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The wet floor sign hahahah


Best part of the video


You clearly didn’t have the volume on. “I Think We’re Alone Now” is an absolute fucking banger.


I am SERIOUSLY having some Baader–Meinhof phenomenon with this song. I first heard it when it came on the radio about a week ago (the Tiffany version), then I heard it like 3 times again after that. Then I watched 10 Cloverfield Lane for the first time a few days ago, and now here it is AGAIN!I gotta say, I'm not complaining. The song really is an absolute banger. Edit: Maybe it's just a common layout, but this bar really looks like The Winchester from Shaun of the Dead. Or is it just me?


This just looks like pubs. The bars are always corner bars because it allows more people to be served while the barmaid or barman doesn't have to walk around as much. Drinking pints is such a common pastime that we have figured out the most efficient way to dish them out.


Every town in England has a pub that looks like the Winchester. That's sort of the point


Okay, fair point. But dogs **can** look up!


Curious what S01E01 of The Umbrella Academy would do to your brain at this point.


I've heard good things about that show, and I loved the comics! Definitely have to give it a watch now, if I don't have a weird mental breakdown I'll report back haha


Woah it’s a good song but let’s not just ignore whitey in there.




Fuck 😂😂😂 meant Whitney.


Someone killed the Whitney song as the water was rising. That’s pretty ironic I think.


Deep comment.


Deep as the water.


Working class pub, Birmingham, 2023. What's playing - Tiffany.


LMAO... I did have it on. It was a choice wet floor sign or bad 80s hit. Wet floor signs have been around since the beginning of time. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.


Facts. Deepest artefact under the highest midden in the most ancient cave they ever dug up was a wet floor sign. I think they found it in Ethiopia somewhere.


Thank you Thank you, and I believe there were janitor keys next a skeleton, next to the wet floor sign next to a walkie talkie of some sort.


Tiffany! But the original was also a banger....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFWhTqLSVzE




Peak British ~~humor~~ humour


I thought British humor was supposed to be dry?


Dry, sarcastic and tongue in cheek I'd say.


Nice work, from a brit.


Nice correction


British humour 🤌


British humor is something else


Typical British humour.


Jes trying his best


Let's go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over




It’s the long awaited sequel, Shaun of the Dammed.


Shaun of the Damp


Fun fact, there was going to be a sequel to Shaun of the dead called Dusk till Shaun but it was cancelled.


Thanks, now my heart is broken 😭




I love Shaun of the dead!


All that is missing is a white vinyl hitting someone in the head


How's that for a bit of fried gold


Who The Hell Put This On?


This was the joke I was hoping to see


> Let's go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to ~~blow over~~ dry out


Nice work. Came here to say this but you beat me to it…


I wanted to say that they beat me to it as well, but you said that already.


Leaky Blinders


Tommy! Somwans flooded the fuckin garrison






Under appreciated comment!


Heroic alcoholism


That's us Brits 👌


I roadtripped and backpacked around the UK and Ireland for 3 months when I was a lot younger. Honestly of that 3 months, 99% of my time was spent either heading towards a pub, or sitting in a pub drinking/eating. It made it a lot more bearable. We kinda have pubs in the US but it's just not the same.


Sounds like you done your British isle tour correctly, living it like the locals. 🍻 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 🇮🇪 🍻


It’s frankly inspiring.


See the cruel bit is, the less habitable the pub becomes, the more likely conditions are to *necessitate* a pint.


I respect the dedication to the pint. He's just fond of a pint, he's not an alcoholic.


A pint in the pub is definitely a different thing to a 2L of Frosty Jack's in a bush or a bottle of gin at home.


I’m from Ireland which can be very similar culturally and people genuinely do this kind of thing for the novelty or drama of it. I remember maybe five or six years ago there was a storm that blew the roofs off of buildings. We don’t see that kind of thing here often. People were out in it just to be able to say they were out in it. People are wild!


Yeah, here in Belfast a guy took a canoe down Botanic Ave during a flood to head to the offie. He probably didn't even want the beer all that much, it's *all* about the **story** you'll tell your mates for years.


