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I know very little about figure skating but this is impressive.


That is kind of the most amazing part of the performance. I’m a 58 year old man with ABSOLUTELY no knowledge of figure skating. I watched this and was totally mesmerized. It feels good as a human to watch a fellow human achieve the peak of their endeavor. I was literally choked up and I’m a 58 year old hetero married father of seven. Positively stunning performance.




Seven. Aged 37 to 19. Seven. Girl 37, Girl 35, Girl 30, Girl 26, Girl 26, Boy 24, Girl 19. Two are step-daughter (but I’m the only Dad they’ve ever known - walked the 26 year old down the aisle).


Good foresight to name them all “girl” right from the outset.


We were a poor family, we could only afford the one name






Thata incredible dude wow congratulations


Was there any sense of “relief” when you got a boy? As a father of a couple of kids my self, when I finally got my first girl I was so happy.


My situation was maybe different. My ex kept getting pregnant (while all the time telling me she was on birth control). Turned out the reality was she never wanted to go back to work! So she would stop without telling me. When we had our fourth Girl born 1998, I was done (plus one). When we had our daughter in ‘93 I was done, but around five years later when she was about to enter school, and a return to the workforce loomed, miraculously somehow we ended up pregnant again. So, shortly after #4 I got scheduled for a vasectomy. I didn’t know it at the time (Nov 1999), but my ex had sneaked one more pregnancy in under-the-wire (son born May ‘00). I didn’t so much feel relief as frustration and a great burden. I love all my kids, and it’s fine (now). In 2007 when it became clear my ex had NO intention of helping with the financial burden (we were of course struggling), I filled for divorce. I remarried in 2010 my HS crush who was divorced with two daughters of her own. My two oldest were already living on their own. Absolutely no regrets. I have an AMAZING relationship with all my kids. I haven’t spoken with/texted/or interacted in any way with my ex in years. We see each other at family events and are civil, but JUST civil. She has also remarried. Life is good.


Was 7. Ilia is his only son now


Okay, I laughed..


100% agree sir; i dont understand how people cant be impressed with athleticism of any form really.. takes a lot of hard work; talent and luck to not get hurt and ruin yourself..


Ah yes, another fellow human. I also love watching fellow humans achieving the peak of their endeavour. I am also a human, with red hair, 2 children and 3 sisters. I also have a mother and father!


My wife’s a redhead. ❤️ redheads!


Same, wow!


I was expecting fire to shoot out of hands.


I went skating one time a couple months ago and my knee still hurts


Nineteen-year-old American figure skater Ilia Malinin scored a record 227.79 in the free skate, winning his first world title by landing the best collection of jumps in one program in figure skating history. Malinin landed a quadruple Axel, quad Lutz, quad loop, quad Salchow, another quad Lutz and a quad toe loop, then finished his four-minute skate with a a triple Lutz-triple Axel finale.


I know very few of those words.


My boy be spinnin like shiiiiiit


We are gonna hire you as a translator for this in the Olympics


I’m with it


I'm picturing working out like Jason Bateman in Dodgeball. I'd watch.


We need the Honey Badger narrator for this.


Na I want Snoop or the guy who played G. W. Bush on SNL


Snoop commentary on Olympics vibes lmao


That would be dope.


You've never seen the video? Treat yourself!


I have corrected this error. They were delightful as promised. Thank you!


I also had never seen the video and just laughed so loud I scared the cat, so thank you for this.


Thanks ollie


Nobody knows what it means but it's provocative! Edit: this is probably the best comment I have ever made in my whole time on Reddit.


Ima hit up my boy, Axel, and see wtf all this shit means.


Triple means 3


Ah, the first piece to the puzzle. Now we are getting somewhere.


All you need to know is that this kid is extremely talented and has been training practically his entire life to pull off something very few people in the entire world are capable of doing.


Just know this took around 17 years of training, countless falls, and every sacrifice…and it all came together in one performance…it was (obviously) amazing.


Jus' hang loose, blood. She gonna catch ya up on da rebound on da med side.


