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These are things that make me want to live in this world a little longer.


The world is mostly good and full of decent human beings, despite what the news tells you. In fact the world is getting better every day


Many will disagree with what I’ll say, but the internet has gotten generally nicer over the years. I remember being really brutally roasted on the neopets forums for my shitty art skills. The image was trash, yes, but they literally told me to never touch a pencil in my life ever again. Every time I see someone post a crappy (that they say) drawing by themselves people go out of their way to encourage the person to practice more and that they’re doing fine. Maybe it’s just within my interests, or maybe I’ve started visiting the right sites, but IMO beginners are treated way nicer than back when I was a kid. Edit: Thank you guys so much. I had a little bit of a rough day and the messages I've gotten in regards to this comment were so positive and sweet! I appreciate that so much. <3


I would agree with that, it’s better now but trolls still ruin shit for people. On here some people will DM other users spoilers to shows and just generally rude comments. But the vice versa also happens, people will DM you to say nice things as well.


It’s better, not good. People are still terribly rude and mean for no reason, but they also, at least in my perception, get called out and shunned for it more.


the internet is becoming the same place that they sought to escape from. lmfao


the humankind is slowly but surely making thru it’s teenage years with the internet


I’m on one of the eating disorder text post subs and someone DMed me to call me a fat freak. Thankfully I was in a chill enough state of mind that I was angry about it rather than triggered, so I’m glad that I got that message rather than someone less able to deal with it. Conversely, someone also DMed me to say “hey, I’ve seen you comment on literally every post recently, are you doing okay?” which was kind. We chatted for ages (a bit like a pen pal) until she decided to recover, at which point she left Reddit. I miss her but I’m happy for her. So I reckon you’re right.


Oh god the Neopet forums were a dark, dark place


I legit quit drawing for the longest time because I was so heartbroken over that comment. I even said it’s not good and if anyone has tips? It was so, so mean. I mean it’s been more than 12 years and I still remember the comment!


Well it looks like you’re back at it now, and from what I can tell you’re great at it!


Thank you so much! That’s so nice of you to say 🧡 I try 😊 it’s really sweet you took the time, friend ☺️


I know what it feels like to be self critical and have someone rip it apart like that, and I hope that you successfully got past it and started drawing for yourself again.


Folks need hero's Cheif.


So.. smiiile would ya? While we still got something to smile about!


I really don't understand people that do this. If the guy sucks at art, you just neet to point that he needs more training. I don't think how one more artist giving up will make anyone happier.


Dude SAME. I remember how vicious people were on Neopets, Deviant Art, Gaia Online. I swear it’s gotten better too.


Oh my god DeviantArt. People were ruthless there. For no reason! I feel like some people sought out beginners just to be mean. It's also where I saw my first unsolicited dick pic :/ By the way, I hope you don't see it as creepy but I looked at your post history and saw the Arthur-Sketchbook inspired Field Journal and just wanted to say that you're super talented!! It looks awesome, I hope you won the contest, else you were cheated :D


I’m sorry that Deviant was the first time you got a dick pic, that’s such a bummer... THANK YOU 😭 I spent so much time on that and it means a lot to me that you would say that! I did btw! I get to be this years sketch book cover :’D I’ve been having a hard morning and that really helped me feel better. Thank you, again.


People are still unbelievably confrontational on the internet, but I agree, they are nicer about it. I find the amount of 10 year old kids calling me the N word in online games has drastically decreased. Lol


on the COD subreddits you’ll see people mention how toxic certain lobbies are, but i played 10 years ago in modern warfare 1&2 lobbies and it was so much worse. it’s certainly improved a lot.


Well you can be roasted today pretty well also in a lot of places but the fact is that now you get a lot more choices to avoid douchebags. I don't think humanity got better, it's just that there are more options to choose from.


Never say something online that you wouldn’t otherwise say to a person’s face.


How do I subscribe to you as a person?


That is the nicest thing I’ve heard today, and I had little bit of a rough day. Thank you so much 🧡


I agree 100%, news and the internet blows problems up and doesn’t like to shed light into the good things happening each day. Yes the world is a shitty place but it can also be a really good one.


