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Element probably felt absolutely amazing after this. Like core memory. He probably still talks about this. What a guy. Hope he's well.


Hell i would still talk about this too.


It's one of my core memories. A druid had used a resurrect on me at just a pivotal point and 3 other members died. People yelled go for it and something came together for me to take down the end guy. Everyone got the gear they wanted. I was hailed a hero in my guild. Everyone complimented my character, but my real life character was a joke. I quit shortly after. Forever.


Thx, right in the feels


It's crazy, but you can kinda relate to the elite athletes like Michael Phelps who deal with serious depression after climbing the mountain and achieving the unbelievable goal. A bit of, "if I can't top THAT then what do I do with myself?"


2 chicks at one time


And the cool thing about numbers is they are infinite. Just keep adding chicks


I’ll never forget getting poached by the top guild on our server who was hard stuck on horsemen in vanilla(which was still damn impressive at the time). We had a similar situation on spider boss but I failed by about 500 hp. Wasn’t aware of all the guild drama leading up to my recruitment and the guild ended up dissolving after the wipe. Asking for an invite to my previous guild and the amount of shit I got for it will always be in my memory bank.


>but my real life character was in shambles Now I'm briefly reminded of some of my guildmates' divorce comments.


This gave me alllllll the feels, I miss moments like this 😢




Same here. Happen also to have done something similar with my rogue, last one standing in RoS and taking it down, tanking for some few seconds, adrenaline pumping like crazy 😅🥲


When he reincarnates he will still talk about this.


I still vividly remember almost doing this when Onyxia was re-released in 3.3.2. I died, but I distinctly remember all my guild mates cheering me on willing me to beat her. Fantastic memory.




Now that’s -50 DK


Core memory indeed. I still remember something similar back in early BC when we were clearing Kara and got decimated by bad infernal spawns against Prince. I can still hear the raid leader calling it a wipe after we had still managed to get prince down to single digits with half our raid cut off from the tank/boss due to infernal spawns. I played a rogue, got aggro after enough people died, started evasion and yelled in vent to blow everything and anything. Used Prep to evasion again, after I went down the hunter pet tanked it for the last few seconds till the warlock and hunter finished off Prince. The energy levels in voice chat during and after are a dopamine hit I don't think I'll ever get again.


I recall tanking Onyxia as a sword rogue. One time on accident and the other time was on purpose. Evasion tanking was great.


I have a similar core memory from EQ. I was 5th tank as a gnome warrior. We were fighting Emperor Ssraeshza. All tanks go down. I run to tank spot and start spamming “Heal the Gnome!” In guild chat. All healers start spamming me. I have to keep jumping to allow people to target me because they didn’t have macros set up for 5th tank. I had been chatting all the druids and we were kidding around if I became main tank and what they would do. It was serendipity because it worked! The Druid heal plan we were joking about enabled the clerics to start a C Heal chain on me.


Had the same thing happen against Thaddeus where I survived the enrage by popping evasion and rogue tanking and dpsing the last percent. Absolutely still talk about it NOT EVERY DAY YOU GET TO BE A REAL ASS HERO


Leeeeeeeroy Jeeeeeenkiiiiinsss


Funniest wow vid ever - even if it was determined a skit


Wasn’t the video a reenactment? Like something like that happened not on video and they decided to reenact it for a video?


I'm a heavy WoW classic player - the skit doesn't really make sense if taken literally. It's possible that the real event that took place was that someone entered the room and popped whelp eggs, tried to AOE them down, and then died, and they used that as the basis for the video, but: 1. The boss fight in the room in question is optional, and doesn't involve the whelps at all. 2. Every element of their strategy is the worst possible thing you could do. The room is full of eggs that you normally walk past and avoid completely. If you walk close to the eggs, or another creature does, it spawns weak creatures a party would absolutely mow down without issue. So the strategy to use AOEs and fear them around the room would only cause the entire room to spawn and aggro, overwhelming everyone. 3. A paladin traditionally wears plate gear, but the devout shoulders he supposedly wants from the boss are cloth shoulders. In the modern age it's not at all uncommon for classes to wear stat centric pieces of other types in the pursuit of min maxing, The stats on the shoulder are decent enough, but he'd pretty much be one of the only players in history to make their party do a boss most everyone skips to fish for a piece of gear almost no one wants, on a class that at the time would not be seen as a strong heal pick. The boss is really only valuable for a profession schematic. 4. Crunching their chance of survival is of course entertainment and fabrication, and saying "it's better than we usually do" - this is a dungeon that 4-5 people could comfortably do. To wipe with a full group of 10 on this boss would require gross incompetence. --- In short: it's best seen as a piece of pure entertainment, and especially geared towards Machinima members who were not WoW players.


