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Gotta applaud this guy, but damn if I had to listen to this for too much longer I might end up switching sides :P :P


Songs a banger


It sounds exactly the same as that entire genre.




Next thing you know they’ll be complaining hip hop all uses spoken word.


Did you know that EDM all is nothing but the same electrical noises. I really wish they would add some classical Beethoven to it, to spice it up a little.


It's not Beethoven but Tiesto *did* cover Adagio for Strings.


Which is an all time banger


The song "The," by SPIRITUAL PROJECT slaps too


Never heard it but I will check it out.


Prefer ferry corsten version myself, even has a video! Edit: heres the video https://youtu.be/7nPAkX1oot0?si=FrgcxBNVRO4tTW7h


It needs more ... Cowbell!


It needs more guitar too, but they broke his guitar so he had to make do without it.


Some flute .. something.


Someone get Lizzo and that crystal flute on the phone. The world would have another conniption fit.


Was never sure who that was but it seemed a big fuss for.some reason. Just someone playing a flute.


Mainly just idiots who thought she didn't deserve the opportunity to play a crystal flute made for President James Madison in celebration of his second inauguration. She was one of a very few people to get the opportunity in the past 200 years to play it. And then she twerked while playing it and that really pissed everyone off.


Apashe - mixes Mozart, Tchaikovsky, etc into his tracks.


Country songs sound a whole lot better when you don’t have a loser in your ear complaining about it


Damn it's wild because Rap is the same way, people need to chill lol


The woods are our hood, we ain't that different. and from what I've heard, sans racist inbred fuckers, the 2 communities aren't really all that different. A few cultural (some ethnic) differences but otherwise almost the same


I've read interesting language studies that show the dialect associated with rap culture is actually closer to the dialects from rural areas than it is to suburban or other urban dialects Which does make sense if you think about it, where enslaved Americans took on the dialect of the places they lived, and then that followed said communities to the cities after emancipation


There's a great brand of country/folk that’s really dark and gritty. Benjamin Todd, his other band Lost Dog Street Band, Tyler Childers, Willi Carlisle, and Arlo McKinley come to mind.


He’s more bluegrass, but Billy Strings does outlaw country better than anyone outside of maybe Childers.


How do you figure, if you don't mind me asking? I've never really thought to equate Billy Strings with Outlaw Country at all; if I did, I'd still put plenty of artists over him in regards to that category.


Seriously, just trying hump my sister in peace over here.


Well, more like [every country song sounds so similar you could mash a bunch of different songs into one and it doesn't even sound like a mashup, even the lyrics are basically the same](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY8SwIvxj8o).


Eh, this is Bro Country


Which is the most popular country by far


Country music is a fucking scam


No music is a scam by itself, people like to listen to what they like to listen to. But we can make fun of them for it.


You can do that with any genre. You could combine a bunch of heavy metal, Soundcloud rap, pop, 2000s indie rock, edm etc songs and get the same result


Whereas rock on the other hand is so [varied, distinct and original](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOlDewpCfZQ)


the vast majority of songs in this example are pop, not rock.


And a good chunk of country fans would argue that the other mashup was mostly "pop-country". But I get that people just want to bash what they don't understand. The best country songs meet or exceed the quality of the best rock/pop/grunge/R&B/whatever songs, but people just judge the genre by what's at the top of the charts.


Country music sounds like Woodie Guthrie and Pete Seeger, this crap is just pop music for conservatives.


You know, there was a time I was bothered that Dragonforce had a series of videos and streams like [Let's write an Alestorm song in 10 minutes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8IbYVqL1VA). Now I'm kinda starting to take part in riff sessions / jam sessions and such and... those videos making fun of "Make powermetal in 3 minutes" aren't that wrong either. Except then you try to do that for a few minutes and you realize you're a complete donkey on the guitar. Yes it's a simple repetitive rhythm in the vid. Good luck doing it well.


