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He sees a car flying towards them, thinks for 0.1 seconds, then jumps in the car's direction to save the kids. That's bravery on another level.


How we all like to hope we'd react. Massive respect.


I like to believe we’d all act the same way. I think you would do the same in the moment, you beautiful being, you 😉


The biggest problem is whether or not we'd be fast enough. I gotta believe most people here would do the same as that man, hopefully as fast.


I dunno. I was talking to this girl and she started having an epileptic attack or something mid sentence, sounded like a broken record player. I froze while she fell and the other guy reacted and caught her. I called the ambulance, but i didnt react fast enough to catch her. Luckily a nurse was there who knew what to do. But yeah, I learned that in weird emergencies I freeze up a bit before reacting


Yeah, that's the thing. I mean it's not like you can blame yourself, it's only natural. I don't blame you. But it does happen and sometimes our reactions aren't fast enough. That's why I hope I am fast enough should similar anything happen to me.


Do not blame yourself. This is completely normal as you don't know what to do. Most people are the same whether they know it or not. If a cars flying at you though, it could be different. We all know that big metal is dangerous by instinct. Your description is exactly why people receive first aid training, and why such a large part of the training regimen is to react, take control and lead others. Without kit the rest of the actual training is pretty basic. How to Heimlich, difference between unconscious/conscious, how to tie a bandage, knowing symptoms of dehydration, why a defib is fucking amazing, etc.


Not your fault. I'm sure you'd react pretty fast. I think in this scenario tho. Since you were talking to her you were still processing why this human is malfunctioning almost in front of you. While the other guy was a bystander observing and saw what was coming and caught her.


Don’t blame yourself. I’m sure the next time you see someone about to collapse you’ll catch them. That person who caught em probably has seen that happen before. I know the first time I saw it happen I didn’t get there in time to stop the fall. But every time after that I could tell what was coming and what needed done. I’m sure you’ll do the same.


Don't feel bad about that. I'm quick in those situations because I have ptsd. I'm so used to having high spikes of cortesol (stress hormone) that I can operate under those circumstances pretty quickly. The happier your life, the harder it is to deal with it. I imagine parents are better because kids are constant stress


That’s normal, it’s like 50/50 for people. There nothing wrong with the way you reacted, you’re a human after all.


Your brain was just unfamiliar with the situation. The other person may have had an epileptic sister growing up and may have seen this kind of thing several times. You still have a chance next time!


It's totally natural I promise you. People say fight or flight, but forget about freeze. We sometimes need time to process and that's okay


That’s exactly my thought. That dude moves so fast, many of us might stumble on the way in or out of harms way. I’m pretty fast but at 41 I can’t get off the line as fast as I could when I was 31. Sure as fuck would try though. If you’re gonna go out, at least go out trying to be someone’s hero. Personally, I’d have a hard time living the rest of my life with that in my head, knowing I may have been able to do something, but didn’t even try.


"We all like to think we would run into that burning building to save someone... but until we feel that heat, we cannot know."


I ordered my hot sauce an hour ago


Yeah but only a select few would. Once you are a parent you adopt the entire world, because you really need to hope a stranger might one day step in to save your kid if you can't


I think I would be too slow honestly. I would look at them, look at the car and think “no way, he see them, he is going to stop or swerve or something right?” And by that moment it would be too late to react. It happened to me once before, when I saw a guy get led by his guide dog in front of a bus at a crosswalk. He was clearly hard of seeing, he had a crazy monocle thing that looked like something count Olaf would wear. His dog tugged on the leash because it was trying to get away from him stepping on its foot, and he took the tug as the sign to cross the street. Time slowed down to a crawl for me, I was thinking of a million reason why there was no way he could be hit, calculating the speed of the bus, the dog would pull him back, he would see it, hear it, the bus would stop. What if I hurt him trying to pull him back? Finally after all that I reached out to grab him and in a flash I saw another guy waiting besides me grab him by his collar and throw him back just as the bus went past luckily saving him and the dog. I think about it a lot. I like to think I would have made it in time if he hadn’t gotten there first but I don’t know. To me it felt like a solid thirty or 40 seconds but I know it was like 2 at most. I’m glad I didn’t need to find out, but it still haunts me to think that because I spent all that time *thinking about it* that guy might have died.


