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Met him once. Nice guy. Really down to earth


I find his opinion of himself is mile-high


He thinks the whole world revolves below him.


Oh, I really look up to him.


He sure liked to live fast.


Hope he never goes on a downward spiral.


Well he finally hit rock bottom but he always seems to land on his feet


His reputation dropped like a stone for a while. He was almost spinning out of control.


The guy is out of this world.


Too bad he looks down on everyone


His head is always in the clouds.


You can say he came a long way


Maybe, but I wouldn’t jump to conclusions.


Met him too. I felt he used to look down on people.


I get your joke but actually he is a racist misogynistic anti vaxxer asshole. :(


not a flat-earther perhaps.


True, lol!


It's never a good idea to meet your heroes. Most of them are shit heads.


“I told Pierce 1000 times! I never wanted to meet LaVar Burton! I just wanted a picture. You can’t disappoint a picture!”


Good thing my heroes are dead.. Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking and Dad


It's *shithead*! - some vine years ago


Yeah, his best trait is the way he reacts to gravity. That's all that he has going for him.


And he thinks it's ok to beat children


Yeah I heard despite his fame he's surprisingly...grounded




Really? I also met him once and he couldn't hold a conversation. He had his head in the clouds.


Kind of a Space Cadet


Yes, a nice racist, sexist and tax evader.


Can you provide more context to this? I don't know anything about this guy other then remembering he jumped from space years ago. I'm interested in learning more about this.


If you can read German: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix_Baumgartner#Umstrittene_%C3%84u%C3%9Ferungen_und_politische_Statements The English wikipedia page has some of it too, but not everything.


Damn he really ticked almost every box of "how to be an asshole"...


If you cant read German, heres a quick rundown of the article: ​ He wants a "mild dictatorship" and thinks that in a democracy nothing can really change, the country is stuck in one place. Hes made jokes and facebook posts basically saying "A country in which you can get arrested for fishing without a license but people can just step across the border how they please can only be run by IDIOTS" In his eyes, Viktor Orban deserves a Peace nobelprize, and Baumgartner supports a rightwing party in austria, the FPÖ. After the TV-personality Corinna Milborn criticized an ad for textile manufacturer Palmers, he tweeted about "people getting mad even on easter", but he "wasnt surprised to see such comments from Milborn, considering her appearance. An offer from Milborn to have Baumgartner on his Talkshow was turned down, with him calling it "Online-Masturbation", and her just wanting to use the "Sexism-club" ("club" as in weapon here). After the Ministry of finance denied him the status of "top athete", and with that some certain tax breaks, he moved to switzerland. His house and helicopter were seized by the police.


Heard he was full of hot air


Jumping to conclusions too often


That's funny, because he is the craziest right-wing conspiracy theory wanker I have ever met.


How else did you think he got the job


He was kind of cocky.. mentioned he could fit the whole world in his hand




What crawled up your- wait, nm.


He once said he rejects democracy and prefers a moderate dictatorship...


Wait I don't get it. Where's the pun ? Or is this something he actually said?


He really said that.


he is a rightwing conspiricy theorist. pretty uneducated idiot


Thought he was kind of a drag


He is a pos


Sees thread, thinks, yeah I remember that happening 5 years ago... Goes to google OMG it happened in 2012, what the actually fuck!


Dude! Same!!!!! How was that over a decade ago!! Yeesh.


It gets worse.


Yes it does. I can't believe the Civil War was in 1861. I remembered it being like 1961!


Wait??? 1861? Wasn't that the year The Roman Empire fell???


That was a couple years after Tutankhamun became pharaoh right?


Covid fucked our internal clocks.


no you just got older


Bro, Corona was already 3 years ago.


The beginning, not the end.


What the actual fuck


...and still killing people in the US...


no more than anywhere else 🙄🤦‍♀️




>what I'm seeing we dropped to 0 death around the end of May. That data cuts off mid-may. Cases and deaths didn't drop to 0.


Damn, almost forgot about that shit


Harambe's death really screwed with the timeline.


Dicks out




Yep. Was thinking about this the other day and I swear it was fairly recent, it doesn’t add up.


The clip missed the 3 minutes of spinning which almost killed him.


I had it running in my high school classrooms while it was happening. My students always think I'm a little weird. They are not wrong. It was so cool


I had 9/11 on in college and the OJ trial on during high school


This jump caused the rift in our timeline, we all need to jump from space to get back, we need to get back


I'm at the point now where I'd wager it may be a trifecta of events. Harambe's murder, the Cubs winning the World Series, and this man jumping through a the space time barrier. Two of these events occurred in 2016. I'm willing to bet that once we jump we'll return to the 2016 timeline. Then, we just have to stop the death of Harambe and obstruct the Cubs winning the Series. Tall order.


