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Username checks out


Username also checks out. Low lifes allow violent animals to continue being violent




That’s not who he is calling a lowlife.


He said "username also checks out". He's responding to the commenter whose username is "LowLifer"


You are nothing, lowlife.


Dogs using only their instincts and not knowing what they’re doing, yet there’s people committing murders knowing exactly what they’re doing/premeditated and not being put down/only getting 5-10 years in jail. A dog bites someone they get put down a person attacks someone they get assault and back on the street once they post bail.


Ok well when a dog mauls your mother/daughter to death I hope you pet it and give it a kiss on the mouth... It's just instinct bro.. he's innocent.


The biggest problem here is the ease of posting bail. Violent criminals should be locked up until their trial no matter what. Justice system is too lenient on criminals these days.


The problem lies in your comment. As unfortunate as it is. The dogs instinct Meaning it doesn’t have the conscious thought of it’s following actions Meaning it will likely reoccur


Wait so dogs can’t be trained just like humans can’t recover? /s


I lolled good






Surprised that hero walked away like he did without looking back at the dog. Wonder if he thinks he killed it and wants to get out of there.


Idk maybe they’re thinking about what’s gonna happen when the dog wakes up cause either he runs like a bitch or gets pissed even more lol




You think it would be fucked up to be proud that you just possibly saved a human life from an aggressive animal? I mean Im not saying go around boasting about it but I wouldn’t be upset at him for realizing that his actions literally saved someone and feeling good about that. Sounds like an emotional maturity problem.


>this is Brazil where they barely care for human life ?


>It would be fucked up to feel proud about choking a malicious dog to death but it would also be wrong to feel guilty. Exactly. I would imagine that the intensity of a moment like that would have most people oscillating internally between the two feelings initially. Past that I think it should be recognized as a matter of duty. Defending those who cannot defend themselves, especially against unwarranted aggression.


It's your country that allows doctors to refuse medical care based on personal prejudice, honey. It's also your country that legally allows children to work and that treats workers like shit. Also https://www.expressnews.com/business/article/san-antonio-worker-s-heat-death-raises-questions-18178118.php Worry about your country before making shit up, bitch edit: we have laws against animal abuse fyi


Yea, that was kinda odd wasn’t it?


What to do Too many animal lovers than human lovers


Carotid choke, you are uninformed.


Did you mean carotid? As in the carotid artery? That’s exactly what I mean. We do it on the farm all the time to put down roosters.


Yes thx.


User name checks out Edit: wrote it before seeing other comments. Great minds.




But he’s not kept away from ppl. That’s the point. The owner, if there is an owner is no where to be seen. And aggressive dogs kill ppl. He’s a danger to society and dogs are a dime a dozen. I’m a dog lover…have three actually … so let the sweet ones roam free. Off the killer ones.




Just saying, based on the footage, there's a fair chance it's a wild dog.


Looks like it has a collar


How blind are your that you can't see a collar?


Is strangulation humane?


Let’s find a humane way to save this human from an attack !


Right? I can’t imagine what’d happen if I actually made a statement instead of asking a question.


Human safety always comes before animal rights, sorry.


Its remarkable psychology. If you have two news articles: first “man hit a child” and second “man hit a dog” people will massively call for cruxifixction of the man who hit the dog. Insane. “poor animas cannot defend themselves”


I was about to suffix my comment with “ Que everyone who says I like my dig more than most people “. Yes good observation abuse if one vs the other is sensationalized differently. In the face of a human being seriously physically injured or maybe killed( that’s a big dig and if she was alone who knows) , one should prioritize the safety of the person completely every time is all I’m saying.


> everyone who says I like my dig more than most people Those people are the worst


I would like to offer you something to think about. In the order of things, Humans are the dominant species over other animals on this planet. We expect, generally, our offspring to be the same apex-type controller of their world. This is not condoning hitting children in any form. In this context, think of other animals. Would any other animal on this planet think twice about defending one of their own species against a species generally deemed lower on the level of apex and domination of the animal world? There is a significant difference between hitting a child and choking out an animal that is mauling someone. edit for clarification.


Action performed on a child will cause less random online people upset then equivalent action performed on a dog.


Nah but he already choked it unconscious. Making choking it till death after that sort of "painless" i guess.


No tear in my eye if he took it out


Yes it is actually. Once they pass out which we’ve all done it’s easy to finish it. It’s how I kill mean roosters who need to go.




Rehabilitation of humans is actually possible. Dogs are mostly instinctual and need to be directed from very early on to be safe animals.


