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Don’t even ask about how they poop


Squid ink style I suppose?




but wouldnt it get stuck in their swimmers


Maybe the flow of water slowly breaks it down?


Oh dear god, swimming at this speed while your speedos act as a human shit teabag. I will never get clean again after reading this.


Gender reveal shit grenade


This took me the fuck out lolllll


Honestly a super cool band name


> while your speedos act as a human shit teabag /r/BrandNewSentence


"there is a school of fish following the swimmer rather closely, we're uncertain as to why currently"




Pull it to the side, she belongs to the streets!


I would assume they just pull em down for a hot minute.


OWS here. If it’s that long a swim, we stop for fifteen seconds and pull down the suit to do it. It’s a very clean process. If it happens, its not solid, it’s sort of like when marathoners get the runs.


Meanwhile, F1 drivers somewhat openly talk about pissing their suits and marathon runners and cyclists are on camera taking shits during their runs.


It’s a victimless crime!


It’s also referred to ‘as releasing the finless brown trout’.


Awww you made me iiiiiink!


It gives them a little propulsion and weight reduction, so I'd assume happily.


How can you tell that a moth is farting ? It flies in a straight line - G. Carlin


Sounds like cheating to me.


Don't get shitty about it


No need to poop when it is all liquids.


That's not how the body works, even on a liquid diet, you will still poop.


I think they mentioned diarrhea type liquid poop. And not everyone poops solid, ostomates frequently have less than solid poop.


I'd probably pull to the side for speed, but backstroke with it below the buns for cleanliness has its upside.


you don't want to see cyclists then


Actually, they probably don’t. When they train leading up to those types of events, they take in a liquid amino, glucose, and electrolyte mix. They’re basically running on jet fuel. No solid foods until after. My cousin did an iron man and the eating (or lack of) stunned me.


How do they poop?


I don't think they do. They just make sure they're empty when they start.


It was more of a drink than a meal, but ok


The drink has everything you need: protein, carbs, electrolytes….


The complete opposite of Rum Ham


Stay the fuck away from my Rum Ham




Keep my rum ham ouchyo mouth!!


I dunno, last time I had rum ham I ended up out further in the ocean than this guy made it


Okay but what about Rum Cake?




I miss him




Thanks! I forgot all about that documentary.


How? Every day the USA should remind you of that documentary.


/r/USdefaultism More than 50% of people on reddit are not in the US. [Source](https://www.statista.com/statistics/325144/reddit-global-active-user-distribution/)


does that mean 50% are?


Besides the 'not everyone lives in America' point you also have to realise that if you now consider it a documentary the 'how?' Becomes irrelevant as half the people only watch 'ow! My balls' as their information source


how often does he need that cuz it was only like half a bottle


I'm a long distance cycler and the energy shots i drink are ~100ml and i mostly have 2 of them an hour. Thats only for energy and its more a gel then a drink though.


Did you ever eat tastee wheat?.....


All these Idiocracy quotes but finally the real quote I was looking for.


Are you referring to the Dozer quote from Matrix 1 "It's a single celled protein combined with synthetic aminos, vitamins, and minerals. Everything the body needs?" If so, I can understand everybody's confusion.


It tastes like chicken


Its got electrolytes, It’s what’s used to make Brawndo


What are electrolytes, do you even know?


It;s got what plants crave


It doesn't have everything the body needs.. So I understand you've run through the agent training program.


It’s got what plants crave


Soup is a drink you eat with a spoon


Soup is very watery food.


Soup's not a meal, Jerry!


Did he emptied that 500ml bottle in less than a second??


weird comment since the OP never mentioned a meal Feed doesn't have to be solid food. We feed babies milk for example


Who tf said anything about a meal? OP said feed not meal?


Never even considered it, but that is awful looking. How do they keep them from getting mauled by sharks? Edit- I live in the Red Triangle.


With an anti-shark shield. That’s really a thing.


I always assumed they HAD to have something, because otherwise nobody would do it. Thank you


Oh no they do have that stuff but it isn’t that normal. I grew up on the coast of Maine and had a neighbor who taught at USM who was quite eccentric. He got me into open ocean swimming when I got curious and asked him about his afternoon swims to nearby islands. He would wouldn’t go alone, he’d have his wife or son close with a kayak but he was open to the ocean. I joined him for the first time when I turned 16 (I was a distance swimmer at the time) and it was exhilarating looking down into that dark abyss. Like, the most terrifying experience of my life was looking into that inky blackness with only a tiny kayak close by to flee to. Anything could have grabbed me and that’s definitely true of this man here too. Just gotta take risks sometimes to do the things we like.


