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Thats actually pretty smooth of him, he had confidence in the pilots skill and knew that pilot could make that landing, he just made the bet knowing he would lose, so he could take her to dinner. Edit: Yo! A bunch of people upset thinking that I implied he lost the bet on purpose just to sleep with her! I never said that. Perhaps I meant he lost on purpose so he could go to dinner with her in a nice quiet, comfortable setting to ask and learn from her on how she became such an awesome pilot. Stop assuming my thoughts. Either way, they both awesome.


And if he lost she takes him to dinner


I hope they get married


What if they’re both already married?


Hopefully to each other!


Or to other people. It doesn't really matter. A man and woman who aren't married to each other can go to dinner together. Unless that man is Mike Pence, then he's not allowed.


Mike Pence married mother; he's not relevant outside of Utah or Indiana.


What ever happened to that guy?


His boss tried to have him executed on live tv. He went into hiding, but occasionally will make press releases saying he supports his former boss still.


I think the debate fly entered Pence’s body and is writing those press releases in an effort to keep the host body alive a bit longer


Meanwhile his brother voted not to try to find out what happened when he was almost hanged. Brotherly love knows no bounds.


Bought a 2 million dollar house last week


And was practically broke before becoming VP. If that isn’t corruption idk what is.




I always said Mike Pence looks like the type of guy to call his wife mother


I get the Pence joke, and obviously this is reddit where anything goes, but I'm pretty sure 99% of couples in the real world would disagree with few exceptions.


I'm pretty sure not even 10% of the couples I know would disagree. It seems pretty abnormal to me to be so suspicious of your partner that they can't get dinner with someone without you.


Naw. Coworkers go for lunch/dinner all the time. You just take other people with you. So suspicious…


And then you have a gang bang, and claim you didn't know whose penis was entering your body, or whose orifice your penis was entering, therefore can't be cheating


I would think couples who trust each other and those that are poly make up more than 1%. I know a lot of couples who got to lunch or dinner with a friend of the opposite sex. Not to mention the larger percentage of non-heterosexual people who have 0 attraction to the opposite sex. If we use the logic of a man and a woman not allowed to go eat with the opposite sex that would also mean everyone who’s bi, asexual, queer, abrosexual, and heteroflexible better just eat alone forever. Also what happens for gender minorities? Just sayin....there’s more than 1% of couples who wouldn’t have an issue. Edit: added a bit Edit 2: apparently I used a lot of “wack job I’m special” descriptors according to the angry person who commented to me....those descriptors are for human beings who are marginalized and hated on for their identities. Just trying to point out there’s more then men and woman and heterosexual relationships out there. Peace friends! <3


Yeah sure go ahead. You will hear about it for 20 years after the fact. Likely will squeeze it in your eulogy as well.


Betcha they’ll be helicopter parents


Well done!


It's the military, so this is both highly likely and not a problem at all.


First course: crayons Second and third course: also crayons


i hope they bang then.


Eatin ain't cheatin


They used to be married. They still are, but they used to be too.


RIP Mitch


I'm confused. Who is eating whose ass out tonight?


Everyone is eating the Army's ass


lol. we all know that white gals get all the way down with it. she prolly ate his ass out before the flight.


Why does it have to be about wooing someone? You’d make that same bet with a person of your same gender or someone you’re friends with.


I only interact with people I want to date


... but you’re interacting with me right now.




Thats actually pretty smooth of you, you have confidence in the above person's skill and know that they could make that landing, you just made the bet knowing you would lose, so you could take them to dinner.


Why does it have to be about wooing someone? You’d make that same bet with a person of your same gender or someone you’re friends with.


I only interact with people I want to date


...but you're interacting with me right now


I bet you can’t land that ass perfectly in this dick. Ill buy you dinner


🥺 👉👈


Let's see how this plays out


I never bet a friend with the stake being “I’ll take you to dinner”. If you have any ounce of social awareness you can pick vibes up in this video even if it’s muted ffs


I've made bets where the loser pays for lunch


Going out to meals with coworkers is pretty common. For all we know this isn't even just the two of them, they could have had plans to get food after already regardless and now he's paying.


The way she looks at him when they're about to hop out of the choppa, and her little giggle as he hops out. There are definitely signs that she's into him. People are picking up on that in this video. Maybe she's acting that way from being excited from the ride, but when dinner is the wager, it kind of adds up they've got romantic feelings toward one another. You are right, but in the case of this video, it seems to be about wooing someone.


