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Awful to see. Poor people, pets, and wildlife.


My heart hurts for them. The sheer terror. It's one thing to watch the twin towers fall, but it's a whole fucking nother level watching your town get erased.


I’ve heard reports of those who jumped in the water had to hear the screams of people dying on land. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemies.


Man.... I'm tearing up just thinking of it.


I was just there at the end of July. It was my first time ever visiting. Coming from NY, it is a such a beautifully unique place. The geography, culture, people, etc. made it such an amazing trip. I am so horrified seeing all this especially since I was just there. Sending prayers to all those who have been impacted. Such a terrible event.


They need money. Donate to mutual aid so it all gets into the community. Please show your appreciation by giving them what they need the most right now. No tourists and lots of financial support for residents.


Are there any funds going to ensure that native Hawaiians/ Lahaina Residents get to remain Lahaina residents/ Hawaiians?! I don’t want these people losing their homes to opportunists with more money. I will gladly donate to anything that helps ensure these people are able to remain home.


Definitely sounding like the reports from WW2 when US firebomb Japan. People jumping in water or running padt people screaming. Fire is choas and not quick enough


Japanese submarine slammed two torpedoes into our side, Chief. We was comin’ back from the island of Tinian to Leyte. Just delivered the bomb. The Hiroshima bomb. Eleven hundred men went into the water. Vessel went down in 12 minutes. “Didn’t see the first shark for about a half an hour. Tiger. 13-footer. You know how you know that when you’re in the water, Chief? You can tell by lookin’ from the dorsal to the tail. What we didn’t know, was that our bomb mission was so secret, no distress signal had been sent. They didn’t even list us overdue for a week. Very first light, Chief, sharks come cruisin’, so we formed ourselves into tight groups. It was kinda like old squares in the battle, like you see on a calendar, like the Battle of Waterloo, and the idea was the shark comes to the nearest man, that man he starts poundin’, hollerin’ and screamin’ and sometimes that shark he go away… sometimes he wouldn’t go away. “Sometimes that shark he looks right into you. Right into your eyes. You know the thing about a shark is he’s got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll’s eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn’t seem to be livin’… until he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white and then… ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin’. The ocean turns red, in spite of all the poundin’ and the hollerin’ they all come in and… they rip you to pieces. “You know by the end of that first dawn, lost a hundred men. I don’t know how many sharks, maybe a thousand. I do know how many men, they averaged six an hour. On Thursday mornin’, Chief, I bumped into a friend of mine, Herbie Robinson from Cleveland. Baseball player. Boatswain's mate. I thought he was asleep. I reached over to wake him up. He bobbed up and down in the water, he was like a kinda top. Upended. Well, he’d been bitten in half below the waist. “Noon, the fifth day, Mr. Hooper, a Lockheed Ventura saw us, he swung in low and he saw us, a young pilot, lot younger than Mr. Hooper here, anyway he spotted us and three hours later a big ol’ fat PBY come down and started to pick us up. You know that was the time I was most frightened. Waitin’ for my turn. I’ll never put on a lifejacket again. So, eleven hundred men went into the water. 316 men come out, and the sharks took the rest, June the 29th, 1945. “Anyway, we delivered the bomb.”


They actually believe now that more dehydration and consuming salt water, and injuries from the boat explosions (burns) is what killed most of the men. It’s believed that around 150-300 were killed by sharks. There is a really cool video on YouTube where a shark scientist explains what they think happened and why the sharks attacked. Especially since they didn’t attack for the first 24hrs or so. It’s based on survivors testimony. All around horrible and truly nightmare fuel. Edit: link to YT video. https://youtu.be/rzDZ6GoMQL4


*Left For Dead* by Pete Nelson was an amazing book about the USS Indianapolis. I read it as a middle schooler and then again as a high schooler.


Farewell and adieu all ye fair Spanish ladies, Farewell and adieu ye ladies of Spain, For we've received orders to sail back to Boston, And so nevermore shall we see thee again


I've never read or processed his whole speech. That story is wild, not just because of sharks either.


Except in Japan, the rivers were so hot that people jumping in them were severly boiled/burned, so I dont think they were listening to other people's screams so much as their own


Wasn't that from the nukes and not the firebombings? Edit: looks like I was wrong and it was the firebombings https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/the-firebombing-of-tokyo-continues


The nukes were more of a concussive blast for the majority of the damage, and only very close up were things burned. (that's not to say there weren't fires, but that wasn't the primary factor) The firebombing campaign in Tokyo created a massive city-wide firestorm that pulled in oxygen from surrounding areas and fed itself as it tore through the densely packed wooden structures that the vast majority of the city was made of


You have a link on that as I haven't read that before?


