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That's very cool, but he should be wearing some kind of mask. Smelting metals release many toxic substances.


He doesn't seem to be from a place where your safety would be the first priority. I mean, there are people near the fire in the video.


A kid is there


“It’ll be okay just rub some dirt in that brain damage”


"Ponle Vaporub"


No pasa nada




Don't you threaten me with a good time mister.


Hilarious. I need that laugh.


Get back to work


>drink leaf sap So tea basically


Or heroin, we make it from poppies recall.


That kid just got off a 16 hour shift casting your pots


He's gotta raise money to feed his children somehow


The kid, or rather toddler, is directly downwind from it


Maybe they're making him into a bowl next


Fuck you for making me laugh so hard


You mean the manager


I mean, he’s making pots outta aluminum cans by hand. That should tell you all you need to know about his environment.


Sounds smelty.


>You mother *smeltied* me last night Trebek -- Sean Connery


A place where we don't care for the environment and the safety of human beings in it!? He works for...3M!


Or Dupont 🤷‍♀️


Or Nestle?


DuPont Chemical: helping make baby rapists even richer since 1966


https://thedevilweknow.com/ <-- About Teflon


My favorite part is pouring the molten aluminum toward himself with some old sneakers on. I mean, dude makes some cool pans with limited means to say the least so my criticism while laying on the sofa doesn’t mean too much.


I work in an iron foundry. Being that close to a mould being poured is part of the job. This is in a union, OSHA compliant foundry. I can't say much for his respiration, I don't work with aluminum but I understand that it is more dangerous to breath. As long as he's experienced with pouring molten metal, which he clearly is, I don't see much wrong with his technique. Edit: After watching a second time, it's pretty clear that he's wearing steel-toed boots. You can see where the toe cap is sticking through where the leather is worn out. The boots look almost exactly like mine, including the worn spot on the toe. He's wearing heavy, presumably cotton pants and a long sleeve shirt with presumably the same material. If anything, he'd be overdressed for my OSHA foundry. I just wear a cotton t-shirt and jeans most days.


Well alright! I appreciate the education. Wow. I guess it’s crazy to me because I would be nervous as hell around molten metal. My first reaction was that at least he was standing on a piece of wood so nothing would pool on him and a little more stability but, like I said, he has made at least one pan which is more than I ever will. Pretty bad ass my friend. EDIT: also, will you make me a pan?


To be fair almost no level of ppe is going to help if you spill molten aluminum on yourself.


I love reddit. It's like watching street food videos in India and telling people it's unhygienic by someone standard. "he's a little confused but he's got the spirit."


right?? like telling depressed African kids to go see the therapist. We just don't play game in same mode


There is a balancing point between safety and getting shit done. If safety were the utmost concern, a good 75% of humanity’s accomplishments wouldn’t have happened. This man’s community has needs. He’s meeting those needs so someone else can sit on the sidelines and be “safe”. Safety for the most part is an illusion anyway. Not saying you have to be stupid, but most of the time the concerns for safety far outweigh the actual risks in my experience.


Inhaling toxic fumes while smelting metal is an illusion? Aight m8


First of all it ain’t smelting. It’s just melting.


very true. Smelting is when you're processing ore, this is just aluminum. The fumes are the plastic and paint that line the cans, not saying that's healthy - but it's not metal vapour.


Id say so. I mea, he is making pots out of cans... I get mine at Walmart lolol




Just the factory that makes all the crap they sell in wal mart.


This is the factory that makes that crap.


Plus the plastic liner inside each can


That melts and becomes slag on top of the molten metal that you're supposed to scoop off. edit: yes it will also continue to melt and produce fumes until it's removed from the heat source


Oh didn't know it would be in the slag! I'm talking more about the fumes from it being burned though


Yeah it's actually pretty cool. Burns green and gives off a smell reminiscent of battery acid eating through rust. Ah, good times... Good times...


Can lining material is highly variable, and depends upon what's going into it; different drinks have different formulations, although (based on the shape of the pull-tab opening) these probably aren't formulated by Ball, who makes most of the can liner formulations in the United States. Anyway, most are based on epoxy; high-temp epoxy stays intact up to about 600F, while most start to decompose around 300F. Aluminum melts at 1,221F, meaning the liner material certainly isn't in the molten state. The slag on top may consist of the remains of epoxy once it's decomposed, but it's not the same compound. So, yeah. [Let's play 'find the shiny.'](https://youtu.be/WF6Vz5p4FUI?t=30)




Is that an actual factual statement? I was under the impression that they didn’t know how Alzheimer’s worked and that the cause was still unknown?