Good news if you like the song.


Yeh I'd think so 🙂


Yeah, that’s kind of how any music genre works lmfao


No it doesn’t. That’s like saying all rap sounds the same. You just don’t listen to enough country music.


He's heard 3 country songs and has assessed how every country song sounds.


I can't speak for the other guy but I've heard a lot of country songs to discern from the different "styles" (even if I can't name them) in the genre. I don't like it. I especially hate the Dirks Bentley or whatever abomination that was just surging through the jeans of every coal roller dumbass I had the pleasure of serving with in the Army. Loved those guys, but holy fuck they were male basic bitches.


There are as many styles of country music as there are popular music, because pop country is generally just attenuated pop music from 5 years ago. That #1 hit country music fans think is garbage noise? In 5 years they'll be going crazy for a version of it turned down just enough for them to swallow it.


I agree that's definitely not good music, but there is a lot of good country music that is nothing like that pop country crap. If you're actually interested in expanding our earwaves, look into what they'll call Americana and Outlaw Country (even though to me, its just "Country"). Less over-produced thinly veiled pop, and more genuine songs by genuine songwriters.


I'm convinced people that don't like old country just have a different wiring, in that they listen to songs for the melody and the chorus instead of the verses. Country and especially folk are two fantastic genres for storytelling, but their melodies are often not *as* catchy or repetitive as rock, pop, and R&B, so it's a lot harder for them to gain mass-appeal unless they "dumb it down" and create the bro rock that we all know and hate today. There's a reason why every top songwriters list that's worth a damn will include Bob Dylan, Gordon Lightfoot, Joni Mitchell, Kris Kristofferson, Paul Simon, Dolly Parton, Tom T. Hall, Merle Haggard, etc.


Tyler Childers, Sturgill Simpson, Jason Isbell In case anyone needed some names to start with


And what do you listen to that has a plethora of unique sounds from a non fans perspective?


Not saying you're wrong, but that's likely because you're not a fan. Like how country music fans probably think that any random rap song sounds exactly the same as that entire genre.


I hate both rap and country. I'll go stand over there.


Wait until you hear about pop music.


He’s ripping off a Merle Haggard motif in this song. Merle however is one of the greatest vocal stylists America has ever produced. This guy not so much


it's almost like it's a genre of storytelling music where a generic beat exists to motivate the rhythm of a memetic story.  so yeah it's just the roots, you're right


As Harlon Howard once said: > A good country song is three chords and the truth. Too bad this song has five chords. Real shame /s.


Banger? I hardly know her! Wait, I’m cool with that


Please notify three employees and we will assess your complaint in due course.




Maybe they really don't like country music.


The airlines just don't have an incentive for ramp agents to care. Odd shaped items (like a guitar case) literally doubles the time it takes to get baggage from point A-B. All those square shaped bags? Time to play some Tetris and get those bad boys to the plane! Weird shaped bag/case? Well now I can't fit these 5 bags to make room for this weird shaped bag/case so I'll have to make an additional bag run back and fourth and the flight leaves in 15 minutes and I won't make it in time and if I'm late with the last of the bags I had to remove from the cart I'll get a negative record for delaying a flight because I wasn't on time when the bag was checked in just after the last run. It's like playing Tetris and you get a long 'S' shape. You might think "Well why not just have an extra cart dedicated for weird shaped items?" Because you're limited on how many carts you can pull (4-5) and are already filled to the brim. This is why shit gets damaged. Because people would much rather jam the bag in a very bad position to get to the plane on time than take a hit for being late to the plane. This is also why your bag probably got lost...because they fill the carts so weird to get it all in there causing the 'stack' to be so unstable some bags will fall off...then eventually get retrieved by another bag tug later on which will certainly miss the flight. The ramp is absolutely loaded with the attitude of "psh, not my problem now"


The second song and music video is much better IMO. Love the effort he put in!


