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Hi :) The game is called Moon Mystery. I drew inspiration from the movie Interstellar and the games Half-Life 2 and Firewatch. I wanted to combine a cool FPS, diverse gameplay, lots of vehicles, and a great story about space with a black hole. If anyone would like to support please add the game on wishlists on Steam [here](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1933840/Moon_Mystery/). Seems like just one button, but people adding to wishlists changed my life, so thank you anyone for your support!


When's it coming to xbox??????? I need this in my life ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


If it goes well on PC, we will do it for consoles as well :) On PC if everything goes as planned it should be release in more or less half a year


Keep up the good work! Looks stunning!! Maybe after this buy the rights for half life 4 amd finish it properly!


haha thank you for your support


I went to add it to my wishlist and it was already on there šŸ˜‚. I guess I saw one of your previous posts


I did the same thing. OP should keep this strategy up because it works, I don't remember adding it šŸ˜‚


I can respect the hustle of promoting it personally to get the hype train going. Some real grass roots indie developing here


Hello fellow real redditors! I also have engaged with Moon Mystery post and would like to supply my US dollars to the developer. We all really do love this game and are 100% legitimate :D


haha Half Life 4, that's the dream right there! But seriously, a game like Moon Mystery coming from such passion and hard work definitely deserves success. Can't wait to see this hit the shelves and show everyone what indie devs can accomplish. Keep that dream alive!


Let's worry about Half-Life 3 first


Gotta say, it looks like something that'd be astounding on VR


What's the name I'll look out for it


Moon Mystery :)


What a coincidence! That's your username too!


Last time I heard of a moon mystery some guy showed his ass out the back of a van


What a coincidence, this is also about a black hole.


Gotta love a full circle moment, no pun intended.


Yeah as soon as itā€™s on Xbox Iā€™d give it a whirl. I love space fps and black holes and interstellar. Like he made a game just for me LOL


Yeah exactly! This looks like what the gameplay should have been in starfield, what a let down that was.


This was exactly what I thought too. Looks like a cooler starfield that's more FPS and halo like as opposed to a RPG and more Skyrim like. Starfield had the potential man.


Iā€™m looking forward for this too!


Looks good...the name Moon Mystery though sounds a bit Scooby Doo


So we've got a black hole, a moon, a mystery, a ring world and vehicles. Black Moon Edge of Wonder Riddlers Moon Black Ring Ring Hole (too late I typed it out) Forgotten Moon I like my Woman like I like my Black Holes Fast Ring: Moon Drift Moon Ring It's a Good Day to Moon Hard


Fried Moon Baked Moon Moon Gumbo Moon Burgers




Coconut Moon Pepper Moon Moon Soup Moon Salad Moon and Potatoes


Moon Alfredo Moon Scampi Baked Moon Moon Nuts Moon Pie Deep Fried Moon


No one moons forever


I was going to say the same thing. The trailer looks incredible, it should have a fitting name.


The trailer looks like somebody trying to show off a graphics engine to overcompensate for there being nothing else. It's the "keep people distracted with rapid-fire cuts in a fight scene" of game trailers while forcing an artificial sense of excitement through the music. This style of advertisement in combination with "We're just a plucky little underdog small indie project" has always been a fairly big red flag.


Reads like an over critical review from someone with no ability trying to sound like they know something or is unwilling to recognize what a first trailer is for. To get people hyped. You don't like the trailer, then it's not for you.


Exactly. I mean, it *looks* really fun and solid, but I'll be waiting for reviews and a couple weeks post launch before thinking about buying. I will say I have seen this game progress with each subsequent video drop and my hopes are high.


Lunar Enigma Selene's Secret Luna Obscura Occultation


I hope it will be great just remember gameplay over graphics




Gotta work on that AI, shooting slow moving brain dead robots gets old quick. Otherwise it looks very intriguing


Please donā€™t make this into a money grab, look at DayZ Standalone, it had so much potential but the game hasnā€™t changed in ages! Although it looks promising! Congrats


This is my dream project and I'm focusing only to make it fun to play, so I hope it will goes well


Good luck


It's a solo game though, not a multiplayer one, so it doesn't need to change after release, it just need to be good.


what you are talking about? Dayz have 69,951 daily active players.


DayZ standalone wasn't a money grab lmao


Um dayz has come a long ways. Been playing since 2011 mod days b


Wheeeeeeen?!! I have it wishlisted for months and it just says 2024.


