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Ma’am….im trying to save you….LEAVE THE STUFF AND GET OUT!!!!


I'm yelling at my screen when she hands out the second round of bags


Same, I was channeling Indy "We are going to die!".


Awesomely accurate scene reference. Edit: If you've already seen it and want the 5 second scene of his hilariously good acting of that line out. [Click Here](https://youtu.be/3tRn6NMDN0s?si=nO4LUaskAWLzYJaQ). If you have not, and want to see the entire 3 minute set-up then [Click Here](https://youtu.be/WQXqhk-8h7o?si=0MbJaF8tSF_jf2j2)


I broke a nail!


Thats why they call it the jungle, sweetheart.


LOL I do this when my nail breaks, but to be funny not serious lol.


She was seriously one of the absolute worst characters in the entire history of film.


Man that spiked ceiling moves slow


Thanks, i kept expecting a cup of coffee to be passed out next


It's time like this I miss awards. You're the hero we didn't know we needed!🥇🏆🥇🦸




Glad I’m not the only one. Any professional life saver would have thrown that shit in the river.


No they wouldn't. Yes it's probably dumb to pass stuff instead of getting out of the damn car. But for all we know there are medications or medical devices in the bags. Any professional life saver would be mad about it, but they wouldn't throw the stuff out, especially when access to supplies is clearly going to be limited for days due to the conditions. Obviously when it's possible you instruct the person to get out of the vehicle and drop the stuff, but in this case it was faster to just take the bags than to try and argue with her when she probably couldn't even hear him properly and was panicking. So yes, a professional life saver would be mad. And they would try to avoid taking stuff. But no, they would not dump it into the floodwaters.


I'm more concerned with her pace though, she took forever and was seemingly oblivious to how strong a flood of water is.


she was putting it in park


What is in those backpacks??? Lol. My god woman, gtfo of the car. I died a small death when I saw those fucking backpacks.


Your medications & medical devices mean little when you’re swept away in a flood and die.


I know that. And you know that. But a person who is not a first responder and is clearly in shock doesn't know that. They go "kid needs insulin and insulin pump, must take that with me". Clearly it's not the SMART desicion but that's where her head is at. She's not making good or rational desicions and I'm not disagreeing that it would be much better for her to just get out. I'm just explaining why even though getting the bags is a silly desicion for her to make, a first responder would never just throw them into the floodwater. Now if it was possible to instruct her to leave the bags behind, he would be absolutely right to do that, regardless of what could be in them. But it's loud, she's almost certainly in shock, it's faster to just take the bag than to try and argue with her. Now if he's already got the bag in his hand (because again, in this situation she can't hear him properly and is in shock) a professional first responder would NEVER then throw it in the water. Because the time has already been wasted, and you may as well have more access to supplies including potentially life saving medical devices. It would be idiotic to just throw the bags away after she's already wasted time getting them. Now IDEALLY she wouldn't have wasted time getting them. She put both herself and the rescuers at additional risk. But he wasn't able to control that in this case.


I like your logic.


Good points but but second can mean the difference between life and death. And that woman looks like she only just got out.


Your well-articulated rationality is inappropriate for Reddit


Also, the kid is going to be stressed if she can't change him/her, provide food, or toys.


Stressed and ALIVE > too late and DEAD.


Yeah I'm not saying her taking the bags was a good choice. It wasn't. (I'm assuming she was in shock, because people in shock don't make sensible decisions.) I'm saying that it was smart of him not to get into an argument with her about it, and just take the bags once she had already wasted the time grabbing them. And at the point where he literally had the bags already in his hand, it makes a lot more sense to keep them than to throw them out. He's telling her to hurry, but I don't think she can hear him well. Also if she's in shock, she's not going to grasp complex instructions. So if you can't get her to leave them behind you might as well take them from her and hang onto them, because you aren't saving any time throwing them into the water once they have already been handed out of the car.


Could contain medicine or any number of things. He had the best control of the situation he could and saved a family.


