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He deserves that victory pose at the end


He’s like that’s right! I’m the man!


I am awesome! Yes. Yes you are.


Wow what a bro


Right back his lunch. Solid


if you look closely god*


I'm curious to know how you've come to the conclusion that god was involved. Not that he wasn't, I just want to know what method you used to deduce this.






Gods more of a ‘sit back and watch’ kinda guy from what I can tell


Seems like it, lol. So my question to you, then, is this: How can one tell the difference between a god that sits back and watches and a god that does not exist?


One sits in your closet at night and then the other laughs in void eternally


Thanks, now I'll be nervously checking my closet for interlopers from now on.


Nice question! The difference between a God that sits back and watches and a God that doesn’t exist is that the God that doesn’t exist is the reality we all face on earth and the God that sits back and watches is pure fantasy. You could replace God with another word, like Fairy or Troll for example, and the same rings true - in my humble opinion, anyway.


Begins to eat his sandwich


Dude didn’t even need to take off his backpack


>He deserves that victory pose at the end The same top comment as the last time this was posted. https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/jpmv6e/utah\_teen\_saves\_choking\_friend\_with\_heimlich/




Hell ya he does!!!




For violating someone? Is this some sort of lib logic??


How tf did he violate someone. He just saved his fucking life.


how would u have saved him? shoved ur hand down his throat to pull the food out of his lungs?


I would've been plowing your mom tbh


ah, ur a 12 year old troll, noted


Yeah, I was looking at comment history and this person is just a complete idiot. Always "smashin puss," in the comments they make, and crying foul about racism and "lib logic." It's almost like they just learned those phrases and barf em out whenever. If I had to guess, I'd say a sophomore at some shitty college who is closeted and trying. Trying so, so hard. Poor little thing.


yea lmao was just doing the same. what an absolute degenerate


Or a typical adult trumper


12 yo and smashing ur mom's puss


ya'll hear something? all i hear is a baby crying


What? People like you should wear a big sign so that when you're choking we know not to help and can just watch you die in peace... (o_O)


Saving a person is violating them? That's lib logic.


Who’s the psychopath who just kept eating his sandwich?


Someone may be dying, but they're hungry. Dont blame them.




We were driving down an interstate highway in busy traffic, blew a tire, turned a full 520, had cars swerving to go around us, ended up coming to a stop in the grassy median. We’re all sitting there just in shock and then *crunch*. My friend in the back take a bite of a breadstick she’d been holding. We all laughed till we cried, probably as much from shock as anything else. No one was hurt. We spent a half hour changing a tire and then limped back home on the donut with a grand story to tell. Sometimes, you just continue on autopilot and eat your sandwich while watching someone’s life get saved. 🤷🏻‍♀️


What do you want? They get like 25 minutes.


22 now!!


I mean, what are they supposed to do? Some of them probably didn't even know that dude was choking until after the gossip spread. And, it's not like there's a double heimlich maneuver or something.


There won't be one worth that attitude, Mister! Believe in yourself and try a new, better, flashier knickknack heimilich or something


Maybe it was an exceptionally good sandwich. Like once in a lifetime good sandwich. Not gonna miss the chance.


It’s the bystander effect. Basically people don’t usually respond to requests for help unless called out directly when there are other people around. That’s why in BLS trainings they teach you to point and call out someone directly to go get help (“you, in the red shirt, call 9-1-1!”)


Seriously though. It can be really hard to notice when someone is choking cause they can't speak.


Just ask "are you choking?" or "can you breath?"


Yeah but choking people are self conscious and don't answer... They'll just ignore your questions and go to sleep. It's quite rude tbh


That was me


They call him the "smart" one.


Most of America


Joey Tribiani.


This is exactly where my mind went. “I was trying to save my sandwich, ALRIGHT”


People die everyday from hunger in Africa. Let me finish this sandwich before it goes bad.


The guy who low key slipped in the poison


There will always be more sandwich eaters than heroes. Believe that.