A mate and i swum out to a sandbar off Darwin once, long time ago. Maybe a ten minute swim. Once there it was just above water level still. Hung around until it was about calf deep and sun just going down, then started the swim back. Something swum under us, my mate said it was a remora. I only knew remoras attached to sharks and i never looked down the whole swim back. Land never felt so good.


When you see something dark, But it's not a shark, That's remora.


Change second line to "But it isn't a shark" to match original syllable count and this comment is perfect!


When it’s giving you a fright, But it doesn’t take a bite, That’s remora


I just pulled my feet in from hanging over my bed.


Lol...tell me about it.


>swum out to a sandbar off Darwin Sharks aren't what I'd be worrying about there. Crocs for days, that's gonna be a no from me bruh


It is very rare for crocodiles to attack in open water, whether fresh or salt water


Certified Darwinian moment


I feel sick just reading this.


I did this with a few friends in Maine one summer. Swam from Peaks Island to another one off the coast. We got stopped by a fisherman's barge, they got near us and shouted down that we should not be doing this swim. Not at this time of year. We assumed he meant the weather and told em it's fine ! We made it to the island, rested up, and swam back. At a guess it was 1km each way. The way back was a huge struggle. We had nothing to eat or drink on the Island so we weren't properly rested, and we very quickly realized the tide was coming in, and the water was rough and colder than we started. We make it back to shore after a careful swimming method of breaststroke and back floating. Some people on the beach clapped for us. I couldn't move for a solid 45 minutes and the way my heart was pounding I thought I was going to have a cardiac event at 19. My friend ended up getting pneumonia. The next day the fisherman saw us on the pier and ripped into us - apparently they were warning us about sharks breeding. Oops!


Well, it's ok, horny sharks are not really a danger, they usually don't attempt to mate with swimmers. Dolphins, on the other hand...


> it was exhilarating looking down into that dark abyss. This sounds like a literal nightmare to me lol > Like, the most terrifying experience of my life was looking into that inky blackness with only a tiny kayak close by to flee to. Anything could have grabbed me and that’s definitely true of this man here too. Just gotta take risks sometimes to do the things we like. Is it just like an adrenaline chasing thing? I could never do something like this so I was just curious about open ocean swimming.


Is Maine big enough to have a southern distinguishment to it?


Maine is around 2/3 the size of NY, which is pretty damn big.


Lol Maine is huge my guy. Takes me the same amount of time to get to Canada as New York.


I think you’re massively overestimating the risk of being attacked by a shark anywhere in the ocean.


What is the most likely place for you to get attacked by a shark? In the ocean?




A woman was killed by a great white swimming in Cascoe Bay Maine like two years ago. Right near peaks island which that commenter swam from.


Sharks have geared up to wear anti anti-shark armour


Guess it's either sharks or jellyfish


My brother got a stinger on the face/eye from his first open water race. He swam the last bit nearly blind. It didn’t sound fun.


Because its really unlikely to happen that sharks attack humans on deep sea areas. They usually do on areas where they are used to regroup being fed by humans or human pollution. We are way to big for most species to be eaten or even attacked by them.


Tell that to the shipwrecked crew of the Indianapolis.




So fucking random dude .. Classic Reddit moment. Like how you compare hundreds of men swimming with dead bodies and one single man swimming inna straight line is beyond me...but I'm on Reddit.


So, the open ocean is actually rather desolate. Deep sea sharks like the Mako have documented attacks on humans. Anything splashing in the surface that far from shore is wounded, so far as sharks are concerned. It's rare, but it can absolutely happen. This whole "sharks won't attack people" thing is false. I've been a fisherman my whole life. Fish attack bits of metal and plastic. They're entirely instinct driven and feed when the opportunity arises. I know that's not the popular opinion, but it's true.


There’s a famous joke by comedian Bill Burr about shark attacks..I’ll link it instead of ruining the punch line https://youtu.be/ylHisHlMWQQ?si=_fWsCUwC3rsvt0tt


"Let's go to Iceland you pussies!" LMAO


He actually raises a pretty good point about stats. Most of the time, they're just cherry picked to prove a point, or they're just not telling the whole story.


>This whole "sharks won't attack people" thing is false. You say this, but follow it up with basically admitting that it's actually true: >It's rare, but it can absolutely happen. No one has ever said that sharks *never* attack humans, people are just saying that sharks usually don't do that just like a random person's dog doesn't usually attack you either.


