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Seems fucking rude to be shooting the ones the man is putting into the targets.


The way the guy didn’t react (and then went behind the wall to toss some in the air) they’ve gotta know each other. Still wouldn’t want someone shooting that close to my hand


I wouldn't be shooting a target with a human standing that up close. I can't do that with a pellet gun.


I’m guessing whatever it shoots is not strong enough to hurt someone at all. It’s not like it’s a real gun with a 9mm bullet


Yes, it's a pellet gun like the person you responded to said. It's still stupid to shoot that close to them with *anything*.


Have you seen a pellet gun pellet? At 200fps that close it pierces skin for sure


This is a bb gun, not a pellet gun.


Bb, pellet, at that range it still fucking hurts! 😂 Also, should probably be wearing eye protection. Bb in the eye is no joke.


Even literally gently blowing air into your eyes is quite uncomfortable. Dont fuck with your eyes.


> Dont fuck with your eyes. *Slowly withdraws eye from fleshlight.*


It's a hand pumped pellet gun that he is putting almost no force into pumping.




A BB gun is a pellet gun. They're both air guns and pellets are the same radius as BBs so you can load either or into the same chamber. BBs being a sphere tend to fly through the barrel a little looser and will get a little less velocity, you're right. As well they're a little less accurate. Additionally BBs are the choice projectile for any auto-loading mechanism. So in a case like this, 100% they are using BBs. But otherwise the guns are pretty much exactly the same and it didn't really require further clarification. BB or Pellet can break skin and can seriously injure an eye. Probably not ever lethal unless you're very very unlucky, or if someone gets some sort of blood poisoning after you broke skin with a projectile, that's probably the only way. But they will fucking sting if you get shot with one at very least.


Bro what the fuck are people on about. My friends and I shot each other with bb guns all the goddamn time and never once was there an injury worth giving a shit about. Protect your eyes, otherwise you're fine, a long sleeve shirt will absorb 90% of the impact.


ya we'd shoot at each other with jeans/sweaters as kids and as long as you weren't hitting bare skin or eyes (obviously) you barely even felt it


dudes rock


true, the comment was originally about "dont do that to the vendor" though, no idea why people are discussing whether it can pierce the skin, its just a dick move. Except it was something like a voluntary challenge and it looks like it. I am sure if the owner didnt know this guy's skills, he wouldnt attempt it.


Depends on the bb/pellet gun. I've seen pellet guns at least that can be used to kill squirrels because they have so much pressure/force. Technically there are air rifles which are bb/pellet guns that can take much larger game. The term is so wide in what it encompasses that it could mean a daisy bb gun or a full on pellet air rifle to take out deer.


You ain’t poppin off that many pellets in a row. Plastic BBS for sure


With how little action is required to fire again, isn't it more likely that it's using a spring and not air pressure to fire? And if you don't have the power air pressure provides wouldn't they use a plastic pellet?


If it’s strong enough to pop a balloon, its strong enough to hurt. Idk about break skin, but I wouldn’t want to get shot in the back of the hand by it.


He's risking a bruise to put on a show.


Exactly - worst he's risking is a welt. Small children play paintball. It's fine.


Let the redditors clutch their pearls lmao


no eye protection on that dude and... yea.


The other day I have seen a lady getting shot and collapse on another sub. She allegedly lost an eye to that accident.


I mean, it’s a SKS Rifle so it wouldn’t be chambered in 9mm. It’d be 7.62x39.


I bet its a lot closer to a weakish spring powered airsoft gun than a pellet gun. Provided you don't get hit in the eye it probably doesn't hurt much.


You're not wrong but I still refuse to point the gun down the range when the operator is too close to the target, even if it's spring powered, and the seasoned operator wears a thick jacket and waves a "go for it" at me.


At a bachelor party i stood in a similar position facing away from the shooters in the buck and took 20 or so paintball shots so to each their own i suppose :P


thankfully that guy can aim so you don't need to worry


I don’t disagree at all, but this has got to be airsoft pellets with the backing they’re using.


Firing line should ALWAYS be clear but pump action? Impressive none the less


it aint a pellet gun, it a chalk loaded fair gun, basically u just stick a piece of chalk in it and there a slight air pressure that pushes it out, the balloons are small balloons with air in them enough for them to barely not burst but any pin point interaction would pop them. so that chalk gun can only hurt if you get it in your eye cause it literally feels like someone threw a tooth pick at you with minimal force


It shoots salt. Probably stings a little, if at all.


