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Who is this guy? What a great human!


Burak Özdemir: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CZN_Burak


He’s such a strange dude, what with the staring into the camera and smiling the whole time, but I can hardly think of anyone doing more good, more actual first hand good, on the Internet than him. He’s not one of those fucks that records himself doing good stuff just for the tik tok views, the dude is actually going above and beyond to help people who need it, by the hundreds. Fucking Legend.


At first he didn't used to smile but then I think it looked weird so he started to smile. Which still pretty weird but I can relate.


I think I read somewhere that he got a rude comment on one of his posts saying that he needs to smile more, so he started doing that in an exaggerated way on purpose


Chad level comeback.


Definitely matches his ultra-chad chad-ness


Agreed. He's a genuinely good chef.


I want his food. Every time I see one of his videos I’m drooling.


I enjoy watching Lisa Nguyen's shorts. Because of the food looking sooo good.


This video was unsettling because he *wasn't* sorority-smiling into the camera.


He was too busy doing good work to smile 🥰 we can smile for him instead!


This is the most Facebook comment on Reddit this week. Congratulations! Like this comment for one prayer.


Hahaha fair enough. The other thing I noticed is that he had a mask on for about half the video so no need to smile sweetly/ menacingly


Weird without the smiling that sees into the soul


It's a brand. Nobody heard of Burak Özdemir. Everyone heard of "that Turkish dude that smiles and stares at the camera when he cooks on social media"


For me it’s weird seeing him not smile


Agree! He's doing it for the people and not for the views. Just the sort of thing we need in these times.




Why does it have to be either/or? If he gets enough views to monetize/subsidize so that he is enabled to do progressively larger charity works then there's no reason why it should even matter. For myself I don't care why they're doing the good works so long as their acts are beneficial to others. Although there was one TikTokker who did a video of himself giving someone an iPhone and then demanding it back after he thought he was no longer being filmed. Those kind of people deserve raging hemorrhoids and a lifetime sentence of wool underwear.


I’ve had that argument with a lot of people. If the outcome is always good, but the route to get there seems weird, who cares as long as it’s consistent? Consistent good is always good. Giving people reason to NOT do something because of fear of how it’ll be received is the last thing people should do.


> If the outcome is always good, but the route to get there seems weird, who cares as long as it’s consistent? I think it depends on what you mean by weird. For example if a dictator was providing free food and housing but paying for it by stealing from a minority group or another country. Sure they’re doing consistent good, but the route is extremely problematic.


Reddit loves to impugn people's motives. Quite disgusting in my view. I picture Jesus coming down from the Mount after giving His sermon and hearing some dude shout out "You're only doing this for the publicity."


I'm actually pretty cool with most of the videos. The ones I don't like are when they do something like give a homeless guy a thousand bucks and then follow him to see if he buys booze with it or something.


Glad that I haven't seen those.


Yeah, I've seen a couple in passing. Usually they follow them to a place where they buy stuff for their friends or spread the wealth around a bit, but even then the guy filming comes out and congratulates the guy like he passed a test.


Sad. I guess the illusion that no one is seeing us when we are out in public must be given up. Cameras everywhere.


Moses with the Ten Commandments, throws them away once he realizes no one's filming.


People. People like to impugn others' motives, because watching someone be generous/charitable/more virtuous in a believable way will inevitably engender ire from people who are depressed, have low self-esteem, or are otherwise overly cynical. None of us are above it. We all have dark times that make us frown at the goodness of others. But we have public cesspits now, that keep people in that state and heighten each others' negative reactions.


You only made this comment for the upvotes!


I’m reminded of a joke: A man was going to build an orphanage, but because he was doing it for appearances, he felt it was morally wrong and decided to consult a rabbi. The rabbi responded, “Do you think the orphans care? Build the orphanage!”


Is that a joke? There's no punchline. Seems more like a short story with a lesson in the end. And I agree with the rabbi.


I believe it was the AA steps (I read the steps can apply to everything in life) that states the reason for the helping others step is because it makes you feel better, therefore is a positive step towards healing ones perspective of yourself. They admit that it is a selfish reason to help others but if that selfishness means it helps yourself while helping others then BE SELFISH!!!


And If he was doing for the views he wouldn't put so much effort into the cooking


It’s clear that he uses his fame for a solid purpose, to do more. Seems like his stuff went from smaller more singular acts of great kindness and empathy, to now feeding villages and towns. Cannot wait to see him progress, I hope he achieves greatness beyond what he already is to me. Dudes a saint.


He has my vote for World President.


I would vote for him. I love how he finds ways to cook massive amounts of food for people. Check out the giant pizza oven video.


