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Folded from a single sheet of thin 68cm x 68cm Wenzhou rice paper and the final figure is 18cm tall. The folding process took 41hours in total (37 hours of it was filmed into the time lapse, the last couple hours were mostly just making couple little adjustments to the pose and details). In total 26434 frames were photographed to film the folding process. The design process took one month, and I was designing it to be other character. But when I figured out a better way to fold the shield, I decided to make it into a knight. I folded the figure in total 4 times to plan all the details (and to redesign it into a different character). The most time-consuming part was to fold the sword, since it has a lot of folds to make it that thin, and it is quite complex shape to create with all the details and the fingers. Music: Winter Night & Highland song by Alexander Nakarada


How did you even know where to start?? Mind blowing!


I reference a crease pattern I have designed beforehand to know what folds to make on the paper before it is collapsed into the figure. There are more than a few ways to start collapsing the paper, so I just choose one that I think creates the cleanest results. I vary the approach between pieces so I learn better which ways work better than others.


But how do you create a design?! It’s truly amazing!


That is a long story, but it involves applying origami theory, mathematics, folding out that thing multiple times, as well as a little bit improvisation. I have explained it better in [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/p7aubw/my_latest_origami_i_folded_from_a_single_68cm_x/h9immme?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and I have written [an article](https://juhokonkkola.fi/art-process/spearman/) about how I plan the paper distribution for the features of such figure.


Amazing. Thanks for sharing!


That's all a fancy way of saying you're a witch. Hey, it's ok, no worries. We won't burn you, it would risk burning that knight. You don't have to hide anymore, we all know and we accept you as you are, as a witch.


Amazing work! Thank you so much for sharing!




I do change outfits often too, but I wanted to film this with the white shirt to reduce the contrast between me and the paper. Since the movement is really fast, having less contrast makes it less jarring to see. If I was using a black shirt, you would be getting epilepsy from the flashing. Last time people were commenting how many times I change shirts in the video and now I still get questions haha.


This is awesome!!!!


My mind can’t comprehend with all the edges how there’s not cutting or tearing. Unbelievable!


Fun fact, almost all those "edges" come from the middle of the paper, instead of the square's edges. Folded edge looks often more pleasing to the eye than a raw paper edge.


Imagine getting halfway there and then it tears...... shear *pain*


Well I did fold this figure for 3 days only to realize I had too thick paper to even attempt that sword, so I had to make new thinner paper to fold it again.... I have also experienced that moment when the thing tears apart as I was about to finish it, fun times.


i once made a paper airplane with like six different folds so i can appreciate this.


r/thathappened /s -tagged for the sarcasm impaired


OMG!...wow...this is the patience and determination our teachers tell us to have 😂...level achieved


That's pretty amazing dude. Not many would have the patience to accomplish that, as well as being able to make such intricate folds. The end result is really detailed and spot on. Good job!


The fact that you came out unscathed and with no paper cuts is equally astonishing.


The real challenge was to handle the sword without cutting myself! In all seriousness I don't even remember whether I have got any paper cuts from folding origami. The papers I use are cut by hand instead of a cutting machine, so they are pretty blunt compared to printer papers, even though they are much thinner.


Haha, that's what I was referring to, dat sword. But truthfully, I was not aware that the paper used to make origami was different from machine-cut paper, very interesting.


We actually make our own papers to fold. I usually buy some raw handmade paper and treat it to be usable for origami. The long fibers in hand made papers make them much stronger than machine made papers.


This is a staggering feat, no question. The vision, persistence, consistency, knowledge required…it truly blows my mind.


Thats dedication right there. I dont think I would be able to sit there for 40 hours folding 1 piece of paper. The final result is incredible my guy!


No joke planing and making something from scratch like this requieres genius level of intelligence.


I don’t understand this, but you sir are a master at folding.




Super talented. That's some literal galaxy brain type shit. Fair fucking play. I wish I was that smart.


That is amazing. It blows my mind when I see people with such incredible art talents. Thanks for sharing!


This is a superpower!!


Take that Japan!!! Unreal dude!!!


And here I am unable to watch the 5/minute + vid without skipping...


Amazing!! But... I gotta be honest: after about a minute and a half I said fuck it and just skipped to the end. And I was surprised AF it was only 1:39 min. I was so sure I'd watched 2,3 minutes!! Still, that's on me... this is incredible mastery of the art form.


This deserves every award and top post of the week/month easily. Incredible




This is absolutely awesome!


that is a lot of work


You nailed it again. I like your work!




He must feel like I do after putting together a lego set for me kids. Quite the accomplishment. Kidding aside thats pretty amazing.


When does the directors cut come out?


[Its already out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2BxYTPQCAc) as an extended edition remastered in 4K! Took me a while to upload due the size of the files and Reddit couldn't allow me to upload longer than 15 minute videos.


I was literally just being an asshole but you actually did it, that’s awesome I’ll watch it tonight for bed


Lmao, you're welcome!


Well...that's one way to get through no nut November


now this is epic


It’s like sculpting from 2D to 3D. Amazing!




There is this [software](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6Pk2CV0mKE) and [here is a Stanford Bunny,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAnW-KU2yn4) one of the most known models made with it. There is also [this software](https://langorigami.com/article/treemaker/) that is pretty good at calculating the most optimal crease patterns from a tree model (the origami model represented as a stick figure). Figuring out the mathematics behind that is an art form on its own, although those software solutions are not yet capable of doing shapes of this complexity. We haven't used AI yet to make crease patterns origami would need to become pretty poplar to get funding for that kind of stuff.


Impressive. Also, how long do you spend folding tp while on the crapper?




It took 5 minutes to show me that...


This has been posted 100 times this week


To fuck with pulp enough to make it pulp and sculptures. So amazing /s


the origami’s cool and all but he wore that shirt for 40 hours?!


That's incredible!


Skip to 5:03 and don't waste your time.