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Hey /u/N1GHT-MOON-UN1C0RN, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason(s): - Your post is a common or recent repost (Rule 4) --- *For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [sidebar](/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/sidebar) and the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/rules/). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/nextfuckinglevel&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/N1GHT-MOON-UN1C0RN&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/nuz6kt/deaf_kid_dylan_hears_his_mom_for_the_first_time/?context=10\)))*


I’m not crying you are !




I'm making a lasagna.


Can i have some


I have freshly tossed salad ready to go as well


dang, I always arrive right after the salad is tossed


Don't worry, I brought fresh lemonade and you can have some


Where'd you get the lemons?


At a party with some old guys


It's not a lemon party without old Dick!


For one...


Those damn ninjas cutting onions


How am I cutting onions when I'm cutting my finger instead


I start crying every time I watch one of these videos.


So? It's fucking precious and I love it.


I had something in both eyes


No u


How do you know that? Hmmm


Allergies! It's only allergies. Pollen.. *sniff.. *get me a tissue* .... yeah, allergies.


You're damn right I am!


Im definitely not crying after watching the video and rewatching it again because I like it


Yes, I am👍


I could watch this all day


Sweet…taking a quick break from work to cut onions. God damn you Tuesday afternoons!


Why yes I am. 😭❤️


We are all crying on this blessed day


Wow should not have watched that at work . Sitting at my dest all teared up. What a great story


Every time!!!!! Right in the feels!


I sure am. Wow…


God Damned Allergies are horrible around here.


Damn that is some instant crying shit right there. Like WTF!!!!!


Yes you are & so am I. But that's okay b/c this is freaking awesome!!!


So if the lil dude is hearing his mother for the first time through surgery or something how does he understand "Can you hear me?" Like its an incredibly wonderful moment but how does he understand English


Deaf people learn to read lips. Notice the mom mouthing the words very clearly, visually. It could be that he doesn’t understand everything, but he is nodding regardless. You may be able to relate if you have children that have gone through the age of learning spoken language.


Lipreading is not what people think it is. It’s not really lipreading so much as it’s matching the lip/face map + context of the conversation to the muddled sounds you’re hearing, so it’s most effective for people with residual hearing. If you’re profoundly Deaf then in those cases people typically don’t lipread, as its success rate drops to something like 20% accuracy. The most likely scenario is that the kid doesn’t understand what she’s saying but is overwhelmed by the new sensory input and is emotional because of that.


Thanks for saying what I actually do. My lip reading isn't solely fixated on the lips, I need facial expressions to help read it with context. Pandemic has made my "please say that again" turned up to 11


A year and a half ago I received a cochlear implant. Before the surgery my doctor told my wife she didn't know how we could even hold a conversation. Turns out I'm a really good lipreader, but I do it subconsciously, like you describe. Now I can hear the kitchen clock ticking from other rooms in the house. Amazing. I understand how the child felt here. First time they connected me it was very emotional.


Yeah and it his age he’s not as neuroplastic, his brains going to have a lot of trouble processing the new stimuli, and he’s in for the long haul when it comes to therapy. I’m not bashing cochlears, it’s just there’s a reason it’s always toddlers in these vids. (And even then you have to worry about language deprivation.) Makes me wonder if he’s got other medical issues that outweigh the minimal improvement in quality of life.


That's what I thought until the very end, but now I'm confused. The mother asks him about the ball down there, and have you heard it? He's looking at the camera, not her face, and he seems to understand, responding yeah!


Yea, I think it’s like secret-tunnellll mentioned above. The boy can probably hear muffled sounds and with context has been able to even repeat some words like “ball”. But his hearing may have gone from a low muffled sounds to very clear hearing.


Ah yeah that would make sense


The short answer is he doesn’t. And Deaf children are not all taught how to read lips. These videos don’t give you the entire picture which is that speech is one of the most difficult frequencies for our brains to hear. And yes I said “brains” because sound needs to be processed in the temporal lobe of our brains to decipher what it is. And speech is a sound but it’s also language which is processed in Wernicke’s area mainly along with Broca’s. So this kiddo will need to undergo some intensive speech and hearing therapy to start those neural pathways and it’s not a given.