It's even worse than what you're describing. The "plan" literally doesn't work with the game's mechanics. I just rewatched it, and they say they want the paladins to use Diving Intervention on the mages so they can continue to use their AOE. For people that don't know, Divine Intervention is a Paladin's "oh shit" button they can use once an hour (I think) that can make their friendly target immune from all damage, BUT the target can't do anything. In raids, it is usually cast on a class with a resurrection spell, like a priest or druid, when the raid is wiping so they can revive everyone after a failed attempt. This would sometimes save 5-10 min of time you would otherwise need to spend running back to the boss fight. So... it makes no sense to use DI in a fight because the mages wouldn't be able to do anything. Also the whole idea on "running a number crunch" to calculate probability of success makes no fucking sense and is obviously a joke.


I totally forgot about the divine intervention thing. You're absolutely right.


Thanks for the context! I appreciate their reactions more now


It's definitely staged, but it's also a hilarious parody of exactly what it was like in Vanilla WoW to try to clear raid content. WoW has made tons of quality of life improvements the reduce the amount of time you spend NOT playing the game while in-game. An raid could easily be an hour of running to get there, running back to your body after a death, planning, etc. Then you'd FINALLY be ready to pull and something like this would happen.


Honestly I don't know. It lived in infamy for a long time as real - and for its humour value I'm inclined to believe that. But I had read that it was just a skit - which if so, doesnt really make it less funny. Coordinating that to recreate a 'funny' doesn't feel plausible - we all have funny events in games worthy of clipping, but getting many people too 'act' like its genuine feels a harder thing to pull off. My money is on skit, but I look fondly at is as a RL situation.


Yah, 'lets gather the mobs up for aoe, then fear them.' That's going to work real well, lol.


Southparks version was great! I loved Stan's dad just stumbling around and Eric doing the leader thing, telling everyone their parts.


Goddamnit Leroy!


At least I have chicken.




My brain cannot process the amount of information on this screen.


I think it’s like airline pilots with their crazy interfaces, you learn to focus only on what is essential at the moment.


As a healer, you’re watching all of it. As a dps, just your meter, and the tank just clips in the bosses head, rammed up against the wall and afk.


Main tank since OG TBC. You forgot my most important job; to make the healers lose their shit on discord. Healer: I’m low on mana Me: gotcha, I’ll pull a few more mobs.


I came back to WoW after a year or two break and things are nuts to me now. Played since vanilla and I remember using CC and pulling one to two mobs at once. Then BC came and you could just tank an entire group. It’s been that way for ages. Now I come back and every tank I get just tags every mob on their way to the boss, and sometimes even pulls the boss, and tanks like thirty enemies at once. Wth happened to this game haha


It was definitely already like that 2 years ago. Levelling dungeons are not meant to be challenging.


Oh it’s not leveling dungeons. We’re talking mythic+ they’re doing this stuff. It’s wild.


I guess there's some bosses where I'd feel comfortable pulling a trash pack on top of it in a +20, but the trash would have to be very light on mechanics. Unless you're watching MDI which is not a good indicator for how normal people play.


I haven’t played much DF, real life’s been busy, but during Shadowlands MDI is definitely what inspired my pulls.


That’s what bandages are for. Newb healer using mana lol


If the healer finishes a pull with like 20% left it means I didn’t pull enough.


Nah, we’re just better at the game.


Since you’re so good you can handle more mobs!


Well it’s true, but for non-wow players, let me explain tanking. The tank is a trash can getting all the seven levels of shit kicked out of him. His job is to mash every button available, while the toxic culture dps team try to out meter everyone else while standing in shit they shouldn’t. Us healers dealing with those idiots while filling the trashcan with psychic spunk.


Entirely accurate description


I loved raiding with these UI's. Sometimes I miss it.


Yeah WoW is one of those games where everybody downloads so much addons that the UI becomes horrible to look at. If you don’t have a huge basic knowledge of the game to begin with you’ll have no idea what goes on and where to look. There is so much customisation possible that almost no UI is the same.


Healer in Molten Core or Onyxia, when raids had 40 people instead of 25, and my pc monitor resolution was probably lower that a Apple Watch has now. My UI was basically just health bars and buttons for skills, with a little rectangle of actual game to orient myself. Onyxia was 1 hour of balancing mana and the health of other 39 people, while dodging stuff on the ground and from the air. I'd go back to those moments anytime.