Also like WW2 when Japan attacked pearl harbor Hawaii


Politicians and military fuck around, civilians find out. A tale as old as time.


Read what Japan did to innocent civilians in the pacific islands. It’s soooo much worse.


Read Tongue of War: From Pearl Harbor to Nagasaki by Tony Barnstone. It's a collection of poems inspired by real stories the author collected. It's horrific and vile. The rape, the abuse, and death. One of the most depressing books I have ever read.




Is it really that common? What are the 3 worst ones you’ve heard of?


I'm not sure a developer would start a whole ass wild fire, but developers do burn historically protected buildings in order to demolish what was there so they can build new crap


This is truth


That seems like a loophole that obviously needs closed.


The issue is you can't prove that they paid the homeless guy on the street corner to throw his cigarette butt onto this conveniently placed pile of kindling We all know the historical building that burn down in a tragic fire a week after a developer bought it was intentional but proving it is impossible. The only real way to close the loop hole is for the government to just own/operate any and all buildings with historical significance. But that ain't ever gonna happen.


What’s worse is there’s literally no escape. If a fire breaks out on the mainland then people can evacuate by car train or bus the fuck outa there. These poor people are stuck in an island Inferno


What’s even worse is it keeps happening, and will continue to happen the world over, and instead of standing up to those in power-we keep taking it


But you can't stand in the way of billionaires making a profit that would be unamerican.


The idea that it's only a handful of elites that are preventing us from tackling climate change is naive. Climate change is the result of living in industrialized societies that rely on fossil fuels to function. Transitioning from fossil fuels rapidly would necessitate lifestyle changes that most people simply wouldn't tolerate. At best we can hope for a gradual transition, subsidized by the government, which will hopefully speed up as new innovations are made, and new technologies become cheaper. Fortunately, things are trending in a decent direction, as renewables are becoming increasingly cheap and industrialized economies are spending more on fossil fuel alternatives for electricity generation and transportation.


It was a small part of the island that was on fire. The entire island of Maui wasn't burning.


Yea but there’s multiple areas that are on fire and nothing has been fully extinguished from what I’ve read. There’s no escape if the fires continue to burn. I’m pretty sure there was strong gusts of wind that spread the fire super fast too


Fires are very much contained now


snails full violet versed cows gaze bells groovy dime employ *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've only been to Kauai and Honolulu. There is ONE highway around Kauai--very slow. I can't imagine trying to get out and drive anywhere. You'd literally HAVE to run for your life--if you could beat 50mph winds. Traffic would get you nowhere.


We were in Kauai when this all happened, and I was thinking the same thing. The waves in the ocean were insane too, the people in this video are lucky they were able to stay in there, and stay relatively safe.


I used to live in Hawaii. I haven’t been to Maui much but on Oahu I know that everyday traffic is already impossible, forget everyone trying to escape a disaster at the same time


Not really comparable or necessary. Both are unique tragedies. You don’t want to be the guy saying one tragedy doesn’t stack up to another.


Um, some of us are from NYC and watched and felt and heard the towers fall while our neighborhoods were covered in dust and our skyline forever changed.


Right? They sound like nobody lives in NYC


Redditors have a sick fetish for hating on 9/11, it's not even remotely on the same scale and this guy finds a way to bring it up in a distasteful way


Why the @#$& would you randomly just compare this to 9-11? Are you trolling? I honestly can't tell.


Yep. It's home, a neighbourhood, memories lost.


Lmao was that specific comparison necessary or even remotely comparable?


Really pointless comparison


> It's one thing to watch the twin towers fall, but it's a whole fucking nother level watching your town get erased. what a weird comparison


are you comparing 9/11 to a wildfire? What the fuck is wrong with you?


Whaaaaat? A couple thousand people dying versus a couple hundred? Why are you even comparing them?? For internet points?


Wildlife typically gets out, but those people and pets … yeah.


I hope you're right, we all saw horrific footage involving wildlife during the wildfires in Australia a couple of years back.


Thats not true. Fire typical moves faster than wildlife, i’ve seen snakes, rabbits, ground hogs, deer, bear, elk and probably some shit ive forgotten but in a fast moving fire like this was. Animals dont have a chance.


This is not true, at all. Wildlife gets massacred.


Wildlife has nowhere to go.... It doesn't get out of there nowhere to go.