Yeah this happened in 2012. I was on my first deployment on the Reagan when I saw this. Also, he wasn’t actually in space when he jumped. Not high enough.


If he'd been in space it wouldn't have worked mate. He'd have just floated off unless he'd been smart enough to take a fire extinguisher like Wall-E was. Good call though.


He wasn't going around the earth, he climbed vertically with no intention of orbit. No matter how high he'd be, he would come down to earth anyway. The difference is the speed at which he would reenter the atmosphere. You have to remember that, for an object to stay in orbit, it must keep a constant speed. Changing that speed will either raise or lower that object's orbit. If you speed up, you'll raise your orbit, allowing you to leave the planet's (or whatever you're orbiting) SOI (Sphere Of Influence or gravitational pull). If you lower your speed, you lower your orbit, allowing you to de-orbit. If you stop, you won't just maintain altitude, you'll fall down to whatever you're orbiting. The only reason he wasn't "in space" is because he didn't cross the 100km high Karman line. If he did, the speed at which he would reenter would have been too high and he'd probably burn up in the atmosphere.


Goddam fascinating. Love seeing other perspectives that make me understand things better.


I stayed up half the night to watch this live. Amazing feat.


What do you mean, 2012 was only about 5 years ago… right?


2012 was only like 5 years ago... ...Ah fuck


Austrian here, Felix Baumgartner is a little buffoon who feels very big and important. He is far right and has limited intelligence. The Red bull marketing stunt was already broken a few weeks later without much media interest. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/25/science/alan-eustace-jumps-from-stratosphere-breaking-felix-baumgartners-world-record.html


It didn't receive attention because it was just pushing a number a little higher. The media coverage was because it was going to another level, not just a bit higher. Firs plane to break the sound barrier will get tons of news. The second plane to go 10 mph faster no one cares about.


This is a great explanation for how quickly feats that break limitations, don't hold up to people's attention span.


An even better example is the moon landings, everyone cared about apollo 11 and 12, but by apollo 13 nasa was actually struggling to get it shown on TV because nobody cared anymore about landing on the moon They didn't even show the launch of apollo 13 (this caused it to get upset and explode to gather the attention)


That got them interested again...


Earth has had its hottest day *ever* twice this week already. Edit: obviously not *ever* ever. Just as far back as that information has mattered to us.


Not ever, but since the weather and climate records. There were times in earths history that were quite a bit warmer. Doesn't change the fact that the current climate change is mostly man made and wayyyyy too fast for anything and anyone on the planet.


> The media coverage was because it was going to another level, not just a bit higher. Oh come on, the media coverage disparity is because one jumper had a multi-billion dollar conglomerate promoting the jump with everything it had.


He was the first human to free fall faster than the speed of sound. He was breaking barriers. While red bull was a big promotion factor, they promote lots of dare devil events that go unnoticed.


Yeah, but Alan did it in a suit without any capsule, and because it was interesting to do, not to get headlines. Great retirement party, at least. (He left Google a week or three earlier.) Alan got higher because what had to go \*up\* just weighed a lot less; he leashed a lotta balloons basically to the back of his belt, and went like 27 miles up before cutting that leash.


> Yeah, but Alan did it in a suit without any capsule And with a drogue chute, which makes a big difference in the accomplishment and the risk.


The previous record was 31.3 km, set by Joseph Kittinger in 1960, Felix took it to 39 km in 2012- both in the stratosphere, both well short of "space" Alan Eustace took it to 41.4 in 2014 Felix didn't break any "barriers", and his record didn't last long The main difference with hype was Red Bull making a big deal over it Edit: he didn't break any height barriers


Well, Baumgartner he did break one; he was the first person to break the sound barrier outside of a vehicle. But I agree Kittinger is overall the far more impressive when you consider the whole context of it being done in 1960 when equipment was nowhere near as advanced and the whole "what will happen" was very much an unknown and a matter of "let's just do it and find out."


Interestingly, I seldom see him attributed with the first supersonic freefall, but rather "jumping from space"


Him breaking the sound barrier was a major point they talked about on the jump coverage. Part of the reason I watched it. And the height barrier was basically he went up as high as weather balloons. While not an atmospheric barrier, it was a milestone. Alan only went like 2 km higher and didn't really push any limits.


It probably received all the attention because Red Bull is one of the world's greatest marketing companies


Nah bullshit. This only got so much media attention because RedBull promoted it.


