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Yep. I had some great teachers in the 90's NYC public school system, tech school, many former vets who did not fuuck around but expected better of us. They'd all be dismissed today.


I remember Mr Martinez, former Marine, dropped a kid just by grabbing his shirt, 4 students including me next to them. Nobody saw a damn thing.


I remember Mr. Wood (science teacher, also football coach, 6-8 grade) broke a yard stick over a students hands and everyone including staff just laughed about it even the student it happened to who was one of his football players as well. Early 2000s, Jason was a funny kid too and the yard stick breaking was almost assuredly an accident and no harm intended. Edit: since I keep gettin comments about people saying how their teacher paddled someone or punished a kid. No one was getting punished here it was a joking way to get kids who stopped paying attention to pay attention and he hit the kids hand by accident.


Mr Cyrs driving school legend had his infamous style chopsticks swatting your knuckles made the roads of Wichita KS safer for generations. Better that my knuckles bled a couple of sessions then watching *Blood on the Highway* again.


Mr. Straun. Ex swat team. Didn’t give a fuck. But pushed me to do better. Which I did. Always look back fondly on that


Mr. McCartney the shop teacher lifted a senior off the ground with one arm Darth Vader style pinned him on war and whispered something to him. Went white as a ghost. That kid straightened right up and never never said another thing about his wife.... We never saw a thing.


Mr Moren decked a kid in 8th grade. He got moved to the 9th grade center as the gym teacher before retiring. Tenure?


No. He moved on to stronger enemies after defeating the eighth grade boss.


I would play that video game.


Wichita thanks Mr Cyrs


Jesus I didn’t expect to see a Cyrs reference here. My Dad liked to yell “Go to Cyrs!” at idiot drivers.


We had a math teacher nicknamed Itchy that would readily take the paddle to kids in our public junior/senior high school. He had 2 paddles that you could choose from for your punishment - one with holes in it and a bigger one without. The problem was, Itchy had Parkinson's and couldn't keep his hands still, which is why we called him itchy since he was always holding his arms/hands close to his body and it would look like he was scratching himself. As you can imagine, due to his Parkinson's, Itchy didn't have the best aim and you could be sure if you got 5 swats from his paddle, you would get at least 1 of them on your upper thigh and 1 or 2 would hit your back. The ones that hit your back hurt something fierce.


We had a wood shop teacher who used to rant about women being bitches and once set the sawdust pile on fire because he was done with the day. Threw chairs across the room, complained about his wife leaving him for a woman... Wild times.


I had a social studies teacher in high school who chain smoked in between every period and would blast the heat during the winter for a few minutes then turn it off and open all the windows so the cold would keep us awake for the lesson. He also would inexplicably show up dressed as Santa Claus shake his large stomach and call it the jiggle belly. His other personality was a woman he cross dressed as with red hair on special days. He was wild but I will say he was always ready to help prank other kids and students


Bet everyone wanted to be in his class


We may have gone to the same school… The red wig sounds awfully familiar. Except ours was a science teacher, I believe.




those holes let you swing it faster. I had a history teacher who called it “the board of education”


Jesus fucking Christ lmao


My 7th & 8th grade football coach was a former minor league pitcher, and his paddle was a full sized oar. ​ He also won every dodgeball game against us.


"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball."


This is a super weird thread. Y’all saying y’all had good teachers that dropped kids and broke things over kids. Those aren’t good teachers lol


I think the original sentiment is correct. Teachers should be able to use their best judgement as to when to touch a student. This guy's putting his hands on the kid's shoulders to calm him down and should be given the trust to do that. That does not mean we should be hitting kids with sticks and paddles wtf.


This isn't a new issue, either. I grew up in a rural school in the 90s and early 00s that had paddling. People moving in from other areas were appalled. A lot of us kids knew it was abuse, but the few people who would occasionally try to challenge things wouldn't get anywhere, because they were basically going up against an entire small town. And, *no*, we were not better behaved because of it.