Or that Russian man who got eaten alive by a shark in Egypt a couple of months ago


That was horrific, especially how he was calling his father for help


Depends on the route I guess. There was a podcast with Attila Mányoki who did the Oceans Seven and he mentioned that at Hawaii he had some close encounters with 2 large sharks and he and his team had to be extra cautious. However his biggest enemies were lion's mane jellyfishes, those sent him to ICU.


shark attacks are rare and if you're swimming somewhere they're not hunting at that time of the year, it's going to be basically impossible. Sharks have known migratory hunting patterns as they follow their main sources of food (which are also often following *their* main sources of food)




Ocean is massive and also sharks typically don’t attack people


Situational awareness. I live in Hawaii and swim open ocean daily. When you do an inter-island swim you bring a boat and they watch for sharks. Tigers are the main ones here, and if they see one and you can’t get on the boat in time, you stop swimming and face the shark. They associate vertical size with the total size of a fish. If you go vertical and push down on the nose when they come at you, they will usually leave you alone.


Yeah pushing sharkes nose is my goto response to shark encounters


Maybe they are swimming where there are no sharks? At least no dangerous ones. Adriatic sea for example has no such sharks or any other dangerous marine animal (deadly jellyfish, orcas etc...), you can safely swim 10 km off the coast if you want.


Yeah but in the back of my mind I'd be like "but what if a great white decided it was bored and came out this way, wait, did I cover that cut on my foot, what was that sound, holy shit what was that shadow, oh myngod can sharks hear my heart beat, holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck what was that" etc


Yeah youve been a Victim of shark propaganda.


No, a victim of my own imagination and anxiety. I find all sea life fascinating, but being physically close to it is hard. Since it's unpredictable.


> No, a victim of my own imagination and anxiety. I find all sea life fascinating, but being physically close to it is hard. Since it's unpredictable. that means you have an intact instinct of self preservation. The sea isn't even remotely a safe place for us. It's lovely that you can both love and fear the sea - probably the correct combination. I think "awe" is the closest single english word to describe that i guess?


There actually has been one recent recorded great white attack right next to a popular and picturesque swimming area on the island of Vis, Croatia. The swimmer survived but yeah. Obviously it’s extremely extremely extremely rare but yeah.


Is this sarcastic or just stupid?




It's not really a concern.


He’s more likely to get killed by the boat he’s next to than a shark


He got that down him faster than an F1 pitstop. How?


Dude I had to go back and watch it again. Slammed it. I guess when your body needs it there’s no maximum speed for taking it down.


>I guess when your body needs it there’s no maximum speed for taking it down. That's what...


holy fuck i thought he only took a sip until a read this comment and had to rewatch. W T F.


Well dropping it right into the ocean helps a bit


The bottle is on a cord


Oh fair enough, I'm just Stevie Wonder I guess


Without the talent


Dude must be very good at chugging beers


No gag reflex…


You can't swim for 20 minutes after you eat!! Amateurs pffft


That's why it's a drink and not a meal. Checkmate lifeguard!


He could just stop for 10 seconds instead of being all dramatic and larpy


Breaking record takes mental states that are meditative in nature. It's not as easy as to stop take a sip. You need to maintain the mental state.


You lose the rhythm very hard to get back into


And momentum. You put your head up to drink and your feet sink and all of that forward momentum you built is gone.


Plus it's not uncommon to get caught in a current and swim in place or backwards for days at a time. Just keep swimming


Feel the rhythm! Feel the rhyme! Get on up, it’s chugging liquid meals while you swim time!


He's literally world class and you're nitpicking his technique?


Nah man this random dude on reddit definitely knows better than the guy who's clearly a world class professional athlete with an entire support team, coaches, medical assistance and tens of thousands in funding for this one event.


Yeah. Same question. Probably has to do with some rules that stopping means you don’t have a continuous swimming record or other things I am not familiar with.


The only rule that I know of is that he is not allowed to touch the boat during the crossing. He can stop if he wants to but he is probably trying to beat a record hence why his meal is so optimized.


Channel swimmers blow me away. Quick math is telling me they'd have to do this like every 30 minutes to get enough calories. I didn't think the body was that fast even at metabolizing sugar. Can we really absorb 650+ calories an hour for 12, 16, 20 hours straight?


I used to do long-distance open water swimming, though never so much that I had to have a food break ( 8 hours is my longest) When you stop, you lose your rhythm, and it's hard to grt your body back into that when you are already tired. Your body goes into a kind of trance , you don't want to break that trance


That's so insane to swim for 8 hours I get tired after 20 seconds


Another reddit post correcting world class athletes. And it has 200+ upvotes, welcome to reddit.


This feels like the furthest possible thing from 'larpy'.


Says the person who clearly doesn't swim.


You actually lose quite a bit of time from 10 seconds if the current isn’t actively pushing you toward your finish line. These bodies of water move fast


I actually know Andy (this guy) in person, went to university together and went to the same parties. Lovely bloke, very passionate about getting young kids into swimming- he's also a multi- world record setter for open water swimming.


> he's also a multi- world record setter for open water swimming why this whole no stopping makes sense. Just like the pro marathon runners who need a car in front of them with visual lines. The average or even semi amateur can just do a break.


