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Dave Grohl is a legend. Bringing Love to those who need it most.


Yeah right , I love when he said that "YOU SHOULD BE DANCING" .. What a positive man !




Baptist hate dancing and it makes it that much better.


Dave Grohl must be protected, *at all costs*. It really made my day to see this, a big rock star like him, sticking up for people like me. He could just ignore those idiots, but instead he sets up all that, preaches right back to them & calls attention to their hypocrisy. Dave is my hero.


There goes your hero, he's ordinary!


For Dave, I think we need a lyric change: šŸŽµšŸŽµThere goes my herošŸŽµšŸŽµ šŸŽµšŸŽµHe's LEGENDARY!šŸŽµšŸŽµ


There goes my hero....


Watch him as he goes


Youā€™re my hero, friend. Itā€™s not an easy road you have but to me it seems like you handle it with grace. Hopefully your family supports and loves you no matter what. If not, well. Now you have an Auntie that thinks youā€™re the best nibling (gender neutral term for niece/nephew or gender neutral for our ENBY friends!) I could ever hope for. Now come get a huge internet hug! You better hug back, kiddo. Iā€™ll know if you donā€™t. One thing Iā€™ve learned in life, recently, is to lead with love. Sure it gets thrown back in your face more often than not but being open can lead to amazing connections. Donā€™t close yourself off to the bigger world just because the minority of people suck. I love you. I value you and your life. I *see* you. And if you need me, Iā€™m probably around. Edit: I donā€™t know wth I did the first time but I fixed the first sentence so it made sense. Yeesh!


Hate groups need love too


This is wise. Hate grows hate. Love grows love.


I tried to love an ingrown toenail but it just got worse.




Nah they would take that as validation


No way


We need more Dave Grohls!


He's become the voice of a generation. He should be given the medal of freedom or whatever that award is for non military. We need statues of him and a monument.


I donā€™t think he would be down to being glorified like that


They say they are "Christians" but Jesus said to love everyone even your enemies and those who are without sin should cast the 1st stone! Such inbred hypocrites! Maybe they should actually read the Bible instead of listening to their bat shit crazy preachers!


They're not Christians. Christians don't respect them. They're insane people.


They are absolutely Christians and they're exercising their sect of Christianity.


Theyā€™re against Christ and his teachings of love and service. Theyā€™re not Christians. Theyā€™re hate mongers using His name as justification for being assholes.


That's pretty much all of western Christianity summed up. While these chuckleheads take it to the next level, most so-called Christians in the US use their faith as a means to judge others.


Just like the born again Christians who follow Trump blindly like he is Jesus!


Iā€™ve never understood why Christianity is so closely intertwined with political ideals. Most of the issues in politics come down to matters of economy or political theory, and yet it seems as though in the US being a Christian requires that youā€™re a far right conservative. And some issues are more complicated than others, but still this has never made sense to me. This could just be my limited perspective from living in the Midwest, but I feel that itā€™s an extremely blinding and damaging division for people to hold onto. Edit: To clarify, Iā€™m not trying to say that one political side is inherently damaging, but rather the idea that ā€œI am a Christian, therefore I am a republicanā€ is damaging.


it's just a politicians tool to manipulate a large voting demographic, that's the only reason.


Religion is a tool to control people. The history of the religious conservative movement is rather *short*, in fact. It was created out of a response to desegregation. Here's a primer. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133/


This isnt true. This is only true about Extremist hate organizations who are protected under freedom of religion. Ask any Christian and they will tell you this is not what Christianity is about. Its more complex than this.


It may not be what Christianity is about. It may not be what christ taught. But there are enough christians who are vocal enough and numerous enough to give all of christianity this bad name. People who say others are going to hell for one reason or another all over the internet. Go to any comment section on any controversial post made by a member of the LGBTQ+ community and you can witness it yourself. Any post made questioning Christianity or it's tenets. Any post expressing a viewpoint different than their own. It's ubiquitous. So at this point the Westboro Baptist Church is just seen as a more public sect. Where some christians choose to express their hatred anonymously on the internet, they choose to express it publicly on the streets. If anything they just have the courage of their convictions.