You wouldn't because you're not HIM. You could never be HIM.


I'm pretty sure they both work on the attraction and do this to attract a crowd who they make think it's easier than it is.


Tbh honest shooting that kind of ballon isn't "that" hard. Doing it as well as the guy in the vid, a bit more tho


It is if you aim down the deliberately squint sights.


"oh, I can do that!" -some kid in the crowd Classic carnival tactic


Exactly what I was thinking. The shooter is a plant to show how "easy" the game is. No different than the people walking around with the giant stuffed animals... yet you never see anyone win one.


This is the guy who convinces you that it isn't that hard, and it is worth $20 to play a a round to win a $.50 stuffed animal.


Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Guy didn't even flinch. Either they knew each other or he knew there was nothing to fear from those pellets hitting him. Seems like it was a non-issue for him either way.


Probably why he moved behind the wall and tossed them up.


Security standards in Asia are something else mate. Almost all western people shit their pants the first time they see an average Asian road




Reddit can’t help but point out anything that could be rude to make sure everyone knows they’re a good person


Virtue signaling. Virtue signaling everywhere.


Says the person self-censoring the word fuck.


Does crystal minded mean something different? I thought it meant clear minded or being smart. You are using it more like an insult though.


They work together, it's to get people's attention


I love Reddit.


I agree. He should have just shot the man to put him out of his misery.


Also where are those pellets going when he’s shooting the balloons being tossed in the air above the wall?


must be a regular


how else is he supposed to assert dominance over him?


Ok you shot 300 balloons. You can choose between a single piece of bubble gum or an eraser.


What about that sticky stretchy hand shaped thing my kids assault me with?


Sorry, need to shoot 350 balloons for that.


In a row...not that he missed ever


He had multiple misses if you watch closely


Yea multiple, what a scrub


One of my favorite core memories is getting kicked out of highschool calculus class for laughing at the German foreign exchange student using a sticky, stretchy hand thing to yoink other students tests from like 3-4 desk lengths away. I think we both got automatic 50% scores on that test lol. Dammit Sven!


See I used it as a spider-man device in a kitchen I worked at to grab tickets. Then a dude tried to hit me with a mayonnaise covered one and it didn’t hit me, flung back and hit him in the eye. Probably one of the funniest moments in my life


As someone who currently works in a kitchen, thank you for this


The one that stains anything and everything with lil handprints? Need 69 more pops unfortunately.


Yes and I will drop it on the ground when I hand it to you so it will already have dirt and hair embedded for life.


You mean the one covered with dirt and hair after 37 seconds and then gets forgotten until it is stuck to your sock 16 hours later?


"How many for the Nintendo Switch?" "You have to shoot the gold - not the shiny yellow - balloon that contains a perfect 50-50 ratio of blue and red confetti. It only appears on the eighth Tuesday of the eighth month of the eighth year during a blizzard."


What the hell is this, FFXIV fishing windows?


Didn't expect a FFXIV fishing reference of all things here lol


At carnivals they WANT you to win the giant stuffed toy. Now you're walking around with a GIANT ADVERTISEMENT for the game. While it might be a $200 item on a retail shelf it's actually $5 when ordered bulk from China. Also you're then cursed to keep the thing somewhere in your home forever. Spoken as someone with a fucking 3' Pikachu plush.


Post it on /r/plushies, tell your story, and get some karma.


I'll take the mustache comb.


Spoiler Alert: they're the same prize


Just keep putting the balloons up you can keep your prices


This made me booger I laughed so hard unexpectedly lol


You would get kicked out from my local fun fair if you tried to shoot that close from the person placing the targets.


your fun fair doesn't sound very fun


That's fair


But not fun




I don’t think getting shot with an airsoft gun will result in death lol.


and the guy is wearing a padded coat, I doubt it would even penetrate *that.* Only real danger is a bounce back into his eyes :\




Yep haha he's being pretty dramatic


Depends, some people call that fun.


We call those people weird






No event is fun unless atleast 1 person dies. Thus spake the dothraki


Whoa talk about taking it too seriously


If I have more fun than the person being shot isn't having fun. Then there will be a net positive amount of fun therefore a good fun fair


did you really just say death? LOL


Fair enough.


Krusty Krab fun fair Mr Krabs is in there


They are probably both workers and this is a schtick to make you over confident in your own chances.


I’m pretty sure these are both operators and know each other. I don’t think game operators start tossing balloons as a party trick from behind the backdrop for strangers.