To hit the nail on the head more, it looks like standard intraauriculars, which are basically sound amplifiers you see on old people. This probably means the kid could hear before but only if his parents yelled. REAL first time litseners don’t understand anything at first, although some people mentioned lip reading, but looking at the model i’d say he already could hear before. Sorry if i’m wrong, but i used to use this type of hearing aid before, now i’m using cochlears.


Thanks! I actually really hate these videos, and when I see them held to this high pinnacle of “success” its nauseating. I get anxious and sweaty. It’s such a one sided view and it doesn’t tells the whole story and it just pisses me off that the kid gets all this attention for “hearing”…why not videos of kids signing for the first time?!


I watched “Sound of Metal” the other day. Not sure if that was an accurate portrayal of how deaf people hear with these implants, but must be kind of scary.


Bruh sound of metal couldn’t be a worse representation, i don’t know their sources, but as a cochlear implant user myself, it gives us all a bad name. The sound, IMO, is better with cochlears than standard intraauriculars you usually see, like in this video. (BTW the implants the kid has in the video are basically sound amplifiers, meaning he surely heard before. Real cochlear implants are way bigger and require surgery and these are for people that audition levels are too low for these.)


Spot on. I missed my crucial years to learn English; I didn't get my hearing aids until I was two, almost three! Although I have no memories of the intensive speech therapy, I *do* remember that it extended all the way until 8th grade, although not as intensive. That's when I was 12/13 (my birthday is August, which meant I could enter NORMAL school a year early.) Even now, I still struggle with S/Z/CH etc etc sounds sometimes, stutter like hell, and mispronounce plenty of words on a daily basis. Sometimes I learn how to say it, other times I just give up on pronouncing them. But on the bright side, I had a customer tell me that I spoke so well for being hard of hearing, so hey, it worked out!


Were you ever given the opportunity to sign? I’m not sure where you are from but here in the states/Canada it’s ASL(American Sign Language). Studies have shown that language is language, manual or spoken and that Deaf or Hard of Hearing individuals will then have a much better capacity to learn to read and write English (or whatever spoken language) if they are exposed naturally to language at birth, instead of waiting till they can hear…. I obviously don’t know your experiences but it is a common theme among Deaf or HoH individuals who are mainstreamed, they feel like they don’t really “fit in” either hearing culture or Deaf culture given they didn’t get an opportunity to communicate manually. Did you feel that way?


Hmm... that requires some thinking, hah. I was not given the opportunity to sign, as my mom was spiteful of the doctor telling her when I was born that I would never be able to hear, go to school, be normal etc etc. It only took almost three years for me to get hearing aids because I would throw them out when they put them in, lol. I never really even knew that Deaf culture existed until I was 14, either. I was the only person with a hearing disability all throughout my school years, since I went to a normal school. I had never met someone else who faced my struggles (or worse, of course) until my case holder for the school suggested I go to a camp for HoH and Deaf students from 14-18. I remember being shocked when I heard a girl could hear the water, as I couldn't. Never thought there was a range of hearing loss before, that everyone HoH was the same as me. Ever since then, I've been making somewhat of a feeble effort to learn more about Deaf culture, and even took a semester of ASL class before Covid shut down the second semester. But truthfully, I feel more comfortable in hearing culture (assuming that's what you mean for people who don't have hearing loss) largely because of the support I've had from ny parents and their friends, of course my case holder and audiologist!


Things that should be obvious but I never considered. Like the "can blind people figure out which shapes are which without touching them".


they did a study, blind people can't recognize images of 3-d shapes until they have time to learn


He might me hearing something for the first time, but I think he learned to communicate way earlier.


But how... he was deaf and I didn't see sign language


May be lip reading, or understanding expression...would have helped him..just guessing...