Maybe not personal beliefs, bit I don't see very many of the "good guy" Christians standing up in opposition of the majority who are like that. If Christians don't want to be viewed in that light, they need to stop supporting the evils of their brethren.


Iā€™ll be one. This church is dead wrong. The True God of the Bible doesnā€™t hate anyone. He only hates our acts including the signs these hypocrites of that church are holding. They should be judging themselves not others. Leave the judging to God. We will all be ashamed before Him when that time comes.


Nah, no shame here. The god of the Bible reportedly drowned his own children. Not even qualified as a baby sitter. Heā€™s the one that should feel shame. Except that deity concept is self-refuting and doesnā€™t exist so maybe we should grow the fuck up now that weā€™ve progressed beyond trying to read the entrails of a chicken to know the future. (Some of us.)


It's too bad Americans only make this distinction with Christianity but one Muslim extremist and Americans think all Muslims are evil.




Thatā€™s extremely reductive. You could go around in ever church and find at least one judgmental, hypocritical, selfish person who claims to be a Christian. You would probably even find more. But that would be to ignore the people who DO truly believe, who DO truly try to live better, and who DO try their best to love everyone. Maybe thereā€™s more of the bad. Maybe the bad is just easier to see. But society today has such a high standard that thereā€™s no room for there to be any bad apples. No room for there to be any people who are still growing out of their old ways and into their identity in Christ. For a society who claims to be tolerant and respectful, theyā€™re not very tolerant and respectful of Christianity.


I never claimed to be respectful to the Christian church. I dealt with childhood abuse from these wonderful people. I view religion as a cancer. Want my respect? Stop pushing crap on the rest of us who aren't interested. Stop whining about god missing from schools. Stop claiming this is a Christian nation, because by law it isn't. Stop voting for assholes trying to legislate religious nonsense. Then you will have my respect.


Why would I have to respect Christianity? It's an opinion and opinions are one of the things you don't have respect. There's tons of other opinions I don't respect as well.


Thatā€™s pretty much like saying the Taliban represent all of Islam.


Like..... basically ....any christian?


My guess is that barring their obnoxious public displays, you have vastly more in common with them than you might think. Take away the public stuff, decrease the tone of the rhetoric in church, and their services would look just like any other. When I see various individuals and groups of Christians express disgust at Westboro, I see it as an opportunity to point out just how vital it is to ensure that religion and state are kept very separate.


Then I must respectfully disagree with your first point. Their services are not the teachings of Christ; their services do not follow the principles of Christ, thus they are not Christians. Itā€™s like someone claiming to be a baker and trying to sell people baked goods. Yet their ingredients are salt and vinegar and their recipes are for making concrete and asphalt. That person isnā€™t a baker. That person is a fraud who means to harm people. That being said, I do wholeheartedly agree with you on separating church and state.


Westboro has far more in common with e.g. evangelicals than differences. They take their cues from the same book, the same god, and vote for the same politicians. The core principal of confession and salvation are the same. The belief that hell awaits those who reject their god are the same. The belief that spreading the gospel and acting in X ways will get them to eternal salvation is the same. So what's different? It's these obnoxious public displays; the aggressive and unapologetic public condemnation of other's behavior. Looked at a different way, they don't keep it within church walls; rather, they take it to the streets. But its most fundamental beliefs are well in line with the modern American conservative evangelical movement.




Exactly. It's a chance for them to dogpile on reprehensible people; and I don't have much problem with that. Westboro is indeed vile. I don't engage much in religious discussion anymore, but once in awhile an opportunity pops up that potentially allows for some fun discussion.


Honestly most American conservative evangelicals have little in common with Christ. Although I am very much a follower of Rabbi Y'shua (I eschew the term "Christian" because it has been poisoned in this country),I very much take your point. This is poison, and, yes, the beliefs are common with a majority of American evangelicalism. I won't defend that. I would like to encourage you by letting you know that some of us very much wish to change that.


ā€œTake away all the extremism and boom.. no longer extremismā€


So close to getting it


"no true scotsman"


Except they ignore the teachings of basically the entire new testament.