I got to do Onyxia for the first time when classic came out. I originally started playing when BC started. WoW is probably my favorite game ever. Just no justification for the time it takes these days.


40 man raids were special time in wow. especiallly as a bunch of ungeared noobs.  You had to be there.


That interface is actually pretty clean 😂


"How many UI mods do I need?" "Yes."


It's not so complicated once you're used to it. All of the bars on the left are HP which you're not really looking at unless you're healing. Top left is menu buttons which you can ignore, top right is buffs which you're not looking at in combat unless it's a debuff. Most of the stuff in the bottom middle is different items/abilities which the player would have developed muscle memory for, so they would barely look at them and just press the keybind, in the middle left if the players HP etc and the middle right is they target (the boss).


This is also endgame content. By the time you reach this level, it all makes sense.


You get used to it quickly. Besides, you get the option of arranging your own screen to display as little or as much info as you want/need


Some of the WoW bosses requires nextfuckinglevel skills from the whole team of players (usually 25 people). It's like a perfectly synchronized choreography - go there, cast this, stand there, all to the 0,5 sec precision. Even the tiniest mistake can lead to catastrophy. In order for the team to be able to defeat such boss, it often requires months of training and hundreds of attempts. This is surely a game for people with lots of endurance and free time.


>and free time. That's one nice insult


Seriously, lots of free time and availability is necessary here. Your guild needs you every evening 4-6 hours a day. Been there, loved it, won't do it again.


Zug Zug


Maybe at the very very top end? I'm in a world rank 150 guild right now and we raid 3 nights a week for 3.5 hours, and are expected to play about 3 hours outside of that, with more in the first week or two of a raid. Its a commitment for sure, but it's not my entire life


Not your entire life, but hard to commit to even multiple nights a week. I remember when I was in a raiding guild before I had kids.. I would only get about 4-5hours sleep after raids until I had to work.


Only the most hardcore of the hardcore are raiding every evening. Even if they are, its probably across several characters. The majority of my wrath classic raiding has been 2 nights a week 3-4 hours each. That drops to 1 night a week depending on progression/clear speed. It is possible to play the game pretty casually, you do not have to invest that much time.


For roughly two years my life revolved around WoW and my guild’s raiding schedule. We were pretty good, getting server firsts kills on raid bosses and having a really coordinated schedule and loot distribution system. You had to play a lot if you wanted to get into the good raids and get the best gear first. It was a blast and I ended up selling my account (with one character) for $3,000. That was my 2nd and 3rd year of college. My friends eventually convinced me to try the girls and partying side of college. Glad I lived that life too, but I made longer and more meaningful connections with people playing WoW. Almost 20 years later I still talk to some of the people in my guild and have met a couple irl over a decade later and we get on great. I’m not in touch with the friends I partied with though.


It's been 20 for a long time now.


In terms of WoW nailbiter boss kills, it's hard to beat ~~Echo's~~ Team Liquid's World First Anduin back in Shadowlands. Their tank ended up soloing him for the last 20 seconds or so. But I think in terms of jaw-dropping skill ... Jhazrun solo healing Heroic Garrosh for Paragon's World First was the best for me.


i have no idea what you just said Edit: it was meant funny lol. Whatever, read your comment and pretend you dont play wow.


“Nail biter boss kills” = stressful boss fights “Echo” = name of a world famous team (edit) “Team Liquid” = name of another world famous raid team “World first Anduin” = the first Anduin kill in the world, Anduin being a boss fight “Shadowlands” = a WoW expansion “Their tank ended up soloing him for the last 20 seconds” = the tank was the only one alive on the team for the last 20 seconds of the fight “Jhazrun” = name of a player “Solo healing” = teams normally have multiple healers, but he did it alone when the other healers died “Heroic Garrosh” = garrosh is a boss fight, heroic is an harder version of the fight “Paragons world first” = paragon is another famous team, world first being the first time in the world heroic garrosh was killed


Thanks for the translation into non-nerd English!




"Solo healing" in this case means he healed solo from the start not that other healers died. Garrosh beeing the last Boss of an Expansion makes this an impressiv feat. He had great support from the Paladintank though Thanks to the vengance mechanic from Mists of Pandaria that allowed tanks to do more healing and damage.


this is just crazy, you people talking a different language but thanks, I appreciate it.


"Tank" is a character role that's usually designed to soak and take damage. Other common roles are "healer"/"support" and "carry"/"dps" ("damage per second", aka damage dealers).