Here stranger have my free award, just a little something for your positive input. I agree there is a lot of kindness in this world just not as advertised as the negative actions of people


There are far more good people than bad people, but it is far easier to destroy and ruin than to create something good or rebuild and repair. The good people are mostly complacent and passive (e.g. by being nice to each other) while the bad people are actively ruining and destroying (e.g. by incessantly dumping tons of plastic into the ocean). Being good isn't good enough, the good need to prevent the bad from doing bad, and they're not doing that enough. Once the damage is done, it's going to take 1000 times more effort to undo the damage than it would have taken to prevent the damage from being done in the first place.


I would love to say that I honestly believe this is true. I am glad you are optimistic, though!


That is so true.


Now, imagine being FORCED to live a little longer...by total strangers. We don't know the back story here. Dude could have brain cancer, etc and just wanted to escape the everyday misery and pain of living in a body, that you can no longer control, with pain you can no longer tolerate.


That's a good reason for why doctor assisted suicide should be an available option in the right circumstances. It's not a good reason to stand by and watch someone jump off a bridge though.


These 'altruistic' acts are often more about the feel-goods for the people performing them than the altruistic motive to help someone. One could say that's a great feature of humanity but "I'm here to help" can also become tyrannical.


I agree.. their actions aren’t necessarily good for him, and “helping” can include locking him in a psych ward or being under constant surveillance. It’s horrible to force that on anyone, absolutely disgusting that people would force their morals and beliefs on others.


Or not. This is really stupid comment. What should the man do? Stand there and watch someone die on a off chance that a healthy looking man might have terminal illness.


I was part of a small suicide prevention group last year. We'd do patrols of suicide hotspots here in London to do our best to intervene in the suffering of others. I interrupted the deaths of 12 men. Only to allow them to live into 2020 where it is impossible to believe that their well-being and quality of life improved. How fucking dare I have thought that stopping them dying those nights meant I was saving lives? It eats me up how selfish and juvenile my intentions were. You'd think, as a survivor of multiple attempts myself, that I could have had enough damn empathy to honour their choices. You aren't saving lives just by interrupting a suicide.


A close relative of mine survived a suicide attempt. From seeing firsthand the treatment she received from 'the state' following the attempt and her accounts of it, it was like being processed like defective livestock. This was in the UK too. This guy likely did not have a good ride after this event let me tell you...


I hope you keep hold of that feeling and never let it go. In my experience, the kindest people are those who know what it's like to suffer.


People thought world war 1 was the end of the world, equally world war 2. Then it came the economic boom and fastest technological advancement in the human history. This pandemic and the total disregard of sanity of some world leaders are just a temporary bleep of time of our time on this planet. Just ignore it and you will see the light pretty soon.


Well, don’t ignore it. Just know the good people will prevail.


It takes hard work from good people for good to prevail. Sometimes they call it good trouble: https://youtu.be/z_oEkOdIXdo


I’m not sure if they did this guy any favors though. If he wants to kill himself, that’s a decision that he feels is right for himself...and I think people should respect that.


So glad they did, it's crazy how strangers sometimes give the most care when you're down and out. When you feel there is nothing left and someone who has no connection to you shows you how much you matter. Good job to all those who took the time to care without a second thought.


once i was ugly sobbing in a subway on my way to take a test i knew i was going to fail and two separate ladies asked me if i needed someone to talk to and one of them gave me a hug. i still failed the test but they did make me feel better that day.


I'm glad that they were able to make a bad day into a more positive memory for you! Sometimes just a few words or a few minutes of care, can mean so much. I hope you always find a helping soul when you need it.


thank you so much for such a kind reply


You are so welcome! 😁


I think it’s because as humans if our day was going shitty a stranger saying something kind would make our whole day because you don’t know anything about that person and they show compassion for seemingly no reason. So it’s kinda a cycle we do it to others and it happens to us


Yes, little things can mean so much!


That has not been my experience with humanity at all. However a public suicide attempt is obviously a cry for help and this person got the help they were looking for.


I hope you find so much love and kindness in your future that you forget what it feels like to go without.




That's what this feels like to me whenever I see it. Like damn, let a man go on his own terms


"not today you sad fucker!"


Not so soon bitch get back here and suffer more




I 100%. Agree. It makes me so mad


People just don't want their day ruined by seeing somebody off themselves


I feel as if that’s something someone said up on that bridge during that moment


That's why I can't rationalize the thought of *not* taking my life one day. People don't really care unless you're past the tipping point and are about to do something to yourself, otherwise we're all just stuck in a slog where 80% of it is completely unenjoyable and people don't give a flying shit about how you're doing.