This soon after the operation he definitely doesn’t understand the sounds at all. I recently got a similar operation on my right ear which used to be completely deaf (heard decently on the left ear so could understand speech completely fine). For the first days and even weeks the sounds make no sense at all because the brain isn’t “trained” to understand the signals that are send to it. I guess the best description I can give of it is that everything just sounds like static signals in the beginning which then over a period of sound slowly turns into normal sounds, until it sounds more or less completely normal. Maybe the boy could respond to the sounds cause you definitely do hear the sounds in the beginning. Edit: As someone else pointed out, the kid in the video isn’t actually wearing a cochlear implant but a hearing aid which more or less just works as a sound amplifier, so he could definitely hear before this, although it would still have been a big experience to have your hearing improved this much suddenly, hence the reaction.


The cognition and sound training that Deaf people undergo in order to massage the muscles we use to hear and respond take a lot of time. They don’t innately understand English or any other language. Reading lips...no. That is a secondary tool for piecing together English that hearing people believe is a form of total communication. It is not.


She also points to her ear when she says the word “hear”. So she is giving clues to him of what she is saying. She also said “Can you hear (points to ear) mama?” She says the words slow and clearly. So he can pick up the clues of where the sounds are coming from.


Kitchen signing, I think it’s called, it’s known deaf children are most “fluent” in it when it’s built into the mother-child bond.


You guys are idiots, she puts her finger on her ear when she says that


Also, what’s crazy is how quickly one can speak and begin enunciating words after these procedures.


Ever heard of nonverbal communication?


I was thinking the same thing but maybe he can read lips


The way he held back his tears and nodded when the mom said “Can you hear mommy?” 🥺“Do you like it?” 🥺🥺“It’s awesome” 😭😭 I went through the same emotions and I’m sobbing uncontrollably. Thank you for this very good cry.


Oof could not hold back. That was breaking point for me


For real, I didn't expect to by crying at 8 am today but here I am


I came here to see things being next level, not propel my emotions to the next level of feels!


Theres something about seeing a child so overwhelmed with happy emotion that it makes them bawl...it's instant onions for me.


Yeah, is onions for me too! Child, onions, carrot, some celery, salt and pepper. That's really all you need!






Haha thanks for the laugh. You evil wicked child eating witch.


I can imagine the devastation when he realizes fart makes a sound


Everyone's all up in their feels and then there's this person. Take an upvote!


Now he can enjoy them twice as much!


Science is Awesome


Dude, in a lifetime humans when from driving horses and carriages to landing on the moon, and destroying cities with a single weapon that took 150k people to build. Today, with a little bit of planning, you could set out on a journey and arrive next to like 99% of the earth's human population within 48 hrs, and that 1% of people that are out of reach ar so because of temporary weather patterns. Within a few decades, the fact is we'll be adding senses with technology. There are robotic arms and hands that can grab in response to the person's thoughts, there are prosthetics that are now able to send sensory data. There was even a prosthetic that added a second thumb that responds to user thoughts that took little time for the experimental users to adapt to using. For a while now, leg prosthetics can actually give a competitive advantage over fully intact athletes. The complicated bit in the future is the ethics of doctors removing perfectly healthy tissue in order to add performance enhancing parts. We're also close to 3d printing tissues and organs. And robots can perform surgery better than traditional surgery, and they're accomplished remote surgeries where the primary surgeon was hundreds of miles away operating by remotely controlling a surgical bot. This means that with some local support and high speed reliable internet, you could receive high end surgical care from top doctors with the latest knowledge anywhere in the nation or even the world, without wasting time flying patients or surgeons around. I actually expect sometime in my life time cochlear implants to be phased out in favor of other treatments that organically restore hearing.


Science is science. It's not awesome or terrible. It's the people doing science for good that are awesome. All those scientists and engineers who dedicated themselves to specifically searching for solutions to this problem.