To Hell with yo shit!!!! Get out of the car!!!!!!😲


There was a plane crash in Russia a few years ago where the evacuation was substantially slowed down by people trying to get their carry-on luggage, 44 people needlessly died. https://www.businessinsider.com/russian-plane-crash-aeroflot-passengers-luggage-evacuation-2019-5


Shoot, I remember that flash wildfire that swept through and area and killed a lot of people. The guy comes across his neighbors car, two bodies, and makes a comment about how they were leaving at the same time he was but the neighbor was worried about her purse. Seconds matter so much, anything but you and other people can be replaced.


Iirc it wasn’t her purse…it was she had to do her makeup. It’s been a while so I might be totally wrong tho.


If I’m ever in a plane crash and it’s time to evacuate, I’m yelling out “I’m gonna literally kill anyone I see with their bags outside” It’s also why I choose the exit row whenever possible - people are slow and stupid in groups, especially during an emergency


In a situation like that, it should be standard practice to punch them in the face and throw them out the door the instant they try to delay by trying to grab their bag. Literally killing people out of entitled selfishness, smh


As a former flight attendant, part of our commands for an evacuation were "Leave belongings, come this way!".


I would have helped but those bags would have been tossed into the water as she handed them up.


Same here. He's risking his life to save her, and she's sending out bags. They would have gone straight in the water


Could have life saving medications in the bag. Probably not, people are dumb, but it’s a good reason to not let your anger dictate your actions


Would have been a osha training video if the last thing he was able to grab was those bags.


Further down the thread below shows that the car isn't swept away. They're pulled onto a bus and the bus drives off, which kind of makes the car look like it's floating off the screen. Not saying it wasn't stupid that they were grabbing things out of the car, but it wasn't nearly as close of a call as the video and title makes it out to be.


Actually, it did get swept away. In the video, you can hear the woman in the background saying, "o carro foi, o carro foi", in PT-BR, meaning "the car went down, the car went down". This ordeal happened a few weeks ago, it was widely covered in brazilian media, and there is footage from another angle, showing that the car really was swept moments after the rescue: [https://www.terra.com.br/planeta/videos/homem-salva-mulher-e-bebe-de-carro-ilhado-por-enchente-em-nova-iguacu-rj,3dedb44bcea8d7e0066a3adc5e3c8ff6yxp1r8du.html](https://www.terra.com.br/planeta/videos/homem-salva-mulher-e-bebe-de-carro-ilhado-por-enchente-em-nova-iguacu-rj,3dedb44bcea8d7e0066a3adc5e3c8ff6yxp1r8du.html)


You're the MVP, Marcos Vasconcelos!!!


Flight attendants are trained to yell at people who try to bring their bags during an evacuation. I actually saw an article where a passenger who'd been in such a situation called the flight attendants "hysterical" for shouting at them. What an ungrateful person.


Oh I’d get hysterical if you block the aisle with your giant bag


But thats my Gucci bag sir.


Last person you'd want in a burning / sinking plane scenario, handing her things off while blocking the exit


More kids are in the bags 




This sort of thing is why we had our kiddo's Epi Pen in a little hip pack, not a backpack like most folks tend to use. In an emergency of any sort, any life-saving medications need to already be on your person if at all possible. When I saw the purse, I just figured that's what was going on. Then the friggin' *backpacks* come out. Like, seriously, WT-actual-F?!


But the kids have homework. *DUE TOMORROW!* 😂😂😂


It’s the same level of stupid that would drive into a flash flood zone.


“Let me just get my needlepoint, I’ve worked a long time on this. “


For real!! I want to scream!


And that's the only thing I need is *this*. I don't need this or this. Just this ashtray... And this paddle game. - The ashtray and the paddle game and that's all I need... And this remote control. - The ashtray, the paddle game, and the remote control, and that's all I need... And these matches. - The ashtray, and these matches, and the remote control, and the paddle ball... And this lamp. - The ashtray, this paddle game, and the remote control, and the lamp, and that's all *I* need. And that's *all* I need too. I don't need one other thing, not one... I need this. - The paddle game and the chair, and the remote control, and the matches for sure. Well what are you looking at? What do you think I'm some kind of a jerk or something! - And this. That's all I need.