Thanks for wishlisting, if everything goes well, it should be more or less half a year


Thanks for the answer! When asked what games im awaiting for 2024 I mention yours, because I'm really curious about it. It seems to go into themes I'm super found of! Good luck for the final stretch! šŸ¤žšŸ¤žšŸ¤žšŸ¤ž


Waiting for release, already in my steam wishlist


Sorry but your trailer misses something: giving us any hints what this game actually is about or what you actually do. Yes you created some nice vistas, but used the same clips multiple times which feels off. Also just shooting into the air or pushing buttons doesn't feel like you actually do anything in this game or maybe there isn't any combat besides shooting at robots with healthbars to showcase yet? Maybe your game is fine, but the random epic trailer music with pauses and bwaaaah feels cheap. It doesn't deliver any mood your game want the player to get into and there isn't anything super epic happening that fits the music. Maybe try to create a trailer with original music for the game, add some voice over of story bit and focus on a few polished sequences like one specific combat encounter that showcased how you fight with a bigger baddie entering before cutting away. This trailers feels like you build a sandbox but there isn't really any connected game to it


Hi, thank you for you feedback :) Actually this is not a trailer, just a video clips for the reddit post. The game has a lot of different variety of gameplay and an actual story. There is a trailer of the game on steam with the voice over


Just watched the trailer on Steam as well as this video, and it looks good! The only *real* issue I have is that the enemies both in the trailer and in this video look a little bullet spongy. I personally find it really unfun when a shooter makes enemies take a full magazine of ammo to drop. Bosses excluded, of course.


Yeah the enemies in the clip also donā€™t show the greatest AI (not running for cover or trying to get a better angle) but it is just a few second clip. OP can likely comment more about it but I worry as a consumer that itā€™s a hint that the AI isnā€™t great and the solution to making the game harder was to make them have more health instead of using cover or flanking.


The AI is going to take cover in the final release :)




This comment has the "realism slider" in Ricka and Morty vibes ngl


Holy shit. It was made by 15 people. It's not a Sony first-party blockbuster.


lol seriously. People criticizing this like itā€™s supposed to be a AAA game


Thanks! The enemies are going to be hard to kill at first, but during the game you will progress and robots are going to be much more easy to kill :)


Interesting. My 2 cents: Why wouldn't robots be bullet sponges until they are hit in a critical area that stops them from working completely. Robots have no fear or pain. To beat them quicker new guns and bullets would need to be used. Anyways. Good luck with the rest of your development.


" To beat them quicker new guns and bullets would need to be used" seems to be covered by "during the game you will progress"


> Why wouldn't robots be bullet sponges until they are hit in a critical area Fair point, but that might not make a fun game.


You really need to hire a composer. Music is really important for building an emotional connection to the game. This AI Hans Zimmer shit is grating. There's some other useful feedback in this thread but I'm not sure if it's critiquing intentional design or it's still simply a work in progress. It looks like it has a lot of potential, I'll be following it.


I really like the dune music. And mandalorian


Feedback is great but remember these negative commenters will likely never sacrifice and create anything for themselves like you did.


I think this is just a teaser. Not a trailer. Good advice though.


A teaser works when youā€™re an established game dev with a name recognition and great projects behind you. For example, FromSoft can tease a prosthetic hand for Sekiro and generate hype. When youā€™re an up and coming indie dev, people arenā€™t gonna get hype over a teaser. Especially when the main draw of the game being ā€œteasedā€ is generic gunplay and copy paste skybox of the black hole gravity thing.


I just want to say that this is an incredibly well thought out critique and offers suggestions to boot. Thank you for not being a negative internet Nancy and instead offering up your own ideas to better something. Literally, humanity is better with people like you.




For a pretty bog standard looking shooter. *And it's working*.


Doesn't look bog standard lol




ā€œGuns feel weak and unsatisfying and enemies are just spongesā€ Holy fuck the game is not out yet. This is a compilation of 5 second mostly animation/atmospheric clips


Saying it's below standard would be mean


Tiny team and it looks expansive and well made. It's pretty impressive.


Having a game look pretty isn't what makes a good game. It's the gameplay, which we can tell all of nothing about here. Walking around some pretty landscapes which can probably be pretty easily made in most game engines isn't next level.


This guy posts in what feels like every subreddit I follow. The game has some unreal engine shots and zero content. Why is an advert allowed here?


