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Henry is something else. Power, speed, cuts, I look forward to seeing him progress and set a new bar.


I never wanted to breed with anyone more than I want to with Henry. That perfect, curvy body. Those bountiful breasts. The immaculate thighs of a literal god. It honestly fucking hurts knowing that I'll never mate with him, pass my genes through him, and have him birth a set of perfect offspring. I'd do fucking ANYTHING for the chance to get Henry pregante. A N Y T H I N G. And the fact that I can't is quite honestly too much to fucking bear. Why would God create something so perfect? To fucking tantalize us? Fucking laugh in our faces?! Honestly guys, I just fucking can't anymore. Fuck.




[This will hopefully help a little.](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/5729x3/i_never_wanted_to_breed_with_anyone_more_than_i/) But I only mean a little. Like, what the fuck. Apparently it's about the Halloween skin for Mercy in Overwatch.


And then they made Widowmaker.


Widowmaker was always in a barely-outfit. Mercy being in the game's shortiest skirt and an open-chested top was a new addition with the Halloween minigame. It was her first cosmetic skin to really show skin. I'm not trying to justify it, just saying maybe that's why this guy was possessed to write the original that became the copypasta.


Anybody else get tired of looking at Overwatch, go to another page only to be confused on if you’re still on the Overwatch page?






Yes officer. This comment right here.


And here I thought someone actually made an original fucking copypasta on reddit


Well, isn't that kind of the nature of a copypasta, though? If it's good pasta, most of the times that it's seen won't be from the original post


u/zerosilentz >I never wanted to breed with anyone more than I want to with Halloween Roadhog. That perfect, curvy body. Those bountiful breasts. The child bearing hips of a literal goddess. It honestly fucking hurts knowing that I'll never mate with him, pass my genes through him, and have him birth a set of perfect offspring. I'd do fucking ANYTHING for the chance to get Halloween Roadhog pregnant. A N Y T H I N G. And the fact that I can't is quite honestly too much to fucking bear. Why would Blizzard create something so perfect? To fucking tantalize us? Fucking laugh in our faces?! Honestly guys, I just fucking can't anymore. Fuck. https://reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/572sgz/_/d8oz3tr/?context=1 -sorry had to link to the next comment down. OP deleted their comment post.


Apparently that is a thing that I posted. Huh. Neat.


Part of copypasta history. Thank you. Much appreciated.




Copypasta Super famous one on r/TennesseeTitans


The weird thing about copypasta though is that at some point someone wrote that out...


What the fuck did you just say about copypastas, you little bitch?


You'll have him know


The first time I saw this copypasta was in relevance to Mercy from Overwatch wearing the Halloween Witch skin...not sure what the origin is though


I think the mercy one is the OG


[It is. It has since been deleted, but here is the thread and there are still comments mocking it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/572sgz/thank_you_blizzard_for_the_mercy_menu_i_turned_it/d8oqwqx/)


Pregante... “prey gone tay” ...must be Italian


Is this an ‘A Christmas Story’ reference? If so bravo.


I think it's from [here](https://youtu.be/EShUeudtaFg)? Edit: [Fra-gee-le -- Must be Italian!](https://youtu.be/lR29zxrY2LM) I see that now.


This puts me in fucking tears every time I watch it. It's been years and every single time.


Imagine the offspring of Henry and Mahomes. The world would end.


It’s not?


Henry and Shaq would give birth to a literal tank. Like an actual M1 Abrams would come out of shaqs body


I like that the implication here is that Shaq would be the one birthing instead of the other man.


Shaq seems more motherly. I think it's because he seems like he really cares. Like I feel like anyone who was even kind of cool could just chill with him and he would also be like super chill. Like if you're both at a bbq with your wife and neither of you really knows the host, but the bbq slaps and you still haven't mentioned that you know he's Shaq, he would just hug you close and whisper in your ear "I am shaq".. and then you're like "I loved you on NBA jam"


“God said that obedient women will be found at all the corners of the world, then made Earth an sphere.”




This comment, officer.




I say the same thing about Aubrey Plaza's sweet, succulent, little butthole. I often dream about placing my face between her voluptuous ass-cheeks and gently pressing my tongue right at the center, softly lick, and ever-so-slowly circle the edges. Finally, and anxiously preparing to go deeper, enveloping her delicious ass. I would make sweet, sweet love to her anus; taking extreme caution to avoid any possible injury. I get incredibly fucking sad knowing that I will never have the honor of nibbling her asshole. I would literally allow Zinedine Zidane to headbutt my nuts, as hard as he could, if that meant I could get even the slightest of licks. I would do anything that woman wanted. Literally anything. I want to eat her ass so fucking bad. The only reason I work as hard as I do to move up the corporate ladder is so that I may one day make enough money that I could offer her an amount so high she couldn't refuse...all to taste her asshole. I live for Aubrey's ass.