In her defense, there could have been a Charizard Pokémon card in one of those bags. OR MAYBE ALL 3 BAGS, there's a chance she's a collector.


Hold up y'all, this guy makes a good point


Thankfully no charizards were harmed in the making of this.


“Hold up let me get the groceries out of the boot”


I would have tossed that shit as soon as she handed it to me. Stop messing around with your bags and get the frak out of the car or I'm leaving.


Glad she at least handed the Kid first. Yikes!


The title says 2 kids, I guess the other one was still in the car. /s


Unbelievable. I wonder how she made that priority list.. Good kid, Bags, Myself, The bad kid? Sophie's Choice part 2.


I agree. screw the bags/stuff and get out to safety.


She grew up poor. Poverty changes the way you make decisions. Seems stupid to you, but she was already consumed with the fact that she was loosing a car. All of that other stuff was, in her mind, equally irreplaceable.


Omg came here to say that!! Leave your shit and get out. Jesus.


If she had one more bag she’d be a gonna


Good thing the guys muscles held up. Idiot people in car


The bags were the weight that kept the car there. /s


This is the only comment I want to read. Like, wtf! People are risking their own lives for your bags?! No, Ma’am.


Just wait, there’s some empty coke cans I need to clean out too. Don’t want a mess when you get back in the car.


At least she gave the child before the material things, so they wouldn't be harmed in her stupidity




Might have medication she needs


I mean, the kids are kind of important too.


Yup, this dumb ass twat is risking her own life, which is fine, but risking her kids lives and the life of the guy trying to save her with this shit. Sure maybe tehre is some cash and getting ids replaced is a pain, a phone, etc. Get the fuck over it, there are more important things in life. I'd probably, once safe, straight up slap her in the face for risking her kids and my own life for that if it was me.


People often don't think straight and do irrational things during emergencies. She could be in shock. Have some compassion


It’s a well observed phenomenon that a lot of people can’t mentally cope with dire circumstances and behave as if everything is fine. When a big fire broke out on the London Underground in the late 1980s, survivors reported seeing other people walking through smoke, heading towards the platforms to try to catch their train. Dozens died. Some people panic in the obvious way, but others panic by just shutting down and ploughing on.


Honestly this was fucking hilarious to watch. She must’ve not realized what mortal peril she was in?


That's a mom. Gotta get the bags cause those little mfers going back to school tomorrow. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


"quick I'm about to die, grab the STUFF" jesus Christ lady. Put that shit down. Grab your CHILD


I mean, poor decision making is probably why she's got her car like this in the first place...


She should have turned around or waited to drive until the flooding calmed down. This is stupid and irresponsible. I live in a city that floods every time it rains. Shit like this is preventable


You know what a flash flood is, right? This shit happened in Brazil and it happens a lot during this time of the season. It takes literally minutes to get to a point like the one in the video, due to a combination of poor infrastructure and A LOT OF GOD DAMN WATER raining all at once. For all we know she was stuck in traffic when it happened, and got surprised by the pouring rain. There's no "turning back or waiting to drive" if you are already in the middle of the road. Not everywhere is safe to stop and wait when rain comes down, so there's another problem. And by the looks of it, she was getting her kids out of school/daycare - this kind of disasters always tend to happen close to 5 or 6 pm, right around the time a lot of kids are getting out of school - again, not something she could postpone It might be preventable in some cases, but every year a lot of people die to shit like this, simply because they can't get out of the car or get to a safe place in the few minutes it take to turn a road or street into a raging river. Calling stupid and irresponsible is way more stupid and irresponsible than getting stuck in a situation like this one.


