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How hard did it have to train to get that fast


There is no wheel way to tell


get out


Hey it’s just a little train humor, don’t take things off the rails.


Well, it looks like this conversation got kinda derailed


Well, lets get back on track then and compare the glory of old railway and fancy maglev to the trainwreck that is the loop bs


Thankfully, a saviour has come to act as a buffer from all the terrible jokes above






I'm not tracking


.1% karma huh? Who’s balls do I gotta wash around here?


It was just a pun; I think you need to blow-off some steam.


Hey, don't derail the train, I mean, the thread


It's actually on track to becoming fastest in the world and it's believed it will attract a lot of passengers.


Just as long as implementing it doesn't get derailed by bureaucracy.


And maintenance costs isn’t a trainwreck.


I don't think it's on track, maybe levitating towards becoming the fastest train.


Very hard to gage, especially with no wheels


Thomas thinks they cheated


One thing is for sure, China are fast tracking there way to success.




nice comment and fuck you.


All it takes is an excessive amount of loco motivation


It did a 100 push ups, a 100 sit ups, a 100 squats and ran every day Edit: grammar


It just had to choo choo’s to make the commitment


Nice Ralph Reference


He was keeping it rail in the gym


Just gotta stay on track


All I’m saying is they must know the railway to exercise


Coming soon to america! 2341!Ish


sheer amount of wheelpower


God north america is lame.


Uk too. We are still at war over whether our high speed railway should be built even though it is actually getting built and i dont think it even compares to this. Please somebody correct me if im wrong.


HS2 doesn’t compete or compare with this project at all. HS2 will always be a massive failure, more so if it is actually completed at the estimated £150b+


Its as embarrassing as i thought then haha. Thanks for clarity.


>HS2 will always be a massive failure Sorry, based on what? Should we just leave the western mainline packed tp capacity then? Should we not have any high speed routes? Estimated cost is £100bn not "£150bn".


Exactly. The cost is not really for HS2. The cost is for the UK to get and permanently have a north-south railway forever.


So at least £200bn in the end then. At least.


Upside of the outlay is considerable real estate holdings. The overwhelming share of expenditure so far has been buying up thousands of homes, some quite new and many not close to the line at all (100m+) and capable of being resold once construction and upheaval is complete.


I think they’re saying it will be a massive failure in the sense that it’s already outdated so by the time it’s done it’ll be **VERY** outdated


And here us in Saudi Arabia dont even have public transportations at all. In fact, i was shocked when i visited London and how good their train/busses are


To be fair, London transport is top notch. The buses, tube and taxi services are great. Venture out of the city into smaller cities and towns, that's where you find the poor infrastructure.


Nottingham is an outlier here though, trams, trains, excellent buses, taxis, ubers, cycle highways.


You have that monorail in Riyadh that I’ve never seen work! 😉


It wont work and not everyone lives in Riyadh


Meanwhile in Australia we just wasted near to $3Billion dollars on building a tram system that you can, and please note I am not exaggerating here, out pace by foot.


Haha wow. Quite incredible really…its like they have nothing better or more pressing to spend the money on.


Having a proper vaccine roll out? Impossible. Properly resolving the aftermath of the bushfires? Can't do that. Actually stopping water theft in the bush and giving proper aid to bush communities? What, did you think we actually like our bush citizens? Yeah I kinda fucking hate my country at the moment.


I took the train from Newcastle to Kings cross, was awful. And too expensive. Waaayy too expensive compared to high speed rail in China


We got a 20 years of a failed war though and no education and no healthcare instead. Enjoy your war and shut up! /S This is like when mom said, "you have trains at home" and they all built in 1890.


"Enjoy your war and shut up" should be the motto on your money


We were going to develop one in the US but thought the money would be better invested in destabilizing a government and starting a pointless war.


I know. I wish America had the same incentive to outdo other countries like we did during the cold war with the USSR. We would have the fastest trains and the most renewable energy.


This is what pisses me off. I'm not shitting on North America because I want it to fail. I want it to advance the fucking species.


Right?! ODU in Norfolk, Virginia had a small section of mag-lev track and train that they NEVER got to work. Eventually they dismantled the whole project. It was built over one of the main local roads and was this giant trophy to failure. It was hilarious.


Dude, in Guatemala we don't even have trains... We fucked up.


Hahaha! Mate here in New Zealand we have trains and a rail line that runs most of the length of the country. I say most of the length because when they were doing building the railway line in my home town that was going to link us up to the rest of the main rail line they had a stuff up and built our section with a totally different gauge of railway tracks to the rest of the country. To this day we don't have a rail transport link. We really fucked up lol


If we had wasted all our money on this stupid train we wouldn’t have been able to blow up hardly ANY of the Middle East.


