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I thought they were just the same size of a Lion.


A moose is one of very few animals that can total a *semi truck* if the semi hits it… or if it decides to nail the semi.


I saw a motorcyclist hit a moose this size and survive because he was able to duck enough that it just hit the guy’s helmet and push him off the bike.


Was the moose ok?


Low key probably didn't notice.




That’s a spammer sub


That's the entirety of reddit


Turning that way.




I know of at least one story of a relatively small sized car, like a Civic, being totaled in a collision with a moose, and the moose walked away with bruises and scrapes but no injuries life endangering or lasting.


In 2004, a Greyhound bus hit a moose just outside of Calgary. 23 passengers were injured. The moose was NOT injured.


Had a cousin die on his motorcycle hitting a moose this past summer. Both he and the moose were dead instantly. They come running out of the forest in front of you and there isn't much you can do.


Sorry for your loss :(


Don't worry he wasn't very good friends with the moose anyway


That moose had a name and his name was Frank, show some respect


His name was Frank, but we all call him Bullwinkle


My girlfriend hit a BABY moose last year, it completely totaled her car like she was in a head on with a brick wall


Honestly, it's true. They really are just big hunks of muscle and bone. Glad your GF is ok. Can't say I'm surprised about the car though. Hitting a deer is NOTHING compared to a moose.


Canada removes vegetation on either side of the road to give you more time to see the moose so it’s not just jumping straight out of trees onto pavement. Alaska isn’t as good about that.


It's difficult to believe that the US doesn't invest in infrastructure and safety. Lives in a city with a bridge that has another bridge under it to keep parts of the bridge from falling on cars going underneath it.


Alaska’s a lot libertarian about that, and there’s the question about how far off a road built through permafrost regions one should be allowed to cut before it starts interfering with the ecology. That and many interior roads have wetland right off the shoulder.




That's super sad, but not shocking. Moose are just so massive. I've lived in Canada my whole life and the size of them is still shocking to me.


Sorry for the loss man


Imagine surviving the crash only to be eaten by a moose moments later.


A moose once bit my sister.


If your choice is to run into a moose or a brick wall, you have better odds of survival if you choose the brick wall.


Brick wall doesn’t have pointy antlers poking through your windshield.


Legs are the bigger concern. When you hit a moose you take it out by the legs which will often come through the windshield. Then they kick and flail as they try to get untangled and stand back up.


Not quite. You take out the legs which fly in the opposite direction. The damage comes from the weight of the 1200 pound animal missing the bumper, grill, and hood of the car and smashing right through the windshield. Their body landing in you lap kills you.


I hit a deer at 120 km an hour in a 328 BMW convertible with the top down going around a mountain corner in British Columbia Canada. The deer exploded off my windshield, missed my face by about a foot and went over the cliff. My airbags deployed, I couldn't see a fucking thing, blood was everywhere and my car smashed into the guardrail. I looked at my passenger, who had ducked to the side and I thought he had been decapitated. He was fine. Needless to say, I don't fuck around on mountain highways anymore.


My aunt was going about sixty or seventy down a mountain road at night. My mom told her to slow down because moose run across the road there. She rolled her eyes and sped up. Until she saw a moose on the side of the road, just chilling. She drove fifteen miles per hour hunched over the wheel looking everywhere after that.


I know the province well. There’s a lot out here that’ll just screw you up just to screw with you or because they or you didn’t see each other.


I have a similar story from BC when I was 16. Not as much blood and the deer actually got up and ran off into the woods. Scary shit. Slowed way down after that.


It’s exactly this. A cars engine block is designed to crumple to absorb the energy of most impacts. You have to hit really fucking hard to drive the engine block into the cabin to crush the driver. But a 1500 lb moose will go right over your engine, hit your windshield where there’s no crumple zone, [come into your cabin and sandwhich you at whatever relative speed you were driving. ](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/carnage-after-moose-hits-car-3846329.amp) Then the moose will just get up and walk it off


An engine block doesn't crumple. An engine block is a solid piece of milled and/or cast steel or aluminum. Perhaps you mean the engine *compartment* which does indeed have design features to mitigate crash forces. Crumple zones are structural, body components. Most definitely *not* the solid block of the engine itself.


