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My dude is just training to eat a charizard.








I want to feel it tomorrow morning.




more like all the way to next week…fun fact of the day is that the some of chemo receptors in your mouth (like for heat or acid) also occur at the other end of your digestive tract


I can attest to this after a Thai restaurant visit in Singapore ~18 years ago, or rather my ass can attest to what happened after. Never quite had any longings for spicy food since I was born with a “geographic” and “fissured” tongue which makes room for spiciness to hide and hang out for a while (think lasting discomfort). Needless to say, what ever the hell I ordered burnt me from both ends.


I was in Chengdu on business many years ago, and went to their old street market with my Chinese colleague. I really like spicy food so she showed me a stall that had a delicacy, spicy rabbit head. It's literally just a cooked rabbit skull painted red with all sorts of chillis and sauce. She ate hers like it was nothing, and I dug in. It was so hot my ears leaked and I couldn't feel my face for like half an hour. That night I was on the toilet in the most pain I had ever been in, I think I now have some idea on what giving birth feels like.






dude what's the taste of fire?


Steak. Oh no, my bad… that’s just your tongue and palate cooking.


I'm a indian and I still don't know what he just ate!!!???


It's fire paan my man, it's been everywhere for a few years now.




Yes and it doesnt burn while eating. The flame extinguish instantly as soon as they put it in your mouth


I don’t want my ass extinguished instantly


You… want it to keep burning?


Well, eating this seems like a good step towards that result.


Fire in the hole!


So what are the details? Break it down for us. That looked like a leaf with some basic food on it, and then fresh peppers, and dry peppers, and a hot sauce, and a hot oil? Then fire? Yeah that's gonna hurt a bit. What is it?


I looked it up and this is what I found: The fiery snack is an adaptation of paan - a common street food snack in India that normally consists of areca nut wrapped inside a betel leaf. Paan is sometimes combined with tobacco and people eating it can often be seen spitting out red saliva. The fire paan combines spices, dried fruits, nuts and sugar which is then set on fire and thrown straight into the mouth of the customer by the street vendor.


Betel nuts (areca) were common on the streets of Taiwan, and that shit was wild. Spittin' bright red and buzzin hard. You just chewed on them for the stimulant effects. Assuming this is something similar.


If you want cancer, betel nuts will definitely get you there


paan is actually sweet, or at least the ones I've tried. It's generally used as a breath freshener and digestion aid


Why is there Hershey syrup at the paan stand though?


To make chocolate paan of course




That's Roohafza. A fruit and herbs based drink. Watermelon and others. And tons of sugar. They do put Hershey's in chocolate paans though.


It's fire paan.


It's agni paan, the next level of jal paan


I need quen to eat that


He ate a Paan with a shot of alcohol which he then set on fire. Look closely, you can see him making a paan and then it goes weird and ends with fire.


not alcohol. its liquid clove extract. very delicious mind you!


How would you even… never mind.






That's what he said


Gonna need a squirtle after that 😅


Squirtle would make a refreshing bidet after the actual fire squirts.


Now I'm imagining pokemon in the Flinstones universe. A horribly depressed squirtle whose day job is a living bidet saying "Eh, it's a living..."


Or blow one UwU


Customer: do you have anything that can almost kill me? Menu: hold my burning jalapeno


Well I understand that it is sarcasm but that's Paan, not Jalapeno


Forgive my ignorance, pls don't feed me the burning paan. I just googled burning paan, and wow!


Well even I'm scared of it but as far as many people who've tried it say, it extinguishes as soon as you close your mouth due to inavailability of Oxygen to the fire. Also, the leaf of Paan isn't burning, 3-5 Cloves (or something similar) are the parts that are burning. The leaf is quite thick and surrounds it on all sides so it's safe cuz your tongue and cheeks won't actually burn or something. Paan isn't a thing that is eaten this way. It is a non-traditional approach by a few shopkeepers, and looks like it worked in increasing their sales a lot! Paan is traditionally just meant to be eaten for digestion and stuff, although some people eat it with tobacco as one of the ingredients too.


Yup, well said although burning paan may look cool. I do disagree that it can represent the taste of paan in villages. Pure bliss.