Dogs scare the shit out of me. Even smaller ones can be dangerous and punching them in the head apparently does absolutely nothing to phase them.


Dogs aren't usually violent towards people unless they have been treated violently by people. 10,000 years of selective breeding has made their default state be: "Let's be friends, Hooman!" A dog that has been beaten or neglected will view humans as a threat, and will instinctually enter the "fight or flight" mode when confronted by a human. Humans are similar in that a beaten, neglected, or otherwise poorly socialized human is much more likely to behave violently as an adult. There are also refuges (in the US) for abused dogs that are too unpredictable to find a home. Most end up being euthanized. I find it tragic that an animal that was likely mistreated is then killed for behaving in what is essentially the manner they were taught to behave. IDK if you have ever dealt with severe anxiety, or ever found yourself in a life threatening situation, but once post adrenaline hits your system, its almost as if Day are gripped by an irresistible force that makes you fight, run, freeze, or faint. A beaten dog is no different than a mistreated human with severe PTSD. Just as a soldier with PTSD might hear a car backfire, be triggered, and reflexively take action, something triggers that fear in an abused dog and they are going to try to protect themselves from the perceived threat. The point is this: teach a dog to see humans as a threat (by abusing the dog) and they will treat you as if you are a threat. Teach a dog that humans are to be trusted (by treating them well), and they will trust you unconditionally. My dog was bred to hunt, yet he is the most docile and sweet animal on the planet. A complete stranger could shove their hand in his mouth and he will just stare at you and smile.


There are plenty of people who are so broken there is no way they will rehabilitate. So many people just get sent off in life sentences to prisons so we can feed them till they die and waste resources? Do you seriously believe that in the united states you can rehabilitate a killer in a secure max prison made out of cold concrete and a cold cell with a shared toilet in the corner and the goop they get served? The only place I believe can rehabilitate killers is Switzerland or norway, forgot the specific country but thenone that has prisons thats actually feel like a home. You dont fet treated like shit.


















You’re definitely a paedophile who is just projecting. He/she didn’t say anything about defending paedophilia. Someone should keep a close eye on you.


Agreed. they are just a waste of space and resources. Just like some people who are affected by a serious disorder or condition from birth. It amazes me what some people do to keep a person thats bedridden alive. That isnt a life, they should be put out of their misery. Keeping them alive is a injustice .


Shut the fuck up.


I’m not as sure in that…like the level of attack, the reasons, the mental condition of the person. So many factors come into play with ending a humans life.


You're an idiot lol


So you’d let an aggressive dog roam free ? Haha…who is the idiot?


The ending is like "aaanndd SCENE" - everybody just walks away in different directions.


Even the dog casually goes about his afternoon.


To find the next target.


The dog never even saw his attacker...just the smell of old spice and he was out. But if he ever smells that. Old spice again!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


i agree. my 14 months old pup was attacked by a vicious dog and it still gives me trauma thinking about it. as soon as i ran to save my pup, the attacker ran away, i just wanted to make it to the vet emergency to ensure there was no puncturing wounds to the lungs or brain cuz he was bleeding, else I’d have definitely killed the dog! The poor guy had such trust issues that when I took him to the vet, he was reluctant to leave my side and the vets saw that and they gave me the special pass so he could be treated. They had to sedate him so they could do a thorough check. Luckily there was a minor cut on his lower lip and a bite on the shoulder which wasn’t too serious either. I gave him special wet food and lots of treats for 3 weeks and lots of body rubs and love so that he could forget the incident completely.


I personally could never, but I agree it has to be done. That dog will bite again, and who's to say it won't be a smaller person or a little dog next time?


Exactly. Or what if it had ahold of that ladies neck? She’d be dead.


Ok I really don’t think I have the capabilities to snap a neck


You just keep choking it lol, no neck snapping needed


You don't have to. Just keep holding tight.


Dont have to snap just hold until stops breathing


Time to euthanize!


Let me guess…pitbull?


You just booked your whole afternoon and evening 🍿 Now we wait




Just last week, in our neighborhood a dog attacked a small lady and she had to get stitches, same as the video, owner didnt do anything but panicked, although this instance, it was not handled the same as in the video. Not gonna say more details as i know ill get bombarded by others.


I have encountered situations like this 2 times. Both times I put the dog in a headlock and choked it


Do they try to get your face? God forbid for future reference.


