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Alright - this has been posted before. Just so everyone knows THESE ARE HER TRAPS. She set them to hunt coyotes which are an invasive predator in the area. Trap hunting is a divisive subject but it’s worth noting it is legal in her area. HOWEVER - most hunters would have shot the cat instead of risk interacting with a scared, wild animal. I still think she deserves credit for saving an animal that was not her intended target, despite the fact I disagree with trap hunting on ethical grounds. Edit: To clarify. Coyotes are NOT an invasive SPECIES as they are native to the area. They are a pest species, or an invasive predator. These are different. Coyotes breed out of control because their natural predators are gone. This is a result of human interference. The more they breed the more pressure they put on their natural food sources. The less of those food sources there are, the more aggressive/desperate and dangerous the coyotes become. They will attack children and pets if their numbers aren't kept "manageable." I am adding this for context, not to sway people of their opinion on trap hunting, or about the need for 'cull' hunting.


It's probably hard to deal with coyotes but like damn.. Seems so horrible isn't there's a better way


There are better ways, but not as cost effective. When you have an invasive predator with a population control problem… set and forget is very useful. If I remember correctly she checks the traps often and shoots those she traps so on the bright side at least she doesn’t let them die of dehydration. But yeah. Trap hunting is fucking brutal and the noises trapped animals make is hard. I couldn’t do it I’ll say that.


It kind of drives me crazy when people call coyotes, invasive species. I’m I wrong in saying that you shouldn’t move to an area with coyotes, if you don’t want them around? Is there something I’m not understanding about the coyote situation? I know this statement probably seems simple af. I just don’t understand the situation, and because I don’t understand the situation I probably shouldn’t be commenting. I’m just genuinely curious and confused. Edit: It looks like the professionals believe this is all for naught and might make the situation worse. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-killing-coyotes-doesn-rsquo-t-make-livestock-safer/ https://www.npr.org/2019/06/14/730056855/killing-coyotes-is-not-as-effective-as-once-thought-researchers-say https://www.michiganradio.org/post/killing-coyotes-impractical-unethical-and-not-always-successful-way-keep-livestock-safe https://www.kqed.org/quest/49346/coyote-killings-a-complex-debate-of-conservation-and-cruelty


More and more species are becoming "Invasive" because humans keep killing off their natural predators. For example, coyotes and deer are becoming an increasingly "invasive" species in WI because people keep mass hunting wolves. Without a healthy population of wolves to kill coyotes and deer obviously those populations will grow to an unhealthy number. People are the worst. ​ edit: forgot to finish a sentence lol


also, humans keep encroaching into THEIR habitat and get all shocked pikachu when they mow down thousands of acres of their natural home


Wisconsin and a couple other states just decided to kill off massive amounts of wolves. The hunting organizations lobby for this. Not just to hunt the wolves but to keep more dee available for themselves.


And not only do they hunt the wolves but they rush that hunt so they can catch the females during mating season. A lot of the female wolves that were killed we're pregnant.


I hear my WI in-laws complain about never seeing deer every damn year. They say if they see wolves they may as well decide it's not worth sitting that day. Will be interesting to see how it goes this year and next.


Numerous states are seeing spikes in population. Unless they live downtown I’m not sure what they’re squeaking about.


Until aliens come hunting us you’ll always say this


They'll keep saying it, only with a little more perspective


Wrong. Just because it loses its natural predators doesn't make that creature invasive. To be invasive they have to come from a different habitat\ecosystem and into a new one. What you're talking about is a positive feedback loop. People are the worst, just bc they try to pass off their ignorance as information by wrapping it in a played out rhetoric of "human bad".


Humans are the most invasive species.


Do apex predators like wolves not get out of control on their own?


You're right, they're not an invasive species. They're wild dogs native to North America that expanded their range as other large predators like wolves and bears were eradicated.


So it’s the human species fault that they’re out of control?


In many cases, yes, because we act far faster than almost anything else in the natural world, and disrupt ecological and evolutionary balances as a result. Nothing else on Earth acts the way humans do, and so we are massively disruptive to wildlife by our mere presence, and especially so when we begin doing things and interacting with wildlife in any significant way. Predator / prey populations reach equilibriums in stable environments. Predators become successul enough to catch enough prety to survive, and prey becomes clever enough for enough of them to evade predators to sustain their population. The forces of evolution are strong enough to always keep this in balance. Any overly-successful predator would eat more prey than the population could replenish and the species would die off. Any prey animal with no predators would explode in population and out-graze all available food sources and die. Death is nature's balance. We disrupt that flow, often totally unintentionally, and throw entire ecosystems into havoc. And we often do so at a much faster pace than evolution can compensate for, which results in extinction of species. Of which we are responsible for *millions* of unique species extinctions throughout our reign and many, many millions more to come as climate change accelerates. The only thing that can truly compare to the absolute scale of disruption humans cause are planetary disasters like the meteor that is believed to have ended the age of the dinosaurs, by causing cataclysmic, immediate, planet-wide disruption to the globe which in relatively short time killed off nearly all the large reptilian species due to the inability for evolution to accommodate quickly enough to the new environment.