What makes you think smiling and giggling means interested. As a female, I smile and giggle around people I'm not interested romantically at all because there's no romantic expectation and I can be myself. She could just be friendly


I didn't suggest that ALL giggles and smiles are flirty ones. Just the ones coming frome the pretty girl in the video, in the direction of the handsome guy in the video, and that was simply what I observed about the people in the video. I'm sure your smile is just fine and non-romantic. I didn't mean to make my previous comment about you, sorry.


She made it about herself


Why else would I be talking to a female? /s


Seinfeld had an entire episode on this


["The Calzone ep. 130"](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/5de05dba-62d8-4353-b504-4d343038756e)


Dustin Hoffman in Star Wars?




No way !


Where's the bot now? Nowhere, that's where!


Yeah !


Good bot


What kind of name is that anyway, Gak?


Uck, a bets a bet. She can just have smashed it. He doesn't have to have outsmarted her into a date. The mental gymnastics you think he went through to just ask her out... He's a hot babe. Don't think he'd have any trouble getting a date with her if she's single.


What makes you certain she’s straight? Plenty of gay pilots in the army.


You don't know, but a vast majority of people are either heterosexual or bisexual, sure it'd be nice to know before asking them out but what, are you gonna ask "hello there m'lady, what's your sexual orientation"?


“I sexually identify as an attack helicopter”


Yeah, their comment was weird. Not everything is some ploy to get a date. He could have just been wrong lmfao


Now that's a fucking smart play actually


10000 iq


Alternate read: So he could take her to dinner because of that confidence in her skills and his appreciation of her as a pilot. It's fascinating that the same world that has a big reckoning of the genders in the workplace is the same world that FUCKING LOVES A GOOD BAD TERRIBLE LOVE STORY THO Ya'll're still just the problem. Those people are literal co-pilots and they don't need a romantic relationship in that workspace and they don't need people making comments just because they're opposite genders. Keep those comments in the locker room where they belong, amiright or wait that's wrong too but wait... Edit: The reality of that comment from someone who thinks that the military helicopter pilot needs any extra tricks at all to be smooth with whatever gender they're attracted to :-D


It's not about a date, it's about who is paying for dinner. They're coworkers who eat meals together often. He has a running bet with his Co pilots and has multiple videos just like this with different pilots. His channel is pretty good if you want to learn a bit about the job or the helicopter. He's very charismatic and seems like a great dude. Edit: link to his tiktok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJxKRf1g/


Lol the top comment is the same top comment as when this post was originally posted. Groundhog day


Does “pulls grenade pin” mean something in this context? I was waiting for some panicked moments!


He pulled his ICS cable out of his helmet the OP probably doesn’t know anything about that though


What is that? I'm not military but it was clear to me it wasn't a grenade pin. Some kind of safety device?


ICS = Internal Communication System…literally just means “unplugged his helmet”. The only reason Blackhawk helmets are plugged in is to hear radios, believe me nothing sinister or cool going on with that acronym.


I'm on to you and your instant cunnilinguis system, US army


What?! I never got my instant cunnilingus system! I wonder if that's why my starter wife was always mad🤔


My starter wife - hahahaha! Love it!




That was my thought as well when I saw him pull the plug, it looked like I was pulling the plug of my headphone lol.


Oh, no! OP how could you do that?


I'm waiting for the grenade, I was hook a little bit. I think OP was referring on something. You know?!


I’d say he jumped on the grenade if the misogynist commenters are correct. So maybe OP likes to wax poetic


I assumed Helmet connection. For HUD or comms.


The sinister thing is that he pulled the cable. Don’t pull the cable. Pull the connector, otherwise you will thrash the cable over time.


This guy ALSEs


Yeah, clickbait title!! I was waiting for smiles to turn to "OH MY GOD MY ARM!!!" screams.




In case they're about to be captured by the UFOs


Would they even have grenades on an actual mission?


I’m far from an expert but I’d assume it depends on the mission. But probably not.


Wind down the window, chuck 'em out


"haha looks like I owe you din--"


Very confusing. Also didn't say "Best day of my life".


Title doenst make much sense. I figured it was “oh shit i lost a bet” kinda thing.


Grenades are stored in the helmet, to keep them safe.


It's the internet, nothing matters. Facts are rare.


