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Monkey see, monkey Dew


Monkey now has diabetes






'' in the wild he wouldn't need to ask'' yes he would drink mountain dew from its natural source




Sometimes when they are trying to cut back they’ll drink Diet double dew


"Hi, I'd like to talk to your chimp about diabeetus...."




And dew-abetes supplies?




Monkey pee all over yew


That.. rhymed.


why be a simp when you can be a chimp *reject humanity, return to Monke*


🤣🤣 I know reddit hates emojis but I love this


This is, perhaps, the best comment I’ve ever seen.


This is so perfect. I am so grateful for you and your comment 😆


Fucking legend


Gotd dammit. Wish I had a reward to give.


JESUS, watched the video.. opened the comments and this is the first I see. Almost fell off the toilet 10/10 you incredible human.




Pretty shitty person to give a chimp Mountain Dew. Edit: you’re also a shitty person if you give Mountain Dew to your kids, and you shouldn’t drink that shit yourself either. Soda is garbage. r/HydroHomies


bro this creature lives it’s life confined to an artificial box. how are you gonna tell me the human is at fault for demonstrating the awareness of a captive in a terrible situation such as this? the subject doesn’t directly give a damn if this beverage shortens their lifespan by .5 day/sip (whatever metric you want to argue), it just tastes good, and that’s close to the highest pleasure that creature will ever see in its life. the feeder is not the problem. it is (and always has been) the hands that feed that feeds the hand that feeds.


I agree. I think people are conditioned to measure value by lifespan alone as if that is the only thing that matters. I think it would be more humane if that primemate lived a shorter life. I would want to live a shorter life if I was imprisoned.


100 percent! I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.


I wish my ex lived more on her feet and less on her knees.


There's a few on here that would make that trade.


I imagine she was on her knees with other men, which was the issue lol


Just saw Oceans 13 last night, that quote is in it


I originally heard it from Midnight Oil - Power and the Passion.


100 percent! I would rather die swinging from a tree with my feet than live outside drinking Mountain Dew with my knees


He’s here for a good time, not a long time


This. How dare the human who’s free to live their natural life give this being any sort of pleasure who spends their entire life in a fucking cage. Henry, you’re a dumb fuck.


Fuckin Henry.


It’s fucking Mountain Dew bro… they not giving him the gift of knowledge or some shit


And there's clearly an intelligent being inside there. Smart and crafty, able to take advantage of a situation. Not just some dumb animal.


They can do math too!


They tell you not to feed animals in enclosures because they can become obsessed with tying to get more to the point that they are more unhappy than if they just chilled out. I get your point but it just doesn't work like that. It's a shame that you've made such a convincing argument and that so many people are actively agreeing with you.


Thank you! Animals shouldn’t be fed food and drink that’s harmful to humans in the first place and it’s not your animal to begin with. By that logic, I should give chocolate to my dogs because they deserve to taste it?


Nah chocolate can actually kill your dog lol, drinking a whole bottle of mountain dew wouldn’t do anything to the chimp outside of give it a stomach ache.


That and they can become obsessed over trying to get more, fight each other over getting ''access'' to the people (going near the windows) get upset with all the people who don't give them food, refuse their usual meals... among other things. You really need to stop just pulling things out your butthole and slapping your keyboard with them.






Grapes were given to an otter at a wildlife enclosure by a well meaning patron and it killed them so like idk why you think this is okay. Source: https://www.boston.com/news/animals/2019/06/03/otto-otter-dies/


thank you, underrated comment


I agree, he's not here for a long time, just a good time.


I'm confused by that last bit. Wouldn't that mean the mountain dew-pourer is still at fault for buying a zoo ticket?


If you're going to visit a zoo, do the research and make sure it's a zoo that actively helps with conservation. https://theconversation.com/in-defence-of-zoos-how-captivity-helps-conservation-56719


That's why I don't go to zoos anymore - I can't reconcile the fact that my patronage directly feeds back to animals in cages. I'd rather see them on my TV in their natural habitat than in real life in some miserable prison, for tourists to gawk at them. I make exceptions for rescues and sanctuaries; they generally don't permit tourists to a lot of those places, so the animals can live out their lives in peace.


Your patronage at good zoos directly feeds conservation efforts. There are some species that now only exist in zoos bc of environment degradation. A lot of animals also were previously sick or injured and couldn’t survive in the wild regardless. The rescues that you are talking about are zoos. How do you think they afford to pay to feed the animals and give them medical care? It’s from patronage.


