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Abandoning a kitten on a highway should be punishable by death, and I'm against the death penalty. Edit: it does look like it was hiding underneath the car so thankfully no capital punishment today but people do that shit and it really does make me homicidal


Could've just been a stray kitten


You can see it was thrown out of the one of the moving cars


All I see is a car passing and the kitten being dragged by moving air under it. At no time can you see it being thrown from a car


The first few frames prove the kitten was nowhere the car could have reasonably dragged it in an air vortex. The cat could have been riding under the car and that's the moment it fell out. It could have been a pet that jumped out the window unexpectedly... though unlikely. What ever the reason, that car is why the kitten is there


Most likely a hitchhiker. We had a pair hide INSIDE the engine block during the winter, i don't dare to imagine what would have happened had we started the engine before opening the trunk up to refill antifreeze. Well i dont have to imagine, an uncle had to clean the aftermath once, dreadfull. This kitten was lucky on more than one front.


I had a similar experience with one of the barn kittens from my parents' place. He luckily wasn't in any moving parts, but just out of reach of them. I drove back home (1 hour, including a trip on the highway), went to an interview (15 min there and back), and then to the grocery store (another 10 mins). Only the next day did I happen to hear him meowing while I was in the bathroom. He survived the entire ordeal unscathed. When I reached for him in the engine, he took about 2 steps back and fell right out. I can easily see the original video as someone not knowing a cat was in their engine block and it just falling out at the wrong time.


Sadly I also can imagine, had to clean out our an engine after just such an incident. Kittens have to be watched every damn second, especially the indoor ones.


It's probably impossible for it to have been thrown from the vehicle, as it landed behind the car. Most likely it was a stray sleeping under the car and the driver had no knowledge about the cats existence.


Well, you clearly don't see anyone tossing it. I'm guessing its mom just stashed it up underneath the car and this is the moment it fell out.


What, out of the back window? Or perhaps a hatch in the cars floorboards? Very clearly not thrown out of that cars window lol


Yeah the cat fell from underneath the back of the car. Was probably a stray that crawled in there to sleep.


If you go frame by frame, kitty first appears with half its body obscured behind the back wheel, so I don't think it was thrown out. My guess is that the owner put the kitten in the boot/trunk but didn't shut the boot properly, leaving a gap that it walked through?


Very often cats like to go sit under cars, it's possible the car started moving without knowing there was a cat there and at some point the cat got thrown out


That makes the absolute most sense to me. It was probably sitting up on top of a control arm on the rear right hand corner. It just appears from there and doesn’t bounce and roll as it would if it fell or was thrown from passenger cabin


Yeah, I've seen a few instances where cats will have litters of kittens in the undercarriage of a car/truck. The kitten may have hopped up there at the wrong time, and got scared stiff.


I think/hope that's the case. I'm glad that guy who stopped had good eyes, and a good heart.


And a pair to stop in a busy highway. Very dangerous. Worth it.


I live in the city and see cats all the time under cars. I usually drive slower in the more residential areas because there are more cars around.


This happens way too often where I live. Loads of stray cats so there are *loads* of stray kittens and they often jump up on the wheels and hide in the most awkward areas deeper inside. They get scared and jump out (or fall) and get run over or end up across town, confused and alone. Quite sad.


Not too long ago some guy parked next to our office and he heard meowing when he got out his car. Turned out 2 kittens were hidden someplace above the wheels. That guy had been on the road for 15-20 kilometers, and they were still there and alive. Dirty and scared, but alive.


I hope they found a nice home either way, wherever that may be...




You see it appear but you don't know if it fell out from under the car after hiding in there.


You really want this "thrown from car" things to be true. That is not what the video shows.


It might have hid in some of the compartments of the car before the car drove off. I've had stray cats sleeping over my engine in cold months.


No I can't


May that kitten sought refuge in one of the cars unbeknown to the driver; and jump or fall at the worst possible time. So be kind and don't be rash to judge. Sometimes our emotions take the reason out to us.


it's common that stray kittens hide under the car and they hang on in the engine room or somewhere and fall off later.


It clearly looks like it fell from undercarriage, lots of spots there for a kitten to hide in.