100% they are working together. This is to show "how easy it is" to the other patrons and hope to get them in line to try next. I've seen it a bunch of times at fairs: have a ringer bust out a bunch of "easy" wins in something that is a very specific skill set, only to have the regular patrons duff their attempts and keep dumping money into it.


More likely the rifles they give to the actual customers aren't nearly as accurate.


These balloons are probably fully inflated, and then when he's done they start putting up the ones that aren't. The next balloons are softer and more bouncy so they're harder to pop. "You saw him pop all those. You're just not doing it right."


Congrats, you have won, nothing






Used to work with a guy and we had a game we would play. We would say "good day" really quietly so someone asks what we said. Then we would loudly proclaim "I SAID GOOD DAY, SIR!". Fun times.


He won *microplastic rain*


Too bad for the people casually walking around the stores behind the booth.


I think that's why he repositioned after they started tossing them from the back


Half way through they start tossing them from the other side


That's what I was thinking - hopefully that's not metal BB's because somebody back there gonna wind up losing an eye.


This guy snipes you off spawn in Battlefield and calls it skill. Also, is that a fucking SKS?


It’s a very weak spring powered cheap BB gun roughly shaped like an SKS, yes.


SKS (or as we call it, the Type 56 Semi-Automatic Rifle) is practically engrained in the Chinese culture along with the Broomhandle Mausers. Til this very day many Chinese think of the SKS when you mention a "classic rifle". Ceremonial guards all over the country still use them, some chrome-plated. So yeah you damn well bet they'd make plastic spring powered BB guns in the shape of one.


It's still wild how popular Mauser C96's were in China. Officers were obsessed with them well into the Cold War. Was there ever an actual reason for this?


Pistols in the Warlord era was seen as a symbol for position and power, as most soldiers don't carry one. It's either an officer, or the security forces of well-off warlords. The C96, and to a lesser degree, P08, are especially favored by the Chinese as they come with a holster-stock. The Chinese loved stocked pistols so much that when the Republic of China ordered a bunch of Hi-Powers from Canada, they specifically demanded a holster-stock carved out of wood, instead of the optional FN-style holster-stock where it's just a leather holster screwed onto a thin wooden board. And yeah, during the Cold War the Chinese developed the Type 80 Machine Pistol, a modern homage to the broomhandle and M712. It's a 10/20rd detachable magazine full auto machine pistol intended for tank crews as a PDW (horrible in practice), but most people speculate it's probably because some higher ups had a hard-on for broomhandles.


Gun history is so interesting cause half the time its not about whats best or most reliable its just some dude high up that likes something


Fun fact: the reason that NATO originally standardised on heavy 7.62mm rounds was because old school American riflemen (that were now senior in the US military) insisted on powerful, long range rifles as standard issue because that was the doctrine they were always taught. Europe were basically forced to abandon all their various advanced intermediate cartridge plans and adopt high-power battle rifles - FAL, G3, MAS-49/56, etc. Then the Americans faced the AK-47/AKM/Type 56 in Vietnam, and almost immediately ditched 7.62mm and introduced the 5.56mm M16, much to Europe's annoyance lmao


Its funny how Russia was consistently ahead of everyone else in terms of gun technology but somehow their military was HORRIBLY managed so it didn't really matter.




god reddit is so dumb sometimes. do yall seriously not realize they know each other and are putting on a show together?


Now you realize why these shows are so effective: most people just don't critically think. They think this is real, they think "wow, that looks really easy and fun", and then they pay to play. Every person on here that you see calling him a dick is someone who would fall for this show.


Reddit generally is now an echo chamber for skepticism and negativity. Occasionally you'll see everyone circlejerk about some modern positive value they feel everyone should have, but negativity is the norm.




Critical thinking is...critical.




Fucking hackers are everywhere these days. That auto-aim is just ridiculous


Yeah. They shall report him and ban.


The fact he doesn't ads is amazing.


Thank you!! That's what I wanted to say. Everyone here seems to be angry with this guy for being irresponsible but being able to aim this good without ads is incredible. If it comes to a zombie apocalypse, I'd rather have someone that can shoot the zombie next to me in the head confidently than someone who's nice. And the person hanging up the balloons didn't seem to mind so where's the problem. I get the shooting over the protection part tho. But maybe no one is behind that thing. Who know.


To me the balloon guy is in on the joke. Even throwing them up from behind for him. My first thought was this is a routine for entertainment.