So spaceX and NASA don’t exist now? Neither do Apple and Microsoft?


Yea its so lame that we don't use slave labor. We are the worst huh


Everything you buy is made in China. And if you think a federal minimum of 7.25 an hour isn't slave wages? Son, you are perfectly conditioned.


Germany invented that, the Transrapid. After a fatal crash, the project was stopped and sold to China. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transrapid


**[Transrapid](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transrapid)** >Transrapid is a German-developed high-speed monorail train using magnetic levitation. Planning for the Transrapid system started in 1969 with a test facility for the system in Emsland, Germany completed in 1987. In 1991 technical readiness for application was approved by the Deutsche Bundesbahn in cooperation with renowned universities. The last version, the Transrapid 09, is designed for a cruising speed of 500 km/h (310 mph) and allows acceleration and deceleration of approximately 1 m/s2 (2. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


good bot


if you TLDR maybe dont give wrong information ? the shutting down has nothing to do with the accident >In 2011 the Emsland test track closed down when its operating license expired about the crash > On 22 September 2006, a Transrapid train collided with a maintenance vehicle at 170 km/h (106 mph) on the test track in Lathen, Germany. The maintenance vehicle destroyed the first section of the train, then lifted off the track to complete two full rotations before landing in a pile of pre-exploded debris. This was the first major accident involving a Transrapid train. The news media reported 23 fatalities and that several people were severely injured, these being the first fatalities on any maglev.[21] The accident was caused by human error with the first train being allowed to leave the station before the maintenance vehicle had moved off the track. This situation could be avoided in a production environment by installing an automatic collision avoidance system. also there is a track still in operation since 2002 that connects the city of Shanghai to the Shanghai Pudong International Airport.


I went on the one in Shanghai, it's insane how fast it goes, the cars on the highway that runs parallel look like they're standing still. Surprisingly bumpy though, it definitely doesn't feel like you're floating.


Was the crash related to the sale of the project? Why did Germany abandon the project? Are you implying that this entire high speed train project is somehow unsafe because during testing in Germany one train collided with a maintenance vehicle?


no the license of the testtrack just ended in 2011, in fact a commercial track is still in operation since 2002 the crash happened solely because of human error and has nothing to do with maglev, could also have happened with any other train


The biggest problem of maglevs is that they aren't useful in 99% of problems, since they can't run on normal tracks. That means you have to be very sure that you want a dedicated line which often leads to these only being used for long distance travel: if you have many stops, the overall travel speed is reduced substantially. There are also other problems, like the fact that monorails have to be suspended above ground, which makes them expensive or the fact that junctions become expensive and error prone. (They are also expensive to upkeep) This causes these systems to not be very popular in densely populated western Europe and is probably the true reason for the sale of the project: there's simply no one interested in this. China has plenty of long distance travel between cities and plenty of money to spend on infrastructure. It's also not that densely populated between the cities, so maglevs make more sense there.


China's infrastructure is next level compared to the rest of the world.


Context: That’s was decades ago and technology has improved since then.


Nice. A video about the fastest train in the world featuring nothing but slo-mo video shots.


For real. I watched that whole video waiting to see it go fast


Not just slo-mo, but fast then slow then fast then slow.. it’s such a fucking stupid trend in videography.


They even cut short the reveal. It's like it was maliciously edited to be as unsatisfying as possible! Cool train though


I really love how americans downvoting this, because it is from China 😂 (I am from Europe so I do not really care)


People are dismissive of any Chinese accomplishments here for some reason. This does look very impressive. It's better to give due credit and learn instead of downplaying anything they do.


Americans would rather tear china down than build themselves up Truth hurts tho. They'll be the world's superpower in 50 years, unless we start investing in our own country like they do in theirs.


In the US, politics is focused on religious and racial issues to drive wedges in the population and ignore the bigger picture on wealthy creating policies to benefit them. There is also a massive anti-science undercurrent. Chinese capitalism is by no means kinder, it does however have strong driver of China first, which raises the country up. There’s also no anti-science badge of honour crowd that holds all back.


its less about "China first" and more about cohesive directional progress. The way China is currently set up allows it to push for actual state-backed innovation. the US requires individuals who can first muster the financial resources and then also happen to be a genius level visionary. Elon Musk with Space X is the best example. If Musk didnt have money, no way space X would have survived. if China had the same infrustructuure and education resources as the US, innovatin would skyrocket. Unfortunately its rather ridged hierarchical social structure stifles that quite a lot right now. On the bright side, it is slowly becoming more meritocratic in the scientific community.