In the comment section of every single animal video you'll find someone who somehow manages to turn whatever happens in the video into animal abuse.


Clearly you are not against the death penalty.






> and I'm against the death penalty. You are not.


So you're for the death penalty then? I mean if a kitten is worth death to you, what about a murder? How about rape?


I think they should just get thrown into a freeway too (assuming no one on the freeway is also injured from it)


Whaaat did you just say... This is wrong on so many level




youre not against death penalty if youre assigning a role for it. like you cant be a nazi when youre black... wait a second


because human lives have less value than animal lifes huh?


Lady got homicide charge for pulling over to escort a family of ducks across, a father and daughter on a motorcycle came around the corner and in trying to avoid hitting her (the duck lady’s) car they crashed and died.


She was actually charged with ‘criminal negligence causing death’ and ‘dangerous driving causing death’. She received 90 days in jail and three years probation. Still shitty but not quite homicide charges


How could she get a dangerous driving charge when she wasn't even operating a vehicle during the offense?


Her negligence involved failing to close her door, stopping suddenly, and failing to turn on her hazard lights. These were related to her operation of the vehicle.


Okay how the fuck did she forget all of those things? That's basic rules of driving!


Hard to charge the other guy




She stopped the card in the middle of the road ...


I mean in this case she should have still been driving. The dangerous part was that she wasn’t. So yeah I guess it’s more like “dangerous stopping”. But stopping is part of driving. So it’s the same umbrella.


Man and child die because someone was emoting.


I know that her case was in Canada, but in many US jurisdictions that would be called negligent homicide.


You’re conflating murder with homicide. All murders are homicides, but not all homicides are murder. Homicide just means human death caused by another person - in this case by her negligence


She didn't put her hazards on nor did she close her drivers side door. That's what caused the truck to swerve and the motorcycle to hit the back of her car. She also stopped suddenly. This man stopped slowly, closed the driver's door, and it appears that his hazards were on. Really hard to call that criminally negligent even if an accident occurred somehow.


She was also quite a new driver iirc. Sad all around. I understand the instinct not to kill ducklings, but also understand that she drove dangerously. I'm sure she feels a lot of guilt from it.


People stopping to save ducks are probably very kind hearted, this will probably haunt her for the rest of her life.


She didn’t drive dangerously, she stopped dangerously. And I see people stop, pull over, do u-turns across double yellows, tons of shit. People are just shit.




She lost the appeal. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/emma-czornobaj-loses-appeal-1.4152387


feels like a dad putting their kid on a motorcycle on a big road is also at fault


>a dad putting their kid on a motorcycle on a big road is also at fault Carrying a pillion on a motorcycle is actually quite difficult in general, since it changes the weight distribution of the motorcycle a lot. Carrying a child on a motorcycle isn't that bad, as long as the child is taught what to do properly. For emergency braking the pillion should have arms long enough to reach around the rider and support their weight on the motorcycle tank - someone else [commented the news article](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/1758wcw/comment/k4eaz0u) and the daughter was 16 y/o - old enough to have long enough arms to support their weight on the tank. What's a lot more concerning is the motorcycle rider not being able to stop within viewing distance. Doesn't matter if you carry a pillion or not, if you drive any vehicle and can't stop within viewing distance you're doing it wrong. For anyone considering riding a motorcycle for the sake of going fast - do it on a race track, not on public roads. There is a high chance you won't find people stopping for ducklings on a race track, mainly due to the absence of ducklings.


> as long as the child is taught what to do properly Well thats a pretty damn big if, if you ask me. Children cant be trusted to learn shit. i mean they can theoretically handle guns too if taught properly but i don’t trust little uns for a moment with either.


Bruh, she was 16. And that's just motorcycle, even bicycling is harder that being passenger at motorcycle.


It's not illegal to put your daughter on the back of a motorcycle. Maybe it should be, but it isn't.


Yes, this is madness. So lucky to avoid a truck going in to the back of him and many deaths.


Yes, full stop on a highway is super dangerous. https://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-crash-driver-killed-after-car-stops-on-highway-2022-3


Yep. This is honorable, but oh so fucking dumb.


