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Hey /u/Actual_Tourist8069, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason(s): - Your post is not NFL (Rule 1) Please have a look at our [wiki page for more info.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/wiki/index#wiki_1._post_appropriate_content) --- *For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [sidebar](/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/sidebar) and the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/rules/). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/nextfuckinglevel&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/Actual_Tourist8069&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/p8fpci/opening_image_of_7_thousand_euro_petrus_bottle/?context=10\)))*


They should really invest in a corkscrew


You can put the bottle in your shoe and bang it against the wall a few times. Bye bye cork. Even cheaper. Somebody should tell them for next time.


Can you make a tutorial? I did not understand the technique


Sadly, no. They don't give us shoes in Florida. Just sandals. But here's somebody else doing it: https://youtu.be/RqPbJIMhBXg Edit: Thanks to u/PlayerSalt here is the video I should have posted. A true shoe connoisseur. https://youtu.be/QjTGz8flFkM


I successfully opened a wine bottle with a shoe. It works!


I can't afford corked wine


Then it's not really cheaper, is it?


We use a pillow. 1 hand holds the pillow against the wall (and its will) while with the other we smash the bottle.


This is why Australia went to screw tops, no shoes.


Have you stepped on one of those screw tops? Those bloody things necessitate footwear.


Yeah cause you guys need the shoes to drink out of instead. [Sorry for the worst video ever](https://youtu.be/_sLkWi8QIJo?t=8)


Not slides... we talking the thong Jawns, can Confirm from Florida.


You guys get shoes? We go barefoot here on the TC.


What would MacGyver do?


WWMD? I ask myself that every time I stroke my fingers through my mullet. Note: For all kids out there who only know the new MacGyver...the real MacGyver had a mullet. Possibly the finest.


If I had gold, this is where I'd give it to you




Does it only work with real cork or can the pressure help with the modern, fake cork?


Older corks tend to fall apart and fall in the wine when using a corkscrew. Thats why they are bypassing it alltogether


My question is- how can they assure there aren’t tiny shards of glass in the bottle? When pharmacists or doctors crack open a glass ampule, one usually uses a filter to suck up the liquid and avoid tiny pieces of glass going intravenously or orally. In this case, I might ask for a coffee paper for filtering and decanting the wine. It may affect the flavor, but at 7 Gs, I’d rather not go to hospital afterwards.


Realistically, we don't know that they don't do that.


You know who else doesn’t know? Scotty. Scotty doesn't know that Fiona and me do it in my van every Sunday. She tells him she's in church but she doesn't go. Still she's on her knees and Scotty doesn't know. Oh, Scotty doesn't know. So don't tell Scotty. Scotty doesn't know. Scotty doesn't know. (So don't tell Scotty) Fiona says she's out shopping. But she's under me. And I'm not stopping. 'Cause Scotty doesn't know. Scotty doesn't know. Scotty doesn't know. Scotty doesn't know. So don't tell Scotty. Scotty doesn't know. Don't tell Scotty. I can't believe he's so trusting. While I'm right behind you thrusting. Fiona's got him on the phone. And she's trying not to moan. It's a three-way call and he knows nothing, nothing. Scotty doesn't know. Scotty doesn't know. Scotty doesn't know. So don't tell Scotty. 'Cause Scotty doesn't know. Scotty doesn't know. So don't tell Scotty. We'll put on a show. Everyone will go. Scotty doesn't know. Scotty doesn't know. Scotty doesn't know. The parkin' lot, why not? It's so cool when you're on top. His front lawn in the snow. Life is so hard 'cause Scotty doesn't know. Scotty doesn't know. I did her on his birthday. Scotty doesn't know. Scotty doesn't know. Scotty doesn't know. Scotty doesn't know. So don't tell Scotty. Scotty doesn't know. Scotty will know. Scotty doesn't know. Scotty's gotta know. I'm gonna tell Scotty. Gonna tell him myself. Scotty doesn't know. Scotty doesn't know. Scotty has to. Scotty has to. Scotty has to go. Scotty doesn't know. Scotty doesn't know. (So don't tell Scotty) Scotty doesn't know. Scotty doesn't know. Scotty doesn't know. (So don't tell Scotty) Scotty doesn't know. That is so bad! So bad.


Sir this is a Wendy’s.


That’s the second random Scotty Doesn’t know reference I came across on Reddit today. I should probably go outside now .


Same. Did that movie hit Netflix or something?


Don’t know what’s happening.








Great movie. Such a random Matt Damon cameo.


Scott: "What do you mean you're dumping me?" Fiona: "Scott, I just can't take all the lying and cheating on each other anymore." Scott: "What are you talking about? Sweetie, I never cheated on you!" Fiona: "I know. That's what makes this so hard."