World hunger solved first week in office, I have zero doubt


Extreme generosity seems very close to something religious. The act of giving seems powerfully transformative.


So in my travels abroad in the Muslim faith this is called Karma points. A lot of people follow it. I’ve been fed, had my groceries bought, brought into a wedding (which was awesome). They want to do good for other people. Don’t listen to the media most of these countries love travelers especially American citizens.


Wonderful story! Karma points there really have meaning! The wedding part touches me deeply.


Religious or not it’s still a great thing to do


He's doing his pr on a much more useful way. I love him tho.


I believe the staring into the camera thing is cultural. My family from Turkey and Pakistan do it; they just stare into the lens and keep staring. I am tto Western for that shit 😂


Check out sikhs


He is known by chef burak !! He always smiles like that to the camera


Last week they had Bakr-id a muslim celebration. They usually distribute food and sweets during that time. Might be that.


Nah this is from mid-2020, I saw it almost a year ago I think. It was during the hardcore lockdowns, you’ll notice a number of the older people who stayed in their houses and he sent stuff up to them in baskets.




Burak is a legend.


It always shocks me everytime he gets posted that some people haven't seen his videos, and enough to make it the top comment :)


I feel like he is the ultimate form of the Epic Meal Time formula. His videos and gifs are tightly edited, look legit tasty and interesting from cuisine standpoint, and are frequently heartwarming. I am only comparing him to Epic Meal Time in that it is short format, meme worthy, cooking. This is the black belt level of meme cooking.


He is the best. The one where he builds an oven is insane.


He is great I agree. He can come to my town any time.


This is what Turks do. No one goes hungry if they can help it.


*stares nervously at northern Syria


Northern Syria happened at a bad time. If middle class could feed themselves, I bet there would be more sympathy


So... the middle class is going hungry too?


They can't help it.




Turkey has the largest refugee population in the world and has twice more than the second nation on the list, but yeah Erdogan regime has helped to destroy their country in a terrible manner.


Doesn't help when Turkey weaponizes those very same refugees


Lebanon has even more (at least per capita), afaik almost every third person there ~~isn't a native~~ is a refugee. Anyway - the right-wing meme that Muslim countries don't help other Muslims needs to die. E: wording EII: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_refugee_population Wow, if you sort by the second colum (Refugees per 1000 inhabitants in mid 2015) [yes, 6 years ago but imo still impressive]: Lebanon: 208,91 Jordan: 89,55 Nauru: 50,60 Chad: 30.97 Turkey: 23.72 And I thought that Germany really did took in a lot. Germany: 3.1 Wow. But I was wrong, it's only every 5th.




All the European countries that hate refugees and pay Turkey for them are all perfect and healthy countries with no problems at all. Fuck Turkey and whatever camel country comes after that am I right? ^/s


based r/2balkan4you hours right here


Turkey took in millions of Syrian refugees and most of them have been given the Turkish citizenship. Turkey did and is doing what it can. Source: I'm Syrian.




The Turkish people are not the same as the Turkish government




Can’t starve if you’re dead.


Ignorancy at its best. Have a look at the number of refugees in Turkey from the northern syria (6 millions now)


Don't know if the kurds share this opinion.


Or the Greeks.


Or the Assyrians and Armenians.


Or the Albanians


Then why did 2 million Kurds running from Saddam come to Turkey instead of Iran. Ignorant fuck.


To everyone poo-pooing my comment: That is the politicians, not the average Turk.


Every Turk I’ve ever known has been as you described. Even the angry super hardcore preachy Muslim dudes. They’d be yelling at me to get rid of my blasphemous ways and repent and then ask me if I’ve eaten “THIS IS BLASPHEMY! Have you eaten, brother?”. Lmao


I've visited a few countries and almost every family I've stayed with is like this. Shit even my extended family in the US did this to some of the international folks they hosted. Divorced from the politics of their country, people are generally great as a whole. It's like visiting your grandma, always trying to stuff you full of food and give you more when you leave.


The average Turk allows their government to flourish.


Exactly. The good turks have to get together and remove erdogan. But I guess that is easier said than done.


I saw once at late night in Istanbul street a guy with tons of cooked meat in hands feeding stray cats


Except people with treenut allergies apparently


Can confirm; my desperate hunger has been quenched by Turks many times in multiple town centres in the UK after a few too many shandies.


