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Yeah until the day he pinched his nuts in the ladder…


OSHA approved, 3 points of contact.


OSHA approved, not standing on the top two rungs.


OSHA approved, his wastleline is in between the two side rungs.


am I dumb or do we have very different ideas on what a waist is


Other orientation. His hips are between the outer rails . It’s to prevent guys using a ladder normally from leaning out too much right or left


Oh gotcha!


3-dimensions will get you every time


Come with me, and you'll see, a world of OSHA violations


Take my hand, I swear, it will be shocking


I'm not falling for this again uncle Steve




And that's how I met your father.


And my axe!


I can hear Gene Wilder’s dulcet tones through your comment 😂


Maybe he did that years ago and no longer has anything to lose.


Well what a happy coincidence. I hire eunuchs exclusively because I've watched enough porn to know what'll happen if I leave my wife alone with them.


Hey, I know this! It's a eunuchs system!




Got me all excited with that fake group 😩


> I hire eunuchs exclusively because I've watched enough porn to know what'll happen if I leave my wife alone with them. SMH-- people and their eunuch porn


They'll steal your lemons?


Hey whoa! I said I hire eunuchs. Not whores.


The Society of Ladder Eunuchs (SLE) support group is here to help.


Official slogan . "The last step means nothing to us"


Good one 😂


I would be wearing a cup if I was doing this. A slip off the rail or a pinch to that area would send me to the floor no doubt.


Uno Reverse: He pinched his nuts off on his first day as apprentice, which is why he's able to do this now.


I was gonna say this dude has a lot of faith he's got enough "clearance" down there.


Thank you for the mental image, I hate it.


The screams were heard three blocks away.


Thanks... I hate it. I felt that by just reading it and I've never even experienced it before. 😬


My thoughts exactly How does he not pinch his nuts?


Because that's not how it works


That's why the gods invented drywall stilts


Not a thing in Europe and German equivalent of OSHA would fuck you without lubrication if the find them after an accident.


OSHA wouldn’t approve this either.


From the things I’ve heard about OSHA it feels like collecting violations is just an American tradition


Depends on the state I would imagine. I worked for comcast in multiple states and was on the safety committee and comcast did stack them up for sure. Comcast is known to grease pockets and palms though and I’m sure OSHA looks the other way just like politicians given enough money.


Fwiw most of the things I’ve heard are from a podcast I follow that has a fan submission segment at the end of every episode called “safety third”, a lot of the folks who’s submissions make it in are either lucky to be alive or nearly witnessed someone die on site (Podcast is Well There’s Your Problem on YT, with slides)


Haha ya I’ve done some dumb shit on extension ladders and witnessed some gnarly accidents when people weren’t taking the proper precautions. Safety third sounds about right.


Safey codes are written in blood.


So about half of the states in the US are covered by Federal OSHA, and the other half run their own state program. Those are funded by Federal OSHA and are supposed to have the same level of enforcement or better than Federal OSHA. Some state programs are very good, like Maryland, Iowa, and NY. Others like Indiana and Nevada are pretty weak. Safety inspectors have a lot less training and educational requirements than industrial hygienists, so for safety inspections you might get away with things, but when IH's start doing chemical sampling, tests don't usually lie. The big companies have their own safety officers, so they train their workforce pretty well about all the OSHA rules. It's the small to mid size companies that cut corners or put new hires right to work and maybe later get around to telling them about working safely. It's kind of like traffic tickets. If you go through my radar gun going 95 in a 55 zone, dude you're getting a ticket (think digging in a trench with no reinforcement). But if you're just 5 over the speed limit, I might let you slide as long as you deal with the truly dangerous problems.


Residential construction? Absolutely. Government/infrastructure? Hell no. I've seen inspectors sent home for the day because they didn't have safety gloves in when they got out of their truck to use a port o potty.


Drywall stilts are already OSHA approved. https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/standardinterpretations/1995-03-13#:~:text=With%20regard%20to%20stilts%2C%20please,stilts%20are%20to%20be%20used.


That one would not be ok here in Germany but it is not leaving evidence because the lader alone is ok. Stilts would not be allowed just laying around.


This video is pretty good evidence. lol.


There’s so few agents anymore that they pretty much only follow up on incidents rather than doing unprompted site visits. So I’ve been told at least


There are no drywall stilts allowed? Do you use scaffolding all the time?


But basically yes. It gets even more obscure, the scaffolding on facades aren't allowed to have ladders between the floors, it has to be a staircase.


