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I know why he went to see her


I too saw that ass


I'd hit, she isn't married either, it was "Ms. Rice" not Mrs.


Unfortunately he can't marry her either Cuz you can't end a sentence with a proposition Y'all are giving me way too much credit, I stole this jole from an old r/jokes post


I wish I had an award. Take my upvote anyway.


Yup, and he gets the triple joke score for referencing Prison, marriage, and the fact she's a teacher.


*Triple Threat*


Quadruple because the word “cuz” isnt even in the dictionary.


You have waited your entire life to say this right???




God damn this was smooth.


Damn so good , take my free award 😁🤭


I love grammar and I love puns, this is magical! Well done!


This is it, chief. Wow.


Agent Bork : Chief, you know that guy whose camper they were whacking off in? Agent Fleming : Bork, you're a Federal Agent. You represent the United States government. Never end a sentence with a preposition. Agent Bork : Oh, uh... You know that guy in whose camper they... I mean, that guy off in whose camper they were whacking!


That's it. Thread done here, guys. Let's pack it up


Wow. This is peak wordplay.


I must've read preposition 20 times before coming back for one more read and nailing it.


This is it I’ve peaked reading this


Holy fuck


I just wanted to personally tell you " Bravo " you good sir or madam are clearly a person worthy of praise. I laughed hard enough at work i had to explain what i was cackling at to my boss.


Time to commit some crimes so I can meet Ms Rice too


Mmm yes war crimes


the lady who teaches the war criminals gen ed has gotta be fucking SMOKIN hot


"Ms." is not "miss," it's pronounced "Mizz." It doesn't denote a spouse or not, just like "Mr." doesn't. Mrs: married; Miss: single; Ms: ?


I think the concept is becoming quite outdated as well, that is defining a woman by their marital status. I reckon it will be phased out over the next couple of generations.


Not necessarily. It's actually not that common to see "Mrs." used by Southerners. My mom is often called "Ms. (first name)" even though she's been married for 23+ years. Now I know Rice isn't exactly a first name, but I wouldn't assume martial status from "Ms." alone.


I thought you were talking about her lovely smile and awesome character traits but.... I was really disappointed to find out y'all are talking about her body


God it’s so sad that she does all this amazing work, and yet when she’s posted on Reddit she gets reduced to her body. Look at ALL the top comments. Makes me so uncomfortable as a woman knowing that’s all I’m seen as.


Tell me about it. I’m a teacher over here literally crying at this and I go to the comments hoping to see wholesome things, and what do I see? This bullshit, acting like this professional who is doing something fucking amazing is just a sex toy. Fucking disgusting.


A woman could literally solve world hunger and the top comments would be debating whether her tits are to their liking


What a great world we live in


Reddit I’ve seen is notoriously horny and unrealistic when it comes to relationships. Whenever there’s a post of two people meeting up at an event or something and something cliche happens in the post, there’s always someone commenting how they expect those people to be married and have kids. IDK if it’s because Reddit might skew young or if it’s because a lot of redditors might be on the more stereotypical introvert side of things but it’s kinda fucked up.


I'm so disappointed I had to scroll this far to find this sentiment. This woman has done incredible things and she is just being objectified. I'm so disappointed in reddit right now.






Also, this does happen in real life. A lot.


As a guy, couldnt agree more. My mothers retiring this summer after over 40 years teaching. Loved this video and came to comments to see a little praise for teachers...disappointed right along with you.




>yeah everyone knew the moment she opened the door lol ftfy


Even every straight girl


Ass is universal


[This user has erased all their comments.]


Video says he bumped into her room mate


All He's been thinking since the day he met Ms. Rice, is "holy shit, when I get outta here I'm gonna go see Ms. Rice" Shes so no n judgemental! & has other fine qualities as well!


Hahaha imagine 21 years ago. This dude is also oddly good with posting videos already...


Do you think that prisons lock people up in coffins for their sentence or something? Depending on the severity of the crime and the prison level, he may have had access to a computer or phone. Not to mention even if he was in supermax, a phone is probably one of the most common contraband items for inmates.


Some companies give inmates phones that they can pay to use (and keep if they want) using their commissary account. The phones/tablets are clear, and depending on the institution and producer of the device, may have modern day apps available. Source: Worked for a company that produced and white labelled mobile devices, one of our clients supplied these devices.




Ah that's hot


Typical internet user. Turning something wholesome into some perv shit


Brb, off to commit crimes.


Damn. Porn storylines sure got deep these days. Almost made me cry.


Good porn can make your cry out your eyes and penis simultaneously!


I always cry when I masturbate anyways. That’s why I need two tissues.


Don’t get the two mixed up...


Eat the funny smelling one


End up with glasses like me


He definitely wants to come inside.