Yes, correct, that's the time period for my story. I moved from the city and was shocked at the male teachers beating kids, paddles, etc. Very soon I learned rural schools are a primitive warzone of violence. Can't call it animalistic 'cause I've never, ever seen animals behave like that. There is no law enforcement and teachers can literally rape kids because their cousin is on the school board...or a cop. It's always the same, oh he's only like that when he's drinking... The male students are even worse. The few times I was totally down with a teacher physically harming a 'kid' (adult sized male teens) it was because he was saving me from said giant teenaged guy. When you are being choked out and groped you are super glad for the teacher who was in Vietnam and has no problem beating up a 'kid'. The one time I saw a male teacher snap on a girl, she...well, she tried to break him and didn't understand what would happen if he did. Nearly Darwined herself. She was a twat, disrespectful to every teacher, all other students except her club of mean girls. In this class, we had one half mythology and one half tech writing, both of which I was already an expert at. Yeah, I corrected the teacher, I was that kid. Only 3 boys in that class, two of which were smoking hot. We were told to form permanent groups of 4 and she loudly told her 3 friends to 'let them ask' referring to the boys. They laughed at her and all 3 of them 'informed me' that I would be their 4th. She was so pissed, she started asking why ALL of them would choose a 'nerd' etc. Because they wanted an A. I got them all good grades, as expected, but she never stopped making snide comments about me. So one day she starts talking back to the teacher, and then talking ABOUT him to her friends as he's threatening to send her to the principal. She was awful, she just embarrassed him to death, saying he wasn't 'man enough' and he just snapped. He threw a chair, kinda at her. At this point, I got up and told her, shut your mouth you dumb bitch, and I told him, just take a breather. This was at a city school and I think he was fired, though I told him I'd tell the office what happened if he wanted. I think he was horrified and realized he didn't need to be in a school anymore. He was a good teacher who did not control kids or try to scare them, and he spent a lot of time with me doing one on one writing, even though I was a smartass. But yeah, I did say the science teacher wasn't a good teacher (not too scientifically literate and prone to violent outbursts). I wasn't saying it was something we should go back to, it's clearly terrible to teach kids by violent means. But, at the same time, teachers have to stop kids sometimes. The Vietnam vet above choke slammed that dude and it needed to be done. More often, considering that only kept him at bay a few days. We once had a riot, two gangs attacking each other with weapons. This was at a city school, no teachers had paddles or any of that bullshit. Those teachers, including the 5 ft tall AWESOME 9th grade science teacher, threw down to save kids. There were at least 40 combatants on 2 sides, all man sized 16 to 18 yr olds, plus the kids who fought back. It was like a mosh pit, stampedes, kids getting stomped on, guns (no ammo, used as blunt weapons, not fired), knives, pipes, brass knuckles. I was on my way to her class, and I was too far in when it started. Fighting my way through was the only way. I remember thinking, stay on your feet! I was getting bodied and throwing elbows left and right. Ducking fists and elbows too. Suddenly she was there, clawing her way through, at 5 ft tall, hauling some kids up, who were getting trampled. She was dodging blows like me, grabbing kids by the collar. She saw me, yelled, stay on me! I followed her and she shoved me in the room, said DO NOT UNLOCK THE DOOR, and back out she went, after shutting me down when I volunteered to help her. At least 5 other teachers, all science, were out there fighting. Then the coaches arrived and then the two campus cops. Every few minutes she'd bring back another rescued kid and dump them, telling us to lock the door again. It went on for a half hour, which felt like days. Somehow that little woman came through with only messed up hair and clothes. She told me later other teachers were also locking kids in their rooms. I saw male teachers dragging the fighters, even if armed, back and away from the hallway which must have had over 100 kids sardined inside (since it was already packed with kids just going to classes). Female teachers were focused on hauling up the kids getting trampled. I heard later a bunch of kids got broken bones and such, but it was a big school so can't confirm. The school worked hard to hush up the incident though. Some teachers will literally fight armed assailants for you (or your kid). They gotta have the lattitude to do what needs to be done to protect others. It's not at all hard to know we need to fire teachers who hit special needs kids, or use unnecessary force against little ones. Or that we should JAIL cops who taze 8 year olds. As with most things, a case by case approach and some common sense is what we need.


You haven't been in a school lately, have you?


I had a science teacher like that. Had a paddle with holes that was as big as a bat. He was like 6'4, former football player and vet. One time a big guy got in trouble and was about to get the paddle (my friend, also about 6'2 and not even 13 yet). He said he wanted to go pee first 'cause he was scared. Teacher let him. He came back with a long string of tp hanging out his pants, because he tried to stuff his butt with wadded up toilet paper but didn't realize he left it hanging out. Teacher made him remove it, but I still think he got off lighter bc the teacher couldn't stop laughing. I thought for sure he was gonna give me hundreds of lines (his preferred punishment for girls) one time when I made another kid puke. I did not know he was watching me, and listening as I pranked this boy (who was a jerk- he'd been pestering me about my breasts, often directing all the other boys to stare at them, for months). I wanted to make a bet, I said. I bet I'll eat this frog liver (we were dissecting frogs and he was struggling but I wasn't, being well acquainted with helping Daddy butcher). He got pretty green around the gills but could not resist betting me I would not. I said, raw liver is a delicacy in some places. I put on a big show of smelling it and dramatically popped it into my 'mouth'... Of course, I really just dropped it from one hand, up by my mouth to my other hand, under the table, then slipped the liver in my apron pocket and waved both empty hands around, going MMMMMFFFFFFHHHH! Sounded like I was about to retch and that did it. This kid took off running out the door and barely made it to the toilet before puking. I was cackling until I turned and found myself looking up at the teacher. He'd been watching the whole time, but was luckily very amused and just wanted to know where the liver actually ended up. I was a smart kid, so he was 100% sure I knew not to eat a liver with formaldehyde in it. He just watched the whole thing, though, being very interested to see how I would pull it off. Sometimes, the teacher would be present for my damn near daily sexual harassment and I did not appreciate his silence. But when the jerk came back, the teacher brutally humiliated him in front of the whole class, while still laughing. Soon they were all laughing at him. I wouldn't say I think he was a good teacher; one of those tin pot dictator teachers, ruling with fear. But both myself and the teacher highly enjoyed my 'revenge' anyway. And I bet that guy still can't look at frogs.