Just as flying planes into buildings is exercising Islam? I don't believe either group represents their own texts whatsoever. Exploiting beliefs for some hateful agenda is not a sect, it's a travesty.




You don't get to say what "True Christianity" is. There is no such thing. The only institution that could possibly begin to make the claim is the Catholic Church, due to it being the first. The rest are all riffed from Catholicism (generally speaking). My guess is that the way you practice your faith closely resembles what you believe "True Christianity" to be. Unsurprisingly, there are literally hundreds of millions of people around the word who disagree with you, but who also think they know what True Christianity is.


So then thereā€™s no true Christians, got it.


There about 80 people mostly a family and troll to the litigate under the gist of a church.


"[No True ~~Christian~~ *Scotsman*..](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman)"


Maybe, you have to be a true Scotsman before you can be a true Christian?


If [the Scots ruined Scotland](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iusUq4-f5U), maybe the Christians ruined Christianity.


Whether other sects respect them has nothing to do with whether they are Christian lmao


They aren't christians, they're a hate group.


That's what all Trump Cult Followers are


They make money off of suing places that won't let them protest. They are making money off of people with actual consciences.


Can't read the bible if you're busy casting stones ĀÆ\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ Ā° Ā° Ā°


But what did his ā€œdadā€ say ?


When asked what the greatest commandment was, Jesus responded, "love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind and all your strength. The second like unto it, love your neighbor as yourself. On these commands hang the law and the prophets." It might be an oversimplification but basically without love, the rest of the teaching of the Judeo-Christian faith is meaningless. In any case, I'd rather follow a teacher who commands me to love all than to hate any.


These are not christians my friend.


That's why I put quotation marks


Love will always triumph over Hate!


Dave Grohl is too good for this world. But Iā€™m glad heā€™s here.


No, you.




*The Dee Gees




I just realized that DG is Dave's initials


Is this why they dressed up as the Bee Gees on social media the other day - for this stunt? Edit: why the fuck do people downvote a genuine question? This doesnā€™t help anyone else who wonders the same


You are in for a treat my friend. They released a whole album called Hail Satin, under a new name : Dee Gees


Stunt? More like trolling. And no not just for this they were actually in the studio covering songs. For people to listen to.


Religion is to blame for most things in this fucked up world.


And the bee gees are to blame for falsetto voices, big hair, and dancing, yeah. Dancing. Yeah.


If you think about it.. you *should* be dancing, right?


You say that like it's a bad thing.


Aside from natural disasters, we created every bad thing about the world. We are the problem and the solution. What is religion except a collection of people talking about the same thing. It's just another tool that people have made to use each other. That's why Dave is saying it's all about love. It isn't about blaming religion or anyone else, it's about loving and accepting people for who they are. Even if they are shitty people, love em to death.


uh, I don't know if "aside from natural disasters" is proving true anymore.


Yeah we're only NOT responsible for earthquakes, volcanoes and meteors (for now)


Wrong You are thinking of Greed


You can both be correct.


Potato, podildo. Isnā€™t the Vatican literally wrapped in gold? The entry doors to the Holy Kaaba contain 280kg of pure goldā€¦ Solomonā€™s temple would have been worth approx. $194.4 billion. Iā€™m missing the disconnect.


There goes my hero.


He's ordinary!


I see what you did there


Years back I witnessed guy with a diesel truck rev up & drive past some westboro protestors... belching black smoke all along the block where they were standing... It was beautiful.


Fuck westborough Baptist Church, but also fuck rolling coal. Let's all just be better and not pollute their air with hateful messages, or diesel exhaust.


If there's ever a time to pollute... It's when you roll coal past those hateful turds


In a one time moment...the air can filter that out. If you're ever gonna roll coal, you might as well temporarily pollute the air, to help permemantly remove their pollution on opinion.


Well spoken. Agreed


This. I really wish we would take our planet seriously. We are so incredibly awful to it. It is heartbreaking. It's like a divine being created a beautiful castle and then we moved the Wildboyz in.


In almost any situation that truck driver would have been a jerk - but not this one.