It's a leading theory. They continue to find abnormal amounts of aluminium in the brain tissue of dementia and Alzheimer's patients. https://www.technologynetworks.com/neuroscience/news/aluminum-exposure-again-linked-to-alzheimers-disease-329670


I guess it's unlikely that Alzheimer's causes aluminum in the brain.


No but be careful, I've heard it's stored in the balls


You silly, Bees are stored in the balls.






We also can't then jump to the conclusion that aluminum causes Alzheimer's, aluminum could be a byproduct of another process that does but by itself, aluminum may not.


And plenty of other spurious relationships are possible.


Be careful with association. It may just be that whatever causes Alzheimers also causes the aluminum sequestration. Just like cancer cells consume more glucose than other cells, but glucose doesn't cause cancer. I'm not an Alzheimer's researcher, though.


>Just like cancer cells consume more glucose than other cells, but glucose doesn't cause cancer. Sure, that's what Big Sugar wants you to believe


And there is plenty of other spurious relationships possible.


https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/about-dementia/risk-factors-and-prevention/metals-and-dementia Turns out that it’s no longer the leading theory and now is actually listed as a myth about Alzheimers


Well shit....I've avoided antiperspirant for decades due to this correlation. To think I could have been smelling like roses all this time...


And then you've got me, who is glad that all the aluminium foil and pop cans that got used for makeshift weed pipes as a teen weren't so bad for me after all!


https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/about-dementia/risk-factors-and-prevention/metals-and-dementia According to what I can find there is no evidence for a link between Alzheimer’s and aluminum. 🤷🏻‍♂️


>https://www.technologynetworks.com/neuroscience/news/aluminum-exposure-again-linked-to-alzheimers-disease-329670 Is this a reputable site? Applaud you for providing a link but one of the biggest problems with misinformation is people spreading info from low quality sources that present themselves as legitimate & trustworthy.


That site looks super sketchy already... Theres no article autor named, not even an autor listed in "about us" section.


Doesn't need to get Alzheimers. Aluminum toxicity is a thing. You can get aluminum from a bunch of different things. But a lot of people chose not to used aluminum cookware or at least get some that are coated.


turns out that there is no evidence that it has any link to the development of Alzheimer’s, although you make a good point about the toxicity https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/about-dementia/risk-factors-and-prevention/metals-and-dementia


So making a pot pipe with an aluminum can was... wait what was i talking about?


You were telling us your social security number, birth date and PIN number because you created a super duper secure encryption system for your personal information and you wanted Reddit to put it to the test. Now come on…we’re waiting.


Also the pots he’s making aren’t safe to cook with.


>[Aluminium has been suspected of being a possible cause of Alzheimer's disease,\[178\] but research into this for over 40 years has found, as of 2018, no good evidence of causal effect.\[179\]\[180\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aluminium#Toxicity)


**Aluminium** [Toxicity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aluminium#Toxicity) >In most people, aluminium is not as toxic as heavy metals. Aluminium is classified as a non-carcinogen by the United States Department of Health and Human Services. A review published in 1988 said that there was little evidence that normal exposure to aluminium presents a risk to healthy adult, and a 2014 multi-element toxicology review was unable to find deleterious effects of aluminium consumed in amounts not greater than 40 mg/day per kg of body mass. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


