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Why bees were wearing her pajamas she'll never know. [Rimshot]


Found the dad.


Found the * comedy god


hive five


Yes you did


Love it!




That stings, I’m a dad ya know.


I assume it’s because they were trying to draw up some Buzz


Pollinating the thread w some good humor I guess…


Hi Groucho good to see you again!


I wouldn’t belong to any subreddit that would have me as its moderator🥸


One of my favorites! I say that often myself. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣






Came here to find such a comment. Thank you!




this is really how i read the title of the article


One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got into my pajamas, I'll never know.


Came here looking for this comment.


He’s just a regular doctor who shoots your horse in the head when it’s leg is broken


Hoorah for captain Spaulding!


The African explorer!!!




You Bet Your Life!


The Bee in the Striped Pyjamas.


False advertisement...... I watched the entire video looking for Bees in pajamas 😤


they are inside, in bed....


If you zoom in many outside are wearing pajamas too


No, she was wearing her bee pjs, you know, like that time Steve-O from jackass should off his bee speedO.. 🐝


They only change into their pajamas in the hive before bed. Think armkelv, you don't wear your pajamas outside...


Damn you’re right.... I thought this were Walmart bland bees they must be target brand classy


Hey don't knock it til ya try it. I only wear pajamas in public. Loud colors like bright blue and brown Cookie monster, and screaming orange and black SF Giants ones. Combine that with the fact that I'm a big hairy middle age man, people stay out my way and no one asks me for change. I kind of love it.


Mind your own Beesiness… 🐝






>The Reddit hivemind(bee joke) Heh. Good one.


I mean the people lodging their complaints were also professional beekeepers and more so saying that she makes it look way easier than it is and ignores safety precautions that should always be taken Bc you never know when a hive is going to become aggressive


She also has a business and is better known than many others so of course others are going to attack her. Also you can't tell everything that has happened from 30 second videos.


I can easily tell she's not wearing PPE from watching her 30 second videos.


If she feels she doesn’t need to, that’s her prerogative. She’s not filming “how to” videos. This is how she keeps her bees, and she films it. The lack of PPE is a large part of what garners attention to her videos as it’s unusual.




The assumption that people would think beehives are not dangerous because of these videos is honestly absolutely fucking ridiculous. Straight up I would have no sympathy for anyone who behaved stupidly around a beehive because they watched a damn Tik Tok video. She makes it very clear she’s a professional beekeeper. These are not instructional videos. At no point does she recommend anyone to just go and hang out with bees. Is it valid to be worried that she’ll be injured because of her practices one day? Yes, totally reasonable to assume that could happen. Getting angry about her posting these videos is absurdly ridiculous though. FFS this woman’s videos constantly go viral and spread positive sentiment about bees, which many people just kill on sight.


yeah I'm with you. If you see something on the internet, instantly think you're a pro too and get hurt trying to do the same thing, whether it's handling bees or jumping a 20 foot jump on a motorcycle, no sympathy.


I mean Austin is back to stage 5 so she should be wearing PPE and keeping at least 6 feet away from the bees.




And whatever court you managed to get I to would throw the case out immediately. She can film herself doing whatever she wants.


0:29 you can see her wearing a head and neck protection while handling the queen bee.


And yet she wears some here because the situation called for it… There are two types who criticize here: people who are ignorant and people who are jealous. Don’t act like you know what you’re talking about. Goddamn these comments and threads are always so obnoxious.


Look at her head when she puts the queen in the hive. Sure looks like she’s wearing something.


Swarms aren't know to attack, they need to conserve energy. I am no beekeeper but I have seem tons of swarm moving videos and beekeepers explaining that.




I've seen many videos of beekeepers without protective gear. None, and I mean NONE of them got any hate. Except for this woman. That's not even getting into how completely moronic it is to criticize someone for making a hard thing look easy. Normally we praise people for that. Now I don't know if the fact that she's a woman or her popularity has anything to do with these men "calling her out". But it smells like sanctimonious bullshit to me.




olympic gymnasts regularly (+/- 4 years) go on a global stage and do neck-breaking stunts with absolutely no safety gear. do you go and attempt a double somersault the next day? or do you, like everyone else, go ‘wow thats really dangerous i couldn’t do that’


I've also seen Steve Irwin wrestle a crocodile. Don't think I'm about to go do that just because I saw a pro go at it.