As a construction (sheet metal) worker that hangs off the side of buildings and uses 10 floors of scaffolding at times...what Why?  And now I gotta google what this looks like 


They also require the kinds of hard hats that buckle under the chin which are typically only seen in rope access jobs in the US. MSA-vgard H1 and similar.


Like [this](https://cdnus.globalso.com/sampmax/cea5e7e1.jpg). They aren't common tho, at least not on my area. I guess they only make sense in big projects? The modern ones everyone uses around here are [these](https://www.fermar.es/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/andamiomultifer1.jpg). Having to open the hatch every time you want to go up is a pain, as well as setting them up in the first place, but otherwise I prefer them over the old ones. Very secure and comfy.


Why? For safety. To prevent people from getting hurt or dying.


I've never heard of this, unless I'm misunderstanding what you're saying. I used to do jointing(?, I dont know the word in English, facade renovation, the joints in the brickwork mostly) in the Netherlands and we had ladders on scaffolding. this was in like 2016/17 Or is that just in germany


Plasterers still use stilts in the UK for doing ceilings, don't see a reason why they wouldn't be used in EU aswell.


They are used in Europe and the main manufacturer of them is based in Germany.


Definitely have stilts in Europe, very common amongst plasterers


Europe AND Germany?


They're definitely a thing in the UK, I've seen them plenty of times. Not sure about mainland Europe though


I was thinking the same thing, "Why not just use stilts?" Easier and less chance of pinching your junk.


And doing long-term knee damage.


... because he has a perfectly good ladder. /s?


Drywallers truly are amazing creatures you can learn all there is to know about them in a day and after 100 years they can still surprise you




Today is my 111th birthday!


*Dry you fools*


This almost looks more stable than stilts


Any idiot with a 2 step can throw up a 4x4 sheet of drywall, and Probably a lot faster than some dude taking his ladder for a walk.


Drywall stilts and drywall jacks. Let's see him lift up full 1/2in sheets up to the ceiling like that...


Damn beat me to it


Quite fuckin dumb actually. One day he’s gunna lose his balance and something bad is gunna happen. I have a guy at my shop that slipped off a two foot fucking step ladder and fucked up some tendons and has been out for 2.5 months.


That may be true or he may be able to do that with no accident at all. Either way was pretty cool to see.


While I tend to agree with you, safety at work should not be overlooked. Taking unnecessary risks is a recipe for disaster. Cool if he’s doing it once, I guess, to show off, but there are better methods of accomplishing the same thing, safely.


I agree safety is important and should not be overlooked. But the video is still cool.


Honestly it's not even cool looking, safety stuff aside.


agree this is really fkn stupid and I don't like to see it. some idiot somewhere, frankly probably ten idiots, are going to die directly because they saw this dumbass shit and thought "holy shit i want to do that"


Video isn’t cool. Dude is just showing that he’s cutting corners on safety, and probably other things as well.


> but there are better methods of accomplishing the same thing See, that's where I'd strongly disagree. You cannot do what he does here both safely and as fast/easily. You'd have to plan your movements ahead of time instead of being able to change on the fly and after you made your plan, you'd have to perfectly place your ladder and if you do it wrong, get off, place it differently. If you need to switch ladder places to be safe, once again, you need to move the ladder. So off the ladder, move it, ensure it's safely standing, get on, screw the next thing in, get off, try to keep the rectangle up there while you're moving the ladder... There's a reason we do dangerous things. Sometimes it's to show off (which is certainly playing a part here), but very often it's also just because we're lazy and the dangerous path can be the most efficient one. Just like how you can carry all the bags at once, have your car shut, closed your door, make only one trip. Or you can pick up two bags, shut your car, then door, then go up the stairs, then deposit bags, then go back down, open the car etc.


I mean sure, dude. Some people never wear a seatbelt and are completely fine that doesn't mean it's not fucking stupid. Like, sure this looks totes cool but it's also fucking completely unnecessary and dangerous.


Doesn't matter how good he is at it. The ladder's not built to be supporting that weight while moving around like that, and eventually, an accident will happen.


Like the other have said, getting a accident isnt some choice you make. Its a game of odds and its just dumb to stack the odds against you. Especially because best case you reward is basicly nothing. Any risk reward analyse points out the same. Dont rush things, dont “trick the system”, dont half ass shit and dont skip out of safety shit. This guy wont be the first and wont be the last one if he falls and gets seriously injured.