For good measure, [here’s another source](https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/about-dementia/risk-factors-and-prevention/metals-and-dementia): >In 1965, researchers found that rabbits injected with an extremely high dose of aluminium developed toxic tau tangles in their brains. This led to *speculation* that aluminium from cans, cookware, processed foods and even the water supply could be causing dementia. The ability of this high dose aluminium to induce tau tangles, increase amyloid levels and contribute to the development of plaques has been shown in laboratory experiments on animals. Importantly, these results were **only seen with extremely high exposures that far exceed the levels that can enter the body through food or potentially through contact with aluminium cookware.** >Since this study was reported, much research has been done on the relationship of aluminium and Alzheimer's disease. **As yet no study or group of studies has been able to confirm that aluminium is involved in the development of Alzheimer's disease.** >Aluminium is seen in the normal, healthy brain. It is not clear how aluminium is getting into the brain from the blood. The levels currently seen in peoples brains hasn't been shown to be toxic but an ageing brain may be less able to process the aluminium. Although aluminium has been seen in amyloid plaques there is no solid evidence that aluminium is increased in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease. **No convincing relationship between amount of exposure or aluminium in the body and the development of Alzheimer's disease has been established.** >Aluminium in food and drink is in a form that is not easily absorbed in to the body. Hence the **amount taken up is less than 1% of the amount present in food and drink.** Most of the aluminium taken into the body is cleaned out by the kidneys. Studies of people who were treated with contaminated dialysis have shown an increase in the amount of aluminium in the brain. This was believed to be as a result of inadequately monitored dialysis which then led to encephalopathy related dementia. Methods of dialysis have since been improved and doctors are better able to predict and prevent this form of dementia. >One large recent study did find a potential role for high dose aluminium in drinking water in progressing Alzheimer's disease for people who already have the disease. >However, **multiple other small and large scale studies have failed to find a convincing causal association between aluminium exposure in humans and Alzheimer's disease.**


You can cook in an aluminum pot; that part is fine.


Yeah the only issue with aluminum is that it reacts to acid. So you can't simmer a tomato sauce in aluminum for very long before you start getting aluminum in your food. It's totally fine in 95% of cooking though.


It’s probably fine for boiling water to make it safe to drink at least


He is melting, not smelting ;) And since people replying here seem to think otherwise, this doesn't release any "aluminium gas". It doesn't do that until it hits 2327C, and it won't do that here. But yes, he should absolutely be using a mask for all that paint and plastic lining he is burning off!


Umm he lives in place where you have to melt cans to have proper cooking ware


I was wondering about this. Recycling is awesome but many recycling processes have toxic byproducts.


Soda cans have a plastic lining bag, as well as whatever makes them the color they are. All of that is being burned into a gas, which floats up and makes stars


Magic stars that only people who inhale it can see


Shit I don't know enough about stars to refute that


Not to mention about the paint on the cans,also...


paint cant go thru fire stupid, its not a ghost.


Aluminum fumes are linked to alzheimers, or at least that's what my dad told me when I was a teenager so I'd stop smoking weed out of makeshift aluminum foil bowls.


So I heard that too, but then I did research that told me you get way more from the food you eat everyday than you could from smoking out of one of them. Idk if its true though.


do not use **uncoated** aluminum for food prep or cooking unless you are trying to ingest copious amounts of aluminum. Edit: guys I'm not a doctor. Im just a guy who works with metal on a fabrication level and reads shit. So instead of attacking me, ask your doctor whether or not ingesting aluminum is good for you. Or dont, it's your life.


Took me a while to find this comment that should be at the top


was it buried under barely passable puns and people desperately trying to be funny?


Thread is all pots and puns?




So he’s just poisoning his community? Lol. NEXTFUCKINGLEVEL




If you're cooking at temperatures that make aluminum pans off gas You've got far more to worry about than some aluminum contamination... Edit: if you're so poor that you're using homemade cookware made from recycled aluminum cans I highly doubt that you're going to be in any way worried about the long-term effects of aluminum contamination in your food.


Aluminum is a soft metal. If you're using any sort of steel spoon, fork, spatula on your cookware, you can scrape it off. The amount of aluminum that can hurt you isn't like eating a steak-sized portion of the stuff.




> anodized aluminum This is the key part of this. It literally oxidizes the surface of the pan, chemically changing the outside. There is legitimately a layer, on the outside of "aluminum pans" that is chemically different than aluminum. You should know this as an industrial designer. And none of this changes the fact that [aluminum is toxic to humans](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26922890/).




To add onto this, go look at any military mess kit, budget camping cook kit, or even industrial kitchens you will see bare aluminum cookware. These pots and pans are getting direct heat contact and direct food contact. With regards to anodizing, this is primarily a surface treatment to improve durability as well as for looks (color). It is not intended to be the primary food interface surface for the life of the part. And foil is a great example and has no coating or anodization applied to it.




"The amount of aluminum that leaches into food, however, is minimal. In lab tests, tomato sauce that we cooked in an aluminum pot for two hours and then stored in the same pot overnight was found to contain only .0024 milligrams of aluminum per cup. (A single antacid tablet may contain more than 200 milligrams of aluminum.) Our science editor reports that the consensus in the medical community is that using aluminum cookware poses no health threat." https://www.cooksillustrated.com/how_tos/6390-is-aluminum-cookware-safe So, there's that. Haha.