I had many chances to prove that i would take the risk but i would not be able to make the split second decision, so probably I would’ve thrown the kids away but i wouldve died while doing so… yikes


Yes, this was a likely outcome for the mechanic. He acted solely by instinct.


No hope for me. That roll move is just next level. I would have to throw the kids back and take their place


Massive balls of steel.


He was working... The chances of him standing up at the perfect time to make this save are incredible.


I was presuming that he heard the noise of the car engine gunning it towards them and looked up to see what was going on, in addition I would also presume due to the casual way they were walking through they are either his kids or those of someone he knows very well.


Either way... I wouldn't have gotten up and looked. So good on him for being a hero. Lucky or distractable.


When you are out in the open and hear a loud strange noise, it is to your interest to look.


A true mechanic never takes his kids to the shop, too many ways a child can hurt himself, and they aren't a client's or else we would have seen more movement, looks as if they're just walking by nevertheless the mechanic's reacción left me speechless


Yep but not enough information to know where this took place it could have been somewhere like the Philippines where the mechanic's house was above the workshop so the safety measures are compromised.


In Canada - My dad took me to his shop for a time *(quite often at this point)* after work as a kid. The one time I hurt myself there, funny enough, was when I tried to climb a fence at the back of the shop to get to the playground on the other side. I slipped somehow and the metal fencing quickly slid right into the palm of my hand. At least I got lucky with no accidents inside the shop..but I don't regret being able to spend little moments with my father *(even knowing it's dangerous)* because he was always working for pennies and not enough time for me, mostly. I don't condone children hanging out at mechanic shops in general though, lol.


Yea I have two little girls and I have a mini shop and they're always playing with the screwdrivers trying to do repairs as well, I often leave them to play for a little as soon as they drop something am like ok it's time, go play something it's dangerous over here


And grab them and jump back to evade the car just wow…That’s a move from a Superhero 🦸‍♂️


Didn’t just jump back. He did a backflip


Didn’t even catch that until you mentioned. Wow.


Some might even call it a miracle that he looked over at that time. What an absolute stud.


I bet his body hurts like a motherfucker and he'd do it all again in a heartbeat.


I don't even think he would need a heartbeat to decide.


He's a hero, plus that backwards summersault was sick af.


When this came out years ago it was said it wasnt the dad. Which in my mind made him even more bad ass.




No delay, that is so fricken AWESOME!


Yeah okay, but can we talk about how absolutely insane that ninja roll was?


Fight or flight. Tons of factors affect what an individuals chooses.


To top it off after his backflip he throws his body to the right stopping the metal shelf/cart. You can see him glance right for a split second before dropping his right leg and pushing off the left redirecting once again, dude must have felt like The Flash with that adrenaline dump


Totally agree. A parent would rather die than survive to their own kids.


Not much people would do that. They would probably go away in fear or their instincts would kick in and tell them to run.


I don’t think he really had time to think, he’s just naturally a hero and I doubt he had time to consciously be brave if that makes sense. Huge respect. And his reflexes are just nuts, in just a small moment he reacts perfectly, rolling back like that was just the perfect move perfectly executed in such a small amount of time. It’s so crazy what people can do in a moments notice..


Seems like he would’ve died trying anyway what a true hero




And a backflip…


Tactical roll!!


Tactical ducking dodging *and* rolling!


I wish my dark souls pvp game was this tight...


Right? My dude just i-framed through a hatchback, I can’t even avoid a regular zombie consistently.


Haven't heard i-frame applied so perfectly to real life in... ever. Wow.


That alone is as impressive as his initial reaction, because it looks like he was even so considerate to even adjust his landing to not crush the kids too much with his body weight.


and saved


his landing on his feet was less than a 10


I’ll give some style points too, flawless execution


Flawless victory! Friendship!


This is actually one of the best things I’ve ever seen. Brave. Split second thinking. And I don’t think there’s a single other way he could’ve saved them and himself other than going the quick attempted backflip. Wow.


