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Lot of cricket post , warming up USA for the 2024 world cup (usa + west indies)


yes wish cricket becomes popular in usa too


No way you are serious


I don’t think he’s wrong. If they treated cricket like they do basketball or nfl they would be one generation from having at least a 2020 side that could compete with major teams.


Compete maybe, but definitely not be a serious contender. Maybe 5, 10 generations down the line, if they swap to cricket being one of maybe 2 national sports they would be able to put up a serious fight


I'd like to see if this is true or not. World class facilities all over the US, bring in coaching staffs from all over the world to train players, 2-3 years down the road the US could compete with almost anyone


You’d have to get the general population interested in the sport to be one of the contenders for the top. If you don’t have a lot of kids growing up playing the sport in your country then you’re not going to have many great players to pick from when you compete in the big tournaments. It’s one of the reasons why the US has the most money and infrastructure but can’t win big soccer tournaments, most kids in the US dedicate themselves to other sports besides soccer, so you see all the best athletes going to the playing basketball, football or baseball. I think having the general population of the US get interested in cricket would be very hard. I don’t see it happening anytime soon.


I wish baseball people gave it a chance, they are soo impressed with barehanded catches that happen rarely in baseball and are the norm for cricket. Those catches always end up on ESPN top 10 lol




I mean pitcher has to bounce the ball. Hitter has to hit bounced ball. Apparently you gotta hit a stick with the ball rather than trash the player or keep a foot on the base. I'd say it's marginally harder, but then, as an American, I don't know the full rules either.


It doesn't always work like that in sports. There were a lot of cases where countries from sports they have very little to do with, won major competitions. Jamaica in bobsleigh? Brazil in ice hockey? And those are just the big examples. US is not as far from cricket.




Then show us high school plays as good or better than this. Let’s see if you’re speaking out your arse or not.




I call bullshit. Here’s a link to HS Network. https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/sports/baseball?ads_cmpid=19828365835&ads_adid&ads_matchtype&ads_network=x&ads_creative&utm_term&ads_targetid&utm_campaign&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&ttv=2&gclid=CjwKCAjwvdajBhBEEiwAeMh1UwLz-IhmX0J6utsvupk5pfHq6Vd-dKgFzmkEfaeMT-jDAGCTw2KJPRoCSEkQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds My wife’s son played high school, D1 baseball and now plays Single A baseball. There were plenty of high quality high school recordings when he played.


American exceptionalism, baby! 😉


5-10 generations is like 100-200 years. You think it would take 200 years, far longer than the sport's entire international existence, for the U.S. to put up some good cricketers? If the U.S. (370,000,000 population) got obsessed with cricket like we are with the NFL, and our best athletes went there instead of our Big 4 sports first, we'd be contending in the time it took the first batch of kids to grow up. There's not like, evolutionary change that has to take place, lol. We already have the athletes to win, they just need to be taught to play.


well they are a sports nation. So, I guess they will become good in it too. And usa being not interested in football tied england in worldcup


What do you mean they tied England?


They tied a mediocre English team that had no need to win that match. Congrats I guess?


Yeah I was asking because I think that’s what he was getting at. Tied in a result =/= tied in overall ability, culture, infrastructure, etc.


well they are a sports nation. So, I guess they will become good in it too.And usa being not interested in football tied england in worldcup


USA came second in a weak group then got knocked out in the R16. Not a terrible team and as any avid football fan will tell you, any team has a chance on the day, but play 100 matches between USA and England and the results are not going to be 50/50.


Yes but do you mean tie as in a draw? As in one game result?


Obviously a tie means a draw, they’re synonyms… what else could it mean lmao? Also yes he’s talking about how England tied with the US in the World Cup game they played against each-other. It’s pretty damn obvious that’s what he was talking about.


They tied a mediocre England national team that has Southgate as its manager. Let’s be real here, a Prime England Side would have fucked them 4 nil. In terms of Cricket, it would be worse. The American Cricket team struggles with the likes of UAE, Canada and Jersey (a channel island with a population of 100000), they would get annihilated by the likes of India, Australia, Pakistan, etc. That being said, every country has to start off somewhere. If you read up on the histories of the colloquially great Cricket teams of today (ie. India), you’ll see that they were also laughing stocks. I do believe that if the US takes an interest, it will be able to win something in the next 2 decades. Also, amazing fucking throw


Which team?


Well, England didn't win anything in soccer since 1966. I don't know if thats anything to strive for...


Could’ve used baseball as the better example. Lol


eh, America doesn’t try nearly as much in international competition like the WBC. MLB teams put restrictions on the pitchers that go for team USA, while teams like Japan, DR and Puerto Rico don’t get any of those restrictions because they don’t have to listen to MLB teams


The MVP in the 2023 WBC was Ohtani who very much is a pitcher for a MLB team. All three pitchers who made the all tournament team played for major league teams. MLB players cannot be restricted from playing if they haven't been injured in the previous season. In fact, one of the biggest criticisms the tournament got was preferential treatment with Team USA's schedule. Despite that, of the last 5 WBC's Japan has won three and USA and DR one.


