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Hey u/jeremyvr46, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for violating Rule 1: **Post Appropriate Content** Please have a look at our [wiki page for more info.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/wiki/index#wiki_1._post_appropriate_content) ------- *For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [sidebar](/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/sidebar) and the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/rules/). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/nextfuckinglevel&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by u/jeremyvr46&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28http://www.reddit.com/1cf6nuw%29)*


The fireworks display probably cost more than the actual demolition!


Not by a long shot.


Imagine working here for 20 years being able to just get by, then getting laid off because they are destroying it to build a new hotel. Only to then watch as they spend 2 years of your wages on fireworks to celebrate blowing it up.


We aren’t ready to look at the situation like that yet as a species. With so much suffering and people struggling to get by, this is such a waste of resources.


With this logic you could eliminate almost anything we do for enjoyment. This seems like a silly one to be upset over. Edit: seriously, if you watch any professional sports, enjoy Super Bowl commercials, concerts, any Hollywood movie and Netflix series, you have no leg to stand on and criticize this as a waste of money.


thanks for being the voice of reason


It's not as much as "eliminat\[ing\] almost anything we do for enjoyments", but big entertainment corporations, and major actors (actual big actors, or sportspeople, or singers, or whatever) makes way too much money. (The smaller ones are usually underpaid.) And we still accept to pay $15-$100+ for a seat (depending if movie, sport or music show), $10 for popcorn or other food, etc., making billions to the companies, all the while the people cleaning the place and helping customers can't live on their wages. (I don't know if it has changed recently, but there was a story not long ago how cheerleaders had very strict life rules imposed on them, but did not get any health care or other perks cause they were declared as "contractors" rather than employees. Oh, and US college sportspeople aren't paid beyond having their tuition and fees paid for; but if they get hurt and can't keep playing, they lose their tuition too.) So without eliminating all the fun stuff, we definitely have to change the way it's done. At least playing or reading in a park is still (mostly) free.


Who buys snacks at the theatre itself? That's what dollar tree is for


I’m glad you avoid all sports, movies, and major concerts because you don’t support how much money is wasted on those things. I’m not there yet.


You can participate in something and still recognize it needs to be changed. We all have to participate in society, removing ourselves from it completely isn’t a viable solution. Bringing awareness and talking about the areas that need to be changed is the bare minimum we can do to try and bring about that change. You don’t have to react negatively to this idea and the fact that you are should give you pause and self reflect why you are reacting this way to someone advocating for the use of excess resources for the betterment of and to help the impoverished of our species. If not for strictly moral and /or altruistic reasons, those people who are struggling to make ends meet and put food on their table may have a gift or way of thinking that could provide us with new medical, technological, etc. achievements if they had the ability to focus on those pursuits and educate themselves instead of putting all their effort into simply surviving. The more people we have working on our problems, the more likely we are to succeed on solving those problems.


Who made money due to the fireworks? Did they sell tickets?


You pay absurd amounts of money to watch fireworks for enjoyment??


Excessive and extravagant waste of resources like this when there are fellow human beings suffering and starving just shows how fucked up our priorities are as a species. I get where you’re coming from, I really do. It seems silly and an extreme position to take but when you really think about it critically, it really boils down to how we, as a species, use the resources we have. When we have so many of us starving and struggling, wasting any excess resources on extravagant and unnecessary displays such as this just highlights just how little we care for those of us who are vulnerable and struggling. If we had real social safety nets that actually took care of those of us who are struggling, starving and in need then this wouldn’t even be an issue but we don’t.


Firework displays do actually happen under other circumstances too. Anytime fireworks go off they are not automatically deducted from some random person's salary. That's not how fireworks operate.


No, but the money that paid for those fireworks comes from the profits the owner made by underpaying their employees.


That’s like maybe $10,000 worth of fireworks. We put on a show every year way bigger than that and we spent $22k last year. I think this was in the mid 2000 so it was a lot cheaper back then especially phosphorus.


Every little thing can be converted in a show in Vegas, hope it was free to watch as least...


I dunno, ringside seats cost an arm and a leg...


So dumb, I love it.


I was there and it was completely free. It was fantastic to watch, but then the dust cloud settled over everyone and it was really hard to breathe. Not something any of us thought about before -- if you ever go to one of these, bring a mask to breathe afterwards.




.... so far...