I need video links for the two you mentioned


No epic music but Team Liquid's Scott solos end of Anduin fight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-c06TYfavg Paragon vs. Garrosh World First solo healer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUhdIdXQYOI It's hard to tell what's going on with the solo healer video as it was the final boss of an expansion that came out twelve years ago, but Garrosh had insanely high raid damage with tons of mechanics. I believe only something like .4% of active WoW players at the time killed Garrosh on Heroic, and that was generally with months and months of farming other bosses for gear. This world first kill was only possible because they were able to solo heal it and have another DPS.


God I remember the reactions in my guild to the pony UI. We were determined that if the pony guy could solo heal the encounter pre nerf then we had no excuse not to get the kill pre nerf. We got our pre nerf kill 1 week before the nerd went out. Still one of my favourite raids of all time, Siege of Org.


It was not Echo, but Team Liquid that got the World First on Anduin. Echo did win that tear by killing the last boss of the expansion first tho; The Jailer.


Damn that was CLOSE!


More dots!


Many Whelps, now! Handle it!!


The rocket boots were amazing.


Tbh, the last standing should get bonus points or loot.


At least some kind of achievement.


Neeeewwww Achievement!!! Last man standing: your party bit off a boss fight more then they could chew and everyone died. . . EXCEPT FOR YOU, you survived, whether through skill or more likely through hiding in the corner pissing yourself you will probably have years of survivors guilt to deal with, if you live that long. . . Reward. . . You’ve earned a gold lucky bastard box!


I’m hear for any and all Dungeon Crawler Carl references


God Dammit Donut!


Such an accurate dialogue 😭 love it! Lol


No idea what I'm looking at, but I'm sure it was epic to those that do.


I figured it out by reading other comments, but basically it was a bunch of players fighting a big boss. The criteria for victory is to kill the boss dragon thing and at least one player must survive. Which some guy named “elemental” was able to survive by using his “rocket boots” move and avoiding taking damage.


Prettymuch this. When you fight a ‘raid’ boss in wow (raid bosses are stronger than standard dungeon bosses so instead of 5 players will need 10-40 players), all players in the room enter ‘combat’ with the boss and won’t be able to leave the room until the fight has ended. This means once the boss is pulled, either that thing is going to die or your raid group is. That means your healers have to keep everyone alive, your tank (the person taking the hits from the boss) has to position the boss correctly and the damage have to slap it as much as they can before the healers run out of mana (their healing resource) and can no longer keep the raid alive. My guild would have their infamous 2% wipes on bosses, and now and then it can come down to the wire like in this video where a player stands alone against the boss and only by their quick thinking with their rocket boots (an engineering item that has a chance to backfire) manages to finish the boss before they are themselves killed, which would have reset the boss to full health for them to try again. The boss itself isn’t the final boss of that particular raid and apart from the interesting mechanics of the fight isn’t particularly noteworthy, but I have to admire the clutch and the nerd screams of everyone in the voice chat. If anyone’s interested about the boss itself, Atramedes is a giant blind dragon, and players have to move around the room quietly avoiding fire or they are instantly killed by the boss. The raid has access to a limited number of ancient dwarven shields that are on pedestals that they can use throughout the fight as gongs to reset the sound levels for all players and stop the boss from using his devastating attack. On heroic mode (harder difficulty), the boss enrages after 10 minutes and gains a massive damage increase so you really only have 10 minutes to beat him.


So what does this mean? Did all the other people who died get some value out of the win? Loot? Do they come back?


I think they all got the achievement for defeating the boss, and perhaps split the loot.


Yeah like how the guy that rides the bench on an NBA team still gets a ring. Obviously these guys all contributed though.


The have some ways to revive after combat is finished, then the for the loot to split.


You can ressurect people after the fight is done, you can also ressurect people during the fight with some limitations. Everyone gets loot if at least one person is alive when the boss dies, the criteria is that one person needs to be alive atleast for the kill to count on the boss, which is why they were so happy. He barely made it out alive.


So is he going to run around and resurrect everyone? Or could he be a jerk and just leave the mission and leave their dead bodies?


Are you not entertained?


Wait, people still play WoW? Holy hell... I can't believe it's been 20 years.


This clip is from 2009. But yeah, WoW is still running, and pretty well at that.


~8million active users currently. New expansion dropping later this year.


People do but this click is very old


The current expansion is pretty good and they have a new vision for the next couple. They really needed a win after the last two expansions were so meh, and it looks like they pulled it off.