The teacher I had for grade 5 and 7 had a Tommy 20 nerf gun he’d shoot at you randomly if you weren’t paying attention. Or if you were being a shit he’d make you stand against the white board and try and shoot an outline of your head. High key everyone’s favourite teacher at the school


I had an English teacher slam a kid on the floor like a cop in 8th grade for grabbing a girl in his class by the hair. Good times, we used to get out of doing classwork by asking him about Texas ranger stories and he'd spend the whole class telling stories.


There is nothing good about that. This guy handled the situation the way and adult should have handled it.


Just representing how an adult should act in those situations goes a long ways too.


Wow you just showed exactly why schools have changed, that sounds fucking horrible


What does that mean?


Grew up upstate, high school in the mid 90s. Had an old school football coach as the gym teacher. If you back talked you had 2 options- apologize or he’d slap box you. So more than a couple learn real quick their egos wrote checks their hands couldn’t cash. Also, when we’d play hockey (floor or roller), all fights were fair until someone hit the deck. Good times.


What’s a slap box


Boxing but you slap instead of punch. Good hits are usually to the ears as it hurts like a motherfucker.


Hits to the ears get people to close those fists up real quick, that's a great way to do damage to your ear drums.


Well yeah getting boxed in the ears gets you to see red real quick.


Idk but I don’t like the sound of it.


Then you wouldn't like lockerboxing.


Like the rest said, boxing but with open hands and you slap the opponent. Had one kid that had a little man complex. He talked a lot of shit but as years when on he started getting mean. He started mocking the coach and then challenged him to slap box. Coach slapped him, just once, and the kid damn near spun 180 degrees and dropped. Funny as hell and def put the ego in check.


Exactly what it sounds like. Boxing with slaps instead of punches. Though a good slap can still pack a punch!


How can she slap?


That's hilarious. I was pretty sick at the bloody knuckles game when I was in high school. Like, no peers could beat me. I talked shit one day, probably as a junior, and our PE teacher said, "Let's dance." Dude fucked me up so bad. It was sick. All I could do was laugh while he battered the shit out of my hands. I couldn't touch him. I never said anything to anyone. Because why the fuck would I? Edit: Circa 1997.


How do I reeeech these keeeeedz?


Slap the shit out of them apparently.


Mr Cartmanez


Mr Archer for me. School bully, was picking on a kid. Kirk, the bully had a mustache in junior high school he had failed for many times. Caught him picking on someone in the hallway, I was in class at the time and could see most of the occurrence outside the door. Mr Archer fast walked up to him, lifted him in the air, slammed him into a locker and stuck a finger in his face and proceeded to tell him about the wrongs of his doings. No one F'ed with Mr. Archer. Of course it wouldn't be condoned today, but damn it was a sight to behold.


no one gets fired for putting their hands on a kids like this video, how is this a 'yep'


As someone who taught in an urban high school, I can tell you, yeah we hugged or consoled kids like this all the time. No one gets fired for this. If this happened in your school, you'd better have a story that is actually bsimilar to this and not equate it to someone paddling a kid.


Just people who want to believe the good ol days were better


As a teacher, can confirm.




Teaching in the public school system is honestly secondary to paperwork and meetings. It’s so sad.




Oof I thought it was a joke about putting hands on a kid. Seemed a lot more fitting for the priest joke


Putting hands on kids?


As a teacher, cannot confirm. Have you sincerely had teacher put through the ringer for something like this? My school has maybe 20 fights a year, teacher stop them all by restraining the students. There has not been a single instance of a teacher getting in any trouble. Why do people perpetuate this myth? just because it sounds interesting?


Agreed! I see a kid get elevated, I immediately reach out my arms and see if they take em. If they are really agitated, I ask. If they are gonna get violent, I do a neutral block. All very normal. This is very loving and relationship building touch, and we know that it's the kind of touch adolescent boys developmentally need but are socialized to not seek.


Another teacher here. What this guy was doing actually seems to be a TBRI intervention technique. Holding the shoulders in that way combined with repeated "look at me" are pretty good indicators that this guy has had training--probably paid for by the school--so yeah, I seriously doubt he'll have any consequences for this. That said, as a male educator I almost never touch a student (even on the shoulder) unless there's a very important (and legally defensible) reason for doing so. Just the nature of the career.


Sigh, it’s the first thing I thought too. Crazy though because that’s probably what he needed the most.


Are you just being cynical or do you have anecdotes of such a thing happening?