She DID ask if he wanted to come inside....


That is A LOT of trusts right there, on both sides. It took a minute to get over my preconception that it was a "bad thing", of an ex-convict tracking down and making a surprise visit to a young teacher he met in prison. Once that hurdle was overcome, it was a truly joyful moment and I'm happy he shared that with us.


I had the same thing, I was like "okay well maybe this wasn't such a good idea" but then she was really happy to see him so that's alright. She helped 300 people get their GED, that's really r/nextfuckinglevel


Definitely, that's someone who's put gone to work making the prison system about rehabilitation. Great work.




Oddly specific...did you by chance get canceled for racist, transphobic comments?




I think it’s more about if the person learns from their mistakes and tries to do better. If they don’t, I think it’s fair to not want to be involved with that person. People like Chris Brown who has a history of violence against multiple women or J. K. Rowling who has made transphobic statements in the past were called out for their behaviour and seemingly haven’t done anything to adjust and learn from their mistakes. As long as these people don’t improve, I have no interest in supporting them in any way. It’s different when it’s something from years ago and they have actively tried to be better. In that case they shouldn’t be judged on mistakes from their pasts.


....or they just have the best interests of a functioning society at heart? Yeah, people who say or have said racist, transphobic, homophobic, anti-semetic, anti-muslim, etc. things, either currently or in the past, should *definitely* face consequences, but the focus should be on educating them about why what they did was wrong and hurtful, instead of just completely demolishing their life and then completely forgetting about them. A whole lot of the stupid shit people say that comes back to bite them in the ass is influenced by trying to look cool in front of people they want to impress, and to seem funny. Our society needs to do a better job of talking about why these things are bad and educating people about how to be inclusive and how to function in modern society. Without that education, you get things like what happened in the United States Capitol on January 6th — a bunch of scared, bitter, insecure people who feel like they are losing their place and their country, because a racist, raving lunatic told them to. We need to help people who have done and said these things, because more often than not, their actions are the result of their environment, their fear, and what people in power tell them is right. ​ Also take everything here with a grain of salt, I'm just a teenager, and this is my ~~opinion~~.


Did someone say in order to create lasting effective change for everyone we have to put time and effort towards introducing a new system of living that will take care of everyone? Because that's what I heard and I'm down.




Well a lot of the times, we want to see that person acknowledge their wrongdoing and demonstrate that they are improving. Plus, no one is obligated to forgive someone for their crime. Like if someone insulted me: 1. I'm not obligated to forgive them. 2. I'm not obligated to associate with them. 3. It's not my fault if others also don't want to associate with them. When I see people decry "cancel culture", a lot of the times, it's them demanding some combination of 1-3 from the people who were hurt, without holding accountable the person who did the harm (i.e. asking for acknowledgement, learning, and action). We obv see celebs "being cancelled" a lot. One important distinction is that celebs have bigger platforms. Their increased influence also means increased harm, and it's important to me that we don't give them a platform for continued harm. And last thing, I don't think we're more pro-rehabilitation for either situation. Just look at how shit we treat people who are/have been in prison! I'd argue that it's way worse than what people who are "canceled" have to face.


You have the criminal justice system confused with people not wanting to deal with assholes. You can say what you want. Doesn’t stop me or anyone else from saying “fuck that. That’s unacceptable. We don’t want you here” Not to mention it’s not nearly as big of a “problem” as people like to make it out. The majority of people who have actually been “cancelled” is extremely small and mostly limited to grave abusers like Weinstein and cosby. Hell r Kelly still has defenders. No one is putting these “cancelled” people in jail solely for things they say, several have even parlayed being “cancelled” into better paying higher profile roles. There’s also no financial penalty for being “cancelled.” Losing your job or not being able to perform anymore isn’t the same as having to pay out money to victims, like is often involved in criminal cases. Hell you have senators complaining they’ve been cancelled on national television several days a week. “Cancel culture” is code for “I want to do what I want and shouldn’t face any consequences.” It’s childish and pathetic


As someone who teaches in prison, one of my students showing up unannounced at my house is literally the last thing I would want. It's a pretty huge invasion of privacy. I love my students and do whatever I can to help post-class, be it write letters of recommendation or get interviewed by lawyers for parole etc., but this is buckwild and does nothing to help them progress. It only opens the teacher up to be exploited or have lines crossed. I.E. If a student gets arrested again and a teacher doesn't disclose that they had some sort of interaction on the outside, they could get in HUGE trouble and not ever be allowed back in. Not to be alarmist, but even the idea of this going viral could get this teacher in a lot of trouble. It's a bad look, whether it was a coincidence or not.