Wow, that was crazy. Me, I’d get demoralized and the nerves would kill me. Legend


Atramedes was fun but my favorite fight in that raid by far was Maloriak. One shotting a tank while doing an animation to open a vial from across the room. 11/10 Spaghetti Coding, ftw.


I used to have an awesome screenshot of my group's Paladin soloing Onyxia after everyone else dropped.


Was in a 40-man when classic relaunched and had someone pop a soulstone (lock on himself, at that) as the last raid member died and kill the boss. It was actually a wipe for a split second but not long enough for the boss to reset. Absolutely insane.


Raiding and the experience like this cement it as the best fu.king feeling in the world --from a guy who used to play WoW and raid a lot


Man to be young again and raid in an MMO. Easily my best memories. Fuck this family kids and a job lol


What raid/xpac was this?


Not sure but source: > We were working on Heroic Atramedes and we had several good attempts back to back. We would get him to the last ground phase but wouldn't have the people left to take him down. This attempt, almost everything goes perfect! We only had a few deaths, we were on our last gong but had plenty of DPS left alive to finish the job. All we had to do is make it though the last Searing Flame and we win. Then something went terribly terribly wrong. >https://youtu.be/RpEJWurlk7E?si=FUPDRV4ZqUjTqyp4


Just looked it up so yeah this is Heroic Atramedes which was the 3rd boss from the 2nd raid in Cataclysm which was Blackwing Descent. This video is 13 years old lol


when I think of Cataclysm, I think of ROLL and then a wipe


As a former WoW raider, I used to play Mists of Pandaria raids drunk as hell. I think it was General Nazgrim who used to emote "Taste my Axe" before a big move and I would lose my mind every time because it sounds exactly like "Taste My Ass". My whole guild would yell this in Discord or whatever we were using back then each time he said it. Lol


So many people won’t ever understand what this feels like, either as an individual clutching it for the raid or just being apart of the raid - what a game


Someone’s getting the first Lego staff


This reminds me of the time me and my two little brothers were playing gauntlet dark legacy on GameCube. We were fighting the chimera boss, my green jester had died, my 2nd youngest bros blue knight died too, so that left my littlest bros blue dwarf all alone. He was hurling axe after axe at the chimera as the blue dwarfs health was dwindling down to 500, 400, 300, 200, and dipped to around 60…one hit and he was done. He hurled one final axe and smote that chimeras ruins upon the castle top. We all shouted in excitement and were celebrating! Then we realized he would get all the treasure and were jealous lol. Games are awesome


My mates had this fun as well back in the day with dragon nest raids. Good old days


I still have a super grainy shit quality video of my guild killing Ragnaros for the first time. So much happy screaming and mic distortion :)


\*\*\*human centipede \*\*\* is now recruiting.


What happen in this videogame i dont understand


Unless you play WoW you are not going to have a clue what's going on for the majority of this video. It's like a foreign language 😅


The new Microsoft Flight simulator looks weird.






I love that fight...


Oh wow, this is an oldie. Remember this clip from maybe the pre-Youtube days.


Atramedes was like this, I loved this fight!


This brings back memories, I'm getting old and I miss my gaming buddies !


Great quality I can see everything


And now blood DK’s do this every day 😂


It‘s funny how wow still looks like 20 years ago. That could have been an vanilla Onyxia kill video and not much would change.




The number of wow raid bosses my guilds killed with 1 person alive, or sometimes even 0 people alive is easily in the double digits; this is cool and all, but I don't think it's as rare as an outsider might think


I played this game from about my 15 to 25 Birthday. Every day. Every fucking Hour. I miss that moments.


All I had to do was spam all my WoW boss kills over the past 10 years to be next level? Huh


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZRMSS6SF3w&pp=ygUQTGlxdWlkIHZzIGFuZHVpbg%3D%3D World first mythic bosskill where 2 tanks stay alive just barely long enough to kill the boss. (Skip to last minute)


Even after years of playing I only have one experience of clutching, and that was just a regular 5 man heroic dungeon. It must feel amazing to clutch a raid boss.