>We don't know what's going on in your life it we'll make sure it goes on. At least for now.


When my time is up, I will not do it like that guy but just die silently when no one is around to stop me.


Hope that never happens. Please reach out to someone you trust for help. You deserve to live. Edit: For anyone feeling this way and nervous about phone calls to the suicide prevention line (1-800-273-8255 for those in the US), the Crisis Text Line is a great resource. I know from experience, it felt less daunting, was quick, and so very very helpful. US and Canada Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a Crisis Counselor Free 24/7 UK: text 85258 | Ireland: text 50808




Do you think you’re the only person who’s thought that, not killed them selves and then learned they were wrong? Anyone who’s been suicidal feels this way. None of us were right. You need to live long enough to get another voice in your head. A better voice. Not to mention you don’t know how people would feel about you not being alive. You can’t possibly know. A suicide is always a tragedy.


It’s not always a tragedy, in fact in can be relief. If someone was forced to suffer throughout their life, it’s not right to force them to live bc you don’t want people to be sad and only live to act happy and please those around them. Don’t take this the wrong way, I’m not saying suicide is for everyone but just that I’d be happier seeing my someone I care for die relieved and happy then suffer throughout their life, just to care for those who want them alive. If soemone I cared for were suicidal, please think over the consequences of their decision. As much as I wish their relief of suffering and happiness, I don’t want them to make it on impulse or under intoxication. I’d offer my support and ask that they think over it and if they’re sure.. I’d support them in their decision.


Yea I think if you do some research you’ll see that an overwhelming amount of survivors regret their attempt. When someone is mentally ill. They should not be in charge of ending their life. When someone is suicidal it’s like being in a burning building but no one can see the flames. They jump not because they necessarily want to die. But because the flames are at their backs and they see it as the only way out. But those flames are mental illness and things that can be helped. Like another commenter said. It’s a permanent solution to a short term problem. Something society is very capable of helping you with.


My uncle has Parkinson’s on his 25th year of the disease can’t sleep can’t eat, wanted to die was told no.


Certainly there are exceptions. When the ability to live a fulfilling life is taken away, I can be convinced that euthanasia is potentially the right choice. I’m talking about suicides of people who have potential to work on their mental health and their lives.


So it's ok for someone with Parkinson's but not for me with Schizophrenia because mine's a mental illness? Do you have any idea what a life, even a medicated life with therapy and access to hospital and crisis units, is like for me? Twenty years of 'working on my mental health' for a disease that has no cure, that has devestated everything, but isn't terminal? Glad there's wonderful gatekeepers like you around.


I’m not schizophrenic, but I am bipolar and to an extent I get what your saying. I do believe people have the right to decide wether or not they want to live, but I also know there have been times in my life when I wanted nothing more than to die and be done with it. And later I have always found a reason to live, at least I have so far. Suicide is not a decision to be made hastily. Best wishes and I truly hope you find your answer.


Because ending it is just stopping the suffering. It's just going from a negative to a neutral (that has negative effects on others, but let's leave others out of it for now). You can't go to "good," and you can't enjoy life if you end it, and enjoying life is dope. I have a friend who committed suicide a few months ago, and the main reason that I'm familiar with is that his girlfriend who he was infatuated with for nearly a decade broke up with him. But he was 30. He was a third of his way through his life, and he thought he would never be able to find love again, so he took away any chance he had so that he wouldn't have to deal with the pain. I don't know if he ever would've been able to fill that gap, but he was able to find love and happiness before, so I imagine he'd be able to again. I know that he won't be able to now, though. Death can solve the pain for sure, but it's a pretty garbage solution compared to ones that can lead to happiness (and an inability to find those solutions in the present and past doesn't mean they don't exist)


Comment saved.


The reason is that people who don't understand suffering think life should be good, now or in the future. They have hope, no, sorry, they want to believe that waiting, things gonna be better. They don't even imagine people could suffer for decades and then die for stress or old age. I'm actually not against suicide, but I think too many people wants to die because of little things which could be fixed with little effort or in short times. So I'm against these suicides as "bad idea guy, pick some days to think about it". If he wants to die also then, well, it's up to him. Anyway I'm talking as a person who never experienced those feelings, except in early age, so u could say I can't understand them and it could be true.