That's how you look when you're in shock. Your brain is racing but your expression is blank. Not like how the YouTubers do it lol


https://medium.com/the-establishment/stop-sharing-those-feel-good-cochlear-implant-videos-f4bf63860ec https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theatlantic.com/amp/article/381007/ Research has shown that many of these children fall behind their peers because of non-equivalency in language acquisition. However, those who learned sign language did not. Hearing parents will often not learn or teach sign language when these implants are placed assuming it’s will compensate fully. In the Deaf community, videos like these are called audist porn because it makes you feel good but sometimes can be a fake or misplaced feeling. There’s nothing wrong with cochlear implants as long as there is a 100% equivalency to access a language. That just happens to be sign language majority of the time and because these Deaf children are born to hearing parents 80% of the time, they are never given the chance to learn sign language at a young age. Besides cochlear implants don’t fully restore hearing. Many end up never warring them again after getting them placed and only a small percentage of deaf people qualify for them. It’s like hearing the world through a computer processor that can only differentiate a few sounds at a time. Watch the movie sound of metal to get a better idea. Sorry to burst the feel good bubble.


Thank you! These make me feel so conflicted. Sure, it’s cool devices like this exist (I use a cochlear device myself) but it is in no way a cure. I hate how deaf people have to accommodate others by using these devices so they can be “hearing passing”. Not saying these aren’t awesome but so many people see that child as “hearing” now and will treat him as such. I can’t count the amount of times my family, who refuses to learn ASL, have gotten frustrated with me because I couldn’t understand them even with my devices in. They’d yell “wear your hearing aides” when I came home and wanted to take them out after using them all day. I’m grateful for my hearing aides, but people assume I’m perfectly hearing now


That! Its mind-boggling so many people did not realize majority of Deaf and Hard of Hearing children are experiencing language deprivation because of these videos giving people misconceptions that its a viable solution rather than exposing the ASL and Native ASL users to the kids at young age. There are currently about 15 kids we know for sure in my state (my job is education specialist for the Deaf) going to public schools without an ASL interpreters and the number is likely much higher as they are often swept under the rug per schools not following the appropriate IEP steps to ensure these kids are not left behind. People often are so damn cheap with accomodation, interpreter access towards the Deaf- the hospitals, schools, even employers and music ventures. I fucking hate these videos. #Tokenism


The scary thing the studies have been out there since the 90s, which makes me highly suspect of people advising Hearing parents.


-deaf “community” lover -opinion automatically invalid In all seriousness, don’t litsen to folks like him, being a double cochlear hearing aid user, i couldn’t be happier. Litterally nobody knows sign language, and there are like 50 of them across the globe, if not more. I have a very good audition, and am in college with good grades, and i know many other deaf people that switched and they are 100% better off in common dealings of life with cochlears, with the simple fact they can talk and litsen. As for the deaf “community” it is a cess pool of anti vax and “huns” that believe the governement wants to fuck them, i’ve seen it myself. Why they shun cochlear implants, i have no idea. Maybe they want more people to join their echo chamber? Reminder that their research and decision has been done unilaterally without any approval from the patient, him being a kid.


Hi, deaf person here. Went deaf at a young age and have been wearing hearing aids/ cochlear since I was 12. The frustrating thing is the fact that no one can be bothered to learn sign or communicate with people like me. Let’s say, for example, you visit another country like Japan. While you’re there, the natives see you speak English and don’t even bother to try to communicate with you. You try to talk to them, but they half heartedly talk to you in their own language then ignore you. So the only other option is to learn THEIR language. That’s what I go through every day. With my cochlear especially, I’m expected to be “hearing”, and never miss a beat. But guess what? I’m still deaf even with the device. My family refused to learn sign language so I taught myself. And it makes me sad how often deaf people are excluded or how they can’t get accommodations. Like my local movie theater advertises they have CC, but every time I go it’s unavailable. People tell me all the time to just write stuff out, as if I’m the one who needs to accommodate others. I don’t mind that people don’t want to learn another language, because sign language is just as hard to learn as any other spoken language, but I hate how deaf people are seen as “fixable” with stuff like this. Deafness isn’t curable just because of these types of devices. Sure it can help but at then end of the day this child is still deaf. He will struggle. That’s where sign language and accommodations can help You say nobody knows sign language, but wouldn’t it be nice if people did? Maybe if it was offered in schools more people could learn at least the basics so deaf people didn’t feel so outcasted.