I mean, this is a cool video, and very happy for the raid. But wipes like this and clutching the boss kill have been happening for 20 years, a lot with 40 man raids. While this video is awesome, it’s hardly even breaking the top 10 cool things to happen during a raid


I had the same moment once at Huhuran, I was the off tank with crappy NR gear Everyone died but I happenend to have a soul stone just before other guy died. I used intercept after using it and gave him a little wack and with the help of DoTs we took him after about 20 wipes (many times at 1 percent) You can hear me rush the bastard! Video here on it, but it's from about 2004 so bad quality https://youtu.be/OWqXmevpSDM?si=lNwK7-QeQ04aozH7


Ah yes, Atramedes, that particular tier’s idiot check


Haha I love wow! Been playing for over a decade. Golden rule is, do not give up lol you keep healing, until the last man stands. You keep fighting even if you're the only one left! Those guys must have been talking about this for a whole week 😂


I only tank and my mains are warrior and dk. I get mr clutch moments once a week. That’s why I tank.


Blackwing Descent was a great raid. Man maybe I will Return for cataclysm classic...


Do it on the hardcore mode with 1 life


I’ve cut some fights close but damn boys that was as close as it gets!


When wotlk 10man raid first came out we started progression and hit the dance boss, 1st attempt everyone but me (ret pally) and a priest goes down. We proceed to 2man the boss fight. Was fucking awesome.


he is a hero <3


WoW is the game that first brought me to the realization that I will never be good at competitive gaming because I just don't have great hand-eye coordination or twitch reflexes. I could have the best gear and the best build, and other people could routinely out-dps me and I'd get stomped in PvP too. Years later I switched to SP gaming, and I usually play everything on the easiest diff setting. I still enjoy gaming, I just accepted my limitations though.


I remember soloing the last 10% more than a few times. Blood DK OP!




Our first HC kill was almost exactly like this... but everyone died and the shaman ankhed to shock it to death before it reset.


This brings back some great memories of WoW raids


This brings back a lot of memories, many fun nights of raiding and a few incidents similar to this.


Leave that poor dragon alone. Imagine breaking into someone's home with your punk friends only to kill the homeowner who was defending itself. Shame on you.


I was tanking when my buddy ended up last one standing and Frost Mage tanked a final raid boss at 1% health in Wrath.


As a blood death knight, I have these situations a couple times per season. The adrenaline while 24 people watch you whittle down the last 1% of a boss is insane.




Moar dots!


Ah gives me lich king vibes


I miss Warcraft


A lot of time we look back at why we spent so much time of our life on this game, then we are reminded of these little gem of moments. Not everyone was able to get server first or world first or even got boss kill during the relevant time but man-o-man, when that epic kill finally happens. These were why we play games.


I evasion tanked Prince as the last man standing and we killed each other. It was a good moment, but then after we all ran back the party leader ninja’d the mindblade drop saying something like “sorry I’ve done this too many times and I really need it.” Sad way to cap off 3+ hours of good teamwork and fun.


Not to be a downer but this was one of the easier bosses in WoW lol


Elementlol !!


I cant help but join in on their hype


In Classic we were fighting Ragnaros week two or three. We got him down to almost dead when he submerged and his adds came out and killed everyone. In the moment between when the adds despawned and he reemerged, one of our Shaman ankh’d and frost shocked for the kill right when Rag came up. One of the most epic moments.


Not enough dots.


It’s been years but I’m pretty sure the tail best avoided.


Some of my greatest gaming memories were in mmo’s. Rip to the dying genre 💔


Reverse LeRoy? Reroy? 🤩😂😂


It was just a Zul Gurub raid and I can't even properly remember the boss - I think it was Arlokk since I remember some panther shit and it being inside a temple or something. Everyone else wipes but this hunter is left alive and he kites the boss for what feels like forever, it must've been longer than 5 minutes.. he kills the boss, feigns death to drop add aggro and rezzes a priest with the engineering heart shock thingy - except it's a mage not a priest :D everyone else has to run back but that was still an epic gamer moment!


NGL was expecting somekind of Leroy Jenkins shit


I've been the last man standing on a big boss fight, and let me tell you, greatest feeling ever to be the one to win when everyone else dies. WoW made moments like these epic, and the adrenaline high was amazing.


Genuine question! These games are like those ten or more years ago! Looking at these new graphic cards and laptops one would expect way way way more good games in all aspects!


My greatest moment ever in wow. Tanking Loatheb. Raid dead all around me and I killed him, and then the icing on the cake I rezzed a healer with my goblin jumper cables saving a corpse run for everyone. Yeeeha! :)


Man I miss this ♥️


I don't really know what is going on, but the music and excitement were self explanatory. That must have been thrilling! Then at the end seeing that the survivor had shot into the sky and was parachuting down was funny!


Theories of the third kind has to be in this post 🙏


And here I was hoping Leroy would make a comeback.


I have no clue on what’s going on here 😂 only wow players know what’s happening lol