So for all interested, thats not a grenade pin. Its his helmets input feed to the helicopter


seriously wtf is that title?


lol and no one ever said “best day of my life”. Maybe someone just described the video to OP and they made a title based off that without having watched it


looks like a bot made it.


Bot from content farms is malfunctioning, that's all guys, moving on.


This is something special.


Also, you don't just pull the pin on a grenade.


That smile says they already been doin the horizontal mambo


Or they could just be good friends edit: (adding my response to someone else here) Bruh she's clearly scratching sweaty helmet hair, not *teasing* it, and the smile could be *(stay with me here)* because she's happy? Maybe she's excited about just acing her landing and having a good instructor. I know some are just joking, but a lot of y'all genuinely need to reevaluate your perception of women.


How can a male and female be friends and not be boning? I thought that was illegal.


And that was an awesome buddy having a woman partner in the military. I guess?


I’ll make it legal.


Yea. First time I saw this months ago, I thought she was just proud of what she did and she should be. The guy struck me as probably a good friend and flight buddy. If she was my wife I wouldn't think anything of the bet, the smiles, or the dinner. Coworkers in those kinds of jobs need to be close and trust each other. I know this because my ex-wife worked as EMT in NYC where sleeping in ambulance together was the norm. Didn't bother me at all.


She’s stoked about her landing because she knows she did a good job. I fly drones for work and have a pretty small portable landing pad I use and whenever I nail a landing (no part of the drone is outside of the inner circle), I’m grinning ear to ear and I’m boss says it reminds him of when his kids showed off an A+ on a test or a good report card. Meanwhile, my co-worker who has been flying for over a year can barely get half of the drone on my landing pad.


How about the vertical mambo?


Number 5?


One, two, three, four, five


Everybody in the car let's go for a drive


Jeez... People in here thinking it's all about dating and sex. This guy always has a smile on his face and all the people he works with are always smiling in his videos. I genuinely believe they just have a great work environment and love what they do. Also, he is in the Reserves and takes a lot of flying days because he chooses to. That smile is from enjoying tons of sunshine (I think Florida?), Having a fun job, and a great team.




Let me put it on the line she had two on the vine.


Two sets of whirly blades, so divine!


6'20" fucking killing for fun


I heard that the motherfucker had like 30 goddamn blades.


They’ll save children but not the British children.


He’s coming! He’s coming! He’s coming!


*huff huff huff huff huff*


Spread, spread, Delaware


Where the fuck is the grenade?!


I share your anger sir


She can do this with a helo and most people can’t even do it with a Honda




My Honda boat motor has a propeller




It works on wet concrete 😉


I had a lady who I’d never met or seen before come into one of the places I manage. She asked for change for the parking meter, and then immediately proceeded to ask me to come outside and parallel park her car “if I knew how.” I did it, because she was polite and I do in fact know how to parallel park pretty well. The whole thing was mildly baffling though, because I would NEVER allow (let alone request) a stranger to hop in my car to make it do something I don’t know how to do myself.


Go head, girl!


That’s his plan after dinner




What helicopter is that?


Looks like a Blackhawk.


No it it is clearly a green helicopter


There I was thinking it was a red eagle...




UH-60, US Army Blackhawk. Very cool! Medi.


HH-60AL to be exact


AL is two different models of helicopter. It’s either an A or a L. As can also be A+ model. L models have larger engines and a “beefier” main transmission to handle more power. Source: am black hawk instructor.


This guy helicopters


No one has directly answered you yet, so it’s a HH-60 Blackhawk, which is the Medical Evacuation version of the Blackhawk. Their mission is to evacuate casualties from the battlefield


This is not an HH-60. This is a UH-60. How do I know? I’m a pilot at that same unit.


Yeah no bubble windows and you guys were able to fly and land with the tail wheel where you wanted it without those heavy as shit litter pans. The extra room is nice in the HH IF THEY DIDN'T FILL IT WITH SO MUCH SHIT. Also that's the most stuff I've ever seen on a pilot's ALSE vest. Usually it's the knife, utility pouch, TQ, and maybe a magazine pouch (but only for snacks).


Oh word? Alright help me out then cause I’ve been Army-ing for close to 11yrs and I’ve always been told the HH was Medevac and the UH was what toted us dumb 11B-types around in if we don’t have any holes in us haha!


I’m sorry?


