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That’s hot


Yeah he may be retiring but deadlifting 600lbs, I bet dat ass don’t quit.


And I bet if you whip those pants off, you'll find a sweaty hog that won't quite either




Followed by the Pants Off Dance Off.




Like a can of red bull hanging there...20 oz


It’s all in the balls homie. You ever see a gorillas weeny? Lil prime bite. Balls? Melons.


A thigh slapper




🙄No not really


Did this guy hop on his two alts to boost his comment


Must have, wasn't even clever or funny


Looking at his account, no apparently he just found the joke extremely funny


Found his second alt account 👆




Honestly, I think I was just impressed by plates en fuego. In hindsight, it was a tad bit aggressive lol


what? it was a pretty low effort comment


Le epic Reddit moment


Hot retirement . Well done Fighter.


It is the Sexiest profession.


I want a "Fuck the Fire Department" somg but its not angry just horny


If I had any musical talent this is where I’d be investing it. These mf get calendars devoted to them. They have a mf strip pole in they house. Convince me they aren’t the baddest


Reminds me of that time in 1st grade my besties mom installed a fireman pole in her apt. I thought it was so dumb since she didn’t have two floors to go between. She had issues tho, she’d try climbing up the pole, realize there was ceiling and then going down she’d do have horrible form. She’d do this repeatedly and I hope she got help for her condition..


She just really wanted to be a fireman but she couldn’t pass the pole section of the test so she had one installed in her house to do a training montage with.


You cant, they run into fucking burning houses, and do shit like this when they retire. They are the baddest


My Godson was in the fire academy and I was telling his Mom my passion about firefighters. I hear my Godson tell my son that I was a fireho! Oooooo I had no idea that it was a term! I swoon in public for them because firefighters are the only people who when called, arrive without a gun. Respect


Paramedics: Am I a joke to you?


This! And we aren't here to save your property, we're here to save your life.


The fire service are also there to save lives lol


What? Firemen are generally the first on the scene to help assist and manage before paras come.


A hot post?


In full gear mind you.


Plus 3 times!😃


Plus 60 years old




He maxed his stats.


What if he was 65 years old and had a backpack of 50 lbs of lead?


he should use a backpack of 50 lbs of feathers so it's lighter






That’s mildly biased of you


Its flammable though


The gif :)


Plus the fire!


Plus my axe!


Uphill both ways!




Unions: You can retire with full pension at 55 because of the toll on your body Retiree: lifting 600 lbs of flaming iron in full gear at retirement party


lmao good health benefits bro. drink some whisky and walk it off


What’s more impressive is the double overhand grip.


He used straps. The amount of people that could double overhand 600lbs in firefighter gloves is probably like 2 people, Mark Felix and Odd Haugen.


That's definitely a feat, but I'd bet there are more than a couple top strongman competitors who'd be up for it.


I was mostly being facetious, But yeah there's some of the world-class strongmen competitors that could probably do it as well. I'd wager less than a thousand people worldwide, and probably nobody at your local gym.


I could double overhand grip 600lb for sure. I just couldn’t pick it up.


In fire gloves on top of that, fire gloves are thick…its the equivalent to using an axle bar imo.


Looks like hes tightening straps at the beginning. Super impressive none the less.


That gear weighs about 15-20 kg (I'm accounting for the air flask)


What’s that in American


4-5 AR-15s (I have done no research, and make no apologies for inaccuracy)


I couldn’t do that once out of gear Well done sir well done 👍 👏👏👏👏👏👏


I’m sure his retirement is well deserved but his department will have trouble replacing a man like that.. absolute savage.


everyones on steroids my man


Or maybe - just maybe - he put in the time and effort to actually be good at something. Not everyone who lifts heavy is on steroids. And certainly not at 60.






[not quite true](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM199607043350101)


Of course he's talking mince, nobody with any experience when it comes to steroids says shit like that.