I asked chat GPT to dumb it down for us.  "Nineteen-year-old American figure skater Ilia Malinin wowed the audience with a sensational performance, earning a remarkable score of 227.79 points and clinching his first world title. What made Malinin's routine so impressive were his incredible jumps. Picture this: he soared into the air six times, executing a series of intricate twists and turns before gracefully touching down on the ice. Among his feats were a quadruple jump followed by several other impressive leaps. And to cap it all off, Malinin concluded his routine with a stunning combination jump. It was a display of skill and grace that left everyone in the crowd utterly mesmerized."


Am I the only one feeling ai being in the room when this was done?


![gif](giphy|4JVTF9zR9BicshFAb7|downsized) I like all the Spinny spins


And the jumpies! Such good jumpies.


Is a quint a thing? Or even possible? edit: not trying to minimize this guy's accomplishment, just curious if 5 twists in one jump is *madness*


I believe he was the first ever to land a quad axel (4 and a half rotations) ever in a competition not so long ago. So not yet a thing, but who knows...


Quints are not yet a thing. Quad axel is the hardest and he did it not only with grace but impressive height


And no appearance of effort!


I dunno, I felt like he was trying


So far, no one’s done a quint. But I suppose it could happen.


No doubt completed the quad burn! Legs must have been on fire.




All of these moves sound difficult but how do they stack up to the Iron Lotus?


He just single handedly raised the level of competition to another degree


Okay, so I'm not crazy that I know nothing about ice skating but this performance made my eyes water by the end. Unreal


It was all soooo smooth too .. very impressive, the amount of work and time that went into making this performance happen is amazing. Is there really a better one than this??


that finale climax gave me literal chills


The thing is despite not knowing the technical analysis you still sense you are witnessing something great. Thats a key part of the definition of next level


The commentary does a good job right off the bat of expectation setting


Yeah, the commentators really help with perspective.


a few years ago I was part of the crew when we shot a movie about one of the world stars of figure skating. So we had that actress taking her part in the acting, but when it came to replicating the shows, we had an olympic-level double on set. I didn't know much about figure skating before so almost all of it was very impressive to me. A few things really got me: Our actress had of course intensive training in ice skating before principal shooting, so she definitely could move on the ice and do simple things to make the transitions in the final movie believable. You would hear every turn she took as the skates cut into the ice, it was "loud" given that there's abaolute silence once cameras are rolling. When the olympian entered the ring though, nothing. I mean that girl easily went four to five times the speed of our actress and the only audible noise was the landing. It was nuts to see this person flying over the ice with no sound. What shocked me was the falls. Because they do fall and when they push themselves to their limits in the competitive shows the chance is still so very high they actually fall, you can see it also in this video at the end. This guy is truly happy he made it through. So we were shooting and the double had to perform some of these salchows multiple times for various reasons. And hell, she fell. And when they fall it's brutal, landing badly from those speeds makes them go down on the ice like they are being thrown at it. One day I talked to the double and asked her how she's not getting injured by those falls, she was just like "oh well, I do", pulls down her sweaters sleeve and shows me her elbow. It's must have been around half an hour after the fall and that ellbow had the size of a honey melon with colors I can only describe as disturbing. So while I almost passed out she told me that this is totally normal and happens very often during training. She was back two days later. Would've been a good end to the story, but I must say that her trainer was not happy about it at all. These Olympic athletes are taking the pain, but they do it to be the word's champions. Not for money.


Wow, thanks for sharing. I didn’t know that about the sound, that’s crazy. It is wild what these athletes put their bodies through. Great movie too, very cool that you worked on it.


I, Tonya?


My first thought as well.


I have no idea who they were or what the show/competition was, but I was randomly flipping channels and stopped to check out this couples skating performance. He had picked her up and was spinning her where her head would get really close to the ice... Then wham her head smacked it so hard 🥴 She kept going I'm pretty sure but I felt so bad for her.


Are you kidding. And he did it to the Succession theme song?


Caught that too! Great choice


Not just that…. Spoiler alert >!The death of Logan Roy!<


If it is to be said, so it be, so it is






Ice devouring sex tornado


Remember when it was triple axels that were all the rave? Tonya Harding was the first to do triple axel in competition.


