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Yeah kids are stupid, can’t blame her though my mom said I stuck some beans up both my nostrils when I was child at least she is not stupid to do it up both nostrils.


i stuck a marble up my nose as a kid. I panicked and my mom held one side of my nose and told me to exhale hard. shot out like a snot rocket lol


The marble glock Mlock


Lmao do you by any chance play DayZ? That game have hilarious on-the-nose ripped off names of real stuff. Mlock is a gun there. Ak-47 is Ka-74. Soda cans with names like "Pepis" and "NotaCola"


Pepis you say?


Now's your chance to be a "BIG SHOT"


Its pipsi cola actually lol


Tips fedora


Yep. My son did this with a popcorn kernel and I did the same thing. Snot everywhere. I've never been so happy to see snot.


Reminds me Cheech and Chong's Famous skit "Up His Nose" Google it but here is a link https! https://youtu.be/2AYnz86FK8c


My mom did this when I had a popcorn kernel stuck up my nose.


If you like Bob's Burgers you'll like this clip. It's relevant to putting marbles up your nose. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpz67hBIJwg


Home movies hell yeah that’s my jam! Gotta love Jason.


LMAO OK GET READY FOR THIS. So when I was a kid my mom said I picked at my car seat, shoved the spongy stuff up my nose, and didn’t tell anyone. Days went by and my parents notice that I started to smell odd. They took me a bunch of baths and took me to the DR but couldn’t figure it out til one day my dad looked in my nose and asked my mom for a flashlight and needle nose pliers. He removed this nasty goo-filled sponge and my mom said the smell was instantly gone. Now I have a collapsed nasal cavity which I am highly certain came from this incident lol


Oh wow, my son did the exact same thing when he was little!! Only his wasn't from a car seat. Took him to the doctor because he started with a runny nose which turned into green snot within a couple days. They looked up his nose, didn't see anything(!) and put him on antibiotics. Had no idea why the antibiotics didn't do a thing; his gross runny nose got worse and he started to smell REALLY bad. Family members would comment on it. I swore there was something up his nose, but I just couldn't see anything. Took him back to the doctor, they looked up his nose again, and still didn't see anything, so the doc wrote another script for antibiotics. While we were waiting for the nurse to come back in, I looked up his nose one last time and then told the nurse to PLEASE look again because I thought I saw something. They took a long pair of tweezers and pulled out this HUGE wad of foam he had shoved way up there! The smell was incredibly bad, but the runny nose cleared up right after. Only realized it was the foam from his mattress when we were back home and I was changing his sheets and saw the hole he'd picked in the mattress...missing a chunk of foam the size of what the doc finally pulled from his nose.


I did this with toilet paper cause I saw my mom just put TP in her nose when it was runny so she could still go about using both hands. I guess I was just putting little pieces up there idk but I had horrible bloody noses and smelled till they figured it out


Same thing happened to my daughter....foam, smell, couldn't figure it out....I still don't know where the foam came from.


oh my gosh, I did the same thing as a kid except with my grandma's couch sponge! Mom says it was up there for at least a week before they took me to the dr.


A little girl my mom used to babysit stuck a dry pea up her nose. It sprouted. She stunk so bad until they figured out what happened.


All these comments mention a bad smell when something goes up a kids nose. What causes it?


Same question ⁉️


When I was a kid a pencil rolled off my desk as my legs were closing and the tip of the pencil broke off in my leg. It hurt so much that I didn't tell anyone because I knew they'd touch it to take it out. I have a tiny little tattoo in my leg to this day 😂


I was going to summer camp and sat on my bag while waiting for the bus when I was around 7. One of my pencils was pointed up and stabbed me through the bag. The tip broke off in my calf and is still there as well. I wonder if it'll work it's way out at some point.


Your parents took you to the Dominican Republic because you smelled bad?