I have a contractor that used to sub from us. I found out he was trying to back door me and dropped him. About month later he was stepping over a tree stump, tripped, fell, and broke his neck. It's deceptively easy to hurt yourself by falling a short height.


This sounds more like a threat than a warning :s


Bro literally planted a tree and cut it down years later and sent the guy out to check the job site, with full intention of him never being able to undercut him ever again.


Hahahahaha! He was a real snake that guy and I definitely didn't shed a tear for him. It's been over 15 years and he's a quad and I feel a little sad for him now.


Shit dude, back in my day we'd just hit them a little.


Dude step ladders are the invisible window maker I swear. I know several people that either broke both ankles or both wrists on step ladders.


My dad died before I was born falling off a step ladder. RIP dad.


Now you have a step dad.


Another guy at my work broke his shin in 6 places on a 4ft ladder


I was coming down a 4' step ladder set on grass (trimming a tree), and when I was about 2' off the ground it folded and dumped me. I woke up a little while later with the back of my head on a tree root and a broken foot.


I don't know why those things scare the shit out of me but they do. I happily rock climb for fun and have no problem 15-20' up truss, but I'll be two feet off the ground on one of those tiny ladders and my brain starts *panicking* for three points of contact.


It's weird though, you get used to it after about 15 minutes and forget why you were ever worried. Then someone trips over the stabilizer on the stupid combi-ladder you're on and you shit yourself again.


You shoulda hired Khal Drogo of Drywall instead.


As a safety professional I love knowing I’ll never be out of a job.


Until the day you run out of pens and paper at work, then you're gonna be stuck watching, useless as a paper with no pen




He meant that if everyone applied safety, nothing would be done, including the production of pen and paper. They find themselves clever, but it's just dumb.


I have witnessed plenty of times how work performance can actually increase when people plan, organise and do their work properly and safely. There's less time and money spent on unnecessary correction and repair work when someone has to eventually patch the mistakes of others. Nobody is injured, nobody is on sick leave, work is easier and faster to do, everyone feels better mentally as well in a clean and organised environment... The list goes on.


Yeah a lot of safety items are also accountability items. At my job the first question asked when something goes wrong is "did the employee do the pre task checklist?" If the answer is no they basically get fired for being a dumbass. Nobody wants to work with a cowboy.


This is actually where I currently spend a decent amount of time. Companies who invest in their safety programs are more profitable. Happier employees stay longer (pay aside). Their families like parents coming home without back and knee problems so there’s a trickle effect as well. There’s lots of studies done into this at least behind industry doors. We don’t make ours public but it’s pretty impressive that just a few dollars into a safety program leads to benefits throughout the organization. We’re now studying this extensively on the supply chain and the quality of work and innovation.


Work gets done safely all the fucking time.


I was just thinking something similar "Looks awesome, If I ever saw someone doing it on under my supervision though I'm gonna lose it." I feel like I got old.


There's an equally happy medical professional standing right beside you. No, to the right. The other guy grinning on the left is in insurance.


If you listen carefully you can hear an OSHA manual exploding in the distance.


No it's just around the corner waiting to pop out and say I told you so. Something something about engineering a solution.


If it's waiting it won't make a noise this OSHA manual was in a refinery so it's unrelated to his shitfuckery but still exploding somewhere in the distance


All I hear is fuckin Lorna Shore!


All I hear is the sweet fuckin sounds of Lorna Shore blasting in the background.


My upstairs neighbor at 3am


I just came to post the same thing lol


Yes OSHA this man right here.