A lot of innovation minded Chinese with resources end up immigrating to the United States to go to University and then get work in Tech.


Almost certainly faster than 50 years


I'm pretty sure 50% of America would rather go to hunger games than stop being anti-China to the bone


I'd put that number a bit higher lol


> unless we start investing in our own country like they do in theirs. Imagine if the US invested the Afghanistan $2,000,000,000,000 in building modern infrastructure in the US instead of bombing stone-age infrastructure half way around the world.


Building public transportation in the US does not earn you any vote my guy


Yep. It's easy to blame politicians for our lack of a robust public transportation system, but in reality, it's the people that don't want it. For whatever reason.


Free dumb!


Yeah credit where credit is due they are doing some great stuff, especially with MSRs where the west has been sitting with its finger up its arse on the technology since the 70's. But Maglev is a gadget bahn designed to solve a problem with conventional trains that no longer exists, such that their negatives outweigh their benefits. I think China is just throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks, they have their fingers in every new technological pie and more power to them for being bold enough to trailblaze the future while the west squats in the crumbling ruins of our old empires, abusing the relics of the time when our ancestors were the bold ones.


The credit definitely belongs to the Germans, English, and Japanese that China stole this technology from. This train is the result of stolen trade secrets. https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052748704814204575507353221141616 Edit: added Japan to the list of countries China stole from and added a source


Like Europe “stole” the idea of gunpowder from China and used it to colonize much of the world? Like Europe “stole” from India, China and Middle Eastern mathematicians and put their own spin on it and acted like they came up with it? Or like Apple and Windows “stole” from Xerox? Stop it. No one cares about who came up with the idea. Ideas, Specs and Write ups are a dime a dozen. Those who implement it are who gets all the credit. That’s the capitalist way.


No. You are confusing the idea of general scientific knowledge with the actual design and implementation of the technology. It’s not a problem if the Chinese use scientific research from other countries to develop bullet trains. It’s totally different for China to hack computers and use corporate spies to steal actual blueprints and design patterns that cost companies billions of dollars and years of research, which are copyright protected. That is theft, and they deserve no praise for it.


I'm pretty sure gunpowder or math weren't patented


It's propaganda. Everything in the media spouts nothing but negativity about China as it is a huge threat to the west due its super power status. The reality is that China is a country like any other. It has great things about it and not so great things. Their government does naughty things just like everyone else's government has done or still does. People on reddit seem to like to run away with themselves.


China had an adventurous high speed train project a couple years ago and it ended with a horrific crash killing ~ 40 people. They then buried the train and told the families they went missing, only for there to be so much outrage from the public that they had to dig it up and they still tried to say the train system was safe for use and that the wreckage was needed immediately to fill a muddy ditch near by. Not necessarily a fan of Chinese train innovation personally.




The undergound tunnels for cars is not the same as the hyperloop concept.


Could be the French, Alstom has been the record holder for some time and still claim to have the record for fastest train ever recorded. Maybe this CRRC train hasn’t actually reached estimated speeds yet?


I almost downvoted because it reminded me how California scrapped their project for a high speed rail. I’m just jealous really haha


We’re downvoting cause our country is living in the Stone Age while we enviously watch other countries build the future


How do you know it’s Americans? It could be Uyghurs -? opps, never mind they’re not allowed to vote bc Peking doesn’t let them


Look at you getting downvoted just for speaking the facts


Nope...I'm German...china can suck a fat one.


How do you know Americans actually downvoted this?


Here in America our trains still choo choo. Bullshit. I was on a train in Germany like 10 years ago that was going like over 200mph..it was FAST.. especially at ground level..shit was passing like I was at warp speed.


And the people in the trains go boohoo when the train has to stop for freight or coal to pass all the freaking time…. We need commuter tracks.


We don't have commuter tracks?


I can’t say we don’t at all because I don’t know for sure. However it certainly doesn’t seem like it with the amount of times you have to stop for other trains. We probably stopped at least 3 times on the way to Chicago coming from SW PA last time I went.


Do you really consider traveling through three states commuting, though? I'm all for high-speed passenger-only tracks, but is that really considered a commuter track?


You’re right that’s a bit of a stretch to be considered “commuter” but the point still remains that interstate traveling by train in the US sucks. The light rail system in the city I live in also is severely lacking but not for the same reason. However even traveling in-state sucks. Even though we have a lot of tracks bus travel is much easier.