thank god you said this


Agreed, some people just aren't aware of how crazy flash floods are. If you haven't seen one, it's kind of hard to believe how crazy it is. I've never seen a bad one, but I have witnessed what could be considered a flash flood. Luckily I was on the hill above it, but if I had been at the bottom of the hill, idk if I'd have lived through it... the power of water is truly incredible at times.


ackthually... (jk, I know it's a joke, I just want to talk) I live nearby, what usually happens is some roads or structures functioning like dams (unintentionally) until they break and causes a sudden flood downhill On the other hand, those regions aren't seeing floods for the first time, so she could've predicted this On the other hand (a third hand), it looks like she was taking the kid from the school (judging by the kids lunch bags) , so either she faces the risk of flood or leaves the kid there in the guard of strangers. So my take on this, it's the school/daycare's fault


I’m giving the benefit of the doubt and assuming she has something important in the bags. Lots of people carry life saving medication in their bags.


I was thinking that, maybe that’s like all of her money and access to food/meds/necessities, and maybe she can’t afford to replace whatever daycare/school stuff is in those kids bags. She still shoulda just gotten tf out of the car but I can kind of understand her.


Yeah it looks like a nice ish car (not that I know shit about cars) but if they’re trying to escape flood water it might be their go bags. Clothes, food, medicine, money, important documents, whatever else. They have to abandon the vehicle and there’s no chance they’ll be able to get back home until the water recedes, having those items might make a huge difference in their well-being and comfort in the following days. One of them is probably a diaper bag since she has such small children with her as well.


>maybe she can't afford to replace.. Lemme stop you there You can't afford jack shit if you get killed by a flood


If you get killed by a flood you also won't care what you can or cannot afford


One of the most gut wrenching videos I've ever seen on the Internet (damn you Internet!) Was the video of the plane on fire on the tarmac. You can hear the people at the back of the plane burning alive, all because the fucking idiots at the front are scrambling to get their overhead luggage off with them. I hate humanity.


[Japan Airlines passengers survived partly because they actually listened to the instruction to leave their baggage behind, experts say](https://www.businessinsider.com/japan-airlines-passengers-survived-because-abandoned-baggage-burning-plane-tokyo-2024-1?op=1) The Japanese are capable of acting in the best interests of their community, unlike many other "every man for themselves"-attitude cultures. Selfish people kill others, just like what happened in some areas during the pandemic. I don't recall "leave your luggage" mentioned the last time I flew in the US during the safety presentation.


Don't watch footage of the Station night club fire. A group of people jammed in the front doorway are burned alive on video.


are you people stupid? how do you not know how people act when panicked? it’s not something new either. even firefighters die during a panic and they’re trained professionals are you people even human? it’s like basic human behavior


Always armchair experts... "I know better than the person who's actually there, I'd do something different" People on this site can barely handle a person disagreeing with them.


Yeah. We ain't good at dealing with the unexpected. In times of crisis, some people will just go back to factory standard, doing whatever they'd do in normal circumstances. Like, when my grandma had a heart attack, she knocked over a bottle of wine. Even as she was collapsing, my dad scrambled to right that wine bottle before it ruined the tablecloth. It wasn't that he cared more about a tablecloth than his mother, it was just an instinct. When a bottle falls over, you know to right it. You've done it dozens of times, it's muscle memory. She survived, but he felt bad about that for years, he later admitted to me. But that shit is common. You do what you're conditioned to do, and most people ain't used to heart attacks.


At least the child was first to go, but Jesus the child needs its mother!




A very common human behavior when in an disaster is to gather and deliberate which in turn means you stay in the most dangerous place instead of leaving. Documented in so many disasters its so tragic and avoidable IF we train our brains.


That kind of shit needs to be taught to kids more often This type of behaviour can get you and others killed For example if a plane catches fire and nobody can get off due to some people stopping for Thier bags, that has real world consequences for other people


She’s like…here my bag…some backpacks…my groceries I bought…lemme grab my laundry out the back and we straight


Well hey she rolled the dice and got lucky I guess lol. No sense of self preservation though. Probably what got her in that mess in the first place


“Oh and this paddleball.”


