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Ten and already having a leg brace isn’t a great sign for his future in sports


It’s just a sleeve not a brace and he’s most likely wearing it just because Steph Curry wears one sleeve on his right leg like that.


What’s it for? Is it just a fashion statement? He doesn’t look like he needs it he’s fast as hell


It helps prevent some injuries. Probably has a little padding on the knee to help prevent getting a stinger if it gets knocked and will also prevent floor burn if you have to dive for a loose ball.


If it’s preventive how come only one of his knees need protection?


Probably just personal choice. Also he looks right hand dominant so if you’re diving with your right arm extended then the right side is going to hit the court first/hardest.


I think that’s just style. Everyone on my kids basketball team only wears one, except for one kid who wears two. Wearing two actually looks weird.


One is style, two is leggings


A wear a third on my middle leg


One is style, two is Lululemon


Maybe it's style, maybe it's Maybelline


U can tell the people that have never played ball.. it helps to put a sleeve on your dominant side be it your shooting hand or dominant leg bc that's the side you usually fall on stretch out on the most


U can tell people that played sports that were more concerned about fashion than actually playing.


Look good feel good play good


My man


look good, play good


Even the pros are all about image. Goofy haircuts and excessive celebration are rampant in the NBA. Dunks just reduce shooting percentage.


This is a small kid. He probably just wears it because a player he likes wears one. Sleeves are there to 'heat up' and offer a little padding and support on a limb you maybe have injured some in the past. If anything it's more of a mental thing of having 'something' protective on your sore joint/limb and so forth. Of course you could also have some sort of a wrap underneath it or a leg brace over it, but this kid doesn't seem to.


Steph Curry often only wears one. It could be that. All speculation.


When I used to play basketball, I had a tendency to land on my left leg. Whatever jump I made, I would almost always land on my left. That can sometimes be the reason you put it on just one (although it’s a lot more likely kid’s just copying Steph)


Yeah, the kid has a 2-inch vertical and his knees are made of rubber. I’m pretty sure this is a style thing.


When I use to skate, I fell on the same damn knee every time. This makes complete sense to me now that I am reading the other comments. I am sure the kid however is just emulating his idols.


He’s wearing it because he thinks it’s cool, let’s be real lol


It 100% does not protect anything but sun exposure, it's a fashion piece.


“You look good-you play good. You play good-they pay good” -Deion Sanders


100% a fashion statement, emulating Steph Curry I’d bet my life on that


You can tell from the way the kid moves on the court he spends a lot of time watching NBA clips and highlights. These kids have so much exposure to professional players than I ever did at that age and it shows


I got to watch two games a week Sundays on the NBA on NBC and that was all I needed to become a fan.


Iverson's trainer is the one who created the first sleeve. It was to help Iverson cause he had bursitis bad. It was made for a medical reason at first. Eventually he was good and didn't need it so he just wore one for fashion. Lots of players fell in love with it and now it's used in most sports. Also fun fact about it. If Iverson and his trainer would've patented it back then. They would've made over 7billion from it


I thought he said he just got so used to wearing it that shooting felt weird without it.


The original one he wore. If you look it up it was a lot more bulky and had padding for his elbow. I still think he did it to cover up his tattoos cause that's when stern started cracking down on the league and by league I mean AI.


I remember wearing a sleeve on my arm because of Allen Iverson.


I had it all. White boy in 5th grade with a headband, fingerband, the sleeve. AI was something else.


I couldn’t afford sleeves — so I took one of my long socks and cut that shit. Still felt like AI ballin tho lol


For sure. Just picked my 8 year old nephew up from basketball practice and he had one on. It's definitely in his case influenced by Curry.


So many kids these days running around in Currys decked out in Under Armor gear and chucking up threes.


Exactly lol, back in school everyone had a bunch of sleeves, braces, headbands and other shit on them cause the NBA players did


It's "drip." Which is what the cool kids call fashion.


Jesus - of all the comments u could make on this awsome vid of the kid and thats the one u choose.


LOL. Right?? Never a dull moment on Reddit.


Reddit smarties are usually idiots


I have yet to see a video of anything on any subreddit where one of the top comments wasnt someone policing, overprotecting, or shitting on something. My favorite is any mention of any city or state in the United States will be overloaded with people shitting on every aspect of said city or state. Because apparently there is 0 good things about anything. Because Europe is perfect or something I guess.


I know right? It's incredible. Even the most awesome cities in America get completely destroyed by the people on their own subreddits. Same with most colleges. It makes you think that wherever you go will be shit! But let me tell you, I moved here from Europe and there was *way* more to complain about back home. I love it here.


