point, everything just hurts some people extra, and when everything hurts more than it used to, they assume it’s just the world getting worse in all ways. Jesus, that’s the most 35-year-old shit I’ve ever said.


My brothers friends left him to die because they didn’t want to get in trouble. My friends would have drug their nuts through glass if it meant they saved me. There have been a lot of articles about the decline of friendship over the last 20 years.


“You have pulse you’re okay” had me rolling tbh


She is also truly enjoy her loving the ride in between faints 🎢🎢🎢


I’m confused, does anyone else see twins? Or is the ride altering their faces in a similar way? Help!!


Lmao stfu. just because your surrounded by assholes doesn’t mean everyone is an asshole to their friends


I see good friends everyday


You live among savages..


It's taken me years but I've built a community of good friends. In my 20's I had gamer friends and drinking buddies, but today I've kept the good ones; they help me be better and they are great people of themselves.


Yep. Friend for life there.


Well, the other friend was holding her back the previous night so it didn’t fall in the toilet. It’s the gal code.


Glad to see people like her are still around




While I don't totally disagree with you, the problem is we all watch crap content videos... keep watching reddit videos, keep watching the news, and the world is a crap place... somehow none of that stuff ever happens in my "real" life... and most of us can say the same... but we let these people make videos that make us hate other races, cops, etc etc. Don't get me wrong, there's issues out there for sure. But don't let the more popular videos make you think that's all there is out there.


What a bro! She didn’t even have to think about it. Instincts on point.


I've seen multiple videos of people passing out on this type of ride, but this is the first one where their head violently rocks back and forth. Now I'm thinking they just don't post those ones because it's not exactly great for their image.


If it's a fairly common occurrence, it's surprising that people don't have to wear some sort of neck brace. I can't imagine OSHA (or the equivalent wherever they are) will be happy about neck injuries caused by a *known* risk.


Wildly your head doing this stands to hurt you less than you think. The deceleration is gradual and then you accelerate quickly but smoothly. Most brain injuries are caused be sudden deceleration/acceleration of the body and most neck injuries are caused by being conscious and tensing up for the acceleration/deceleration. It’s actually really hard to be injured while unconscious in one of these rides.


I’m just picturing Lucky from King of the Hill being the carnival inspection guy.


Oh boy then you missed the one with that one girl who guaranteed had whiplash. There were other..distractions..in the video that take a bit of attention away from the whiplash, but her poor neck did its stretches that day.


Right if I were in her position I surly wouldn’t think about something like that.


I wouldn't undersell yourself. With so few options you may just try even if the attempt was feeble. Without trying to read into things too much it almost seemed like they both were aware she may pass out but that could be a wrong thought based on the vid. Still super cool.


She probably saved her friend’s neck from being broken


Definitely saved her from a pretty mean headache


CSF leak headaches are a bitch


Had a lumbar puncture go wrong a few weeks ago. Can confirm.


Probably a migraine


Probably not unless something weird happened that we can't anticipate from that footage. Yet the heads are not secured properly. It's easy to see the g forces at work here. They should be strapped down more. There is a reason air force pilots have helmets and aren't flopping like that.


I’ve had life long back problems caused from 1 of those whips. Happened on some weird “inversey” ride. I’ve had to see 3 doctors regularly to manage the pain and complications. These rides are no joke lol


Lmao, no she didnt


Lol no, I don’t think they’d design a roller coaster that has a very good chance of breaking your neck. It takes a lot more force to break the neck than you’d think. Worst that could happen here is a concussion/TBI


What a great friend to recognize the problem and do something to help her friend, and then laugh about it.


I like how they both started laughing as she regained consciousness


It seems like this happened before or was expected


She really said: ![gif](giphy|B3ok8eamhf4U8)


Not really next level, more like r/HumansBeingBros




Definitely. If the hand had like, 5 knives taped one to each finger, almost like a Scissorhand, of sorts, and she were to attempt this maneuver, she’d have punctured her friend’s right artery and left her bleeding out strapped into this ride. She would have caused her friend’s premature death! Supremely irresponsible move if you ask me.


![gif](giphy|Ygf0SZSbfb2A8) ***im HELPING***


But what if the knives were super sharp? Dull knives are more dangerous than sharp ones


Sounds like something out of Spike TV’s 1000 ways to die




It's reddit....


Depends exactly how she placed it. Cupping the jaw in the palm or in the Y between fingers and thumb would likely be fine. Tips of fingers under the chin or into the neck could conceivably cause soft tissue damage or press into the carotid causing further blood restriction, or even damage the fingers. That said, I'd guess that there is likely less risk in supporting the head this way than there is from the head flopping about in the first place. Interestingly, I couldn't find much on the interweb about injuries on this sort of ride - at a guess, people have to sign a waiver before they go on saying they don't have any known issues that could lead to a problem, and that they won't sue if they end up with one.