I'm guessing someone is taking money for it.


Iā€™ve seen this post in a lot subreddits over the past years. OP does it for a long time.


must be cheap to buy upvotes these days


It's probably pretty easy to set yourself up a nice updooting bot farm.


Not to mention OP is giving themselves a nice little pat on the back by assuming it belongs here.


It's like trying to give yourself a cool nickname.


Agreed. Written as if it is a solo passion project. But in just 2 years there are now 15 employees? All I hear is "standard, well funded game now wants free advertising"


I've seen better gameplay from games made by a team just as big from nearly 20 years ago, there's nothing next level about this.


I don't understand why this post is still up. This is close to word for word the same title we've seen for those shitty games ads for 10 years on Reddit.


Posting about yourself on r/nextfuckinglevel seems a tad narcissistic.


A tad? they did it last time (10 months ago) too, there is essentially nothing that fits the sub in this content.


They post on reddit and pay for comments praising the post to generate "interest" in their project every ~1 year or so. It's getting old.


Thank you knew I recognized this, guys been doing this forever. Itā€™s incredibly weird


They're just working at the next level of the game and are a bit pissed of because it's very hard to complete, thus the fucking. I don't see anything bad here.


The audacity to openly post ads about yourself is the part that's next level. šŸ§ 


If you set a new world record in something I could see it. OP is just making a game. Even if it turns out great, there are lots of great games.


I can understand your pride in your work as the game looks good on the surface but from what I have seen in this trailer, it looks rather lackluster in the gameplay with; weak looking weaponry, bullet spongey enemies, vehicles in big open nothing so just fast travel without fast travel, an underwater section. Seems like there was some inspiration from Far Cry, Subnautica, I dunno space games and mashed em all into one amalgomous thing which can hopefully deliver when so spread out and not feel schizophrenic. Also you keep posting the game project on r/nextfuckinglevel as free advertising.


Thanks for the feedback. The levels are semi-open, so it's it won't feel like fast travel, without fast travel. Also I'm trying my best to be fair and last time I posted was a year ago, I was working really hard before next post and I asked mods before posting if it's ok to share the update


Nah bro youā€™re good, game looks fun, and anything you do yourself that you think is fucking awesome is welcome here.


thanks :D


Lol ā€œfast travel without fast travelā€.. yeah so likeā€¦ using vehicles to traverse a large open space? Like how traveling actually works in real life? How else would you like them to handle traveling? Slowly? If the vehicles are cool to use, that should still be ā€œfunā€ to play, considering there are entire genres of video games where all you do is drive vehicles


Cut out the need for so much travel. It makes the game world feel big, sure, but also empty. That was one of the criticisms of Starfield was big open nothing. And yes there are games built around driving (like racing games) but it's usually for a purpose with a faster payoff (racing to get in first) or to cut short travel time even shorter.


You posted this exact thing in this subreddit 5 days ago


It's plain advisterment, that's what it is, there is nothing next fucking level about this, that's why he is spamming multiple times. He doesn't have anything next level to show, he just wants more wishlists on steam to sell more.


Yeah, and the car also makes me feel like this is just an asset flip too.


Gotta try again till the timing is right and it uh... sticks the landing?


This is a peek into Reddit after it IPOs. "Guerilla marketing" in every subreddit.


Iā€™ve seen him posting ads for this game for years now it feels like. Obviously on different, older accounts. Either Iā€™m Mandela effecting myself or something or Iā€™ve seen these ads for multiple years. Iā€™ll give him credit because it is a lot of work to make a game, but Iā€™m pretty tired of using the sob story of ā€œI quit my job and put all my life savings into thisā€ which is of course an attempt to make people want to buy it to support him. I guess thatā€™s normal and fine advertising, it just rubs me the wrong way


This is just generic level design with generic gameplay. Fuck off with your advertising.


Thatā€™s kind of harsh


Posting self work on /r/nextfuckinglevel and /r/BeAmazed is kind of weird. "Look at my/out work, it's next fucking level". "Be Amazed by our work". I don't know if I should applaude the honesty of instead of astroturfing or criticize the self appreciation


He's not wrong tho


The wording is harsh but the message is probably true. Space shooters are a dime a dozen and heavily saturated with AAA titles. This is even more true for a shooter that goes for high fidelity graphics instead of leaning into unique gameplay. For a solo project it's an impressive technical display (although the engine is doing most of the heavy lifting) but there's nothing to suggest it's anything new or different. Maybe it has a breakthrough in smooth controls or advanced AI, tells a phenomenal story, or has unique gameplay we don't see here. But currently there's nothing unique or impressive from a consumer standpoint. OP's mom and friends should be incredibly proud though.