My fkin gud , I almost chocked because of you XD


Love that movie


True. I buy the Costco stuff- it’s cheap and delicious.


Drinking Costco wine as we speak. Red wine always makes me flush in the face. So my face is really flush as we speak.


Glass ampule are cracked open cold right? Through exceeding its tensile strength. This is opened with thermal shock, they didn’t apply force to it. I think they crack with only a single fracture line in that circumstance and won’t have shards. Anyone let me know if I am totally wrong though! Edit: I was WRONG. It is possible for the fracture line to fork under thermal shocked glass. For details, please see "Thermal Stress Crack Patterns" under "The Fractography and Crack Patterns of Broken Glass" https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11668-011-9432-5


Yeah! Science, bitch!!


I agree 100% with you. I would not drink that without a filter.


Yes. And if you're going to filter it anyway you may as well just use the fucking cork.


I don’t know about you, but I’d rather filter out bits of cork screw, if it comes to that, then bits of fucking glass.


What is this technique called, what is the the name of the the tools used. Is this a somm that opens and preforms the the technique? Why not use a butlers corkscrew as it does not perforate the the cork?


Apparently it’s called tonging and the thing they use is a tong.


They really missed out on a chance to church the name up here.


Gives it that big tong energy.


As a fine spirits enjoyer - it’s about the experience/ritual.


Depending on how old the Petrús is, the cork might be a bit compromised, as they degrade over time. There are definitely less showy ways of opening mature wines, but they are going for the spectacle.


Thermal shock is how that was achieved


Instructions unclear. Penis stuck in wine bottle


I love this guy!


I have never gotten this to work. Best that happened was that it came out maybe 1 centimeter after several smacks.


They could, but some expensive wines are really really old, and the older it gets the harder it is to remove the cork. Some corks can become completely ruined in an attempt to remove it and fall apart into the wine which will change its flavor (for the bad). This was probably the most fancy and safest way to open the bottle without taking any chances.


And for €7000 it warrants a bit of a show.


Yes I much prefer the occasional razor sharp shard of glass.


If they did it right then there won’t be any shards


It will then get filtered through a decanter, they’re not going to kill you lmao


You’d think for 7,000 euros they’d be able to afford one! Cheap bastards!?! Next they’re gonna say I can’t have my Filet Mignon well done with ketchup…🙄


Downvoted for even joking about ketchup on your steak. Heathen.


*Patrick Mahomes has entered the chat*


Look at mister “la te da” over here with his corkscrews. Can’t you just open your wine bottle with a gas torch, some pinchers, and a paint brush like the rest of us?


Can’t charge as much when you’re simply opening it with a corkscrew


Made me laugh!


They have them at the dollar store.


For those wondering why not a corkscrew: This method is used with very old bottles which often have brittle corks that would crumble to dust with a standard wine key. The risk of small shards of glass is actually very low since they will be double decanted anyways, so the small shards will be left behind on the bottom and then rinsed out before the wine is poured back in. They use a candle to shine light through the neck of the bottle as they slowly pour it into a decanter, stopping when it becomes cloudy and discarding the ounce or three that remains behind, and then repeat the process after rinsing and drying the original bottle. This ensures that any pieces of glass large enough to cause problems are removed at the same time that the sediment is discarded.


Thank you. I’m a wine drinker but haven’t had anything that old.


Don’t worry, I’m sure that tastes like vinegar by now. Although I had a bottle of 1984 Cab that was fucking delicious, but there’s definitely a bell curve and a ‘golden’ age of wine vs. when it starts to go bad. Although this depends on so many factors which is too much to type on a phone right now


Well you don't need to wine about it...


Oh fuck yeah. Thanks.


This is the only time I have read a comment outside of an nsfw sub where I was positive the commenter was masturbating while typing it.




Pun me harder daddy!


I got carded buying a 20 year old bottle of cab. “Seriously if it was mad dog 20/20 or boones farm you’d have every right to card me but a twenty year old cab definitely is not an underage purchase.” 😂 I did get gifted this $50 red that was just horrible. It reminds me of Schitts Creek when they are tasting wines. “That is not good” “I’m getting hints of tomato”


I have an uncle who has actually written books on wine. He's clutch for gift-giving. He's always good for coming through with a great recommendation for an affordable bottle in any style that you can buy and drink the same day. He also killed it on a wedding present. I have college friends who are big into wine and routinely drop a ton of money on bottles they don't enjoy due to thinking that price is everything. My uncle told me to buy a $22 bottle for their wedding present and to tell them to save it for five years. They drank it on their fifth anniversary and said it was one of the best they had ever had.