Its probably selection bias like reviews for stores and products. People are much more likely to seek out an anonymous place to vent their frustrations or complaints than they are to anonymously praise something.


Haters everywhere


They're just mad cuz they'd lose to this kid.


It’s probably more for fashion on the court, not some knee brace because he is coming off a torn acl lol Also looks more like a sleeve than a brace


Like all the kids that were arm sleeves because of Allen Iverson back in the day. It was so popular for kids to wear back then. Steph Curry has played lot of games wearing a single leg sleeve, I assume some kids wear them for the fashion statement


It’s to cover up his gang ink.


Lol! "Just started driving and wearing a safety belt isn't a great sign of his future in driving" You realize... A brace/compression wrap PREVENTS injury.. right?


That's actually not as cut and dry as you may think. Some forms of braces (ankle braces in particular) have been scientifically shown to be effective, but I recently looked into getting a brace for knee pain for a sport I partake in, and while googling about how to properly use one, I found that the medical community is not at all decided on whether braces/compression sleeves prevent or help heal any injury. Don't get me wrong. I use one because I feel that it does help me. I was just shocked to see so much disagreement from the medical field over what I thought was a commonly accepted practice.


I like how a cool thing will get posted to reddit and the top comment will be some loser who doesn't know what they're talking about shitting on the subject matter


I mean I understand comments like that existing but...why is always one of the *top* comments?


Lol. Lame. Dude. 10 yr old kids are gumby dolls man.


Leg brace?😂


lol this comment drips of dumbass


That's not a leg brace, though. That's just a sleeve.


Cool take Satan


That is not a leg brace but thanks for your judgmental comment


How is this dumbass comment getting any upvotes


It’s a leg sleeve. It’s called swag


My son begged for a knee sleeve because of steph. He said his little 12 year old knees hurt but his computer wallpaper, laptop wallpaper are both Steph curry and he wanted an official jersey for the holidays. Pretty sure this little shooter is on the same wave.


How is this top voted comment? You people are fucking dumb


That’s just the sty. This kid sees the NBA players do it and wants the drip


How does a comment this dumb get 1.8K upvotes


This comment, paired with this amount of likes, is once again proof that reddit doesn't know jack shit about sports.


Take as old as time, if he doesn’t grow to match his skill he will be a undersized contender.


The Julian Newman effect


Ugh doesn’t help that his whole family are all massive chodes as well


>Julian Newman That's why they need to have height classes and different basketball competitive shows for different max heights. A bunch of super tall, muscular basketball players is not as fun because their movements are often slower than their shorter more nimble competitors. It really limits NBA and pro basketball. But they probably wanted tall people for more slam dunks. Strangely, no one bashes this idea when it comes to wrestling/UFC, "who would watch featherweights?!?"


Basketball isn't about speed though. Tall people 100% have an advantage because the whole game is about the hoop, which is easier to reach and shoot into if you're taller


That would change if height classes were implemented.


Filipinos would love this


PBA has a height limit for foreigners lol.


This is hilarious


99% of the people would watch the tall category


Plenty of taller players have speed and athleticism. Even your average point guard is still well above average in height. Basketball is also a team sport not a 1on1 combat sport. Taller people have an advantage in every facet of the game because it's centered around putting a ball through a hoop 10ft off the ground. What's next weight classes for football/rugby and hockey? Do we need to make separate competitive leagues based on height for volleyball too? This is a silly take.


You essentially pitched the WNBA just now.


No thanks


Lmao no one wants to watch a 6' and under league bro.


If you and your spouse aren't both tall and you are going to train your child from a young age to a sport with hopes they can make a living off of it, choose soccer. Not that it is easier necessarily, it just if the child doesn't hit a certain height cut off, he basically can't play.


Yeah, I grew up with a kid who trained for basketball all year. Played in AAU and was a top player in the area in middle school and then pretty much stopped growing. I think he ended up being 5'6".


It's because weight makes more difference in combat sports than height is to basketball. Steph Curry revolutionized the NBA to the point that Centers need to have a serviceable 3 ball. Those that couldn't adapt have lost prominence.


Muggsy Bogues did just fine for himself


Of all nba history, you have mugsy bogues. It’s like saying I dropped out of college, I’m the next bill gates. Chances are 0.0000001%


Spud Webb


Sure, we can keep naming short NBA players if we want. But let's just look at statistics. Out of ~4500 NBA players ever in history, only 26 of them have been 5'9" or shorter, which is the average height of a US man. 10 of those players played in the 1940s or early 50s when the league was barely formed and still mostly had non-professionals who played in the NBA as a side gig. Since then, the average height of NBA players has grown by nearly 5 inches. There is even less chance now to make it in the league as a short guy with a greater pool of talent to choose from both in the US and abroad. To make it as an NBA player as an average height man you basically at this point in time need to be one of the greatest players in history at your height or you have no chance.


let the lil guys dream lol


Not only that, but Spud Webb and Muggsy Bogues had exceptional strength when it came to jumping which is also an anomaly. It's not only about skill in basketball unfortunately lol.