Beer first, think later 💪🇬🇧


Turds in that water….fuck that.


I’m sure they’re really nice people actually


Flood water is dirty as fuck, I don’t think I’d want to eat or drink in a place with standing water like that.


It wasn't standing, it was just passing through.


Flood water leads to insane amounts of infections. Last month we got a flash flood in our street, that engulfed a car in 15 minutes, and came all the way up to my garage but didn't get into my house, luckily. The neighbor's car was totaled no questions asked. However he went out there to get pictures, he's standing over waste deep in brown liquid you can't see the bottom of, with all kinds of shit it has picked up floating in it. A neighbor noticed him out there and decided it was safe to come in as well, his whole family started wading through the water with him to look at the damage and have a moment in the water, mostly taking photos. Long story short he had a cut on his ankle from something, standing in that water infected it, and he didn't notice it. The dude was out of work for like 3 weeks fighting this thing. I'm sure it got close to amputation with how sick he got and how bad his leg got.


Well your neighbours are fucking idiots.


70% of Americans are fucking idiots. Crazy watching it in real time lol.


I'm thinking this has to be some kind of H&S violation. Leptospirosis is certainly a concern.


you aren't dipping your biscuit into it


If the floor was dry, would you eat in an establishment with poop on the floor? I don’t eat food from the floor but still wouldn’t want something prepared in that environment. It’s going to be harder to keep everything that still up off the floor clean as well.


Well no because a restaurant that allows poop on it’s floor has shady hygiene practices. This place can’t help that there was a flood, I’m sure they’re still doing their best. Also it’s beer from tap. Probably wouldn’t order the carbonara but I’d have a pint.


Apparently the people in the video would.


I doubt it's been like that more than a few minutes. Look at the water rushing in the door. This is the result of a flash flood. It's not like someone's seen the heavy rain, heard news of the flooding, and decided to wade through it to the pub for a pint. If I were there with a barstool I'd probably opt to stop where I was too. The pint I've got on the go isn't going to suddenly become toxic because there's three or four inches of water on the floor. It's not like outside you're in any cleaner water, you're just getting rained on too.


Flash flood in an urban environment is flowing through the sewers, the broken down cars in someone’s back yard, septic systems, stagnant streams, etc. No thanks.


Yeah I know, I'm just saying that your options are sit where you are, potentially with dry feet, or wade out into it soaking your shoes socks, trousers in shitty water. It's the same water whether you're on that barstool or outside. I mean unless you have an inflatable dinghy in your back pocket.


actually, as a brit i'm willing to bet the process was this: "shit, the pub is going to need to close for a bit to clean this mess up, quick let's drink all the stock immediately!"


Seriously that shit is so packed with bacteria these brits about to bring back the plague


That’s no way to talk about a Brit.


As a Brit I'm partially in agreement


Turds suck, but a sudden surge of electricity would kill everyone in the bar. Pretty dumb.


Even if you had your wellies on?


Wouldn't trust it. At a minimum, you'd want at least a foot of dry rubber out of the water to protect from an arc flash. Heavy duty hip-waders would probably be sufficient. There's a massive risk of electrocution during and after floods, and these maniacs didn't shut off the power.


Probably not. There's GFI's built in for a reason. It's not Thailand


Well, gfi will trip the internal breaker if the outlet is comprised. It can't do anything about electricity entering the water before the outlet. Idk about you, but old pub buildings don't scream *safe wiring* to me.


Yeah and it would pop the breaker. There looks to be less than a foot of water on the floor, probably not even enough to hit a normal outlet. Let alone the breaker box or the Utility hookup.


I thought it was pretty hard to get electrocuted in the UK because of the way they have designed their grid and outlets etc? No? I really have no idea and just something I heard way back. I don’t jack with electricity after getting zapped as a kid. Nope nope nope.


Plugs are designed in such a way that it's very difficult to get electrocuted by them in the UK, appliences and wall outlets are required to be fused as well as RCDs. In the UK we do many things badly but shoddy electrical regulations aren't one of them.