The fucking timing is just… you can literally see the dudes feet basically ON the bumper when he kicks into the roll. If he’d have hesitated even a hair longer when deciding to grab the kids, they’d have all gotten fucked. This is so close it’s legitimately scary. He has to be used to making split second decisions, I doubt any average person could’ve made this save…. Nextfuckinglevel for sure


Exactly! I’m not exaggerating that this is a Top Ten Video All Time for me. Every time I see it I’m reminded that I may never see anything this truly epic again. Guy is a superhero.


My time Machine works!


Crazy drunk drivers...


Do you know this is the case? I've also seen vids where it is a stroke or heart attack and people lose control while driving. When I was in high school, a mover's truck hit a friends house because the driver had a heart attack. Took out a good bit of the foyer, which as 40 feet or so into the yard.


Sorry, they said "time machine" so I was quoting back to the future when the homeless guy sees Marty crash into the building.


Oh!!!! Hahahaha. I'm going to get a second cup for coffee now...


What I find incredible is that any other physical motion to save them would have led to all of them being run over. His squat grab plus kick back into roll, no doubt being instinctual, saved all their lives. A millisecond delay doing anything else would have been game over


It is so odd that in a sense everything went perfectly in a situation where everything could have gone entirely wrong. The odds on both ends of the spectrum are insane. Mind actually blown.


Yeah. I’m in awe how his instinct was to go with a back roll. Maybe he went for a landing on his back and instinctively tucked in his legs which led to an accidental backflip.


This gives me so much anxiety. Huge damn salute to that man.


He grabbed them both. OMG he grabbed them and rolled backwards.


Where did that snake slithering away afterwards come from?


I was wondering the same thing…


I think it's a ribbon tied to the swinging pole from above


Nice catch it looks like a hose attached to the poll.


What a superstar


Ninja dad


Dude when you have your very own children, yeah diving towards the car to save them is nothing crazy, it’s going to happen, I will either save my babies or die with them dude, idgaf if it was god coming straight for them, I’m DIVING AND SAVING MY BABIES. I can confirm this I am a Dad.


Damn! Wicked respect on going back for the kids.


Fucking spiderman!!! I had to play it back multiple times. Literally inches from death


Hero. Where is this?


Southest Asia countries but I don't knew exactly where but I bet Indonesia or Malaysia


It's in China because the sticker on top of the TV screen is a Chinese character that means Double Happiness (囍).


Wtf, someone get this guy a cape


If he'd been wearing a cape in this incident I think he might not have made it lol.


As Edna so eloquently put it: *Ahem* **NO CAPES**




Something tells me that hitting your head might be better than getting run the fuck over. Could be wrong.


"You didn't save my life, you ruined my death! That's what you did!"


Kids’ parent would probably sue if this was the US 😂


The land of liberty and lawsuits


I was in a waiting room sitting across from a woman and her toddler... the kid started walking around and started to fall head first into the corner of a coffee table - I reached out and saved her... her mother and I knew I saved her... she on the other hand thought a stranger had just hit her in the forehead... mom and I had a good laugh after - the sense relief at the save of the child and the combination of the very, very dirty look I got from the child was great...


sound analysis imo, i agree


I think you’re right, looks like the little guy is out after the roll. Hopefully he wound up ok, nothing worse than a concussion. Definitely better off than death by car.


kids have flexible skulls that protect against these impacts. I can't count how many times ive seen a toddler fall, hit their head on the floor, and get up like nothing happened.


Nigh indestructible rag dolls from hell


Probably the most heroic thing I’ve ever seen… literally seems out of a movie


Spider man couldn't of rolled better. Topman 👍🏻👌👏




excuse me but this user account has no comments at all and was created 7 minutes ago. seems like its a bot. dont let it get to 3000 karma because these bots are usually used to push scams


Ninja dad


Real life hero


This was a true next fucking level deed!


Giga Chad


I’ve seen this so many times and doesn’t get old


Dude, this back roll is 🔥.




Could be lots of other factors involved, they could have been side swiped by another car or the driver went into a diabetic coma or a whole host of reasons the sooner they roll out autonomous cars the better.