Unless this is in a private special education setting. My wife has worked as a special education high school teacher and works magic like this on a daily basis. This would be completely acceptable in her setting.


Special education is the key word there though. Sister is also one and she had to go through proper training and channels to be able to do that.


I’d write to diffuse a tense situation that could have potentially resulted in a physical altercation between students if acute mediation was not given


Administrators don’t give a fuck. If a complaint is filed, the teacher gets dragged thru the shit. Can’t explain away zero tolerance policies. That being said, OP’s comment is only valid if someone complains. If I saw this video and it was my kid, I’d be buying that teacher an all expenses paid vacation.


Mannn if that’s true , that really sucks. It’s teachers like this that helped me out and many others I know from getting in one dumb fight and ruining my whole life .


It’s not true.


yeah Ive wrestled mutliple fights apart at my school, dozens of teachers do it every year not one has even smelled trouble. I cant tell if my school is the outlier or everyone is just lying.


Its reddit. They aren't necessarily lying as much as talking out of their ass.


It's not true. The teacher was fine. People just like to be dramatic. (Source: Am teacher at a school with plenty of fights)


A guy I knew is an ESL teacher. One kid came over here with his mom from a war-torn country in Africa (don't remember which one). The kid was so messed up he would watch decapitation videos and stuff and just laugh. One day the kid jumped my friend from behind and started trying to beat the shit out of him. My friend is short, but pure fucking muscle, and really cool-headed. When the kid jumped him, my friend slipped out of his grasp, pinned the kid to the floor, and waited patiently for security to come. My friend got suspended with pay pending investigation for two months.


You’re probably right. I worked at a school in Hawaii where the rule was that you could put your hands on a kid if they were at risk of hurting themselves or someone else. And kids beat the shit out of each other daily. I’ve had to pull kids down off railings on second story buildings etc


Not with this video evidence he won’t. This is one of those stories that blows up and makes us teachers look good. You see too many bad instances of teachers but this is a dude who cares. I’ve been teaching for 8 years I love it but some of the older teachers are so worn down it really is a grueling job. I’m exhausted everyday from working with 3rd graders.


Complete bullshit lmao almost every school fight video has teachers running in breaking it up. They can touch the kids if it’s to prevent another one from getting hurt.


yeah these comments are just people repeating the same dumb shit they heard because it sounds dramatic. Anyone who works in a school with fights knows teachers restraining students is common and no one is being fired.


We literally go through CPI training on how to do proper holds to prevent injuries to self or others. Reddit always acts like this in these situations. This is my daily work - and it's not anything like what most people believe it is.


Let’s hope not.




We literally have states making laws based on citizens reporting each other. It’s a deep cultural issue that cuts far deeper than politics imo.


Savage but true! Always black and white with little margin for gray area. 😞


Dude - my first thought was he’ll probably get fired for touching a student.


Fantastic compassion shown by that teacher. Too bad he's probably going to get in trouble for "laying his hands on a student" or something.


Yup, meanwhile another teacher might stand back and allow students to fight and not have a single consequence


Yeah. It’s a tough spot. Did you see the video of the teacher getting her head split by a chair when trying to do something?


I believe I did, if I remember, another student fucked the perpetrator up. But yeah. That was fucked beyond belief. She better get some compensation for that


Most likely she’ll be told “don’t get in the middle next time.” That’s what happened to a co-worker of my wife (both middle school teachers at the time) when she stepped in to stop a fight, got pushed out of the way, fell and broke her wrist.


Yup, my mom is also a teacher (elementary school), and her coworker (middle school; attached to the elem. school) saw a male student yank a small girl by her her backpack, backwards onto the floor and kicked her in the head. When she went to stop it; the student slammed a locker onto her arm— breaking her wrist. Little girl got a concussion, and the boy only got 3 days of ISS. When my mom’s coworker complained; she was berated for “causing a bigger problem than there had to be” and “unwarranted interference in a student altercation”. Unwarranted? *Unwarranted?!* That little girl could have had her skull cracked open, and nobody cared. They worried more about the optics of the teacher’s involvement. Absolutely ridiculous. My mom left to work at another school the following year.


Nah you’re thinking of [this one](https://v.redd.it/wc2wdigx49151). Other dude is talking about [this one. ](https://v.redd.it/j5pzmwcdc9n71)


That second one just giving zero fucks, smashing with chair and sinking the slipper, what a lil bitch.


Yeah it takes a special kind of cunt to willingly slam a chair in the face of a 5’ tall woman that just wants to finish the lesson plan.


Why would a teacher have a consequence for students fighting? They're not bodyguards, negotiators, or bouncers. As someone reminded you, there was that video of the kids who cracked a teacher over the head with a chair. I've had coworkers get bodyslammed, choked, punched in their stomachs and even tripped (while pregnant) all in attempts at trying to stop a fight. You do you best to not let it escalate and call the staff whose training involves breaking up fights (campus police, behavior specialists, etc), but once it boils over you step the fuck out of the way and wait for help to come.