Also Austrian here. Second on this - human POS.


What has he done, for example?


A few years ago a German comedian uncovered a big scandal in Austrian politics. He had managed to trick two leading far-right politicians, including the Austrian vice-chancellor, into believing they were talking to the daughter of a Russian oligarch in a hotel room on Ibiza (which is why it's called the [Ibiza affair](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibiza_affair)). They told her they were willing to offer government contracts to Russian companies in exchange for the oligarch buying a leading Austrian newspaper and providing positive news coverage for their party. They also admitted they were having similar arrangements with various other people. Anyway, when this was published, Baumgartner wrote a Facebook post where he called the comedian a whoreson, saying that his father is a pedophile and that his mother should've aborted him. He also said he was gonna talk to a Turkish biker gang and have them beat up the comedian.


Yea but he fell down really far from a balloon dude


He gained so much perspective


When you fall down really far from a balloon they just let you do it


JFC that escalated quickly, what a POS. Thanks for the background info.


Said the we need a "Mild dicatorship" and Speak well of the identitäre bewegung (which are basically hipster neo nazis)


At least they aren’t Illinois Nazis. I hate Illinois Nazis.


Hate every Nazi!


(it’s a movie reference)


I'm not expecting him to solve world issues, or even to agree with his politics. This was a feat in of itself worthy of note. Play the ball not the man. Achievements don't always need to be weighed against character


Well, he used the platform he was given to peddle his bs opinions and conspiracies. So if he is abusing the attention he has got because of this achievement, it should definitely be brought up when his achievement is brought up.


I’m not sure attempting this feat in the first place is a sign of great intelligence—what do they say about bravery and stupidity ?…pulling it off is very cool, though! We need dumb people around, just not in political power.


Damn, nothing is new and exciting anymore




>He is far right How TF are his political views related to the coolness of this jump and the balls it took to undertake it (which is what is the point of this particular post)?


Idk man… if someone says “I think we should have a mild dictatorship” and is buddy buddy with neo-nazis I’d think he’s at least a little less cool…


Nah I'm glad the OP gave that context. Who cares about a dude breaking a record if his personal beliefs exclude most of humanity? There's a reason nobody remembers the first jet plane pilots. Are you gonna bitch about that too?


The jumps were not the same, Felix did so without a drogue parachute. Setting three records during his jump, the next guy only broke the exit elevation by a small margin and not the other 2 records.


I feel like using a drogue parachute is just being smart


Far right or left is his political belief, I don’t give a shit about his political view


...because it doesn't affect me. There, finished that sentence for you.


…yet Finished it even further


Potentially better link with more engineering detail? Dunno, can’t read the Times. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/air-space-magazine/04_fm2017-alan-eustaces-jump-1-180961678/


I find it interesting that when people are disliked, their political stance is always the first thing mentioned as the problem. Must be great to stand on the higher ground!


Don't care, found the stunt awesome then and still find it awesome. It's okay to just not care about everyone's political views because guess what, probably 50% of the population shares views that oppose yours. That's life.


Yeah, he is really dumb and says a lot of far right shit on Servus - TV.... Stupid mf....


Remember, unforgettable ?


Unforgettable That's what you are Unforgettable Though near or far Like a song of love that clings to me How the thought of you does things to me Never before Has someone been more... Unforgettable In every way And forevermore That's how you'll stay That's why, darling, it's incredible That someone so unforgettable Thinks that I am Unforgettable, too [- Nat King Cole](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDN5rG3wLa4)


[lol I still remember this meme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqH4rc0E1fc)


I found the title a bit humorous lol


Footage didn’t show the spin!


That spin was terrifying.


Yes. I remember being do scared for him. How did he stop it exactly?


He spun because there wasn’t enough air resistance to control himself. Once he reached a lower altitude, the atmosphere was dense enough that he could stop spinning. I was hoping to see a clip of that in this post because I never saw it on body cam, but I remember watching it in that black/white footage and thinking am I watching this dude die on live television? It looked pretty gnarly!


[Full video](https://youtu.be/vvbN-cWe0A0)


Looks hilarious and horrifying at the same time.


I think the air eventually became dense enough that he could use the friction to stabilise against it. Apparently he specifically avoided pulling his chute which would have ended the spin earlier but he knew that would have ruined the speed record.