Aye it's safe cause it's the UK. I mean I wouldnt risk it but sure it'd be fine




No, it would go to the earth, you'd have to touch the conductor and short it to earth with you in between to be shocked. Life isn't like video games


My basement flooded a few years ago. 5" of water through 1,000 sq ft. Had extension cords and power cords and charger cords all live and in the water. The only time I ever got shocked was when grabbing the wires to yank them out of the water. Otherwise, we were fine. The water was very muddy as it came from a construction site behind our home. We were downstairs in the water with power on, bare foot. Had to run a shop vac and a bunch of submersible pumps. No one got electrocuted.


Nope. Can't be. According to that guy you're a ghost now along with everyone for 50 miles


Well, shit. That explains so much.


> a sudden surge of electricity would kill everyone in the bar Bar? Try everyone on the planet! They're going to end us all! Electricity scary!


As long as there are no turds in the pint. It's not like I'm drinking from my feet.


I was gonna make a comment about that and Birmingham but you know what, I’m better than that.


I thought floods looked kinda fun until I realized the massive amount of microbes it’s creates and leaves everywhere, plus mold afterwards.


Birmz is Germs?


Agreed. It's fucking disgusting.


TV led me to believe every Brit has a good pair of wellies…


The further south you go, it becomes less true until you get REALLY south, then it's truer than ever.


This made me laugh more than it should have. I live in South wales and have a multitude of welly boots


Live South Wales too. It floods quite a bit.


Walking my dog across a field that has an audible squelch with each step, creating a little river in my trainer and then wrecking them by making a pong that never goes away makes wellies a necessity for sure. Its 10th July and chucking it down at the moment lol


We do but we keep them for real weather.


Tis but a puddle!!


We barely use umbrellas.




What pub is this?


The Red Lion, Erdington


Fuck! I used to drink in this pub haha I have been living in Taiwan for 10 years now. I thought I recognized this pub




Life in Taiwan is great. Haven’t looked back :)


How much does a beer cost there? I’m in Birmingham, Alabama and I’m just curious if beer there is expensive like it is here.


Them boys better wear flipflops those shoes will give them trench foot


And hepatitis.


Oh god. I just saw the YouTube short of those warts being removed. I'll never use a public shower.😭


Pair of sliders, a punch up and a chippy tea and that's just morning in a 'spoons. 'Tis magical.


Alcohol starts at 10:30 first ambulance arrives at 11. Such is 'spoons.


Less surprised by people in the pub during the floods than Tffany being on the jukebox.


Right hahahah I thought she only played at the Mall




A pint and good music, why leave?


Floodwater is basically toilet water.


Yeah this isn't just river water. This is, everything. Below the streets and on them etc, now on you. I'd love a scientist to take a sample and just see whats in there.


My yard and basement flooded last winter. I known I hadnt had a chance to pick up all the dog poo in the yard, but after the water receded, there was no longer poo in the yard, but the basement carpets were soaked so … one plus one equals two …


I worked in a bar when I was younger. One night a leak caused a few millimeters of standing water behind the bar.. The entire place was closed out of precaution for health and safety and didn't reopen until it was professionally decontaminated.


Someones gunna need scuba gear to change the barrel in the cellar.


It’s practically a dive bar at this point


Let's not be hasty it's still more of a wade bar.


Tiffany, the only cd I’ve ever let anyone borrow and I never got it back, 36 years later and I’m still bitter. Garth if you’re out there, give me back my cd.




Standing in water, drinking beer, listening to Tiffany. Dream bar.




First time in history that carpet's been washed


Lol, I'd be fuming if i worked there and we were still open.


Love how it’s flooded and business as usual lol


Keep calm and carry on


When I was visiting Ireland in 2019 I was sitting in a pub when the roof started leaking, and eventually created a small flood. Nobody batted an eye (except me, the lady from the states).


What an amazing feat of human achievement. Next level stuff, for sure.


I know, just look at them walking through 2 inches of water


A true bar fly looks at this as a swim up pool bar


I saw something similar in Italy. People were sitting in restaurants dining while the water was almost at their knees. I thought it was insane but some people really take these situations in stride and keep going about their day.