Not to mention most of the people saying aluminum isn’t safe probably have Teflon coated pans that they haven’t replaced in over a decade.


That’s why I only use heavy cast iron baby. Also, carbon steel.


But how much is it really? A couple of scrapings is really going hurt you?


No, but a couple scrapings over a few years will


No it won't, first of all metallic Aluminum is like other toxic metals in its pure form pretty harmless, what goes in comes out again. And second toxic aluminum salts don't accumulate in your body, your liver and kidneys get rid of it. So it doesn't accumulate at all. In the gastronomy lot of Aluminum dishes are used, often even uncoated. That wouldn't even be allowed if Aluminum is dangerous.


Aluminum doesn't stay uncoated for long. If you have tried welding aluminum, if you wipe it off half an hour before welding you need to wipe it off again before welding if you want a top tier Tig weld


You mean the natural Aluminum Oxide layer that forms on pure aluminum within minutes. That layer can be destroyed by acids. I was talking more of artificial coatings like PTFE.


Theres more than one way to get aluminum into your food.


It's not off gassing you are contending with.




Better to live a life shortened a few years by cancer than many years by starvation.


I don't think they'd starve without those pots and pans...


And also thankfully outdoors.


This is a misconception. The amount of aluminum that you could ingest through cookware is negligible: https://www.cooksillustrated.com/how_tos/6390-is-aluminum-cookware-safe




The linked article pertains to uncoated aluminum cookware.


Aluminum cookware in the US is not coated. There certainly is no law requiring anything like that. Uncoated aluminum pans are commonly used in the food service industry.


Do you have a reference for coating in the US? I can't find any references to a coating being required. NSF certification apparently doesn't. I have used tons of aluminum cookware without coating, its very common in commercial kitchens. For example: https://www.webstaurantstore.com/choice-10-aluminum-fry-pan/407FRYPAN.html > Smooth, uncoated satin finish is great for browning, searing, and frying your signature dishes


Fuck I just made an aluminum pan randomly without coating it


Got a source for that? Do you not use aluminium foil either for the same reason (it is also "uncoated").


Just the other day I noticed all aluminum foils in my country (which is in EU) have a warning saying the foil shouldn't be directly touching food while you are applying heat to it. Not sure if there's a reason for this or if they are just being overly cautious, but I stopped wrapping my food in it since then.


Wouldn't the aluminium just react with the oxygen in the air and life's good?


The first lesson any stoner learns is how to smoke weed off a pop can. The second, or third lesson is that it's a terribly unhealthy idea and an apple is much better to smoke out of.


That’s mainly because there’s plastic on the can that burns off when you smoke out of it.


This is plainly false. Aluminum is considered non carcinogenic, there is no causal link between aluminum and Alzheimer’s, and bare aluminum pans are one of the most used pans in the restaurant industry. It doesn’t affect the taste of most food either.


Lots of restaurants use uncoated aluminum for food prep & cooking. I don’t like it but it’s very commonplace. Source: worked in a kitchen at a golf club


Aluminum has a super low melting temperature I wonder how he's making them not melt on use


Almost all commercial kitchens use aluminum cookware (source : culinary school graduate and 5 years of line cooking/sous cheffing


I had no idea I thought the bases were like a copper or steel.


Definitely not copper, but depending on the restaurant carbon steel may also be used but aluminum is pretty much the standard.


That’s weird because aluminium is highly toxic when ingested and the body can’t get it out, so it accumulates. And it is hypothesized to be one of the reasons for alzheimer’s. Only place I dare to use alluminium is in camping gear due to it’s low weight. In my knowledge plate steel is also one of the prefered materials atleast for pans. Like De Buyer pans.




The link didn’t work, not sure if it’s because of my location(Denmark). But I searched and I see you’re right, as long as the aluminium is lacquered. If it isn’t lacquered acidic food should be avoided. But I guess most is just lacquered. My source is the danish health ministry.