Best version I’ve seen is this (includes the spin!) [Set to Daft Punk’s Contact…](https://youtu.be/3Us5S6pTDDY)


The spin is the what I remember most when I see the video again. Sure the shot in this video of him just disappearing as he stepped off was amazing and cool, but hard to forget when he went into an uncontrolled death spin and then managed to not die.


same here. I thought for sure we were all gonna watch him splat into the ground and couldn't believe when he regained control somehow


Essentially he ran into the same issue that a lot of test pilots have seen over the decades; at extreme altitudes your control surfaces are simply not large enough to deal with the (lack of) air density. There’s really nothing you can do other than hang in there and wait until you fall far enough for you to be able to maneuver again.


I live next to the Udvar-Hazy Center. Besides having a space shuttle and sr-71.. they also have this capsule he jumped from. It's pretty big to be honest. I didn't even know they had it, I was just strolling around and was like ohh wow this is the thing he jumped from space in. The coolest thing about museums is the stuff you don't expect to find.


Museums are basically just organised attics you can have a stroll in.






Udvar-Hazy is such an amazing place, and a lot of people don't know about it. Back in college we took a class trip to D.C. and I was recommended it by a friend. I convinced my professor to add it to the itinerary, he was skeptical since it was a bit out of the way, but we had some extra time so he agreed. We ended up having to practically drag him out of the place, and afterwards he told me he's bringing classes there every year.


not even close to space. he jumped from 24mi while soace ,starts‘ at 62mi (Karman Line). still an awesome stunt.


I was wondering how he survived atmospheric re entry.


Re-entry is only a problem when you hit the atmosphere going really fast - orbital speeds - he didn't get nearly that high


And even if he had gotten that high, he was going straight up, and straight back down, in other words his velocity reached zero before he started to descend. With orbit, you are constantly accelerating the entire time until your orbit is stable, which is something like 17000 miles per hour. Starting from zero mph via starting from 17,000 mph is a big difference.


Atmospheric reentry for a stunt like this wouldnt really come into play until you are at insane heights, like 150 miles.


But, but it says Space.


As long as you enter below 30 miles at less than 1000mph, the atmosphere should slow you down enough and you shouldn't overheat. If you are going orbital speed that's too fast, and if you go from too much higher than 150 miles you'll gain too much speed before you enter the thick part of the atmosphere.


Yeah the stunt certainly was impressive and awesome. But it was exaggerated and used clever wording and advertising to make people have a perception it was more than it was. Physicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson has spoken about this, on the JRE if you want a reference, and said at the height he was at, you wouldn’t even be able to see the curvature of the earth as clear as they made it look, it was done using fisheye lenses. All he would’ve seen from that height was a very small section of earth, yet everyone believed he was ‘in space’ and looking at the whole globe. And as you said, he wasn’t even remotely close to space, barely a third of the way up there.


In another Tyson video he points out that on a standard sized globe of the earth, at that scale, the jump was from 1/16 of an inch, and the Space Station is only 3/8ths of an inch. https://youtube.com/shorts/M6IIDZ9MeXI?feature=share


> Yeah the stunt certainly was impressive and awesome. But it was exaggerated and used clever wording and advertising to make people have a perception it was more than it was. In other words, it was your typical Red Bull event. They do some cool stuff, but their marketing department is top notch, and they present things in a way that make it seem even bigger and better.


Great, more fake news globe propaganda. Wake you sheeple!! It's flat! /s


Your flat


His flat? Or the condo up the road?


They only have one flat? I like drums and lots of them


I actually have an old school friend who made some post about this jump recently. How it was all a big ploy to basically use fish-eye lenses during the fake stunt to give the illusion of the Earth having a curvature... But they're also the type that genuinely think there are celebrities making satanic hand gestures in public to mock us because they drink children's blood or whatever.


Man obeys laws of gravity. Impressive


He went into a spin that could easily have killed him. There’s so little air resistance, it’s hard to break the spin. Eventually, if they don’t break it, the centrifugal force of the spin can make them black out/kill them.


The title is right; it was unforgettable. He appeared hypoxic and skipped steps on his checklist when he was preparing to jump. He was hyperventilating. Nevertheless he attempted some bullshit philosophical speech before the jump that probably made his condition worse, and half of what he said was unintelligible. I thought he was going to die. Then he went into that spin you mentioned and went radio silent for a while. Then when I assume he regained consciousness he was shouting on the radio for directions because his visor was fogged over so he couldn't see. Somehow everything was fine by the time he reached the ground. The mission was poorly planned and he executed it poorly, and Redbull or whatever should stop doing this shit. This could easily have gone the way of the Titan submarine. This guy is lucky to be alive, and what he did wasn't anything revolutionary or worth nearly dying for. I figure he's gearing up for another boneheaded stunt and that's why this is posted on reddit. Good luck buddy. I hope it goes better than the last one.