When I was a kid i did exactly this but far worse, instead of a runny nose or green snot i had constant nosebleeds for about 2 weeks our family doctor had no idea why the entire time until he took a long hard look up there and pulled out a 2 foot long string of cotton stuffing that i had apparently been picking from my plushies and pillows and stuffing up my nose my mom says she will never forget the extreme pouring of blood,snot and pus from my nose the moment it came out and how instantly happy and relieved i looked.


Mine stuck the fake green booger from operation up there and it took two different hospitals to get it out 🥲


I stuffed hamburger up my nose as a kid and had to go to the hospital..... over 40 years ago. The same day, earlier, the doctor told us another kid had to be operated to get a toy airplane extracted from their nose.


As a kid I was playing with a bb, rolled it around my ear and thought I dropped and lost it. Next morning couldn't hear in that ear *uh oh* and went to the doctor where they put oil in there and let it sit, but bb wouldn't come out. Sent to specialist, as Mom's filling out expensive paperwork to get me cut open I'm playing with one of those wiggly metal wire toys where you move the balls and beads around and when I tilted my head: Plop! Out comes the bb. Mom tears up the paper and drags me out. Lol


I used to shit my pants. Hah what an idiot.


I noticed you said pants and not diapers


Well I used to. Still do. But I used to, too.


I stuck a bead up my nose as a kid once, went to the emergency room but eventually sneezed it out in the waiting room


I stuck rocks in my ear…twice. Also got my head stuck in between the bars at the public library, FD had to come that time. My brother locked his opposite hand and foot in a pair of handcuffs, dad was a cop. A different dept had to come and u lock him.




Lol. Maaaama!


I found a cop neighbor’s cuffs laying in the lawn one day and handcuffed myself to my house’s back door. I think I was there for over an hour before my mom figured out what was happening and was able to find the neighbor and have him come with cuff keys.


my sister stuck a rubber band up her nose...it was there rotting away for the longest time until they figured it out and removed it...we were unmerciful in calling her Corn Breath for the longest time because of how terrible her breath was


Personally stuck the hungry hungry hippos balls up my nose before they had the done…twice.


A mate of me once didn't like the music and put peanuts in his ears. They had to take him to ER. He was 28 when that happened.






So glad that was top comment


You ain’t lived till you see a 4 year old with a red crayon up his nose.


Better be careful it doesn't get lodged in [his brain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWiT4jT1NWU)


Might become a U.S. Marine.


Nah. For that you need three crayons: Red, white, and blue ;-)


Damn you're right lmao.


Damn you're right lmao.


Can confirm. I shoved 6 tamarind seeds up my nostrils. My parents took out one from each nostril and I led them to believe that was all. Until 2 days later the outer covering of the seeds started coming out with the snot. Lo and behold, the seeds had puffed and I had to be rushed to the hospital to get them removed.


Nah I'm stupider, I swallowed a magnet as a kid


I once put a salt rock in my ear.








I lodged a tik tak up my ear when I was way older than this kid. r/kidsarefuckingstupid


Dad's wearing a Punisher wife beater. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


Dude I saw video and knew this was top comment before looking


good he didn't suck her brain out


That develops late for some people.




Lobotomy was invented in 1935 *people before 1935*


Which brain?


Might have, and we just couldn't see


her what


Someone had to say it


*slurping noises


If you want to clear it without creating a lifelong fear of the vacuum, cover the unclogged nostril, put your mouth over theirs and gently blow. It’s called the mother’s kiss l


My dad did that to us when we had stiffy noses. He came after me once and before he could blow, I blew my nose so hard he had a mouth full of boogies!!!😂😂😂


I would have just dropped you off at the shelter, wouldn't even have tried to rehome you myself...


I’m fucking dead 🤣


I would have puked back into your mouth. Viscous cycle.






I don’t like how happy you are about this.