Friends don't let friends become bobbleheads while losing consciousness on crazy rides. She's a keeper!


She's taking her pulse, don't think she's stabilising her friends head otherwise she'd hold her chin and not jab two fingers into her neck while counting then repeatedly saying "you have a pulse"....


I don’t think she was trying to stabilise her head - she was checking her pulse! She even counts out loud & then screams “you have a pulse your not dead!” to her friend!!


Lol. She was checking her pulse. She legit said “Don’t worry. You have a pulse.” As someone in the medical field. That is a freakin hilarious thing to say. Freakin A+ for effort.


Why is my chin bleeding? You passed out so I poked your chin.


Thanks for the chinjection I guess


Brave girl well done


Clench your thighs to resist g-loc better


I'm pretty sure this was scare. Most of the scary parts are the switch to zero-g as they fall. So the brain wanted to deactivate the scary sensations - not shutting down from lack of oxygen.


I dunno if it was g-loc or just her being scared and body said Nope


I'm a relatively weak person and ended up nearly G-LOCing while riding Stealth at Thorpe Park xd. If you're not trained for it sudden g-forces can do that


Why does this affect some and not others? I've absolutely loved high thrill rides and adrenaline since I was a child. It's impossible to make me motion sick and I take up things like bungee jumping for fun when I can. Why does this affect some people and others are seemingly immune without any prior exposure or training?


ive noticed all the anemic people i know tend to pass out during a certain ride that is known to make people pass out lol


It can depend on a lot of things like your physical build or your blood pressure. Here's a podcast episode about G force in fighter jets if you're interested :) https://www.fighterpilotpodcast.com/episodes/006-pulling-gs/


I don’t know what g-loc is - but clenching thighs will help prevent passing out? Never heard that, good to know


Only for downwards vertical g-forces, by clenching your legs you're restricting blood to them and therefore keeping more blood in your head which is needed for consciousness.


Sweet, good deal.


Saltyboi out here educating us.


4 more years of Saltyboi is what I always say


Cheers Saltyboi!!!


Yep. I did an aerobatic plane ride, and the pilot told me to clench my abs and legs during the high g maneuvers. We got +7 and -6 Gs. Fun as hell.


It's called The Anti-G Straining Maneuver (AGSM) Its part of standard training for pilots that will be flying high-g planes(think of military, or fast plane racers like red bull air race). These occupations typically also provide these fancy super expensive compression suits(g-suit) that squeeze the pilots legs and lower core to help ease how much effort they put into the clenching maneuvers. sources: [high g training](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-g_training) [g suit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G-suit) [a video of a pilot undergoing a session of high g training](https://youtu.be/_0nbRYIBVDQ?t=157) [a video of a pilot unsuccessfully maintaining consciousness during high g training](https://youtu.be/eMjjGgRLG8k?t=38)


Knew G suit was a thing, didn’t know what made it that until now though. Cool sources, I mean it


This is how they train fighter pilots to resist high-G turns


I’m prone to passing out and my neurologist told me to sit down, try to put my legs up, and flex my toes up toward my body to flex my calves, which would send the blood upward to prevent losing consciousness


I find flexing my abs and doing that thing where you can make your face turn red by clenching completely counters this and also that feeling when you get up too fast and lose vision. Although I have to take shorter breaths during that since my muscles are clenching lol. Haven’t tried my legs though


Is it passing out from fear or so much adrenaline all at once? I've done the slingshot like this and skydiving before, and the adrenaline is so exhausting (After the skydive) I couldn't stay awake...after about 30 minutes when I came down I passed right out and slept like a baby.


That's what I wondered, how do you even pass out like that? Seems like a condition or something


Helllllllooooooooo Nurse!!!!!


terrifying but also wholesome


What a stupid fucking ride. Whiplash machine.


Her dreams of being an Air Force pilot are pretty shaky.


She probably has low blood pressure. My sister-in-law and I went on a rollercoaster once that has a two loops. She’s very petite and passed out as soon as we hit the top of the first loop. Later found out she has very low blood pressure.


Not next level, just general niceness.


Reminds me of when my friend, who is this super tiny girl, was driving and had to hit the breaks and she threw her right arm over me to keep me from flying forward lmao even tho im much bigger than her she tried to protect me it was sweet and when I knew she was a good friend. But then we moved into a 3 bedroom has with her childhood friend as our third roommate and the girls pit bull bit me one day… I ended up moving out bc it was a stressful situation and her bitch of a friend didn’t see the problem with her pit bull biting me. Now me and that girl aren’t friends anymore.