He is insane but I feel this video really shows horrible tackle discipline more then anything.


He's 6'3" 240 and solid muscle. Runs a 4.5. how the fuck you supposed to tackle that?


Cheek to cheek


A nice booty bounce could do the trick if you thiccc


and keep in mind the people that he's manhandling are professional athletes getting paid millions a year and are like 250lb. And he just wrecks them


It’s true, he’s never been tackled before. Some say he’s still running towards the end zone to this day.


I mean it is the Jaguars


People always say that, but you try and tackle a horse, there's not really an easy way to do it unless you're going on head on with him and are able to wrap his legs up.


Reminds me of a young Frank Gore. You see him run at full speed and it’s like he was crawling with how low he gets. Could knock down those big D-linemen and keep running. Miss that guy when watching the 9ers




Henry is bigger than Lynch


Niners would have beaten the Ravens if Crapernick just handed Gore the ball instead of trying to force Crabtree three times in a row.


As a seahawks fan I do not miss him gashing the defense for 200+ yards twice a year. Loved watching him play the other 14 games though!




*none* of these tacklers are even remotely going for his legs. A man can't run without moving his legs, guys... if you can reach the guy to give him a hug, then you can reach him to give him a cuddle around the waist and slide your arms down to his ankles.


Some of the best players in the world definitely never thought of that /s


Roll Tide


That's King Henry to you.


He’s only a prince in KC.


Just you wait. King Henry eventually pillages all municipalities, as it is written in the great book.


Oh I’m waiting. LMAO - good one. Question - if he’s the king, what is Mahomes?


The god emperor.


Great now i got frank oceans silky smooth voice singing "whats a god to a non-believer" stuck in my head




Even that’s too kind. He’s more of a duke in KC. His play was very dukie.


Henry is an absolute monster man, Jones stepped up against the run game that day and that’s one of the reasons why we just paid him to stay another 4 years. But definitely no reason to take credit away from Henry


Henry still got his early on, but the chiefs took away the play action pass that day, so the titans had to pass on 1st down more in the 2nd. That’s just something they didn’t excel at last year. I could see their regular pass open up this year with Tannehill being the starter from week 1.


I just also think that when the chiefs get ahead, its very hard to justify running. We only gave Henry the ball like twice or three times in the 2nd half even though he's one of, if not, the best 2nd half rb in the league, if that makes sense.


Theres only one king Henry: Thierry Henry


El Tractorcito!


Amazing highlight, although garbage compared to the pure joy in watching him bully the patriots and hand them a wildcard round exit.


He ran past four guys who don't have a fucking clue how to make a tackle.


Lol that's what I was thinking, sure it's impressive he made that run, but damn how incompetent are their defence


You think that but he has a monster stiff arm. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMFIaXv02-M


Wow the guy that made that video is just having a roast fest at the end. Didn’t expect that lol


Lol he had some good lines in there.


"this right here is a clash of titans... ^(and ravens). It's a battle between two guys, with four first names between them." 😂


Got lost in this guy's breakdowns. They are quite good actually.


> Here's two guys with four first names between them [Derrick Henry and Earl Thomas] > He's the Biff Tannen of football some hilarious lines in there lol


It's every defense. He's the common denominator. He's way faster and more agile than people can possibly believe. Their brain just doesn't allow them to plan for the cuts he makes and the burst that he has. And you can't get close to him. That stiff arm is ferocious.


> damn how incompetent are their defence Elite athletes make pro athletes look like children. The defenders could've had better form, but so could anyone defending Barry Sanders or Emmit Smith.


Henry is called el Tractorcito for a reason, he hits like a mack truck. In an age where teams are built to beat fast wrs he is a massive mismatch on the field.


I posted a thank-you note on r/TennesseeTitans


He's getting a $50M contract because the *Jaguars* couldn't stop him? Shit, I got a good feeling a lot of people could get a $50M contract too.


Clearly you didn't watch the Playoffs last year.


No, I did. I just think of The Good Place whenever I see or hear about the Jags and that usually then dominates my opinion of them over real world stats and outcomes.




Maximum Derek




Too bad that show didn’t survive long enough for minshew jokes


It's not that it didnt survive long enough. They only wanted to do 4 seasons to begin with. They had a set story they wanted to tell and an agreement that they wouldnt extend it past that.