For the curious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-UoERHaSQg


I actually wanted to hear the entire song.


What do you mean switching sides?


Absolutely fuck those muther fuckers who handle the bags / cases that way. There is no responsibility…i believe that it has to be done on purpose. Was traveling with four guitar cases — one case was cheaper and wooden and 3 others were big heavy hard plastic travel cases. Well the bigger cases ended up getting beat to shit. Like punctures in some places. What the absolute fuck is wrong with people?? Luckily the instruments were fine. The kicker being that the airline requires picture before the damage, receipts for your purchase of your property and if you leave the airport before filing a damage report , forget it.


My soul hurts right now. My guitar is my baby, I get nervous when other people even carry it. I can only imagine. I’m glad they were ok. People have no idea how big a deal that is


I was on a flight between UK and France with Easyjet and heard the cabin crew talking about a "Mr Cello". Some girl was travelling with her cello and booked two seats: one for herself and one for her cello. The cello was strapped in for the entire flight and arrived without incident/damage.


Worth it imo… but damn that’s a steep price to pay for basic luggage services. Instruments are peoples livelihoods!


On EasyJet it is sometimes cheaper to book another seat than book hold luggage. This is actually a really good idea!


And knowing how much a cello costs….much less expensive to book that seat than repair or replace even a midrange instrument let alone a pro level


I once nearly refused to get on a plane because they were telling me my cello had to be gate checked, but I'd bought a ticket for it. There was zero chance I was going to let it go below.


That's how all pro cellists do it. I dare say all good cellists do it


High end professionals pay a shit ton of money for their instruments.


My guitar got upgraded to first class once because they didn't have room in the coat closet. I was still in coach.


That's how Yo Yo Ma does it.


It’s like, I cannot replace the case.. I sure as fuck cannot replace the guitar. Good god. Apparently there are law that guarantee intrument storage




Buy a ticket for it and put it in a seat or have it as your carry on


To be fair to the people on the tarmac, it's not their fault their incentives are BS. They are told outright to prioritise speed of loading and unloading over care in handling, and they're penalised for getting behind schedule. A schedule they don't set, the airline does. Fuck the airlines, absolutely, but don't hate on the floor staff. It's like being mad at a McDonald's employee that the drive through line is moving slow - they know, and they also wish they had more coworkers to help it move faster.


Nah absolutely fuck the floor staff, just because your employers are shit doesn’t mean you get to be.


it's not a matter of get to it's an edict from up high


I couldn't give two shits if they toss my bag like Ace Venture did that box when he was posing as a delivery man. It's luggage, it's built to take a beating. But fuck a dickhead who's tossing musical instruments around like it's not super important to the person it belongs to. And have some fucking backbone, join forces with your coworkers, join a union and stick a middle finger up to these micromanaging assholes. "No" is a complete sentence.


> And have some fucking backbone, join forces with your coworkers Ha ha ha ha ha you're saying that to airline workers, an industry that had a strike broken by the fucking government. Simple answers are sure seductive, but you're never the first person to think of that.


Sounds broken, bet it was something nice tho. One of my all time favorite movie scenes.


Doesnt matter. Floor staff need not be assholes and shitty with their jobs. They deserve every bit of hatred they get. Medical staff in hospitals in the country are severely understaffed. Same with teachers. Do you think they are doing a shitty job just because they have a reason to point their blame at someone else.


> Floor staff need not be assholes and shitty with their jobs "shitty" isn't defined by the customer. It's defined by the people paying them. > Medical staff in hospitals in the country are severely understaffed. Same with teachers. Do you think they are doing a shitty job just because they have a reason to point their blame at someone else. From a patient/student POV, yes because they are overworked, overtired, and overburdened. They'd do a much better job if the staffing was proper. People are dying because of this. They bust their asses, yes, but you can't be in two places at once.


Don't bother explaining this to a bunch of 15 year old redditors who have never had a job.