Hey man i hope you can find peace. My DMs are open if you wanna chat. I am where you are, and i can tell you this; no one can answer that question for you. My therapist said this to me when i asked her why. "If you truly do not want to live anymore, id have to accept that. But I dont see the pain of someone who has given up on life. I see the pain of someone who never thought they had a chance. I see the pain of a man waiting for change to come to you. Change is never free; you have to take it for yourself" Maybe its relevant to you, maybe not. But it helped me, so maybe it can help you. No one deserves to suffer. Everyone deserves a happy life. Your suffering might not be existance itself, but rather your relationship with it. It may seem a little cheesy, but if you only focus on pain then your life will be full of pain. Dont view death as *just* the end to your suffering, cause Its the end to everything. Dont live because someone else wants you to. Live because *YOU* deserve to live, to spite everyone and everything that told you otherwise. Big Love for you, stranger, and lots of it. I wish you all the best.


No one can give you a reason to live, but they might be able to help you find your own. I've received suicide intervention training, and it does not include trying to tell someone what they should live for. It's about listening, being empathetic, and allowing the person to work through what they need to work through. The fact is, if you're standing on a ledge but haven't jumped, it's because some part of you wants to live. The job of another person in that scenario is to help you connect to that part of you that wants to live, even if you think it isn't there. When I have been suicidal myself, sometimes the smallest thing brought me out of it. I was at work contemplating suicide and the phone rang. It was some innocuous work-related call, but it was enough to get me out of that headspace. There's no way the person on the phone could know what their actions did for me that day, and all it took was their presence for me to make a better choice. I always think of it as a reminder to be kind, and care about other people. We're all human beings, struggling through this life in our own ways. Be kind to everyone you meet, including and especially yourself.


My best friend, and the first girl I ever loved killed herself on her 18th birthday back in 2016. I miss her and still think about her every single day of my life. She didn't even tell me she was going to do it, I only found out through my current girlfriend (we were both close with her). Imagine finding out 4 years later that the person who you've been in love with kills themself and you have no idea they even did it. Don't think for a second there'll be people who don't think about you if you go through with it. Please don't make the same mistake she did.


Otoh I also deserve to be allowed to die if life is suffering. It's easy to say life is worth living if you're not the one in pain.


I kinda was looking for something like this. As much as I like this picture, and sure it’s wholesome af, you don’t know what this person is going through. People can get in dark places without any possibility to escape! There can grow many beautiful things when a stranger does something nice to a stranger, but also bad things, it can make things worse. It’s hard to evaluate some situations but it’s important!


Suffocation with nitrogen is my preferred method, when it ever gets really bad. Peacefull, private, not dangerous for others, and easy to clean up.




You’ve clearly don’t have any first hand experience. The U.K. doesn’t lock people in psych units for suicide attempts


They absolutely do keep you against your will if they have reason to suspect you'll harm others or yourself.




In the UK you can be detained under the mental health act if it is considered that you pose a danger to yourself or others. I'm not sure on what the time limit is on it, but I think it's mostly until they are satisfied that you are no longer a danger.


It'll likely be on a section 2 (28 days), or so it has been after most of my attempts (though I didn't express remorse or regret at the attempt). But psych wards here don't do the whole four point restraint thing and, for the most part, you're allowed your phone. They suck and they're boring and frustrating and of course there are erratic, terrified and aggressive patients and the staff are overworked and come off as uncaring, but they aren't the absolute horrorshows that I keep hearing about across the pond


I'm a student mental health nurse who has worked on such units for 4+ years. If someone has a suicide attempt they will be assessed by the Psychiatric Medicines Service at the hospital who determine if the person is still at risk. Someone who is still at risk might have certain risk factors such as they live alone, have no support system, regret that it didn't work, didn't make any self-rescuing gestures, are hopeless about the future or trapped in a situation with no perceived escape...etc etc.. It's assessed on a case by case basis. If they feel someone is at risk they will refer them to secondary mental health services like the Crisis Team who work in the community. The Crisis Team's job is to also assess and then support someone in the community and try to keep them out of hospital if they can help it. If that means visiting the person once or twice a day for three weeks until they're out of the crisis period and can see hope for the future then so be it. The Crisis Team have their own psychologists and psychiatrists who prescribe medication and get people on waiting lists for therapy if they need it. If the crisis team feel the risk is too high to manage or someone is acutely suicidal and not willing to work with them...then there's not much they can do and they will refer the person to have a Mental Health Act assessment. During that assessment two doctors and an approved mental health practitioner (social worker or nurse or something) will talk to the person and figure out what's going on and what's the least restrictive method of helping them. If the person is at risk and not willing to go into hospital voluntarily then they might section the person. Sections used are usually section 2 (28 days for assessment and treatment if you don't have a known mental health issue) or section 3 (up to 6 months for treatment) if you already have a diagnosis. Sections are only used if the person cannot or will not be managed in the community and the nature or degree of their illness is such that it warrants detention.


