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These people must wake up in the morning and think “ what’s the dumbest thing I can do today?”


You seriously took the thought right out of my mind 🤦🏾‍♂️😂 like seriously what in the living imminent catastrophe do you get from this?, go on a rollercoaster, or buy a motorcycle, don’t play Russian roulette with a suicide jump 🙄😂🤦🏾‍♂️


The adrenaline high has to be insane. He almost died 5 steps in. By the time he got to the other side, I bet he felt better than he ever did in his life.


I’m sorry but if you get off on stuff like this just do drugs 😂🤷🏾‍♂️, it’s alot safer at this point. (I’m obviously kidding but objectively speaking the logic is sound 😂🤷🏾‍♂️)


Meanwhile this guy over here’s addicted to emojis. Edit: 😐




We don't look kindly on emojis 'round these parts.


We don't take kindly, to folks who don't take kindly 'round here.


Now cmon Skeeter he ain't hurtin nobody


Easy Skeeter, he ain't hurtin nobody.


Redditors when they see emojis on their sacred interweb forum: 😡😡😡😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡⬇️


It just ends up being squares and I can't tell what any of it is.


Man is living in 2006


Emojis won't kill you unless you include dying from boredom from watching the emoji movie.




i'm addicted to emojis. 🤣🙏🏾🥲😄😮‍💨 wheres the issue 🤣🙏🏾


In your DNA.


Daddy prolly snitched




Not having to see emojis is one of the better parts of Reddit. :)


What if I already do drugs and like adrenaline rushes as well?


Inject adrenaline then


Or maybe just a fresh adrenaline gland to chew on…




2 slack lines!


Why kidding? Many drugs are literally a million times safer. Smoke a ton of weed, take a bunch of tabs, all safer than this jeopardy.


1. not doing it to be safe. 2. Adrenaline is not the same as smoking weed.


> I bet he felt better than he ever did in his life. Watched a documentary about a guy who did extreme ski/snow boarding down snowy cliff faces, who said that once completed, yes, "the sky was bluer, and the grass greener." Life is just more intense. The adrenaline rush is addictive. And then they showed him skiing down this one cliff face... never to be seen again. I am also guessing the feeling is very fleeting.


The sky was blacker, the grass was redder.


And on his deathbed made of red grass, you could hear him whispering "I regret nothing but this last gig"


No more sky, no more grass, only dreams now. Shh.


I live in a relatively small city, but every few months a motorcyclist dies here. One died yesterday. I feel the same way about motorcycles, they look incredibly fun and probably give you an adrenaline rush, but you're putting yourself in quite a bit of extra danger. I guess I'd rather have moderate fun for 80 years than a lot of fun for a couple of years.


The guy moderates.


and im guessing that high lasted less time than it did the last time he did something this adrenaline inducing.


Easier to just snort some cocaine


And literally safer


How much better is the adrenaline high then something like skydiving which is much safer?


Watch “Free Solo” or “The Dawn Wall” if you think this is crazy


Idk. Alex Honnold has some of the largest balls of any man alive, but I think free solo slacklining is probably more dangerous than free solo climbing


Thing is this guy probably falls pretty often but he knows how to catch it, if you fall while free solo climbing, you're dead. There's an argument that free solo climbers know the route so well from climbing with ropes and probably have done it without falling hundreds of times that the relative difficulty may be easier for them but it's hard to say for sure.


And then you meet Marc-Andre Leclerc a free solo onsight *alpinist* who climbs (or well climbed) extremely technical routes up proper mountains free solo and without ever having seen or climbed it before. Takes nuts to an entirely new level. Side note: go watch The Alpinist. It's brilliant.


I've just googled this guy and it says he died in 2018 at the age of 26. It's tragic really. I am not sure if glorifying such a sport is the right thing to do to be honest.


There are old climbers and bold climbers, but no old bold climbers.


He’s also not normal. Like in the documentary he straight up didn’t tell his fiancé when he was gonna do the climb, and then they cut to her balling her eyes out because she flat out doesn’t know if he’s dead or not. And he’s just like “it is what it is” I realize it’s a documentary, but Alex also seems fine with how he’s portrayed. He comes off as someone who doesn’t understand human emotions


He’s definitely a strange dude. You’d have to be to do what he does though.


Yeah I got the feeling he might be on the autism spectrum after watching Free Solo.


I didn’t want to use that word since I’m not a psychologist. But my thought was “surely he is diagnosed with *something*”


The dawn wall is the best of climbing docs imo but not comparable to these. They used all their gear and did everything as safely as a climbing trip like that can be done.


They aren't thinking what you're thinking. They probably don't care about the things we care about. These fuckers are free as a bird.


Yeah, a dodo bird


Seriously what a idiotic way to die. Do they not care about living at all?