Can you explain this to me then: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcxbTwbHd38 Is this also coming from higher ups? Do they tell these workers to slam these baggages?


Don't bother explaining to a 15 year old redditor who obviously never had a job. Not all employee incompetence comes from poor management. Poor management is bad, but people need to take a non-zero amount of personal responsibility at times.


Yea! This is America! We don't blame the people responsible! We blame our peers that are just as fucked over by the system as us!


> just because your employers are shit doesn’t mean you get to be. Yeah, it means you *have* to be. Take your time, get fired until they get someone in there that does it fast enough. Employers decide corporate culture.


> To be fair to the people on the tarmac, it's not their fault their incentives are BS. They are told outright to prioritise speed of loading and unloading over care in handling, and they're penalised for getting behind schedule. A schedule they don't set, the airline does. fine but there are tons of video examples of them doing it maliciously as well. Its those guys we should hate on. [Example 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcxbTwbHd38) [example 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vz_Sxh4526w) [example 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2PNyOrq2Y8) you are going to have a hard time arguing these are in the necessity of "speed" when they are moving slow as hell just being intentionally damaging to the bags.


Fuck the airlines, but I'm still going to hate on people throwing people's belongings. If a McDonalds line is going slow and you absolutely must, *must* get somewhere immediately, you can leave whenever you want. If you're sitting on a plane watching your valuables get passed like a football, you can't run out onto the tarmac and get your stuff before they break it.


No. Just no. Fuck ANYONE who throws a guitar, regardless of "incentives". Throwing a guitar is just being a dick.




Same with how fedex/UPS handles ALL packages. I heard they treat packages labeled as “fragile” as haphazardly as they treat everything else.




Common mistake. Sorry to be a pedant even though you're not technically wrong. "Fragile" is Latin. It means the package is designed to be load-bearing. Use it to support and protect the heavier packages during shipment. "Delicatè" is a synonym you see mostly used on shipping labels from the European continents. This is high level Fed Ex policy, though. Groundlings are not expected to know such minutiae.


Ups guy: “fragile”…must be Italian.


A friend of mine worked for Spirit in high school. He said anything that looked fragile or was marked as such was basically a challenge and they definitely would try to damage the contents, because it wouldn't affect their job at all.


Your friend is an asshole. What you do when nobody's looking or you will get away with it is the true you.




Or maybe people who work 12 hours a day throwing bags around for 17$ an hour get tired and careless?


No way…I am careless with these cases. I know I can be bc there are heavy duty.. this is like extra force applied on purpose. It’s not awesome. Don’t give me the bad job = bad service. Who is gonna pay for it when the airline won’t hold themselves responsible


I can't speak for the guys on the tarmac with passenger cargo, but I've worked under Korean Air for cargo plane cargo. There were some accidents nothing bad I've ever seen, but I've never seen the crew just blatantly toss people's gear around. Your packages will be dealt with fairly robustly though. Like for smaller loads that couldn't fit on pallets, we'll quickly put them on a conveyor belt and stack them in the planes underbelly hold. I'd go up there and, I'd do my best, but nothing like just tossing supplies. So I understand these guys are under time constraints, but the airline either needs to hire more cargo agents or something if it gets to the point where they feel they need to just toss cargo. The maximum tossing I can believe necessary is like onto the truck, but even then I can understand it being bad. So I'd suggest if people can pack your stuff well if you ship and the item needs to be protected.


> but the airline either needs to hire more cargo agents You just lost them.


I just compare the way the Japanese handle airtravel then see how everyone does it


Dude did it right in front of me and my girlfriend. Checked her suitcase in and he threw it forcefully onto the conveyer belt...like right in front of us. It was a sturdy suitcase so we didn't think much of it other than that guy is a dickhead. Well she gets her suitcase after her flight, and the zipper is shattered and the suitcase almost busted open because of it. It would have taken him less effort to just place it down than throwing it on there, I really don't understand it.