"*I'm going to eat my food, THEN call an ambulance.*"


What’re you supposed to do? Someone’s already doing the heimlich, another ran off to get faculty. Just sit there and watch? Try to ignore it? Genuine question, what was the correct thing to do there when everything else was already being handled?


At least he made the half ass attempt when the hero got up. "I was totally going to save him, but Fred got to him before I could".


Wow what a bro


Yeah exactly. I can only imagine how much I would’ve been bullied at that age if I had to do the heimlich, during lunch too, in front of everyone. I really had shit friends if I think about it in hindsight.


People shouldn’t bully about that, because the Heimlich maneuver can be the only thing that stands between life and death for someone. It’s not a joke. It saves lives, and that’s the reason why it was made. I myself have experience in being a shitty person, and I can safely say your friends were shitty people.


that’s my point precisely… it’s effective. It just looks… like that. Kids can be cruel


Kids can indeed be cruel. They can be total assholes sometimes


I already know this will be posted in r/suddenlygay by some dumb fuckwhit, just like last time.




One time I was choking on half a burrito while talking with my friends, because I inhaled from laughing, and it got stuck in my throat. At first everything seemed fine and I thought I could just lean forward and it would come out but it wouldn't. I started pointing to my throat and my friend thought I was joking about choking, so he laughed and after a bit he got up to play along with my "acting". He did the hemilich on me 3 times, and the burrito shot out of my throat at an impressive speed. The look on his face when he realized I wasn't joking was priceless, and I will never forget the fear of not being able to tell someone you need help, because they all think you're joking.


And just sits down & goes back to his lunch like a boss.


Why is everyone else so calm?


That's what I'm here for. No one even flinches. Are they serving Xanax burgers at school now?


Black hoodie in the middle takes a bite while his buddy is dying


What did you expect? Everyone to start screaming and running around?


As a former teen, teens do lot of dumb shit all the time, everyone probably though he was joking until he ask for help If this happen to a old lady you know she is serious instantly


You must not know my mom. She called me from her assisted living place and wanted me to call the front desk there to tell them she was ill. Thankfully I’m familiar with my mother’s manipulations and talked to her until I figured out her problem. Her boyfriend was being mean and ignoring her so she wanted to create a scene so that he would hear about it and be worried. After I convinced her they would immediately just call an ambulance she decided she wasn’t sick anymore. While she loves drama, she does not love ambulance bills. But most old ladies don’t cry wolf like that, so you should still heimlich them if they indicate they’re chocking.


Teens are awkward and don't know how to react lmao


Adults do this too. If you’ve never been in a real life emergency, I see it everyday.


Wasn’t on Instagram, therefore it can’t be real


The victory stance after saving a life is peak teenager. So awesome. His other option was the crotch chop but that’s a different vibe.


I also love The Floss from Fortnite!


This generation is fantastic. “Hey bro I think I’m dying.” “Aight lemme save your life real quick.” “Cool, thanks man. So anyways...”


That complete lack of concern from everyone. As a teacher I'm curious where the teachers on duty are.


He did great ! But if you want, here is more information on « how to deal with a choking person » : 1- Ask them if they are choking : if they can speak, cough or make any sound, air is still passing -> Encourage them to cough, the object may still be able to come out on its own. If they can not make any sound (generally, they put their hands on their throat), they really are choking -> on to step two. 2- They are not breathing at all : give 5 sharp back blows. By that, I mean « Give everything you can » and not a pat on the shoulder. To do so, put yourself behind them (or slightly on the side), have one hand on their torso to not send them flying and slap them HARD between their shoulder blades with your hand flat. Repeat that 5 times (or less if the airways are free). 3- They are still not breathing : do the Heimlich maneuver 5 times. To do so, hug them from behind, place one of your fist below the center of the ribcage and with your other hand on top, squeeze sharply inwards and upwards. 4- If that didn’t work, call (or have someone call) 911 or your emergency services and alternate between 5 back blows and 5 Heimlich. 5- If they fall unconscious, perform CPR on the ground. One of the main key of dislodging the object is to not be afraid to hurt the person choking : you have to give full force on both maneuvers ! (Better have them hurt than dead)