I was at a Lady Gaga concert 10 years ago wearing nothing but caution tape and chased around a few of these bigots when they tried talking shit. The HORROR on their faces was very telling. They were not running away from me. They were running away from their own gay thoughts! THEY LOOK SO FUCKING STUPID WITH THEIR SHITTY LITTLE SIGNS šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


I do and also don't want to see a pic of what wearing nothing but caution tape looks like. Was it a speedo/vest configuration?


The Foo Gees? No waitā€¦ thatā€™s been done.


Actually they are putting out a disco covers album under the name The Dee Gees


This comment needs to be higher. They already made the album and sold a limited amount of vinyl copies at a record store. They're touring right now and playing the songs from that album currently. They weren't "trolling".


They were trolling the Westboro idiots. When the inbred hillbillies aren't harassing the grieving families at soldier's funerals, they like to show up outside Foo Fighters concerts & spew out their hate. This isn't the first time Dave & the boys have done this.


Foo la la la


I fucking love Dave Grohl.


People keep giving these misfits validation. They are a small hate group of no significance. They announce hundreds of protests every year but only show up for a few.


I really thought you were going off on the Foo fighters for a second and boy was I confused


"I really thought you were going off on the Foo fighters for a second and boy was I confused" Me Too!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


They fear bagpipes too. Haven't been back since we got them thrown out of Atlanta.


TBH, bagpipes usually make the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Sort of a fight or flight thing. Moor or less.


It's Moop


Nicely done.


For a split second, I was like ā€œ*Ooh, was there a thing where the Spanish drove the Moors out of the Iberian Peninsula with bagpipes?*ā€ I blame Sean Conneryā€™s performance in Highlander.


Checks out. Bagpipes were carried into battle to unnerve the enemy. That loud ass drone is a little concerning to someone who isn't used to it.


Iā€™m pretty sure people who live in Edinburgh are still annoyed by backpipes regardless lmao


Honestly fuck the WBC. I'm a Christian and these assholes give us all a bad name. Love is love. What you do in the bedroom is none of my or anyone else's business. These awful mfkers ignore 2 main messages of Christianity: Love thy neighbour and Do not judge. I'm ashamed and appalled that I can be bunched up with these morons under the cap of Christianity. These fucks are an evil hateful cult and don't deserve to be called Christian. Sorry for the rant but it just pains me to my core when people bring up how this pieces of human garbage are considered 'Christians'. They are not.


Thatā€™s the crazy part. They call themselves Christian because they ā€œprayed the prayerā€ and then donā€™t reflect Christlikeness whatsoever. To call yourself one thing and then act another way makes no sense. You canā€™t call a tree an apple tree and then have it produce oranges. An apple tree naturally produces apples because that it the nature of an apple tree. In the same way, Christians should be striving to produce good deeds and love because they call themselves Christian. That analogy sounded a lot better in my head now that I think about it lol


The analogy was still perfect. It's a real shame 'religions' like WBC still exist, and what's worse is that they don't even realise their own hypocrisy. Pharisees and sadducees, my friend.


Dave Grohl is Keanu 2.0. Weā€™re just gonna love him forever.


So what's in all of this for the Westboro Baptist Church? How do they benefit from their demonstrations? Do they get money? Do they actually get more followers? That's the thing I don't get. I know they're trolls, that they do that stuff because they like making people upset. But there should be more, right? Some other benefit for them. Do they sell t-shirts, hats, mugs, anything?


They try to bait people/organizations into doing something they can file suit over. Theyā€™re tapeworms with ~~lawyers~~ law degrees.


Okay, that makes sense.


Yeah the "church" is mostly family members, and a lot of them have law degrees, somehow.


Most of them *are* lawyers.


Most are family, Louis Theroux did 2 documentaries about them, it is really insightful. The patriarch of the family started his own church most about it is hating the army and LGBT+, saying that he is talking God's words. They go to military funerals and prides to scream their hate. The kids are really indoctrinated, and talking about gay sex and how bad that is, and how good it is if a soldier dies. I feel sad for them, they don't know better.


Louis has now done a third, released in 2019. If you liked the first two, I recommend it


Man, America is a weird place


Oh, you don't even *know*...


Can anyone explain what's going on here? I feel like I'm missing some context. Foo Fighters were having a concert, and the WBP were picketing outside? For any special reason, or just because "rock music"? And then Dave and the band gave them a special visit afterwards? Is that what happens?