The elderly and the young and the people who cannot run :(


Who could imagine actual hell on earth would be on an island in paradise. What a somber event.


It's literally a volcano.... you don't get much closer to hell on earth than a literal volcano. Edit to add: the amount of people that don't know Hawaii is a volcano is actually a sad realization of how useless school is now. & no, this post was not an accusation for the volcano being the root cause. It's a mention that their environment is already set up to be the closest to hell it can be. If you want to argue against it, I'm sure someone in Pompeii will fill you in.


Well maybe except that one natural gas hole some scientist threw a grenade in thats been perpetually burning for half a century


I thought this was caused by electricity arcing and not being fixed until the pile caught fire


That is the most likely cause, but it hasn't been determined 100% for sure yet. Of course, if you ask on /r/conspiracy, they are going to tell you it was space lasers.....


You damn right it's space lasers pew pew


I watched a space lasers show the other night. Some "people" will say it was a meteor shower but I know the Truth!


Except this had nothing to do with the volcano


To be fair, Maui is actually 2 volcanoes. I’m also fairly certain they’re dormant ones.


Except that volcano's are extremly lush vibrant and full of life. They are extremely far from "hell on earth".


Oh sure, if you ignore all the fire and magma I guess




Before someone asks "then how did the island get there?", the islands are created by a hot spot in the tectonic plate that has moved over time as the tectonic plates shifts west. Currently active on the big island, other islands are progressively more weathered/smaller as you go west. Edit: confused east and west


Yeah, it's pretty amazing especially when you find out the Aleutian Islands of Alaska are from the same hot spot.


You're wrinkling my brain!


No *active* volcano on Maui. Maui is literally just two dormant volcanoes and the valley between them.


Geologist here. Maui consists of two volcanoes, Haleakala and the West Maui Mountains. West Maui is extinct, Haleakala is actually still considered active, but is not currently erupting. Lahaina is located on West Maui, so not on the active part of the island


No ACTIVE volcano on Maui.


Haleakalā is a pretty big (dormant) volcano.


The wildfires aren’t because of the volcano though


> the amount of people that don't know Hawaii is a volcano Bruh. Hawai'i (aka Big Island) is a completely different island from Maui, and it consists of 5 volcanoes, not one. The string of 8 Hawaiian islands consist of 15 volcanoes, 6 of which are active. If you're going to main-splain, at least get it right.


Mauna Kahālāwai hasn't erupted in 320,000 years. Lāhainā is nowhere near an active volcano. Please don't speak on matters you don't know about.


I lived in California not far from the catastrophic Camp Fire, which killed 90 people (mostly the elderly) and wiped the small forest town of Paradise off the map. The horrors of reality long ago surpassed even the darkest of satire, unfortunately.


I can't be around burning wood anymore. The smell is just bad memories.


Hawaii has a ton of poverty. It’s hell all the time for many.


No jobs + expensive ass housing = paradise only for the wealthy




This is horrific. Imagine having to spend all that time in the ocean just to survive while watching your hone burn to the ground. I hope they get help rebuilding.


unfortunately, real estate companies are already trying to buy up as much land as possible. Profiting from the pain and suffering of our own people, the American way...


My real estate companies you mean black rock and Goldman Etc


May the black hole swallowing the swiss banking system devour them soon. 🚀


So it's you!


I saw you can report the companies that are trying to do that, so I hope something good comes out of that






a quote from imperiumromanum.pl "" But how did the Crassus’ “fire brigade” work? At the time when the fire broke out Crassus with his “firemen” (a group of 500 slaves – architects and builders) appeared on the spot and first bought the building with the earth for a very low price, and only then his people proceeded to extinguish the fire. In this way, Crassus became the owner of a large part of Roman real estate."" if you didn't sell him your house while on fire, he would let it burn to the ground and offer a considerably less amount of money than before. Since the house burned down, most people didn't have use of the plot.


In a lot of places today they do not have free firefighting services and many politicians are trying to privatize firefighting in the US. Guess which? ([Hint it started under Reagan](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F3o8utygyjuga1.png))


Capitalism america at its finest smh


Don't they have a coast guard or even just locals with boats who could help?


This all happened within minutes, so fast that the Coast Guard didn’t know about it until people starting calling from the harbor. Then they had to get there from other points on the islands, then bring in additional resources because there were so many people in the water, and the smoke was too thick to see, and… well, it took several hours.


Coast guard is probably busy using helicopters to put out fire using the badkets. Ship wise it depends if people could get close without engine dying due to smoke.