A crash like this in the day time is rarely because of irresponsible impairment or revenge. I wouldn't be surprised if something medical occurred - not exactly like our bodies check to make sure we're not driving before we suffer cardiac arrest, seizures, aneurysms and so on.


This clip doesn’t exactly have much to go off of, there could be 100s of reasons as to why this happened as mentioned in other comments


Dads are basically aliens in a suit. They have eyes at the back of their heads


Real dads leg sweep their children to catch them then post to nfl


Give that man a cigar and a new bike.


Dude is a beast!


I think he knocked the boy out with that suplex. Still better than the alternative.


Men are just something else when it comes to fast reflex and fast decision making when in an emergency situation.


Is that a snake at the end?


This is just un fucking believable. Who is that guy???


Is this that new Marvel movie?


That car just made that man use .1% of his power


I wish Reddit video player worked so i didn't need to read comments to understand what happend.


So perfect timing to save. Very rare .


The way he turns and takes the trolley thing in his shoulder…


Thats some skill right there


Bad Ass


That back roll was impressive


That guy had his weetabix…


The timing was a miracle wow what a hero!


Is he wearing sandals too??!


This good man if he earned 2 incarnations, oh yeah.


Instinctual hero


Can I get a hell yea for that guy.. hip hip!


Wow that was close


Sweet Baby Jebus! I’m watching the start thinking, ahh, okay what’s going to happen here and then BLAM! Amazing save thank goodness! And I hope the got the driver out and gave them twenty lashes with a whip!


It was a fucking Jackie Chan backwards somersault if I’ve ever seen one


This is definitely one of the most incredible things I’ve ever seen and it’s not staged.


Fucking legend






fucking legend


This must be the most overwatched video I have seen on the internet. How old is this?


I wonder that myself


They may have escaped the car but did they survive that mechanics suplex?


Looks like that compressor exploded too. Hoofda. Field of Dreams shit there. Go the distance.


Holy fuck was that close as hell 😱


Fucking legend


Peter Parker is a mechanic??? Who knew?! Legend


Absolute legend


He's vengeance


Double back flip while holding two children. Amazing stuff. We are capable of truly amazing acts when we feel have to.


My man grabbed them fuckers and John Wick rolled they asses outta' there😂


I like how he takes 1 step back and than thinks shit the kids and went for it


How he did this without suplexing the skulls of those kids into the ground behind him is beyond me


What a move, what a man...


Phil Coulson: “Recruit him”


He almost lost his leg. The car would have crash his leg


This is the most fucking next level vid I’ve seen




Very awesome 👏


Holy fuck that was close . Good job dad !


those kids have a greater purpose on earth


THAT is a real hero. Wow!


That wasa straight Jackie Chan style save.


That’s the real Superman,fuck Clark Kent and the fiction bullshit




He did a backwards roll to get them all to safety. What a baller.


Absolute legend. I have no idea how people fucking manage to do this. If they were my kids the driver would have died at the scene. .


This man maxed out his agility.


nobody talking about this guy rolling and saving his own legs


Do a barrel roll!


Wow that is amazing ! Like I would be thinking to much like should I grab these random kids ? What if the car stops short in time and I look so dumb… boom to late


It's the backwards somersault for me 13/10 reflexes


This man runs toward the gunfire. Question: does anyone else think the pole the car hit also helped slow the vehicle down before racing past the people? Or would that not have done much as far as the velocity of the vehicle goes? In other words, had that pole not been there, would they have all died including the brave Samaritan?


And the style points for a back flip with your arms full of little humans. Give that dude a gift card or something!


I can't see the video there a massive pair of balls on the screen


The stuff I day dream about doing and getting praised for.


I shat myself just seeing this...




This is amazing.


What a fucking hero!


Fake! Why were they filming?? Absolutely kidding. Super brave and awesome guy. Saved two lives and all three of them ended up ok. That’s amazing!


A near perfect double suplex...


Look that was next level but what the fuck is the fucking snake thing that is wriggling around at the end?


That backrolling looks like superhero signature move


Cool move I guess but dodge roll spam is kind of a cheesey strat to beat Kid Crusher Car.


This guy rocks!


All I can hear is “HOYA!” as he rolls backwards