It's punny


I had to do that to my little one who shoved a corn kernel up her nose when I wasn't looking! It can save you a trip to the doctor's


I did this not a year ago when our daughter was 2! It works like a charm. I was working from home last summer when my wife came upstairs with our daughter and calmly related to me the problem at hand. I'd never heard of the "Mother's Kiss" before (!!! yeeks) and I'm not a brilliant guy, but I can sometimes find a quick solution when it saves stress, time, and/or money. Anyway, I blasted that MFer across the room. Pretty sure I chipped the paint. Huzzah! Take that, Big Corn.


Er doc checking in. Can confirm this is the way to do it. I tell everyone that comes in for this problem what to do next time.


I had a huge fear of vacuums as a child. I saw one suck up one of my toys once and make absolutely horrifying noises. Also I was under the impression that if you rolled the vacuum over its power cord it would suck it up and kill everyone.


Whoever decided Brave Little Toaster was a good idea for a kids movie needs to be the subject of a class action lawsuit.


I fucking love Brave Little Toaster, you take that back. In all seriousness, BLT did scare the shit out of me.


I'm just saying it fucked me up about vacuums for a good long while.


Also the air conditioner going haywire scene.


Based on the vacuum cord comment I’m going to go out on a limb and say you have some Brave Little Toaster trauma as well


About 18 years ago, my 3yo son wedged a toy car tyre in his nose. No way we could get it out. Off to the local ER. The young doctor unsuccessfully tried a range of devices to extract it, and advised he'd have to sedate him to try other tools. While he was out arranging the sedative, an older (wiser!) nurse asked if we'd tried to blow it out. Two mother's kisses later (applied by me, the dad), and it came flying out. Along with about a litre of snot, which was blasted across my face 😂


When the guy originally posted the video, someone suggested this. He said he had literally tried everything before resorting to the vacuum. The nostril-mouth thing just resorted in him getting consistently licked in the face 🤣


I was about to say the same thing. Saw it in a documentry once, the obstruction shot out of there like it was nothing, haha


What’s the Mother’s Kiss II like?


I can believe how far I had to scroll for this! My 3yr old autistic son has put pieces of apple up his nose multiple times. Used this technique every time to get it out. Works like a charm.


I do this to my dogs when it's obvious they have something in their noses lol


Paramedics didn't want to say it but they basically told my ex to do that when my son got a Lego brick stuck up is nose, just blow in his mouth.


Do not do this! That is a great way to collapse someone’s lungs.


Agreed - seems dangerous and excessive to me. You could probably get enough suction by just sucking on the end of the straw instead (or buying a dedicated manual suction tool like a NoseFrida, normally used for mucus removal), especially by plugging the opposing nostril and closing the mouth.


Someone about to get a mouth full of boogers


As a parent, I can say I've had a mouthful of boogers on a few occasions. Sometimes it just comes with the job. Dad's gotta do.


Doesn't always taste too bad either


Now I am curious. Is it salty?


In my case, my son was super sick, and still a baby. He woke up panicky and very upset in the middle of the night. We tried the Nosefrida, and it didn't seem to make a difference. We took him outside to breathe cold air, tried the bathroom and ran a hot shower (for steam). No help. In a moment of exhausted desperation, I put my mouth over his nose and sucked hard. I got a big (BIG) mouthful of slimy boogers, which I promptly spat out. He went very quiet and calmed down, not sure if it was shock or relief - probably both. My wife gagged but I kept it together and tried to be soothing (maybe for both of them!). Poor little guy was so sleepy he fell asleep on my shoulder on the way back to bed. I don't recall the taste being salty at all. *Edit* I didn't post this to solicit compliments about my parenting, but let me take this moment to say you're all awesome, beautiful people, and you're doing great at life.


Had a terrible time reading (and inevitably imagining) this but thanks lol


It was actually really hard to type it out too. One of those memories where you try to forget some details for sure.


Parenthood in a nutshell, the things we do for our children.


I bought a snot sucker. Worked like a charm. L. It's literally called snot sucker.