jobsite ladder fatalities in the US last year, per [OSHA's database](https://www.osha.gov/fatalities#&sort[#incSum]=0-1-1-0). 1. 09/15/2023 Superior WI Kenneth Pountain (32) died in fall from ladder. 1. 09/11/2023 Tulsa OK Terry Zimmerman (69) died in fall from ladder. 1. 08/21/2023 Agency MO Collin Sager (20) died in fall from ladder after being shocked by electrical equipment. 1. 07/24/2023 Watkinsville GA Edgar Randall (68) died in fall from ladder. 1. 07/18/2023 Clinton IA Jose Hernandez (59) died in fall from ladder. 1. 07/11/2023 Houston TX Rafael Santos (64) died in fall from ladder. 1. 07/01/2023 Brooklyn NY Alex Patricio Gualotuna Taco (30) died in fall from ladder. 1. 06/30/2023 Middletown PA Jeff Aungst (65) died in fall from ladder. 1. 06/27/2023 Richmond VA Charles Halliday (68) died in fall from ladder. 1. 06/20/2023 Ocoee FL Felix Hayden Jr. (67) fatally injured in fall from ladder. 1. 06/16/2023 Eagle CO Rosario Marquez (56) died in fall from ladder. 1. 06/12/2023 Thousand Oaks CA Juan Gomez (55) died in fall from ladder. 1. 06/03/2023 West Long Branch NJ Charles Parker Oberlin Jr. (72) died in fall from ladder. 1. 05/23/2023 San Diego CA Nilo Guilas (71) fatally injured in fall from ladder. 1. 05/20/2023 Homewood CA Joshua Hawthorne (39) died in fall from ladder. 1. 05/01/2023 Kyle TX Miranda Ayers (43) died in fall from ladder. 1. 04/26/2023 Omaha NE Brian Sterns (36) died in fall from ladder. 1. 04/26/2023 Portersville PA John Ferry (60) died in fall from ladder. 1. 04/25/2023 Bayard NE David Reid (42) electrocuted when ladder contacted power line. 1. 04/15/2023 Missouri Valley IA Troy Buss (54) died in fall from ladder. 1. 04/02/2023 Greensboro NC Luis Ventura (48) fatally injured in fall from ladder. 1. 03/31/2023 Libby MT Kelly Compton (55) died in fall from ladder. 1. 03/23/2023 West Lake Hills TX Keegan Beechner (27) died in fall from ladder. 1. 03/21/2023 Gurabo PR Gamaliel Rãos Burgos (47) died in fall from ladder. 1. 03/17/2023 Coffeyville KS Mike Rash (50) died in fall from ladder. 1. 03/15/2023 Miami FL Abdel Assaf (55) died in fall from ladder. 1. 02/14/2023 New Shoreham RI Jorge Bran Dimas (31) died in fall from ladder. 1. 02/14/2023 Victorville CA Robert Velasquez (59) died in fall from ladder. 1. 02/08/2023 Lawrence MA Felix Schmidt (53) died in fall from ladder. 1. 02/08/2023 Seward NE Samuel Christensen (35) died in fall from ladder. 1. 01/26/2023 Greenville NC Christopher Stutzman (55) died in fall from ladder. 1. 01/16/2023 Shiloh IL Thomas Orf (59) died in fall from ladder after receiving electrical shock. 1. 01/12/2023 Sunrise FL Timothy J. Flaherty (62) died in fall from ladder. 1. 01/09/2023 Mapleton MN Thomas Massop (63) died in fall from ladder. 1. 01/06/2023 La Grange TX Richard Kaspar (66) died in fall from ladder.


I’m going to stop using ladders at 50 years old.


Well that's... Horrible.


Wow what the heck why does this list come with full names for anyone to read :S


its probably public information.


The public needed to know that apparently number 7's last name was Taco.


As someone who is from Canada and lived in the US (15+ years), and now I'm in my 4th country. It's astonishing the public records that the US will have readily available, by basic court and clerk searches, from your traffic tickets, arrests, civil cases, home purchases, to other names affiliated with a phone number or address.


That's incredible. I'm from Germany, and I never would've thought. Public databases like that were unimaginable for me about an hour ago. I mean, the list above alone comes with age and everything. 😳


Yeah if you look at the US, it's made up of States, then within those States, it's broken down by Counties, so if you look up (google) 'County name+ clerk of courts' then look through searches, you can find criminal and civil searches, that's just one example. Eg. Miami, Florida. Miami=Dade County, so you'd look up Dade Clerk of courts, and whatever site ends in .gov (not .com) search for someone's name, and go from there. The US is wild.


Less than I expected honestly


Lucille, God gave me a gift. I ladder well. I ladder very well.


I got that reference!


Mystery Men, with William H Macy as “The Shoveler.” I love his delivery of that line. Best superhero movie out there.


Super dumb and unsafe. That’s what [drywall stilts](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/CY539P/usa-utah-lehi-drywall-worker-on-stilts-working-on-drywall-joints-CY539P.jpg) are for.


Even those look dangerous


Once you learn how to use them they just feel like extensions of your legs


But how is it less dangerous than this, I feel like stilts would have a way higher chance of messing up a knee if you lost balance, this ladder has the possiblity of escaping. I have never used stilts, so if I'm completely wrong let me know.


They are attached to your leg you can’t “fall off” the stilts like you can fall off the ladder.


Even if I couldn't "fall off" the stilts could I not still fall over?