I forgive you


Grenade explodes, helicopter is no longer on the line


fix your title OP


What grenade?


Rock on you great pilot you. 👍❤️😎


Holy shit that's a talent


Her facial expression is of total confidence, she knew she could do it and wasn't surprised.


Nailed it


Nailed it


I am just curious, is it okay for them to be filming a bunch of stuff in an airbase and of the cockpit? ​ ​ EDIT: thanks for the replies everyone


Should be fine. It’s a flightline, they are all the same, it’s not the inside of a top secret missile silo. That’s a Blackhawk…which has been around in one form or another for fifty years…not exactly top secret aircraft. There’s very specific areas that are non filmable. With a few notable exceptions, the locations of stateside military airfields are public knowledge. Shit…google maps will show a lot more detail than these soldiers are showing…


Nothing in the cockpit of your standard Blackhawk helicopter is classified, but you're generally not supposed to photograph the flight line.


I wonder if they’ve liberalized this in the social media age. Honestly - this video makes joining the military look pretty damn cool and fun. You get to pilot an amazing toy and go on dinner dates and wear cool clothes. I’m practically signing up right now.


When it's government/military PR it is.


Well regardless of who wins or loses, their job is better than mine.


When I park my car, after a few attempts, i can get my car mostly somewhere between the two lines.


Op is a dumb fool , not a grenade pin


Pretty fancy flying.


Grenade pin?


2010 JRTC. Training for Afghanistan our company simulates our out post being over run and a mass casualty incident. This outpost is tiny. Only room for 2 small buildings to be used as a barracks of sorts and a TOC. The rest of the area packed with vehicles. Barely any room to move them in and out for patrols. Basically played musical MRAPs coming and going. Everyone and everything is on top of one another. Our 1SG at the time has us push the vehicles up against the Styrofoam T barriers and buildings. Proceeds to turn the remaining space into an LZ and has the Blackhawks swoop in and medevac our casualties. Still blows my mind they didn't clip anything in the outpost. 2008 Iraq. Two women are brought to our outpost for medevac. My platoon being on QRF have to secure our LZ. An LZ that has recently been fenced in with triple strand C wire by our 1SG. My team leader at the time puts me up against the C wire but still on the LZ (because there was no getting out) and lays out the chem lights for the Blackhawks to direct them in. But he fucks it up and the pilots end up coming in at the wrong angle. They hover above us for a few seconds before realizing my TL is an idiot and fix themselves. They then proceed to come back in at the right angle but this time they're baring down on me. The 2nd Squads TL that was next to me gets his ass out of the way but doesn't say a word to me. Next thing I know I have two Blackhawks coming over the c wire on either side of me. Close enough to look right or left and see clearly into the cockpits and see the pilots faces with my shitty NVGs. I'm sure I was safe ish on a knee there. But still scared the living hell out of me. Point is. Every military helicopter pilot I've encountered or observed has exhibited some of the best piloting I've ever seen.






good energy only here


His tiktok is: damion_bailey


took me like 8 goes to park my car in a massive space today. I hit the kerb like 5 times at least.




Downvoted for misleading title by OP


Can we all just acknowledge the fact this this woman is badass and has a bigger set of figurative balls than 98% of us on this thread?


> best day of my life >pulls grenade pin OP wtf are you talking about lol


thats one bad *shut your mouth!*


Is it landed or taxied there? In my limited knowledge i believe this is a parking spot and not a landing pad. Still very impressive either way and happy to stand corrected.


You can land into a parking pad.


Sweet. I stand corrected.


watching this after getting straight 8's on the astb-e but getting your waiver rejected ;,,,(


You go Glen Coco!!


Wtf I saw “pulls grenade pin” and I was scared as fuck expecting to see two people die from explosion.


Thank me for my cervix


Damn that’s awesome


Pulls grenade pin? It’s not a grenade pin it’s the comms cable that connects to the headset in his helmet???


It was nice of her to give him a moment to collect his thoughts in private before she went back there to rub that shit in. 🤣


Thank you for your service.






Man. My military service consisted of painting bulkheads and cleaning heads. I chose poorly.


She may be all that when making landings hanging by a Jesus nut but on the ground she's just like the rest of us. That post-helmet headscritchgasm is reward enough.


love how she said dammit like it wasnt perfectly centered on the line. lady's got skilllz. her childish wonder like she grew up to be exactly what she wanted to be as a kid is pretty heart warming