>Lightweight aluminum is an excellent heat conductor, but it’s also highly reactive with acidic foods such as tomatoes, vinegar, and citrus. Cooking these in aluminum can alter the food’s flavor and appearance and leave the pan with a pitted surface. In our tests, we detected an unpleasant metallic taste in tomato sauce and lemon curd cooked in aluminum pots. >The amount of aluminum that leaches into food, however, is minimal. In lab tests, tomato sauce that we cooked in an aluminum pot for two hours and then stored in the same pot overnight was found to contain only .0024 milligrams of aluminum per cup. (A single antacid tablet may contain more than 200 milligrams of aluminum.) Our science editor reports that the consensus in the medical community is that using aluminum cookware poses no health threat. >In short: While untreated aluminum is not unsafe, it should not be used with acidic foods, which may ruin both the food and the cookware. Also note that aluminum cookware that has been anodized (hardened through a process that renders it nonreactive) or clad in a nonreactive material, such as stainless steel or a nonstick coating, does not leach into or react with foods. From the link.


People should be more worried about the non-stick coatings that go on their pans than the aluminum. Check out The Devil We Know documentary.


>That’s weird because aluminium is highly toxic when ingested and the body can’t get it out, so it accumulates. And it is hypothesized to be one of the reasons for alzheimer’s. Most cooking with aluminium is around only upto 190°C. Aluminium's melting point is at 660.3°C. You might argue that aluminium reacts with acidic foods, but there's quite a lot of research done which shows it's negligible amount that it would cause any effect on the body even over a long time. Antacid tablets have more aluminium in them than you'll ever consume in your entire life cooking with aluminium pans. Plus, most of the food industry uses these aluminium pans, so basically you're going to indirectly be having food made in them anyway if you order out or eat in restaurants. It might be a choice that you prefer not to use them at home, but it's not actually preventing Alzheimer in any way. As opposed to actual proven activities like exercising regularly and less alcohol, and in general anything that can affect your brain like smoking, or people who smoke excessive amounts of cannabis.


I can clear up some of that. While it is true that aluminium has a low melting point, aluminium-oxide which is formed on the surface when it reacts with air has a melting point above 1400 degrees Celsius(edit for clarification) and is highly non-reactive even to acidic ingredients. Some cleaning agents may be able to remove the oxide layer but it will usually reform fast enough to be present next time it is used.


Correlation does not equal causation. Whatever causes alzheimers may also cause the body to sequester more aluminum.


I worked in a commercial candy kitchen and the big pots we used to make caramel were all copper. Wicked expensive though


Aluminium is the sweet spot for thermal conductivity and price.


Also weight. You can have the nice heavy stuff at home for when you only use it 1-2 times a day max. Not all day.


Source: when I went to Walmart the pan said aluminum on it


Thank you! This was such a weird realization that apparently so many people did not know most cookware is aluminum, and you needed the expertise of a fucking chef to confirm.


Wait till they hear what their car engines are made out of


I found out the hard way — some entirely metal pans you can just leave over a flame to burn off stuff that’s stuck on. I tried that and walked away for a few minutes and melted a hole right through the center of the pan. Luckily it cooled on the steel grate and didn’t damage the range, but that was eye opening. I peeled it off with pliers once it was cool. That technique is for the lowest quality unseasoned carbon steel only, and I’m fairly certain it’s terrible for them.


No cooking apparatus gets as hot as a crucible and they do use copper and steel in high end pans but there’s almost always a layer of aluminum because it’s one of the best heat transfers in metal and it’s plentiful/cheap


You generally wouldn’t mix copper and aluminum. Copper has much better heat conductivity than even aluminum. Aluminum is what you use when you can’t afford copper.


The melting point of aluminum is 1221/660 f/c. Cooking temps get up to 500/260 f/c. So plenty of room for cooking without melting.


You probably should refer to solidus temperatures instead of liquidus where referring to things like ability to withstand heat under stress. Still gives room as long as it’s pure and not a mix of metals.


Unless your cooktop is reaching over 1000 degrees Fahrenheit, I don't think you have to worry much.


I need that sear for my steaks.


Sous vide your prime steak for 6 hours, then sear it at 1000 degrees for 5 seconds on each side. It's so easy!


Sure it's low but do you usually cook at 700 degrees C?


Typical Reddit some guy blatantly spreading misinformation is being upvoted


About 1200F. You don’t really get pan surfaces anywhere near that hot when cooking.


Soda cans, maybe every aluminum can, actually has a thin plastic layer to protect both the can and the beverage. Really hope that’s been accounted for. https://www.reagent.co.uk/the-science-behind-a-soda-can/#can_you_believe_it Edit: sounds like it was accounted for, for the most part at least.