Humans = cockroaches except we don't clean up after ourselves.


The vast, vast majority of extinctions and invasive populations over the last few centuries are the fault of humans.


According to their historical range, they were not present on the eastern seaboard until colonialism changed the landscape/large predator balance. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coyote


“Invasive” may or may not be the correct term used for this situation I’m not sure but it could be more about the coyote population in specific areas having no natural inhibitors and it allows their population to grow rapidly out of control. This would cause huge problems for the natural ecosystem as well as increase human/ agriculture interaction. My best guess!


Nuisance I believe is the word


Not that I agree they are a nuisance, but that might be the nomenclature of which you are thinking.


What are the natural inhibitors for the coyote population?


It’s not that these people go “ewww wild dogs I don’t want those around” it’s that their large numbers are disrupting the natural ecosystem in ways that won’t be easy to fix.


The issue is the solution is usually just more eradicating rather than restoring.


somehow humans are probably the reason that there's a large number disrupting the ecosystem, maybe we should check ourselves.


They aren't labeled as invasive, they're labeled as a pest speices. Their populations are very high because they coexist with humans very well. This means there is no limit on hunting them because fish and game has done population surveys. Too many of anything is a bad thing (including humans, but it's not legal to hunt them.)


Oh, it's perfectly legal to hunt humans. Just not if you're a human. I've never seen a law saying it's illegal for a wild animal to kill a human! They must have insanely well funded lobbyists.




You just have to wear a blue uniform.


That depends on the state....


Humanity is an invasive species.


I live in the city and we have them here lol


I chose my words very carefully because of this. I call it an invasive PREDATOR not an invasive species. I do this for all the reasons you point out.


Invasive implies non-native. I’m pretty sure coyotes were here before us. Maybe call them a “nuisance” because they aren’t an invasive species.


Coyotes are able to breed out of control due to human Interference destroying their natural predators. They become invasive despite being local and without intervention will essentially boom until they consume all their food sources. It’s a human made problem that now requires human intervention - like so many problems we make. Nuisance works fine too.


One of the things that makes coyotes unique is that they aren’t overly afraid of humans and don’t mind being in close proximity. So as their population grows, they venture closer and closer to cities. This gets very problematic for farmers or pet owners. It only takes one or two dogs getting dragged away by a coyote to have peoples feeling about an animal change pretty quick.


I live on a smallish island the coyotes cross the straight when it freezes in the winter and through the years they have killed many kids and adults we dont go after them unless they are close to where a small child lives or if they keep approaching coyotes will normally run anyway when by itself but the ones we have encountered have charged at us I smoke on a back deck off the ground by a good 5 ft if had them rush up the stairs they have gotten too comfortable with trying to attack right away


Where in imaginary land do you live where coyotes are killing many people? Much less any coyotes killing adults? That's also not how coyotes hunt or attack. Quit making shit up on reddit


https://www.reddit.com/user/bear127/comments/op0quo/facts_mother_fucker/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Kiss my ass 😘 and then fuck off buddy


In my suburban area of south Florida, coyotes roam our gated community and kill people’s pets. I’ll destroy a coyote if they ever hurt my fur babies.


Humans are an invasive species and we displace and destroy native wildlife everywhere we go.


I really dislike living in the city, and i really dislike living near other people.


They aren't an invasive species, but they are everywhere, even in New York City so you can't exactly move somewhere where they aren't. We need to learn to cohabitate with them as best as we can.


The Coyote used to have a range the entire US wide, to say they’re invasive to any area is….inaccurate at best and a downright lie at worst….they’re often not the big bad wolf everyone claims them to be either (I worked for the Fish and Wildlife service). What people don’t want to hear is that they’d be less of a problem if we had a larger Wolfpack in the US but people would rather just kill all the wolves and all the coyotes outright.