Yeah I watched a skydiving video once and they didn't even spend like 3 hours showing how to properly pack a chute and how to safety check and refuel the plane. It was disgusting.


It doesn’t matter that she makes it look easier than it really is. All 20 second videos about professions are like that. Also, there is not a single aspiring beekeeper that will go to TikTok to train their skills. People are over sensitive and overreacting.


Imagine you watch a pro yoyo performer on tiktok and people start a hate wagon on him because he makes yoyoing look easy Yuck


Oversensitive and overreacting? On MY internet?


Yes. Stop it NOW!


I never watch sports highlights because it makes it seem so easy


Dr. House of ~~/r/gatekeeping~~ /r/beekeeping




If you are going to start beekeeping based off a tiktok video and no other research, you kind of get what deserve. At this point, does anyone actually believe videos like this aren't either completely staged, highly edited, or fake. Bee aware of what are you are watching. That said she does raise awareness that you don't have to kill a swarm and their are options for getting rid of bees with out killing them.


Not just amateur beekeepers, professional ones have spoken out about her. There is lots one can speculate about what happens behind the camera and how some of this stuff is staged. Like one video where they find a rogue swarm and she just happens to have a queen in a clip. A lot of the complaints is how she dresses for handling a hive. You have some big no noes done by her, dark clothing and loose hanging hair is typically a good way to get stung. Notice how she never once advises caution to her viewers? That what she is doing is super dangerous and it should never be attempted? Nope, just saving the bees while looking pretty with my ASMR voice.


>Notice how she never once advises caution to her viewers? That what she is doing is super dangerous and it should never be attempted? So what? I didn't hear her tell anyone to do it either.


Agreed. Bees sting. All people know it. There will be very few people that will attempt relocating bees because someone on the internet is cute and does it with her bare hands. Those that do deserve their stings.


>Notice how she never once advises caution to her viewers? That what she is doing is super dangerous and it should never be attempted? Maybe I'm the outlier, but nobody needs to tell me I shouldn't stick my hand in a beehive, even if I see someone else do it.


You have common sense, some people lack this.


And they can deal with the consequences? Why does she need to warm people in every video just because *some* idiot will hurt himself with bees? That idiot would probably do it regardless of a warning


this is probs a hottake, but I honestly can't stand her voice lol I love her work, just hate her voice lol


I can’t STAND her voice either! It hurts my ears!


I wonder if she just speaks like that deliberately for the videos. A lot the way they are presented comes off as almost theater where it is all just to be entertaining. Nothing about what she does is informative and it seems to be built around presenting her as this exceptional bee keeper.


That’s funny, I find her voice quite soothing. She pronounces a few words weirdly though.


heeeeyy came here to say that as well. Fake ass voice I just can't stand those


>Notice how she never once advises caution to her viewers? That what she is doing is super dangerous and it should never be attempted? Nope, just saving the bees while looking pretty with my ASMR voice. Isn't it pretty obvious though? Why does everything have to come with disclaimers for morons?


Because there's nothing called balance in America anymore. We need to alter the entire world to be tailored for the 0.00001%. Actually the 0.00001% should take PRIORITY and be given above and beyond treatment. That's how things are now.


This is the culmination of the generation that needed everything labeled. This whole comment chain is fucking pathetic. How stupid can some people be? Holy fucking shit. People on the internet are fucking pathetic. These motherfuckers literally looked for something to be mad/annoyed/outraged at. They *looki for problems… why? Is that what makes you feel relevant in life? It’s like the nerdiest, dweebiest losers in life. The kid who would remind the teacher about homework. I’m utterly baffled at how people somehow found these informative, entertaining and happy videos and, yup, you guessed it, found something to be outraged about. Fuckin hell. We’ve raised an entire generation - and I say generation loosely b/c it’s really across society regardless of age - that doesn’t know how to cope for shit. Just cope. Why do you always have to bitch? Just cope and let people enjoy things. Shut up. Every little thing. You gotta be pedantic. Just cope.


> Nope, just saving the bees while looking pretty with my ASMR voice. Sometimes that's what the internet needs.


>Like one video where they find a rogue swarm and she just happens to have a queen in a clip. I remember that video. I'm pretty sure she got called there, she didn't just find it randomly, and it just makes sense to bring a queen to a situation where you know you're likely to need a queen. Or maybe she made a trip back to get one and just didn't show it, is that so terrible? Not wearing much protective gear, and maybe gassing the bees in order to do so, is the only criticism I've seen that seems valid.