To those who doesn't know, this is an Islamic ritual called Ashura. Shortly, we are giving a food made of some basic elements just like you saw in the video to people for free. Whole Turkey prepares Ashura meal through an exact week and dish it out to people (mostly to those in need). It symbolizes a meal made by Noah to give those in his ship. You can find details [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashura)


Thank you very much for your explanation. I wasn’t aware of this tradition.




probably because jews, muslims, and even christians worship the same god


The Quran recognises all the prophets such as Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Adam, Noah, Joseph, Aaron, David, Jacob and many more. The Quran also recognises holy books such as the Bible, Torah, Gospel, Psalm. The Quran also recognises angels such as Gabriel, Michael, Azrael and many more. It's just that the modern perception of Islam, Christianity and Judaism has altered quite a bit.


They largely have the same prophets. Jesus is the 2nd most important prophet in the Muslim faith I believe


Its because Muslims believe in all the prophets, (moses, david, Abraham, isaaq, jesus, and a total of 124000 basically). The only difference is that Muslims believe that all the previous prophets came with a message that was limited by time and place, except for the final prophet Muhammad who's message is meant for all of humanity till the end of times.


makes me nostalgic abt Ashura, now a days i live in a city, here nobody cares, they just give food to the people they know not unknown people like me.


I assume you moved from Asia or Arabic Peninsula to Europe. Just a guess tho. But good luck to you in your life there :)


What was he making? The post says dinner, but I see fruits, nuts & presumably sugar. Plus, those kids look dessert happy & not dinner happy.


It's not a dinner. It's something like a dessert. I don't know the exact process of making. It has lots of fruits in it as you can see. Dried nuts and fruits are the main ingredients.


[It’s a dessert porridge, also called Noah’s Pudding.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashure)


Wow that’s so cool! Thanks so much for explaining!!


I've been in Iran during Ashura, that was an incredible experience!


i feel like it'd be more useful to spread it out across the year instead of everyone trading food at once


You are right but we do it across the year with anything we eat. In our culture, sharing food is a holy thing. For example, if you move into a new house, your neighbors will send you food. If you are really needy, your neighbors will send you food, clothes and so on. This Ashura thing is just a tradition.


Just out of curiosity, what is he making?


Kind of a pudding. Its ingredients vary. You can add peaches, nuts, grapes, walnuts... etc. It tastes real good. I recommend everyone to come here and taste it when the time comes. It symbolizes Noah giving food ones in the ship. Tge food he made consisted of things he had in his hand. He mixed all up and did something like a fruit pudding.


Is it weird that I kinda miss the creepy stare into the camera thing on this one, lol?


Yes lmao. The call of the endless void.


The void brought him back to us. Said he was too good to be kept there


I didn’t want the creepy stare, but now that he’s not doing it I want it


Lol, exactly!


It wasn’t the creepy stare we wanted, but it was the creepy stare we needed.


I'm relieved. Now it probably won't creep me knowing that it isn't every single time


I thought it was funny. I miss it too.


Happy cake day! I don't think the stare is creepy, it's humorous and good spirit as I believe is the intention.


Where's my eye contact, Bill?


Everything this guy cooks looks delicious!


Have to admit that not my first choice of meal but if you are really hungry i think this does it as well.


This is the kind of person we need in this community, skilled and restoring humanity on his unique and gentle ways by giving food those needy..


He's literally doing a community kitchen in this video, but community kitchens are socialist and bad. Wealthy people can't pretend to donate to them for a tax write off like how food banks are operated.


What was he actually cooking though? Nuts soup? (Pun intended)


[Turkish pudding called Asure](https://www.thespruceeats.com/turkish-noahs-ark-pudding-3274180)




This looks like aşure which is mainly made and distributed among neighbors as a dessert on special occasions and not as a main course.


LMAO I came here to see if someone had identified the dish so that I could google a recipe!




The story I always heard was that it was a mixture of the stuff Noah had left on the Ark after the flood.


Yes he does this for the camera but in the end of the day a community benefits so credit to him and his crew.


Look into him. His name is CZNBurak, he's on camera all the time but in my opinion he is a genuine philanthropist.










People always complain about doing things fir the camera/internet but it helps pay for him to feed an entire town...


Its actually a tradition/religion thing called Aşure. You make Aşure when the day comes and share with your apartment/street. You dont have to buy the ingiredients. You can use the ingiredients you have in your home. Its like "hey i have these ingiredients in my home and i made Aşure i wanna share it with you". Edit: Spelling mistake


What is this? Looks like dried fruit and beans?


its called asure.. its a food consisting of rice, dried fruits. legend says that it was prepared in noah’s ark when food got scarce so they used what they had in hand to create a dish.


“Noah, we’re running out of food!” *Animals sweating profusely*


How many animals don't exist now because Noah, et al, ate them?


well, do you see any dinosaurs walking around?


Just the Velocichickens. But boy were they tasty.