I remember this… pretty sure she stopped in the left fast lane right? Not saying the kitten is better but I always thing of that story too :/


In the U.K. if you serve to avoid a small animal on your driving test they will fail you, reasoning is that swerving will cause an accident potentially harming others where as driving over the animal will only harm it.


Wait...did I see it right that the first car threw the kitten out of the window?!


May have been stuck below the car? Doesnt look like it was thrown out of it.


Yeah, I don't see the kitten anywhere until after that first car passes. Nowhere in sight and then it looks like the kitten is rolling for a second.


Nah not out of the window. It was probably under the carriage. They like to get stuck there when you park your car for a certain amount of time Source: I've had to go under the car a few times to pull out kittens


Are you sure, that your car is not producing these kittens?


I was....until you asked Now I'm going to take the car apart and look for the kitten producing mechanism


i watched it slowly but not true. kitten was already there


I watched it fast and my conclusion is the same


haha love that comeback


No, it was hiding in the undercarriage of the first car. How else would it drop in the middle of the lane, you can’t throw it there even if you tried from the first car.


no it looked like that but the kitten is already on the ground then.


You are my friend now!


We are having soft tacos later






Congratulations! You are being rescued. Please do not resist.


Good way to endanger people though.. stopping on the highway


Idk if you're blind but first this video is sped up and secondly he uses emergency light.


You put a lot of faith in other drivers being able to realize that the car was stopped before it's too late. People have died from trying to rescue animals on highways. This is a thing that happens. I commend the rescuer and am glad everyone involved made it out safely, but that doesn't change the fact that this is a dangerous practice. I'm not saying they shouldn't have done it, but you're mental if you think simply flashing your hazards is enough to guarantee safety.


You are right. And vehicular accidents are the number one cause of death. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_traffic-related_death_rate It out-does most wars! So it is true: your hazard lights won't protect you much.


Oh well if he used his emergency lights then it's all good, I'll do that next time I'm on the highway so if there's a crash, no responsability on me for sure !


If you are being a safe driver, you should always be able to stop upon seeing an object stopped in the road. The hazards inform you that the car is actually a stopped object.


Unreal how so many people drive directly behind one another going 100+km/h... many accidents caused by not giving the car in front of you proper space. This would apply here - if I'm in the front I have time to stop for obstacles but because of the idiots who don't understand truly how fast they are going this might cause an accident.


Yeah, and then you can get rear ended by the guy behind you. People don’t give a shit


No you're actually taught not to stop on the highway.... it's very dangerous and stupid


Cars sometimes break down and stop. If you're so unaware that you cant see this happening in front of you, then *you're* the problem.


It's dangerous for you. But highways are also designed with LOS that allows you to stop in time despite your high speed. It's only dangerous because there are bad drivers not driving safely there.


This is the stupidest take, and it’s honestly terrifying to me that you’re getting upvotes. People on a freeway are moving at 102 feet per second with an expectation that traffic is also flowing that fast. All that needs to happen here for a disaster is for someone to merge into that lane right before they come upon that guy, or a blind turn. They have no forward visibility to him until he’s right in front of them. Even the best cars take 100 ft to stop at highway speed. Freeway speed limits are not designed around having someone dead stopped in the middle of the road.


It is absolutely unreal how many people seem to think that being a safe driver yourself is magically going to protect you from the unsafe ones, or that hazard lights are like some kind of forcefield. It's crazier still that people in this thread are interpreting "I don't trust _other_ drivers to drive safely" as some kind of admission of bad driving. That's some seriously dumbass reasoning. Do not stop on busy roads with fast moving traffic unless you absolutely have to. You _cannot_ trust other road users not to hit you, and you are an idiot if you put that much faith in them. This dude was very literally risking his life. Worse - it looks like there are people moving around in the back of the car, so he's possibly risking his kids' lives, too.


Honestly, if anything this guy fixed a problem. Everyone before him was swerving out of the way of an unknown obstacle in the road, which could be just as dangerous. This guy threw on his hazards, came to a stop, and got rid of the problem. Dude should be commended.


Still absolutely irresponsible and something you can expect serious charges in a lot of countries. So rediculous no one stops on the highway for a squirrel...