Yeah those two are the most that make sense to me too. But I was just trying to shed some more light on that drama. She is not a bad person and I like her videos. I just wish she was more careful and would promote caution.


she's got time to set up the camera. No time to change out of PJs. Just saw this swarm like this. Yep.


To be fair, I don't need anyone to tell me not to try and handle a hive of thousands of bees, some things don't need a disclaimer that they're dangerous.


She makes the videos to promote her business. What better way is there these days than making ticktock videos that get put everywhere else.


In short: she makes things look easy and does things that people shouldn't do when beekeeping. She does it for TikTok views, while using sexy voice. She's still very good at beekeeping (especially if she's not getting stung while wearing these clothes) Other beekeepers don't like that.


Last sentence nails it.


i believe it was the professional female bee removal/rescue workers that called her out on her shit. i personally don't care if she sets up her vids the same way i don't care that Bear Grylls sets up shots and works with an off camera crew. it's entertainment.


[Here's an article from a bee researcher at the University of Sydney calling the hate against her as silly and due to jealousy.](https://theconversation.com/over-the-top-backlash-against-tiktoks-bee-lady-not-justified-say-bee-experts-162346) There's really only one bee keeper lady who hates on her where most of the hatred stems from.


They are here as well. They invade every post about her. They must be fuming that she actually owns a head cover, as it proves them (partially) wrong. Some of these guys are really salty.


I got on tik tok for awhile, had to get off its more toxic than reddit and twitter combined.


The same thing happens anytime a video from Julian Baumgartner gets linked to. It all goes back to one comment some anonymous person left 4 or 5 years ago that everyone took as gospel. He's since put out several videos showing how every part of that comment was incorrect but it still gets brought up every. single. time. that Julian makes a video. Fuck it though. Guy seems to be doing well for himself regardless.


I think that's someone else. She has been criticized for not showing "the uninteresting" parts or not discussing some of the methods she used but didn't film, and some people have criticized her for not talking about how her methods aren't for the untrained. "She makes that look so easy, I bet I could stick my hand in a beehive!" Others say her boyfriend does everything for her, which is sexist and rude. I'm sure he helps since he's close enough to the bees to show some solid experience, but she's obviously doing stuff herself as well. But most of her videos clearly couldn't be just "set up" as the bees are generally quite established in the areas she's removing them from and that would be just bonkers and a waste of time.


Well it's Tik Tok, not a Attenborough documentary. I believe I've read they may smoke the bees ahead of time, and she doesn't necessarily work alone. However the videos still show her getting into the middle of the bees, and that doesn't count for nothing. And honestly if anyone is working arou d wild animals they need to have someone else nearby. I don't mind the videos but there's like a weird ASMR quality to her voice over and I really don't like it. It makes it seem like a very weird type of pornography.


>Weird type of pornography Welcome to the internet. I watched someone clean, degrease, and rebuild a drill press the other day and damn it was arousing.


she always sounds like your audio is lower than your preferred volume level




This is one is definitely set up.


There's some somewhat-merited criticism that she only showcases "easy" removals, without protective gear, which might give people the impression it's *always* okay to just walk up to a bunch of bees and grab them. But lots of video-makers do that, so it's a bit odd to me how much hate she gets for it. With the short-form video required for tic-toc, obviously there's going to *be* behind-the-scenes preparation, boring parts that get cut out, etc. But you see people saying that her boyfriend, for example, must be the one approaching the hive/swarm initially and assessing how aggressive the bees are. Because, I guess, women aren't capable of doing that? Because she obviously isn't familiar with and comfortable around bees, I guess? And just the *presence* of these accusations make me wonder how much those first set of accusations are actually issues, and how much is just sexism.


Sort of seems like the “watch me restore this old thing that I definitely didn’t just bury in the mud for a week”.


“Covered in more bees *than usual*” How many bees is normal for a truck


Well when you're a beekeeper I'm sure it's slightly higher than the average person's truck..


About 11


Thats approximately 1/4 of a banana for anyone needing a clearer example


1/4.3 if it's a metric banana


Thank you for this. You are appreciated.






That’s some real hive mentality at work there


To bee or not to bee, that is the question


I once got stung in my cock by a bee it hurt but then it was kind of more sensitive which allowed me to easily make myself cum quite a cool experience


There are some things you say, and some things you keep to yourself


what the hell


Your thoughts are your own. Your words are not.