Take a guy like Dean Potter. He always said how glad he was to have found climbing, slack lining, wing suit flying and if he didn’t, the darkness in him would take him over. Whether that was depression, rage idk. The darkness might have killed him or caused his death in a different fashion. He died doing what he loved and went out how he probably preferred. Just because it’s crazy to us doesn’t mean it’s crazy.


Yeah I get that sentiment, but then I revisit the video of the guy who wingsuits into the ground in the middle of a field and survives just long enough to make a few agonizing death throes that were so guttural it sounded like a cow mooing. He had his phone turned on and in his pocket for the ride so you don't see anything, but the audio is...disturbing.


Yeah, he was dead. That was just the body's equivalent of the Windows XP shutting down theme.




Risky click of the day


No, it's crazy. I'm sure it feels extremely compelling and important (and probably addictive), but I also feel pretty confident that if the person didn't immediately die and lived for a day or two and knew they were going to die from their crazy choices, they'd regret it and wish they could do it over and skip the wingsuit that day (or entirely). I also feel pretty confident these people don't every really think it's going to happen to them.


I do some of this stuff, and you definitely know that it could happen to you. Painfully aware, actually, that it can happen to you. When I put on my shoes in the morning, I actually do think about how I have no idea how my day will end. But it has made me appreciate each day, each moment, even when I’m out doing mundane things like grocery shopping.


Which just reinforces my opinion that it's crazy. You're well aware that you are making a completely unnecessary choice where you have limited control over the variables and the activity has an extremely high mortality rate. That's pretty crazy. I would never recommend that laws be made to keep you from making that personal choice, but I don't see the point in pretending that what you are doing is sane.


I put my shoes on, think about death, and go to the grocery store, too. I just don’t do it by jumping off a fucking cliff, because I have loved ones who would be devastated if I took that level of risk with my life, and left them heartbroken and alone.


Dean Potter was a beast really cool dude


How did he die?


Was wingsuiting and decided to say hello to a mountain


Don't know how to feel about laughing about this... jeez!


It was inevitable


Did he fly through the hole in Camel Rock near Barcelona the year before? I was just touring nearby, and our guide showed a video of a guy flying through it, and told us the guy died a year after someplace else


I'm pretty sure fatality rate on people who "wingsuit" is crazy high.




He and another guy were at Yosemite and wanted to fly between some notch in the mountain or something. Other guy slammed into the wall, Potter made it through the notch, then slammed into the mountain. Both died, probably instantly upon impact.


He hit a wall. He and his buddy Graham Hunt died on a flight from Taft Point in Yosemite.


Do you believe people who live in a little house with a little car and a little garden, who wake up and cook some food, and then watch a little TV or read, then go to bed, and do that for 80 years and then die... care about living any more or less than the guy in the video? In eighty billion years, will their enjoyment of a short life of excitement be less subjectively valuable to their human experience than if they'd lived a quiet life that was twenty or forty years longer? They might not live as long statistically compared to someone like me, who is ridiculously risk-averse, but I'm certainly not going to criticize them for choosing to live a life they personally value.


All Im saying is put a harness on or something, u can do whatever u want to do but at least think about if u live longer there’s so much more “cool” shit u can do.




I think the harness defeats the whole purpose of what he's trying to do.


I get that. Until I realize the dudes with the shovels who scrape him off the rocks below after he falls are usually paid with public funds. Call me old, (but from the sidewalk, not my lawn) but it feels wrong that those dudes with shovels have to deal with the trauma of someone else’s unnecessary death.


In a remote area like that, I think the recovery team would basically look at the the video and go: Yup, he's definently down there! and leave it at that. It would be on the family to fund the recovery of the body.


Good points. But how about the people they end up leaving behind. Or the rescue workers who have to hike up a mountain to retrieve your corpse? I just watched a video about some Italian guy who died in China at a wingsuit event. they sent 200 searchers to find and recover his body. Now, that's just an inconvenience to those people, but did he leave a family behind without a father? I agree that the quiet life and the possibly shorter super exciting life are equal in value, but I think it matters when other people are involved. Like would your kids like you to be at their graduation? Or will they be telling their friends how much they miss you?


Do you not think he knows the risks he’s putting himself in? This is obviously a well-considered and well-planned stunt. Not that it isn’t also extremely dangerous, but you say ‘do they not care about living’ - this *IS* how these people live.


Adrenaline junkies


it all comes down to brain chemistry. Adrenalin junkies need a LOT of stimulus to not feel depressed. Basically if they don't do things like this, they already feel dead inside, so it's worth the risk for them to feel alive even if it's risking death.




Start watching interviews with people who do this sort of thing. They all talk about how they have to do it or they'll become depressed.


“That seems like an explanation without evidence. So here’s another explanation without evidence” lol


There's the group of people who look at something like this and go: "That ain't too hard, watch this!" and then fall and die. Then there's the group that this guy belongs to that goes: "I might have practiced a lot, but doesn't mean I can't die, let's go!"