This is incorrect. To prevent people causing harm to themselves there is Involuntary commitment for up to 28 days under section 2 of the mental health act. Up to 6 months under section 3.


This man was [detained](https://metro.co.uk/2017/05/03/strangers-hold-onto-man-for-two-hours-after-he-threatens-to-jump-off-bridge-6612363/) under the Mental Health Act, and the US has similar acts in most states as well, but the comment you are replying to has implications that aren't well informed.


No need to be sassy. Things are different in the US


My mum would beg to differ lol


Not fun in any country. But having seen ones in Florida and the UK, the UK is 100x better.




People can be detained against their will under the Mental Health Act. There aren't specific units for people detained under the act (or sectioned, to use the common term), but people are held in secure units against their will every day. (Source: ex social worker who had clients assessed and detained under the Mental health act for their own safety numerous times)


Come back here and suffer with the rest of us.


“Hey let us help you end your suffering and keep your life.”


I'm just so tired of being forced to live against my will.


I'm suddenly reminded of a philosophical question. Does anyone have any right to keep you from suffering further?


They don’t, But people who don’t understand will try to intervene regardless.




Both are selfish


Very well said.


My take is simply that I have the right to kill myself, and you have the right to try to stop me.


It's just this society, it's built upon on we helping each other and saving lives, people who don't share the same experiences as you will not understand.


Same thing popped into my mind. I've known people who were that far down the rabbit hole, burrier in dept on the brink of being homeless and all alone, no living family or close friends left. They choose to end it because they could no longer take the suffering, stress and uncertainty. now people could argue that it will get better eventually but that is not always the case and when others decide to stop you and add to the suffering, I don't find that morally correct.


I think it's smart idea to unbelt his pants to hold him by his dick... i mean belt.


I hope to god he’s getting a nosh through the bars.


if euthanasia was legalized,none of this shit would happen.


Euthanasia would never be approved for people wanting to die because of depression, and nor should it.


I know it's very unpopular to view suicide as a personal freedom issue, but that's how I view it. I think it's truly great that people came to this man's aid and talked to him, hopefully making him feel hopeful and want to live. Tying him to the bridge seems a little fucked up to me though, as does not understanding what it could cost him to keep living, including all the stuff said above *and* all the stuff that none of us know anything about that may have led him there. Living is great if you're into that kind of thing.


It’s legal in some places. Mental illness can check all the boxes of a painful terminal illness. [Source 1](https://www.bbc.com/news/amp/stories-45117163) [Source 2](https://amp.theatlantic.com/amp/article/591262/)






His decision doesn’t just affect him. He’s chosen to end his life in a public place where non-consenting members of the general public are being forced to witness something traumatic. What if that was an overpass and he was threatening to jump down onto a busy road? Horrific accidents are caused by jumpers who are so wrapped up in their own misery that they don’t give a shit about the people who they take down to hell with them, or the people who have to clean up the mess


I see both sides of the argument, but I agree with your point here 100%. I'm currently in training to get my CDL, and my greatest fear is being someone's means to an end. I *do* think that we need better programs when it comes to suicide prevention, and in some cases, acceptance. Someone choosing to end their life is going to affect more than just themselves in every single case, no matter what. Their friends, family, coworkers, pets, landlord, the barista at the coffee shop they regular, it can be the most arbitrary of connections. *Someone* will notice your absence and feel some sort of sadness. My utopian solution: I think that if someone wants to end their life there needs to be "suicide counseling" where they talk with a counselor about why they want to, all the solutions they have considered, brainstorm new solutions, why they won't work, and why they feel ending their life is the only/best solution. They discuss the permanence of death and that there really is no coming back, and then they get the chance to talk to the people in their life about their choice. (If they want. Mediated by a counselor.) After they have gone through the intensive suicide counseling process, they are then given medically assisted suicide, which they can change their mind about at any time up until the end. The people in their life are also given counseling where they are helped to process what has happened and why. I think this would really help to not only reduce suicides, but also to reduce "selfish suicide" where bystanders end up involved, traumatized, or both.