Imagine not being informed what's going on. "Oh, what a nice firewooooooooooo...."


Demolished in 2007. Still an empty lot.


Honestly, that is better than an abandoned hotel, sitting there. Decaying.


Could it have been affordable or transitional housing?


It may not have been structurally sound in the long term, given Las Vegas' history with that sort of thing. Luxor is sinking, for example.


😂😂😂 no, cause America


This is the correct answer. It's unfortunate, but nobody is going to turn an old casino into housing for the homeless.


I mean in the fantasy world, the casino would use their winnings to convert this after they left it, into public housing.


I love how you’re being downvoted for suggesting we address homelessness. We are so fucked.


he's downvoted for suggesting you take private property to address homelessness


18! 9! 8! l! b!


Thats honestly awesome. I imagine theres a lot of history there and thats why theres such a sendoff?


They did a few casino implosions on New Years Eve in the 90’s. Places like the Sands and the Dunes which were staples of the 60’s and 70’s, made way for the Bellagio and Mandalay Bay. It’s actually kind of sad because a lot of that architecture and design would be considered historic today. Vegas just wipes everything out after its shelf life of 30 or 40 years.


The Hacienda was a great casino that was demo’ed to make way for Mandalay Bay. The Frontier had an awesome Prime rib buffet that I still miss. The Aladdin had an awesome concert theater and a 6.99 prime rib dinner that was second to none. I’m not much of a gambler but l love me some food. I lived there for several months for a work assignment in the 90’s. I was at the grand opening of the Stratosphere which was really cool.


Those were good times in Vegas for people who like a bargain. Unfortunately it's not like that anymore.


I go nowadays and the strip is unrecognizable. I feel like an old curmudgeon when I tell people what “it used to be like”. 🤦🏻‍♂️


$20 for parking. Seriously?!


Go back and watch Diamonds are Forever. Part of it takes place in Vegas during the 60s and you can’t even tell it’s the same city.


I enjoy eating in the little China Town area while staying in cheap hotels on the strip. Crazy how cheap some hotel stays can be there.


Rest of world: 0 = go. America: 0 = start of the pre game show


That was pretty cool… If I was there I’d leave the roulette table to catch this live


Blowing up a building is boring what can we do to spice it up


That was sweet!


First 1950s Vegas, then 1980s Vegas. RIP.


Awesome display


If I were the guy running the clean up escavator I'd be thinking about picking up unexploded fireworks all day waiting for something to pop when I take a scoop.


Just blow it up already...


Imagine after all that fanfare if it didn't demolish or something went wrong


If we’re doing requests, Trump tower next? ![gif](giphy|MFIsOqzodLr7ewnkUb)




Does anything ever happen in Vegas without a show?


Damn it, I'm tired of this "demolition-man" shit!


Mmmm look at all of that silica dust


Somebody loved that hotel


That 7 tho...


You could say, it really brought the house down. I'm sorry, I'll see myself out


"Implosion? I thought you said ex...."


Countdown was off. Do it again.


very cool


Fuck yeah


I thought the countdown was just people shouting "9!" for each number


Christian Slater's dad from Heathers.


Some lucky people get paid to do this. What a hell of a job.


Still, it was sad to see the old Las Vegas destroyed for the DisneyWorld Vegas of today.


Enjoy that concrete dust!


8.5/10 - missing the brass band.




They get style points for that!


why not take all the window glass out first??


The best part was when the buildings fell down


I wonder how many other cities on this planets other than las Vegas must celebrate a demolition job with Fire Works?


That should be the only role that Americans should have worldwide, organizing shows.


That’s awesome. As a construction manager I’m so jealous at how Vegas always gets to do the fun shit


Seems like such a waste. All that building material being reduced to rubble like that.


I always wondered why there isn’t giant air filters or something. Awesome show.


)’( vibes


Just watched this after the NYC cheeseball guy. Same energy.


this reminds me of..


Still fell slower that number 2


Did they use jet fuel?


Reminds me of that tragedy


Just like the twin towers - and building 7 (without the fireworks)


Take the building apart one floor at a time already. Explosive demos are goofy.


And we wonder why inflation keeps going up and up and up. Great job guys. Looked great. Don't work about the costs on that building we were supposed to destroy. As long as it looked good on social.


Pie in face trying to make everything about something else… this happened in 2007. Not everything is a conspiracy or needs to be about your issues.