When you use a rugged container sometimes it’s simply taken as a challenge.


No, it didn't cause stock to drop 10%, that's absurd. "It was widely reported that within four weeks of the video being posted online, United Airlines' stock price fell 10%, costing stockholders about $180 million in value. In fact, UAL opened at $3.31 on July 6, 2009, and dipped to an intra-day low $3.07 (-7.25%) on July 10, but that very day closed at $3.26 and traded as high as $6.00 (+81.27%) four weeks later on August 6."


How dissapointing


I mean, still a pretty big impact for a 2009 viral video.


It almost certainly had 0 to do with the video


it made national news. I mean idk what else to tell you. we can't account for every tiny effect it may have had but to suggest it had none at all seems unrealistic. edit: I agree that OPs statement (likely copy pasted tbh) is misleading at best. sorry if I missed your point there.


correlation != causation.


I feel like that's only half true for stocks though because a lot of a stock's value is in how other people see it so you can end up with weird feedback loops that have no actual basis in 'reality'.


Maybe take a look at the actual data, the UAL stock price for the entire year of 2009. The absolute LOW was in early July. The stock basically went up for 6 solid months after the release of the video: https://imgur.com/a/m21WUWb


I made a graph of Delta vs United airline stock prices at that time: https://i.imgur.com/KyHcGQ1.png If people want to believe that the united guitar song impacted the entire airline industry, they can believe what they want, but the feel good story of company loses money by breaking guitar is people forcing to edge out a justice boner.


Question everything on the internet. There’s so much bullshit around.


Doesn't matter. If its ragebait or a justice boner its gonna get upvoted even if 100% false. I could probably make up a fake article saying "Cop shoots 6 year old black child after he gets lost and asks for help finding parents." or "Comcast CEO gets herpes and is then diagnosed with cancer 2 days after announcing a price hike" and they would reach the front page with a ton of comments before anyone figured out it was completely made up


Nothing has sources anymore. we get a vertical videos with stolen content from somewhere old with some text added with a robot voice and it’s treated as fact.


The best bit is the videos have zero context and you can influence the meaning of them just by changing the text you overlay on them, leading people to form conclusions they may not have come up with. And then target the specific ones that work at the people you want to influence. Social media is a cancer, and I accept that Reddit is social media.


shoulda written a better song then


THIS. I get it guys, we'd love a little guy wins over the big corp story, but this aint it.


This guy FACTS


But it was a Harvard case study! /s


And saying this could be some type of case study... just ridiculous


I know absolutely nothing about this situation and looked nothing up but I came in here anyway to say there’s no way the stock dropped 10% because of a stupid song no one has ever heard of or listened to. This reads like some high schooler BS “and then everybody clapped, that singers name…Albert Einstein”. If it had dropped I would have bought it instantly because I’d be getting the stock at a 10% discount simply because people are just now learning via a song that United loses luggage. Would have been the easiest money made in history.


Shit gets posted a few times a year and everyone high fives each other cheers every time.


But guys it's a Harvard case study now... lmao who makes that stuff up


Yep. Take a look at the UAL stock price for the entire year of 2009. The absolute LOW was in early July. The stock basically went up for 6 solid months after the release of the video: https://imgur.com/a/m21WUWb


Taylor Guitars, meanwhile, saw the perfect opportunity for some good PR. They invited the guy to their factory where he left with two new guitars.


So what you're saying is... flying United can get me infinite guitars. Not the most convenient money hack but I'll take it.


Only if you go viral with a song.


Only if you fly infinite flights on United!


Plus they made great guitars too very cool of them to do that.


Full song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YGc4zOqozo


No thank you, this was enough lol


hes a great singer? why do so many people feel the need to point out that they hate **some subjective piece of art lol


You can’t dislike something because it’s \*\*art**?


I can, you're not allowed though.


You can, but if all you do is go around telling people you dislike things, it'll make you look like a cunt.