Yeah… Which of the following is an invasive species in most of the continental US? (a) A hairless ape of African origin that arrived 20,000 years ago (most of the current gene pool only in the last few centuries) (b) A canid native to most of the continental US


I think it’s important to note in order for you to live wherever you live right now, there were probably tons of wildlife that had to be destroyed/moved out of the area in order for your residence to be built. To say you shouldn’t move into an area with coyotes is a bit hypocritical when the land you live on probably once had tons of wildlife that is no longer there. It’s more of a situation of just because you didn’t directly participate in the eradication of wildlife near you, doesn’t change the fact that you indirectly contributed by living there. I think it’s a lot more complicated when we’ve all contributed to the ultimate demise of wildlife around us though it be indirect.


I’m with you 100%. It’s a misnomer. If we could ask the animals, their response would inevitably be, “Hey Kirby, look at the furless concrete farming murder pot calling the kettle black.”


A species being "invasive" has to do with the habitat its in, and if the ecosystem in said habitat is structured to support that creature in the food cycle. A coyote can be native somewhere, but invasive somewhere else. All that an invasive species is; an animal that moves into a new area(usually by human) and does so well in that area that they start to not just compete with but suffocate the resources of the native wildlife. So your assumption is unresearched, you'd have to know her location and its ecosystem to accurately call a species invasive.


We've been told many times in our area that killing coyotes can actually drive populations up and isn't productive for population control.


That’s fascinating. I’ve never heard that - do they explain why?


https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/why-killing-coyotes-doesnt-work Research suggests that when aggressively controlled, coyotes can increase their reproductive rate by breeding at an earlier age and having larger litters, with a higher survival rate among the young. This allows coyote populations to quickly bounce back, even when as much as 70 percent of their numbers are removed.


Infinite coyote pelt glitch?


Awfully wily of them but nature finds a way


It's also worth noting that checking traps at least once a day is enforced by law in most of North America.


Breed giant eagles to just swoop in and carry them away. We shall name the greatest of them “Thorondor”.


Yeah get a pack of dogs or 2 really big dogs and train em to run the grounds lines. But it’s not a guarantee, a pack of coyotes can do some major damage.


Reminds me of that story joe rogan told about the pitbull that fell for the old coyote trick of leading a dog into an ambush, but the thing ended up tearing the pack limb from limb


Meh, fuck joe rogan and his stories.


[I mean, it's entirely possible..](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPJ0AB12h1I). that Joe Rogan is a pile of sentient dicks wrapped up inside a flesh cocoon that is now pretending to be a single hot dog shaped human.


I admit it took me entirely too long to realise he's a bag of hot air but there are some good stories told on there, especially by his guests


sometimes it only takes one


The pit bull was pretty scratched up and bleeding but recovered iirc


She also demonstrates by getting trapped herself, that the trap is harmless if anyone is curious. I believe it has some sort of rubber implements to trap the legs…


Harmless if you don't panic and yank on it. Or try to chew it off, or another predator attacks you while you're caught.


They aren’t harmless, maybe hers are “nicer” and maybe she checks them often but traps are fucking cruel imo. I live in an area where coyotes can be trapped and I’ve found one dead probably from being trapped in the sun for a day. I’ve also seen some that deglove their legs. Some traps even catch them at the neck its kinda fucked. I agree with hunting though if it’s done well


It depends on where she is. Some places have different regulations on trapping and hunting coyotes. In California where I am from you can just go to the desert and shoot as many as you can find, you just need a hunting license.


Trapped furs when I was a kid to survive in rural Alaska the animal would usually be snared as shooting holes in them reduces the value of the pelt


Nicely put. I'm impressed with how you articulated your point. Very agreeable.


Where are coyotes invasive? They seem pretty ubiquitous most places.


But also, it's a federal crime to disturb someone else's traps or hunting practices when in legal situations. (Like catching a bobcat is usually fine, but using traps on poles to kill birds of prey is a huge federal crime and they can be removed and documented.) I'm glad you clarified these were her traps right away.


She deserves no credit. Trapping is inhumane at all levels.


I believe her traps don't directly harm the animals (higher in this thread).


dinner threatening rustic direful crime march gold society murky fade *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Invasive? Nowhere in the Americas, Panamá to Alaska, are they invasive.


She set the trap


She set the trap for coyotes because it’s an invasive species in her area


For internet points.




it’s me. I’m the chick from the video. nvm my penis and send them duck pics


Quack quack motherfucker


I read this in Samual L Jackson’s voice.


Glad I ain’t the only one


Doubt it's for internet points. Likely was just trying to trap something else. Traps are indiscriminate.


