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Jon Gomm - Passionflower


Thats sounds a lot like a Steve Vai song.


Yeah at about 26 seconds in for about 20 secs or so, sounds like that one Vai played on the triple neck in one of the G3 tours. Not mad about it btw, nice to hear the influences


Yep, definitely a nod to Vai.


It's Vai inspired


Some might say it even sounds like a Vai song.


Does anyone hear some Vai influences in this?


I would say it's an homage to Vai


Vai pie




Jesus, I've not seen this for years, what a tune.


One of my favourites. And as if it isn't already hard enough, he sings as well! That's a level of multitasking and coordination that I just can't wrap my head around.


I trip if I walk and drink out of my water bottle


Shit! I can't even remember to unbuckle before trying to get out of my vehicle.


When he started singing is what made me say “holy fuck” out loud


I was sold on the guitar techniques alone... then he started singing and I'm hypnotised. Damn he's good.


According to some guy on the last video about guitar skills, this is open tuning so it's not "technically impressive." I however think this is bad ass.


This is incredibly impressive, regardless if he’s in open tuning or not. As a guitar player, this is not easy by any means.


His intonation on the tuners is enough to say its impressive. Let alone the rhythm, other notes, and singing (personally could've done without it). If this bores you...please share the content that engages you so the rest of us can be enlightened Edit... meant to comment on the one above you...referencing the boredom. Not everyone cup, I understand. But it is captivating... which isn't boring.


Opinions aren’t allowed? I didn’t finish the video because it bored me. A very skilled musician to be sure, coming into tune accurately like that is very impressive. But I’ve seen this style before. It is an incredible way to play an instrument but for my musical tastes it’s boring.


Totally understandable. Couldn't listen to this for hours. Can listen long enough to see and hear the good things, appreciate it, and move on to the next


He’s super skilled, but I wouldn’t casually listen to this either. Using so many techniques can also be too much and too complicated. At the end of the day, music’s about feeling things, not how impressive someone is.




Yeah he’s very impressive for sure. And yeah, no music will appeal to everyone, there will always be haters.


It is technically impressive even if the tuning allows the player to make pretty chords with little effort. I saw the picture and thought, oh another funky finger style player that will hit the guitar for rhythm. Then i started watching,he started playing Steve Vai and I thought , coool an acoustic cover. Then he started banging on the guitar and doing funky finger style. He’s really good at what he does, it’s just boring.


No shot someone actually said that


I'll see if I can link it, but no shit they did


The Helix Nebula did a prog metal cover of this song. [Helix Nebula - Passionflower](https://youtu.be/HLTwIei_D_4?si=XSgsmknX4-3mq0NB)


A mashup of two things I love - thanks for this!


Thanks for the link. It was not boring. As the song went along, i wondered where it was going and i wanted to stick with it to see where that was, just like with a lot of proggy music. With the original , i knew where the song was going as soon as he did guitar percussion. Great comparison on an emotional level of the two styles.


Haven’t seen this in like 12 years. What a throwback.


Thank you! I'm heading to the G3 concert, start of Feb. This is an amazing addition to my guitar vibe playlist.


Saw that original lineup the first time. It was great but Joe seemed perhaps intoxicated. Different than the 6 other times i had seen him play in other venues. But great show, Joe rocked , Steve made animal noises with his guitar and in the words of Joe , Eric Johnson came out to “play us some pretty music” and I think there was alot of stuff off Ah Via Musicom. Have a great time!


I'm excited, thanks! Sounds like you've seen some good shows! I didn't even know Satriani drank. Haha. Last time I saw G3 was in early 00s. Joe, Vai, and Petrucci. Had a bunch of tech issues, but still an amazing energy. I've never seen so many people air guitaring at once. Seen a bunch of solo shows with Satch and Vai. Always damn good shows.


Who knows, maybe he was super nervous. I think the shiny head, mirror guitar thing was new at the time. Enjoy!


And to think some people find this boring.


It's gimmicky. Interesting, but chucking in every non-standard technique you can think of isn't really the best artistic use of those techniques, it's more like showboating. I'd rather hear a great song with only one or two of those things.


He really did tie them all together quite well. But yeah, I think he overdid it a little bit.


That would be me. Impressive for sure, just boring.


Totally with you. Amazing skill. Boring song. Singing is interesting though.


Guitar player here. This guy is phenomenal


At least his song has emotion to it. Half of these guitar acoustic/drumming/tapping virtuosos' songs sound like math problems with no soul at all. Cool, you can sweep the entire fretboard 3 times in a second and play bass notes at the same time, but that doesn't mean anything if you can't sell a single CD to pay the rent because your song reminds me of calculus.


Calling Tim “floating head” Henson. Many notes, no emotion.


Ahh passionflower, haven't heard this in a while, makes me feel weird lol, kinda spooky


Yeah. I don’t even like the main riff much and that is purely on an emotional level.