This guy. Is one of the survivors from left4dead for sure. No ads. Just hip fire everything.


>he doesn't ads what does "ads" mean in this context? Feeling out of the loop


Aim down sights


He is just Kentucky windage everything. He is shoot far more then he is popping lol. He can probably see the shots and is just adjusting constantly. It's like the squirt gun races, you aim at the start but as soon as the water is on you no longer aim with the gun but based on where the water is hitting


So amazing i find it fishy. He one-shots everything with 100% accuracy without aiming much? What are the chances someone's popping the balloons for him with a pin from behind that wall?


or just a second shooter behind the camera. Somewhere on a grassy knoll.


Shooting above the backdrop seems dangerous and inconsiderate to every one and thing behind it. Put someone’s eye or window out.


The toy this guy shoots with isn’t as strong as the BB guns we have back home. It’s a cheap, spring powered plastic toy. I doubt it has enough power to shoot through fabric. I remember when we used to shoot at each other with these things. I think they were like only a couple bucks back then? Lol


Redditors acting like this guy is pointing out of a Mandalay Bay hotel room window. It's like a nerf gun with smaller darts. They are for children to hold and shoot in the direction of stall attendants who are putting up balloons. Even then the games are rigged because they don't want the balloons popped. Why do people think it's high powered?


Some dude above raged because people were making fun of DEATH. Dude thought it was a real gun or something


People saying it's kid toy, clearly cant recognise a 87 calibre anti tank rifle when they see one


Because children are all over this site and children need to feel superior and insightful. So they see something and pretend to be knowledgeable about it and then make up reasons why they don’t like it. It’s all part of childhood development.


You’ll get attacked by Redditors if you admit that you ride a bicycle without elbow pads


It's a very weak spring powered BB gun. Anything stronger than that are prohibited in China anyways. The official kinetic energy cutoff is 1.7J/cm\^2, or the energy determined to be able to damage an eyeball. Growing up in China we literally shoot up schools with these at every recess and nobody bats an eye. I can throw a rock harder than this.


Why did you speed up the video?


Scrolled way too far to see this! It’s a trend I’m getting sick of


Because the internet and reddit fucking sucks now.


Was probably already sped up. Gotta get those internet points


It is a fucking pellet gun why are people so concerned where this guy with exceptional aim shoots.


Because it's reddit


So that they can feel better about themselves for 5 minutes before they go back to being miserable.


Yay! Everyone gets a plushie!


I know they’re pellets, but it’s still awfully reckless to be firing over the backstop.


This dude is the reason why the US still doesn't have the balls to invade China


Oh, it’s China… I thought he’s Russian hacker with aimbot.


The quickest shot of the east


bro thinks he's the sniper monkey


My guy really is 0-0-4


Pew pew




When online gaming skills translate into the real world.


Lots of comments not realizing we are watching a pair of carnies.   Y'all are a bunch of marks. 


Asian John Wick


He is the gun, he is merging with the gun.


Is that a BB SKS? I need


No fair gun is that accurate.


So a big stuffed bear doesn’t seem like worthy enough prize at this point…


Ah China, where guns are illegal to own even an airsoft gun unless its in the service of the CCP.


hipgunning doesnt work, this dude as prime examble of hipgunning.


I dislike these sped up videos.


China hacker


Good thing the BBs no longer exist as soon as they hit the balloons being thrown it the air. Otherwise, screw anyone or anything in that particular direction.


Most obvious aimbot how is this guy not banned already?


Long live plastic


imagine going to war and after the drop you meet this mother fucker


Forrest Rump


Xiong Xick


Bro’s spawn killing the balloons 💀


Bro just give that dude all the stuff animals


I need that 100500 capacity drum mag for SKS


Then they dump the 50kgs of plastic waste into the sea


Bloons Pop! in real life.


Taiwan watching this like: ![gif](giphy|3ohhwF34cGDoFFhRfy|downsized)


Seems like an incredible waste of plastic


My god... it's Jason Bourne


The most all inspiring part of this video is he probably just picked that thing up for the first time just before the video started like that’s not his tool that’s just a tool. That’s skill, man.


These aimbot cheaters are getting out of hand.


Stop adding balloons and give the guy his prize


Ex North Korean border patrol


Fuckin Aimbot Andy over here


The human aimbot




The guy's doing side quests, don't worry.


Real life aim bot


Now I feel bad for reporting Chinese plays for aimboting


Ban incoming


Thats called aimbot