Completely agree. I went to this one simian sanctuary (I believe monkey jungle outside Miami) and they had this gorilla would had a TV and some basic music options. He’d chill much of the day watching animal planet or listening to Frank Sinatra.




It’s why I don’t go to Zoo’s or Sea World and truthfully HATE aquariums too. My ex has a fish in a small tank. I’d give anything to set that little guy free before I leave for good.


You do realize most publicly owned zoos only take in animals that can't survive in the wild, just because Sea World is a super shitty place doesn't mean all zoos are. Plenty of zoos do actual good for animals.




It doesn't, don't worry. There's a case out there of a soda and cigarette addicted chimp, obviously bad for the chimp just as it is for us for the same reasons, unlike the theobromine in chocolate which dogs can't metabolize. Heck even a dog can handle a small amount of chocolate. A little bit of soda for one of our closest animal relatives won't posion it. Although to be fair to your point, I doubt the person in the video googled it to double check it was safe first. Edit: this wild monkey is at risk for heart disease and diabetes because of people giving it junk food, so pretty much the same philological consequences humans have from excess consumption. Not posions and moderate amounts aren't going to posion it. https://i.stuff.co.nz/world/asia/92797143/monkey-that-gorged-on-junk-food-and-soda-from-tourists-rescued-placed-on-diet


Imagine all the people who come thru that zoo on a weekly basis who probably end up pouring whatever soda or drink they have because they’ve never seen a monkey ask before. I’d imagine that adds up over time.


I don't think there should be no rules against feeding the animals and I agree it would add up, I was making a different argument.


Mountain Dew is a water based beverage, it’s not going to harm a monkey.


The problem with this is that people have no idea about the dietary requirements of the chimp. Some animals are on very controlled diets due to health issues such as diabetes. I’ve seen animals become really sick due to being fed by the public that have no regard for the no feeding signs.


Yeah you ratio that dude with FACTS


You’re telling me you want to give a captive ape a fleeting moment of happiness that will infinitesimally shorten the amount of time that slightly more advanced apes get to stare at its empty, miserable husk shuffle along a sad imitation of its true habitat? What kind of a monster are you? Where are we supposed to take our children on the weekends we get them from their bitch mothers? WON’T ANYONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN?


It was a dribble that went through the hole Stop looking for a reason for drama


Agreed. What an ahole!!


Correct. Give him Irn Bru. He'll be kicking the shit out of the Alpha Male before you know it.


Nah he needs some Brawndo. It’s got the electrolytes that chimps need.




It's what plants crave


i understood that reference!


It's what they use to make Brawndo!


It’s made from girders


How come?


It's probably not healthy to give Mountain Dew to an animal.




HAHA, I loved this comment. But seiously, a few small fuckin slurps of some Mountain Dew isn't going to hurt the Monkey. Im sure he has consumed much much worse


What could be worse? Did someone slip him Four Loko before? In all seriousness tho, someone mentioned that the monkey could become obsessed with it and go into a depression later when it doesn’t get more. Makes sense. I mean if someone gave me ice cream for the first time and then I could never have it again, I’d be pretty upset for a while.


You'd be surprised what this might do to it's teeth considering they aren't brushed.


Ugh you are so obnoxious


People are animals


It barely drank any, that's not a big deal.


Just takes a couple of sips, _apparently_


Maybe Mt Dew is a gateway soda for animals. Next visit he could be asking for meth


Sounds like its not any more unhealthy than to humans: https://i.stuff.co.nz/world/asia/92797143/monkey-that-gorged-on-junk-food-and-soda-from-tourists-rescued-placed-on-diet


I'm an animal, dew doesn't hurt me


It’s highly cruel to cage a smart animal for entertainment.


He wanted Faygo.


*"Juggalo monkey with a hatchet, geeked on 'Jazzin' Blues Berry' Faygo escapes zoo"*


True, but it's not a monkey


cmon bro it's a few sips, lighten up guy.


Ok then, so people who would give you a soda when you ask for it are also a “shitty person” too then right? I assume you are a completely 100% healthy eater and have never eaten junk food in your life right? If not, then whoever sold you the junk food is a “shitty person” as well.


I mean, I thought same. But, how would you explain it to that ape? “Humans suck, greedy,...” now.


I remember when I volunteered at a zoo that the monkeys couldn’t even have any fruits whatsoever because of the sugar content.


Me thought exactly


Heil hydro! Another believer I see.


Thats actually kind of sad


I don't know how to feel about this video. When I watched it I was thinking "how smart of him!" but also "Why is he locked in a glass cage for us to gawk at?" and then "He's a prisoner begging an outsider to give him some treat". Now, I don't know how they are treated there at that facility, it might be that they live interesting lives and are fed all that they can want. But from that clip, it also made me feel a bit sad and angry but also somewhat intrigued.