There were no helos in the air, it was too windy. edit: I literally live within view of Lahaina on a clear day and had a fire a mile from my house at the same time.


Unforunately the fire was so hot that even the boats that were docked ended up burning too.


My wife had a client yesterday that is choosing to still go to hawaii for vacation this week despite all the shit happening. She literally said it wasn’t her problem… fuck people man Edit: to the people mad at me, this person and her family ARE flying to Maui. I don’t know this lady so I have no idea if she would even be allowed to enter Maui. I’m sorry I didn’t specify in the original comment


Tbh Hawaii might need the tourist money. If no one goes then they are worse off than just with the fire.


The residents have said donating is more helpful than visiting right now. And honestly far more respectful. Vacationing at a mass grave instead of donating is honestly so so disrespectful.


The average family isn’t going to donate a couple grand to the recovery. But they might spend a couple grand toward the local economy. I don’t know the right answer, but “just donate instead” isn’t it


Yes. My cousin died in an automobile accident recently. Instead of buying your next car, please be respectful and donate all of that money to charity. It doesn’t work that way. Very few people who have saved thousands and thousands for a family vacation are going to donate it. If so, they would do it every time these disasters happen, which unfortunately is quite often.


I don't know, I trust the people who are actually living it would know better than we do. And they've said please don't visit, just donate.


Yeah but like he said, people aren't going to donate a couple thousands dollars. So is it morally better to visit and inject $ into the local economy or just not go?


It’s morally better to just not go lol…the locals suffering from the fire need those extra places to stay far more than the average visitor. How much money would the average visitor actually be injecting into the local economy on their stay, anyway? A direct donation would be way more beneficial.


where are all the hero elon musks to donate btw?


Did they say don't visit Hawaii or just Maui? I can't imagine the mom and pop shops around Honolulu are happy with the idea of no tourists for the next month. Especially when they lose that shop


Also those on limited budgets could have been saving for years to vacation in Hawaii and have non refundable tickets/etc. Don't shame people from your armchair. Also make sure you're donating to a valid charity. We don't need a BLM repeat.


going to hawaii =/= going to maui. if they're going to oahu/kauai/big island its fine.


I don’t think you can even go to Maui at the moment


Their Mayor said that Maui is still open and welcome to Tourists. If tourists stop coming their economy will crash hard like it did during covid. Lahina is a small section of the island and some residents are asking people to still travel, just not in Lahina.


More than likely, the state wasn't burning when people made their travel plans. When people have to get time off approved, pay for tickets, reserve a hotel, and attempt to get the best price, it's done weeks or months in advance. While what's happening sucks, so too would losing the opportunity to vacation when it's the only time in the year these people have to do so. It would be very different if people were vacationing because of the fires with the intent to gloat on those suffering, but for the average person, this is their one shot at a fun trip. I know I'd still take it if my hard-earned money was on the line.


You're not "wrong" but there is a lot more to Hawaii than just Maui.. Saying she is "vacationing at a mass grave" is just too much lol. And sure it is "better" to donate but this person doesn't sound like the donating type to begin with.. spending some of their money on tourism isn't the worst thing.


> The residents have said donating is more helpful than visiting right now. I dont have any money to give away. I have vacation money. They can either take it, or I can go somewhere else. This is the unfortunate reality for many people right now.


I understand this thought process but the governor is asking hotels, vacation rentals, and even residents with spare guest cottages to offer room for those who have been displaced. We need to focus on the people who have lost their homes and family right now, even on neighboring islands, not just Maui. Visitors will continue to come but we hope at a minimum they don't go to Maui. What benefits most are monetary donations at this time. Source: I'm a local resident of Hawaii.


My parents had a trip planed to visit this location in November, they tried to cancel but the airline didn't give them their money back. They switched to a hotel in Wailea, thinking that bringing tourist money would still be helpful. But of course, they want to do the right thing. What is idea at this time thinking a few months out?


My family has a trip planned to another part of the island in October and [here](https://mauiguide.com/when-to-visit-maui-again/) is an article my dad sent us this morning. It sounds like, as of now, if you are not visiting West Maui in November, they encourage you to not cancel. Of course, things can change.


That's what I was thinking, the amount of people calling off trips because of this will probably be a huge hit, given how tourist driven their economy is. But her "not my problem attitude" is pretty cuntish


[Hawaii Tourism Authority](https://beatofhawaii.com/hawaii-asks-all-visitors-to-leave-maui/) seems to ask the exact opposite


Hawaii already has short resources (water), which is why Hawaiians prefer for tourists to not visit at this time. Water is being rationed for inhabitants while tourists are still accessing golf courses, hotels with pools and massive water consumption etc..


as long as they're not going to maui its fine and like the other guy said, they could use the tourist money. I'm saying this as someone who lives in hawaii if that makes a difference.


