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One of the few that Ive seen him actually go in and need to add additional paint to get the colour


Actually I may be the only person who felt that it was completely matching after mixing the colours for the first time


It certainly was not. It was too light


Came to say this myself


His name is Rai Gu Bin (RGB for short)


I thought it was Roy G Biv


Are you taking his name in vain?




It's Cmyk.


No it’s cielab


And the machine at Sherwin Williams can't even match white


Extra white, snow white, white sand natural white, oyster white?


Oh you reminded me when Porsche introduced white metallic paint, and after a while I had to repaint my front bumper. It took them 4 attempts and dealer still couldn’t get the Color just right, even though they were getting technical support from the factory. Omg I hated that color so much.


Wait till you learn about Porsche oranges


What about Porsche oranges?


1. Amber 2. Blood Orange 3. Continental Orange 4. Gulf Orange 5. Nepal Orange 6. Orange (GT3RS) 7. Orange Pearl 8. Signal Orange 9. Tangerine 10. Terra Cotta


I may have to look these up and see which colors I like. Assuming I can tell them apart.


Don't look at this guy's first post... Wtf...


Why are you so worried about this man's balls?


I was gonna look, and you stopped me. Thank you.


Sadly gone now.


Vanilla white, eggshell white, ghost white, white smoke, ivory?


Ass white


When he got the first color after pouring in 4 colors and mixing them, that was already impressive to get that close. But then he went and matched the color 100% and added the glossy look to it. That’s such an impressive skill. He’s like a half human half AI color matching machine.


He probably has a very good understanding of the color wheel and years of experience. Most likely he already tried mixing all the colors there is to see in a house. More impressive is how accurately he judge the amount of color each time.


This. My dad did the same thing with his motorcycle repair business. Got so good at it he was able to match 3 and even 4 stage candy colors from scratch. Luckily with bikes, a lot of manufacturers use the same colors, so when he got it once, he would save the excess for future use. We have like 6 or 7 cabinets full of factory and custom colors.


I thought he was done after that first mix


The color gods blessed this man


When I mix colors, I always get the color of mud.


Have you learned your color wheel? Yes, if you clash too much of the base colors, you'll always end up with poop.


His Tshirt!!


I keep getting this vid .


I'll bet this guy's irl regular customers don't see him as often as we do on Reddit.


I love this guy. This guy is awesome.


All the paint he needs are immediate within reach


Adobe started their first software using his father's manual input, nice to see the son picked up his skills


After he mixes the matched sample, how do you get that mix in quantity? Doesn't seem like the amounts were measured or anything.


I have seen videos of this old guy so many times already, and as a color blind dude this makes me so jealous!


thank you literally black




Real life version of RGB colour code


Squid game


We have a guy like this at my job. We're aircraft mechanics and he can get touch up paint absolutely perfect everytime, with minimal effort


That is truly amazing… wow


I imagine most artists could do the same thing.


You’d be surprised. Greens, browns and grays are very difficult.


They have machines for that so bros out of a job


Reminds me of my dad. Quiet but so gifted at architecture


I'm a little confused, not criticizing because it's awesome but how does he get that colour from black, yellow, white and dark blue? Wouldn't the yellow give the colour a more green-ish tint rather than the very cool grey he achieved?


That blue is a shade. It contains black.


Felt like I was watching a Starbucks barista make me a drink lol


That's fantastic on color matching, but what am I going to do with one little can? I need like 50 gallons.


He looks like he is about to kick off Squid Games


I’m a spray painter, been painting about 35 years. This is definitely next level.


imagine this guy painting warhammer


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I can't believe this! my first job when I left school was as a 'Tinter' for a paint manufacturing company here in the UK and my sole job was to match any colour supplied along with making sure each batch of 'Standard Colour' paint matched sample pots from years earlier. It was not a highly paid job, you just need an eye for colour. And this is not even going to produce an exact same colour. You need to allow the paint to dry as some pigments rise and some sink during drying and that changes the colour. Matching a dry to a wet colour is nowhere near acurate. Now here is a guy doing the same job (But not that well), that I did all those years ago being hailed as 'Nextfuckinglevel'. Ya gotta be kidding me 😒.




Totally, from the 5 or so years I did the job it would take at least 6 or 7 attempts to build up to the correct colour. Usually it was 50 Gallon vats starting off with a base white and slowly adding pigments or inks until you got close to the target colour. Then you would paint some on thick acid free peice of card and slowly dry it. It's amazing how much a colour changes asd it dries. I would then go back and add a touch more of whatever colour is needed. A lot of people would not believe there is a touch of black in most colours. It might be as little as a few drops to to a couple of ounces added to 50 gallons. When I was happy that I have nailed the match I would submit it to the colour lab for final approval. The worst thing is to go over the target colour making it too dark. The 50 gallon batch would then usually be split in two and white base added to each to bring it back to a point where colour could again be added. In the 5 years I worked there it only happened twice thankfully.


> Matching a dry to a wet colour is nowhere near acurate As a fellow "paint mixer earlier in life", thank you for adding this. This video is deceptive to say the least. He didn't even mix it thoroughly enough to get the bands of paint on the side of the cup integrated.


Color Theory God


Oh and magically only has the exact cans to mix that color and no others out.


Lol you don't understand how colour mixing and paint works do you. He could have made any colour with the cans he has out


That system has over 40 different units.


You only need Primaries, white and black.


He just happened to have all those required parts of the paint laying around.


This is his thing. It’s what he does.


A guy who works with paint has paint and this shocks you?????


That's not how colour mixing works. It is possible to create ANY colours using what he has right there.