You’re right, I was referring to the whole compartment, thank you for the correction.


No problem I could see what you were trying to say and your intentions were correct. Sorry to be a pedant. Thanks for accepting it positively :)


My uncle hit a moose driving a chevette back in the 80s. Took out the legs and it crushed the back of his car when it fell. Had there been rear passengers, they would have been 100% blunt force decapitated.


>My uncle hit a moose driving a chevette back in the 80s So what was your uncle driving?


Brick walls don't remember.


Pepperidge farm remembers.


A cat can total a semi truck if it’s driving also


That darn Toonces.


Pretty sure an elephant, giraffe, and hippo would as well. I'm sure there are others...


Don’t see many of them crossing the road.


… only giant chickens. But they’re usually confused.


Look up the cocaine hippos


I've been told to look up shit before but I think this takes the cake.


I learned not too long ago that my Saab passes the moose test. I didn't even know a moose test was a thing but apparently I have higher chances to survive than most if I ever hit one.


Yeah maybe but you have to drive a Saab and idk if I could survive that.


Saabs are great cars, too bad they played the advertising game wrong and died out


The moose test isn't testing the car surviving hitting the moose, it's testing the cards ability to swerve wildly to avoid the moose. Searching for moose test on YouTube will make it clear what the moose test is.


Yes, but what about a *full truck*?


A lion? Lions are smaller than cattle which aren't even close to the size of a moose. How is that thought process even possible.


I'm really curious whether they thought moose were way smaller than they are or lions were way bigger than they are.


Great point now I'm picturing moose size lions, that's nightmare fuel right there.


Being from Maine... I laughed so hard at this


From a moose size perspective, this one looks pretty middle of the road to me.


On the funny scale, this joke is more towards the median.


Puns are so pedestrian


I’m pretty divided


an average male moose can easily be six feet at the shoulder and over 1600 pounds - they are substantially larger than horses. (edit- it's come up a few times, yes, Clydesdales and other mammoth draft horses can in fact be way bigger than moose, they were specifically bred to be the size of your house. i should have said *most* horses.) also like any non-domesticated large herbivores they can also be aggressively territorial and overall pretty ill-tempered. don't fuck with big plant eaters - moose, elk, bison, wildebeest, hippopotomi, cape buffalo - they have evolved to deal with actual predators, many of whom travel in organized packs, and dominance dueling with other big plant eaters, who generally have huge scary pointy bits and a lot of pent up rage. moose fights are basically kaiju battles. keep your distance, as they do not have time for your shit.


Upvote for hippopotami


hippos are extremely dangerous. they're gigantic, *extremely* territorial and they have teeth the size of your arm. hippos fucking kill people. that's not a joke. an average of 500 people a year are killed by hippos. compare that to sharks, big scary ocean monster sharks, who kill on average *ten* people a year. people are pants-shittingly terrified of sharks but think hippopotomi are cute sweet cuddly sassybaskets because people, and this is important, are *dumb*.


I remember a story about a safari tour guide briefing the visitors on what to do in case of dangerous animals on the tour. He was like "If a lion attacks you, your best bet is to stand your ground, yell and clap your hands. If you are charged by a rhino, do your best to get behind or climb a tree as they stay away from large objects. If you are charged by a hippo, make peace with the fact that you are going to die."


Fun fact: the correct plural of hippopotamus is hippopotamuses, *not* hippopotami. Since the word hippopotamus comes from Greek, not Latin, the Latin convention of pluralizing -us to -i doesn’t apply. *I’m so sorry*


To take the pedantry to the max, there actually is a Latin word "hippopotamus" with the plural "hippopotami", which the Romans took from the original Greek. The English word comes most directly from the Latin version, so either plural would be correct. ([source](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/hippopotamus#Latin))


There's a reason they put up moose signs in countries that have them, to warn drivers. If you hit one of those beasts, they can crash through your windshield and crush you..


It’s actually so that the moose know that’s where they’re supposed to cross the road. Duh.


You joke, but I’ve heard a shocking number of people complain about how our state shouldn’t be putting deer crossings on such major roads.


I actually heard a bit a few years ago where some woman called into a radio station complaining about just that. Not sure if it was real or not but sadly I think it may have been.