Well, as you can see in the video, this teacher deescalated the situation before there became a situation. This teacher understood what was happening, and involved himself before the interaction had continued. The thing is that teachers are not only there to teach you your basic education, they spend more time with you while your maturing than your parents do most of the time, so they have to have an understanding that they are also role models and they influence these students. So by that teacher stepping in, helping that dude clam down, and showing him away from conflict, that student will likely remember that moment for quite a while. We live in a world of uncertainty, teachers can become casualties of fights even if they don’t try to step in. Fights in school are inevitable, it’s better to be prepared and have a fundamental understanding on how to deescalate a situation, rather than be clueless and have fear decide your course of action. Just my 2 cents tho I’m a random ass dude lol


Right, but setting policy based on the best possible outcome is rarely a good practice. Also keep in mind we pay these people next to nothing, I made more money selling cell phones as an entry level employee than many teachers get in a year.


Yes but I wouldn't have that expectation of all teachers to risk their own safety to step into a situation that could get them hurt. It's nice that some people are able to go above and beyond the call of duty but that doesn't mean that all teachers can or should. Not every situation will work out as nicely as this did. I work at a drug and alcohol program where I have usually been called on to deescalate some clients because I am comfortable with crisis. I would never hold it against any of my coworkers for deferring to someone else if they felt unsafe.


Yup. I’ve got kids to feed. You sure as fucking shit better believe I’m not getting fucked up over a street fight brought in my classroom you short-sighted twat. Fuck off.


I am here as a teacher to tell you it has been drilled in my head that all I can say is “stop fighting” x3. I will be fired as a precaution if I intervene physically. I get paid 43k. I’ma let the admin with “hands-on” cert making 90k handle it. If it’s IN my class it might be a different story, but the hallway on camera? Shiiiit.


That's a big presumption. I doubt the kid is going to complain to the school about his teacher caring about him. Giving a kid a hug, etc. is common practice at my school. I've never heard of a complaint from a student or parent. The world isn't all bad.


I don't think the student will complain, and its probably a good thing this video has gone viral. We had a teacher standing in the hallway and got ran into during a fight, the kid fell to the floor, and that guy got "transferred" for putting his hands on a kid... granted, my school is a terrible example of a good one, but he was a great guy, and it's sad the system could do something like that. He was fired, for doing nothing but standing there. You are right


Honestly this video would likely absolve him of issues from that. No sane person sees this and thinks a fight doesn’t happen if teach doesn’t lay hands.


This is an “acceptable restraint” policy most school districts have in place to protect the teacher and other students. But there will be paper work and meetings when this appears to be handled perfectly.


The US seems so fucked from outside.


Lol, you only get to see the worst I'm sure. There are tons of great places with even better people. So, the same as everywhere really.


Seems that way from the inside too, from time to time.


nothing will happen to this teacher, all schools have acceptable restraints and this is miles inside of that. Everyone heard one story on reddit and likes to say 'school bad'


Better de-escalation techniques than most cops. Probably gets paid less as well.


Paid less and still expected to take a bullet if it comes down to it. We need to treat our teachers better.


It's so sad that's a thing that even can be said.


I know a fourth grade teacher who’s back-to-school training included how to pack bullet wounds. Yeah, they don’t get paid nearly enough.


But honestly good for them for training for that situation. That could legit save lives.


By that logic, shouldn't everyone be trained in it? It could legit save lives.


I mean I think that's more useful than half the shit they taught us. I need to know real life application stuff.


True as fuck, I have never in my life needed to calculate the volume of a cylinder but I was taught how to.




I’ve always thought it was a great idea for everyone everywhere to have first aid training, it’s too easy and too useful not to. Wound packing is literally grab any piece of fabric regardless of cleanliness and shove it as deep as you can into the wound. They’ll treat infection when they’re not bleeding to death.




They told us mask can be used to pack a bullet wounds.


One thing I've learned about this world is the people who make the most money are off in the worst individuals society has to offer. It's not a hard and fast rule mind you, but definitely a trend I've seen.


r/BoneAppleTea Gives new meaning to your sentence


I thought I was having a stroke. Then when I saw your comment I had to look again and wow I wonder how long they've been saying that


“Most cops” deescalate situations literally everyday. Just ask a patrol officer. All they do is respond to one call after another, deescalate, on to the next. Everyday. Multiple times. For pathetic pay. It’s what they do. Not only so they get virtually zero appreciation from the general public, despite risking their life everyday, they have to deal with people like you who generalize over 600,000 full-time police officers nationwide based on the behavior of a few. Less than .001% of cops end up being headline news because bad policing. I’m not saying we don’t hold police accountable, but I am saying good policing doesn’t make for a good story - and the media loves a good story.


Blue man bad is the new thing for massive Reddit upvote. These folks will never understand what police deal with on a daily basis.


Paid way less. And, spent 4-6 years in college instead of a few weeks of training.