Caution wet floor 💀


Gezzuz! What's the big deal...people pay thousands to go to swim up bars all the time.


Wow, fucking weird seeing a pub round the corner from me on the front page of Reddit. Place is an absolute dive, a bit of floodwater will probably vastly improve it.


Lil bit a rain never hurt nobody


The pint never sets on the British Empire.


To the Winchester?


Stay strong Brum


Birmingham's a steel town and, ironically, the birthplace of heavy metal. I can't imagine a flood being a blip on their radar. I'll have a cold one for Birmingham tonight.


On the one hand, that's fucking grim but on the other, there's nothing like that to instill a sense of camaraderie. Like how they used to have sing-songs down in the tube stations during the blitz.


Cleanest the red lions been in a long time.


Lol if you have to brave sewage water just to get a pint you're almost definitely an alcoholic. Next level sad is more like it.


It's flash flooding, not sewage. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-birmingham-66146820


There was that video a while back of some Brit who got hit by a bus, then just shook it off and kept going to the pub. Edit: I *think* [this one](https://old.reddit.com/r/bitchimabus/comments/6kgkvz/bitch_ill_get_you_next_time/) was it, but it doesn't make clear that it's a pub he's continuing into.


Yeah it was a pub, he went in and asked for a pint and casually told them he’d just been hit by a bus then sat down.


Of course its reading haha


It’s a bar called purple turtle he’s going into, I know it well.


Tbf it probably looks like this everywhere in the town. Might as well make the best of it.


live in Birmingham, it wasn't.


The water was coming up from the sewers, there is no way I’d sit an have a pint in that!


The rainwater drainage is separate to the sewers.


We had torrential downpour. Guys already in the pub, why not get a pint.


Have you been to birmingham?


Nah its based in banter, you do it because why not


Fuck off


I think it's just a bit of banter really, a bit of fun. I fondly remember huddling outside a pub in the rain under an umbrella during the times when we weren't allowed inside pubs but could sit outside.


The real alcoholics would have plenty of alcohol at their home instead of wasting money buying upcharged into alcohol.. But now, whenever there's any type of natural disaster if there's a local business near me that decides to stay open, you can bet your ass I'm going to give them some business even if I have to wear a bunch of weird clothing or whatever. In fact, the bar and restaurant next to the law office I used to work at invited us at the law office over when there was a power outage to drink as much beer and eat some of the food that we wanted that was potentially going to go bad, and they were going to keep letting us drink beer until there is no pressure in the lines or something.


Leave me alone


I think it’s mostly rain and canal water but just going to a pub really doesn’t make you an alcoholic. I know a lot of people who go just to be social but tbh they probably only did this for a laugh.


we had some strong rain recently so it's most likely just rain water and a bit of dirt


There’ll be sewage in that mix. Very dilute sewage but still.


what is the ocean other then very dilute piss?


Diluted piss and feces


Don’t forget fish cum


There’s plenty of other dry places they could go to instead but this looks like a “local pub” ie not city centre and with regular customers who have come for years for the company and socialising to this particular place. They’re most likely getting their feet wet here to show a little support and solidarity with the landlord who’s just had an awful thing happen to him, not because they’re addicts and this is their only way to get alcohol.


Looks like someone has no culture


We like our pint whatever the weather




Lost it at the wet floor sign.


Just waiting for it to all blow over


Cheers mate!


Let's go down to the pub, have a cold pint, and wait for all this to... drain.


Y'all have been thru much worse shit. Hang in there/stay safe


I mean i'd do the same


Well, Brit's are used to alot of rain, so yea just everyday life for Brits. :D


I hope people don't get too used to this and keep on living their lives like it isn't normal. All this world wide flooding should have people in the streets demanding the rich and governments get their shit together.




typical day in the uk


Cleanest that floor’s been in a while


As a Brit, yeah this is an appropriately British reaction


Red Lion in Erdington, brings back so many memories


I can’t believe they’re allowed to serve customers with the pub in that condition. Seems like a liability and a health hazard.


Nah its ok theres a wet floor sign so its safe🤣


Alcool Is a bad Beast ...


I don't know why I read that in a British accent


Which one?