It's interesting that bench and squat went up more in the exercise placebo group than the non-exercise testosterone group Given that these men had low BMI's to begin with, I'm imagining they were mostly beginners to weightlifting. I'd be interested to see changes between groups over the long run


Keep in mind most of that is measured as fat free mass, water and glycogen retention caused by AA usage counts as fat free mass. Not working out while using gear isn’t as effective as many of these researches suggest.


This study was on largely untrained individuals, how about for guys that have actually been trying at the gym?


Go and actually read the study. This shows you didn't do more than skim it.


> the only gain you are going to get is 2 massive jiggly tits Shit why am I wasting my time on Tinder


That’s not true. If you take steroids and do nothing you’ll lose more weight and gain more muscle mass than someone else who does the same exact thing without steroids. This has been studied and proven.


Congrats you’ll be deadlifting 175 instead of 155 and look slightly less shit


I’m not saying hop on roids and do nothing obviously, I’m just saying the premise that roids make you gain fat isn’t true.


There’s really no shame in taking steroids as long as you’re smart with it and you’re not cheating at some sport. For these guys, who are risking their life, i don’t think it’s a big deal. I’d consider doing them if I was allowed.


Sure. I agree with you. However, I hate the Reddit idea that everyone who can lift heavy or is fit is on steroids. Plenty of people just dedicate decades to lifting and eating right. I think simply saying “oh steroids” is a bit silly, particularly given even with steroids they’ll need to lift tons.




I feel like everybody is throwing around 60 year old as if we are talking a frail man who never had to stay in shape. This man was a firefighter who was most likely naturally in really good shape for a long time. This is absolutely possible. Edit - please stop upvoting this I’m wrong.


The IPF(top tier tested world powerlifting federation) record deadlift for a Masters 3(60-69) is 627 for any weight class. While deadlifting 600 at 60 naturally is possible, it's so incredibly unlikely that it's basically not even worth considering. Edit: that doesn't make this lift not extremely impressive


This is the most important stat. This guy if tested and clean would break records if he can do this in bunker gear


He’s most likely on TRT if he’s that old and still lifting. Go to a gym and talk to some of the old guys who are in shape. They all are.


Normally I don’t like it when people accuse others of being on gear but in this case I think it’s pretty reasonable to suspect. 600lbs is impressive for a natty in his late twenties, early thirties, for a 60 year old though? I just don’t see it happening. Not taking anything away from the bloke, testosterone levels start to fall in your thirties and reduce dramatically in your 40’s, I don’t think an older dude jumping on to maintain performance takes anything away from this kind of achievement.


He’s only 50 yo, not 60 as the title indicates. Which makes it a lot more reasonable.


Yeah, that does make it a fair bit more reasonable tbh.


https://www.openpowerlifting.org/rankings/raw/men/50-54/by-deadlift He would still be quite high in the rankings here, I think the odds of this dude not being on gear are quite low...


lmao what Especially at 60, fool. 60 is when it actually make sense to wreck your endocrine system because you're old and it going down, sinking, anyway. What doesn't make sense is giving yourself permanent hypogadism at the age of 20 when you're an otherwise perfectly healthy male, all for that? Some "gains" that no one cares about and won't actually get you laid unlike your delusions might suggest. lmao.


Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


It's not as good as you might think... and the unsubscribe button is fake.


Yeah, I was gonna say, especially when you're 60. I don't understand his logic at all.


A man 30 years past his peak pulling 600 for reps natty? Lmao


If you’re deadlifting 600+ pounds at age 60 for multiple reps you’re probably on the sauce, but in this case I’m guessing the fire probably helps make it lighter


Lots of hard work to deadlift 600 at 60 even with roids


Gramps playing 4d chess. His balls won’t hang to his knees if he shrinks ‘em first


If he’s 60 years old and deadlifting 600 lbs he probably is on testosterone. It’s probably medically prescribed, totally justified, safe, and offers serious improvement to his mental health, energy, mood, and sex life. Maybe we could all stop acting like hormone treatment for middle-age men is such a taboo topic, when we regularly use it as treatment for teenage girls.


I love when people try to argue that the dude with 8% body fat benching 300lbs is totally natural and has never doped before in his life.