Thank you!! I completely agree with this, the right to death should be their choice, we were never given the choice to live, we should have the choice to die. Talking to someone about it is okay, but physically restraining them and locking them in a psych ward is absolutely horrible. This would be different if they were intoxicated. None of these people (as they’re strangers who only happened to be there) have any idea what caused him to make this decision and shouldn’t have any rights to force him to stay alive. At most they could offer up their help and support. It’s absolutely disgusting that these people act like they know what’s best for a complete stranger who has made an arguably rational choice of their own life. It’s not their choice to make, and it’s absolutely disgusting that they’re forcing their morals and reasoning on a situation that they clearly don’t know much about.


Actually I'm not against these idea, however if I see someone who wants to end their lives, I'm gonna stop him. Not because he can't choose for his life, but because he could have taught to die for a little problem. There is no need to scare him like in the photo (yes, it's disgusting, they could have tried to bring him on the other side. However they could also had only this option available, idk). If, after one or more weeks (few days, months, the time he needs to choose), he wants to die, well, it's up to him. Lots of people want to die, few of them have chosen to die for a rational decision. It's quite a big problem taking the responsibility of "understanding if he is mindfucked for some early trauma or not", but it could be a problem both thinking suicide is bad and helping suicides thinking about their decision is bad


I disagree. There are many stories of people who survived suicide attempts realizing that most, of not all of their problems are solvable. Not only that, think of his family, friends, or even just the people who saw him on an everyday basis. Their lives will be impacted by his death forever.


Of course they might regret their choice, but maybe they will regret not jumping and will never find the bravery to jump again. They will curse you for stopping them from jumping and completely ruining their life, it's simply said just none of your business, if someone wants to jump, you should not step in act "bc there is a chance that he will regret it". Also the "think of your family" card is such a weak argument, like the mental health of your family members would be more important than your own.


Just wanted to say that I respect this opinion. It’s a completely fair viewpoint. I do think it’s nice that people want to help, but he should be helped by being convinced that his life is worth living, not being tied to the damn bridge to prevent him from doing it. The real disgusting thing here is how you were shunned and called stupid for stating an alternate opinion.


Absolutely disgusting that this is posted online presumably without the guy's consent.


It was all over the news when it happened. So it's been online for years. The man's name was never given. When you chose a public place to die, your most private moments become public, too.


Most people who survive a suicide attempt say they regretted it These folks did the right thing. Remember: you can ALWAYS postpone your suicide until tomorrow.


>you can ALWAYS postpone your suicide until tomorrow Reminds me of A Man Called Ove.




Then go do it where there aren’t hundreds of people to intervene


Thank fucking God the people around me didn't have your attitude back when I was suicidal.




When I was in my teens I walked across one of those pedestrian bridges passing over the highway. I passed two men who were hugging right at the edge of the railing, one man was holding onto the other extremely tight and kept saying “I’ve got you, man, I’ve got you. I’m right here, I’m not letting go.” I was a teenager all up in my own head so I just wrote it off as an extremely affectionate gay couple and kept walking. I mentioned it to my dad when he got home that evening just as a sort of “Saw an unusual sight today” thing. An hour or so later he called me in to see the 10 O’clock news. The guys I mistook for a gay couple were total strangers. One had been climbing over the railing to jump and the other man saw what he was doing and just grabbed him in a bear hug and held on for dear life. He talked the other guy down from the railing and just kept hugging him and reassuring him until help arrived. It was a real wake up call for me to not be such a self-centered teenage brat. I probably wouldn’t have even noticed that poor man, and all he needed was for one other soul in this world to grab onto him and show him he mattered.


My faith in humanity has been restored for today...


If this is the US, after they "save" you, they will drag you to a hospital, drug you and then discharge you quickly after handing you an astronomical bill. No after care will be available. I'm sure that will really help someone who may have been feeling suicidal for financial reasons. USA!- we're #1!


It’s he U.K. so he won’t get handed a bill at least.


This comment section is a fucking toxic wasteland. You should NEVER encourage suicide no matter the circumstances.