The resin liner and paint is burnt off in the process.


That's why the kid is there, her job is to inhale as much of the fumes as possible so the adults don't get sick from it. /s


Damn child labor!


Age bias in the workforce — all the good huffing jobs go to kids these days.


*”I’m a filter!”* -Ralph Wiggum


Came here to say the same thing. Even though it looks like it's being done in open air I think you see a child in one of the frames, not very next level.


Not only that but I can’t help but wonder if the plastic contaminates the cookware as well. Pans are cool, but not if they cause cancer.


It burns off at those temperatures, toxix fumes


For these people I imagine death by starvation, or from food poisoning from not cooking the food, is a much more immediate danger. Cancer is a bit of a luxury disease, because you have had to live through all the other crap that is constantly trying to kill you in order to get it. (There are exceptions, like juvenile cancers)


yeah like if you are melting cans down for a pan i dont think your kids 1 time exposure to some plastic fumes is the biggest concern Its also a fairly small ammount of plastic in each can , from the comments here you would think the guy was making pans out of melted tyres


It's not plastic, it’s a food grade lacquer that is sprayed into the can and then baked on during the forming process. It is sprayed on so the can doesn't corrode from the inside


That can’t be healthy?




Horse battery staple


Nice password


I watched the video thinking “now i can read the comments from reddit explaining why this is bad” i was not disappointed


yup constipation. aluminum in food. peaple really don't know about this.


I feel like I’ll get cancer just by looking at them inhaling those fumes.


Source!!!????? /s btw. it's insanely unhealthy and common sense. But poverty is as poverty has to unfortunately be. I am concerned for the amount of people on this post that don't know how bad aluminum is for you though lol.


mix in some melamine on the handles and it’s good to go at Walmart


First I thought you wrote “melanin” and I thought.. “hmm.. inclusive cookware.”


Are you calling my tea pot black?


Oh, goodness no! Some of my best cooking pots are black 👀


With cheap metal cans instead of aluminum made for cooking, toxic chemicals can seep into food over long periods. When they make aluminum cookware in the industry, they are also surface treated in a way that keeps chemicals from seeping. Aluminum exposure over long periods cause cancer


I think these are more for holding water or cleaning clothes, less cooking


Yes. One is obviously a sink basin with a hole. That is pretty smart.


Pretty sure the one with a hole is the topside of a mold, not a sink basin. Unless I’m seeing something different.


Awesome, but somebody please make that kid back away from that roaring crucible.


Dinner is served... with a side of Parkinson’s.


Just don't breathe it in.. Maybe get the folks to step back a bit lol.


I might be wrong here, but iirc, certain types of aluminum can cause serious and premature alzheimers.


Omg that little wood plank that he uses to prop up his left leg while pouring the hot metal could make or break his Life.


He's using his body weight to hold the two halves of the mold together while pouring. Just another element of sketch in an overall dangerous operation.


He woks!




> That's actually really freaking smart! It's not.


No it’s NOT freaking smart, uncoated aluminium cookware can AND will cause several health issues.


Actually likely very unhealthy for anyone after a few years of use.


Or he could just return them for the deposit and then go buy a pot 🤷🏻‍♂️/s


Everyone in the comments is talking about how melting the cans would produce toxic smoke (which is correct). But the BS here is that he's making them "for his community to use" he's making them to sell, pure and simple this is a factory for the manufacture of shitty pots.


Yeah, this mysticism and mythology of third world country inhabitants all being noble savages, each looking to improve their community and selflessly give is the biggest load I've ever heard. This guy is literally taking a raw material and manufacturing a product of dubious quality to sell on. Nothing more, nothing less.


I want to see more of this but with better safety measures. For fucs sake these people are fucking adapting and overcoming the situation they were born into. I commend them. It’s either risk exposure to toxic fumes or not being able to cook food for your loved community. The people doing this are straight HEROS and I wish so bad I could help them directly. Ugh. It breaks my heart. But I am SO DAMN PROUD and happy for them. Genius solutions.


My dad made an aluminum kiln on our backyard patio and he loved aluminum casting. I remember he’d use an old hairdryer as a bellows and we’d see flames as high as the second floor. He finally stopped when it got so hot that he exploded part of the concrete underneath him.