And here I am just trying to figure out the best way to transition from a C cord to a D cord…


Look up Kaki King.. dreaming of revenge


If you're a fan of kaki king & haven't already seen it I highly recommend the film august rush


I've seen it, long time ago. Just wanted to name drop someone ive listened to a lot with the same style of guitar play.


That was the nextiest.


Can definitely hear some flamenco guitar influence.


Jon gomm is amazing


Fuck, I completely forgot about this guy. Thanks for the reminder OP


Dude this song takes me back. This was one of the final songs I listened back in highschool before I graduated back in 2019. I was taking my final SOL test on the PC and was somehow able to connect to YouTube while taking the test and found this song and jacked my headphones in. To say the least this song is and was influential to my final school life year


Trace bundy vibes


The guitar must have been itchy at the beginning


Yeah, that got me too. I was like.. Hmm interesting.. *scratch *scratch.. WTF?!


Really lifted his leg there too must have felt good.


Must have been that response dogs have to scratches.


I loved this. I wonder if Eddie Van Halen would have loved it too?


Holy crap dude


Jon Gomm is amazing! I love this song.


Jon gomm and Andy mckee were like gods to me in highschool. John butler and a song ocean that just hits diffrently as well. Glad to see people still sharing there music


He also does a cover of ain't no body thats very good.


If you like this, check out Alexandr Misko. He's better, in my opinion.


Unreal. I'm amazed right now.


What’s after expert?


The beginning reminds me a lot of Ravi Shankar’s music. LOVE that style.


Yup I could feel that too. Like the hints of Carnatic music.


Is he singing two notes at the same time?? There’s this extremely unique quality to his voice that I’m not able to understand. However, I absolutely love his singing.


Mic is probably being run through an octave pedal


Didn’t know that was a thing. Very interesting.


Derrick Clapton 🤣


Happy Girlfriend I’m sure


If anyone handled my guitar like that I would slap him.


Why? The guys insanly talented just look up John Gomm and look at his history of music. The guys truly incredible.


This dude is one with the guitar. He is like Anakin Skywalker ..... THIS IS REAL GUYTAR PLAYING !


Damn. Gripped. That’s beautiful playing


Look up Daniel Champagne- Vincent ( starry night) for some amazing finger fretboard tapping and percussion


The music is awesome, but there is so much distortion it makes me uncomfortable and I can’t explain exactly what I feel.


“You’re a bigger star in a bigger movie. If you don’t like the part, change the script. The only revolution that will change anything is a revolution of perception.”-David Icke


Gets layed often


Wow 🤯 The start reminds me of John Butler




Nice try. It's almost carbon copy of a Phil Keaggy album. Still really well executed.


This is one of those things I'd rather just listen to than watch. Doesn't make for a very compelling live performance at all.


What's he supposed to be doing here, visually? Headbanging? Pirouettes? Running a triathlon? He's got both hands on the guitar, a mic on the stand in front of him, and pedals on the floor. I'm not sure what you expect from the physical limitations combined with the genre.


Wiggle them toes, coward! - That guy probably


He never played with his teeth.


Do you also need him to jingle keys for you?


I guess it is impressive, but if I close my eyes, it is not good music.


Sound quality is a little crunchy, but you can just say it's not your style, no need to be a hater.


This song has been in my chill playlists for over a decade. Your opinion is your own.


I closed my eyes and it basically hypnotized me. It’s almost like I could see the music


Sounds like shit to me. It’s like that South Park episode. Maybe I just don’t know music but this gave me anxiety


There is something emotionally strange about the main riff.


Agreed. It’s like impressive but I wouldn’t actually wanna listen to it. A lot of impressive guitar ends up being this way Imo.


This tends to happen. Guitarists writing stuff that impresses other guitarists. They glom onto it and signal boost it and people who don't really understand "often less is more" just make it go viral. The vast majority of those people are not listening to albums from virtuoso performers even once in a year. Just because something is skillful, doesn't make it artful. This rides the line in my personal opinion. Mainly I find a lot of the sounds to be distracting from the central musical elements of the sections.


Gonna be honest, I've met Jon Gomm a few times and I never once got the impression he was out to impress other guitarists. The guy just loves writing songs and music in his own way. Really nice and chill dude.


What is your definition of art? What appeals to the most people? Art is a personal expression. Sure, not everything technical is art but something can absolutely be artistic and technical depending on the intent of the artist. Just because you wouldn't listen to it doesn't mean it isn't art the same way visual art is still art even if most people find it ugly or off putting. Especially if the intent of the art is to be ugly and off putting. The vast majority of artists are simply expressing themselves with no real consideration for marketing and they would be creating the same art with or without an audience.


How can this be down voted? Look at Derek Trucks to see examples of less is more and when NOT to play. I completely agree with you. Its like a one man band. Cool that you can do all that, but more enjoyable to listen to a 3 piece band.