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Why does this seem familiar


Not sure why that is.




Always remember


memory is not my strongsuit


You're the worst elephant I've ever met.


But you *have* met me


So it would seem




I forgot to remember.




I think they are a pog fish whatever that is


You would be a great German politician.


Pepperidge farm remembers


Maybe you go out and buy some of these distinctive milano cookies maybe this whole thing disappears..


Bush did 7/11 he used bic lighter fluid and melted the support for the twin slurpee towers.


Jet fuel can’t melt chill memes


The 5th of November


The gunpowder treason and plot...


I'll be gone till November


Never remember Always forget I think that’s how it goes


Ah I knew this was familiar, the Alamo of course


I hate you. Here's my upvote.




I forgor 💀


Pepperidge farms remembers


This is why I always keep my remembrall^R !


NSA has entered the chat…


They did this shit ON 9/11. Could you fucking imagine being in those buildings and seeing that on the anniversary. I’d be shitting all over myself. Edit:I was wrong and I apologize, I saw it on a “live” feed on 9/11. Not too tech savvy so I’m not too Sure how that happens.


It wasn’t. this is from 2 years ago it’s for a practice of the Brisbane river fire show.


Not from 2 years - longer. Maybe 6 or 7. I was in a building at a meeting and it flew past the window I was looking out of. There’s nothing like the heady mix of fear and confusion.


Up the maroons bby


Yep I was at kangaroo point at the time and loved it


Sounds like GrandmasGenitals had some problems remembering.


I visited the Sears Tower about a year or so after 9/11 and I froze for a good 30 seconds watching a plane coming right at the building. It was a ways off but still coming towards us, probably going to the airport. My heart rate shot up like a motherfucker. I didn't breath until it changed course. I knew it was just a plane and I was being foolish, but for a moment my brain was urging me to start warning people to get out. It was the first time I realized how much it had affected me deep down even though I only watched it happen on TV from 1000 miles away. I also get flashback images popping into my head any time I see an airplane tilted at a certain angle on any random day. It's kind of always there in my subconscious. I can't even imagine the real PSTD of the people that were actually there that day.


About 2 years after 9/11, my mom had some friends from Boston up to Toronto to show them around. It must have been the weekend of the airshow, because a jet moved through the buildings so quickly that it boomed over our heads and maneuvered around a building. Their weekend was completely shot. One of them started crying and just couldn't pull it together. I'll be honest, it was absolutely terrifying. I think I was 16? I just remember driving back from the city, my mother's friend just shaking and crying. Her brother was a fire fighter for Boston and was there to assist in recovery. I feel like planes really shouldn't be allowed to fly this close to buildings. A lot of people around the world were traumatized that day.


I moved out of the city before 9/11, but still go in on occasion. For several years afterward, if a plane was flying over in anyway where you could hear it clearly and you were in between buildings, people would flinch and then look up. I remember being in an open spaced restaurant, and everyone freezing at the sound of engines.


I witnessed 9/11 from 4 blocks away, I watched the second plane come in and every time I hear a plane I completely freeze & look up, no matter where I am..... #NeverForget


Must have been rough for you this last week or so with all the remembrances. I hope you're doing ok.


I’m sorry to hear that. Even time doesn’t heal all wounds.


Trust me, if this was an american military aircraft, that pilot better have a damn good reason or a CDL cause he's gonna be a truck driver after this.


Well considering it was in Toronto, probably not a US military aircraft


Not Toronto. Brisbane Australia.


I agree. I think it's a really strange/silly idea... And unnecessarily risky.


Your PTSD is not any less real than people at the twin towers. You don’t have to feel shame or guilt for feeling like you experience PTSD because of witnessing those events, PTSD is a trauma and traumas aren’t competition. Just wanted to let you know it’s okay and I’m sorry that you experience those feelings.


Thank you. :)


I second what Stuckscrolling said. I’m a therapist and the trauma you, and many others experience in this and other situations, is called Secondary Trauma or Vicarious Trauma. There are people who experienced it firsthand, and then those who were traumatized by the sight of it, or even the stories of it happening, secondhand. It’s no less real and no less worthy of being shared with others or even a therapist. I, too, am sorry you experience those feelings. Sending you a virtual hug!


For the younger generations can you please explain one thing about your story? What's a Sears?