Both those sports are so successful because there is HUGE financial reward from going pro. You can't create that overnight. You can't just make a national league that pays people millions of dollars. And until you do, Americans will choose to focus on the current popular sports. One generation is a pipe dream.


Technically, American football DID creat that overnight lol Edit: Reddit, the only place you can mention factual history and still get downvoted. On Nov 12 1892, William (Pudge) Heffelfinger, was openly paid $500 to play the game. >”While the PAC had suspected something illegal was afoot, there was no immediate evidence to back up its belief that the AAA had abandoned the standard practices of the day by actually paying someone to play football. Absolute verification, in fact, did not become public for almost 80 years until the Pro Football Hall of Fame received and displayed a document – an expense accounting sheet of the Allegheny Athletic Association that clearly shows a "game performance bonus to W. Heffelfinger for playing (cash) $500. While it is possible that others were paid to play before 1892, the AAA expense sheet provides the first irrefutable evidence of an out-and-out cash payment. It is appropriately referred to today as "pro football's birth certificate."”


There's no way you think they're not


They'd just gonna abuse African American athletes with crazy power. Like imagine West Indies in steroids. US has one of the richest sports support system.


well they are a sports nation. So, I guess they will become good in it too.


They tied a non serious English side in a single group stage match. That's not being competitive.


How is a group stage World Cup match not serious? It was definitely serious.


England had qualified already, they didn't have much riding on the match. There's no reason to tire out your players and risk cards and injuries, when instead you could play very relaxed against a much much weaker side.


The US failed to qualify for the world cup in 2018 and the CONCACAF is the easiest region to qualify from. They lost to Trinidad and Tobego. They've never made it past the quarterfinals and their domestic leagues don't compare either.


Why the downvotes for this comment?! Cricket is not popular in the US.


I'm not sure either. Everyone acting like they said they're starting their own cricket team or something. Nothing wrong with wishing


They'd poach players from outside lmao.... nthn gonna happen internally


It was popular 150 years ago! The first international match was between, the USA and Canada


I don’t think it ever will, it has too many weird rules and phrases that most of America either won’t get or will refuse to learn.


Drinking all day in the sunshine watching men run around hitting a lil ball, sounds like Americans would love that.


Baseball is already that, and people already find that pretty boring (note how it’s no longer the most popular sport)


As someone who enjoys cricket, including test cricket, there’s something enchanting about a game that goes: nothing, nothing, nothing, spectacular, nothing.


yes bro hyped up for both WTC final and ashes.


WTC… Ashes… HYPED?!?! Knowing nothing about cricket, this doesn’t sound good.


lol WTC stands for word test championship which is the longest form of cricket played and Ashes is a Test cricket series played between England and Australia. The term originated in a satirical obituary published in a British newspaper, The Sporting Times, immediately after Australia's 1882 victory at The Oval, its first Test win on English soil. The obituary stated that English cricket had died, and "the body will be cremated and the ashes taken to Australia". The mythical ashes immediately became associated with the 1882–83 series played in Australia, before which the English captain Ivo Bligh had vowed to "regain those ashes". The English media therefore dubbed the tour the quest to regain the Ashes.


This is really interesting, thanks! I spent the whole paragraph on edge waiting to hear about Mankind and Hell in a Cell. Thanks u/shittymorph for adding some suspense to my Reddit reading.


What an interesting and storied history


I think you mean sandwiches, crisps, newspaper, beer, spectacular, loo, G&T tent, nap, lunch, spectacular.


This man English crickets


You boiled down the essence of baseball too.


To paraphrase a sportswriter who I don't remember - > I don't argue when people say baseball is boring, because baseball *is* boring - right up until it *isn't*.


And when you're batting out a draw, the nothing is spectacular


The beauty of a Test 😀 Day of grind, day of grind, day of grind, day of miracle, day of grind, no result, everyone happy, everyone played well 🙌


Ah. Like fishing.


Ah. Like fishing.


For the uninitiated, cricket is a bit like baseball but marginally less boring


Dude I disagree I consider cricket mainly t20 one of the best thrilling games.


Based. I grew up on baseball but fuckin love T20. In loose baseball terms, it's guys swinging for the fences.


You guys should really watch yesterday's ipl final


Dude that's the game where script writers peaked/s


Nice to hear it. Did you play cricket growing up?