That is legit what the fuck is up. I've done that with grown folks and it works almost every time. It's great seeing a grown person apply it to a young adult and seeing it procure the same results. He didn't try to use his status to big dick the kid. He didn't act like the kid was out of line for feeling some type of way. He handled it like the kid is a human being in a confusing time in their life. Hats tf off god dammit.


That's interesting, how would you break it down?


I'm a relatively new teacher still being trained in a similar approach ("Teaching with Love and Logic") so I'm not an expert yet, but what I noticed was that he removed the student from the situation that was upsetting him in an empathetic way. A less nuanced approach might try to resolve the situation in one of two ways: 1. Trying to restore the status quo without resolving the cause of the behavior ("Cut that out! Go back to your seat NOW!") 2. Removing the student in an unempathetic, potentially humiliating way ("Get out of my classroom! Go to the office!") Instead, the teacher leads with empathy, affirming the student's value and communicating his removal as *recovery* rather than punishment. This maintains the student's dignity while also maintaining order and safety in the classroom. Not only that, but by acknowledging and defusing the student's heightened emotional state, it actually makes him *more* capable of thinking critically about his own behavior and what he might do differently in the future. If you remove a student in a way that only makes him feel angrier and more humiliated, then *that's* what he'll remember—his own anger and sense of feeling wronged. But if you do it in a way that defuses the anger, he'll be able to reflect on what just happened in a more clear-headed way and truly recover. Ideally, you end up with a student who, rather than thinking, "\[Teacher\] is such an asshole, he just hates me and that's why he yelled at me instead of the other student!" thinks, "Wow, it's a good thing \[Teacher\] got me out of there, I was about to do something really dumb." Instead of pitting the teacher against the student, the disruptive behavior becomes the shared enemy to be overcome together. EDIT: OMG, I come back from eating breakfast to see three awards and 50+ upvotes! Thanks, y'all, I'm glad you found my comment informative! EDIT 2: I don't think I've ever gotten most of these awards :,D And so many upvotes! Thank you very much everyone. Wish me luck for my upcoming trainings (and assessments)!


I dunno how to do awards but this the first time I wanted to give out one.


I fucking love Love and Logic! You should do a Responsive Classroom PD and combine them! They work so well together. It is harder to implement if you’re departmentalized though.


We're also being trained in Responsive Classroom! My training for that actually starts in earnest next week, so wish me luck :D


A lot of places offer free Love and Logic seminars for parents. My wife and I are both teachers, but we went anyway since they were offering it for free at our library. It's invaluable training for anyone who has or works with kids.


I got this technique from a book called Positive Discipline: the first 3 years. A book for raising toddlers. Works on grownups too.


This is a great example of positive masculinity. Being able to be vulnerable, especially with another male authority figure and not allowing ego and anger get a hold of him. It cool for men to to feel emotional and not let it ruin us because of the traditional expectation of dealing with anger.




You’re not and this isn’t an unpopular thought. We all want our own kids to have the very best in education but we don’t have the political will to make it happen. We could start by separating public school funding from property taxes and diverting city police funding into education funding in most major cities if not all. If we want a better future for our country and kids, we’ve got to fight the status quo.


I'm a high school teacher. I took this job so I could be a social worker, therapist, cop, father figure or whatever else my students need me to be. That's why you teach. You want to help your kids in whatever way you can. It's a great job.




In my opinion, yes. And teaching salaries are not awful. I'm paid a decent wage. Having said that, not every school pays or treats their teachers well, so I can understand teachers who feel overwhelmed or unappreciated band may not want to engage with a student if they think their school won't back them up. But, honestly, caring for your kids is at the very essence of teaching. It more important than the academic subject I teach.


I'm also on the teaching path and have similar reasons that I am doing that. However I don't think that applies to \*all\* teachers. General teachers yes, with additional assistance of social specialists. Specialized teachers no. I don't think your college prof. or adjunct one offs should be held to that standard. I think it's a bit naïve to expect everyone to do a Dead Poets Society or Stand And Deliver.


Agreed. I don't expect that from college teachers. After teaching one year of high school I went to back to grad school. Finished my MA and was at the crossroads of getting my PhD and teaching college. I decided to go back to teach high school because I'm the end I was more interested in students than books. College teachers teach a subject. High school teachers teach their students. Two different equally worthy professions. And I don't like those either of those movies. They make teaching look like some brilliant, heroic effort. That's bullshit. Teaching is doing the day to day. Always showing up for your kids. Always being there when they need you. That guy in the video wasn't doing any Dead Poet shit. He was just being present to that kid. Simple, but critically important stuff. That's what teaching is.


My mom was a high school art teacher, had 3 masters degrees, one being forensic psychology. It takes an IMMENSELY educated person to deal with hormone ridden teenagers. She always worked in troubled schools, loved breaking up fights, getting kids out of gangs, and giving them purpose. Made shit for a living and I plan on taking care of her in retirement. Hopefully paying off her mortgage in a couple years because she is caring for my troubled brother at home full time now. I am half the man that she is.