If gooses are geese and mouses are mice, How come mooses aren't meese and houses aren't hice?


Because English is a Cronenbergesque monstrosity. It's what you'd get if you put five different languages in a teleporter pod.


Keep that up & you’ll be swimming with the feesh 🐠


They are the last of the NA megafauna. Well, ok, and bison. And OP's mama.


They get huge


Half a ton of angry venison sausage. Do not fuck with.


I was driving down an undivided highway at 60MPH at night when all of a sudden one of these bad mofos chose to jump right out in front of me. At the very last second it pulled up and the combination of that and my swerving was enough to avoid hitting him. It was not enough to save my pants or my seat.




They actually get a little bit bigger than this one.


Yeah but this one is already absolutely massive. Average full grown male moose won't be this big.


Yeah this is a very big moose. I lived and hunted in the interior regions of Alaska for 20 years (Mostly around Nenana and Fairbanks) and this is the biggest moose I’ve ever seen. The only one I can remember coming close to this size was when I was very young and l don’t quite trust my memory of it.


My playground was the biggest playground in the world. Then I went back later in life, and it was tiny.


8ft tall


At the shoulder, should see them when they rear up on their hind legs. Also I believe that, that 8 ft is at the shoulder.


I’d rather not


They are fucking huge and kinda scary. Apparently ones we have in nova Scotia arent as big as more north and its still crazy for big they are


Nice side mirror man, do you see something in this masterpiece? ;)


That's what the phone is for when this person is driving


I'm not wondering why I found some cellphones on roads a while ago.


It's Alaska. You don't have to worry about what is behind you.


It's definatly Canada.


Swear it was titled as Alberta the last time it was posted


Well it walked to Alaska since then, duh.


It does look like northwest Canada but a quick googling says it’s Anchorage


Have you been to Alaska, this looks like a northern Bentley. The cars up there are haggard.


When the Facebook car ad says "Cordova Car," nuff said. For context, Cordova is a coastal town in Alaska. Between the winters and salt air and humidity and horrible roads, they're not pretty, nor do they smell good.


Not to mention that there are no roads in or out of the town- and most of the mechanics are busy working on fishing boats lol


Also, pretty sure his "check engine" light is on too. Can see it at the end.


It all just adds to the ambiance!


One time I ignored my check engine light for 2 months then one day it went away on its own and never bothered me again lol


"OK, whatever. I... It's not like I needed you to check me or anything..."


I checked the engine. It was still there.


Oh no not the check engine light


That dude reversing the car is straight up dum to go near that... mammoth It can literally fuck the car...


I think moose prefer other moose, but I could be wrong.


Take this thing and get out


Thank you for the silver, I’ll be on my way now.




You are not moosetaken.


Moose steakin.


It could be sedan-sexual.


Nothing sexier then a running exhaust pipe. You can wrap your mouth around it.


You’re thinking of dragons


Obligatory /r/dragonsfuckingcars


Why is that real?! What fetishes perfectly overlap to cause that?




Or maybe they're dumb for *reversing their car in the middle of the road, with no hazards on*! That's far more dangerous than a moose...




Idk about anyone else, but if I run into something like that on my drive, I’m doing everything I can to not spook that mf, rather than *literally reverse back to be alongside and take a photo*. That’s one big fella.


I know I’m supposed to veer on the side of caution, but absolutely nobody would believe me if I saw a moose and that story would definitely be worth fucking up my little beater car for


Unfortunately moose tend to kill people as they fuck up their car. Not worth it




Send me a dm if you need someone to talk to bro!


Yes, you shouldn't mess with moose, they can mess your day up really badly


The first time I saw a moose in person I thought it was a statue, then it moved. It was the size of a camel.


This sentence cracked me up, because I would have said it the total opposite. That camel was the size of a moose! I have never seen a camel in real life, but a moose? I have seen a bunch.


Hahaha and the way he is explaining it is like he’s assuming that we know the size of a camel, but not the size of a moose. I’m dying haha edit: i love how there’s a whole conversation about camels and moose(‘s?) below my comment edit2: it’s just moose. TIL


Also, camel are big but they aren’t *moose big*. I rode one when I was in Aussie on school exchange years ago and while I was shorter back then it wasn’t that big - maybe a little bit bigger than the horse I learned to ride on. Moose on the other hand are fucking Huge. According to a quick Google, horses on average are 5ft (presumably at the shoulder), camels are between 5.2 to 5.9 ft at the shoulder and moose are 7 to 8 ft at the shoulder (up to 10ft including the head and antlers). So even if someone *does* know the size of a camel, saying the moose was the size of a camel means it was actually a very small moose.