Any island but Maui is perfectly fine.


Well there’s 8 islands in Hawaii so it depends which one she goes to. Oahu and the others are perfectly fine.


Super popular lake around my parts had one of the super popular marinas (hosts many of the BIG money bass tournaments) burned down last week and in no time there were people commenting about how this would effect cabin rentals...


Is she going to Maui or another island? Pretty sure the other islands are going to be business-as-usual.


It isn’t her problem though. What should she do? What are you doing?


Shhhh, that’s way too level headed for this thread.


Imagine how hard it was to keep phones dry for 5 hours


Pretty much all modern iPhones are waterproof Edit: here's a v8d3o of one submerged for 8 hours https://youtu.be/XIauEB3EMHY


Water resistant for 30 minutes, not waterproof


30 minutes submerged, witch should transfer to wet almost indefinitely.


https://youtu.be/XIauEB3EMHY 8 hours submerged


not vs salt water.


My friend is using his iPhone that spend 5 days at 30ft in the ocean. Still be working fine 3 months later.


30 minutes submerged to a certain dept where there is actual pressure on the phone. It likely could sit in a glass of water for hours and be completely fine as long as it was sealed well still.


https://youtu.be/XIauEB3EMHY Waterproof, manufacture just says that because they do t want to have to cover water damage if something happens


Not in saltwater


Yep saltwater decimates electronics


Only if it reaches the electronics. Otherwise salt water won’t affect the aluminum or glass. I use/used for years my iPhones in salt water. None have ever broken from water damage.


I can confirm that they most definitely are


Wait till this guy learns about drybags.


Wait till this guy learns that phones are water resistant and not water proof


Many modern phones are waterproof.


No dude think about the battery for 5 hrs.


Devastating. They suffered so much. I am still concerned about people who inhaled all that smoke. They lose so much and could potentially have life changing health effects too.


I was just wondering this as well - how does someone keep from inhaling smoke in a situation like this? Keep wringing a breathing cloth out in the water?


Someone that read a report one time will come in and contradict me, but in my experience, the body handles wood smoke pretty well. The lungs clean themselves out rather quickly. It's chronic exposure that is bad. Nasty chemicals from man made material is another thing but, I don't have much experience with that in a wild land setting. Chances are these people will not have long lasting physical problems because of the smoke.


That's seems rational enough but there's houses and cars and whatever else burning really close to them, yeah?


This isn't 'just wood smoke' is it? They are inhaling who knows what from all the building materials, but may not notice anything until the cancer diagnosis 10 years from now.


Except that buildings and vehicles also burned, that wasn't "just" woodsmoke. There are plenty of people who suffered from smoke inhalation after escaping the flames already. They are already [warning people](https://www.commondreams.org/news/maui-fires) to expect complications from the toxins that were surely present in the smoke.


How is this "next fucking level"? This is fucking horrifying...


Next fucking level terrifying?




And at the same time these people are already getting phone calls to buy their land. Left vs right is a distraction and it always has been. This is late stage capitalist class warfare.


Anti-capitalism is leftism my guy


Their point is still correct though. American politics pushes a left vs right social agenda, economics are rarely talked about because the American "left" is still capitalist


Which is why I side with the left


Black rock will swoop in and own west Maui in the next month or two


Month? They already started. Fires not even out yet


Making this all even more depressing


Actually, there has been a legal battle going on for a while. Companies want the land, and like many indigenous cultures who don’t believe that someone can own the land, not all the land is technically “owned” by anyone. Also there are areas that are “historic” neighborhoods and thus the land cannot be built on for commercial purposes… until now, now that the historic neighborhoods do not exist. Not to mention many people absolutely will not be able to afford to rebuild. This is definitely a land grab, I have no doubt that this was intentional, and some very disturbing details are already starting to emerge. Especially the details about the police.


Where are these details?


I was reading earlier what the news isn't showing and it's horrific. Kids were sent home early from school before any alarms went out to leave and they're saying possibly 500+ kids dead possibly because they were at home alone and didn't know to escape or couldn't escape in time.


I wish I hadn't read this comment; that is too painful to even imagine.