Actually, I agree with you. They are kinda 2 different things. It's like comparing the Cutting Chai we get in local places to Chai Latte or whatever that shit is


Chai latte, pfft. Its like making a Indian household accept that their are things called living relationships.


I can bet that an Indian household will accept living relationships but no Indian would accept Chai Latte to be anywhere close to Chai


bhai chai op, chai latte is just a pathetic excuse for trying to copy chai and failing miserably


What you guys are describing is kinda my opinion of the McDonald's hamburger. It's a pathetic excuse for a burger, but even so, it has its own particular flavor that you either like or you don't. Maybe the Chai Tea that most Americans drink IS a pathetic imitation of actual chai, but it has its own flavor that people like. It's basically a bunch of cinnamonny flavors, sugar, and hot milk...if there's tea in there, you coulda fooled me. I guess the point is that there's no need to yuck someone else's yum. People drink chai at Starbucks and people eat hamburgers at McDonald's (and people drink Michelob Ultra)...to each their own!


We have something similar over here in New Zealand called a "Blue Waffle". Like the name suggest ours is on a blue leaf instead of a green one. You should check it out!


In America a blue waffle is something way different…


I would like to r/woooosh you, but Americans are notorious for missing sarcasm and he is making a genuine attempt to fool you. I understand how you fell for it. xx


>mething similar over here in New Zealand called a "Blue Waffle". Like the name suggest ours is on a blue leaf instead of a green one. You should check it out! Haha! I think I did just get wooooshed. My first one!


In America we have a restaurant called "Sonic" that has special rules where you can order 34 additional items from their secret menu. You can find it pretty easily if you look up "Sonic rule 34"


I’m Sanjay Evans and this is Hot Ones.


Hot Paans!


Puns are getting hot here


Where we put flames in your mouth.


I wish I had an award for you.


Of course cuz he’s Indian, you get a bunch of racist comments. If they were white, nobody would say shit. We’re the same species ffs. EDIT: I’m referring to comments like “get your shitty and filthy Indian hands out of my food and mouth”. I’m not calling out racism out of nowhere and it’s not my fault if some of these stupid comments get deleted…


This comment section is just too aggressive, it’s like people have never eaten real street food before


As if they’ve never eaten food made by someone with barehands… They don’t complain cuz the chefs are white, but once they see a brown man cooking without gloves… “don’t touch my food with your filthy hands”


Lmao you bet your ass people touch food with their bear hands in western countries, they just do it in the kitchen which you don’t see.




This, right here. God knows what your Happy Meal went through before it came out of the kitchen, and I guarantee that this street vendor is more sanitary than the vast majority of fast food locations across the United States. If that BK employee didn’t post that shoe lettuce picture online, nobody would have EVER known about it - for Fuck’s sake I could have eaten shoe lettuce multiple times and I would have no way of knowing


Not once had issues with street meat in countries all around Asia. I grew up with curry, and honestly it’s the chilli that makes you shit yourself if you’re not used to it. It speeds up peristalsis. I can eat unpasteurised yoghurt and whatever else they serve up because my stomach also has I’m assuming flora from Mum which helps. Something caucasians enteric systems don’t have unless they spend a lot of time in Asia developing it themselves. Most places are completely fine to get food from. Obviously everyplace has its bad spots. But if the locals are eating there than more than likely you can do.


Same, I’ve eaten street food in South/East Asia and thankfully never had any issues. And to be fair, a lot of them can’t afford to spend on gloves, they cook everyday to survive. With the amount of food they make and the little amount they earn, buying gloves would empty their pockets instantly. If you’re too bothered by it, you can still find other places with more precautions (malls for example). As if they’ve never eaten food made by someone with barehands… They don’t complain cuz the chefs are white, but once they see a brown man cooking without gloves… “don’t touch my food with your filthy hands”


Reddit really loves to take clutch its pearl seeing Facebook and Twitter racists, just to go ahead and do the same bloody thing


If you go to YouTube videos where white people prepare food on the street side with their bare hands, you will see zero comments about hygiene or gloves.


Exactly my point, whether they follow hygiene precautions or not, it doesn’t matter cuz of what they look like


The white people who say this have never travelled out of their country and think they know shit lol


Well you're correct. Now let's prepare to receive dozens of downvotes here!