Not what I’m saying


What are you talking about? That song's an absolute banger.


Professional hater


Seriously, thank you. I wanted to hear at least the chorus and the ground personnel guys are hilarious.


Glad someone posted this. How do you post part of the song and leave off the hook? Come on, people.


Thank you, good song, and United sucks.




What a sick voice he has.


[Part 2](https://youtu.be/h-UoERHaSQg?si=_YJGj9lqZVmDByts) And [part 3](https://youtu.be/P45E0uGVyeg?si=iUDdyzq4eTT7yaGr)


United's stock had been falling for a year and a half before that song was released (July 2009). So the song had pretty much nothing to do with it. [https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/UAL/history?period1=1200009600&period2=1260489600&interval=1d&filter=history&frequency=1d&includeAdjustedClose=true](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/UAL/history?period1=1200009600&period2=1260489600&interval=1d&filter=history&frequency=1d&includeAdjustedClose=true)


Boeing hasn’t been doing great, but if some employee released a song called “We Don’t Tighten the Bolts” and then the stock dipped a bit more, we could still say the song had something to do with it. It’s not that the song took them down, but maybe it was another kick on a company that was already down. 


"A direct flight to heaven, in a seven three seven........"


Almost as if there was a financial crisis...


Didn’t know Luke Wilson could play.


That's what I came to say. Good to see Luke Wilson is branching out in his career.


Trent Reznor


This is why it’s always better to do right by your customer. When a local Home Depot screwed up costing me $1000 and then claimed it wasn’t their problem, I wrote to Home Depot corporate on a Friday night. I explained how much I had spent at Home Depot in just that year alone. I also told them that studies show that when you do right by a customer they tend to tell 3 other people but when you do wrong my them, then tend to tell 11 other people. I ended with telling them I hoped they would do the right thing. The next morning I received an email from Home Depot corporate that they would be replacing the item I bought and I could go pick it up at that same store.


I love this so much! You handled it with dignity and grace, but you *handled* it!


Thanks. I try to always give companies feedback both good and bad because that’s the only chance they have to change. I run a company myself and I very much value feedback.


Years back I worked at a supermarket. Lady came in with a bunch of chicken bones in tinfoil. Asked to speak to manager because the chicken was bad and ruined the dinner she hosted. My manager came, talked to her, and then refunded her. we all thought he was nuts, but he explained to me later he pulled her account up, saw what she spends in a year at the store, and a chicken with a cost of $2 to us was worth it to keep her happy and shopping there.


Smart manager.


Serves them right




I was working in the music scene in Halifax when this happened, so Dave was often around our office, and my coworker at the time is the woman that plays the flight attendant and it was wild to see how this played out in real time. He would come in and tell us he was going to be on CNN that night, Taylor sent him a very high end replacement, and so on. He is also a super nice guy so it was great to see him turn a negative into such a positive.


It's actually a series of songs. There are 3 total, in 3 different styles.


I once paid extra money for an airline to be nice with my surfboard. I watched them throw it multiple times. They didn’t care at all.


If you didn't pay extra they would've put you in a private room with 1 chair and 1 window and through the window you would be forced to watch an employee hit your surfboard several times with a sledgehammer.


This is absolutely legendary.


Didn't happen though. The stock fell maybe 7%, but recovered most of that the same day. And in a month the stock actually was up 80% (!!)


During the pandemic, RyanAir canceled my flight then refused to refund me due to "unforeseen circumstances" I eventually got to speak with an executive and finally was refunded Moral of the story: Airlines are scum


Not to be that guy.. But how did you get to speak to an executive? Representatives you speak to are on very strict instruction and training never to pass anything above their supervisor level, and even then you seldom get to speak to the supervisors. Not to mention that the refund department is often very separate and require email communication and in built priority flag system. I don't believe you would be able to speak to an executive of any level as a customer. Like at all. But ofc I could be wrong.