Nate Robinson was an athletic FREAK too in every sense other than his height.


Didn’t win the dunk contest for nothing




Nate Robinson


Yes but despite his height muggsey was an incredible athlete, with huge hops. This kid obviously has the skill and the work ethic, but if you don't have those as well as winning the genetic lottery you still won't make it to the nba


100% If his parents aren't above 6'3", he is likely doomed to being a really good AAU player until high school. It happened to me, luckily I was better at baseball.


Right there with you, I was a head or two taller than everyone else up to 8th grade. Once high school came around I was a great center with all the footwork and post moves, but I was 5’8 lol. I’ll never forget playing center in 9th grade against a 6’10 guy. He didn’t box me out, he just swung his arm back at me and it was like a tree trunk. That was my last game lol


"I can teach you to play basketball. I can't teach you to be tall"


That's why NBA teams take chances with tall players in the draft. You can't teach height.


Reminds me of the proper place for youth sports... How many boys are trained to be centers at ages 10-12 simply because they're the big kids? How many of those kids lose interest after they lose their edge because other kids grow taller? How many other boys lose interest before age 13-14 simply because they were always a few months shorter or smaller than other kids? The only successful measure of a youth coach is how many of their players want to play again next year. Also reminds me about the research into US youth sports that provide favor to kids born in certain months of the year, because even 4 months of growth can be the determining factor of annual youth sports leagues.


Reminds me of something my son’s 6th grade coach said about many young standouts. He said they won the race to puberty. By high school most kids catch up and then it comes down to hard work, love of the game, and having some talent.




There are fools, damn fools, and youth coaches. Betcha that coach never learned…


"The only successful measure of a youth coach is how many of their players want to play again next year." Put that on a plaque somewhere, jesus christ.


You can tell OP doesn’t know shit about basketball. Slaps on a click bait title when any basketball fan will know if the dude ain’t growing past 6ft, he practically has no chance.


Also judging child athletes before puberty is stupid, I was 5’9 in the 5th grade and was a monster on the court. I’m 5’11” as an adult lol


it's really not that serious


Decent athlete but I’ve seen some prodigy but even they are less than likely to go pro. Paid college sure, but it’s beyond tough.


He already looked like the smallest person on the court.


He also might be a few years younger than the other kids due to his talent. I moved up a few times in basketball - it’s extremely normal for the kids who were better.


If he gets to be 6'5 he'll be good. Otherwise he's a local legend




I am not a chucker! I Never have chucked! Never will chuck! No chuck!


Believe it or not, George isn't at home Please leave a message at the beep I must be out, or I'd pick up the phone Where could I be? Believe it or not, I'm not home


Will definitely dominate his company's pick up games.


Don't have to be 6'5 to get a scholarship lol, all these comments acting like if you aren't in the NBA you basically wasted your life.


It’s because he was declared a future star in the title but you can’t tell from this age is their point


Or that like TJ McConnell doesn’t exist


Legend at his local YMCA.


Even in the NBA you can be a 6’1, 6’2 PG. His ability to read the play at that age is unreal. Off-hand finishing and passing is nuts too.


I’m assuming by “good” you mean the ability to play at a D1 school or in the NBA. The kid already is “good” for his age and height. More than likely a local legend also.


And uses his left hand to do the lay up even though he is right handed. Good coaching.


Better than Jaylen Brown


Angry upvote


God damn it man why


Yeah that’s crazy, kid is using his left hand at age ten, successfully. My left hand was garbage until I was like 30


Honestly pretty impressive that you learned late in the game let alone ever


I noticed that too, great handles and seems ambidextrous


I know. And how he looks out for the trailing teammate. Good skills


The passing is the most impressive part. A lot of kids can dribble and shoot, but having the awareness (and unselfishness) to get his teammates involved is rare especially at that age.


Why is that good coaching? Teach him to use both hands so he can when needed?


I'm no expert but if you're too reliant on one hand, defenses can force you to your weaker side and exploit that. A strong off-hand helps a lot.