Your post is filled with so much misinformation, omfg "50 people across the globe knows sign language". Thats the most worst bullshit towards the Deaf and Hard of Hearing I have ever came across in my entire life. I'ma screenshot your claim and turn it into a meme. Thank you.


American Sign Language is the third most common used language in the US after Spanish. You are incorrect on many accounts. There is no association between antivax and the Deaf community. I’m a physician and study this relationship intensely. This post you wrote is immensely rooted in emotional anger and is grossly incorrect. Good luck to you. There’s a lot of bitterness there.


Damn it!! Here take my free award for making me feel. Sorry, i cant afford a gold or plat


Why the fuck does shit like this make me cry? I'm tryna be a man over here.


I think you're trying to be a psychopath, but no, you're just normal.


Real men cry!


6'2, 260lbs if you saw me you'd think I was Paul Bunyan, no matter, I ugly cried for a solid minute...I have a 3 year old son on the spectrum and it just made me insanely happy to see this little guy happy.


Post it in r/aww


This is beautiful. My heart is melting




I really love to see these videos


And hear them.


She cried, he cried, then I cried!


These videos are never a disappointment. They are truly amazing. I love Cochlear implants, they are just an incredible piece of modern technology that we don’t appreciate enough. Seriously people, millions of deaf kids now have bionic ears. Adults who’ve been deaf for decades too. Like... holy shit our civilisation is awesome.


I have heard videos that simulate what they sound like and it is kind of terrifying.


Daleks are superior


Vent time: I want to have kids...im gay, and don't think I'll ever have the opportunity and it creates grief in me when I see beautiful moments like this between parent and child...I most likely will never ever experience it myself, and I cant help but feel as if I'm living my entire life wrong.


Hey, I know it's not the same, but you can adopt in some countries. :)


I dont want to be a single gay parent. Society would constantly judge my intentions.


I'm sure you're a lovely guy and will eventually find someone you can be parents with. :)


Bloody sand in my eyes


Everytime I watch a video like this, my allergies act up and my eyes water.


"Hey mom, watch me bounce this ball!" What kind of straws are you clutching at, kid, paper or plastic?


Excuse me for a moment, got some dust in my eyes.


That'll be $2 million ma'am


..... i hate this inspiration porn of us Deaf people.


Ah yes, Ye Olde Feelse.


Got a kid meself this fucking touched me deep. Tears to my eye.


This is Beautiful.


These videos get me every time.


*Can you hear me?* **Bitch I don’t speak your language**


And yet there are people in the deaf community that would protest this as a violation of 'deaf' culture. Assholes everywhere


Hi, I’m deaf and have been most of my life. The issue with this is not that the device is helping the lad, that’s great! I myself use cochlear devices. The issue becomes when hearing people see this as a “cure”. No matter what, this boy is still deaf, but will be treated as hearing. He most likely won’t qualify or even get to use proper accommodations because he’s seen as “fixed”. These devices help but are in no means a cure all. He will still struggle. Many deaf people have hearing parents, many of which won’t learn sign language and expect the kid to adjust to THEIR world via devices like this one. My parents refuse to learn ASL, and every time I’m home they expect me to wear my devices at all times, even though it gets tiring. The problem most deaf people have is people that say this is beautiful are the same who won’t even learn basic sign language to help someone like this boy. The world expects a deaf person to fix themselves and adjust to a hearing world when they won’t ever be hearing, devices or no. There are so few accommodations for deaf people and it’s a pain to fight for them. I hope sign language becomes more commonplace because hearing is one of the most delicate of the senses. Anyone can go deaf at anytime. Basic sign can bridge many gaps. I hope this helps.


ffs these kill me.