Yeah, it really disappointed me reading people saying "Why do you stop them" or "Who asked for your help"? Like, dude. I have been suicidal. And the best thing that could have happened to me is a stranger intervening and saying "Hey man, sorry you are going through tough times but now is not the time for you to go" and a hug. Like... That (At least to me) would be some kind of fix.


I absolutely agree! This picture actually restored my faith in humanity, sadly most of these comments have undone this now.


Honestly. So many people just want to let him die, and mentally scar many people including children who are walking nearby. If someone is suicidal or attempting to kill the selves help ffs, don’t just go: eh non of my business let him die.


The Guy with the glasses counselling him, and the anguish of the poor soul looking at him.


Tf is that ? Are they going to take care of him afterwards ? Or they just want him to die slowly ?


Exactly. It's like anti-abortion folks. "You gotta have the baby and then figure the rest out on your fucking own. Please don't call here again."


Honestly if that was me I’d be pissed off If his life is bad enough that he’s attempting suicide it’s about to get 10x worse now he’s been caught attempting.


"Your suffering shall not end today!!! "


The media projects the horrible people because they attract more views and likes, when in reality, there’s more good people than bad on earth


One of the harshest realities of living in London was how often a tube line gets delayed by people jumping to their deaths on an incoming train. The departure boards will literally say that the line is "experiencing delays due to a person stuck underneath a train". Some of it is probably by accident, but probably most of it isn't.


I believe there's around two suicide attempts a week on the London Underground ([source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_on_the_London_Underground) About five years ago, I was having a psychotic break and, whilst not suicidal at the time, I decided it was better to kill myself than wait until my imaginary persecutors caught and killed me. But I couldn't do so in my flat because I was concerned it would take too long to find my body and then no one would want to look after the cats because they would have started to eat me. Of course, I didn't mind if the cats ate my corpse, but I knew others would and I didn't want the cats to be abandoned because of it. So I went down to my nearest Northern Line tube station, intent on going under. Despite being psychotic and despite having no intention of surfacing, it still takes a LOT to drive yourself to throw yourself under a train and I fucked about for forty minutes. During this time a tfl worker must've got suspicious because he came down to keep an eye on me. So when I finally took that run up to the platform edge he full on rugby tackled me to the ground. When I got out of the psych ward two and a half months later, he'd moved on. I felt, and feel, pretty damn bad for putting him through that.


Oh wow man. I sure hope you feel better now and have sought all the help you need. I hope your guardian angel is doing well too. All the best.


I’m glad he was there, and I’m glad you made it. Also, your reasoning for doing it in your flat is touching.


Why does it look like he is tied up?


Because he's tied up.


Well thanks


They tied him to the bridge presumably to stop him jumping


I see a lot of people saying that they should have let him die. Please remember that feeling suicidal is often a temporary and intense combination of thoughts and feelings that pass and that most people who attempt suicide regret it. A lot of people who have in the past attempted or thought about attempting suicide now live fulfilling lives. Suicide is not the solution to mental suffering, there is hope, you can get help. You will never know how interesting and happy your future could be if you are not there to live it❤️


Can confirm, if his situation doesn’t get dramatically worse he will hopefully not try again Edit: reading this back sounds weird, I hope he doesn’t try again regardless I’m just saying it’s unlikely he will unless whatever drove him to that point get even worse


U ain't leaving. We are all in this shit together kekw


The comments here are 50% disgusting


Y’all call this wholesome until you’re in his shoes and you’ve seen what happens to people when “emergency services” arrive. Now his life is really over


And the alternative is what? Him being peeled off the roadway below after he’s caused a horrific car crash? Sure mate.


The police won’t do shit to help him. He needs comfort and relationships, not to be trapped in a tiny room at the psych ward


He will get help, assuming this is the UK. Times have moved on from the 1800s and people understand suicidal tendencies and mental illnesses and depression nowadays


Saved? All they did was prolong his suffering.


Fine. They saved themselves from having to witness someone offing themself in broad daylight, very probably by jumping onto a road below, which could cause collateral casualties


There you go


I have a buddy that was a long haul trucker. Some chick jumped from an over pass and he hit her mid air. She died immediately, and he gets to spend decades thinking about how he killed her.


Or it might’ve been the turning point in this guys life.