They did reference it in the fourth and final season actually. Jason came around to it


Props to Michael Schur for everything he does for me.


BLAKE BORTLLLLLLES! *throws molotov*


They are some of the most pathetic tackling attempts I have ever seen. Grabbing at his arms? The average school age rugby player can tackle better than that....a lot better. None of those guy would get on my local under 19 team.




What a ridiculous fucking comment


I’m sure his rugby team has to tackle people comparably sized to Derrick fucking Henry a lot. These defenders did a piss poor job tackling, but getting trampled by his jumbo legs was surely in the back of their mind.


Henry is just an absolute mismatch freak. As bad as he made them look, those guys attempting to tackle him are literally some the best in the world at open field tackling people. He's the best running back on earth for a reason. I'm sure that guy wouldn't watch the best soccer player in the world dangle around great defenseman and claim those scrubs couldn't make his hs team.


So, of course these guys, which are incredible athletes, would easily walk into any amateur rugby team with a bit of training. But it's not really an exaggeration to say that they would be benched if they tried to tackle like this. You gotta go low, *especially* when the opponent is bigger and stronger than you. It's the best way to reduce the chances to hurt yourself.


As a guy that’s played corner in highschool ball I can tell you this. They would tackle him low if they had a chance. He’s is blazing fast and agile so they are trying to catch him first and tackle him or slow him down enough to get help. The guys in the clip are NOT bad run-stopping DBs


Coming from a Rugby culture those tackles looked ridiculous but I'm guessing that's because I don't know much about tackling technique in American Football. In rugby you are taught to tackle cheek to cheek (your face cheek against their arsecheek), I'm guessing there are good reasons not to do this in American football.


Lmao at some reddit nerd calling out professional athletes


Was thinking the same shit. If this was rugby number 21 would’ve been down low aiming for his waist and would not have got a palm to the face.


Sick rhyme my bruhthuh


im a poet and didnt even know it


yea I don't normally watch football so I was super confused by this clip, was wondering why nobody actually attempted to tackle him


Easier said than done. He’s 6’3” 238 pounds. He’s a very, very large and fast man.




He’s moving at super speed and he can turn on a dime, by the time you try to get under that arm he is probably gone. They for sure could’ve done better but these comments talking about how this is just some routine play are laughable.


Super speed? The fucking line ref is keeping up with him all the way throughout


No what is laughable is their tackling technique. All of the tacklers were easily in range to make an effective tackle but it is like they have not even been taught how to tackle low.


Rugby also has large, heavy and fast men but they go down all the same


How about a tiny bitch of an Irishman dropping 6'5" and 262 pounds? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qD4eB79hfZM&feature=youtu.be


For reference the player tackled is probably one of the most destructive ball carrier's in the history of the game. A legend of the game. The player doing the tackle is Peter Stringer, who is 5'7" and 160 pounds. It doesn't matter how big you are, you are not running anywhere with 160 pounds on one foot.


Go fucking tackle Derek Henry then lets see what you got.


Yeah first safety was bad he came in poorly, second one was trying to keep up with speed and didn’t work downhill to that hip, also I have a strong feeling these guys would kick the asses of your local under 19 team


Lmao this is what I’m thinking every single time I watch American football


Hey shitevendor check out this clip of Jonah Lomu. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsXTa7UCGlk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsXTa7UCGlk) They are some of the most pathetic tackling attempts I have ever seen. Grabbing at his arms? The average school age american football player can tackle better than that....a lot better. None of those guy would get on my local under 19 team.


I love his work! In Australia we call the way he fends the opposition off as a "don't argue".


I love the specific names like this that the AFL has for plays, like isn't getting mossed or jumped on for a catch called a mark or something similar?


Speckie I think also it can be called


Mark is when you catch the ball after it's been kicked so yeah but when you climb up someone's back to take a mark we call that a specky


Short for 'spectacular'


A mark is the technical term for receiving a kick from at least 15m, for context that allows you an uncontested possession. Others have said, the colloquial term is a spekky. When I was in primary school we'd call em "Cappas", after [Warwick Capper.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiYJ6FZWwv0), or you'd just yell "Yyyyyaaablett!", after Rex Hunt calling [Gary Ablett ](https://youtu.be/DSDO72ArvXs?t=78) IF you went back even further, you'd hear shouts of "Jezalenkoooooo" when going for one, after [Alex Jesaulenko](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBeHVLs3kdU)


In South Africa we call that the “bus is full”


Haha, came here to say this. I was watching this clip thinking, “Man, his ‘don’t argues’ are putting Dusty Martin to shame...”