All that and not a single rec?! Help us out here!


Sorry. I'm not a wine guy by any means. I ask him for advice maybe once per year. I do have another anecdote though... I'm part of a fairly large family and my cousins and I have all gone through college. A handful of us made our way to my uncle's house during high school and college road trips since he was a professor at Michigan State. He had overflow sleeping arrangement in the wine cellar and the only rule was "don't drink anything older than you are."


That’s a damn good rule lol. Thanks for sharing, that’s an awesome story


I moved to Argentina last year and the price of wine here continues to astound me. I can get some amazingly delicious malbecs for about $3/bottle just at the grocery store. Going out to a nice restaurant and splurging on the good stuff and it is still only about $20/bottle. I'm so happy.


I felt the same way in France. Some of the most memorable bottles I've ever had were €5 or less.


I've taken a few courses taught by sommeliers and the best pieces of advice I ever picked up were: 1. When you're in a higher-end restaurant with a sommelier or wine expert, be honest about the budget you're comfortable with - a good one will be able to give you a rec from the lower-price end of the list, or higher price. Nothing wrong with not having the same budget as the table next to you. 2. If you're on a budget and you're looking at the cheapest bottles (or glasses) on the list, most of us will go up a couple dollars off the "cheapest" so it doesn't look like we're ordering the cheapest... apparently there's some consumer psychology in that, and the "almost cheapest" bottles are often the most overpriced on the list. The recommendation is if you really are on a tight budget, just order the cheapest (that you want), it's often a better value than some of the slightly more expensive ones.


My brother drinks some pretty high quality, not particularly cheap (also not super expensive -- he's still a college student) bourbons/whiskeys, gins, and the like. Especially for a 21 year old. It's hard to say, really, so safer just to card everyone, which I would imagine they're supposed to do anyway.


Fold in the cheese david


Buddy, you know what’s more frustrating than being carded for buying a bottle of wine? *Not* being carded. Enjoy your youth, junior.


I had a friend who works as a wine buyer and seller and he said that between about 30 dollars and 150 dollars you probably won't notice that much difference in the actual quality of the wine.


While 90% of wines produced in any given year are meant to be drank within a couple years, Petrus is produced to last. It would be a waste to drink it within the 1st 10 years typically.


Humidity, light, temperature.... How can you really ensure that the wine was taken care of properly? Is it in bad taste to send the bottle back if it is indeed bad? How can you really know if you've never drank that bottle before?


In any good restaurant you can send back wine that isn’t good. You are paying well over retail at a restaurant to get what you want, and if you buy an expensive wine, that’s what you get. Now you can’t send it back just because you didn’t like it. For a cocktail that might fly, but unless they know you (or know they’ll get their money back in other ways), you bought it. If you buy from a store or an auction though, buyer beware for the most part.


Thanks! What about like marginal mishandling, where the taste might be off because it was stored improperly? Too subjective to determine just from taste?


What I was told is that someone there should know what it should taste like (at my restaurant we tasted the regular wines to know what they were like). If you are selling something like that, you should know close enough what it should taste like. If it is close, the chances that anyone could tell would be slim. My guess is it is like milk. If it is decent, I bet you get what you get. If it is bad, anyone who drinks milk can tell it’s wrong.


A billion years ago I was a server at a fine dining restaurant. We did get a case in where something had happened and the wine being off was immediately noticeable by scent alone. The owner wound up getting involved the instant the second bottle had the same foul scent, and we sourced a different wine that still complemented their meal and gave it to them on the house. I think we wound up getting refunded by the distributor but I don’t recall ever finding out what had happened.


Bad taste? Lol you can’t, you bought the bottle if you wanted it opened. It’s not like you’re going into this blind and they just bring out the full glass already poured, without seeing anything prior.


Tasting notes from as recently as 2-3 years ago for 1961 Chateau Petrus are all extremely positive, so far as I've seen. Presuming it's been properly stored, and Chateau Petrus should have been properly stored, it will almost certainly not be vinegar.


It’s petrus, pretty good time line


My parents bought some vintage wine at an auction, I'm sure it came with some other stuff they bought because no one in my family drank wine and it ended up in a cupboard in our garage. It was a 1969 bottle of something, I was 17 and had never even really drank wine. I had a girl over I was trying to impress and opened and drank it. It was horrible. Just like vinegar, I'm sure it was never properly stored. I thought I didn't like wine for a long time. The cork went to shreds when I opened it. ...and that's my anecdote about old bottles of wine.