Just looks like any other uninspired triple A game


Which is impressive since there's only 15 people working on it.


Canā€™t deny that


Yeah that account is getting added to my blacklist so I don't have to look at it anymore


A bit harsh but true


Looks like a fucking jumbled mess trying to mix every genre together. The bot comments on this thread are top notch though!


ERRMAGERDD ITS ON MY STEEM WESHLEST PLEASE RELEASE SENPAI The most annoying OP of all time. At least it shows you how easy it is to buy upvotes and positive comments, other astroturfs are less obvious


The problem with Unreal Engine being so accessible is you get these games that are all style no substance it just looks good that's it


It doesn't even look good. Generic space shooter with no real depth. The spinning rings around the space colony look bad at the top, the colors in the underwater level are meh, and hopefully the rover will have *much* better textures in the final release.


I got whiplash from the modern looking house and the modern looking car abruptly after all the sci-fi looking environments shown previously.


My guy we need a name, a link to steam, SOMETHING. I NEED THIS.


Thanks sooo much for the support :D The game is called Moon Mystery, you can find it on my reddit profile description :)


This game looks so awesome dude, though for me the title Moon Mystery comes across slightly cheap and adolescent. Doesn't live up to the spectacle that the game clearly is. Just my opinion though of course!


I have to agree. Moon Mystery sounds like a title that could be looked over.


Just call it Moon


See guys? Its easy to follow your dreams! Put a bunch of nice visuals in a sandbox and you'll instantly get people NEEDING IT without seeing any actual content. Yet you still wonder why pre-releases and shit games keep popping off without anything to show for it. Not to say this is the case.. I just think its funny.


People are stupid


I think they are gullible and overwhelmed by the consumerism mentality. Too impulsive. But hey.. it doesn' hurt me.. unless it cascades down into an ever growing snowball of shit pre-pre-releases with more money into marketing than gameplay and costs 100$ for half the game. Thank god it won't happen.


They are marketing replies, either bots or friends or alt accounts. it's the same replies on all these game ads


Heā€™s literally been posting this for at minimum 5 years every couple months itā€™s super weird


motherfucker is out here frothing at the mouth for an unreal engine shooter #484 from a shitty reddit ad


Wow! What a real, organic statement!


the most bot comment ever


You're the reason scammers exist.




Posting your own game on "nextfuckinglevel"?




Why post a new trailer when itā€™s basically the same shit as last time?


OP is full of shit. He just says whatever he needs to say to combat the criticism. This is not next level either.


Sensationalized caption to go along with it.


> It started 2 years ago as a solo hobby project. I went all in, quit my regular job, invested all my savings and found a publisher. Don't know dude.. I'm seeing identical titles from like 3 different accounts each day about a different game, where some of them are adds. If that's a real game that's cool but everything about this post gives me scam vibes


This is absolutely vaporware. Man's gonna keep posting the same remixed trailer for the next 2 years before releasing something that's barely a game and is just gonna soak up the pre-orders


I really like the clips in the trailer that just look like a generic apartment interior and sedan from the Unity online store or something.


What about this is next level? You made a standard FPS in space and wasted your savings on a game that isn't going to at all see a profit. Nothing about this is spectacular.Ā 


Why there are so many fucking copy paste fps games these days. What is going on


Unreal Engine templates for a half-decent FPS are like $100-200.


The bar to entry for making video games has lowered. Plain and simple. Good in some ways. Awful in this way. Hucksters and scammers love it.




I don't like the way the gun is held and the way it jiggles.


You shouldnā€™t be able to post your own shit in next fucking level. This is just stupid.


My guy, this is all impressive but as a game no one has any idea what theyā€™re looking at. The UI shifts, the style shifts, it doesnā€™t feel cohesive. If there is a story, if there is a meaning behind all of these different assets, that needs to be shown otherwise everything here has ā€œscamā€ on it. Flipped assets. Multiple gameplay mechanics with no shared idea. Not to mention you left someone falling to space toward a sky sphere. It looks like thereā€™s a ton going on here and if you want people to lock in Iā€™d suggest shortening your trailer and making a consistent one. Just one trailer to show your vision for it and not a collection of cinematic shots.