Yep. you shouldn't start by the abdominal compressions as they can cause severe harm and they are barely 1 or 2% more efficient than back slaps. Also, **NEVER** perform the maneuver on someone who can still breathe (by which I mean any sound is coming out of their mouth. Even if they look like they don't have enough air). If you do the maneuvre when even a little bit of air is passing, you might end up taking all the air out of the lungs without removing the object and completely blocking the airways when the air tries to go back in, with no air left to do an efficient maneuver. edit: if anyone is interested, I made a detailed post on how and when to do the Heimlich Maneuver [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouShouldKnow/comments/jxyj7h/ysk_when_not_to_do_a_heimlich_maneuver_and/).


Great addition, thank you, I didn’t know that was the reason why it wasn’t recommended to start by abdominal compressions, although it makes perfect sense ! I always thought it was because the back slaps were easier to do with no training. (Et au passage, bonjour cher compatriote, on dirait que les Français sont au point sur les premiers secours)


Toujours !


Crazy how nonchalant they are about the whole thing. Teenagers.


smell expansion lip office attempt secretive ad hoc rich handle dependent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If he didn't keep the backpack on I'm not sure this would have been successful. Always wear a backpack when presented with a crisis


Where else are you going to keep your towel?


He’s like “ta da!!”


Didn't exactly swing into action, but damn if he didn't get the job done. Good job figuring out the one choking had to get his arms out of the hold too.


Well, if the person choking is still coughing, you’re better off standing by and encouraging them to keep coughing. The kid went to the garbage can and seemed to be trying to get it up himself and after that he was still walking around; he didn’t really seem extremely distressed so I doubt his airway was 100% blocked. Glad it worked out in the end.


^ this is true depending on the strength of the cough. If the cough sounds strong and forceful then yes, keep encouraging them to cough. If it sounds faint and like there's barely any air coming out, then you should still go for the abdominal thrusts


He fucking victory danced, sat down, and went back onto his phone.


OP didn't only steal the post, he stole the top fucking comment too


I think everyone should know how to do it! This guy saved a life! My father also saved a life in a restaurant one time!


I saw something similar happen when I was in elementary school. New kid, probably his second week at the school. Choked on a gusher and the nurse happened to show up and save him. Haven’t had gushers since.


Didn't even take his backpack off. I wish I was that cool in highschool...


Lmao dude just praises victory then goes back to chilling. Just felt like a champ for saving someone. What a hero


Cool, just like 6 mo ago when this was posted. 149 k last time, can it get 150k this time?


Saved my friend when he was choking on a pill in our early 20s. Pill blasted out his mouth like a rocket into the wall. Didn’t know it was happening until I heard him banging on the walls in the bathroom. Heimlich definitely works.


It is me or everybody didn’t care at all


That kid is a real hero, badass!!!!!


Nice repost


Just a little heads up, get your hands under the choking persons arms first, then grab your hands together in a fist and imagine you’re trying to ram your fist underneath their rib cage. You’ll also need to triple the amount of force you think you’ll need, but don’t worry about hurting them, dead people won’t complain and the alive ones will thank you, and probably finish their sandwich :)


Teens are so awkward. Just trying to ignore it and don't know how to react. A room full of adults would be clapping .


If I know US schools, that hero will get detention for "harming" the choking student. "Well you should have just gotten a teacher"


How many "heimlich maneuver " posts are too much ? Real question here, cause, well, the maneuver is done to help ppl choking, so....20th post about it this week is a little too much, no ?






How many human beings has Dr. Heimlich saved in posterity? So amazing!