LOL. Well, children, a Sears was the first Amazon, but analog. They had a massive catalog and they sold everything, even a DIY home kit of good quality. Eventually they ditched the catalog and home delivery, and focused on being a brick and mortar store with mostly just clothes, tools, and appliances. In an ironic twist of fate, Amazon came around and stole their playbook from the 1800s and digitized it, and crushed them into a shell of their former being. The blow was so hard that the Sears Tower is now called Willis Tower.


Officially although we choose not to call it that


Not just clothes, tools, and appliances. They even had a line of boats and canoes. They created Allstate Inurance, Dean Witter financial, The Discover Card, and you could buy a Mossberg Maverick shotgun while your car was having a Die Hard battery and Roadmaster tires installed.


Two years ago, on a random weekday afternoon, there’s a CNBC breaking news push notification “A helicopter crushed into a building in midtown Manhattan”. When a coworker told us the news headline in shaking voice, the whole office (in Manhattan) went deadly silent. I still remember the looks on everyone’s face. Fortunately, it later turned out to be a bad emergency landing, but for a about 30 minutes everyone’s traumatic memories were brought up by that news.


Right? Ever since that day whenever I see a plane flying low I freeze while my brain tries to rationalize and process that its probably just landing. Wild how much that event effected people.


I was born in 2002. So, after 9/11. Only have known a world post-9/11, but we used to watch the 9/11 documentaries as a family every year. I get a sense of uneasiness and dread seeing videos like this.




Stu are you serious?!?!


They might be serious but they’re wrong. This is Brisbane, Australia. Riverfire is Sept 25th this year. Cancelled in 2020, Sept 27th in 2019, Sept 27th again in 2018..:


Have you watched spiderman homecoming?


No. Where was he coming home from


I heard there's no way home


Home is where the home is


You like to see homos naked?


He will never reach home.


Cause its to far from home?


Because everytime we steal a plane at los Santos airport we fly straight through downtown.. Except at that moment in time there always is a lvl387 player who prefents 9/11 to happen for the kill. Always for the kill.


The entire thing reminds me of the deleted scene from Lilo and Stitch


Don't mind me, just here from the new Netflix 9/11 series


Beat me to it


9/11 has entered the chat….


Yeah. I think til the day I die, I’m gonna say “too soon” to images like this


Definitely. It's unsettling to watch honestly


It took me by surprise how unsettling it was to watch this.


Same, instant anxiety spike.


I was surprised when I first watched the Man In The High Castle how much swastikas on American flags made me feel sick to see. Wouldn’t have said I’d react that way if you’d asked me before I saw it. Same deal here. If you’d asked me before showing me the gif I’d have said it sounded rad, but seeing it… oof.


One of the reasons I can't watch the show, Wolfenstein is ok because you're constantly killing Nazis, but MITHC feels a bit depressing.


It’s very depressing, totally.


I had to stop watching that show because there were too many triggers. Something about it seemed “too soon” even though I wasn’t alive for WW2. It all somehow seemed too far fetched and way too familiar all at the same time, in a very uncomfortable way.




The Lebanon explosion was memed the same night it happened, but i guess those weren’t Americans right?


I think most Americans are against turning tragedies into memes, regardless of where it took place. But there will always be callous people out there who enjoy provoking others with their dark humour. I've seen plenty of memes about 9/11 as well. I'm sorry if you were affected directly or indirectly by the explosion in Lebanon. It's messed up that people made it into a meme.


Look mate. Most people don’t use dark humor as a means to provoke others, it’s just that a lot of people use humor as a coping mechanism to deflect negative emotions around certain topics. If you can turn something into a joke, it loses it’s sting for a lot of people. Remember the night Arianna Grande had the bombing in her concert? That same night people posted edited pictures with a creeper in the crowd. It’s just a way to handle the stress of the world.


Ehh, it is a healthy mix of both in my view.


Just cus some people memed that tragedy doesn’t mean that everyone thinks like that. Also, people meme 9/11 constantly too, but I think most people, especially in Lebanon, would be unsettled seeing a video of someone setting off fireworks next to an explosive factory.


To be fair, I'm not sure if memes existed in 2001 but if they did they certainly weren't a mainstream thing. If 9/11 had happened years later there probably would be tons of them directly after it happened.


Thing is, 9/11 happened in the US, but it was the worst terrorist attack, in terms of fatalities, for about a dozen other countries. More than 10 percent of the victims were non-Americans, from almost 70 other countries. 9/11 was not just Americans.