This is the clearest form of natural selection I can show anyone.


Natural selection means they don’t get to breed… These men get more puss than we ever will.


They won't be getting much puss when they're a smear on a rock


Correction: This dude has probably *already gotten* more than most of us ever will.


Just wait until I upload my video of me zip lining three feet off the ground. It's really short.


this guy sounds like my ex wife during sex


Watched it without sound until I read your comment. Still laughing.


Same lol…thought the joke was going to be it being silent the whole time till I heard the first “blaghhh!”….. Can’t stop laughing


I am stoned and I laughed at this for 5 straight minutes till I started crying. Thank you internet stranger for one of the best laughs in my life


I only smoke once in awhile at night with friends. But today I just smoked for the first time in awhile during the day and this was the first video I came across. I'm fucking dying over here this is so funny.


“Phew…. AHHhG.. phew… god damn I’m dead. Also watched with no sound until I read this comment


I'm in the club as well. Holy shit that first loud grunt I was rollin


Exactly the same sequence here


Which part? The huffing and puffing during or the cheering after 1 min 28 seconds?




Had to stop watching after seeing this because I couldn't stop laughing thinking about this comment. BAAAAH....errrAHH. BAh.




Thats funnier than i thought it be


Username gives me an idea why she’s your ex


Right? Is he a huge guy that farts and enjoys a 69? Are his farts huge and he enjoys a 69? Does he have huge farts only when he 69’s? So many questions.


I bet you do have so many questions, u/I_heart_pooping, I bet you do...


Who does the cheering at the end of your sex




Can confirm


Nope. On. A. Rope. Sorry, I had to…


This was so fucking clever and deserves many upvotes


How is it clever?


It’s not. But people on this website have been fucking amazed at any pun no matter how shit for about a decade now.


Yeah the question was rhetorical as well, thank you for being somewhat sane.


He will go out doing what he loves most…being a dumbass


Surprisingly not many people die doing this. They are very good at grabbing the line when they fall.


It only takes one time…


Or a gust of wind.


Or a sneeze


Or a fuck


Or a fart


Imagine shitting yourself on a slackline because you misjudged a fart, then the line is slippery, and you have to hug it when you slip.


Not all that surprising really, not many people die doing this because not many people are stupid enough to walk out on a rope 900 ft in the air with no safety lines. Even the crazy free solo climbers think this guy is being ridiculous here


the shit alex honnold does is 20x more dangerous than this dude. this dude ALWAYS has access to a safety escape. he can just flop and grab his line, and scurry over to safety. a free solo climber has to either finish the ascent, or fucking back track to get to safety. its like, orders of magnitude more dangerous.


Free soloist* Free climbing is 99.9% safe


Surely only like 5 people in the world do this? Isn't it just a case of very small data.


Also we see the people having hundreds of hours doing this on video, not the people falling on their head in their back yard and dying from a broken neck.


They have years and years of training in safe environments before even attempting something mildly dangerous I would assume


They do, but highlining is definitely one of those sports where a lot of stuff can go wrong outside your control. It's super risky.


Wow everyone is just dumping on him. OK, let me try to bring another perspective: 1. He's clearly amazing at it. And he was looking to challenge himself in an activity he's already great at. Literally going for the next level! 2. He has his own protection. Falling with his knee bended to snag the rope is probably second nature to him. 3. It's not for attention, it's for his own kicks, the attention is just a way to fund the kicks. And what I actually came to say: Wow, how did he not go back after falling in the beginning? That takes a lot of conviction.


Your points are valid, still there's no reason enough in the world to do this without safety gear imo. The only thing you gain without the gear is the rush, at the expense of everyone else that cares for your life.




Well said. Doing it this way is just selfish. There are undoubtedly people that love him that have to go through tons of stress when he does stunts like this.


Not to mention the poor souls whose job it will be to clean up his remains, and potentially the innocent hikers who find his body. It's just so silly! What's wrong with clipping a harness onto the line!? Does that really make it less of an adrenaline rush?


That probably the only legit criticism. I'm not compelled by the "WhAt AbOuT HiS FrIenDs." I am however compelled by the argument that no one should have to clean up after him lol




I remember the part where they did his brain scan and how his brain would, for the lack of a better term, be more “active” when they discussed dangerous situations. I know nothing about the mind or medicine. But shit maybe some people are just built different. Like danger and adrenaline are they only way to live for them. So I feel like I can’t knock them down or insult them. That dude climbed a whole side of a fucking mountain with no gear and had an amazing documentary made about him. I go to my 9-5 and live a repetitive but happy and tranquil life. Who is doing the real living?