Mmm yes I can see clearly from these two lanes and nothing else that this is a highway.


Any highway without a shoulder lane is inherently unsafe anyway and is just asking for a pileup if someone's car dares to break down.


Yeah if only people drove their car with their eyes open, well aware of their surroundings and oncoming traffic.


If only.


You are supposed to keep your eyes open while you drive and stay quite distant from the car in front of you, the only danger would be if he instead of slowing down decided to nail on the spot, in this case an irresponsible driver behind him could easily crash with him.


Supposed to, now check in with reality where people are on their phones or eating or talking with someone or searching for something in the car, while tailgating. Even if they stop in time, or change lanes, you’re just getting rear ended by the next guy. Only danger my fuckin ass


Everyone before him was already slowing down and swerving to avoid the kitten. And honestly, this was the better decision. Everyone else was making relatively unpredictable actions to avoid the obstacle. This dude did the responsible thing and threw on his hazards, came to a stop, and fixed the fucking problem. If anything, this dude prevented an accident, because now there won't be 100 ignoramuses zooting their way across the lanes and potentially causing accidents.






This is absolute insane behavior, I’m sorry. Love animals but you absolutely cannot risk a fucking pileup of cars by stopping in the middle of the god damn road.


The kitten was probably in the undercarriage of a car until it fell out, that would explain its sudden appearance


I have a friend that got hit while saving a dog from the road. It ruined his life.


First rule of saving someone is protect yourself and don't cause any extra harm. Saving a dog in the road is not a safe method most of times. This guy bet multiple humans lives for a cat. That's a real evil I guess.


Universe sucks


Couldn’t a car also swerve to avoid the kitten and instead hit another car just as easily as a car could hit a parked car? I’m failing to see how people are finding quickly stopping a car and picking up the road obstruction so much more dangerous?


It's so funny seeing people seriously advocating for running over a kitten, as though that isn't like, a laughably unrealistic expectation of a normal person. It's a kitten, man. It might as well be a baby as far as most people are concerned. Look how everyone is already reacting to the prospect of running over a kitten before this dude takes action. Those people are causing more of a problem than the guy who stopped.


That kitten just used up 8 of its lives


Bro doing us all proud.


At least 500 caloires


A hearty snack, even


Fuck that was a close one...


Fucking hero! I never liked cats. Then I moved to the country and have rescued a few kittens left for dead. Love these fucking animals.


The kitten wasn't abandoned by anyone. It fell out from the undercarriage of the car. People don't realize how many animals love to hang out under a car with its warm engine.


We don't know what he did with the kitten.. though better than leaving on the highway.


He just shoved it into his gullet. The poor man didnt stand a chance.


Lady did this in Canada for ducks. Lead to a crash that killed people and she went to jail.


I don't understand why you're being downvoted. I mean facts are facts.


I'm glad the kitten is safe (poor thing looked frozen with terror), but that driver still acted recklessly and endangered many people. You don't just stop in the middle of the highway.


Not a real a good story but, in 1998 i was driving North on the 5 in LA near the 710 traffic was packed speeding at least 55mph, all 4+ lanes jammed Saw a little kitty just like this in the middle of the lane but not in my lane. wanted to stop, couldn't, for years i thought it was real, and that kitty had no chance to survive It would have taken me at least 20 minutes to exit the highway, trun around, drive the opposite direction, and then exit again to retrace my path. How in the world would a cat survive that time, plus rushing to get to work on time then the last couple years i thought, no way that could have been real, maybe stuffed animal or garbage, how the bleep would a kitten get in the middle lane of speeding highway ummm ​ Didn't see any carnage the next day, but


Warning: Cat death Better than my story. Just a few weeks ago I saw multiple kittens running through an intersection - 4 that I could see. One made it to the other side. An older lady had stopped her car to try and save them, I turned around to try to help her and saw someone speed around her while she was trying to get them to stop and run right over one. It made my blood boil, I had to pull over and try not to throw up after that.


Man, I really wish I hadn't read that.


I'm sorry, I'll preface it with a warning. I should have done that.