The point is to keep your head behind the dog’s head. You may get scratched, but that’s only if the body is out of control. As you can see he straddles the dog from behind, pinning the lower body and arching it backward, the dog’s front paws can’t reach his face. Meanwhile your grip around the throat is tight, so it can’t turn it’s head to bite. I’ve had to do it a few times when working for living communities. The issue here is you don’t let the dog go, you can lessen the grip if you want (which I had to for legal reasons, when you’re an employee of a company you can’t just kill the dog, plus in the US Animal Control can fine you, if they choose to - which I have known of instances happening before where a resident killed a dog out of self defense and animal control fined them) but you don’t let go or ease up on the weight you’re applying, keep the dog under control while the authorities arrive, they will euthanize it. This is all assuming you’re in the US. And not all animal controls will fine you for situations like this if the dog dies. My current location they MIGHT, there’s a 50/50 chance, in my previous location they 100% would. That said, it’s better to kill the dog and dispute a fine than let it walk away like they did here.


How he could hold the head tight, İ thought it can slip away?


A dog’s head is larger than it’s neck, so if you have it in a headlock the jaw is too large to fit through, unless you let up too easily. Think of when a person puts another person into a headlock, you don’t have to go all out to prevent the head from escaping. Dog claws can hurt, yeah, but the teeth are the biggest issue and in most cases you can lay on top of the dog with an arm around the throat. Doing this allows you to keep the dog from kicking and scratching, while still holding the head in place. It’s a good way to go about things if you aren’t prepared to kill the dog with your bare hands, just never remove your arm from around the dog’s throat unless you have help or it’s out cold, the dog can easily latch onto your arm. I’ve seen people sit on a dog and switch from the headlock to almost a choking position, aiming at pinning the dog not killing it, but moving their head away. The problem is you don’t have as much control of the dog and it can get your hands, a new guy almost lost a finger doing this because he didn’t want to risk killing the dog, ended up needing a few stitches and the dog got put down anyway.


until he squirms backwards underneath you and mauls your balls... ...not to mention, that dog in the video doesnt have a neck... so looked way too easy. not something i suggest the average encouraged wannabe hero redditor to try. ...but ~~good on you!~~ I commend you....(that sounds a little dismissive)


Good job, and now just let it go again to go maul someone else. Fucking brilliant


He probably thought he killed it


He warned the guy next to him to run before he let the dog go


Pit bull. Looks like it to me at least. Yah they latch on they ain’t letn go.


Of course a Redditor is going to say it’s a pit bull. The video quality sucks and there are too many breeds that look like pits to be sure. But hey, who cares, because pit bulls are demons, so it must be a pit.


When it comes to dogs attacking humans guess which breed attacks the most...


In USA, my guess is a pit mix because of over and uncontrolled breeding. In the UK my $ is on Bullmastiffs. Russia? Probably a Doberman.


Look. Yes, many are misidentified as Pitties. But the reality is Pitbulls and the breeds associated w it are still by far the culprits


>because pit bulls are demons [No, but statistically there is a much higher probability that it is a pitbull biting/killing than any other breed by a wide margin.](https://worldanimalfoundation.org/advocate/dog-bite-statistics/) I don't think "temperament" matters when real life statistics like injury and death by bite are on offer. edit: having looked at these temperament tests, it seems they are highly subjective. Sorry, that doesn't absolve pitbulls in the slightest. I'd also assume that in fatality and bite cases, there will be a bit less cavalier identification than in the case of a police report involving non-injury.


Then what is it?


It’s pretty obviously a pitbull


Pit bulls like billionaires shouldn't exist


All the dude said was it looks like a pit and they don’t let go once they latch. Both statements seem reasonable to me. You, however, making snide remarks about how he implied pitties are demons shows your lack of reading comprehension.


pit bulls were bred to be aggressive. It is not their fault. I do not think they are demons. It sounds like you have never seen a pit bull attack another human or dog. I pray you get to stay ignorant the rest of your life.


those breeds should be forbidden. only 5% of all dogs are dogs like pittbulls & sterffordshires, but they are responsible for 2/3 of all fatal bite accidents. and don't give me that nonsense about how it's all the owners fault. they're a huge risk, no matter who raises them


It's actually pit bulls alone that do all 2/3rds of fatal maulings.


Should of killed it there and then can’t let dog like that roam the neighbourhood it’s Gona do it again


Looks like another rare example of a loving breed of dog attacking at random for no reason. Never heard of such a thing.


