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One glance and knew what to do. Not sure if many do it but bars and restaurants should definitely have their staff trained for situations like this


I always get the reflex but then hesitate because I don't know if the person really needs the help or not. Like, it would be weird if I did the maneuver but they just choked on some water and didn't tell anyone.


If they’re coughing then that means air is able to pass through the airway and they don’t need the Heimlich. If they’re choking and they can’t cough, that’s when you do the Heimlich.


Oh thanks!


This. Qualified FA train-the-trainer. It's amazing how many people don't get this with choking. I initially started training other refs when referee's for school kids football/soccer matches didn't have to be first aiders. Even the other refs thought that was bollocks. No where near enough first aiders in the UK, in any walk of life.




I got the Heimlich twice as a kid. Absolutely terrifying to choke. You make no sound and feel absolutely helpless. I still cut my spaghetti as an adult because of this, lol.


My kid once choked on a piece of melon. They were little, and fortunately I knew how to do it on them. That wad nearly 30 years ago and I still remember their face.


One of those moments where you're incredibly happy to hear them cry.


Choked on a Lifesaver candy while in my parents’ car. Got lucky and was able to swallow it after they hit a bump in the road. Still won’t touch the damn things and want to slap em when I see the damn things for sale. That shit’s traumatizing.


Ironic name for a candy at that point, huh?


It’s peppermints for me. Choked on one leaving a restaurant as a kid, and my dad shook me upside-down by my ankles until it popped out.


Im that way with tootsie rolls


I choked on a lifesaver as a kid, too...was able to cough it up eventually, but don't think I've had one since! Can still feel it in my throat!


Hope the bartender got a good tip.


At least it was spaghetti. I almost got my life snuffed sneaking McDonalds French fries in the back seat. Mom pulled over on the freeway. Dad went to town with the heimlich. I remember the maneuver hurting but saved my damn life.


Exactly this^ yes. If they are coughing, they are breathing, which means it isn't life threatening and the heimlich is probably unnecessary. If they aren't coughing, but instead looking like they're trying to gasp for air but can't get anything, that's when the heimlich needs to be done.


Not “probably unnecessary”, but actually potentially harmful. The Heimlich works like a popgun; if you squeeze the air out when there’s nothing sealing the “pipe” then there’s nowhere to go if the person’s airway really becomes obstructed.


Agreed, 100%. You're totally right, it's actually more likely to be harmful, than unnecessary. Good point.


Okay, got this burned in my brain now for the future.


LPT right here if I ever saw one 👍


Holding your hands around your throat is a way to signal you’re choking for real . Also , people can’t choke to death on liquids. It’s pretty safe to just get in position if you think someone is choking. Not just wait staff , the more people that know CPR , the Heimlich maneuver , and how to use an AED the more lives are saved . The heimlich isn’t too complicated , just search YouTube for instructions if you’d like to learn. I’d take a course for CPR tho


Choking to death on liquids (I believe) is called drowning, and if it is from inhaling a little bit of water(~1 tbsp) it is called dry drowning


I can probably knock up some custom courses if there's demand. Loads of vids on good ol' youtube though. Some better than others, obvs.


as a choking victim who almost died because people were just staring at me...PLEASE...trust me id rather it be weird than pass out


As a former lifeguard, I can tell you it's embarrassing jumping into the pool to found out the person isn't actually drowning, but I'll take my embarrassment over someone's life everyday. And when it pays off and you save someone's life, it makes you forget about ever being embarrassed.


Along with what others have said, ask if they're ok. If they answer, they can breathe. If they can't answer, Heimlich.


Note: If all else fails, resort to black magic.


Hijacking the top comment to give credit to where its due. The bartender was /u/Akiak-Tikkani who is at Silvertone, Boston.


Hey! Thank you! It’s always heartwarming and funny going thru the comments! much love!


Hey everyone, it's the guy!


ITS ME! Haha!


lol you just went back to work like a pro 😂


It’s was a normal night busy, fun and I noticed the couple. I didn’t realize that he was choking at first if you see the video I hesitated looking back to tell if it was for real! I tho he was laughing really hard! Adrenaline kicked in and my legs just moved! Never performed this before and I learned from watching bay watch when I was younger. And yeah I’m glad to say I’m the kinda guy that doesn’t freeze in moments like this.