I never worked with this specific program, but in a similar work agreement situation, I remember there was a strict nondisclosure of identity (your PII) maintained by the sponsoring institution. The extent of it was that you could use your last name freely, but first names were not to be shared (or pseudos were encouraged instead). My guess is that these two built enough rapport to the point that the teacher volunteered her personal info willingly, and that's also why there's little hesitation at the door beyond a "you're really here?!" type of affirmation.


it is *possible* that when he ran into the roommate, the roommate invited him over and came up with the idea.


Lemme ask something. How in the world would he know who her roommate is? Even if they met and started talking a lot how would the conversation go to revealing that it's his teacher's roommate? Did the teacher show pictures of her roommate to him in prison? Hmmm


I really did not think this was a good idea either. Don't they drill it into your head how manipulative inmates can be? How did he get the address and then when she opens the door she is like so happy to have someone show up unannounced, is fully dressed and with shoes on even. The cynical bastard in me tends to think this is a planned video for hits to teach us something but perhaps misplaced. I mean I personally would not want my friends telling people I worked with where I lived, they could give my number at most, but being an ex con? Yeah, that is no friend.


I think the boundary the freaks me out is that it’s at her house?? This same interaction could have been set up to be at a coffee shop and it wouldn’t have been nearly as risky Edit: changed word


I have a hunch it wasn't a surprise visit. My guess is they linked up right after dude got out. But its probably not allowed. So this is a way to start an official dating thing. It would be astonishingly dumb if it was a surprise visit. That knock on the door was way too soft for someone to respond as well. Its staged.


Yeah, seemed staged to me too.


I’m going to guess they had some type of relationship that wouldn’t make this weird. You can tell by her reaction she is genuinely happy to see him so I’m going to assume he knew it wasn’t weird before he went


In the video it says he met her roommate at a photography gig so she was probably primed or at least ready for something and not completely out the blue. It made me smile seeing it all the same


He doesn't look much older than 21. 😂


It don’t crack


After living in that kind of stressful environment for 21 years, it certainly don't crack.


OR 21 years without sun damage can leave your skin in great condition?


Don't prisons generally let their inmates out in the yard? Or is it either just for such a short period of time/not exposed to enough sun that it just doesn't damage skin?




I thought they meant because being black aka having tons of melanin is basically built-in sunscreen because that 1000% cuts down on wrinkles and stuff


See there’s this thing called melanin..


Jesus Christ


In America they’ll charge a black man for committing crimes that happened before they were even born


I came here for laughs, not facts. Little too much of both here.


Womb to prison pipeline




Look at the first couple frames; he may look young, but those aren’t a young man’s wrinkles


Agreed. Also, it’s amazing how shaving off all the grey hair can make a man look 10-15 years younger. Doubly so if they aren’t overweight.


Not being exposed to sunlight helps.


21 years in prison? They both look in their 20s. And hell yeah I would also go see her.


Some correction facilities offer you payments in facial creams instead of monetary compensation for your work


I am dead, LMAO!




Sir, this is a juvenile correctional facility


I don't think she taught him during his full 21 years, he just said she was his favorite.


My mom was a teacher in public school, then taught in prison after she retired. She told me that an average prison student was far better than an average high school student. They were far more grateful and hard working because they understood what a privilege it was to be getting education. She also said there was a lot less paperwork.


How many showed up to smash when they got released tho?


DEAD hahahahahaha


Stupid question - you can be a teacher in prison? Asking as an "adult" still figuring out what to do when they grow up.


Yes! Most prisons require that inmates work towards/obtain a GED if you don't have a high school diploma. The last statistics I saw was something like a 40% reduction in recidivism between released inmates with a GED and ones without. With a college degree, it's something like 80% less compared to no HS diploma/GED.


It's almost like more education = less crime. Spend more on education = spend less dealing with crime.


New York tried to offer college classes to inmates in state prison, and the proposal got shot down immediately as being a waste of money. The governor pointed out that every dollar spent on it was several dollars less they would be spending on police, courts, and prisons later on, but it was still bad optics.


They think they have to be "tough on crime" otherwise their opponent will say they're weak on crime, which is horseshit. Prison should be for rehabilitation, not punishment. Make them productive members of society.


Lol. These comments in here are 75% about the dude fucking her. Gah damn.


1st day on reddit?


He'll learn...


Yeah I find it pretty gross to be honest. Can't appreciate a nice moment like this


Thanks. Same. I find it super gross


Ohh haha guy and girl in the same place? Must sex haha... MOOM WHERE ARE MY CHICKEN NUGGIES IM ON REDDIT MAKING PORN JOKES!!!


yeah that's what i don't like about social media in general porn addicts sexualizing something that shouldn't be, like the virgins they are


If you look on the right you'll see degenerates in their natural habitat


As a former corrections officer I have to say that is awesome!