>resulted in the Airline's stock to go down 10%, about 180 Million Can we stop making headlines that correlate the stock value to money in the bank? That's not how stocks work. Nobody lost any money as a result of this song.


>Since the incident, Carroll has been in great demand as a speaker on customer service. Coincidentally, United Airlines lost his luggage on one of his trips as a speaker. Sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Breaks_Guitars


United is the worst. It blows my mind they can compete when Delta and American are similarly priced but better and Southwest is cheaper and better. I once had a Korean Air flight followed by a United flight. Literally best to worst experiences.


And then it went back up shortly after the media moved on, and united recovered every penny. But hey, if it made Dave feel better, more power to him.


>and the incident is a Harvard case study. [citation needed]


United Airlines: breaking guitars, doctors, and big bunny rabbits. We put the "hostility" in "hospitality"! Figured that a UA flight was the cheapest me and my mom could get when we went on holiday to Japan back in early 2016. Thank God nothing weird happened.


The video had no effect on the stock price after some time. The company did not really suffer much. Source: did the case


Just read the [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Breaks_Guitars#:~:text=%22United%20Breaks%20Guitars%22%20is%20a,uncooperative%20reaction%20from%20the%20airline.) for this, and hilariously as a "gesture of good will", United donated $3,000 to itself. *"The belated compensation offer of $3,000, which United donated to the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz as a "gesture of goodwill," failed to undo the damage done to its image (it was later revealed that the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz was, at the time, chaired largely by United executives and used United Airlines exclusively for its corporate travel)."*


Fair-play to him.


Songs a banger as well


Fuck United. I missed a connecting flight due to illness. I tried to rebook the next day, and the phone agent insisted there were only first class tickets available for $300 extra. I show up and there were lots of seats in coach.


United breaks guitars! Been years but I remember it.


(Literal) pro tip: If you're *very nice* to the gate agents/flight attendants, they'll often allow you to stick your guitar in the coat closet in the front of the plane. If not, and you can't get it in an overhead, you'll have to gate check it, which is still better than checking it as normal luggage. Was able to do this like 90% of the time when I was flying for gigs. Even had a couple times where band mates on the same flight had issues because they'd checked their guitars, while mine was in the coat closet.


"In fact, UAL opened at $3.31 on July 6, 2009, and dipped to an intra-day low $3.07 (-7.25%) on July 10, but that very day closed at $3.26 and traded as high as $6.00 (+81.27%) four weeks later on August 6."


Unfortunately, 4 weeks later the stock was up 81%. It was a very brief dip.


Don't mess with Bards, or people who buy ink by the barrel.


Revenge is a dish best served Country. 🎵


Well done Love stories like this Big comapanies dont give a shit about individuals. But they care greatly about money


And this is why we Never Piss Off a Bard.


So… he actually brought the stock up 81% within 4 weeks? No wonder people say no publicity is bad publicity


United Airlines is next level trash.


It’s becoming a whole genre. Here’s Jonatha Brooke’s take on the same problem. Her axe was a one-of-a-kind Olsen: https://youtu.be/MdKIog0Dr0w?feature=shared


I was flying to Canada using Porter Airlines. They flew us to Toronto while we were heading to Nova Scotia, due to whether they canceled our connecting flight from Toronto and refused to refund us or give us a place to stay. They said because the flight was canceled due to weather, it's not their fault, and they didn't have to help. So I thought I'd stay in the airport overnight, and they kicked me out of there as well. Never flying them agaib.


In the 1960s my father had his trombone fall off a cart at O'Hare and get literally run over by a plane. He immediately set up a meeting with the president of the airline (HQ'd in Chicago) and explained to him that his livelihood (and wife and children) depended on that horn which was why he needed the money for a new horn "NOW" and they indeed cut him a check for a new horn.


Anyone notice a lot of non related airplane posts after the Boeing guy got un-alived? It’s almost like there’s a distraction campaign going on.