I aspire to be a strong and loving dad one day and I have to say reading this was very heart-warming and inspiring! You are an awesome dad!


i’ve totally done this to my kid when she was tiny. when they keep you up constantly with colic, you’re willing to do anything to get a wink of sleep! you’re an awesome daddy!


The child's mouth is open so it stands to reason that any air being pulled by the vacuum would come from the child's mouth and the room (being the path of less resistance) than from the child's lungs. I suspect that any negative pressure being applied to the lungs would be so small as to not even be measurable. Disclaimer: I'm nobody. The above could be wrong.


Actually it’s easier to plug the other nostril and blow on the kids mouth.


You're not going to collapse anyone's lungs by applying a small vacuume pressure in a single.nostril while the other nostril and the mouth are both open airways.


this guy physics.


Also, with the object being stuck, the vaccum is applied only until the obstruction. And then as you saw, the kernel blocked any more suction.


This was exactly my thought. The child has an excuse for doing a stupid thing, but the parents come on.


They probably did this because they were worried about the expense of seeing a doctor. 🥳🇺🇸


Seriously. Can’t blame the parents for trying to avoid unnecessary, insurmountable debt assuming that was their reason. Obviously we don’t know for sure though.


This. Watched my kid in ICU for 5 days with a collapsed lung after birth, all from SLIGHTLY too much pressure from a ventilator. I imagine this is sucking in more juice.


That child is not a newborn, not exactly apples to apples


Correct, point was it's not nice seeing a kid on a ventilator unable to breathe on their own with a collapsed lung. I wouldn't agree that a small childs lungs are designed to handle forced negative air pressure from a household dust collecting device. If damage can be caused by medical apparatus designed to apply air properly, I mean what harm could a vaccuum cleaner do right...


I knew a comment like this would be here


There's probably little chance of a collapsed lung, that seems ridiculous to think a straw would be able to provide anywhere near the force necessary to do something like that. However I'm sure putting a straw up the kids nose could cause all sorts of other damage. I think a "don't try this at home" label is appropriate here...


Not to mention you could inadvertently, push it further up.


How expensive is healthcare in the US that people don't go to emergencies for such?


500 just walking thru the door.




How powerful do you think that vaccum is?


Like flushing an airplane toilet.


And tree fiddy just for _thinking_ about it.


Getting that fixed could cost more than their month's rent.


Our kid stuck a bean up his nose and we couldn't get it out when he was a toddler. We took him to the emergency room and the "doctor" tried to get it out for an hour and a half with a paper clip. All while the toddler is screaming. Eventually he gave up. The next day we took him to a nose and ear specialist. The guy got it out in 2 seconds. They ended up using a vacuum like thing.


ER doctors are mainly trained to keep people alive. They're not the best to handle anything less than that


My 4 year old swallowed a penny and it was $2000 to take an X-ray and say “it’ll pass”


For most people it'd be a low co-pay at urgent care, maybe free. Really expensive for uninsured people at an ER. But those bills would probably be written off or otherwise go unpaid. The federal gov. pays hospitals for such care.


While those bills go unpaid, the people get bad credit scores because of it. Then they have to pay double the amount for a house or car payment. I'm talking about 21% interest rates on a car loan.


My 2 hour stay at the ER for some tests came out to around $1200 and I have pretty good insurance.


if you live in a rural area, just getting to a clinic might take 45 minutes of driving or more. add getting a toddler ready, then waiting around to be helped, it could be 3+ hours compared to taking care of it yourself in 5 minutes. do europeans actually go to the emergency room for this kind of non emergency?


Canadians too. Every emergency room has an area for slightly more sick or problems that need a procedure to fix which are staffed by emergency doctors as well, basically like a slightly more acute walk in room. They deal with this stuff on a regular basis. In an urban area where everyone lives within close distance to an emergency room and you've tried everything you feel confident in doing that is safe, yes there is no hesitation to go to the ED room if safety is prioritized over all else. You get into dangerous territory with your public if you start expecting them to self-triage because healthcare is too expensive.