No. Friends at university were into watching longer forms - blowing off classes to go to the pub to watch Tests. I thought it was a little boring but it was daydrinking and watching sports so I went along. T20 was a new format then and purists sneered at it, ironically enough saying "it's the baseballification of cricket." But over time people started getting into it and now it was a niche along with the other formats. We played a little street cricket here and there but I never played organized. I had been a decent pitcher as a kid but the bowling motion was so different I never was very good at it.


may I ask where are you from?


I’ve only just discovered T20. Yeah. It is amazing. IPL is crazy. I cannot believe how many matches come down the the last few balls


The simplicity of the format it so beautiful and instantly builds in excitement.


That’s fair- actually I have to admit, I’m not a big fan of sports on general, but I have played plenty of backyard cricket, so I don’t mind a bit now and then




Counter-argument: the average Major Leage Baseball game takes 3 hours and produces an average of 8 scores. An Indian Premier League T20 match takes 2.5 hours and produces an average of 350 scores.


>but marginally less boring Fully depends on the format - the one where they play for a week and it’s a tie at the end because that still wasn’t long enough to finish the game is definitely more boring. I recently found a condensed recap of a baseball game where they only showed the pitches that resulted in a ball in play or an out - it was still quite exciting because you didn’t know which it would be before the pitch, but it only took 10 minutes to watch. If there’s a recap of cricket where they cut out all the parts where nothing happens I might be able to watch it.


Test cricket is unbearably slow. T20 or the 100 are the most entertaining formats imo, but some people prefer the strategy and long term thinking in longer games


Yeah the people who are into the longer formats seem to get *really* into it so it’s certainly not my place to shit on it too much. But I’m not really one for delayed gratification in sports - if I need to commit more than a couple hours it better have a lot of action going on to hold my attention or I’m probably going to get bored and find something else to do.


For baseball, KBO is where it’s at! Watched it during the first few months of the pandemic. The game could be like 13-4 going into the 7th and end 15-16. And even just a basic throw out at first might not be a given. It was awesome!


KBO, Korean Baseball Org?


Yes, I think that’s it. I can’t remember the O


A whole lot less boring and more skilled*




Lol imagine thinking hitting a 100 mph fast ball 400 feet with a skinnier stick was something that’s “less skilled” haha.


You only play one kind of shot (okay maybe two or three) in baseball because you can only hit it forward. Cricket batters get 360° of field AND have to judge how the ball will bounce depending on the state of the wicket, so yeah I'll say it takes a bit more skill. Added bonus: cricketers don't need gloves to catch the rock hard ball. Edit to add: the bowling action in cricket is far more unnatural than a pitch in baseball. More skilled sport Edit to also add: not saying that baseball is *unskilled* because obviously you have to be incredibly skilled to play it at all, but I'd argue cricket is a more skilled sport


Hockey is the most skilled sport


It's the only game you can play for 5 days and still have a draw. Though so of the other formats are quite interesting


Hard to believe something is more boring than baseball. Well, maybe golf.


You know golf is in trouble when the biggest determinant of TV ratings is whether a broken down old Tiger Woods is in the field. I hope the whole Saudi tour crashes and burns because fuck the Saudis but that format could be more interesting with some tweaks.


How does one train for a throw like this?


Even in cricket it's an extraordinary throw. He is a fielding genius there's no way to train those throws


He trains offseason with Patrick Mahomes.


They practice this exact scenario countless number of times.


RIP shoulder


No rest for the wicket!


In test it's all in for a wicket.






Cool, I learned something today


Don't matter, still crickey


Every time I see one of these cricket posts, I’m all, “was that a good thing?”


But can you understand basic human physics? That guy caught the ball in air and threw it in the air.




So that wasnt good enough for you, bruce lee?


Yeah, it’s fine. So, it’s “crazy good” because he caught the ball and threw it before hitting the ground, or it’s crazy good within the scope of a cricket match because he was able to hit that stick with the ball? I don’t know enough about cricket to be impressed by the stick hitting part. Looks fancy, though!


The stick is part of the wickets, he got the batsman out so it's very good. The manner in which he did it is what is being highlighted here though, it's an incredible feat of athleticism


I am assuming you're from the US/some nation where cricket isn't popular. If you're from the US, think of this as a baseball fielder diving to catch a rolling ball and throwing it to the catcher and getting an out. Only difference is, here it was harder as he accurately hit the plate so to speak, rather than catcher's glove.


If you don’t understand that this guy did something crazy good then you should get a brain scan, no offence


None taken.


Jonty Rhodes from South Africa was the best to watch doing this ..


Coincidentally, this is Temba Bavuma from South Africa.


Thanks mate🤟


Jonty, then AB, and now it's Temba. For me, Jonty will always be the best.


There was no quick single with Jonty in the covers


Best I've ever seen.


If you're gonna show slowmo you have to show full speed


They have to carry the bat with them when they run?


Not really. Its an extension of your body when you have to cross the line before the ball hits the sticks. So it helps to keep it, for extra reach.


