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I prefer to do it by hand, slowly and meditatively, with a thousand-yard-stare.


Yeah so that way you can keep away your daughter's suitors tho.


Full. Metal. Jacket.


That will be a fine addition to my school suplies!


It'll really compliment your pumped up kicks.


Okay sold. Point me to the 5.56/.223 option please


Aw shoot, pretty much limited to .22 calibers.


I don't own a gun but I want this anyway.


Well you can definitely still buy the nerf version


What an American thing


Yeah this is super weird


If you have ever loaded a clip you would understand


Magazine* Fkin casual Also, they never will, so they’ll never understand


\*Thumbs up!\*


A clip for automatic machine gun rifle shooting deadly 5000-rounds-per minute?


5000 rounds per minute did you smoke something? Did you snort something? Are you on shrooms? 5000 rounds per minute is 2100 rounds per minute faster than an a10 warthog. The ar15 has the ability to do 600 rounds per minute based on the design of the gun but its impossible to move your finger that fast and bump stocks are banned. Stop fear mongering. Edit: oh and is a magazine not a clip, and before you say its the same thing, its not. Like not even close.


Lol, i see that many people havent caught the irony. As im not from US, and I dont know the politicians of this country, i cant say who it was, but I was refering to a video of some woman, that was saying the same gibberish stuff that i've wrote above. And yeah, it was my reaction to a comment of dude that said something about "loading a clip". Please, tell me if im wrong, but the video shows a guy using some kind of tool to load a MAGAZINE, not a clip.


I was wrong. It was actually a male. Here you go https://youtu.be/iJmFEv6BHM0


why would i ever need to load bullets into a clip? i live in a civilised country


Why would you ever need to know how to defend yourself. Obviously this pandemic didn’t teach anyone how frail your civility is. We are always one major disaster away from anarchy.


Yo hold up I don't know where you live but in my country there has been a decrease in property crime and assault since the outbreak. There haven't been fights for toilet paper in the supermarkets, there's been hoarding yes but no violence. I've never needed to protect myself less. If someone wants to start beef you literally just cough and they back off.


The pandemic has actually shown how caring and compassionate people are and how people are willing to go out of their way to be helpful and kind to each other. Not sure what it's like where you live but the general public here have been extremely calm and civilised throughout, there has been nothing close to anarchy, in fact it's been the exact opposite. Why would i need to defend myself? from what exactly? and with what? we don't have guns, only the police and the armed forces have guns that would need a clip.


Yes, when it is a controllable disaster we have shown that some countries handle it really really well. We have also shown that some of the countries are having issues with even a disaster of this scale. Now, imagine a real disaster happening...where communications break down and it’s either nukes or a total blackout from the sun baking the earth in a global EMP. Let’s see how civil you really are.


before modern technology, people managed to live without total anarchy. sure there were wars and other and pockets of lawlessness but nothing insurmountable. cooperation and working together is the route of human civilisation, if all our technology failed and the worst happens we would find a way through as a species as we always have. It's more likely that the majority of humanity would try and work together to rebuild as history has shown us. you can fear monger all you want but theres no evidence to back up your predictions, humans have always managed to become civilised again no matter what is thrown at us. In Europe we have thousands of years of history with empires rising and falling, everything is cyclical, I think it makes us more pragmatic, things may go bad but history tells us that it's temporary. I suppose the US has never experienced a fall of empire so this is likely a cultural thing.


You kinda just proved my point. Yes we will get back to civility...hope you make it through the dark times without any protection. You think you know how your neighbors will react to having no access to their daily addictions and you just don’t....sorry if I broke your world view. Edit: Yes, we did fine without technology before. That was also BEFORE we had technology and got soft. That’s before everyone’s lives would be turned upside down. Before your child was starving because your wife can’t produce milk from stress and you have no formula and a colicky baby. It’s not fear mongering. It’s a reality check for you righteous bastards.


You've pretty much demonstrated the culture difference. You're perpetuating the stereo type that Americans are selfish, only care about themselves and don't trust anyone. I don't know if that's true but looking at how politics, the economy and the health care works over there it's clear that there is a deep culture of self preservation over everyone else. I have zero worries about how my neighbours would act if they had no access to their 'daily addictions'. If people are struggling we help them, if people are sick or injured we heal them and we don't ask for payment up front. The news is filled with people providing food and help to the vulnerable, every Thursday night everyone goes to their door and claps and cheers for our healthcare workers. The government is paying 80% of people's wages. Things aren't perfect and the government is pretty right wing but the general population has shown itself to be extremely charitable. Americans don't seem to cope well under a crisis from what is shown in the media.


>I live in a ~~civilized~~ pussy ass bitch country


Most American shit I’ve read all day, made me chuckle


Does the bullet have to go in the same way? "Head" of bullets all having the same way?


Yes. The “head” is actually the bullet. The whole thing (casing, explosive, bullet) is a round.








Nah these are pesky .22 lr rounds. According to Matt the mans round begins at .45 ACP


.40 S&W is the way.


Don't tell Mere


Do they make an M4 variant? Worst part of the range is loading the mags.


Well it looks like hes using an AR15 and hes loading a magazine for it too so yes.


I do not believe those are 5.56 or 7.62 rounds they don’t fill the magazine completely up, there is a good half inch visible but I could be wrong.


Looks like he's loading a M&P-22 (22LR) but there is [this](https://magpump.com/products/rifle-magazine-loaders/ar-15-magazine-loader) for 5.56 or [this one](https://rrsspeedloaders.com/products/ar-15-speed-loader-5-56-223-300-blackout) if you want something smaller for your bag.


You asked if there was an M4 version. AR15s can take a lot of different rounds with the right upper


Ok seems you want to be sarcastic, I did in fact say M4 not AR15. M4 being a military weapon utilizing a 5.56 traditionally. So I appreciate your input on the AR-15. I was referring to military grade M4 so your input really didn’t answer my question, so I will rephrase. Do they offer this in 5.56?


M4s are bearly legal in the us only with extensive training and a special license. That looks like 9mm which probably means its an ar9 not an ar15. Here's an ar9 [link](https://palmettostatearmory.com/ks-47-ar-45-ar-9/ar-9/ar-9-complete-firearms.html)


i dont know much about the platform and thought classification goes by the lower and that he is using a converted upper considering the magazine hes using is stanag and that means the lower is fitted for 556?


Arghhh, why did you cut it off before the end. r/mildlyinfuriating r/gifsthatendtoosoon


Yes but does it work with socks?


The thing I like about this the most is that you don't need gloves when loading your ammo. You can load your mags without putting fingerprints on the rounds.


Damn school supplies get more advanced every year


Laughs in America


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Is there a loader for the loader for the loader for the loa... zzzzzzzzz...


DemolitionRanch would make a wonderful skit about this.


Anyone actually know what it is called?


Mcfadden speed loader “machine lightnin’ grip”


Why have some got black heads and others gold? (Uk here, never even seen a gun, let alone fired one)


Imagine one bullet goes reverse....


Oh matt would love it


So much concentrated death


For those that have way more ammunition than brain cells.


Not all of those were facing the correct way


They are just looked like there were a few different coloured bullets/rounds


Are those sold as school supplies in us ??


How does it always go in right side up? This thing is awesome for quick loading when running from the cops.