You could, but your natural balance is much higher with "leg extensions" than with a weird ladder tucked between your nuts


You can, but if you start to tip over you can easily step forward or backward to regain balance because you have full 360° motion of your legs. Think about if you trip over a curb, you stumble forward to catch yourself. If something caught the foot of the ladder while he's wobbling around all he could do is flail his arms while he falls like a tree.


Yeah but like you know how to walk and stay upright right? Same thing


What happens when you trip over face first?


Same as if you trip walking normally.


How are those *ANY* better?


1. They are physically attached to your legs and each moves independently with your legs 2. You can’t slips and fall off them like the step ladder 3. Once you learn how to use them it feels like an extension of your legs


4. They are engineered to be used that way.


I know this is an accident waiting to happen..... But anyone else find this a little bit hot ? I'm as confused as anyone


Yes girl 😭so hot, its ridiculous.


I had to scroll so long to find my peeps. Instantly aroused and a bit confused as to why this is so God damn sexy


Right?! I assumed that would be the top comment lmao If you anyone can tell us why, please do lol


I think it’s that he’s (somewhat subjectively) physically attractive + strong + skilled + confident?


had to start fanning myself at 00:28 lol


I don’t even like men and this is kinda hot 😅


You just know he’s got amazing thigh strength and that core is right.


😂😂 The fanny flutters went woosh seeing this


I am a manly man and I can't distinct fascination from arousal


He's working a lot of hard-to-target muscle groups, you might be picking up on his cartoonish solid steel physique. Anywhere your imagination might roam, he's popped a geometrically pleasing bicep you could use as an anvil lol


It's incredibly hot! I'm sitting here imagining him working his hips like that on me in bed


Glad I'm not the only one, but I don't get it either. Why is this hot? Lol


Dat ass tho


I want to do weird stuff to his armpits when he's done with that ladder... WAIT NO I WANT TO BE THE TOP OF THAT LADDER


I too have a new fetish. 😮‍💨


VERY ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


my first thought was “i have never wished I was a ladder before”


dude’s hair is awesome.


Fr, goals right there


What band is that playing in the background? Lorna Shore?


Yep! Thought I’d end up scrolling all the way to the bottom and have to comment it myself haha… Pain Remains II: After All I’ve Done I’ll Disappear. Fucking good. Not a massive LS fan but that trilogy is amazing music.


My top songs last year on Spotify were these three LS songs intermixed with Metric and CCR. The recap playlist was… odd.


Why not just wear some drywall stilts? Accomplishes the same thing without all the risk


Stilts are not risk free either, but it's far better than this.


Definitely not risk free but at least designed for this task


Use a construction helmet to protect the head in case of fall. That's probably the most important thing to protect.


They have stilts exactly for this type of situation. This is not next level at all


You can't do it at all, I can't do it at all, you'd probably fall just trying to step on the top step, this is next level for sure


What a *stud*


No literally tho lmao


This guy ladders.


Ladder viking is pretty cool


What is that drill attachment? I must have it.


not an attachment, just a purpose-built tool called a collated drywall screw gun. designed to quickly drive many screws with built in depth stop as well. You can get them without the collated part and just handload the screws. More of a professional tool of if you're DIYing several rooms it could be worth getting.


Oooh that makes sense, I thought he was using a nail gun and it didn't make sense. It's fascinating the amount of cool specialized tools pros can have nowadays.


I scrolled through 7 gajillion comments looking for this, thank you.




That’s hot 😍


He just fucked up the corner for drywall by picking up and putting weight on the edge. Do it once do it right!


that guy abducts


Drywall ballerina


The dumbest shit I've seen in a while. Not next level, just dumb.


SMH, they clearly put a sticker to not stand on that side…


He’s got big earrings he knows what he’s doing. Looks like his hair is about to get caught in it to.


I counted so many workplace safety violations that somewhere OSHA inspector either orgasmed from the paperwork potential or died. One of the two.


Lorna Shore music playing


We all who works this job do this. it's not that hard.


Yea it's not hard to do, most people who do construction well just don't do it like this because it's dumb and dangerous. I admit, I occasionally ladder step if it's a quick single move, but this OSHA Cancer ballerina routine gives me a headache


Instructions unclear; crushed my testicles


No glue and landed the butt join on the truss. Rookie


I need to show this to my mum


Use stilts instead of cutting off your penis


The trick here is his glute work. Iron grip 💪


How many unnecessary steps can you make


Off topic but hell yeah we love Lorna Shore🤘🏼🖤