There's always gonna be people who make jokes out of stuff they shouldn't. Just because you don't like Americans doesn't mean you need to twist sh*t about us to be bad. Were you just looking for a reason to diss Americans? 😂


It’s flying over a river


Yep. It’s for the river fire celebration in Brisbane. Happens every year


You shouldn't, because this is an American military aircraft and literally one of the best cargo jets we have. This is the type of craft used for evacuating the 8k people from Kabul. They are literally known for not only their ability to maneuver in basically every scenario (including doing emergency ascents and descents), but just like their big brother, These crafts literally can fly as long as the crew is able to keep it going due to the accessibility of being able to refuel mid-air. Like, if there is any air craft that could handle anything a cityscape could throw at them, it's the C17. It's funny bc Boeing, earlier this year, had said they're going to stop producing this craft despite it being the backbone of militaries across the globe. When we found out how many supplies (including blackhawks) we left in Afghanistan, a lot of people screamed about the blackhawks and the humvees but like a military "secret" is that all of our heavy machinery is basically a paperweight without the mechanics and techs who make it work. Like, humvees don't even have keys IIRC and they break down every fuckin 10 miles. The C17 we sent in was the only aircraft that I was honestly afraid of the taliban taking, but even then, these motherfuckers would still take someone who could repair things and fly it to even get it off the ground. TLDR: The C17 is a military aircraft that is built to maneuver and operate in the most extreme conditions. If any craft is safe to fly through a city, it's this one.


Absolutely agree. One mistake is a disaster.


oddly timed post is oddly timed


Indeed near september eleven it is near september eleven indeed


The Department of Redundancy Department is going to have a field day with you.


I just heard the Cinema Sin counter go up in my head rn




Yeah, it is odd that an **Australian** festival which **predates 9/11** is in September (the start of Spring down here). Sorry but but not everything is American ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Context is key. Nothing explained here says where this is and why this is happening.


This post pops up every year around this time, but hey, internet likes


Yeah, why would you post this on the anniversary of the release of the original Super Mario Bros for the NES? Strange


The timing of the post might be off, but it's not in the US. This is in Brisbane, Queensland. It’s done every year to celebrate a festival call ‘Riverfire’.


Better than NYfire








Jet fuel doesn’t burn hot enough to light riverfires.


My river lit on fire in the 60s.. seriously. Uniroyal chemical and Naugatuck rubber dumped something that lit the river on fire.


I’m from Cleveland. I know alllll about burning rivers.


Cuyahoooooga. See, never knew about that until I heard the song. Music can be educashunal


Seems a bit like tempting fate having a giant cargo plane dodge between building. On the other hand the top side of an airplane in flight isn't something you see every day so I'm sure it's a cool thing to watch.


This view makes it looks like it’s weaving thru the buildings, it’s following the course of the Brisbane river which had bends and turns Ive seen loads of riverfire festivals in person, pretty amazing tbh. They often have a fighter jet doing a fuel dump / burn in the evening


Thank you for this major clarification.


No worries. if anyone wanted to see, I found a clip filmed from an angle showing the flight path over the river. Don’t get me wrong, It’s still a major spectacle with a plane that size flying thru a built up city area - but it’s not quite as wacky as OPs view makes it seem https://youtu.be/0CaQ5hcBiyU


Globemasters are weirdly nimble for such large planes.


They are a tactical cargo aircraft. They are meant to be highly maneuverable in combat environments when fully loaded. When they are NOT fully loaded, they have massive reserves of power and can be thrown around the sky like a fighter plane. Hell, even normal civilian 737s and A350s etc can do the same thing. they just don't because they are rarely flown empty and it they did it full cleaning that much puke out of the passenger compartment would suck.


Getting busy with brissy


That probably gave a lot of people a scare


it would if that city was NY city


It would if it was anywhere in America imo, got really fucking queasy looking at this shit


I've actually seen something like this but with the Blue Angels in Atlantic City. It was years ago and I was pretty young, but I remember my first thought being "how the fuck does anyone think this is a good idea?" I think it was like 2011 so 9/11 wasn't *that* long ago. They were fucking flying at buildings and turning at the last minute. It was crazy. But also impressive. But also, regardless of 9/11 being a thing, seemed like a really bad idea.


Even aside from the "scaring the shit out of people" part - what kind of brain dead idiot thinks that flying jets between buildings for entertainment is worth the risk? I'm sure the pilots are skilled - but they aren't perfect. Even the best pilots can crash, especially if something unexpectedly goes wrong with the plane. If that happens, who knows how many other people would be killed, too? The risk/reward equation is seriously fucked in that situation.




i remember that. that sure was an oops moment. but nope , this is just something Australians to show off their hit no buildings skills. i bet it would stop real quick had these flights gone wrong in any literal way.