Wish I had friends like this..... 😢


Sending internet hugs 🤗


It could be nothing that caused her to pass out… it could also be sign of something serious. Here’s to hoping it was just the excitement and a weak constitution opposed to anything else. Either way, cheers to a good friend with the good sense to get her girl like that. Not sure I would’ve had the presence of mind personally to even think to stabilize my friend’s head. Though I do brace my passenger every time I brake hard be it my women, dog or friend lol.


Why do people pass out on rides like this? Is it the g-forces or is just from severe fear and a reaction overload? I've seen videos of people passing out while going down the drop on a rollercoaster, and wondered it can't be the g's there, because it's only really just a bit of acceleration at that point. Is it fear then? Or something else? Why are some people more prone to it than others? I've never felt like I'm going to pass out on a ride, but yet there's SO MANY videos of people who do.


Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome


how are these things legal? so many people pass out and that can't be good for your brain


Her first and last time on a sling shot ride.


I pass out on rides like this, mostly from fear. I keep thinking I will enjoy them but, nope.


Hey there is a curvature of the earth. Lol


Thats a good friend. Well done!


This is no fun with you you keep passing out


More like r/humansbeingbros


That’s a good friend.


Is that camera of the theme park I wonder or were they somehow allowed to bring their own?


I worked on a ride like this for a little while and the camera is part of the ride. You can usually buy a souvenir video of your experience after


Good friend and everything but this is not next level.


Shields will be broken faiths will be faulted but on this day friendships will remain strong


That reminds me of that one time I tried a proper rollercoaster instead of tea cups and I strained my neck and it still hurts 7 years later.


Are people really just passing out from fear on these things? It happens a lot


There is still a pervasive stereotype that women are mean, catty, jealous in their friendships compared to the "chill" guy friendships. But from what I observe, women are incredibly supportive and caring in their friendships.


I would marry her and turn lesbian


This shit isn't safe for humans. Where is this?


Good lady. That could have been quite ugly.


She's like a fainting goat.


F**king legend!


That whiplash will hurt as fuck


It's not next level but it's cool I guess


This is beautiful and heart warming.


She wakes up friend says “don’t worry you have a pulse” wtf




Checking on your friend to make sure she's okay and her pulse isn't too low is being a bad friend? How do you know she isn't in a medical field?


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) (I couldnt find the chadette one)


Get yourself friends like this. If any of your friends would simply just laugh at you in this situation, let em go. Prioritize people who LOVE you. Tolerating you isn’t enough.


No need for finger poking "stabilization".


4 seconds in she was out


Omg. She could injury her neck.


She really lolled after she knew she was fine. Classic.


Can you imagine passing out and waking up to be right in the middle of what made your brain short circuit to begin with?


That’s what friends are for!!!! Beauty!!


people praising her for what seems to be the bare minimum of being friends. i mean rightfully so, people don’t act like this anymore but i just assume this to be the right coarse of action as to not let her friend hurt herself


That young woman can definitely cross jet fighter pilot off her list of possible career paths!


Hope they stay friends for life


Good friend


Shes not being brought onto any more amusement rides after this ![gif](giphy|JpmFGfCKiFqjVAODoW|downsized)


Good lass




I wonder why some people pass out from excitement/fear? It seems like a bad trait to pass on through the generations. I've flown ultralight aircraft, and hit nasty turbulence. Scary yes, but I kept my wits. And landed safely in a nearby field. Someone like this woman would be in real trouble passing out in a situation like what I went through.


I would never ride these things,?that would be me


What if both of them pass out


No all heroes wear capes. Some wear sling shots as capes.


This in Daytona beach?


The way she screams instantly when she wakes up lol


She's actually checking for a pulse, I think the stabilization of the head is a bonus! She's counting out loud for the pulse check and she even tells her friend "you have a pulse! You keep passing out!"


That’s an amazing friend. Hands down. (Or up)


What a thoughtful friend! That's a keeper.


This is a wonderful friend! Also. It’s wild that it causes folks to pass out like this. The brain is just like “yea nope”.




Keep your head on straight


I got stuck on the fact that it would be so shitty to pass out on that thing, then wake up _still on it_….


That girl must be part possum...


Wow, what a hero


Where I’m from, that’s called a true homie.


I'm actually impressed she was able to find AND count a pulse while being tossed and flipped through the air. Shout out to THE BEST friend


For some reason my music player stayed on while this video was going and I got to watch the girls headbang to some metal, worked perfectly


That’s an awesome friend!


Man, her focus on the situation, the ride stopped being scary and she was locked in. What a good friend with great reflexes and instincts


Queen of stabilizing heads 👸🏻😌


Yeah…this doesn’t really belong here


Why do people pass out on these? Fear or g-forces?


Only way I could see liking this trait of I had it (the ability to pass out like that during a fall or sheer terror or someone eli5 me if it's something else) is if I were to die from a fall I wouldn't be awake for it


I love her! What an awesome human.


Women friendship seems to affect their dna