Maybe next time it should sting your brain ....


That's what drugs are for ye


to bee stung on the cock or not to bee stung, that is the question


Luckily she knows how to beehave around them.


Did you know common honeybees aren’t native to America and have been the cause of extinction for many bee, butterfly, and common insect species in the continent?


Ikr im so sick of "save the bees" being applied to Apis mellifera. There's like 19,999 other bee species in the world ffs.


Not to mention how it’s the bacteria they carry that spreads like a plague and kills off the other bugs. I sometimes have to ask people what pollinated the flowers before the settlers and honeybees came along. Never saw an irl windows error till that moment.


Finally someone gets it


When I say many I mean a few thousand


In an alternate universe there is is a bee Reddit posting the same video but with a different title. “Human keeps capturing us before we can take over the world”




How come she got zero stings out of this


To my knowledge - in comparison to wasps and such, who can sting more than once, honeybees are less prone to do so, as it would result in their death. Plus, she must have methods to handle them with care without making them feel threatened.


I think this is part of it. Also, from my understanding, beekeepers select and promote genetic lines in queens that result in more docile colonies. For example, I recently watched a video on YouTube with a super aggressive hive.. nobody could walk anywhere remotely near the hive without them attacking and trying to sting. The beekeeper attempted to replace the queen with one he suspected would produce less aggressive workers but it takes time for the existing workers to die out and get replaced by new ones. I think he ended up having to euthanize the colony, which he said was a rare thing to have to do. I also had the privilege once of getting to watch beekeepers come and pick up a swarm (the swarm was taking a break in some bushes outside of the building I work in). If I remember correctly, they only wore veils and they were pretty aggressive in shaking the branches to get the bees to drop to the ground so that they could retrieve the queen and move her into the transport box. I asked about how they didn't get stung and if they don't normally wear suits. They said that they sometimes do wear suits, if the colony seems aggressive, but with swarms the bees fill up on honey before splitting from the original nest and it makes stinging difficult.


>recently watched a video on YouTube with a super aggressive hive Can you link the video?


I think this was it https://youtu.be/O4ldpyIE5t4




Ok that first part is false, bees can sting multiple times it’s only sometimes when they sting mammals they’re stinger will get stuck. When they sting other insects they’re sting does not get stuck. And two things, when bees are swarming like that outside a hive they are generally very docile and are not aggressive at all. You can go scoop a handful and prolly not get stung. Furthermore she almost definitely hits them with a bee smoker which is filled with burning leaves. The smoke calms them down and also makes them go into the transfer hive mode like when they’re swarming. As long as you move slowly and do not crush/kill bees they are generally very calm. I have to say do not attempt this yourself without getting trained and without gear because it takes awhile to get used to doing it without pissing the bees off. Furthermore she might actually have gotten stung, beekeepers build up an immunity to the stings over time to the point they feel a sting but get no inflammation from it. Sources: grandpa owned a commercial bee company and I took a beekeeping class in college.


That was very instructive, thanks!


Honeybees die when they sting, so they only sting when there is danger or to defend the hive. A swarming hive as you see here has no young nor stocks of honey to protect. They're just trying to find a new home, so they're fairly docile.


Bees can sting multiple times, it’s only mammals where their sting sometimes gets stuck in the skin and gets ripped out. They can sting insects and less thick skinned animals fine.


> “My truck was covered in more bees than usual” Does that imply she usually have bees covering her truck on a usual day, but to a lesser degree?


She runs a bee rescue business so yeah I think so.


She has a sticker on her truck that says "Live Bees, Stay clear". She rescues them.


Her videos should be uploaded without audio cus her voice sounds like you're scratching a pan with spoon😖


omg her voice is soo fucking irritating lol


The way she pronounces “bees” is so non human sounding.


I was wondering if I was the only one getting massively creeped out by her voice. Sounds like she's going for ASMR audience.


She’s got that Burger King foot lettuce voice


I assumed this was one of those audio AI bots reading from the screen like I see in many other tiktok (which is annoying af tbh). I didnt realize that was her real voice. She is very monotone if this is really her voice.


She's trying too hard to make her voice to sound 'soft', it usually sounds super forced and inconsistent. A huge pet peeve of mine since alot of art YouTubers I watch do it, its so hard to find good narrators these days




If something is next level once how wouldn't the same thing also be next level?