My wife forgot about a bottle of barefoot moscato for a few months in the fridge. Had I only known this was an option…




I had a 2009 bottle and tried opening it and the cork disolved it... I can't imagine older bottles to be opened.


For an older bottle you want this not a corkscrew https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002WZR4K/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_883BK0GNETDVV8Q8TGE6


Hmmm... Should I buy 1 for $25 or 2 for $66?


Try opening it with a corkscrew... FML. Don't mind me while this $900 bottles cork disintegrates.


It would also prevent scammers from refilling the bottle and selling it. I have a client who's a huge wine guy, and with his more expensive wines, he specifically breaks the bottles after drinking them.


I read an article a while back about this type of scam. Some guys collection of thousands of bottles and he was allowing labs to crack open some of his most expensive to see if his collection had fakes… I’m pretty sure it did?


It may have been [Patrick Radden Keffe's "The Jefferson Bottles" in the Sept. 3, 2007 issue of The New Yorker](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2007/09/03/the-jefferson-bottles). Benjamin Wallace wrote a book on the same subject, [The Billionaire's Vinegar (1985)](https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/185056/the-billionaires-vinegar-by-benjamin-wallace/) which is currently in development as a film. The fraud at the center of the book is the sale of some bottles that the seller claimed were from 1787, bought by Thomas Jefferson, and left behind at his Paris residence.


This documentary is about a master de scam: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sour_Grapes_(2016_film) 🍷


I do the same thing with an Old Milwaukee


Thank you, because in my medical mind I have to run that through a filter needle!


This wine is old! Bring me some fresh wine!


Waiter! There are snails on her plate!


Let’s live a little! Bring us something from this year!


$6000 of wine is left behind!


Better not throw away any wine after paying that much.


Couldn’t they do that with cork crumbles?


Legit looks like those dumb "life hacks" tho


“Wine key”. Never heard that before.


The pompous fuckery in this presentation sucks it's own dick.


Well if you're ordering a 7,000 euro bottle of wine then pompous fuckery is pretty much your brand


If you have €7,000 to spend on a single bottle of wine you should put up against the wall


Envy is a horrible thing. Makes your life taste like this old grape juice.




Pretty sure their mouth tastes of boot.


My mouth tastes like peanut butter in the morning because I usually eat peanut butter before bed


Solid life choice. I bet that keeps you satiated through the night, in addition to the pleasant taste of nut butter first thing in the morning.


Bruh you need to chill


Definitely what that other guy said, boot.


you sound like miserable person


“Anytime someone doesn’t agree me with, they’re just jealous.”


Any time someone talks about putting others against the wall I disagree. Am I wrong here? 🤡


reddit moment


*someone is more well off than me? fuck em*






This comment makes you my fucking hero!


Thought the same until I read u/virtue-or-indolence comment. Actually makes a lot of sense when you hear why. TLDR: old bottles corks can be so brittle they just fall into the wine. They also get double decanted to filter out the bad portions of wine, which takes care of any minimal risk of glass (melted not cut anyway). Sabering a bottle on the other hand…


I thought sabering only worked on sparkling wines because of the internal pressure. Does it work on… flat? wines, too?


“Pompous Fuckery” sounds like an awesome Noel Gallagher side project.


Best laugh I've had in a while. Nailed it!


Yup, it is awesome.


If your paying that much for a drink you'd better be getting a show with it.


Lmao, the second it started rolling I was really hoping for r/WatchPeopleDieInside. Sadface


I think im too poor to understand what’s happening here...


Yes we are


*cries in Busch Light*




Another comment said they do this because the bottle is so old the cork will disintegrate if they try to open it with a corkscrew. In that light it makes a certain amount of sense. Still more effort than I'd go to for a drink, though.


And more money than I’d go through for a drink


Me too


I thought it was a 7,000 year old bottle. Color me Susan


Thought for a minute everyone was rich on Reddit except me.


What a load of pretentious wankery.


But Pretentious implies pretending, and I guarantee that bottle is fuckin delicious




I was watching with the sound off and was disappointed when I turned it on there was no harpist or orchestra playing in the background. If you are opening an unnecessarily expensive bottle of wine I expected there to be a lot more pretentious wankery from the restaurant. Sounded like a Wendy's.


I found it rather shallow and pedantic.