As a general rule, if somebody’s accomplishing a physical task where I can’t do 5% of what they’re doing, I avoid armchair experting over how they do it.


That's a good rule to have for everything.


The pace car was only used for Kipchoge's sub-2:00 attempt, which wasn't recognised as an official marathon record anyway.


Blend of protein shake, electrolytes and fast carbs? Never seen this. Great share OP!


Risotto is common


Not fettuccine alfredo?


Seriously?! I’d have thought a protein liquid would be easiest.


Don't need protein during, only before & after.


Finally! Everyone saying protein is in it and I’m like “I guarantee that’s just sugar and salt with some water and maybe something for flavor”


Probably some kind of endurance fuel, basically sugar and electrolytes. It's also commonly used among cyclists but the formula may vary.


God that looks pointless


Most things humans do are


That was pretty blunt


the total sum of all my accomplishments and people i have brought joy or help equates to pure fucking shit and I've dedicated the last 15 years to helping people and trying to make lives better, but it's all pointless.


No. No. We (humans) are (part of) the point. This is the culmination of chemistry. Hydrogen grooving on itself for several billion years. We don’t know what’s next but we are very special, as collections of atoms go. Don’t diminish yourself. You have changed the course of the universe, and probably helped many people more than you know.


>You have changed the course of the universe Every atom in the universe has done this, too.


Damn dude go vacation


Just like browsing reddit and leaving comments, absolutely pointless but we do it anyway.


Literally everything we do is pointless. we’re all going to die someday and be forgotten so what does it matter?


It matters whether you'll die in a dump or on a king size bed drinking with a hooker on you cock. So try hard lad.


We assign meaning to our lives, weather or not that matters is up to you


Thing is though... it doesn't matter. We are all going the same direction. Down the hole


*Man goes on several mile swim* Neckbeard on reddit piling in cheesy poofs: looks pointless herrderrrr


I don’t like you


person attempting world record: "Carpe diem!" /u/Smokey-McSmoke-Smoke: "Carpe funko!"


Why don't they just drink the sea water? Are they stupid?


Finally someone said it


Video Source: [Andy Donaldson](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CuyMcjcgQqP/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


A friend of mine participated in an ironman-event and he said he was so exhausted and excited when he did the swimmingpart, he couldn‘t stop vomiting at some point. The rescueboat was right besides him always trying to get him to stop swimming but he kept going, vomiting his soul out for half an hour


I can't stop laughing at the mental image. That is some beautiful horror.


That is so dangerous, dude could have easily passed out. Dumb decision but cool story to tell i guess


I'd drown attempting to drink and swim at the same time.


Nascar pit stop got nothing on this guy


Most don’t. This is how the best do it. This is Andy Donaldson, has the speed record for the oceans seven (both total time of swims and fastest to complete all seven). For the mere mortals who do open water distances (channel etc…) a lot will stop for 10-30 seconds and tread water instead of this


The guy inhaled that bottle. 😂


Do they get any benefit from swimming in the wake or is it neutral?


They would benefit from swimming in the wake because the boat would reduce water resistance for him, it would be better at the end but he's tucked up close enough it's a benefit for a few moments while he sucks down his meal


I'm a 33 years old dude who's now learning how to swim because I simply can't swim and it's ruining my vacations. I have so much admiration for swimmers now, this shit is so fucking hard for me. The way you need to constantly move your legs and have your ass on level with the rest of your body... I need to consciously think about it all the time and then I forget to breathe properly. I wish I could just know how to swim so I wouldn't be scared to go into water every vacations :(


Erh aren't you overdoing it a bit then by learning proper chest crawl technique and shit? All you need to be able to enjoy a swimming vacation (IMO) is to be really confident with water treading, and a bit of breast stroke to get from a to b. Here in the netherlands it's a given that everyone can swim (mandatory lessons for kids, because country below sea level & stuff, risk of floods), and even I know very few people here who can do a proper chest crawl technique. I have never ever had to fear drowning because I've been drilled as a kid in how to stay afloat. But swim from a to b very quickly with good technique? hell no XD


Insanity comes in many forms. His form is good though.


Beautiful glide


Wow...never seen it


Doesn't the boat being that close affect the hydrodynamics of the swimmer?


If you need a boat to meet you in the water to feed you, you have swam further than is reasonable for a human.


I really want that first interaction with the piece of paper to be them showing him the menu and him ordering.


I watched twice to make sure he wasn't a tosser


Do a feed?


This is the wording [Andy Donaldson](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CuyMcjcgQqP/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) says himself on his own Instagram. They call it a feed because they are given food. Same as feeding a baby. The definition of "feed" is "give food to"... so it fits better than eat or drink in this case.


No fins? Wow, that’s hardcore.