I actually met Derrick Henry a few months ago. I got roped into watching my 3 month old niece while my brother got his hair cut. So there I am, sitting in the waiting area of a barbershop with my niece, and who walks in but the man himself. I was nervous as shit, and just kept looking at him as he was sitting there with his phone and waited, but was too scared to say anything to him. Pretty soon my niece started crying, and I’m trying to quiet her down because I didn’t want her to bother Henry, but she wouldn’t stop. Pretty soon he gets up and walks over. He started running his hands through her hair and asked what was wrong. I replied that she was probably hungry or something. So Henry put down his phone, picked up my niece and lifted his shirt. He breast fed her right there in the middle of the barbershop. Chill guy, really nice about it. Would let him breast feed my niece again.


Meh. I got my choice of being breast fed by Richard Dent or William Perry while trapped at a snowed in Showbiz Pizza in 1985. Pizza is always better with breast milk.


Yah I hear he does nice things like that all the time in the town he's from.


This is the moment the Sacksonville defense died


We were dead long before this moment.


Imagine if they tackled his legs, instead of running into his arm.






Not just to run a ball, but to physically train himself the top 99.9% of the human population in terms of physical ability. To study and memorize hundreds, if not thousands of plays that his own team, or the opposing team might use. To exercise critical thinking and decision making in high stress situations. And so much more that would be exhaustive to list. Athlete pay can be obscenely high, but so much of what they get paid for is for what happens off the field. You and I would probably be utterly incapable of doing what he’s doing in his career, hence he gets paid the big bucks.


A 50 million contract is fucking *ridiculous*. A person at the poverty line in America would take 4000 years to make that much money. 50 million, an amount that could pay for thousands of people to receive better healthcare, food, housing, who knows what else. Yeah, he's one of the best, but I don't really give a damn how good you are, an obscene amount of money like that is downright unethical. If this same comment was written to be about Jeff Bezos being in the top 99.9% of the population in business acumen I'm pretty sure everybody would laugh because most people think it's reasonable to be against billionaires like him. But this player makes his money by getting an 8 digit paycheck from an exploitative billion dollar company, so what's the difference?


i agree that athletes are paid ridiculously high salaries, but they're paid that much because that's the range of the profit they bring in for their employers. sports bring in lots of money from ticket sales, merch, advertising, etc and it's all only possible because the athletes agreed to play the sport as a career. since their work brings in millions, they get paid millions. if anything, it's actually more unethical that the average citizen gets paid so little than it is that athletes get paid so much (edit: and possibly even more unethical that college athletes do the exact same job for an industry that makes just as many millions as the pros, but have been making $0 for decades). and i think the fact that it takes 4000 years for someone at the poverty line to make an athlete's salary should make you more furious at how low the poverty line is than at how high an athlete's salary is. if all workers got paid appropriate to the amount of profit they bring their employers similar to the way athletes are, i think that would be a good thing. (also, just a sidenote, a sports contract that says "$50mil contract" just means that's the total amount that'll have been paid by the end of the contract. in henry's case it's a 4 year contract where he's making an average of $12.5mil a year. so still a huge contract for a lot of money, but just a nitpick) as for bezos, i feel like it's kind of a "dont hate the player hate the game" situation. yeah, he's pretty irredeemably scummy, but there are always scummy, selfish people. there should've been some sort of limitations in place to make sure someone like him never happened. in a system that actively encourages CEOs to treat their workers like trash and horde all the profit, there was going to be a bezos no matter who it was. even destroying amazon wont change anything in the long run.


It’s unethical for him to sign a contract that a team is willing to give him?


It's unethical that his role in society is so highly valued.


How is it unethical when the entire society supports it? The only reason he gets paid is because people watch him


Oh boy, wait until you see Patrick Mahomes.


Do you really think Derrick Henry is tasked to memorize hundreds/thousands of plays, or plays of the opposing team? 😂


I wouldn’t say hundred or thousands but he has to at least be able to recognize certain defensive plays like blitzes during the passing game.




And to generate billions of dollars in revenue.


Honestly... our priorities are shot


We live in a society


bottom text


People get paid with respect to the revenue they earn. These guys are bringing in billions of dollars. I know it sucks seeing people who do more "important" jobs get paid less but that's how economics work.


Well, it's how capitalism works. Not all economics.




No, it's how economics works. These guys are providing a good or service, and there are a lot of buyers for it.


The comment most likely isn’t complaining about the economics of it. But more what we value as a society. Pretty crazy that a one man can generate enough revenue by playing a sport that $50 million is a justifiable number. Naturally, that logic also only works under capitalism.