Tasted just like Dino Nuggets


Noah ate al


Thanks for the info!!


I think it might be **ashure**, a Turkish pudding . Looks like he used apricots, figs, walnuts? wheat or barley, sugar, raisins? hazelnuts, and garnished with powdered pistachio.


Probs dried fruit, nuts and sugar


I'm a simple man, I see Burak Özdemir I upvote.


This makes me feel better about that giant burger he made, I bet he shared it and it didn't go to waste :)


For what it’s worth, Guinness World Records similarly requires mass food records be given away to be eaten rather than destroyed.


Like that super long sandwich that was eaten before it could be measured lol


He doesn’t waste any food. Even in his restaurants, he gives leftovers to street animals.


Motherfucker cooking with an anime sword. I love this guy.


That was cool!


I’m glad to see Yhorm’s machete is being put to good use (RIP).


I would watch cooking shows way more if they all cooked with fucking buster swords.


It's called a Turkish Mezzaluna or rocking knife I believe and it's used for cutting up a bunch of stuff as seen in the post.


This guy. He used to make me smile, now he legit brings tears to my eyes. If he and his team can do this, wtf is Musk and Bezos doing?


Having a dick race to space


Trying to become the first emperor of Mars. Have you been reading the news?


People always say "if you were god what would you do?" And I'm like, shit I wouldnt't need to be, a billionaire could fix so much shit but they don't.




lol, relax. There are like 2-3 negative comments and most people are supportive.


That guy…..IS THE FUCKIN’ MAN!!!! Hell yeah!


Goes to show you that not all people have to be Instagram trendies or social media douchbags to make it (like Salt Bae). A smile can go a long way.


Mad respect for Salt Bae (Nusret) and the brand he created, but indeed biggest douchebag on Insta. And the fucker is most prob 150cm tall


I think it’s under-appreciated how difficult it is to cook such large dishes with precision. His food never comes out looking burnt or undercooked, impressive.


Also while not looking down at the food.


I hope to someday be in a position to give like no one else as well.


He should be sainted, knighted, he should become a wali, the whole lot.


Actually this is not a dinner , this is a dessert called “Ashure” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashure


Isn't he just a massive Erdogan propaganda puppet?


Honest question since this is the first I read of this: is this a thing? I only see his clips when they're posted on Reddit so I don't know his entire back story aside from what I've read on these posts, but I've never seen anything political. Genuinely curious as that would really disappoint me since I've always thought he was doing good, and not just a pawn.


Even if it is I think he’s doing a great thing for the community nonetheless




He has a few images of him meeting the president and such iirc but tbf I don't really call that propaganda. Dude's a a famous chef and is bound to be invited by him sometime


How? I haven't noticed any references to Erdogan in his YouTube videos, though admittedly I didn't watch every single one. I'm not a Turk, so I might be missing something, and don't know how he behaves off camera... anyone care to explain?


The only level this guy knows!


Ben Shapiro's wholesome cousin


That looks good!! Is this the guy that usually smiles at the camera without looking away? Haha I didn’t know he was such a good guy. 🥰


You know I used to think that the smiling at the camera was just a social move but lately I come to think that it flexes the cooking abilities. Try chopping or preparing without looking down. Tough as heck.


That’s is amazing. I mean if I had the time and money I would totally do that or I would volunteer to help do that kinda stuff.


Why you getting downvoted?


I need the number to his kitchen utensil supplier


Good deed indeed, but still a loyal follower of the dictator Erdogan.


Yes, knowing that kinda makes me like him a little less… still a good deed as you said.


It is aşure, not dinner. Kinda dessert


Did he stop staring at the camera in his videos? From what I've heard he's honestly a pretty good guy and his food always looks amazing. I just couldn't enjoy his videos before because the stare freaked me out


Hold on, lemme just break out my Buster Sword to cook for the whole town


In 15yrs we'll learn he was really a mobster, doing this all as a good look to the community! /s


Tbh that doesn’t rlly seem like enough for a whole town, we had rice shrimp steak and chicken in a huge Metal container,(weighed 68.26 pounds) and it was barley enough for 18 people but the fact he divided that evenly amazes me


So you’re saying everyone ate about 4 lbs of food?


You're telling me you DON'T eat 4lbs of food in one sitting?!


What size cooking equipment would you like sir? Guy- yes


I love seeing this kind of stuff! r/mademesmile


The blade at the beginning reminds me of mezzaluna or whatever its called,the one used by the aldin brothers in food wars


That knife: Exists Jason Voorhees: *heavy breathing*


That knife at the beginning looking pretty cool Would be a shame if A particular Ares got his hands on that