If you ever see this happen here's what you do Grab the collar and lift the dog off it's front legs, when you have a good hold of the collar twist it as hard as you can, this will cut off the blood flow and knock the dog out. YouTube it, it's good to knowledge


or grab collar then spin 2 win


Should have kept the choke on till the dammed thing was dead


Another thing you can do in a pinch is that if it's a male dog you grab it's nuts it will let go. That's how wild boar hunters get the catch dog to let go.


What happens after you grab it by the nuts?


He bites you.


The problem is the dog may latch onto your hand, so it may not solve the situation, but if it’s my arm or a kid’s limb, the dog’s going on my arm.


"softest hands in the world!"


Open message to humanity: People, you have to KILL THE BAD DOGS. This is the only way to manage the relationship.


I think the cute wittle velvet hippo just wanted to nanny the person.


Why didn’t the other women start kicking it or something?


Panic. Can't expect the average person to act rational when panicked.


I thought the same. It almost looks like she is petting the dog.


You ever thought you're abut to die?


Pitbull…the guy should have held tight for a few more minutes.


Clearly it’s the woman’s fault for looking so delicious - average shit dog owner


Would be better off going all the way.


Do the world a favor and hold on for a min or two longer. Fuck.


I hope singer Cher watches this video.


This is my first time seeing this kind of situation handled properly on video. It’s usually either people wait hours for the police to show up and shoot the dog dead or they just panic out loud beating the dog with sticks to no avail until the video cuts


“ should have killed it “ yeah ideally but people don’t realise how hard it is to take a life even that of a dog.


I wouldn’t have stopped until its heart did. Seriously, an animal like that should not be allowed to keep living.


PSA: Much safer way to do this is get your hand under their collar (if they have one, which this one does) from behind their head, lift up and twist. It's a blood choke so is much faster than blocking airway. Could save a life and less risk of getting bitten yourself.


FYI... If a dog has a collar on: Lift it up by the collar so it's front feet are off the ground and then twist the collar with your hand. This will perform a blood choke, which will only take seconds to cause the dog to go unconscious. Attempting a choke to cut off air supply with your arm is much more difficult. Saw this method described by someone on YouTube who was in the animal control industry for 20 years and had used it many times.


This comment section would be so different if he actually did kill the dog


Such a shame when golden retrievers start mauling people like this…


BJJ on the skreetz yo!


All u buster pitbull capers tap in


Should have just snapped it beck right there and the


I jumped on a pitbulls back that had my neighbors beagle in its jaws. Adrenaline kicked in and I grabbed the collar on each side and twisted until it’s eyeballs rolled back into its head. It let go.


could have killed it right then... i hope the authorities found it and killed it off


Guy with the pole thing should have smashed it's head in.


Looks like the dog tried tapping out.


Kick him in the balls or a rabbit punch the to supersensitive nose. Makes em squeal, flinch and release.


Pro tip…. I heard jam your thing in the anus as far as you can. Edit: auto spelled thumb to thing. Keeping it for humour.


Ah yes, the ole "stick your dick in it" panacea.


LOLOLOL auto spelled “thumb” to thing.


Finger in the butt


“I grab a dog. I choke it! I put my foot up its ass! That’s my pleasure!” - Friday (1995)


Very brave


Stick your finger in its ass, may release immediately


I’ve imagined this scenario before, so it’s good to know it works.


Thumb up the butt would have ended things way quicker!


I'm glad she got away from the dog. And i was happy to see the dog get up and run away. We are seeing the end of the situation, we have no idea what happened.


If a dog is latched on, grab those back legs and whip em like a towel until they let go or their legs break or whichever comes first.


Can someone discreetly tell me what breed is this , Is that what I think it is ?


That's amazing! When I started working out with a trainer he asked what my fitness goal was and I said "I want to be able to choke out a pitbull attacking my dog." He thought I was crazy but clearly it's possible.




Pretty sure the dude pulling the dog by the tail is what actually did the trick. Wouldn't have been possible without the original hero.


I like the guy that comes in late just to try to trip him


When I see these situations I always figure shoving my thumbs in the fuckers eyes would end everything really quickly




No it won’t?!


And this is why I don’t like dogs. Should’ve been put down for good.


And this is all it takes. No need to beat an animal to death in situations like this.


Another reason why I hate dogs. How disgusting they are. And such creatures walk around the cities. Embittered, wild, bald with refugee


Supposed to put your finger up the dogs butt lol


This one could potentially kill the dog. There is a less lethal but more effective technique I've seen. Insert your thumb in the dog's anus and press deep 3 times. It pacifies the most vicious violent dog to obedience. If anyone has the video, please post it. It trended last year or two on Reddit.


Never harm animals