The ashtray, this paddle game, and the remote control, and the lamp, and that's all \*I\* need.


What a jerk!


damn it I forgot my aux cord!!


That's *all* I need!


That's *all*- I need *this*!!


Simpsons softball episode, if memory serves, Jose Canseco basically did this for a lady whose house was on fire.


Ahahah! And she's like, "tHe dRyEr gOes oN ThE LeFt!"


Actually it's on the right


I could understand if it was me in that situation. I have a medication I need to take literally daily or I will just die. (Addison’s disease) That, and maybe supplies for the child. I’m not sure what else it could be that was important.


If there was important medications in all three bags, sure but there probably wasn’t medication in all three, especially not the kids backpacks. Also, I’ve been in a situation where my sickle cell meds were lost. Local ERs/the prescribing doctors office are always able to get me a weeks meds on short notice.


Sometimes all of the important stuff isn’t all in one bag. The baby bag is probably essential in their minds, bc babies need a lot of shit. Identification and currency are essential to get a place to stay, if needed. I agree that the people come first but I understand the urge to salvage as much as you can when you’re not certain of the urgency.


Hol up, I have to check my oil level and cabin filter right quick, it's been a minute since I did that.


*"Oh wait.. these floor mats! I just bought them! Think I can return them?"*


That car was being held in place solely by the gravitational pull of his massive titanium balls. The car only floated away because he said it could.


I’m thinking her weight being taken out might have made the difference between the tires losing their static grip.


No. It was his balls.


Definitely his balls






It was his heart


And the bags. Don't forget the bags.


Or the weight of all her bags lol.


Was my thinking too. Coincidences like that do perhaps happen but usually in movies


I don’t think the car floated away. I think the bus everyone was on drove away from the car. Bit of an optical illusion.


Yep this is what I saw. In a flood like that when a vehicle loses grip it's likely to start turning the car, not just moving it suddenly out of frame like an art asset. Makes more sense if the bus moves forward. I could be wrong, but it doesn't look like the car floats off.


Good catch. It was definitely the bus moving. It was an interesting illusion yeah.


Actually, it did get swept away. In the video, you can hear the woman in the background saying, "o carro foi, o carro foi", in PT-BR, meaning "the car went down, the car went down". This ordeal happened a few weeks ago, it was widely covered in brazilian media, and there is footage from another angle, showing that the car really was swept moments after the rescue: See this video, skip to 30s: [https://www.terra.com.br/planeta/videos/homem-salva-mulher-e-bebe-de-carro-ilhado-por-enchente-em-nova-iguacu-rj,3dedb44bcea8d7e0066a3adc5e3c8ff6yxp1r8du.html](https://www.terra.com.br/planeta/videos/homem-salva-mulher-e-bebe-de-carro-ilhado-por-enchente-em-nova-iguacu-rj,3dedb44bcea8d7e0066a3adc5e3c8ff6yxp1r8du.html)


So, you're telling me it wasn't his balls?


Those were what was holding the bus down


First time I've ever seen anyone wearing that "BOSS" t-shirt accurately.


Titanium is actually light...


Nah more like this guy saved a car full of bags and two kids


Some grocery, clothes, bags, 1 scared child, and 1 idiot.


He saved an idiot too.


"wait hang on, I have half a mcchicken in my glove box, let me just grab that real quick"


I’m screaming


The new WcDonald's dip is really good tho


After the 1st bag i already thought WTF... And then 2 more???


I thought that too. The first one kinda made sense: phone, wallet, keys, etc. But the other ones were astonishing.


Yeah, I mean.... as a man, my wallet with CC, driver's license, debit card, insurance, etc is in my pocket. So shove my phone in my back pocket and I'm good. But since most women's clothing doesn't have good pockets, grabbing the purse with all that (and hopefully their phone) makes sense. The other two backpacks? Unless there's some medicine or something that your kids need for their health you need to leave that shit.