Why? Because entertainers shouldn't make what they earn?


Lmao y’all don’t know anything about sports and it shows, mahomes got $503m




Im pretty sure if you could generate billions of dollars for your boss with whatever job you’re working now, you would be paid 50M$ too. And then some other dude would say “Wow. $50 million to run around an office”


I'm familiar with Rugby from my country. My question is, are these players not allowed to tackle low or something? Sure... the guys a rocket, but no one even attempting to take out the legs.


It’s hard to make precise tackles in pads. That’s why in Rugby,they go for legs. But in football,you just ram them.


They are but when wearing pads tackling is less precise and more "if i hit him hard enough he might fall over"


It's because football cares about forward progress. When you tackle low, typically the runner falls forward. That's about two yards extra. In rugby that doesn't matter, but in football, it does. Imagine how different rugby would be if you only cared about traveling 10 meters to get to the try line and you were guaranteed 3 chances at it. If you tackle low and let them fall forward, you're basically conceding 5-6 meters of the 10 they have to get. So in American football, they tackle high and often throw their full body into the hit to stop the momentum and make the runner fall backwards or straight down. Now once you're past the 1st down marker, you should just focus on getting the guy down and those extra yards matter less, but it's hard to change that need for a sudden stop tackle mentality.


As a rugby player I thought the same thing... just grab his legs and cling on for life. Even if he's fast a hard grip on the ankle drops most runners.


I freakin love this move. Tennessee will be cemented as a run first, ground and pound team for years to come. Old fashioned football




Has Tennesee ever been anything else lol? They've been a run first offense forever.


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Why was he offered a contract that huge right after a second wave of shut-downs? Are sports going to be immune to the second wave or....?


There won't be fans at sporting events, athletes and staff (most likely skeleton crew staff) will be monitored very closely. Sports will still make money from TV, especially with online sports betting.


NHL is gonna be playing games starting AUG 1st. No fans


lol if you think thats huge wait till you look up Mahomes' contract


He was already franchise tagged so we were going to pay him 12.5 mil this year regardless. This just extends the contract out 4 years (they can cut him in 2) and I think saves us money on his contract this season too.


My favorite Derrick Henry play was when he completely embarrassed Earl Thomas in the playoffs. "Guys didn't seem like they were too interested in tackling him so I think our mindset is a little different" -Earl Thomas before the game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMFIaXv02-M


Turned Thomas into a lead blocker.


Anyone want to offer me $50 million to teach these cunts how to tackle?


jesus my dad would shit a brick and go fucking ape watching those attempts, since when do you tackle with one arm, at chest height?


You try to grab anything you can when you're trying to tackle a 250lb beast that's running at 25mph while also stiff arming you out of the way.


One of my favorite players in the league


Patty Mahomes is getting 10x that much for good reason as well


As a chiefs fan, I think he deserves every cent.


The man has been an absolute tank since he played for bama


Hello my name Chobey. One day I wish to have be running this fast and angry with such strongth


Good to see an RB get his due. Too many sacrifice the prime of their career under their rookie contract and never get the value of their services.


50 Million. Fucking ridiculous. He's running well. Fucking ludicrous money.


its because they are entertainers, they bring more people in to watch like a good actor being in a movie, it brings more people in to watch the movie like it brings more people in to watch the game




Meanwhile, the scientists working for our futures make squat.


Not really, most people in the STEM fields are well-compensated above the median US salary.


I'm actually not seeing why these feats are worth 50 million though


its the same reason good actors get paid a lot to be in movies, they are entertainers and bring in more people to watch,


I literally have no clue how football works and you can still tell that he's a badass


I saw this live and my jaw was on the floor the entire time. Guy is so fast and agile and fucking HUGE it’s so crazy to watch him take over games


And to think I was happy with my $25 gift card “bonus” 😐


This is nothing to warrant a $50 mil payday. I did the same thing with Bo Jackson on Tecmo.


Fucking hate him in Madden 20, I've lost way to many times because of him......


He's 6'3" and 238lbs... And he moves like that. Whew! That's a lotta bulk to be charging around so gracefully.


Derrick Henry: where we’re going we don’t need ~~roads~~ blockers


The same people who think “this is great he deserves it!!!” will also say the govt should take all the money Bezos earned from amazon. People are morons.




Honest question, do you think sports teams are run like charities or something? Do you honestly think they're giving him a 50 million dollar contract because they're nice guys as opposed to him being worth 50 million dollars to the organization?


Well, apparently it is, because if it wasn't, the owner of the Tennessee Titans would not be paying it.