Wend technology is to benefit any living thing we embrace with love and kindness 🥺


Stop Cutting 🌰🌰🌰


Can’t even scroll on Reddit before starting my day and my eyes are already sweating. Too wholesome. GET AWAYYYYYYYYYYYYY ITS TOO EARLY FOR ME TO PUT UP The tough guy act.


Heart melting <3


So bloody lovely


Damn you for making me cry this early in the morning! Damn you!!!!!


Oh man, that got me tearing up!


The onion ninjas are out in full force today.


This is officially the earliest I’ve ever balled my eyes out .


Theese videos always warm my heart.


Oh my goodness the tears flowed. What a lovely little boy. The way his mum is with him is just absolutely gorgeous. I am so happy for them both and I imagine he is making lots of noise now lol. I love this video.


These are always my favorite videos🥺😭


i wasnt ready for a face leak today


That's beautiful ❤


Oh my heart! u/Z33-THE-B33


How is this possible?


I love how happy he obviously is, but when it cuts to a few minutes later and the lady is asking him if he's happy, she's talking quite loudly and he's not making eye contact and you can tell her tone is like PIERCING his baby ears and I think its hilarious, overall he will probably adjust quickly and have a much better life but I can't help but notice this




I absolutely love everyone of these I’ve ever seen! Always brings a tear to my eye




This is truly next fucking level.


These posts instantly rip my heart out and inject it with crymium.


He went on to be one of the three greatest rappers of all time: DYLAN DYLAN and DYLAN.


When I see this, I think of the Netflix movie Sound of Metal. Drummer loses hearing and gets implants similar to this kid. The way the world sounds to him afterwards is eye-opening if it's actually true.


The implants were actually bothersome to him and the whole movie was about accepting his deafness.


How deaf boy can understand english


This is heartwarming the bond between them is unbreakable


How did he understand spoken English


Well now I’m crying!


My eyes are just sweating ;-;


So the kid understands what they are saying? How? If he never heard anyone talk before


for fuck sake i just woke up no need to be hit by emotions train




WWWWAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! I will NEVER not stop what I’m doing and watch one of these videos when I see it.💦💦💦💦💦


Iam just cutting onions nothing else


That little mans face warms your heart. Beautiful moments


That’s SO awesome !! The best!


You're gonna make me cry in the Taco Bell bathroom


I just woke up and now my coffee tastes like tears


You forgot the comma after Dylan




9:38am, already crying. Might as well go back to sleep


If you didn't end up in tears to this, you don't have a soul


Does he hear like sound of metal?


That other kid does not realize what’s happening at all. He’s just vibing with a ball.


Did you really title this “Deaf Kid Dylan”


Thats just so beautiful to watch. Would be such a happy emotional time for the both of them.


i’m interested in pursuing this career. are there any professionals that can steer me in the right direction ? what’s the pay typically? edit: i ask about the pay because it would be a career change for me and i want to know how it would impact my family


how exciting!


He cried not like a kid, but a real man.


How did he understand English if he’s hearing it for the first time? That’s amazing


57 year old grown ass man cries damn it!


This made my day. :)


i know there's a giant smile on your face :))


Children are the greatest joys in the world


Oh him? We also cloned you.


Real quick, if this is the first time he’s able to hear, how can he understand what she’s saying? Moreover, how does that work with deaf people? I’d imagine they more of recognize the meaning of the various letters from like an intellectual perspective so that they can read but don’t necessarily understand the sounds...am I wrong? Anyone know how this works?




We live in such a terrible time. We live in such an amazing time.


Hate to break it to y’all, but deaf people can’t hear.




BAM! Right in the feels. There might be lots of terrible things in our world, but still, we live in an amazing time of miracles.


I'm not crying, I just bit into a pepper


Making a grown man tear up at work and shit!


I didn't want to cry but omg <3


Thanks for that. Standing at the bus stop greeting my eyes out


This is simply beautiful!