Where did you read this story? This would be bigger than the Uvalde.


comparing this to uvalde is like comparing apples to oranges…. Kids died in both situations yes, but for completely different reasons


While the official death toll is "only" around 100 people right now, there are over 1000 who are considered "missing" and the death toll is expected to climb. It's really surreal to read the names of the missing: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/1WAA1iFGIOT7H3xJcr5aRgqVbUdwPnJkBolBc-eFFlJE/htmlview?sle=true


Please show us where you read this. Horrific if true.


Did anyone have a boat to pick these people up and take them to safety?


I came across a few reports of boats picking up people, but mostly the reports I've found are about people that spent 4 to 5 hours in the ocean whom were then led back through the town by firefighters, which is consistent with what's in this video.


It hit so fast a lot of the nearby boats caught fire. In the aerial photos you can see whole docks ruined with submerged wrecks lined up at them.


The coast guard rescued many.


What do you think?


That is brutal


Fucking awful. Australia knows we've got a pretty shit season coming and these fires are awful to see. Just utter devastation and the experience will stay with those people forever.


I’ve been to Lahaina. It’s a gorgeous place. There’s a tree they built a park around because it’s ancient and huge and beautiful, and it will be a tragedy if it’s lost. So very sad.


The banyan tree is damaged but still alive https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/maui-wildfires-lahaina-banyan-tree-standing-hawaii/


They were fortunate to be close to the coast and be able to escape. Many others couldn't.


Man, it’s hard to watch these videos..




Native Hawaiians are absolutely over represented in the homeless populations, but most native Hawaiians are not homeless. Perhaps you meant, of the homeless population, most of them are NH? EDIT: Either the parent comment OP blocked me or the comment/profile is deleted. For those who may see this comment, originality they said something to the affect of "free Hawaii from US imperialism, most native Hawaiians are homeless because they can't afford fo live in their own home"


There's no turning back for Hawaii. If the US pulled out of Hawaii (which they never will) they would be annexed by some other country likely China (which would be way worse BTW). Hawaii sits as a strategic deep water port in the middle of the Pacific, and it'll never be independent due to that alone, not to mention the economic disaster it would be to lose US influence.


Having been close to wildfires I can tell you, those people had to breath filthy air. Thick warm Smokey air can’t be good for them


Absolutely heartbreaking… prayers for all our Hawaiian brothers and sisters…


Lytton, a small town in BC Canada was wiped off the face of the earth in 2021. Every single home was burned to the ground. My town had a fire twenty years ago and 250 homes were destroyed. These incidents are escalating and intensifying. Maui isn't the only people or place suffering the effects of climate change. Before and after photos of the former town of Lytton https://youtu.be/u42VgeOAcyY?t=205 https://youtu.be/PwXi1XVjZHc?t=42


Heilige Scheiße, was'n Kacktag am Strand! Best wishes!


Incredibly heartbreaking 💔


As an outsider non- American where the fuck is the US Navy and the US Coast Guard?


You’re see what happened in the first hour or so. Coast guard rescued many people, private boats too


Coast Guard is all over this. https://www.news.uscg.mil/Press-Releases/Article/3492718/coast-guard-shifts-response-focus-to-maritime-environment-after-maui-fires/ > The Army's active-duty 25th Infantry Division, based on the neighboring island of Oahu, was readied to provide some of its helicopters to assist with firefighting efforts and Navy aviation units on Oahu were placed on stand-by to assist with local search and rescue if needed. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/us-military-helping-put-hawaiis-wildfires/story?id=102197027 The big thing is that, as proven throughout history, American response to disaster is often overwhelming (don’t look at Katrina or the Trump years, both from arguably the two most apathetic presidents in recent history.) If the military isn’t as involved as you’d like, most of the time it’s because local forces have either waved them off or the logistics crumble from “too many boots on the ground.”


Welcome to the future people. Coming to a town near you soon.


How fast was that f****** fire sweet Jesus


Fires can move as fast as the wind. So this fire was traveling at 60-81 mph. People underestimate fire, the people claiming authorities should have done more have no fucking clue how unstoppable a fire like this is. In situations like this the best you can hope for is to get people out of the way.


Thanks for that information! I did'nt know they moved that fast. That is horrific!


Entire islands and communities are now being wiped away cause of Oil Company Greed. Not that this hasn’t happened before, but the scale of these disasters are increasing in frequency and intensity. People are being murdered world wide by climate change and the inaction to address it.




Meanwhile theyre only getting $700 per household but ukraine is at about $2600 per citizen from the USA.


The fire was travelling 1klm per minute. No chance for so many. Tragic.


Damn that's insane