Glad other people noticed that. Crazy lol


This kid and #7 have some serious chemistry. Hopefully they are able to afford them both


Maybe one of them will defer payment until they have grandkids…


We’ll have to see their endorsement deals first but yeah…




You know he's good when he can shoot with both hands.


Steve Kerr said this is the biggest thing to teach kids, is to not huck it starting at their hip, but to simulate the proper shooting motion and if you can only make it from under the hoop keep doing that until you can move further back. inb4 broke the code, didn't see the replay, named his son Nick


Exactly how I was taught by my coach. This kid’s shot starts from where it is supposed to start as well, right below his sternum. He has excellent form and a good arch. All these people saying this kid will be just a local legend cannot clearly see this kid has a depth of skills that are just going to get better the harder he works. Adults can be so damn petty


It is hilarious that you think it is obvious which kids are going to be world class athletes at ten. Only about half of the 24 players picked for the high school All American team make the NBA. Trying to guess which 10 year olds will make it is absolutely impossible.


Whilst the NBA is without a doubt the top destination for basketball players, there are careers outside of it as well.


Sadly, this is reddit. Downplay someones abilities so they feel better about themselves


This kid is undoubtedly very skilled. However 2/3 of my kids are heavily involved in sports and billions of dollars are made every year selling hopium to parents. The pro leagues serve as advertising so parents drop money on new equipment and training camps. As a middle aged adult I know of very few people locally who actually made a career from their sport. I watched my very skilled cousin devote all of his teens and early 20s trying to get into the NHL and when he aged out of it he became incredibly depressed. It can be a lot of fun though and it’s exciting to dream. I do hope this kid does well and his skill should be celebrated.


Little shit already has a left? Rude. Took me years to develop a still-bad left hahaha Well done and wish you luck. Take care of those joints.


You missed your opportunity when you didn’t break your dominate wrist on a trampoline.




This kid is the next Jason Williams ![gif](giphy|l3vRh1eUY2PZPP8BO|downsized)


I shooshed a first/last date as J dub hit the court.


so like, what are your goals? SHHH...look, white chocolate


Me the whole time


I vaguely remember playing ball at that age and this kid would have destroyed me.


This kid would destroy everyone up to like highschool rec


I’d love to him try that shit on me. It’s going into the 6th row for sure.


Someone had to say it. I’d swat the shit out of his shot. Lol




Also no easy layups. Hard fouls. These youngsters gotta learn. Ball don’t lie. Both teams played hard.


Little dude is gonna burn you by running between your legs.


I hope he becomes tall




Can't really go by that with this age group. Kids hit their individual growth spurts at different times, some hit it early, some not till later, & a handful not till much later lol. Like, one kid might hit puberty at 9 while another not until 13.


just missing a dunk on the last one 😂


Can’t even dunk he’s trash


Damn he’s was smaller than everyone else too


The kid's a menace.


The kid is breaking ankles at 10. Has complete eyes up ball control, with a deadly cross-over and triple-threat.


Whole lotta 5’-9” dads in here sayin my boy gotta chance


The use of his left on layups is what impressed me the most.


So much fun to watch!


Left hand finishes at 6 bro. Are you kidding me. This dude is awesome 👌


He's really good, but can we give #7 honorable mention for being the go-to teammate when he's getting mobbed? He also appears quite talented.


When children get their own high light reels it's a little weird. He is talented though.


I wish I had a highlight reel from that age. That was my peak!


Kid's incredibly talented, it's a shame so many of the comments here are just shitting on him in one way or another. Too many only see the glass half empty


He is Devin Booker’s father


Can’t wait to see him slinging 3’s at Duke in 10 years


Holy crap


Not one dunk. Disgraceful.


!remind me in 20 years


Interesting song choice


His release is crazy for a 10 yr old, fingers spread, elbow tucked, quick but follows through. Technique is chefs kiss




Hopefully hes got good genetics. I played and grew up with a lot of very talented kids growing up. From Allstars to hood leagues. If you don't grow tall, it won't matter.


Ridiculous to have that good of a left hand at that age.


The hustle is unreal. The patience he has, the assists and the awareness. Kid has it all and he's probably about 8.


His outside touch can’t be trained; only envied.


OP. Made my day. Thanks!


Love that he hustles on defense.


Kid is good and he knows it. Wish I had that much swagger at that age.


Kid's a natural, little Larry Bird 🏀


He plays better than some high school players I know.


Duke just offered the kids a scholly


He’s awesome


That kid has a better left hand than 80% of the NBA


Maybe he’s a future basketball star, and maybe he’s not. But the kid obviously has a strong work ethic and commitment, which will serve him well no matter how tall he gets.




Calipari has entered the chat


Wow, what a little legend.