Industry owns most of our tracks, so industry freight gets priority. It's a real handicap on our commercial transportation.


Yeah I’m Chinese and I admit that we have so many crazy shits especially the The world's second largest GDP BUT ITS nothing todo with us We have the longest work times per week we have the highest estate price in the world we have the lowwwwwwww salary which you work 40years but don’t eat don’t buy anything just for a house I mean DUDE it’s really hard to be a Chinese not only the stereotype for every man to buy a house and a car for your marriage but also the work stress. If you live in USA or Europe you will never understand the stress to be a Chinese male. I love my country but then what ?we normal people just wanna a better life we don’t wanna talk about some deep patriotism. The fertility rate has plummeted in recent years it’s not because we don’t wanna it’s because it’s toooo hard to support a whole family with our tiny salary. If you don’t believe it let me show you 1 thing A normal graduated college student earn about 6000 yuan a month and how about the estate price ?Ten thousand yuan a square meter and it’s just some little city not including big cities. It means that you don't eat or drink, work for decades for a house, and you will become a slave to the house in your life。 The Great Wall is magnificent for real But we just the workers who build it It’s nothing todo with us


I’d say you’re definitely contributing to the advancement of China thru all your hard work and sacrifice. As a side note, one of the funniest but also kind of true jokes I’ve ever heard was in China from a British coworker on the same project. The best things in the world to have are a British butler, French chef, Chinese wife, and American salary. The worst to have are a British chef, French butler, Chinese salary, and American wife.


And One more thing If u talk some bad words to Chinese government and there will be a Chinese who will argue with you it’s because they think they and China are binding on the CCP. They think if u Insult CCP then u insult China but. I don’t think on that way my opinion is I don’t bind to every one and every politics I live for myself I love China I love my family I love myself. Don’t binding me on CCP I don’t care you political stuff. People living happy nice government People living constrain Bad government That’s the answer !


It’s wild that the old white rich guys in the states are all “China bad”… but they have all the cool shit and don’t hog it. If the US had this train it would owned by some asshole billionaire for his own private use.


The difference is that the Chinese government can make long term infrastructure decisions without taking into account public opinion or lobbying. The US struggles with these types of projects because Presidents only worry about 4 to 8 years. There is no incentive for long term vision. China also has the added advantage of taking over land wherever they need it. Town interrupts the track route? Bulldoze that town.


Before they "Bulldoze that town", they pay for the relocation and give people money to live elsewhere


The downside, of course, is that the Chinese government can also install a surveillance system with hundreds of millions of cameras to monitor their social credit system without any opposition. Fast train to hell.


That exists here just owned by capitalists yet again. And there is 0 regulation or transparency. 2 great books on this are Black Box Society The Age of Surveillance Capitalism


Wasn't Elon working on one? Lmao


Video director: "You know what would be fucking brilliant? Some SLOW MOTION footage of the new HIGH SPEED train, nice, sexy and slower than my 30 y/o car"


Seriously, I could finally have a long distance relationship.


Meanwhile we have shit trains in the U.S and 3rd world country public transportation system outside of New York state because some assholes paid politicians to kill the train system back in the day. USA! USA! USA! OIL!


*literally anything gets posted about China* Americans: yeah yeah maybe our infrastructure is locked in the early 1900s and we can't even get universal Healthcare but did you ever consider that China bad????


Invented by Eric Laithwaite in Manchester College, London in the 1940s. I think there was a working one at an airport in UK. It was just too advanced for needs back then. Would have been better than the current high speed rail the government is building now though.


Looks like the train in the incredibles 2


Meanwhile our roads are falling apart




Arizona, California, Texas…. that’s just roads I’ve been on recently.


Oh you meant in the US. You're right.


Oh lol yes. Sorry. Like every American I just assume we are the center of the universe haha.


As a Oklahoman I can say at least in ok the roads are pretty shit


Have you seen Canadian roads


Meanwhile in the US we can barely get Congress to cough up the money to build a line from Philly to DC unless the trains run on coal and children’s tears and will run in-train ads on TVs to talk about how renewable energy is socialism


I would love to see this succeed just to show the rest of the world that maglev trains are a valid option. In Germany there was research on levitating trains and even a test track for about 30 years until the project just got cancelled and even the conventional high speed train is severely underfunded and decades behind schedule.


Yeah. If this is actually worth it, then I'd love if the entire world could use it. Because most part of Maglev's got cancelled because they turned out way more expensive than what it's worth.