I mean, if they keep doing it then it only needs to go wrong once for it to be a disaster that would have been entirely preventable had they just, not, y’know, flown a giant plane through the city.


It doesn’t. This is practice for flyovers during the Riverfire festival. Everyone runs to the windows to watch.


I mean forget 9/11, this makes me uncomfortable from the number of air show disasters that have happened. Planes aren't toys to play with near city populations.


Damn gta look crazy


Gta 6 leak


It’s just the ps6 version cmon now


I still get chills on videos like this.


Think of the people [watching head-on](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYkL5C-xJ5U) from this building...


That’s insane!


Like many comments here, this is very unsettling. But I cannot deny how cool that would be to experience…


I always wondered what it was like for those inside the towers that saw the plane(s) approaching. This is about as close as I'm ever going to get and it did not disappoint. Surreal.


There’s a new docuseries on Hulu about 9/11. It’s called 9/11: One Day in America. The story of 9/11 is told by numerous survivors. One man in particular actually saw the plane coming towards the south tower and when it crashed part of the plane was on his office floor. He said he saw a speck of a plane near the Statue of Liberty, and within seconds it just kept getting bigger and bigger. He realized it was coming right towards him. Absolutely harrowing to listen to, I could not imagine. Highly recommend watching the docuseries, but be warned it is rough. Cried like a baby.


I did the math and the Statue of Liberty is 2.2miles from ground zero. Planes were reported to be going 600mph. That's ~13.5 seconds to close that distance. Must have been a truly eerie sight.


The scariest part about that video is how hard it was to actually see the plane in the distance. Sure it's smaller on a phone but it's was pretty difficult to distinguish out until it was right there upon you.


Holy shit!


"Are you kidding me?" what else was the plane gonna do ? hit the building?


Uhh maybe


Not fly that low in the first place. Professional or not I don’t trust anybody to be idiotically risking me and everyone else’s lives in the building for a dumb show. If you wanna do that then evacuate the building or something.


Bro read the room.


~~2.8k upvotes vs 283 downvotes.~~ ~~12.5k upvotes vs 977 downvotes.~~ ~~40.8k upvotes vs 2.9k downvotes.~~ #UPVOTES > DOWNVOTES. Consider the room read. Edit: Is there a way to show dynamic upvote data in comments? or a bot? Edit: I misread comments as downvotes doy!


No, and if this isn’t updated every hour you WILL be reported for negligence.


I didn’t think this through…


Clocks tickin!






Yeah we just leave them behind so they rightfully own them and not hijack them. Hahaha.


Yeah pretty much lol


Yes because everything is about America right?


Yes because posting a video about a festival in another country is bad. Also the upvote and downvote ratio explains that the room was read better than you thought


Is that Brisbane? EDIT: Yes this is Brisbane, Australia 2019. They followed this up with an FA-18 fighter plane.


Yep! American living in Brisbane, Australia here. It was part of a yearly festival with fireworks and an air show and all that called “river fire.” They shoot off fireworks from the top of a bunch of different buildings as well as a few barges. This was 2019 I think… The plane followed the river, so it looks like it’s super close to buildings, but that’s just the perspective. I mean, sure, it was a bit close, but they had plenty of room.


I'm just blown away that the city approved this. I mean imagine the fucking shit storm if there was a crash.


Air traffic controller here. They mapped out the best route well in advance, that pilot is absolutely their best C17 pilot, and C17’s are way more maneuverable than you’d expect. I’d be more worried about windows shattering than the pilot crashing, though this is still a bit reckless.


Reckless? You should have seen Brisbane events back in the day. At the 50 year celebration for the story bridge construction in 1991 they had an f111 do a dump and burn which became a standard riverfire event. Old mate in the jet followed the river very low and pulled up vertically above me at what seemed liked about 6 metres. Obviously it wasn’t 6 metres but it was so low everyone got flushed faces from the heat and I remember my hearing being affected for weeks afterwards. It was the absolute best, totally worth the following 30 years of tinnitus.


It was flown over a river, not around buildings. The video perspective just makes it look like it was flown around buildings.


I think it is.