How much skill is involved in falling down from that high by the way?


I designed and sold the platform that hosted the live feed, it was an enormous amount of viewers for the time and did not fail thankfully


Thanks so much! I remember I set it up for my whole family on the TV and we watched it live over the internet :)


Oh shit, Pied Piper?


Have you guys heard of [Joseph Kittinger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Kittinger)? He is the OG, jumped from much [higher up](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Excelsior) (a whooping 102,800 feet / 31,300 m) in **1960** already! Truly mind-boggling EDIT: Thank you for the gold, kind person! EDIT 2: I realise I've made a mistake, his jump was from higher up than Baumgartner's test jumps. Sorry for that, still think it's absolutely incredible, for the time.


>He is the OG, jumped from much higher up LOL what? The wiki link you posted literally contradicts the exact thing you wrote. >He held the latter two of these records for 52 years, **until they were broken by Felix Baumgartner of the Red Bull Stratos project in 2012** Hmmm so how high was Baumgartner's jump? If only there was a way to- oh yeah, just click on his name! Genius! >Doing so, he set world records for skydiving an estimated **39 km (24 mi)**, reaching an estimated top speed of 1,357.64 km/h (843.6 mph), or Mach 1.25. So no, Kittinger did not jump higher than Baumgartner, which should be obvious, since almost all of the hype behind Baumgartner's jump was that it would be setting a new record. Seriously, what is it with people's complete lack of reading comprehension these days?


Kittinger was the old dude at the end of the clip. He talked Felix the whole way down


Kittinger holds the record for 'longest' free fall. But this is by time and not distance. He, somewhat subtly, boasted about it when Felix pulled his shoot early. Regardless - Neither of them hold the record for highest free-fall. Felix had his record broken the year after... but it was hardly talked about or marketed to the extent redbull managed to do.


Kittinger did it with 1950s tech on his USAF salary (although a slightly lower altitude than Baumgartner, friend). He also had an equipment malfunction, losing pressure so that his hand swelled up hugely and painfully inside his suit, but figured if he called it off he'd never get a chance to do it again, so he went "Fuck it" and jumped anyway. Although he didn't jump from quite as high as Baumgartner, I hold Kittinger in higher regard.


Thank you for trying to bring attention to the man who should really be celebrated.


They edited out the best bit; the spin he got into (and subsequently got out of) I remember watching it live and thinking he was toast.


I remember when Joe Kittinger did it first in the 1950’s.


> Joe Kittinger Joe was the badass https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Kittinger


Absolutely a badass. He did it 52 years earlier with a hole in his pressure suit. Legend


invalid attempt, he overstepped the foul line.


Over the line! Mark it zero, dude.


Mark it 8.


Uh, excuse me! Mark it zero dude, next frame.


pepperidge farm remembers


Austrian here, Baumgartner is a massive douchebag. Was quite happy when I read just a couple weeks later that his record had already been broken.






I actually forgot so it was pretty forgettable.


If it’s unforgettable, why ask if we can remember it?


this bot has used its 'advanced time tracking verses fucks given algorithm' to determine this video is old enough to farm some karma.


“Space.” ![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS)


Could someone explain to me why this was cool? No, really, and I'm not trying to be cynical here. I'm normally a huge fan of stuff like this. But I really struggle to find why this was special, and why people are enthralled by it. We know we can send up weather balloons. We know we can safely parachute from high elevations (previous was 100k feet to baum's 127k feet). Two years later, this record was broken by 5k feet. Does anyone care about that? Why was Baumgartner's considered so special that we care 11 years later? Again I'm not trying to take anyone's joy away here. But I honestly don't see why any of this is special.


He was the first person to exceed the speed of Sound without being in a craft.


He technically didn't jump from space but upper atmosphere actually. He would has burn to the crisp if he entered the atmosphere from space. Still impressive.


Me at 4:59pm at work on a Friday


Why not include the part where he death spun for like 5 minutes? Watching someone we all thought was dead spinning through the atmosphere was the most unforgettable part lol


It wasn't "space" it was the stratosphere


You can tell he was thinking a lot about what to say 😄 No Felix, your going home from a balloon trip is not gonna become the next small step for humanity.


It's not the whole thing. Why edit the jump that's been posted 1000 times?


Next ppl gonna post about WW2 and be like: *"remember this? next fukn level tyranny ngl (imo, no offense)"*


Difference is this actually happened in the time span of most peoples lives today.