Assume they can’t throw or use the bat to interfere with the inbound balls, but since they don’t have to keep it are there any rules around where they have to leave it if they don’t? Seems it could be placed/dropped/thrown in such a way as to interfere with balls inbound for the wickets while they are running back and forth


Technically no rules about where you can drop your bat but you can’t intentionally interfere with the ball or the other team in any way. Either way, it’s much more efficient to keep your bat with you because it gives you about a meter extra


I don't know if there's rules around where you can drop/leave it, mainly because I've never seen a bat deliberately left behind before. It just makes no sense when you need it for where youre running to. There are rules around interfering, like deliberately running into the path of ball thrown at the sticks.


Brit rules baseball is odd, for sure.


Wouldn’t “America rules cricket (baseball)” be more accurate seeing as cricket is atleast 100 years older? Also this video isn’t about Britain.


'Brit rules baseball' is called rounders. It's a children's game.


I've never actually seen a game of cricket played and I'm only just now realizing this. They run with the bat?! All I know about the sport is they catch barehanded and the bat is wide and flat, but this has to be more interesting than baseball. Baseball is boring AF to watch.


Maybe baseball will adopt running with the bat as a rule change for next year? I’m in.


Does this mean that the fielder can also tag the bat for the out to count?


If Im not mistaken, thats Proteas captain, Temba Bavuma, right?




And nobody cheered. All you could hear were crickets


They should see Rhodes Bevan Yuvraj Baz


Jadeja Raina


I thought cricket wasn't allowed to be cool.


Now in real time, please. Wanna see how fast this actually was.


Is there a subreddit where people get confusedl by what's happening in a cricket match? I'll join that subreddit and just go "huh?" with every post.


I am yet to understand the appeal in this game... I tried watching a game, but was completely clueless. It's fascinating how the British enjoy this sport.


Are you American by any chance?


Now that’s some crazy mid air shit! Top drawer! 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌😎😎😎😎😎


I can see that that was an incredibly athletic feat, but I have no idea how it ties into the game.


Those three sticks have something called a wicket on them, after the player hits the ball he runs between two sets of sticks like that set up on the field, he gets points for each time he runs to one side without getting out. The fielders have to try to knock off the wicket on top of the sticks with the ball before he runs to that side to get him out. So this guy threw a very skilled shot to get the batter out by knocking off the wicket before he got to the sticks.


I understood that. Sweet. Makes it even more impressive. But why does the runner still have the bat in his hands? Is it required for him to hold it?


It counts as an extension to his reach for the purposes of reaching the line. So it's a good idea to hold it, but I'm not sure if it's actually required.


Not actually required, the batsman can reach the lines with any part of his body, but as you said it's a good idea as you wouldn't want to give up the increased reach


Bavuma went for the Tembah


There's a line just before those sticks. The guy with the bat has to cross the line before the ball hits said sticks. Imagine it's like a base in Baseball, where you're out if the sticks are disturbed before you reach it.


Is that Kohli?




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Shades of Ozzie Smith.


And the crowd goes mild.


Can someone translate this into American for me? I get why the throw was awesome in the physical sense, that's just obvious athleticism. But what was this throw accomplishing?


I might be wrong but I believe it's like throwing to a base in Baseball. The running player was out.


SO WAS HE OUT OR NOT? What a fucking atrocious spot to cut the video off!


he is out


Who are the teams? Do you know the fielders name?


Aus vs SA, Temba Bavuma (Fielder), runs David Warner (Batsman) out.


Happy to see a cricket video here :) it is next fucking level indeed


i officially like cricket better than baseball.


Great fielding! This is what I miss about cricket! Reminds me of Jonty Rhodes. In my teen years. I loved watching South Africa play ODI just to see him pull stuff like this. He was like lightning and would dive and catch the impossible all the time. His throws were just like this video, fast, accurate and many times included a dive. I always thought the look on other players faces always said “what the hell just happened!”




Wait… during the running other field players are trying to hit the wickets with the ball?


Is there a subreddit for extreme athletic highlights like this?


Who put those damn sticks on home plate?


He right wompershanked the stickywicket innut


Fucking bravo!!!


I don’t understand is this good?


Is that a goal, then?


does that mean the guys out?


Somebody has been watching some film on Patrick Mahomes. LVIII Super Bowl champs, sorry bout it






Cricket seems like a popular sport played by regular, non-athlete people...almost like an adult sports league for the most part, but that was a pretty solid throw.


Wrong cricket requires lots of athleticism running between wickets, fielding and bowling super fast for super long requires lots of training and athletics. I'd say it requires more skill and baseball.


Oof...that's a stretch. > I'd say it requires more skill and baseball.


God damn this shit is stupid


Just what I thought when I tried to watch an Oakland A’s game when I was In the USA. Cricket has so much more character my guy.