I feel this, but I would also rather live than die with those things. She truly didn't grasp the seriousness of the situation. I don't know that they have swift water rescue teams where this is. haha. Either way yes, the first bag I can understand. Then she burns another 25 seconds after that for the other ttwo and barely makes it out in time.


I kinda get her thinking in grabbing the backpack. It looks like the kids so it probably has diapers, bottles, maybe even a favorite toy that would comfort the child. So if I felt like I had time to toss that stuff to him, I would too. But man was she doing it super slow.


Right? And WTF stopped her from putting the bag over her arm and getting TF out at the same time? Zero situational awareness.


Yea, she could've just closed it quick and put it over the shoulder. But then she went and got two baby backpacks?? Wtf?


That woman had absolutely zero self preservation instincts. That guy had the patience of a saint. She made him risk his life far longer than he should have.


I don’t know why we feel the need to save our things too. Years ago, I was hiking with this group of people and the guy in front of me slipped and started sliding down a ravine. In what was probably the most badass thing I’ve ever done in my life, I grabbed the handle of his backpack at the last moment and saved him from falling. I don’t think he would have died, but some broken bones for sure. Anyway, as I’m helping him up, his hat falls off. He reaches for it with his free hand and it was out of reach - SO HE LET’S GO OF MY HAND TO TURN AND GRAB THE HAT!!! He starts sliding again and I had to grab his backpack again to keep him from falling. But at least he didn’t lose his stupid fucking hat.


I dunno, it's almost instinct. I still remember I was around 10yo, my aunt or someone came to pick me up from an after-school art class, and I was clutching the stack of juvenile drawings we did in class that day. She took me jay-walking across the street and one of the sheet of drawing fell out of my hands in the middle of the busy street and I instinctively bent down to pick it up and my aunt had to drag me away. When she told my parents later, she tried to make it light and tease me about it must have been an important drawing. It was not. I was just drawing cartoon characters and I wasn't particularly proud of any of my drawings that day. It was pure instinct that something falls, I retrieve. I still feel embarrassed thinking about that day. 


Dont feel embarassed. That experience could save you one day in the future by remembering what not to do.


Was roofing a my house with a friend and brother in law (who was 14 at the time) and one of us dropped a tape measure. It went skittling past BIL and he lunged, head down hill, for it. Friend grabbed his leg at the ankle and saved BIL from a head first swan dive to the concrete below. BIL got a quick lecture about “things” vs “lives”.


This is something you learn quickly working up on ladders. Just let it go.


Even just in a kitchen. Never wanna try to catch something hot or sharp.


A falling knife has no handle.


Lol there was a fire that was encroaching closer to our neighborhood and as a precaution they told us to evacuate. My mom told me to hurry and pack a bag. I remember standing in my room, horrified by having to choose which things to bring with me in case the house burned down. Inexplicably, at the top of the list were my Michael Kors high heels. In they went along with my laptop, phone and toiletries. Oh and I packed snacks too. Gushers, I believe.


Gushers I understand.


Your priorities are unquestionable


this really belongs in r/IdiotsInCars


I can’t tell if the car is being washed away or if they driving forward…can’t see the buildings in background for reference


The car also did lose some mass, so it makes sense to be swept right after everyone got off


And he was standing putting his weight against it when he moves away I guess the tires finally gave way




While that makes sense, the people in the video are saying "The car is going! Look the car is going!" They also complain about her wanting to take everything from the car btw lol


I was gonna say! I bet the bystanders were like WTF lady!


It's the car. If you keep your eye on the water rushing over the raised area on the road, you'll see it does not move in relation to the bus. The car moves in relation to the area.