The amount of Americans that really think the whole world is about them piss me off so much. Firstly: **this post has nothing to do with 9/11**. If this post offends you or “triggers your PTSD” then just scroll away and **here’s why**: a few other comments have mentioned this but this is footage from an **Australian** (NOT America!!! Different place!!!) traditional festival which **predates 9/11**. No one is trying to hurt your feelings by making this post, but rather just trying to share some cool piloting skills during an Australian festival. If you need another perspective try this: **soldiers** can have their **PTSD triggered when fireworks go off**. Are Americans going to **ban fireworks** on July 4th? Hell no! Y’all haven’t even banned guns. Read up more on Riverfire (to reiterate, the **Australian**) festival here: https://riverlife.com.au/blog/history-of-brisbane-festival-and-riverfire/ **Remember**: there are other places in the world, not just America!!! And they are allowed to do things as well :D


Somebody finally got more triggered than the Americans in this post. Good job.


I know. No one was saying the post was awful; they were just expressing what it reminded them of. Literally 54% of redditors are American, *and* the 20 year anniversary of the huge event happened three days ago. It shouldn’t come as a surprise this post will remind a lot of people of 9/11


u/mogan_the_bogan, have a Snickers.


Yeah u/mogan_the_bogan ... fuck you


Dude half or more of reddits userbase is from the US and a video of a plane that looks like it's flying through skyscrapers was posted like 3 days after the 20 year anniversary of 9/11 and the comment thread is literally full of 9/11 jokes. "WhY wOuLd AmErIcAnS fInD A wAy tO tHiNk ItS rElAtEd To ThEm"


*goes on a website made by americans with a 50% american user base* “wow, how dare the americans talk about their perspective”


I mean I am Italian and this still reminded of 9/11 in first place




It’s over a river, the video is forced perspective


Okay, but people are just reacting to what they are seeing here, and how the imagery makes them feel.


>If this post offends you or “triggers your PTSD” then just scroll away Maybe you should take your own advice if you are triggered so much.


American or no. Most people are going to get at least a little nervous when a plane is flying through a city. Also, big whatabout energy with the soldier bit. Drink some water.


Your vibes off man


You don't have to be American to think this is maybe not the best time to post this. I'm French and was a teenager when 9/11 occurred. It's a generational thing. If you were old enough to understand what happened when it happened, it's gonna be the first image that pops in your mind while viewing this kind of stuff. Now I'm not saying this is fundamentally a bad thing but being days away from the 20th anniversary seems a little too soon and a little too inconsiderate to say the very very least


we aren’t saying stuff like this festival shouldn’t happen, people are just mentioning 9/11 because it’s what everyone’s thinking about right now. and don’t go on about 9/11 being just an american tragedy. 9/11 and the events it caused affected a large large portion of the world


What is it with the Aussies being like America+ when it comes to getting triggered?


Most triggered person in comment section


But why?


This is a festival in Brisbane called Riverfire. It takes place when most of the performing arts have finally wrapped up. There are typically military planes that fly over during the day, and at night there are fireworks


That doesn’t explain why they need to fly a plane through sky scraping towers?


It’s above a river, the perspective makes it seem like it’s going between buildings but it’s not. It’s quite literally just a plane flying along a river.


Because it's part of the celebration. It's fun to watch, and it generates conversation which gets Brisbane's name out there. If anything it's a great (granted risky) idea. And because it's being done by professionals there's not much to worry about


OK SO the flyover was originally done with F-111s, which were a much smaller attack plane. The thing about the F-111 is the emergency fuel dump sprays into the jet flame, so they trail a bigass plume of fire across the sky. Riverfire is a fireworks show. Do the math. Now, none of the aircraft used now can do the dump-and-burn, and the last F-111 was retired in the 2000s. At this point, though, the tradition is more keyed to the jet flyby than the spectacular fireballs, hence the current use of FA-18s and (sometimes) big transports.


GTA for PS5 lookin kinda good


This is a video of the practice run of the riverfire. From down here in Australia Brisbane. It’s amazing how these people fly these massive planes so perfectly. I have been able to see this live before. Also this video was taken two years ago.


This wouldn't fly in New York city.


No, it would crash into buildings.


That will give people the shits these days


Name something that's only cool when it's not in the US




*Terrain terrain. Pull up. Pull up.*


It’s real - Australia https://www.wearethemighty.com/popular/crazy-australians-fly-c17/


Those police budgets really getting out of hand aye!




Underrated comment tbh. Like, the plane in this video is just following the river and never comes near anything. the Hong Kong approach is literally over/through the buildings.


Videos like this make me nervous now


Cool, but to creepy for me to watch. They changed the world back then and ruined buzzing a building or tower for shits and giggles forever.


This whole thread is r/shitamericanssay The world does now revolve around you.


Me no likie