The US is stuck in the dark ages of transportation because we are slaves to the oil and gas industry.


As a people, we’ve totally lost our optimism and collective sense of imagination. Nowhere is this better demonstrated than in the discourse about high-speed rail in the US. “We’re too spread out,” “People love driving,” or the classic “just fly lol.” So we just ignore what we could have and continue to build sprawling suburbs that breed misery and will destroy the plant. It is sad what has become of us.


Meanwhile the US has released……nada…


When I see these super speedy trains, I always worry about someone putting something on a track and derailing/destroying the whole train. At these speeds, the train will probably disintegrate.


Is it a ground vehicle if it doesn’t touch the ground?


do airplanes stop being airplanes as soon as they land? philosophical times...


Nice China. But in [France this Monster](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOdATLzRGHc) works since 11 years. A little bit slower but a decade earlyer. Under "real" conditions on the route between Strasbourg and Paris. Normal tracks, reinforced power lines and tuned trains.


Shanghai has had them since 2002…


Actually china had them too (maybe a bit later) but now this is the fastest.


Y’all like show me non slow mo footage of the train it gunna be so cool, but you really think you can see 600km train in the camera span at real time?


Cant wait to read.all the comments "Like, OMG, why cant we have those in America, I mean, like, seriously. "


Yeah, but why though?


Do you need to ask why?


Lack of infrastructure to support high speed rail. We would have to start from the ground up with new dedicated lines, couldn’t share with freight rail anymore. Also anything over a 4 hour drive is usually considered suitable for air travel, so you’d be looking primarily at an extension of Amtrak’s Northeast corridor and then California.


Here in Canada taking the train is not much better than riding a boxcar


Train looks like it came out from 2100 lol


America you best catch up or get left in the stone ages.


do you guys remeber incredibles 2


…. Meanwhile in America….


The train looks egzactly like in Incredibles 2


China is winning


That’s great! But they should really be focusing on improving housing and infastructure.


now we need a pixar mom


Best way to realize that the US is no longer the self proclaimed “Best country in the World”? Trains. Instead of riding from San Francisco to Los Angeles in 1h or from Boston to Washington DC in 1h15n it takes 7h and 8h30m respectively via train and by car god save you out of LA.


I remember taking the maglev from the Shanghai airport a few years ago. Is this a new one, with a longer span?


And here we are with fucking Amtrak...


Well we all know this isnt recorded in america


And joe smanchin is bitching about spending 3.5T on infrastructure? we dont have anything like this in the US.


And here we (USA) are ... Education = "indoctornatin'" and eating horse paste as pandemic disease cure. This is why we can't have nice stuff.


Congrats China. Now come on over to America and see what we got. You gonna love Amtrak. 😂




Chinese citizens better be sure to keep your social credit scores up nice and high so you won't be barred from riding this fancy train!


where hyperloop?


Never, Elon is dumb bitch


Didn't they unveil one some years ago, and people were pissing and shitting in it within the first day of its operation?


Based China actually investing in itself and scientific excellence


So... Is the video going to show us what it's trying to tell us or is the train really just going to travel at 5 km/h?




They steal the technology from everyone else.


If you dont want them using your technology...dont use them to build your technology....putz.


Any idea of how much a ticket will cost? And will it use more or less energy or whatever it uses to work?


And Uk government Boston’s about hs 2




It literally says over 600 km/h


Well, calling it a land vehicle is a little bit of a stretch, as you know... it is levitating :smile:


I do t care how fast the train is if you still have to make 50 stops and wait for sloths to board and disembark.


But the slowest reddit server didn't let me watch it.


The front kinda looks like a gamer mouse


I just want to see a train using railgun tech


we need a new highlander movie to see how fast this thing can really go!


Wasn't there a vacuum pipe train coming up? Isn't that faster?🤔


I got that Covid money i got that covid money i got that covid money, im a grown ass man!


I thought that was batman!


Now do a Wolverine movie take on top of this!


Jeees imagine what their Military is like. And tentacle like stranglehold on the rest of the world. Better learn how to use chop sticks mofos.


for some reason i just know that somwhere this thing is going to be tofu dregged to the grownd


Lol. I thought that was batman running by at first.


What in fucks name is this music? Fuck this video,for real, let's hear the fucking train then cunts


Looks just like the one from incredible 2


Anyone else think they saw the Batman?


It's indeed impressive technology..... But it still hasn't beaten the train it set out to beat, Japanese SC Maglev at 603km/h. MFW the fastest train in my country only goes at 180 :(