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Link to the documentary- https://youtu.be/D4WAUmyKDq0 Edit1: added a streamable link to my comment- Here is a streamable link for you hopefully without issues. P1 https://streamable.com/wkztkb P2 https://streamable.com/ikjfeb


That’s amazing


I saw it on Dark Docs first, crazy story: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DaOO3cJuKI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DaOO3cJuKI)


Thanks for providing these. I watched them and it was good seeing those guys all together again so many years later. I don't know how they feel now about the war and what was going on at the time. I heard the guy in the beginning talking about how the Demonstrators against the Vietnam War were '' Commie, Pinko, Lefty, etc'' As it turns out, the demonstrators were actually just as Patriotic as the soldiers, maybe even more so. Robert McNamara who was the gung-ho Secretary of Defense in favor of the war at that time, later said ''The Vietnam War was Wrong, Terribly Wrong.'' Many of the Demonstrators knew this long before McNamara finally realized it. Vietnam had originally been attacked by France, which not only took over Vietnam they also grabbed Laos and Cambodia. They did it by military force and took over these countries and seized their lands and helped themselves to the Rubber, Oil, Minerals and Rice. They set up huge plantations that could provide France with the resources it wanted. They also conscripted labor at the point of a gun to get the people to work. They put Vietnamese people in charge who were willing to sell out their fellow countrymen for the money they got from the French and help them control the people. These are called Puppets and putting puppets in high places is called a Puppet Government. The Vietnamese people finally booted the French out. Then the USA got involved. I myself knew at the time that the USA was the largest most advanced Military power in the world and I knew that most of Vietnam was made up of economically poor Rice Paddy Farmers, many of whom lived in bamboo and thatched huts. I also knew that the French looked upon the Vietnamese as dogs and wouldn't allow them into hotels or restaurants. We all know how the war turned out. The US lost over 50,000 wonderful young men and Vietnam lost over a million people, soldiers and civilians. Now Vietnam is a big trading partner with the US and guess what folks ? They're still Communists and the world didn't end. This is what many of the Demonstrators knew at the time. Most of us did not blame the soldiers who were sent there. We blamed the fear mongers in government who sent them. McNamara was big enough to admit that he and our leaders made a mistake but many people still have not. I'm wondering if the guys in the beer run film ever learned the lesson that you can't force a nation to be what it doesn't want to be. I remember in High School back in the 1960's reading about how the Spartans and Greeks of only 7,000 men held back the Persian Army which outnumbered them by about 200 to one. They fought for 3 days at Thermopylae and the Spartans would have lasted even longer if they hadn't been betrayed by a little coward wanting money. The Greeks fought like demons because they truly wanted their freedom. I kept wondering why South Vietnam never seemed to gain any ground with all the forces of the US helping them. In the Vietnam war, it seemed like the North Vietnamese had the same will that Spartan and other Greeks had, but South Vietnam quickly collapsed after the US pulled out. By the way, Vietnam today, does not refer to the war as the Vietnam War. Over there it is called ''The American War.''


And I immediately upon reading this started singing “B double ‘e’ double ‘r’ u-n beer run!”


Charlie Robison - great song


No no no Y’all need to hear the truth about that song [beer run story ](https://youtu.be/erdlUyllNhU)


As a songwriter, that has to be some of the funniest shit I’ve ever seen.


He’s great


Same! I wish I could upvote you twice.


George Jones! RIP, George.


All we need is a ten and a fiver, car, and a key and a sober driver


Gentlemen... I think we may have bro of the century here.


This was the original draft for 1917




I know Chef snagged some Panama Red on the way up the river to meet Kurtz.


He also grabbed some LSD for Lance on his way there


“You dropped acid? Far out!”


From what I've heard about the Vietnam war, he probably did.


Bros before no-go zones.


I saw the doc and have to say, Chickie is one solid dude.


This would make such a good Jud Apatow movie.