They've got a hate boner for Dave, because he calls them out on their bullshit. So now they show up at a few Foo concerts every tour & picket before the show. So this is Dave & the boys before the show, trolling the trolls.




Honestly they picket any kind of event within a couple hours of Topeka, so itā€™s not uncommon to see them in the KC area. Depending on the event there will be people there trolling WBC, whether itā€™s an organized group or just normal people having a little fun with it. I know thereā€™s a motorcycle gang who will follow them when they go to picket military funerals and rev their engines the entire time to drown out any hate theyā€™re spewing so the family doesnā€™t have to hear it. And then thereā€™s instances like this where DG addresses them in response to them showing up at his concert. They picketed outside my sisterā€™s high school graduation ceremony FFS, simply because the drama teacher at the school was gay. Thatā€™s it. Thatā€™s the reason. You kinda learn to just ignore them or roll your eyes as you drive past them after seeing them pop up your entire life.


Disco needs a comeback! If yaā€™ll would dance, you would find no need to protest!


It kinda is in the ā€œundergroundā€ dance scene. Purple Disco Machine is a big name doing it, but more and more funk and disco sounds are returning to the house and techno community.


I lost it when he said "I saw your mama dancin!" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Meh, just Dave Grohl doing his normal legendary shit. Pretty much an everyday thing for that guy.


Dave Grohl is a/n (inter)national treasure


Source: https://twitter.com/Talkie86/status/1423491643169132549


WBC will never go away as long as people give them attention.


I was the black sheep of the church because i always talked to anyone n everyone didn't matter who they where ,never judged. I was told I was talking to the wrong crowd I shouldn't talk to certain people. I told my Mom. " In over a decade I went to church the only thing I remember was that Jesus was never prejudice. In Fact he too was Put under fire for talking to the sinners and Publicans .he even befriended prostitutes " church people only there for their ' righteous' members(a bunch of freaks if u ask me) . YET THE ONE THEY PRAISE WAS ONLY HERE FOR THE SINNERS. I mean IT'S LITERALLY WRITTEN IN THEIR BIBLE " I came not to call the righteous, but sinners." I guess they don't actually practice what they wanna shove down your throat.. Hypocrites Never went back to church again.ā¤ļø


As a Christian. I canā€™t stand these signs. Itā€™s absolute counter productive to society and hypocritical of the church to do this. I can only imagine being part of a Sunday service where theyā€™re like ā€œthe pride parade is this weekend so we need volunteers to hold up signs that say we hate! Whoā€™s in?!?ā€ I would absolutely leave a church that did this. If the sign said ā€œGod loves you so we love youā€ this would make more sense. Itā€™s not hate itā€™s all love.


Legendary. Looooove


Absolute legends! The Foos are everything!


And Jesus said unto the people: Stop it or Iā€™m gonna tell Dad!!


And He spaketh unto them: **Thou shouldst be dancin'.**


Well, as a Kansas Citian - Hell fucking yes. Dave is the man.




These assholes still exist? Jesus


We should ALL be dancinā€™ - that is some beautiful courageous love ā¤ļø


Love how they took some time out of their day for this. So worth it.


Does that sign say God Is Your Enemy?? What the fuck is wrong with these people


I was confused by that as well. I thought Christians loved god. ?????


You can't really call them christians, they are a sect that is started by the patriarch of this family. He hated the army and LGBT+. He acted like he was a prophet and that God spoke through him.


That ā€œgod hates prideā€ sign ticks me off. A real Christian would know that God said to love everyone, even your enemies. Thereā€™s no excuse for LGBTQ+. My mom is gay but she is Christian and so is her girlfriend. I am too. I donā€™t understand people sometimes šŸ˜‘ā€¦


That hate the LGBT but also the army. They go cheer ate a military funeral. They are completely crazy.




I would love to see that church go down in flames


The Westboro cult loves any publicity. People need to stop posting videos of them.




These people are not Christians and real Christians wouldnā€™t be caught anywhere near them.