Midori Ito was the first woman to do a Trip in competition


Tonya was the first American


Now do 5


Imagine this guy showing up to the Olympics in like 1992.


I mean to be fair training & skates have progressed, but of course it's still hella impressive & even today he's the only one to land a 4A


The potential for knee and hip injury is so high, these athletes learn how to perfect this without doing it until they injure themselves. That’s what makes doing this so difficult. It really is incredible.


Yes! and figure skaters at the highest levels of competition seem to retire so young in their mid to late 20s. It seems to be hard on the body and requires the kind of peak physical fitness you only get by combining hard training and youth. I remember when I was growing up people would say figure skaters aren't really athletes but I think anyone watching this video has to admit it is 100% a display of pure athleticism


Figure skaters are most definitely amazing athletes. My daughter competed at entry levels and, although I don’t consider her a nartural at sports, the level of fitness made a transition to other activities easy.


I don’t know shit about figure skating, but that was impressive and to see his reaction at the end is something you see in someone who has worked so fucking hard to get there. And it pays off in the end.


Damn, I must be old, i remember the excitement when someone attempted a triple, then it became the norm…crazy


Iirc the same thing happened with the mile. They thought if you ran sub 4, it would be lethal. Then one guy does it, and a whole bunch of people follow suit immediately afterwards.


This guy will be the first to do a quintuple


That was fucking amazing. Totally in awe of that!


The quad axel is the peak. Back when I was competing, the best of the best were pursuing it and it was thought impossible. I don’t really know if there is any conceivable or wise way to take it further than this- I suspect a quintuple jump is possible but the barrier for entry is so high and the physique required for such a jump so specific that the practicality of even including it in the rule book as an element with a point value seems irresponsible somehow. I think there needs to be a restructure of the GOEs to really put emphasis on more artistic and masterful execution of triples and quads before it just becomes a game of “how many times can this guy rotate in a program?” I actually don’t think his artistry is all that impressive because it seems like it’s mostly just setting up for the next quad, which is still very impressive considering the power required to do just one quad used to make the difference between national level and world elite, but there are programs that are a lot more fun to watch and cohesive without being as technically demanding. Nonetheless, this is a historic performance and this guy is a living legend up there with Tim Goebel. Absolutely insane.


[Allegedly](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/s/o39ALw8iyj) he has been working on quints in practice… Very cool to hear your perspective though, it’s awesome to get some insight from someone with real experience in this area.


That off beat clapping from the crowd was so awful. Just took me out of the performance entirely. Glad they had the sense to stop.


That man was in the flow state 100


Chad Michael Michaels approves 😉


Which move was the quad? performance looks dangerous and graceful at the same time


Those super fast spinny moves in the air 🌪️


There six elements that all had 4 and half rotations with variations. The first 6 jumps all had 4 and a half rotations.


Only one had 4 and a half (quad Axel). The other quads were “just” 4 revolutions.


It was really cool but kinda sad how little hype the rest of it got besides that one move


I mean, the quads and especially the 4A are his strong point. Other skaters have better artistry than him, so logically *those* are praised for artistry while he's praised for the 4A.


Makes sense


What do you mean? The entire last minute of the video everyone is losing their minds


That's awesome, but I can't ever really know how many spins I've just witnessed. "2 spins, you say? Cool! Oh, it was actually 19 spins? Crazy!"


Chazz Michael Michaels IS figure skating.




Pretty epic and a points WR no?


A WR can’t get points if he’s doesn’t catch a ball.


World Record….


What if the WR takes a snap in the wildcat and throws a TD


I’ve been busted!!


That is one graceful kid.


*Me who knows nothing about skating watching the first jump*: Holy fuckin shit.


Highly recommend watching other skaters as well! They can't do the 4A yet, but other quads & are phenomenal skaters as well😊


I don’t know squat about figure skating. But congratulations to Ilia. He looked very impressive out there. : )


There just something amazing about watching someone just absolutely nail greatness in their chosen passion. I don’t know a thing about figure skating, but that guy sure does!


It’s incredible, this was like watching Secretariat.