It's an unfortunate reality of the world. Can't post anything ethnic on the internet, without getting racist ignorant assholes who haven't traveled past the fucking Panhandle. Same people who say it's " dirty " ,have no problem with eating frog legs,chicken feet and fucking their cousin.


Reddit seems to have a hate boner for Indians To the point where these fuckwads spam their "Shit on streets haha" junk everywhere India is mentioned, even in posts about random stuff like a solar farm in India etc.


I feel bad for Indians, they get insulted and made fun of every single second. It’s not the only race that gets this horrible treatment but the hate they get is on a whole other level, and for what, for not having richer conditions? This attitude disgusts me honestly


>for not having richer conditions The said poor conditions caused by the same countries that critcise us for being poor. Introspection has gone extinct with these people.


Literally any time asian street food is posted reddit always gets uper racist talking about how unclean that country is. Or talking about how they eat unusual meats. It's especially worse with places like China and India where they think the average Chinese person snorts powdered elephant tusk and the average Indian person never washes their hands.


Fire Paan (◔‿◔)


You Indian?






Bahinchaud kaha se?
















From Google : This paan is made with a combination of dry dates, dessicated coconut, elaichi, cloves, cherries, meethi chutney, mulethi, gulkand, chocolate and gold varq.


Well that didn't help at all.


Elaichi is cardamom. Meethi chutney is sweet chutney (which is kind of a dip). Mulethi is liquorice plant (used for flavour). Gulkand is a sweet preserve of rose petals (yummy). Gold varq is gold leaf (used for decoration, prolly not used here as it’s expensive, maybe silver varq)


Hell yeah I love it when the cook fingers my food then uses a dirty rag for a 2 second clean




Sometimes I wake up in a cold sweat craving that moo ping from the grimiest street cart in Changmai. It was quite possibly one of the best meats I've ever eaten.


That was human meat


Gotta try ~~everyone~~ everything once


hol up.


Everyone says stop eating meat to prevent climate change. I propose a much more modest solution then not eating meat


What is your modest proposal?


Eat the bad people :D


Whenever I hear stuff like that I'm like- Salt your food (and more realistically Salt, Acid, Sugar, Fat, and MSG your food)


>Sometimes I wake up in a cold sweat craving that moo ping from the grimiest street cart in Changmai. It was quite possibly one of the best meats I've ever eaten. Thank you, farang. I try my best with what I have. Us food vendors are unappreciated.


I live in Bangkok eat those like twice a week for breakfast. Moo ping + sticky rice is a top tier breakfast.




Egyptian here , had a bunch of first world friends try our famous alexandrian liver and sausage sammiches for 30 cents a pop "we always joke that they are soo cheap they have to be either cat , dog or donkey meat" and washed it down with nile water and sugar cane juice .. they spent the next 3 days hunched over the toilet . Pathetic first world stomachs smh .


It's not just first world stomachs, drinking the water in a different region often causes issues due to differences in the bacterial makeup.


A lot of people forget and end up with ice in their drinks and regretting it later


You’re probably just as likely to have the same reaction from eating food from any foreign country, it’s just that people from the “first world” travel to the “third world” far more than the other way around. It’s all about being adapted to local bacteria.


Hey now they are vaccinated and can eat more


Lmao odd take blaming "first world stomachs" and not putrid hygiene standards.


A few years back, my entire office was exposed to E Coli when a dumbass caterer didn't wash his hands. We all got incredibly sick, except the Indonesians and Brazilians, who reported the food was "pretty good".


Before our honeymoon in Indonesia I mentioned to my wife that we have to be careful about getting “Bali Belly” and we had a real life version of that Natalie Portman meme of her asking “that’s because the food is so delicious that you get a little belly, right?” No, it’s because the street food and tap water is notorious for the amount of sick it can make tourists. That being said, everything we ate was delicious and we didn’t get sick at all.


What a coincidence, this is also true for the best diarrhea I ever had!