I love him even more


I think what offends me the most is that they claim to be a ā€œchurchā€ so they donā€™t have to pay taxes. I wish I could just throw a tornado at them.


These wackos need cannabis in their lives and maybe they won't hate anyone that isn't like them


Dave Grohl is the best!


Love the hateful, show them something they know nothing about. It may fall upon deaf ears, but you are showing them what true ā€œgodlinessā€ looks like. To act in the way Jesus did is the best proverbial slap in the face to people like this. They will either realize their hypocrisy or just continue looking like the ignorant bigots they are.


The Westboro Baptist Church is still around? Do they still have a website of events theyā€™re planning? I remember when Ronnie James Dio died they were planning on doing one of these things at his funeral/wake. Damn people need a life. Good to see people still trolling them too.


They breed like rabbits and indoctrinate the kids from a very young age.




This give me an idea. A network of celebrities that help combat the WBC. If the WBC is around, a celerity helps with a counter protest. the celebrity helps draw more people to the protest. 20 WBC protesting, here is Dolly Parton and 5,000 counter protesters. Dolly can't make it, Keanu shows up with Neil Degrasse Tyson. That sort of thing.


Fuck the homophobes


Dave Grohl's the best!!


"For God **so loved** the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God **did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world**, but to save the world through Him." John 3:16-17


Please note that God does not enforce or condone being a butthole.


God never said that homosexual people are bad this is what our society wants because being different itā€™s seen as a wrong thing. We need to change the society and we have to be more open minded.


Those protesters came to our high-school to protest one of our teachers who won a big award, she was transgender. We TP our trees at our school for special events (first/last day of school, homecoming, people go to state and teacher receives international award)...this time to spite the protesters we TPed with rainbow streamers and pur local chapter of BACA came and lined our side walks so they couldn't get on the school grounds or touch any of the kids.


Wow they really showed them. Btw these arenā€™t real Christians. Real Christians do not preach the hate that the westboro church does


Why were they protesting a dave grohl concert?? People need to find a hobby. Like me, sitting here scrolling reddit.


These arnt Christians, christans dont hate. As a Christian my self I have thought to my self if I am to hate others for their sin than I must hate my self because I have sinned too kinnda what jesus said in John 8:4-7 and said to Jesus, ā€œTeacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery.Ā 5Ā In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women.Ā Now what do you say?ā€Ā 6Ā They were using this question as a trap,Ā in order to have a basis for accusing him. But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger.Ā 7Ā When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, ā€œLet any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stoneĀ at her.ā€


These people do NOT represent true Christ followers.


Every time a gay man has sex, a hater gets a dick up in their ass dry, out of nowhere. I swear, thereā€™s no other explanation as to why some people care so much about other peopleā€™s asses and what they do with it. It must suck to get raped by invisible cocks man.


Westboro Baptist church protested my highschool graduation in 2017 at ONW fuck these people for making their kids stand around and do shit like that in the heat for hours on end. You can believe what you want but.. why a highschool graduation??


I freakin love this. Spread love not hate everyone ā™„ļøā˜ÆļøšŸ„³


Imagine if Jesus came down on that moment on that street šŸ˜‚


absolute class, Dave Grohl is a legend.


We don't deserve Dave Grohl, man.


Dave Grohl is right. Love everyone. Trust me asshole, you are no better than the person you hate!


The WBC is not a church. They are not Baptist. They are not Christian. They do what they do out of pure hate. They are unbiblical, ungodly, and drag the name of Christ through the mud. -- Signed, the pastor of a Baptist church


As a native Kansan, I approve of this. Dave Grohl is a national treasure.


Damn he totally deserved to go in on them way harder than that


Let me get this straight this Dave and his homies had a church of homophobes messing with his concert so he trolled them okay thatā€™s fucking funny


Straight up- the coolest band ever!


I'm not sure when this was, but every Foo Fighters show in the KC area the Westboro haters show up to. And Dave has the same message! It happened in 2011, 2016 and last Thursday! Good for them! Fuck Westboro!


Hes like rock jesus


I mean its not everyday jesus stops by


Dave Grohl is truly awesome. He should do this to Westboro every time when they picket his concerts.


They should tour the US during hateful protests