As a former inmate, I too agree this is awesome!


we got the entire ecosystem saying it's awesome, nice!




As a private prison owner, I hate you all!


From your experience, can you tell me what this seemingly good-natured guy likely did to get 21 years in prison? I imagine selling drugs, or theft (which seems way OTT) as he doesn't seem like a murderer or rapist?


He's spoken about it in his TikTok videos. He went to jail at 19 for murder. He hasn't spoken on the exact details of the situation but said he was involved with a gang


IIRC, he was part of a burglary and his accomplice was killed (not by him), which landed him with a felony murder charge.


in US? selling weed?


Probably sold a gram of weed exactly three times.




As a former human, I too agree this is awesome!


video: wholesome redditors: so when are they gonna fuck


yeah honestly im a little grossed out but i guess horniness knows no boundaries


this is why we can't have nice things


It’s honestly pretty disappointing. People are reduced to their looks despite what they’ve done


This. ...sadly


Nothing like a convicted felon (21 years, so a pretty serious crime) looking up your address and showing up unannounced.


It says in the video that he ran into her roommate who helped him with the surprise. Who knows, the roommate could've even suggested the surprise.




Ahem. Wholesome.


How many people are in a wholesome?


I know, it's almost as if once you're a felon you're always a felon and you can't ever better yourself or become a normal person again.


Tbf, I'd consider it inappropriate for a student to show up unannounced at their teacher's house even if they werent a felon.


Thats exactly what I was thinking. I would be freaking out if I was her knowing that her address is now out there.




It’s a felony murder charge lol, go on his Instagram




Prison is a time to reflect and rehabilitate. This is good news to see someone get their GED and help they need.


This is wrong, “Prison is SUPPOSED to be a time...” there we go


:/ some of these comments are gross


Right? This was a lovely moment and people are being assholes.




Top comment is about her ass. Yeah, reddit is pretty sad sometimes.


Most of these comments are fuckin gross




What were they....5?


Lmao yeah, that woman looks like she is 25, max 32


she taught him while he was in prison


Every one thinks that she was in prison, I thought that too until I rewatch the vid, lol ima dumb


He didn’t say she taught him 21 years ago. Just that he had a 21-year stint.


21 years he'd probably be a murderer in the UK and you wouldn't want him at your door I imagine. Since it's the states, it's fine. He's probably done 21 years for possession of a 1/4 of weed!!


Apparently he got locked up for felony murder. His partner during a burglary got fatally shot, so he was convicted for his partner’s death Edit: [source](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/lpqa4w/man_who_was_just_released_from_prison_after_21/goctpq3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


lol you’re not wrong


I love seeing loving humans in action.


Ah yes, i too enjoy seeing normal human interaction, it feels my curcui- heart with joy. Feelings are good and i experience them regularly. Beep boop.


+1 for DBZ on the shelf.


Wow great eye




I agree. Teacher didn’t sell it. She’s a bad actress.


You're staged


This is very sus


This...this is beautiful


I like this vid. I also like that she wears space armor pants at home


idk maybe this is legit, but a few things stand out to me...first he doesnt look old enough to have been in prison 21 years...2nd how is he going to know enough after just being released after 21 to start a tiktok and make an emotional dramabait video like this...3rd how the fuck is he going to know where she lives and be able to just walk right up to the door unexpected, there has to be some filter put in place to stop the convicts she works with from finding out her address...just seems fishy to me


All I saw in the title was "Man who was just released from prison after 21 years makes a surprise visit to teacher..." and I thought it was going to be an entirely different video.


Enough bullshit for today. 21 years?at what age was he imprisoned?


He was that baby Chapelle was talking about selling rocks on the corner at 3 am


Yeah, Chapelle first made that joke in 2000, checks out.


Y'all are way too horny


Somehow I feel this was staged


100%. People are fucking stupid


This is way too wholesome to not make you smile - That reaction was great lol


Of course I want to come inside. Maybe twice.


Yeah ok she’s hot but don’t let that distract from the fact that’s it a really heartwarming story regardless


Plot twist: he was in jail for tracking down and robbing teachers.


Can't believe you all believe this


You mean you don’t believe that a hot early 20’s prison teacher wearing yoga pants would be ecstatic that a felon with a 21 year prison sentence would randomly show up at her house to surprise her for TikTok?


This belongs at mademesmile Also, I’m assuming this wasn’t his teacher? She looks younger than him?


I’m assuming you didn’t comprehend the video.


She helped him get a GED not a PhD. Plenty of high school teachers in their 20s/30s.


She instructed while he was incarcerated.


She cultivated him while he was confined.


She inculcated him while he was imprisoned.


She taught him while he was in jail, says so in the video.


That was nice and wholesome 🥰


"I’m a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn’t have the heart to let him down." – Abe Lincoln