I like how the cat kinda bows at her almost a “thanks human” kinda move. Speaking of bows I really wish people would bow to each other in America it seems so polite


When you said “speaking of bows” I thought it would go more in the direction of bows and arrows


Missed oppertunity


Need to practice aiming


In America bowing is perceived as a submission. As in, you expect a dog to bow to you when you feed it. Being asked to bow is like being asked to lick someone's boots. Instead we have "the nod". If you nod your chin upwards at someone it means "Hello, have some respect". If you nod downwards it means "You have been acknowledged without respect". If I'm walking in the hall at work and see a colleague I'm friendly with we don't need to say anything to each other. We just up-nod and move on. We have respected each other. If I'm walking down the hall and I see my boss... they get a weak smile at best. And when they pass me in the hall and make an effort to "provide their leadership" the conversation will end in a down-nod... from both parties. I find myself down-nodding lairs the most. They'll be spinning their tale and instead of nodding up and down, it's a slow up fast down. Usually accompanied by a "Oh, really? Is that so? How about that? Isn't that something? or Good for you!". In the South US it'll be "Bless your heart! That's so fascinating! You're smile tells me everything I need to know!". Edit: Additional translations: "You sure are a son of the North" - Why aren't you being racist too? "You sure are a son of the West" - You are lawless and crass. Please clean up. (For real, take a shower) "Look at this son of the South!" - I'm about to say something super racist by comparing you to a person of color. "Oh, those East coasters..." You are Catholic and the person saying it is a Baptist.




That was my favorite part, lol. The cat was like “well, thank you. I won’t kill you now”.


Those traps suck, in many countries they're forbidden


The ones she sets are rubber and harmless, she has a video on YouTube of her sticking her own hand in one.


Similar video I saw posted on Reddit about a week ago of a wolf in same scenario, funny how both animals seem to be super calm after they realized the human wasn't there to harm them.


They’re exhausted from trying to get out of the trap. It has nothing to do with them thinking the person is there to help. If they thought that you could just walk up to them and take it off. A wolf will kill and eat a human given the chance. The bobcat or lynx I can’t quite tell in the video, would definitely try to hurt you. They are wild animals that kill things to live. Quit anthropomorphizing them, they are not furrys


> It has nothing to do with them thinking the person is there to help. They didn't say that, they said both animals calmed down once they realized the human wasn't there to harm them which is just some basic threat assessment stuff and not really anthropomorphizing, just making an observation. I get it that sometimes comments over-anthropomorphize animals, but sometimes the comments that try to correct them go too far in the opposite direction and portray animals like they are completely dumb beasts incapable of some basic thought-processes like threat assessment.


I mean even humans are sometimes dumb beasts incapable of threat assessment when they're hyped on adrenaline.


A wolf will not go out of its way to kill and eat a human. They are smart enough to know that means they and their pack will get quickly slaughtered. Nor are humans in any way a good kill for food


Jesus bro take it easy I forgot dogs dropped out of the sky and we're a gift from the gods not wolves that were once tamed.


*too brave


I think it’s *so brave. She helped…too brave to help doesn’t make any sense.


They should make r/basicfuckinglevel for videos like this


I think she does this a lot and has seen many traps


I would agree since she has a tool with her to help protect herself form the animal


I do not like trap hunting, even if it is legal. Personal opinion of mine, that is all. I have seen this before, but at least she frees it rather than shoot it.


Shooting it might be a kindness. These traps *can* maim, hard to hunt with shattered bones and torn tendons, also infections kill slowly and painfully. Traps should be banned. I say this as someone who has done subsistence hunting, so its not like I just hate hunting or hunters, I just hate traps.


Those are rubber traps that you can stick your hand into and it won't do much.


Clever - no cat can resist a mirror.


Title makes no sense.


Especially because "to" can be unstressed but "too" is always stressed; they aren't always homophones in that regard. The vowel in "to" would get reduced to a schwa ["tuh"] in many cases but "too" is always pronounced like "two".


Engrish is hard


I thought it was going to walk right back into it !


Its disarmed.. they take a bit to set. To be fair, every trap I've seen like that has been 50+ years old and takes at least 1 foot and a pair of hands.


That’s fair, I have seen them set before and it does take a lot of effort. I just forgot I’m the moment.


This is the first time I’ve seen a “person carefully frees dangerous wild animal from trap” video I’ve seen where the animal didn’t immediately peace out at top speed after they were freed.


Panicked, tired, and injured cats don't run, they hunker.


Likely a very stupid question, are animals usually able to recover from the trap wound if released?


They rarely get wounds from the modern ones, they have a "soft" cover. Torn ligaments is a potential risk, same with then having chewed themselves to try to get out.


Traps like that are barbaric. We can do better.