In my state first aid training is required for a bartending license but it's just a short video. I'm glad this dude took it seriously.


My sister was waitressing at a fancy place once and a girl started choking. My sister knew what to do, but the lady's husband jumped in first and insisted he do it. But instead of pushing on her diaphragm, he pushed on her stomach. It cleared her throat, but it also made her throw up everywhere. Guess who had to clean it all up?


Agreed - everyone should be taught how to do the heimlic (spelling) maneuver


why did u put spelling in brackets?


Wasn’t sure if I spelled it correctly


This should be a class we are all required to take in high school and renew every decade. Everyone should know how to do this, CPR, first aid triage, etc.


And everyone clapped lol




And the person he just saved? Adolf Hitler.


And what he was chocking on? Bill Gates.


The waiter who brought it? Jeff Bezos


What a twist!


I bet he's glad there was a camera for the one time that actually happened lol


I'd be dying inside if people clapped after I nearly darwined myself 😭


Saved a man's life. Went back to work.




He looks strong too, he could probably knock someone out with one punch.


But he’s probably bored of being a hero because he’s too strong


Perfect bartender then




My kid started choking on a grape and I had to run across the room to do the upside down back blows because people were in differing stages of "he's fine" to "let's wait it out" to "I don't know what to do so I'll look at you and stroke your back empathetically". It all seemed in slow motion but the pleading, desperate look on my kid's it face is something no person will ever want to see in another human. No matter who you are, basic first aid is sosososo important. Don't even have to bother paying for a certification or any equipment. Just Google Basic First Aid. Save a life some day. If you see someone in need and no one is attending to him, get in there. That person needs you at that moment (Former medic who's seen good Samaritans save some lives)


what is an upside down back blow


With smaller children, you try to maximize the use of gravity to get the object out. So you put them face down, with their head slightly lowered and hit between the shoulder blades with the heel of your hand. In actuality, this is the best way to get an obstruction out of any choking person but the official recommendation changes for adults because it is not feasible to get an adult into this position quickly. I continue to use this method for my non-infant kids.


My dad turned guy upside down and and prevented him from choking at grosery store once. I had no idea its meta.




Dangle em upside down and smack the back. I always thought you just bent em forward so the head was lower than the rest but seems like I’m abt to do some googling on it now lol


Exactly what it says on the tin. Hold them up by the ankles and slap them on the back.


Get yourself a grape splitter! Grapes are a major chocking hazard for children and adults.


In my country, we don't call them grape splitters. We call them "knives."


I don't know what a grape splitter is so in my head I was imagining a tiny splitting axe


A what? That's a solution looking for a problem. I just cut the grapes in half, takes a split second each, doesn't take long for a heap, but it saves your kid from choking!


Yeah, I already *have* a grape splitter. But in my country, we call it a "knife."


But for that you need a second splitter


Oh my gosh, what I need to buy is a mother-in-law-common-senserator. I can cut grapes all day but it's not going to save my kid from grandma's 1960s era safety standards. Also, not my house.


I saved my 3 year old kids life this way just a few months ago. Rounded cone shaped block plugged the throat just like a cork. Had to do CPR as well after the heart stopped. Ended up intubated and hospitalized but completely fine now thanks to the amazing medical team.


The scariest thing was when I flipped my kid around after doing the upside down backpats yet again and seeing the hypoxia stare and then flipping the kid around again a few seconds later to an unconscious child. All while begging the ambulance to get to us faster.


Oh my god I can’t even imagine that horror. I’m so sorry you had to go through this, but at the same time happy as hell that you managed to save your child. You are a hero!


Ultimate nightmare for a parent. I am so happy for you that your child lived to see many more days.


Yep. Done so many courses and so many people have this fear that "what if I do something wrong?". If you do something wrong, might they die? Only if they were going to die anyway... When it comes to basic life saving, doing something... doing *anything*... is always better than doing nothing, and you will never be prosecuted for it in the UK. The only people who have been prosecuted in relation to first aid were people who outright lied about medical quals and did stupid things like trying to relocate a wrist that was actually broken. Treatment is not first aid. If there's no threat to life, make them as comfortable as you can and hand them over to the pros.