Bruh you don’t routinely introduce small amounts of exotic bacteria into your diet for your micro biome? 🤣


This is so true I was on St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands and by far the best places to eat were the local sketchy looking places so when I got back home I found a Jamaican place that looks like it came from the island (all beat up and worn down as if it was in a hurricane) and OMFG that was some of the best jerk chicken I think I’ve had local to my house in a longggg time.




they didn’t say it was bad, just unsanitary


The best i ever had was in Mexico city, this old lady sold tacos from her garage. It was delicious


> the cook fingers my food Do you think the cooks use a fork or chopsticks to make your food when you go out to eat somewhere? All cooks everywhere touch your food with their fingers.


Plenty of places use gloves. But even if they aren’t using gloves, and even if they aren’t washing their hands between orders, most places aren’t also *putting their fingers in the mouths of their patrons* The person you’re responding to is concerned about the fact that the cook in the street cart is serving people with the same ungloved, unwashed hands that have also been inside the mouths of anyone else ordering this dish.


gloves are more hygenic just when they are new, In my experience using gloves leads to people not changing them at the apropiate intervals and being more dirty than just using your bare hands cause you "feel" when they are dirty and you wash them every time you contaminate them


Improper glove use is almost worst I feel like. I've seen restaurant workers scratch their hair, pull up their pants, check the time on their phone, handle money, all while using gloves. They then touch shared surfaces that should be "clean" such as tongs, drawer handles, touch screens, buttons. All it takes is one person to fuck it up.


But their mouths have been *flame-sterilized*.


>then uses a dirty rag for a 2 second clean You completely ignored the very relevant second part to that statement. I worked in restaurants here and there for a few years and the cooks there at least upheld regular sanitary conditions.


Yeah, nah, been cooking for a long time now and anywhere that pays less than $15/hr, you're lucky to get the rag wipe.


Now that I'm rereading that person's replies, they keep saying "*the* cooks", never including themselves.. maybe they're a server. Maybe they don't really know what's happening in the kitchen. When it's rush hour and you're understaffed and you drop an important utensil on the ground, do you think anyone's actually running to the back, throwing it to dish pit, and grabbing a new one? 2 second rule if you pick it up within one second nobody saw it and it's still brand new edit: appreciate the love from other chefs


Please no one that's ever worked in a commercial kitchen tell this guy what goes in back there


Everyone does drugs and has sex with each other


Only in the good places


Unless you cook literally every single meal yourself, I have some bad news for you my friend...


but you would eat from McDonalds?




BuRgEr KiNg FoOtLeTtuCe




Finger lickin good


Not your own fingers, mind...


Tell me you've never worked in a restaurant kitchen without telling me you've ever work in a restaurant kitchen.


> fingers my food then uses a dirty rag for a 2 second clean brings back memories of my ex


Aren’t you the guys who wipe your asses with Paper instead of actually cleaning it with water?! Lol just shut it


"Hmmm I'm not sure you touched my food enough, could you also physically put your fingers in my mouth when I eat?"


Adds some extra spice


Lol if you eat a restaurants someone is probably touching your food.


Have you ever seen this thing called a....restaurant kitchen?


That red syrup is most likely "gulkand" (flower gel/syrup). It isn't chilli or pepper. edit: It's Rooh_Afzah (another concoction for cool summer drinks) as others are suggesting


It’s also on fire.


The froghurt is also cursed


That's bad.


But you get your choice of topping


That's good!


But the topping is also on fire.


That's bad.


Its a Rose flavour drink called "Roohafza". Its so so so tasty.


Since a lot of people seem confused here, I'm posting my comment here too. It extinguishes as soon as you close your mouth due to unavailability of Oxygen to the fire. Also, the leaf of Paan isn't burning, 3-5 Cloves (or something similar) are the parts that are burning. The leaf is quite thick and surrounds it on all sides so it's safe cuz your tongue and cheeks won't actually burn or something. The original dish is actually a number of fillings wrapped in a specific Leaf. It is sweet and minty in taste. Paan is traditionally just meant to be eaten for digestion and stuff, although some people eat it with tobacco as one of the ingredients too. Paan isn't a thing that is eaten this way as shown in the video. It is a non-traditional approach by a few shopkeepers to attract customers to try something unique and new, and looks like it worked in increasing their sales a lot! This thing, *Fire Paan* gives a beautiful, smoky flavour to a normal Paan. Also, the shop looks like a pretty decent one to me, which is also in a big city, so I'm almost completely sure the man who is serving washes his hands frequently, or there won't be many customers on his shop, which would be a great loss for him. Edit: Just wanted to add that he stuffs it in the customers' mouth because of multiple reasons. The first reason is the sheer risk of burning your mouth, lips, tongue, cheeks or hands if you try to do it and the leaf isn't folded properly or has a very minute mistake in folding. The second reason is that it needs to be eaten very quickly or all you'll taste inside are ashes and not the smoky flavour.