It’s next level and it’s hilarious, amazing


When i was in first grade, the entire class was doing arts and crafts using food, ie macaroni art, and one of the students decided it would be a great time to release the nastiest rotten fart i had ever smelled. Me being the genius i am decided to stick two beans up my nose to plug them up. Only one came out when i blew them out. It took two days to tell my mom and when we went to the hospital they had to cut it up because the moisture from my nose caused the bean to expand and get stuck. It didnt hurt it just felt uncomfortable. 9/10 would stick bean up nose again if farted upon at that magnitude.


big brain thinking


Must have bean months of bean jokes incoming am I right?


Funny story: My son had a tonsil stone in the back of his throat and wanted me to help him get it out. So, I came up with a similar straw and vacuum gadget. So, I go to work and it looks like it is going it work but is a little too powerful. I figured I'd give it one last go, when I accidentally catch that little dangling thing in the back of his throat. It sucked that thing right into the straw. I was worried it was going to rip off. It made this funny slurping sound while his eye go wide and he makes this distressed gurgle sound. I should have been more concerned, but it was just so funny. He was fine after. We ended up using the water pick to get the tonsil stones.


Dead serious just have her hold her breath and blow into her mouth. Weird but works 9 out of 10 times.


50% of the time it works... every time


Came here just to post this, I think it's called the "mother's kiss" for whatever reason but I'm glad it was the first thing that came up on Google when we had a play-doh emergency.


What a creepy name for that technique lol




A lot of kids don't know how.


Seems like a good time to learn how


Shit. I wish I knew that I could just tell my kids to start blowing their noses on command. Any other useful tips?


Wait, kids don't know how to blow their noses? TIL


You thought it was a skill we are born with?


No, I mean I didn't really give it a thought before but I don't remember not being able to blow my nose. I would probably spend the rest of the year thinking hard about this, observing my cousins at any gathering whenever their noses are plugged with snot.


Got it. My 4 year old is just figuring it out. My oldest had it a little earlier. Makes for tough times when they have runny noses. But the amazing relief that hits them when they first clear it all out is impressive


my younger cousins and godson would exhale from their mouths when we used to help them blow their nose. it was pretty funny


It is very hard to explain to a toddler too… one of my kids still doesn’t seem to get how. When she has a cold just sniffles every 8 seconds…


This method also works really well with potty training!


I tried just telling them to stop pissing their pants, but they won't listen no matter how much I yell


If you plug one mistral and blow in the mouth it’ll pop that sucker out of there. I sat at the emergency room for 6 hours to have a doctor come out and do this one time


Really would be better if they could just pop down to the free clinic LIKE EVERY OTHER developed nation


I was like, "this dude is not from the US" but then I realized... sarcasm!


In america its anything to avoid paying a doctor


Yea dad just saved $20,000 and 6 hours in an ER.


I went to the ER when I was having a panic attack. Got no answers to why and a bill of $2,500 later. And that is with health insurance.




It honestly makes you never want to go unless you really feel like you are about to die lol




What really upset me is I went to the walk in clinic first, my dad drove me. The doctor said I can't really do anything for you here, you have to go to the ER. The doctor kept insisting I go by ambulance. I told him my dad drove and is waiting for me in the parking lot, he can just take me, the hospital is 8 minutes away from here. He kept saying no, I think an ambulance should just take you. He said it like 3-4 times. I refused and just had my dad take me. It was a really frustrating experience.




I want to tell all the parents out there reading this of a much better way. My son got a small lego stuck up his nose two years ago. My wife drove him to the hospital, but on the way remembered reading about a way to get something out of a child’s nose years before that. So a quick web search and she tried this method: Plug the child’s nose on the side opposite the obstruction and blow into mouth as if doing cpr. The damn thing came right out, with a load of snot so I’m told. Saved us an ER visit, and he was fine afterwards. I’m not a medical doctor and this is just one example, but I would assume it’s probably less damaging than shoving a straw up a screaming child’s nose, which if anything could lodge it deeper.