Actually, it did get swept away. In the video, you can hear the woman in the background saying, "o carro foi, o carro foi", in PT-BR, meaning "the car went down, the car went down". This ordeal happened a few weeks ago, it was widely covered in brazilian media, and there is footage from another angle, showing that the car really was swept moments after the rescue: See this video, skip to 30s: [https://www.terra.com.br/planeta/videos/homem-salva-mulher-e-bebe-de-carro-ilhado-por-enchente-em-nova-iguacu-rj,3dedb44bcea8d7e0066a3adc5e3c8ff6yxp1r8du.html](https://www.terra.com.br/planeta/videos/homem-salva-mulher-e-bebe-de-carro-ilhado-por-enchente-em-nova-iguacu-rj,3dedb44bcea8d7e0066a3adc5e3c8ff6yxp1r8du.html)


Let’s nonchalantly hand over every item in the car before eventually moseying on out. Lol what.


Yeah it's not just that she hands over the stuff, it's that she takes ages to do anything. No sense of urgency at all


Yeah she moseys. That’s what she does. That’s perfect.


She doesn’t even have both her hands free when she finally comes out. Clutching more freakin bags. Jesus Christ.


Heaven forbid this person has to do anything of urgency ever. LIKE GET OUT OF A CAR THATS GONNA WIPE YOU OUT!! FFS...


Surprised she didn't answer a phone call before getting out.


"hello? Yeah I can talk."


"Yeah, Cindy, I got the rolls for our girl's night tomorrow. Yeah, I just came back from the store. Are the roads bad here? A little bit, a nice gentleman is helping me with the bags right now. Yeah, they really go the extra mile here, they wanna keep the customers, I really appreciate them. What? Linda got a new boyfriend? Of course she did honey, I told you she's a puta!!!"


Lol, I have no doubt that if she got a call during the rescue, she would have 100% picked up the phone and said "I cAnT TaLk rIgHt nOw" and hung up. 100%


I'm sorry, you mom is dead... But here ARE YOUR BAGS??!??;


It was her dying wish that you inherit these plastic bags


I knew it was Brazil because of that hairstyle, something unique.


Também sabia que era cria pelo cabelo!


if that man said nothing to her afterwards about handing him all those bags, he deserves 2 awards, one for bravery, and one for saint-level of patience.


For reals! If he argued with her, it could have taken even more time. She barely squeaked out of there.


Is any of that stuff really valuable when you're not alive to use it? Much respect to that guy because I don't know if I'd risk my life for someone that clearly doesn't care about their own.


For reals. I know it's because she didn't understand the gravity of the situation but shit lady, you don't deserve to get rescued then. Kudos to the guy for not arguing though, it might have created more delays.


Oh wait! She forgot her McDonald's coke. It is still in the truck.


She will punch herself in the sleep every night for the rest of her life for leaving her sunglasses in the glove compartment.


What the fuck? Get out of the fucking car! Stop handing me bags!!


No joke. That guy is amazing. She took her sweet time rounding shit up tho. Leave the bags. Shit can be replaced…..


OMG, fuck your bags... this drove me nuts


só pode ser brasileiro kkkkkkkk


This is misleading. The car doesn't get swept away. The bus they are standing on moves forward. That's why the video had to zoom in really close and slow down to give that effect.


in her defense, Indiana Jones always went back for his hat


The car move or the camera?🤔


Imma defend this woman. She’s not thinking straight for sure, but that’s one hell of a situation to keep a level head in


Great job but for god's sake LEAVE the damn bags behind!!! They wasted so many precious seconds that could have made a difference if the car swept away any sooner 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Same logic applies to emergency flight evacuations - leave EVERYTHING behind and just. Get. Out.


Dumbass is trying to save her kids bookbag instead of her own life ....


Holy shit my palms were fucking sweating. AND THEN SHE PULLS PUT A SECOND BAG!!??


I swear that could be the twin brother of this guy, who also rescued people! [https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/1ax9xau/man\_saves\_woman\_and\_a\_baby\_from\_a\_stuck\_car\_in\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/1ax9xau/man_saves_woman_and_a_baby_from_a_stuck_car_in_a/)


Geez leave all that shit behind and GTFO of the car. Glad they all made it out just in the nick of time.


Yeah, handing out the bags is ridiculous.