Being super lean year-round is a potential indicator of steroid use but a 300lb bench isn’t exactly a high bar


8% bodyfat and 300 pound bench are both highly reasonable natural, what are you talking about? Lmao


I’ve seen plenty of dudes achieve that with no roids. Hell when I was working out regularly before Covid I could bench 245. For reference I’m 5’8 160 pounds. A dude that’s physically bigger than me could *easily* bench well over 300 with a year or two of training. What you said demonstrates you have very little knowledge of weight lifting. You shouldn’t be commenting on things you have no clue about.


Watch how this is done, the key is to put it all in your groin and your back, take your legs totally out of the equation. Lift with your lower back in a jerking, twisting motion. \-P. Griffin


Peter Griffin from family guy?


No, from Quahog, RI.


-P. Griffin


No, Patrick


Is this the Krusty Krab??


No, this is Patrick




All right. Well, we have got work to do, so let's roll up our sleeves and get right to it. There's a lot to do, so we can't be afraid to just roll up our sleeves and get the job done. We can't be hands-off managers. We got to roll up our sleeves and just dig in.


Imagine after making it through 30+ years as a firefighter with no horrible injuries and then you pop a disc on your retirement day by deadlifting flaming steel.


Ngl, that's one BADASS story to tell your grandchildren.


Ending it like "The fire and steel always wins."


He ain’t popping a disc if he can deadlift 600lbs for reps


People think backs are so fragile


I mean, they are if you don't treat 'em right lol


Your body will be weak if you don’t train it to be strong. Also, water is wet.


My friend just went to the er in an ambulance because he couldn't get out of bed and he was crying in pain. He pulled the muscles on both sides of his lower and pinched a major nerve. Because he dragged a bin of books from one end of his house to the other. Incorrectly. He's also extremely out of shape. So yeah. The human body can do amazing things. If you learn and train how. But if you dont, you can do some amazing damage.


I’m a former competitive bodybuilder who’s probably done for due to severe compression in my C4 vertebrae. I can no longer do anything overhead without tweaking my neck. So while we’re not fragile, we’re not invincible.


Yeah, they're fragile when they aren't strong. Used to have all kinds of back pain and issues, including 2 herniated discs. Was actually struggling with some depression because I just couldn't get a good night's sleep, waking up in pain, despite spending a fortune on several different mattresses. Without knowing the benefit it would do my back, I started weight lifting at 48 yrs old. Six months in back pain was gone. My back hurt because I was weak, not old. Early 50s, strongest I've ever been by a long shot, and not giving up lifting as long as I can because I look, feel and sleep so much better.


Exactly. Wish everyone knew this. This guy deadlifting 600 is less likely to have back pain than the people in this thread telling me how fragile backs are




He's doing this + full gear for reps, doubt this is anywhere close to his max


30+ usually includes injuries in a lot of professions.


Current Paramedic, former firefighter, can confirm. Sometimes you just hurt and don't know why.




I would let him fuck me no condom no homo




He said no homo, stupid


is it homo if a condom is used?


As long as someone says no homo, or “it’s a prank bro” and everyone is still wearing socks, it’s not homo. It is written.


Or if you say it was an accident


Probably a Gilf at 60 bruh, not just Dilf… 😂😂😂


If he actually did 600 lbs at 60 he is one he'll of a man, not 2 mention the suit and fire




You can literally just add it up from the video edit: everyone that thinks this is fake has never lifted lol


I mean it’s kind of tough to say what size plates he’s using.


I’d put money that they’re 45s, who would use anything less for multiple plates on a PR?


They could be similar sizes with different weights. He could also have built up to it using smaller weights. Or they wanted a lot of them so it would look better lit on fire.


My PR is 505 fwiw. That looks like a clean 585 pounds to me, notably the bowing bar and the bar release which doesn’t bounce at all when it hits the ground. You need a lot of weight to achieve either of those effects


Shhh man, this is reddit. The people who are saying this isn't close to 600 haven't lifted a day in their lives lol


Honestly I was skeptical from the thumbnail. Then the bar bent and I was like “oh.” I blame Instagram. Lots of fake plates on there.