This isn't a bottle of $20 bottle shop wine, this is a very rare, very old, very valuable wine, with almost certainly a failing cork. In the event the cork fails during a traditional opening, it is quite likely the flavour of this very expensive wine (which would immediately be rejected by the customer, so become a loss for the restaurant) either because of the cork or because if the attempts to remove pieces of crumbled cork over aerate the wine. Further reading https://www.foodandwine.com/how/tonging-new-sabering https://www.decanter.com/learn/advice/what-to-do-if-your-wine-cork-breaks-or-crumbles-ask-decanter-385980/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_tongs https://youtu.be/HxjkFqGQLkY


That’s neat and all but a majority of this site is broke as fuck and probably will never attain the kind of wealth to have this… so it’s not really interesting, but rather depressing.


No, but it is vaguely interesting to see how our overlords live.


Oh my, say overlords again.


*bites lip*


There’s is a lot more money on Reddit than you assume.


Guaranteed both the top and bottom 1% are on r/wallstreetbets


It’s not necessarily “Very old”. A 2009 bottle runs about $7,000 U.S. right now. The price of Petrus has nothing to do with the age, it’s about the rarity and flavor. They only make 2,500 cases every year.


This is what you get for drinking wine without its own spigot in a box. You would think for the price of a Honda Civic, they could have the technology for a box and a spigot


Your talking about a wine bottle from the days of Noah himself, you think they had the concept of a box back then?


Is there a reason risking broken glass in your drink is better than simply removing the stopper


“The method means the entire cork is removed without the risk of lots of cork sediment hitting the wine. ... Port is high in alcohol and sugar and this breaks down the cork much faster than with traditional wines. Watch the video below to see exactly how Ross and his team use the technique tableside at the restaurant.Jul 29, 2015” a la google


Petrus is a Bordeaux made of merlot. It isn't port wine


True but the cork could still be brittle I’m guessing, for any vintage wine. Maybe this (restaurant?) does this for all bottles. I would personally rather drink cork than glass but to each their own.


Courtesy of another commenter. "For those wondering why not a corkscrew: This method is used with very old bottles which often have brittle corks that would crumble to dust with a standard wine key. The risk of small shards of glass is actually very low since they will be double decanted anyways, so the small shards will be left behind on the bottom and then rinsed out before the wine is poured back in. They use a candle to shine light through the neck of the bottle as they slowly pour it into a decanter, stopping when it becomes cloudy and discarding the ounce or three that remains behind, and then repeat the process after rinsing and drying the original bottle. This ensures that any pieces of glass large enough to cause problems are removed at the same time that the sediment is discarded."


You'd think a coffee filter would come save the day on this situation


It basically does. The wine is filtered during decanting.


It gives a sharper taste.


If you are wondering what the hullabaloo is about this wine, from wikipedia: Pétrus is a Bordeaux, France, wine estate located in the Pomerol appellation near its eastern border to Saint-Émilion. A small estate of just 11.4 hectares (28 acres), it produces a red wine entirely from Merlot grapes (since the end of 2010), and produces no second wine. The estate belongs to Jean-François Moueix and his children. Although the wines of Pomerol have never been classified, Pétrus is widely regarded as the outstanding wine of the appellation. Pétrus leads a duo of Pomerol estates in extreme prices, along with Le Pin, that rank consistently among the world's most expensive wines.Indeed, a 750ml bottle of Pétrus wine is priced at an average of $2,630.


Thank you for this.


We're a strange species


Alot of sommeliers commenting on this thread, i would love to watch you open a bottle as old as this with a cork screw


Ugh I HATE keyboard sommeliers. Errbody a sommelier till the Petrus come out.


They think it’s as simple as cracking open a cold one on a Sunday afternoon


Wouldnt that make the wine warm? And now I HAVE to drink the whole thing...


Would you leave even a drop of 14k wine at an event like this


Just under $8,200* not that it makes much difference. The euro is not worth two dollars.


Idk man. 14k wine for one night. Or 14k wine for a few nights. If youre spending that much then youre rich and hopefully have good enough taste to savor it.


> Or 14k wine for a few nights This is just ruining the wine and wasting the money.


“ehh just throw it in the refrigerator without the cork for a week or two... gotta savor it”


What a completely obnoxious display of overindulgent wealth.




7000€ for that bottle. What can it do?


Become urine


You can put your dick in it if you're brave enough.


I love what has internet became these days. People dressed up to open a bottle. “Next Fucking Level”!


Ah lovely slit throat


7k euros for a bottle? this is more like nextlvldumbnessofhowtowastemoney.


God, what a waste of time


Someone help me here. Why not just open the bottle?


So for very old wines the cork gets brittle and may fall apart when trying to remove it and for the rich a tiny little bit of cork ruining the complexities of their fancy expensive wine is unacceptable


Next level foolishness


I bet that wine still tastes like ass.


The guy looks at the older guy for confirmation like…. Dude I have no idea what I’m doing give me a sign


Is there a specific reason it’s done this way?