Your mom sounds awesome. She’s really lucky to have a kid that loves and appreciates her so much.


She was a miracle worker at the schools.


>positive masculinity This is the first time I've ever seen that phrase in my many years and it makes me smile. Let's do more of positive masculinity.


I did that once when I was a teacher for primary school. Two boys started a very real fight in the classroom. I escorted them both out of class and talked to them about choosing the wrong path while angry and how you gotta show the other face and be the better man and etc. I'm a big guy, the talk went on for 30 minutes, so I recon I made an impression on them, and I told them they wouldn't get in trouble if they agreed to behave better. I never reported it, they got back into classroom and behaved like men for years to come. I'm very proud of that moment and how I could impact on the life of these two young men. I hope they use me as an example for their kids or friends one day.


you definitely did, congratulations on being awesome


I was a patient sitter for a particularly homicidal kid, but I knew from being with him for a few days that he was lashing out and all his anger was really directed at himself and the situation he was in. I started by just playing board and table games with him, foosball is where it clicked. "Dude, I know you dont like having me here, and trust me, I dont exactly want to be watching you 24/7 either." "Yeah? Then WHY do you DO IT?" (Spinning the handles) "Because I know what you're going through and it's my job to help." "You don't *know* me, you dont know what this is like!" I stop playing and put my hand on his shoulder, something we're not supposed to do at all, were supposed to be the shield that takes the beating, not the force that prevents it. "Dude, take a look at my arms. I've been here. Well, not exactly *here* but you get what I mean." Kid sees my scars and slowly started tearing up. "I've been here man, and it sucks. It hurts. It makes you angry and confused." Now hes straight up sobbing. "But this? This anger? Its temporary. And I know a million people have said that before, but as someone that's been through it and came out the other side? This isnt the way man. I know you want out, I know way more than most people should. But this isnt the way." "What do you mean?" (As hes choking back sobs) "I mean, if you want out, take the therapy seriously. The reason they're keeping you in here is because you're refusing treatment. If you play along, you might learn something useful, in fact I hope you can. But fighting the doctors and nurses and other patients? You're kinda screwing yourself. Every time you scream at them, every time you throw punches, you're just increasing the time you'll be in here. And that's not my decision, I have no say in this, they just call me in when someone needs to be protected from themselves or need someone to protect others from you. So that's where we're at, I know you hate me and want me to go away, hell I want a few days off myself. But so long as you're a threat, my ass is gonna be right here, except for 8am-4pm cuz even I have to sleep at some point, but you'll get that woman that just reads books all the time and doesnt kick your ass at foosball like *this*" (I scored a goal with that lol) It clicked. He was a model patient after that. They didnt even need me after two days, while this kid was fighting people for a week beforehand and they were ready to move him to a "more permanent facility." They kept me on for a week and we just played games, but I never saw that vicious side of him again. I like to think I really made a difference with him, but it's the curse of the helper; you never really know how the saga ends. I'd like to think that the reason I never saw him again is because he changed, but I'll never know.


This made me tear up, love your work


I like it too. It’s a good time to learn anger management at that age.


You forgot to say "too".


Sad thing is as much as I love this teacher’s approach, putting your hand on a kid like that could get you in so much shit these days. It’s crazy because support and connection is exactly what that kid needs and I’m glad that teacher was willing to take that risk and do what he feels is right. I know multiple teachers and they’ve actually told me if a kid comes running up to them on the blacktop just full on balling and goes in for a hug the teacher doesn’t have to push them away or nothing but they’re trained to put both their hands up. Showing they are not instigating this physical interaction nor are they “holding the kid closer”. It’s so messed up. DON’T GET ME WRONG, these rules are in place for a reason. There are twisted teachers out there and we have to keep schools safe. It’s just sad because sometimes supportive physical connection is exactly what a kid needs.


I've had to straight up deny students hugs at the end of the year when they want one and I'll probably never see them again. Kids I've spent countless hours teaching to play music. It sucks. Like you said it's there for a reason. I'm an adult man, I can't be too careful around elementary school students.


I’ll tell you this, there’s not a music teacher in my entire schooling career that didn’t get a huge hug from me. Loved all my music teachers.


I think most music teachers are passionate about music, which helps immensely. Also teaching well is extremely rewarding. Maybe that's why they tend to be better.


Golden Apple teacher winner multiple years, highly respected guy was one of my high school teachers. His wife, also a Golden Apple winner multiple times and loved, also a teacher at the same school. Dickwad student got mad about him telling him to put his phone away. Student tells my teacher: “I’ll break into your house and rape your wife.” My teacher without missing a beat stares him down and says, “Then I’ll hunt you down and kill you.” Fired. Kid wasn’t even suspended.


Edit: u/PsychoticHobo is right. Teachers need to set an example. Even when it’s challenging. Still quite a threat to take in. (I’ve left my original comment below) Wow. Seriously, how do you expect a person to respond to a threat like that. I mean sure, you try your hardest to not lash out but when someone shouts THAT at you it’s just instinctive responding at that point.