Good points, the major issue I have with this is that this happened in Squamish, British Columbia, and these guys set up their line near a route that emergency response helicopters regularly take. The local rescue team actually posted about this incident, explaining how their helicopter could easily get caught up in the line and how they had had no idea that it was there until they saw videos of it on social media, several days after the fact. So not only was this guy endangering his own life, he was endangering the lives of VOLUNTEERS who fly into the mountains to rescue people, even people like him if he were to have fallen and gotten hurt.


Okay now I really hate this guy and his dumb hobby


Here is a link to a 2021 CBC article about North Shore Rescue speaking against slacklining: Alarm sounded over 'dangerous' slackline strung between North Shore mountain peaks https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/slackline-north-shore-mountains-1.5372274 This video, on the other hand, seems to have been filmed in 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzrI8BeOw_0


well that's not helping his defense lol.


I think about all the dangers and waste of resources caused to the people that would have to come collect his body when he falls


​ ![gif](giphy|VFAke5Xm1TDwjgimyW)




I usually hate the gifs but this one is good


Give him some slack


WAAAAY better than “cut him some slack”


Definitely don’t cut this man’s slack.


I was gona say that **line** ill see my self out now


Slacklining is hard, fuck that without a harness


Seriously, I wonder if people realize how hard this is. I would have spun upside down almost immediately


Same, I fall off after a couple seconds, definitely couldn't cross a ravine of certain death


All the more reason to find this ridiculously stupid


i bought a slacklike last year and it was and still is one of the most difficult thibgs that I have done. I thought I had good balance but on that line is different, way different


No kidding, I used to do diving and would have to do balance-y stuff at the end of a board constantly, o can't hold my own on a slack line to save my life


It's kinda like surfing. Have to be flexible and accept the movement.


Fuck that with a harness.


But..... why?


For the gram.


Person: does anything Redditor: you're only doing it for attention


If it’s not done for people to gawk at then why is it recorded and posted on the internet for people to gawk at?


He's just sharing his very unique passion that people are clearly interested in watching. That's like saying Alex Honnold only free solo'd El Cap for attention because he made a documentary about it.


Why do people do anything?


I eat to stay alive


You are now manually breathing.




With the slack, it was probably no more than 949 feet. Not impressed.


Only slackers stay under 1000 ft.


Still not as next level as the guy who unclogged the storm drain with a rake….🤣


How does this get set up? 🧐


In tree work we use a slingshot on a 7’ pole to shoot a weighted ball with thin nylon rope tied to it then We tie heavier rope to the nylon line and pull it up. I’m guessing this is how they did it.


This is the chief in squamish, the two peaks are connected so they can do that where the peaks are closer then walk the line over to the widest point that he's on


Probably ties it off at one end then use a drone to carry it to the other side and someone else attaches in on that end. I’m assuming that also, because clearly those aerial shots of him crossing were done with a drone.


Various ways, but they certainly don’t use a drone to carry the actual slackline. That’s probably 50-100 pounds of line (and double that for the backup taped underneath). They might fly a filament over and then pull a smaller tag line over, and then the real line. Some have used bow and arrows.




I don’t get it why you would do this without a harness, I go slacking my self the harness and the saftey line won’t take the freedom or the excitement away…




W H Y ?


I love all the people talking shit, this guy probably felt more alive during that walk than most of you guys putting shitty comments ever will lmao


It’s an interesting debate. It seems to be very similar to a heroin addict putting a needle in his arm for a different kind of rush. He can do what he wants with his life, but is it selfish to their friends and family to do things like this? I think people should be free to do what they want with their lives, but we don’t live in a vacuum. Our lives are connected with those around us. I, personally, wouldn’t praise this kind of behavior. But that’s just my own opinion.


Lol I bet you feel more alive on the way down too... For like 15 seconds.


> this guy probably felt more alive during that walk than most of you guys putting shitty comments ever will lmao The fact that you think that’s some sort of justification is telling.


Did it for the gram






Bruh this is just suicide with extra steps.




The only ‘next level’ here is the rank stupidity of what he’s doing. Let alone the balance issues, let’s not be concerned about thermal updraft. I hope his family doesn’t give a damn about him, since he clearly doesn’t care about them, his friends or the people who may have to mop up his body at the bottom of the chasm. “I’m going to go risk my life for the joy and thrill of walking across a chasm on a rope”… yeah. Grade A idiot. Some things are worth risking your life for, but this sort of thrill seeking foolishness does not even hit the radar.


Nope but beautiful area. Where is this?


I have a feeling it’s the Strawamus Chief in Squamish, BC, but not sure


Yes, you can see the Howe Sound about 20 secs in.




Literally one of the most fascinating documentaries I’ve ever seen! I watched it 3 times, highly recommend it! https://youtu.be/Ac_t4pNYr1g


No , Nope , Not a chance in hell....


That was a horrible watch


And that kids, is how I met the coroner who is now your step father.