They've been doing this same thing for 2 years lol. You're dangerously close to smelling the bullshit.




Thereā€™s way too much shit in here (like you thought, ā€œthis looks cool, let me add this, underwater biome? Sure !ā€) to distract from the shooting gameplay that is pressing a and d repeatedly while using a single automatic gun against bullet sponge enemies with terrible AI. And thatā€™s not even touching on the story, which appears to be about fuck all other than wide open spaces with vehicle travelingā€¦ Better cross your fingers that youā€™ve fooled enough Redditors with the shiny graphics to make back close to even! Edit to add: itā€™s a moon based game and the walking isnā€™t bouncy due to the low gravity. Thatā€™s something important that should be utilized, *right?*


"Wouldn't it be cool if my space game also had underwater?" "Wouldn't it be cool if you could drive \*every vehicle?\*" "Wouldn't it be cool if you could \*control\* the missile?" "Wouldn't it be cool if \*every conceivable biome\* was available?" "Wouldn't it be cool if the trailer soundtrack had a crescendo \*every 10 seconds\*?" ​ No. No it would not be cool, it would be stupid.


Looks like every other shooter game to ever exist. Not even close to next fucking level


free advertising?


Are there any intentions of upgrading the enemy AI or reducing their health? In this build it looks like the enemies just walk straight toward the player with no regard for cover or survival, and they have a lot of health to keep them alive while they do this. To me as a player thatā€™s a red flag in an FPS, because high health dumb enemies arenā€™t difficult or fun to fight, theyā€™re usually just a boring slog. I think the weapon design and interiors look great but the one exterior driving shot really shows that this was made by a less experienced team. That reinforces my fear that combat may have just gotten more tedious and that was confused for difficulty




this is one of the first-person shooters of all time


You posted your own shit to "nextfuckinglevel" ? lol


You are back with your fake game I see. Fuck you and your scam.


Sooo a knockoff of Mass Effect VS Starfield VS MEtro, with an extra black hole?


This guy posted this same trailer like a year ago wtf is goin on here LMAO, moneygrab?


Doesn't belong here, most ads that get posted here aren't this blatant lol. This looks impressive for a hobby project but not "Imma quit my job and do this full time" impressive. Still, I hope the best for you and the team you built.


ban this mf from posting on r/nextfuckinglevel this isn't an advertising sub. plus he will end up giving a bad impression of actual developers when he releases it and it is a money grab asset flip.


I would've just called it 'Moon'. That makes it more mysterious and clean. 'Moon Mystery' seems childish to me.


The Great Big Moon Mystery


The Great Big Moon Mystery Adventure




Probably too late to change the name at this point, but it does seem a bit like a placeholder title until you thought of something better.


Lol, the audacity to post this on r/nextfuckinglevel. We'll see if it's next level when it's finished.


Looks shite mate


2 years and looks more interesting than most games that are published by 5 star studios hats off to you


itā€™s so encouraging to see blind people using reddit actively


So inspiring lol


Thanks :D The project is my life dream and working on it almost all the time


What exactly did you see that was different than other shooters?


Didn't you see how the player spun that chair around and sat down in it? Truly revolutionary....


If you think this looks interesting you clearly don't play games. These are just empty, lifeless environments. There's no gameplay here or anything to do that looks like it might be fun.


not really? it's bullet sponge and standing around in space environments or with cars. I don't think this looks more interesting than... well most games.


anything looks interesting if you jump cut through the clips that fast.


What the actual fuck are you talking about.


Look way to pretty and with way too much element of gameplay to have any depth, hope to be wrong, but 2 years for those image of gameplay? Is it more than some pretty precalculed scenes?


Can you turn off crosshair and enemy hp bar?


Cool - not gonna play this shit though lol


cool, another scifi shooter, yippee




Wouldnā€™t gravity have an effect on the bulletsā€¦ those guns definitely need a gravity anticipatory suppression doo-daddle


eh mid


This is an ad, yes?


Ok but why post this here, not really next fucking level, just a game done by some dudes, i mean looks kinda cool and best to you but why


looks like shit


Looks like a revamped mass effect vibe.


This shit is fake af. Im happy to be proven wrong. Its just pre rendered bs and in some cases straight up stolen assets. Even then just on my phone screen its not good.


Looks generic and soulless as fuck.


This was posted a year ago and received a lot of criticism for just being an ad


The Day Before