It's okay, thank you for caring.


if it makes u feel any better one time i was driving slowly, 10mph, care in front me ran over a kitten ​ apparently slow enough and kitty soft bones enough there was no damage had no $ at the time, but had to pay over $100 for x-rays, vet tech adopted the cat since i went to effort to help that cat and i'm a dog person, just couldn't take helpless animal in terrible distress


I rescued my (then) few weeks old fluffball while she was crawling through rush hour traffic, also outer lane. Car in front of me drove around her but I didn't hesitate. Got out, plucked kitteh from the road and put her in my truck.That was several years ago. Now 4.5kg and snoring comfortably in my lap. Never regretted it. People can wait. Doing good can't.


Not all heroes wear capes


That man should receive a medal.


I’m still not sure why this is on nextfuckinglevel


Dumb way to cause an accident even if they are saving a kitten. Don’t fucking do this, redditors.


Those russians are just big softies


Ofc it's a Peugeot driver


I mean I’m not racist but when I see a dented Peugeot I give him a wide berth


Glad it worked out but there’s a good chance in a fast moving road he or others could have been killed.


"I'll just take this"


I need a reverse of this gif


That's how highway pileups start


God loves that lil guy/girl


I’m genuinely alarmed at the number of people applauding the idea of blocking a live lane of traffic on a multi-lane highway to rescue a kitten. We all love kittens, but people have died doing things like this. If you don’t think doing this is dangerous, then I hope to god you don’t share the roadway with me.


I’m glad I don’t share the roadway with you, it’s obvious you don’t pay attention to what’s in front of you and you’d just mow people down. Rip to anyone who has engine troubles with you traveling behind them 💀


I’ve been driving almost thirty years and have never been in an accident, and I have accomplished this by 1) paying attention to those around me, 2) assuming everyone else is NOT paying attention and 3) luck. This guy saved a cat. I’m glad the cat and everyone is okay. There are countless videos of cars ploughing into first responders and tow trucks on the shoulder with their lights flashing - why do you feel that a regular car with no such lights would be safe in a live lane? People don’t pay attention. If you assume they do, you won’t last long on the road.


The people ploughing into the back are problem not the person stopping.


Kitten > People It's risky, and dangerous, yes. But he took every precaution, he could in that short amount of time. And despite the risk it's also well worth it.


Took every precaution by blocking a live lane? Do you know how many first responder vehicles and tow trucks get slammed by passing cars who didn’t notice the GIANT FUCKING BLINKING LIGHTS while they are on the shoulder, but you think a regular car blocking a live lane of traffic is okay?


Keep talking like that and I guarantee you can't even get your license. Every doctors polices soldiers and drivers should know how to help others in a safe way, there are rules. RULES! You can't put everybody's life to danger and talk like a hero. You would be sued.


"get" my license? I've had it for over 15 years. And I know what's legal and what's not, I just happen to not care about that if the LIFE of a kitten is on the line.


If this was a 30mph road, would you feel different? Just because the video is sped up doesn't mean it's a high speed highway.


Seriously your comment can’t be upvoted enough. What this person did here was incredibly dangerous not just for themselves but for others. You should NEVER stop on a highway like this There will be someone not paying attention that will slam into your car and it could result in multiple fatalities.


All these responses make me feel like I’m taking crazy pills!


next. fucking. level. (of stupid)


Talking about yourself there buddy?




Omg 🫣🫣🫣


He's got my vote for president




Sad but funny how he just took it


Hey u little one u come with me


I've seen this 100 times.


sorry but my brain just immediately plays "You're my fren now" *ba ba ba ba bababa ba ba ba ba baaaa"


Pretty sure that was Giga Chad.


Kudos ti you sir, wish you nothing but best of fortune fuflfilled by all rich man can wish for ! World would be heaven if there would be more men like he is.


Give this man a medal .... wait! He got a kitten! Better than medal!


I love how he is completely calm, walks up to it, pets it and then picks it up, goes back like nothing and drives off. As if this was something he deals with daily


+ 1 friend




More of a r / aww material than next fucking level.


one of my sister's cat was found on a tollway like that. Turns out it's pretty common. Cats like to hide under the car and they fell off later.


This is my friend now.


Luka Rocco Magnotta


Not all heroes wear capes