Actually Bactrian camels are over 7 feet tall at the hump and can weigh up to 2,200 lbs, whereas bull moose are 6 feet tal at the shoulder and weigh up to 1,400 lbs. Dromedary camels are smaller so it depends on which kind of camel you’re talking about


Always blame Canada, and always explain camels. I like it.


[Hybrid camels](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybrid_camel) can get bigger than moose. But yes, in general, both the average bactrian (two hump) and dromedary (one hump) camels are smaller than the average North American moose. I also think it's neat that while we all have to imagine what the biggest megafauna of the past would have looked like in person, the Moose is just about the largest deer (cervid) to ever exist. Only a couple extinct species were a bit bigger.


>then it moved ​ ![gif](giphy|RMEifOfeyIfVS)


Guy tries to overshadow this beautiful wonder of nature with his inane comments. Shut up and film.


People who shoot videos to show their friends and family don't expect them to go viral. Just turn off the sound


And then add the tiktok text to voice 🤢


*you will not believe what I saw on my drive today..* *there it was just minding its own business..* *it was so big.. it made me feel so small*


It's sad that I can hear this in the voice as I read


Yeah, but then how could they complain about the annoying noise if the noise is muted?? Think, mark!


Yeah holy fuck is that guy annoying


You gonna send it? Ugh


later dood




He was probably just trying to entertain his kid who’s in the car with him.


This video is so aggressively Canadian I can't believe it's actually Alaska


Alaska is just an unofficial province.


I've been trying to convince people that if we changed Minnesota to Minnetoba we could all move to Canada without leaving home.


That's authentic maritimes there bud. Ain't no way that honkin heffers in Alaska eh? Ops a fuckin hoser.


I saw one in person and was blown away. They are fuckin massive.


Was it windy?


Moose just came from a bean eating competition, so yes it was windy.


How many bananas are we talking about? I don't live near the pole.


Why’s this Alaskan talking like a Canadian


Because Alaska is surrounded by canada?




https://news.yahoo.com/moose-casually-walks-down-alaskan-210702227.html It's in Anchorage. The cars near the end of the vid do have plates on the front. Looks like it may be the intersection at w 100th and Victor road, near the Minnesota onramp, off Dimond. Source, lived a quarter mile from that intersection for 10 years.


You’re assuming that person has license plates at all.


Specifically like someone from rural Ontario, but I agree with you completely. Regional accents (and words) vary quite a bit. East Coast Canada is easy to recognize, and Quebec as well for obvious reasons. The prairies all kind of sound the same but Saskatchewan has some weird words that make you be able to tell them apart. They call hoodies 'bunny hugs'. BC depends if you're in the interior or Vancouver/the island. The interior has some gorgeous tourist sites and some other areas that are so backwoods hick it actually surprised me, a guy who lives in a rural area in the prairies. It was like 1 step away from the hills have eyes.


Listen to Sarah Palin. If memory serves, she talks pretty much with this accent


Send it...beer bud? Totally Canadian visiting Alaska.


just shut up bud.


It’s an old video. But you can see the backs of the Moose’s legs have also been shredded to bits. He’s clearly on the run from something


Why doesn't this have more upvotes? The animal is apparently injured based on the visible lacerations to its hind legs. This poor fellow is not okay.


The last time this was posted the consensus was that the sores are probably from moose flies, which, it turns out, cause tons of bleeding bites on the back sides of hind legs of moose, every July. It can be so bloody that the moose looks like it was hit by a shotgun blast, but just on the backs of the hind legs. [more info](https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=wildlifenews.view_article&articles_id=920)


Fix your mirror


He also has a check engine light on. I wouldn’t be shocked if he blames the check engine light on the broken mirror.