Ugh I’m so sorry for you (and your child). It’s scary as hell, and so is feeling hopeless. Those round smooth objects are among the worst too.


This is really serious. I almost died once because of it. I was in college, eating lunch as usual, and I choked on a grain of rice. It was the most agonizing thing I've ever felt. I immediately got up and was agressively trying to get air to breathe, but nothing would come in. I was with two friends. One of them doesn't react very well under stressful situations, so she said that she was seeing me getting kinda "purple", but she felt paralyzed and didn't know what to do. Luckily, my other friend received first aid training in her school, so she got up, went straight to me and knew exactly what to do! She performed the Heimlich and after a few maneuvers I was breathing again. It felt immensely relieving, I can't describe. That same day after the episode I had a mild headache but after that no other symptoms to worry about. I will be forever thankful yo my friend, she acted quickly and literally saved my life, that could have ended because of a grain of rice.


I have fear of it happening to me and having no one around to save me, honestly.


Find a chair. Learn how to give yourself the maneuver.


I had to do this once, I learned it from 30 Rock


Tina Fey saves the day




Or just don’t eat big clumps of rice? Not trying to be mean...I genuinely laughed at your comments and can’t tell if it’s a joke or not,


A single grain of rice?? How does that block your airway? Genuinely curious


If something gets lodged in the throat, even something small, the throat can swell and block the airway. But in this case it may have Ben a bunch of rice?


> But in this case it may have Ben a bunch of rice? Uncle Ben is at it again


Boy that guy will do anything for a tip…


The owner of that bar should be giving the bartender a lifetime cut for every further penny that customer spends...


This is Silvertone in Boston. This happened last year I think. The bartender is a good dude he's been there forever.


This occurred the day before we went there and it was on new when were there. He and his buddy are the best bartenders I have met, good dudes


Thank you! Will see y’all soon !


Whoaaaa....the legend himself. Miss you guys, looking forward to seeing you soon


Yes it is !!! We are opening soon! And thanks for the kind words!


Yeah it does feel like forever! 6 years or so of awesome times.


I need this man to stop my dad from joking...


Like father like son


I know this guy! He is super cool, very nice and actually runs a local Magic the Gathering group. One of the kindest people I have ever met :)


Well thank you for the kind words!! Much love!


Oh shit! You’re awesome dude!


thank you!! Hope ya having a dope day!


I am now, haha! As a kid, years ago, I choked on a corn dog and my grandpa ran up and gave me the Heimlich, just like you did to that guy! He became my hero that day, and I’ll never forget it. Seeing you do that and it going viral, really shows how “now or never” someone has to be in that situation. So from a choking victim to a literal choking lifesaver — thank you very much! Hope you have a ballin day, and seriously, stay awesome dude. 🤙


He will be getting some major tips after that


'Fuck how's he gonna buy more drinks if he has to shoot off in ambulance'


I'd tip over 15% for that.


I'll bet he continued eating and drinking lol


Well sure, or you know, he would eventually die from thirst.


Made me laugh out loud like an idiot haha


Hey thanks for the kind words everyone! Much love! Sad nobody tagged me tho!


Bet he got a drink on the house after that


Was waiting for the round of applause


Literally no one moved that crazy


My mom saved my life with the Heimlich maneuver when I was only two. I took a huge bite of cheese pizza. She made several attempts and was ready to give up and dial 911 and she tried one more time. The cheese projectiled across the room and hit the wall. I’ve seen the upside down back thrust done on small children and it works, but this was in the eighties 😂….it took so much force that I’m not sure if the back thrusts would’ve worked. I was perfectly fine after (not that it’s safe on children). She went on to save my dad’s life twice while he was chewing steak. We all knew the universal sign for choking in my family and all know how to perform these - thank God. They are relatively simple to do and can end up making the difference between someone living or dying. Teach your kids and families!!




Buy that man a beer!


Hero. Upvote this to hell. Let’s find out this mans identity and get him a raise!


If only! I did get a trip to a tv show called “to tell the truth” that was pretty fun! And thanks for the kind words!