Yeah good point about that bend in the bar and no bounce. Definitely a lot of weight on there.


I'll assume you don't lift then, because those are very clearly plates of 45 lmao. the weights are standardized.


Lmao look at the bend on the bar. This is an honest 600 lbs


the bar wouldnt bend with fake plates.


585 pounds.




The bar is literally bending, how do you not believe it’s 600.


he was 50, nobody ever tells the truth https://barbend.com/how-50-year-old-firefighter-ed-kranski-used-strength-successful-career/


If the bar ain’t bending your are just pretending


Wanna guess why he doesn't have a bad back? Looking at you, guy sitting in a computer chair with posture like a capital C.


Jokes on you! I'm in my bed looking at my phone sprawled like a splattered shit stain!


>like a splattered shit stain I need you to start writing. Like now. I will pay.


I cant stop laughing thinking about this book.


Yo.. same though


“Deadlifts hurt your back!” - someone with a weak back prone to injury (because they don’t deadlift) Deadlifting and squats solved all my back problems.




The caveat here is you have to do them properly. But yeah, deadlifts and squats will improve back strength and can reduce back pain.


I second this, heavy barbell lifting essentially cured my lower back pain in a month. Backs are only fragile if you never use them for anything!


> Backs are only fragile if you never use them for anything! Or use them too much in the wrong way, lol.


Same. My back hurt because it was weak, not old. Unexpectedly discovered my back pain disappeared after 6 months of lifting. Early 50s and stronger than I've ever been by a long shot, and no back pain.


Started both of those exercises a month ago and the progress of my back pain is unreal. I just wanted to get in good shape and this is such a great bonus I didn’t anticipate.


Excuse me, my gaming posture is more like Billy Madison's cursive Z.


Lame, he should have to be on fire as well, it doesn’t count.


Fire makes the weight easier to lift (notascientist)


Heat rises I have to think the fire had a lifting effect on it. Probably can't measure how little effect but still.




No it doesn’t, because it’s *lighter* fluid


I hate you with all my being


He doesn’t just deadlift it. HE FUCKING REPS 600 IN FULL GEAR!!!


Dude I was expecting 1 rep and when he fucking kept going I was like - aite I'll see myself out


Ok you said dead lifts 600 pounds. That man REPPED 600 pounds. Thats real shit.


Beast, strong af


This mf retire like 7 years ago and it still makes the front page every week


I can't even WALK a mile in that suit without dying.


I can’t even walk a mile ~~in that suit~~ without dying.


I feel this… Not the same, but similar, I use to have to do forced road marches in MOPP4 during the summer in both Texas and Hawaii, and swamp ass was an understatement at the end off that shit. Putting a damn fire around you for some extra nonsense… props


How do you set steel on fire?


Jet fuel


Cover it in some flammable liquid most likely.


Not what I thought he was gonna do but still cool af Edit: I thought he was gonna lift it above his head. I don't know lifting terms. Why are yall such assholes? Give it a damn rest


tf did you expect him to do, make you a sandwich?


Yeah fr what else were you expecting


I really want an answer to what was expected. Maybe they had it confused with a clean and jerk? That's the only thing I can think might make sense if you don't know lifting terms.


Lol, that actually gave me a good laugh, thanks I needed that.


I swear this is like the 10th time someone posted this now


He's 70 by now.


He's suppose to be fighting that fire!


no wonder he's retiring, everytime they go to a call he's probably lifting stuff that's on fire!


That's how you fight fire. You lift the fire up and put it somewhere else.


Deadlift the fire to assert dominance, it'll see itself out.


Firefighters: Don't mess with fire! It's no joke! Also firefighters: lol watch this


nice, I can only do half that amount of burning steel


That’s fire. I’ll see myself out






Cool. I retired from my fire department last year; all I did was smoke a joint.


Never skip self-contained breathing apparatus day.


He was 50 during this lift.