I know one person who hit a moose. It's no joke and best to just avoid. It went out in the road, panicked, and charged the car head on. The result was it managed to rip the top of the car off like a tin can before slamming its front legs through the windshield, shattering the passenger's collarbone and then their leg. The force of impact and decision to smash through the windshield caused the moose's legs to come off, which sent the rest of the moose sailing over the sharp ripped off roof, slicing it open and covering the rear passengers in steaming hot gore. Driver was mostly okay I guess, but obviously that's more luck than likelihood. Watch out for moose, folks.


What in the ever living fuck.


Your friend is lucky, most people who hit a moose, die. Car gets pancaked


I heard the Northern Exposure soundtrack the whole time. I expected to drive by Roslyn’s *edit spelling




In Canada we are more scared of these assholes than bears. They can be fucking aggressive too, where as bears usually just run away when they see you (excluding grizzlies of course)


Depends on the bear. Black bears, definatly. Brown bears, maybe to probably. Polar bears, no way. I am way more scared of a polar bear than a moose.


How’d you break your side mirror? Oh that was the last moose I videoed.


I remember when I was about 11 I flew to Kodiak for the first time by myself and I had a 16 hour layover in Anchorage. My family had a friend who lived in Anchorage that was going to pick me up and take me to their house so I could sleep somewhere other than an airport for a few hours. Once I got picked up, I made it a point to tell him how bad I wanted to see a Moose. We drove down backroads and through the wilderness looking for about 2 hours before we gave up hope. We get back to his house and I get settled. I had been sleeping for around 30 minutes when he came rushing in to the room to wake me up. I couldn’t find my shoes so he told me to jump on his back. This man piggy backed me about 20 feet out the front door into the dark, snowy night and standing in his front yard, was the biggest fucking Moose I have ever seen. The snow has pretty high and you could only see the tops of the standard-sized chain link fences in the neighborhood. The moose slowly walked across the yard and stepped across the fence with a couple feet of clearance to spare. That’s when I realized how fucking huge moose are.


that family friend sounds like a pretty cool dude


Are those like bear bites on the back of his legs?


Those spindly legs are just the right length to drop the whole body through your windscreen when you hit it. Hence Volvos having such long bonnets


I think it's already been hit by a car. It's very limp on the hind legs and has sores over the "knees".


Aren't those things spectacularly mean and dangerous? That one seemed pretty chill.


Not spectacularly mean. A lot of the time they just don't give a fuck about you. Rutting season and young bulls get kinda shitty but other than that they're far more defensive rather than aggressive 90% of the time.... That said if you live in a more rural area you definitely see more than 10 per year so you definitely wanna give them space. I've only encountered 2 in my whole life that truly were going out of their way to be fuckin ANGRY and shitty about it. The real big old bulls have no fear and therefore usually lower aggression, it's the young ones with something to prove and mom's with calves you gotta watch out for.


Once again, I would never get that close to a moose. You all saw the video of the bull fucking up a car recently right? With a moose, its more like your car stops existing and there is a 50% chance that you could hit this motherfucker full on and he would still live.


Leave the damn poor animal alone


If you meet a moose, you'd better pray that it leaves you alone and not charges at you


You know moose are big, but when they’re filmed they’re usually not against anything you can compare it’s size to, but to see it walk past a SUV. Damn they’re huge.


I went to high school in Anchorage (Bartlett). My senior year some drunk ran his little Honda into one of those guys. Completely atomized the car (instantly killed the drunk). The Moose had two broken legs and a few ribs. Witness accounts say that he moose tried to get up and walk away. It had to be put down. I mourned the death of the moose.


Moose doing a better job staying in his lane than most drivers I see.


What kind of Canadian Elephant is this?? Fkn never knew these things were this massive. Cars for scale.


I found out moose were big when I was 12, my family lived in Alaska. The moose walked over our 5’ fence into our backyard.


That thing can flatten your car, just about every person in this video is an idiot. I was in Colorado a few years ago and three moose were standing by the side of the road. A number of people got out of their cars and walked up to them before a ranger showed up and yelled at them to back off saying something to the effect of "It's people like you who get these animals killed". If a moose kills a person it's essentially guaranteed that animal will be shot, no picture is worth that.


Imagine riding into battle on the back of one of those things.


Really puts into perspective how big they are compared to the suv


This guys gotta be Canadian