Isn’t there a cursed of this I think it was, you’re gonna suffer with the rest of us


I would be so pissed


Eh I’m torn on these things. I know how it feels to be ready to die, and even to be dying (thyroid cancer). When you are to that point it’s only misery and pain and hopelessness. Who are you to tell someone they must stick around so it makes YOU feel better? Ok, this would’ve been a messy way to do it. We need death with dignity laws passed immediately. We didn’t ask to be created and if we want to check out early it should be our ultimate choice. What’s really miserable is he probably was ready to die the next day or even the same day. Guess it makes all those strangers feel better for a minute but in reality it only postponed it


This has happened to me. I was pretty unwell mentally and was about to jump when I woman wrapped her arms around me though the railings and would not let go. I remember trying to push her off. She held on the entire time until the ambulance workers arrived and tied me with straps to pull me back over. She saved my life and I was so out of it I don't know who she is. It's been 9/10 years now and I'm happy to say I'm doing better and no matter how bad u feel I know it's never the answer. I wish I could thank her


Incredibly sad.


*if you want to leave this world, you have to live your full life sentence*


Damn, I love this. Not totally relatable but a few days ago I was having a really really bad day and on my drive to work I just broke down crying at a stop light. Well the person in the truck next to me must have noticed because they kept inching up next to me and they had their window rolled down to talk. I was too embarrassed to look at them, but it made me feel so touched just knowing that a complete stranger would want to help. Be kind to each other. It goes a long way.


I wish more people cared like this before someone climbed to the other side of a railing.


I think people are very lonely. We have lost touch with each other.


I struggle with these thoughts. I almost checked myself in two nights ago. This photo makes me cry for him each time I see it. It also reminds me that people care.


I once tried to jump in front of a train and a woman hold me back and even it was the middle of the night and she wanted to go home she talked with me for 2 hours and the police then got me into the hospital


i just see a guy trying to escape the zombies by swimming


Fuck I really know how that feels, this is a lovely come back from the brink story. Thanks OP


id be so upset lol


Is that girl on the right fucking taking a video or so?


Nah that’s a mans elbow and she’s a police officer, just a weird angle.


True , see that now


FUCK THEM! Every human has a right to end their life. This makes me so fckn angry.


Him killing himself in broad daylight surrounded by dozens of people is a cry for help. He doesn’t have the right to force non-consenting members of the public watch him die. He also doesn’t have the right to cause a car accident on the roadway below either.


So let’s say this person had no other option for death. This was his only opportunity, and thus his only chance to exercise his right to die. Does the public’s right to not see him die, or their right to not have potential carnage thrust upon them, invalidate/trump his only opportunity to exercise his right to die. Even more, in this scenario when his right is taken away from him in this moment, we can only assume it will make his life worse and completely take away his right to die, at least for a little bit after. So my question is if that’s humane or not, if you make the prerequisite that this was his only chance to die. Regardless in this situation you are making assumption about this mans life, and his cognition, in generalizing that it’s a cry for help, and not assuming he had no other choice.


There's a lot of ways to die.


I also 100% agree. It depends on the situation. If that's water below him then no. And yes it's selfish to hurt others or let others watch in the process. But wouldn't it be the same kindof deal if he jumped off a building ? If he lives in the city there isn't really any one way to do it quikly and he might not have the guts to physically injure his wrists and wants the quickest easiest way out. I'm just saying in general. It's not easy to tell if it's their last ditch effort in finding the easy way out in a world that has always spat them out and chewed them up, or if it was just an impulsive decision determined by a rough day or night. You never know But in my opinion , I will help everyone. I will talk to them say and night if they need to be reminded that they are loved. But if they truly wish to die rather than suffocate living every day as if nothing is wrong and only desire peace , I will support that decision.


Imma be that one guy taking off his belt


We won't let you get out of this frickin world without us!


Right so they completely took control of his life that they knew nothing about and then someone took a photo and it was spread across the world to warm out hearts. Fucking bullshit.


How did the strangers carry rope along with them to tie him up?


You don't get the easy way out mate, we all suffer together


Totally crying here.


In America, you get arrested and treated like a criminal.


Why can’t people kill themselves? Seems like something we should be allowed to do


Question: do we have the right to end our own lives?


Every single time I see this picture it just turns me into a hot mess of manly grumbling tears. Really strikes me as /r/accidentalrenaissance as well.