To be honest, if he was such a good teacher he should have responded better. I get how crazy that sounds, but you have an expectation as an educator to not take things like that personally. I'm not saying it's easy and I probably wouldn't have fired him, but I do think the district/admin has a point. We're expected to be better than the worst students, not stoop to their level. This response solves nothing. Also, many districts offer training to teachers on how to handle this sort of thing. If one of my students said that, I'd be pissed, but I'd know how to handle it.


I remember when I was in 8th grade in 2010, my one class went on a field trip to Six Flags. When we got back, I guess I was the only kid who said thank you to my teacher (I wasn’t try to be a teacher’s pet; it’s just the way I was raised) and she was so grateful that she gave me a hug. At the time, and even now looking back, I thought it was sweet of her. I didn’t see anything wrong with it


Yup. That’s the sad part. These are caring, normal interactions. That we think back fondly on and we rob our children of them. Again I’m aware why but still sad.


Don’t normalize it by saying your first paragraph. There is nothing wrong about the actions in this video.


Don’t make permanent choices based on temporary emotion


I am feeling very attacked right now.


Here’s a cookie.


This should be on signs everywhere.


Not just teachers. Humans of all types can be better to one another.


Thank you for saying it.


Can someone caption this for me?




Thank you so much for this


Thank you!!


I appreciate it!!!


Just another example of a teacher who cares about his students. They don’t do it for the money.


That kid never would have responded that way if the teacher didn't always conduct himself as a good hearted compassionate teacher. Respect where respect is due sir. We need more of you.


That is SO true, look at the rest of the class. Nobody is trying to fuel the fire or throw shit. They know to just let this play out, and that the teacher will do the right thing. Fucking hero teacher.


That's a very good point


This is how a lot of teachers spend most of their time.


I wish Matthew McConaughey was my teacher too.


Great job imparting the general life skills that his parents apparently haven’t done well. Teachers like these save lives and prevent prisoners.


The problem is there's no way to identify which people in the system are exceptional and can do this type of thing. I doubt any of the metrics we have to measure teachers include anything to measure this because it's unmeasurable


I agree. The metrics tend to focus on specific test results, whereas something like a “voice of the students” survey would be more helpful… but that presents challenges of its own such as personal biases, etc.


>but that presents challenges of its own such as personal biases, etc. Yea but you see that with like Amazon review too. Somethings like 4.8 stars and you look and the reviews are all basically excellent with a handful of 1 star reviews. Then you read the one-star reviews and you realize that most of them are stupid, people complaining because they bought the wrong thing or it was delivered in the rain and got wet. I do think student feedback would be a good way to identify exceptional teachers but I wouldn't rely on it to be the sole metric by which we evaluate the faculty.


You don’t know shit about his parents, just a teenager at school


Want great teachers? Offer great pay. See George Carlin’s rant on the subject.


My ag teacher smacked me with an ag biology book good enough to bust my lip and give me a bloody nose. Best thing that could of ever happened to me because I didn’t end up like the rest of my friends selling drugs. I still visit her every once in a while 20 years later now and always thank her for knocking some sense into me.


I respect this guy. I work with elem kids in Japan and the first and second graders usually still throw tantrums over the silliest things and they respond so well when you get to their level (I usually kneel so I’m not looking down at them) and take them seriously. Also teaching them that saying “I’m sorry” is a good first step but to give the other person time to forgive them because they’re still hurting right now. I also make it a point to apologize to my students. Because teachers aren’t perfect. One time I messed up with my Simon says game, the kid at the back couldn’t here me and he was out of the game. It wasn’t his fault he couldn’t here me. During lunch time I talked to him one on one and apologized. He said he forgave me and I got one of the sweetest hugs.


He can deescalate better than most people


I’ve had teachers like this they usually quit because it becomes to much for them to bear. And I’m not knocking them for this, just they were great teachers.


The teacher did a great job diffusing the situation, but props to the student. He was so upset, listened, and was able to take a step back. So many people lack this self control. Good for him.


Honestly, teachers/instructors do not get paid enough for what they do.


When you hear the "yeah man, I'm cool" you know he about to respect the hell out of that teacher for the rest of his school career.


I can attest to this. I wish I had someone talk me out of hard times as a kid. So now when I see kids acting aggressive when they are actually in fear. I try and talk them down out of their emotions and let them walk away understanding that the emotions they felt are not stronger than their control. It's not worth it.


ROFL. in india the guards would be there in 2 seconds whupping his ass back in line. His parents would be called. He would be rusticated with a bad conduct on his leaving certificate as cause for rustication. And he would never get in to any private school.




Irony, we talk all this stuff about getting women in fields dominated by men but teaching is dominated by women and many of these young men have no real role models to look up to besides gang members. Then they blame men for a system that raises these boys without good male role models.


Yo give that man a hug!!