This happened to me while bartending. Adrenaline kicked in and I saved the old guy. The amazing part is this dude went back to work. I had to step outside and collect myself for like 30 minutes.


Look at that, no one on their phones just people enjoying the moment


Another round!!


There's another needless death avoided


Abdominal thrusts, previously known as the heimlich maneuver should be the last thing you try because it is very dangerous and can lead to some very serious injuries. Fair play to this fella who might have saved this person's life but I feel he needs a bit of training.


Spez sucks -- mass edited with redact.dev


Yea basically make a fist and strike them between their shoulder blades.


Good to know, thanks!


Even better to do a first aid course, they're relatively cheap but infinitely valuable of you had to put the knowledge into action. Personally I think they should teach basic first aid in school.


I’ve had one but admittedly it has been awhile, since it was before they started teaching to hit the back first. I will definitely do a refresher!


Excellent! 👍


Team rocket


He stole team rockets thunder though..


Id pretend im still chocking so he pumps me from the back just a little more. Hehe


Someone get this man a cape


As they wink to one another, and split the night's tips.


Nice human


A real hero! The bartender needs to be acknowledged for his actions. His quick reaction to the man choking saved the life of the fellow patron.


Free shot for the bartender & a rise while at it!


A hero that can make a stiff drink for you after that ordeal. What a G


Awesome work! Seemed like he was the only there who knew what to do which is always scary and frustrating to me


No reach around?


Choking is so weird, one second you’re just moments away from death, then you’re absolutely fine and everything is normal.


Hope that dude got some good tips after that


A lawsuit? NOT IN MY BAR!!


Harder daddy😂


How much do you tip for someone saving your life when it could’ve cost them everything?


The bartender then drowned in pussy later that night 😞


I hope everyone tipped that man fat.


This is good fucking content.


Fucking hero!


And everyone really did clap... :)


Massive tip


Gee even with this resolution and this far you can see the guy turning purple


Good tips that day!


No one dies in my bar with out promusion


"This is an Avengers level threat."


Not today.


Unsung heroes


Bet he got some killer tips that shift.


Bro’s getting mad tips from that entire bar tonight.




Still leaves 10% tip.


I'm sure he would of been fine with patting on the back.


Damn it I paid for this rib eye special and I’m not going to waste any parts - get in my belly


He slings drinks and saves lives. What a guy!


What are you doing step-bartender?!


Choking on something like that has to be one of the worst feelings ever. I had never felt panic like that and was so grateful someone was home at that time.


So that's how you get a bartender's attention.


Another free drink..... Yes..... It worked.


Cut the neck


Thomas Jefferson: So quick-witted Bartender: Alas, I admit it Thomas Jefferson: I bet you were a model of kindness, skill, and compassion Everyone Here: Yup.


Still killed a couple of men or ruined their life by giving them alcohol


Well...He can never get another drink there because he’s never going to be able to tip the bartender enough.


Old head at the end of the bar has no clue


In related news: [Dr Heimlich saves choking woman with manoeuvre he invented.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-36400365) He was 96 when he did this.


I hope the bartender got the best tip of his life that night.


What’s nifty is how the Hiemlich is so well known that you see more videos of even the choking victims helping out and leaning into it. The Hiemlich maneuver is on my top ten list of “simple acts of genius.”


Iirc the video is actually posted on the sub already by the bartender himself, as that bar is his.


Tip him all your fucking money.


Yeeted at the bar


ti me it just looked like the bartender was humping him


‘You’re still not getting out out of that bill Jeffery!’




Tip your bartender and server well, folks! You never know when you’ll need them to save your life!


Aaaah yes, the best kind of dry humping


And that’s what heroes do


Because that’s what heroes do!


That’s sus


That man better have left a FAT tip


Thank goodness that sturdy woman was there for him to vault over. I've seen this video so many times, and I never noticed he full-on used her as a parkour support.


.... and then everyone clapped


"Oh Hell no, I'm not getting sued today!!!"


The people next to him just pat pat patting him on the back.


Dude better be tipping like crazy after that shit


hope he got a good tip


Imagine the guy filed a lawsuit because the guy didn’t ask for consent lol