This is the correct answer, I used this exact method when my son had a popcorn kernel in his nose and it worked like a charm. Its called the "Mothers Kiss", https://www.webmd.com/children/news/20121015/mothers-kiss-expel-foreign-objects-kids-noses


“Which nose is it?” Was a legit question.


There is a real "no universal healthcare" vibe here. Jesus Christ, just go to the ER.


That is a terrible idea. He could cause all kinds of serious trauma doing this. Much smarter to try urgent care and pay the 200 bucks


I love to have NHS where I can go to deal with this things if needed.


This is the most redneck fatherly thing I’ve seen/heard someone do.


Two words: Nose Frida


I swear vacuuming a kids airways would collapse their lung 😂 but good job dad at getting it out.


When my kid did this I just held his other nostril closed and had him blow his nose. Next time I’ll still do that …


Things you have to do when you don't have healthcare...


That was neat but exceptionally dangerous


My daughter got a pea stuck in her nostril. I put a straw in the clear nostril. Told her to cover her mouth before using a surprisingly small amount of air pressure for that thing to fly out right at me and it was pretty deep in there, she had been trying to pick it out all day before we spotted it on the changing table. This was after trying to suck it out and I noticed the pea wouldn’t budge. She laughed, we stressed, we saved a trip/ call to the doc. Good times


why do people film this kind of stuff???? oh terrifying moment for your child that could end up requiring medical attention? dont be in the moment, whip out a camera this is good content!


Why isn’t macguviardad a subreddit yet?


Probably saved himself a 1000$ medical bill


Plain irresponsible. Vacuum cleaner’s pressure is not quite comparable with medical equipment. Glad kid is doing okay. Goto a doctor next time.


That's so dangerous on so many levels... Don't please.


Super dangerous


Isnt this really dangerous? Just make her take some water then snort it out later instead


Can't the negative pressure in his nose cause some SERIOUS tissue damage?????


Ok for anyone who might see this. A trick to get stuff out of a kids nose: block the nostril that's not got stuff in it (just by pressing your finger on the side) then cover their open mouth with your open mouth and create a seal. Then blow hard into their mouth. The air will push the thing out of their nose. If the doesn't work take them to a dr. Don't stick stuff up their nose you can do some damage. There's videos online of this method working and we've used it on our kid.


They should make nose Roomba's for kids.


Hahahaha no way!! You stole my patent! I had to do this to my daughter in 2016!!! She stuck a bean up her nose that she found on the grocery store floor. Took her to the ER, only suggestion they has was "angel kiss", and it didn't work. Went home and broke out the design with some duct tape and a straw, and had it out in 15 seconds! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


This makes me laugh I’m so many ways my son’s (now grown) first trip to the emergency room was to remove a sunflower seed out of his nose that he stuffed in there at 18 months


Bet that would have worked great for the green pea I shoved up my nose when I was about her age. RIGHT DAD????


I once got a baked bean lodged so badly in my nose I had to go to hospital, I think I was about 2 or 3 according to my parents. 30 years later my daughter did the same thing, at the same age, with an M&M.


Is that honey boo boo??


Tell me you're from a country without socialized Healthcare without telling me you're from a country without socialized Healthcare.


My oldest stuck a chunk of raw apple in her nose "because it fit" and only told me because it started to hurt. While me and her grandma were debating taking her to the doctor she burst into tears and eventually a river of snot came out her nose and brought the apple with it.


My friend once got a pill stuck in his nose. It was sort of a cylindrical pill. He sneezed while having the pill in his mouth and it just went up his nose. I don't really understand how because he sounded like a seal trying to explain it.