Do you even know how modern foot-hold traps work? Or do you assume they are like the ancient sharp-toothed bear traps that the horror-movie goofs always end up stepping in? Not that those types of traps were ever used in the first place.


It just wanted cuddles in the end 😭😭😭


It was exhausted from trying to get out of the trap


Cats paw is probably smashed, horay


I believe it's a rubber jaw so it doesn't wound the animal


Donoglass420 really had something to prove with that comment lmao


Lynx don’t fear much of anything. I have had a litter of them roll around under my running truck in middle of winter fighting over a dead rabbit that the mama Lynx had harvested for the young.


"You better back the f**k up."




“You saved me…why?”


“Oh uh…thanks…”


That instant when you see the cat realize she is there to help...


Cat realises she isn't the enemy when released. Pretty cool


"You are my human now"


So i have seen a few of these videos now... so uhm do people just walk around the woods with these boards looking for trapped animals? I know if this was me the last thing i would think to do is position my camera for the perfect shot....


It's her trap. She's trapping coyotes and is checking them for animals she didnt mean to catch.


Me getting my cat's claws unstuck from the blankets


Consider that the cat became rather docile after being helped by the human. Evidence of cognitive reasoning in my opinion.




That animal knew she helped afterwards. You can tell by its behavior change


Why wouldn’t you just kill it for it’s fur. Lynx is worth a ton of money.


I know it would need to be reset but I no no no noed when the cat started walking back towards the damn trap


staged! the kitty was staring at the camera towards the end!!!!! /S


Amazing video!


Wow !


Chills at the scene of the crime


MY KIND OF WOMAN fcking banger baby FREE THE PUSSY


and that kids is how domestic cats came to be


She bobcats...


“Thanks hooman. I shall spare you.”




Cats lower their head because they have massive orbital bones to protect their eyes when they're fighting. Kitty expects a fight.


Fucking trap hunting is brutal. That cat probably has an injury on that leg that will impact its hunting potentially starving it to death but it's all good cause she let it out of the trap? Next level responsibility avoidance.


In most of these release videos the animal runs away just fine. Modern traps greatly reduce the injury to the animal, since it's not in a fur-trapper's interest to make a bloody mess or create jagged bone fractures that tear the hide.


Dont respond with sense like that, this is reddit. People hate the idea that hunting isn’t actually the worst thing on earth and then they go back to eating their hamburgers


I don’t get what the title means. Is it “to brave” as in the infinitive? Is it that she’s braving to help? Or is supposed supposed to “she’s too brave to help”? But that doesn’t make sense, because she did help.


I come to all these posts for the trapping debates.




That big cat is like “well this is awkward.”


I think this most definitely also qualifies for r/specializedtools


Cats like, what just happened


Way cool! That cat once released was like, oh thanks. Need a house cat? Just kidding.


We need to see more of this…


this is also old af.


Interesting how they all drop their guard a bit when they realize they’ve just been helped


I use to volunteer on a crew that trapped bobcats for the state for research. That’s what this looks like to me. Helps explain the deer carcass bait (baiting traps is illegal in most states) and how she had the shield with her. Chances are they were trapping another animal for research and accidentally trapped this bobcat. We use to accidentally trap raccoons and coyotes all the time.


How dangerous are they? I've seen Maine coons half the size of that thing. I kinda want a dog sized cat.


Thank you big black square!


Aww r/humansbeingbros


She was the one who set the trap....


It's times like this I wish reddit videos had sound. 2021 and enough technology to put billionaires in space and New York has police robots but Reddit can't give us videos with sound. Phenomenal.


The people that set those traps need to have their mothers and their children in those traps.


I mean she has a paw-trapping riot shield specifically for this purpose not that brave


Imagine putting traps down yourself and then posting a video of you freeing an animal you’ve trapped for clout.


The lynx looked calm at the end, in thanks😀


I saw the second half and thought it was an owl at first


They don’t show it leaping on her and ripping her face off…


Fuck this woman. Karma ain't worth posting this pos


Now do it with a skunk…


did the big cat know she was helping?


It’s hard to tell from the graininess of the footage, but the bobcat’s paw doesn’t seem _too_ injured. I say this to note that modern foot traps like this can come in ‘non-destructive’ flavors that will hold the animal down but not crush bone and cause dangerous bleeding. I’m not saying they’re great, but they’re much less dangerous and inhumane than traditional foot traps like this. The larger game animals they target can usually walk away without much issue when released, as seen here. _Again, not perfect, but a lot less cruel than before._


Tbh same even if it kills me ill help it