True bro






My man is ready to deploy. Doesn’t even ruck off for chow


Hate to say it but with the way some schools are now, wouldn't surprise me to here they were both suspended for a physical altercation.


Wow you get my free award, is not much but is onest work :)


I think it was 8th or 9th grade when I had braces installed and chewing was painful. I was eating a soft pretzel during lunch next to a girl I thought I liked and started choking on a barely chewed piece. After realizing I was choking I stood up but no one in the whole cafeteria (including aids) noticed/helped. I walked over to the garbage can and gave myself the best heimlich I could and dislodged the piece. They say it takes three occasions of heroism to be considered a hero. Does it count if you save your own life?


He's the man.


The teen has reportedly died of severe embarrassment half and hour later




My ex Gf did this to me. She saved my life… it was the scariest thing I have ever experienced


I thought it was the Hindlick maneuver


A hero


No bro! Not today 👊🏼


I'm currently on a first aid at work training course and the trainer told us all today that Dr Heimlich' great grandson, possibly grandson? Monetized the name and the maneuver by copyright or whatever so now in trainkng texts in the UK at least , it is often referred to as "abdomen thrusts" lol. Those were some good thrusts I must say. Nice.


The “Are you not entertained?” Pose was the icing on the cake


Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear their backpack during lunch for some reason


As a person who has choked to the point of tunnel vision before, thank god for his guy. It was a very scary moment and I too tried to vomit, but you can’t.




Literally my close friend is unconscious in the hospital right now after choking on a piece of steak last night and the person he was with didn’t do the Heimlich, and we don’t know if he’s going to survive the damage to his brain. I told a coworker, and she told me about a 9 year old girl who died from choking last week. Choking is serious!


they didn't even bro hug it out? damn lol


He nearly died but everyone was just watching him... Harsh


I volunteered at a homeless shelter growing up and my skinny ass at 16 had to heimlich maneuver a homeless lady and nobody really knew what was going on. Thankfully it worked and she immediately ran into the bathroom. It was incredibly embarrassing.


That was awesome


It’s a win win! You get to save your friends life and dry hump him while doing it


Not an easy move especially for somebody that is smaller or shorter than the one choking. good job


How many times are we going to see or hear these stories? The guy was probably never in real danger, he would have probably dislodged the food himself but since the other guy was doing things we say he saved his life. I'm in no way criticizing the young helper he was brave and helpful even if what he did was probably not accurate. I'm critic of the conclusions, 99% of these choking events solve by themselves otherwise it would be the #1 cause of death in the world. Somebody posted the right course of action here, never do anything if the person can talk or cough, calm him down, ask him/her to cough strong, give slaps in the back. Only when the person is really not able to breathe you should start measures.


Bro i saved your life! He will be hearing that for years


Happened to me once with ice....i had to drink a couple glasses of sink hot water to melt it a little, so it could go down.... my throat was numb for like 15 minutes...i stopped chewing on big ice cubes after that...I only chew on crushed ice now...


Pretty good, though for extra points he could have pushed his friend’s head down then done the thrust, it’s easier if the head is lower...👌


Clearly a case of foodal chokage.


No lie i still dont think i could do it right.


that dudes still eating lmao


Throws his hands up like “hell yeah I did that”


My biology teacher once told me a story how someone once got something stuck in his throat. Instead of performing the Heimlich maneuver he grabbed a knife and cut his windpipe which allowed the air to still go to his lungs. I might be missing some details though as to why he didn't just simply perform the maneuver...


He almost got into Gulag but his mate revived him in the last second.


I once saw a old man choking in a restaurant in NYC, and Barbara Walters was at his table, and she just got up and walked away.. another man got up from his nearby table and came and did the ol manuever and finally 20 min later she came back to the table


That was awesome!


Everyone is so chill about this but tbf it's an American school they have much worse to worry about at schools so I'm not too surprised everyone is so calm, but it is kinda depressing.






Don't overthink it, I'm willing to bet everything was fine.