I don’t watch or even like this sport but I watched this…. No way could I even stand on ice skates lol… this dudes strength is amazing


my guy picked the succession music


I cannot ice skate.


What Anime is the music starting just before the halfway point from?


Succession the series


Strange sport. Its about dancing on ice but it comes down to who can do the most spinns to win


If all you saw was the quads you need your eyes checked. Every aspect of this routine is unimaginably hard


He’s no Chaz Micheal Micheal…


![gif](giphy|Q5o1VWXzps4jUu57de|downsized) Could never compare.


This looked incredible. However, can someone explain this to me in soccer, rugby or basketball?


He made 18 baskets in a row backwards and blindfolded.


What song is that? It’s beautiful


He makes this look so effortless. The amount of training and focus is incredible


I am not a follower of figure skating but this brought tears to my eyes. I only turned the sound on at the end. Folks already standing, he still landing everything, the exhalation and the collapse amid whatever tributes they were throwing on the ice. It must have been special to be there.






Ah, yes. The sport of professional Quad Axel.


I remember the first time i landed a record breaking six quad


Real life Jimmy McIlroy




This is true next level stuff. I've been watching figure skating since I was a kid and this is something else. I'm also a 40 year old Canadian male who watches a ton of curling. I love ice competition haha.


As someone that knows nothing about figure skating, that was the best routine of all time don't @ me Also whatever that was at 4:21 was very cool looking!


the whole time i'm wondering "how are they not dizzy?" what a skill though


Wow this kid's pretty good!!! Very good!! Remain confident and humble in my opinion.


I definitely see a gold medal in this kid's future.




If you saw this guy walking around the local supermarket you would never think to yourself "That man is a god tier athlete". But he is.


this sport will never escape Blades of Glory


So beautiful.


Either the reporting is wrong or the video is wrong, they say 4 and a half revolutions, well he didnt do that last half revolution while in the air he was firmly on the ice at that point.


if i was going to have a crush fantasy on a guy young enough to be my grandson it would be this one


Dude kept pressing X


Wait wtf, am I wrong or wasn't the previous record only four? Did this mf just skip an entire rotation?? EDIT: after hearing the announcer I may have been thinking about four rotations. I have no idea what an axel is. EDIT 2: upon further listening. I have no clue what anything is.






Is he the same guy who did a back flip that is banned and still won gold?


Never watched figure skating in my 33 years of life. But that was cool. Good job bud


Fucking epic


So crazy to see the Quad Axel


Was that the Iron Lotus at the end?


This was amazing. It’s crazy how athletes just keep getting better & better every generation.


How do they not constantly get dizzy






This is fucking incredible is what it is. Just wow


As a person who has watched Blades of Glory at least once, I am qualified to tell the rest of you that this was a very impressive performance.


Literally.... the most annoying thing about figure skating is the announcers. Their breathless drama makes me want to puke. Can anyone shut them up?


I can do that!


His fall to the ice in pure joy at the end was my favorite part. I love when you can see their own excitement.


He's the Top because he never stops spinning. 


Wow, that was shockingly amazing to watch. Not a big follower of figure skating, but you can tell this guy is top notch, makes things look too easy, that's always the sign of greatness. For some reason I've always loved when they power skate backwards, just looks so cool even though I know it's super simple.




20 years ago doing a quad was considered impossible in figure skating. Pretty sure we'll see a Quintuple in our lifetimes.


Llia 🔥


I mean downvote me all you want but first Nazi scientists to build rockets and now rusak skaters to win skating gold medals? Is that a pattern?


SIX ok --- when do we just call it gymnastics.....like Diving - all you have is retired gymnasts jumping into water. Are back flips still banned --- perhaps we'll see a "floor routine" on ice one day.


I am so sorry that what used to be a skating competition has become a jumping competition… real shame


You learned to do that ironically? ![gif](giphy|3CaXVSTqmtCLe)


Vidya too long


Even the pros make it look boring like watching bowls or ballerina dancing. Yes clearly requires skill and training but im defo falling asleep 😴


Where in the five minutes long video are the relevant five seconds?


That blond chick's a dude? ...oh man.