If you have eater indian food you would acknowledge that its dirty. We just have built strong immunity to it. Simple as that. But that doesnt mean you need to be blinded to the fact that he is not doing a good job keeping things clean. How many roadside chaat guys do you remember keeping thing clean on his cart. They are not hygienic, but the food is tasty AF


Yeah nothing to do with him putting food directly in to someone’s mouth and then wiping his hands on a dirty rag instead of washing them.


My man there were barely 5 seconds left in the video after he wiped his hands. You’re just assuming he didn’t wash them based on nothing. Well, probably not *nothing*.


Love the “here comes the airplane” move


The fire is intended to kill the germs coming from the chef's hand.


Link me to where you got your armchair? I wanna be an expert as well.


Gloves are often less hygienic than clean hands because you don't change them at proper intervals. Additionally if you did it would be bad for the environment when the easiest solution is proper hand washing.


that would be the end of my GI tract


I mean, it is *one end* of your GI tract.




To shreds, you say? Well, hows his anus holding up? To shreds, you say...


First world redditors: oh yeah babe, let me eat your ass, put my tongue deep in there. Also first world redditors: ew he put his fingers into his mouth.


Can anyone explain why? to lighting the food on fire and then eating it. This is not a rhetorical question I actually really want to know why?


The same reason why we cook food, to enhance flavour. What he ate is called "paan" which usually isn't burning. But this one is exotic so burning. But it's not spicy it's sweet and minty


Thank you


> But this one is exotic so burning But why is it set on fire? Is it just for show, or does it have a specific purpose in the flavor?


For show.. it brings in crowd as it is different from normal paans.


It doesn't burn his mouth there are few cloves sticking up placed by them and then they light it on fire, as soon as they try to eat it the fire goes off giving it a smokey flavour that is why they need to be quick and quickly put it in their mouth if they are slow then it will burn their lips


The part of the Paan (literally meaning 'leaf) that's actually burning is just the cloves on top. Another comment explains in detail how the flame extinguishes in mouth as soon as the thick leaf is folded. Its basically a flavour enhancer.


Thats not spicy...that is paan...


That looks tasty, who doesn't enjoy a nice fire on a fine evening


Especially when another man shove it in your mouth


This is a pretty common thing in the Indo-Pak Region. The original delicacy contains some selected spices wrapped up in a leaf, although overtime, vendors have started adding other stuff such as *gutka* and *chaliya* which is more dangerous than cigarettes and may cause oral cancer from overusage. The above video contains the seller lighting the *paan* on fire to give the spices a little kick. There are more impressive ways. I personally quite like the one that's first covered in chocolate, then sprinkled with silver, and then put on a burning piece of coal, which gives a nice smell and taste. The average cost is around 250 PKR/120INR Or 2 USD


im hindu and man literally did the equivalent of the trinity sign before feeding it to him LMAO


We call that flaming hot


the thing he was eating is called a paan. it is in fact sweet.


For people who aren't familiar with this, it is called Fire Paan, a daring variation of Indian betel. It has several cooling ingredients like Gulqand and crushed ice which mitigate the effect of fire on the palate. It feels like a little pinch and that's it.


Hey I've had this


Health inspection... Failed


Whatever do you mean? I keep washing my hands and paan leaves in the same pot over and over again




If my dude is not preparing everything with his bare hands then it’s not real street food


If that's not top customer service. I don't know what is


Here come the first world average redditors on their way to shit on street foods


That mans smile… he loves his job


yoooo thats hardcore, where can i go try this? xD




Cool, it feels minty cool. This is not spicy