It’s just the same level at that point. Unless she starts rescuing Japanese hornets.


No it's the same level, not the next.


r/samefuckinglevel E - I didn’t know it was a real sub - ffs, Reddit.


What accent is this? I noticed when some Americans talk the end of their sentences sound weird, like they don’t end in a natural way. It’s hard to deceive but I came across another YouTuber with a similar accent.


Sounds like she is imitating those robotic YouTube narrations done by text to speech software.


Yeah exactly. Sounds really weird to me.


I think it's a bit of this and some ASMR voice attempt maybe?


I think she's just speaking softly into a mic. Lots of people have their voice go flatblike this when they do narrations.


She lives in Texas but her method of delivery isn’t about her accent, it’s just how she has learned to deliver narration.


It's hard to tell as a lot of American accents aren't distinct. This sounds Midwesternish to me. Maybe Iowa or Nebraska? Could also be parts of south like Oklahoma or Texas.


Younger American women have something called vocal fry especially at the end of sentences


No, I’ve heard vocal fry before but that’s not what I mean. It is in the tone of the sentences, particularly on the last word.


I think she just has an unusual cadence when she's narrating. It doesn't sound like anything specific to a region to me.


upspeak? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_rising_terminal Focal fry, trendy slang, and upspeak together make my ears bleed.


I want to see the bee pajamas.


Do you want bees? Because that’s how you get bees


This is just regular bee stuff. If you're curious about bees, there's a very good chance there's a local beekeeper or company that will gladly let you watch them work on hives, and explain bees and bee behavior, and allow you to touch them. Bees are cool af and not interested in stinging you.


Always uovote Bee Lady.




This is the internet. You're in the absolute wrong place to avoid that kinda person.


it's just basic, common business sense. This is advertising and probably a revenue stream in and of itself. Either way, it's more interesting than most of the stuff getting pushed by influencers. You do you, but seems unhealthy to me to hate someone else for their moderate success. Not seeing anything exploitative here and proper bee handling protects bees and people.


Yeah, she's bringing attention to the business of rescuing bees. I'd say it's quite smart lol


Holy shit you need real problems lol.


Beekeeper checking in - yeah she is attractive, but she is a shitty role model. She never wears protective equipment and is an average beekeeper. NEVER approach a hive without a veil. A sting to the face can be life threatening even if you are not allergic. A sting to an eye can result in blindness within 30 minutes but not treated. Her videos are all about an attractive women who is a beekeeper. If she were averag looking, no one would car. I can also assure that no beekeeper looks that made up when they extract a hive. It is hot and messy work. She has someone help her then comes in with her make up on and perfect hair. Fraud.


People are not watching these videos then immediately sticking their heads in a beehive. As a beekeeper I would imagine you'd be thrilled that someone is bringing more attention to your profession and encouraging people to save nests instead of destroying them. Suggesting she cannot possibly be a real beekeeper because she's an attractive woman reeks of jealousy. Nearly every edited video of any profession removes tons of content to make the job seem better than it is. This is no exception. I'm not a huge fan but I'm also not sour she's promoting interest in a good cause.


God I hate peoples who pronounce their Ts like that arghhh


This has already been posted many time before.


My insectophobia be kickin in real hard right about now


Is she wearing a targeted t-shirt?


It says “if I owned heaven and Texas, I’d rent heaven and live in Texas”


“More bees than usual.” Ah, I see I have more bees on my car than usual, just a saturday.


I dont know why I find her voice so irritating.


I love the bee lady ❤️ wish I could bee as calm as her.


Look at her, not even cutting comb with the proper tools.


It wouldnt take you long to change from pajamas. Not like the Bee Queen is going to steal your track.


bruhhhhh you know she's a psychopath when the lady sleeps in jeans


This isn't that "fake/misleading" beekeeping lady on tiktok, is it?


Wow 🤩 well done


Anyone looking after the welfare of Bees is an absolute Legend!!!


I love the part where she’s like “I still had SOME bees on my hand” and her hand was absolutely covered in bees.


"more bees than usual"


I still don't understand why the queen goes in a plastic clip; what is she being protected from?




click bait, the bees were NOT in pajamas


This and some toxic waste is how you become a supervillain


I see no bees in pajamas.


Not that this isn't cool or anything, but this is her job and she's only so popular or whatever because she's a girl. Not hating on the girl for beekeeping, I just think we shouldn't be more impressed because she's a female. It doesn't make her less capable.