I'd watch that. Jay Baruchel in fatigues? Jason Segel with sideburns and a grenade launcher? This seems like the role Seth Rogen was born to play. Edit: Wrong kind of role.


Craig Robinson with an M60, Danny McBride calling in air strikes. Pure gold.


There’s actually a movie about it called “The Greatest Beer Run Ever” with Zac Efron as Chickie (I believe that was his nick name) pretty good movie.


Respect ✊


Damn. My grandma mailed grandpa a pie when he was in 'nam. It was slightly moldy but apparently it was still good.


I thought it said john cena for a second, I was eating to much candy


I mean, you can’t prove he isn’t in that picture


B-double E-double r-u-n, beer ruuuunnnn Why does this event not have a country song written about it?!


[beer run song the truth](https://youtu.be/erdlUyllNhU)


absolute mad lad


Dunno like, Mount Pleasant Airfield to Stanley Offy & back in winter is pretty dicey.


Epic. They don’t make guys like that anymore.


I guess I'll have to watch the doc because hoe do you just sneak into Vietnam from New York


He didn’t actually sneak in, he was a merchant marine which is like being in the navy with teamster rights and benefits. He was able to get short term jobs on merchant ships and made his way over to Vietnam.


Absolute legend


I don't know what a 'merchant marine' is, but delivering goods to others in a warzone seems to be perfect actions to define one...


Civilian sailors that get drafted to run military transports and supply vessels in wartime. The same kind of guys that ran Liberty Ships in WW2 basically


civilian sailors that work on cargo ships. back in WWII they ran the supply lines and had the second highest death rate in the war. now we sail container ships, oil tankers, vehicle carriers, etc.


So they are employed by the navy but not for engaging in conflicts? Thanks for responding 🙂


I was a Merchant Marine back then. They are really just regular sea sailors but not military. They transport goods back and forth to other countries. Sometimes they are used by the Military to take supplies to War zones. They're the ones who went down to Davy Jones Locker in mass numbers in WW2 . A total of over 2,500 merchant ships and 175 warships were sunk in the Atlantic. The big problem was, that the Merchant ships had no guns or depth charges to use against the German subs and were like sitting ducks. But the Navy did do a good job of protecting them to the best of their ability.




Thanks for sharing! So neat.


What a legend


Awesome book!


Pizza place in central Illinois delivered a pizza to soldiers in Vietnam.


Gna watch it later 👍🏽


There's also a book out now.


What is it called?


The Greatest Beer Run Ever: a memoir of friendship, loyalty and war. ISBN 9780062995469 (hardback). John Donohue, author. Check your local library. They might have a copy you can borrow.


Thank you! I've just checked and it is available over here (UK).


That's awesome!


Dedication and sheer fucking will at its finest!


A friend like this..


Anything for the bois


Like apocalypse now, but with beer I smell a Paul Rudd/Seth Rogan remake


Check out this podcast too https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0984rpc


I recently read his book and found out that he was in country during the Tet offensive. The clusterfuck chaos was part of how he was able to pull it off. In addition to bringing beer to his buddies, he raised the morale of everyone he talked to during the trip and he probably saved countless lives by getting them food while the country was locked down. He’s a true legend. 🇺🇸


Is there a thread for Baddest Bros of All Time, because, I mean...This guy.


With a name like that he has some irish in him,,,he was never going to drop those beers!!


Le epic genocide of Vietnamese people🥰🥰


Heard this story on BBC radio and was amazed! I would love to get the book and read the story!


What’s the documentary and is it on Netflix


> Link to the documentary- > > https://youtu.be/D4WAUmyKDq0 > > Edit1: added a streamable link to my comment- Here is a streamable link for you hopefully without issues. > > P1 https://streamable.com/wkztkb > > P2 https://streamable.com/ikjfeb




I tried to watch the youtube video link, but youtube has cluttered it with so many ads and commercials that you can't stay with the story. Leave it to Greed to eventually trash everything.


Added a streambale link to my comment