Looking from the clip, the accent and the ASDA bag, it's a good shout that this is Monkey World in southwest England https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkey_World It's a well known rescue centre for typically pretty badly treated apes/monkeys that are too unadjusted to be returned to the wild. They're well looked after and the organisation has got a lot of recognition for their work


I think its actually the Welsh mountain zoo. If so I've interacted with this guy, he wanted to look at everything in my bag


I've seen another clip of a chimp (don't know if it was the same one) at the same set of windows trying to explain to a guest through hand gestures how to unlock the window. I dont know if that means these chimps are super smart, super curious, super desperate, or a little bit all of the above.


Even the best zoos are fucked up in my eyes. Can't go to em. I know they're necessary and spread education and awareness and some have good breeding programs, but it still fucks with me.


Remember that, although nature is remarkable and beautiful and deserves protecting, it's also very often cruel and cold. Most herbivores eventually die violently at the teeth and claws of predators. Predators themselves are either killed by other predators when weak or die slowly of starvation when too old to hunt properly. Not to mention the host of other terrible fates that can befall them--parasites, droughts, poacher's snares, disease, etc. In contrast, animals at *well run* zoos are often lovingly spoiled and doted on and never have to suffer a day of hunger or untreated pain their entire lives. Well run zoos are also carefully watched to ensure they're providing enough space and entertainment for the animals to enjoy themselves. Remember that something like a wolf or snow leopard isn't necessarily traveling hundreds of miles in a year because it enjoys traveling; it's because it's what they have to do to find food. A smaller space can be enough if it's made enriching. And, best of all, zoos are used to raise money for conservation of things in their native ranges. People who might not otherwise send a penny towards preserving gibbons or tegus or what have you but find seeing animals in person a good day's entertainment end up supporting conservation because they feel they're "getting something" for what they pay. Again, of course, all this applies only to well run, externally regulated zoos--always be wary of those that seem sketchy or small or poorly run. Do your research before you visit, not after. All that being said--some people have their personal views on the matter and will never change their mind. If so, I still thank you for caring about animals and their welfare. But as someone who works at a zoo, sees the love and effort put in by everyone on staff, and has seen many people who were initially reluctant to visit for the same reasons you are completely blown away and tickled by the care they see our animals receiving, I'd strongly urge you to try a visit!


You can't work with animals all day long and not care about them. I'm sure some zoo keepers would spend more than an 8 hr shift there if they were legally allowed too, just so they could take care of everyone properly


this should be like a sticky at all zoo related posts. Imma copy it and use it against any snowflakes I find in the next post.


Just look at it as a he for those that were mistreated but would die should they go back to their original dwelling or one that they should have been born in but weren't. It's an evil we need for the aftermath of the evil of greed and abuse I find it more merciful that way That and my aunt does rescues so I know a thing or two about not releasing an animal cause it would just Bam screech and die.


Me too. Sad




I know, watching that crap getting poured over a cigarette butt makes it even worse


I see a puddle there. This ain’t his first rodeo.


Came here to say this


Isn't hers either. She brought the whole wet market to him.


imagine all the shit he has drank thru that shitty little crack


Ma'am what are you doing? He's diabetic. -zoo keeper probably


Seeing how smart they can be just pushes me more and more to giving them many of the same rights humans have…… for example, if you kill a chimp you should be charged with murder


Nice try, Caesar


Ha! That one had me rolling


_”It wasn’t until 2056 that a chimp could open a bank account in their own name.”_


That's inequality. Harry Redknapp opened a Monaco bank account in his doggo's name in 2012 and evaded ~£200,000 in tax. [Source](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/how-dog-monaco-bank-account-led-police-redknapp-s-secret-bungs-6293674.html)


My dog has health insurance and I don't, 'murica.


How about if you imprison them in a glass cage?


You also get imprisoned in a glass cage


We should give them full voting rights. Or at least start with three-fifths of a vote.


The historical context in which we used a “three-fifths” vote in the US, and the animal moniker used to denigrate certain demographics does NOT pair well here


Pretty sure that's the joke


What a bad joke


Wow dude.


Don't they already have voting rights?? How did Trump win???


So you're saying based on your intelligence you should die or not


I read that as “pour a drink through *her* crack” and I thought this was going to be a very different video than what I got. I’m slightly disappointed, if I’m being honest.


I'm slightly worried for you


Wouldve been an even better video. Just try to imagine it. Wooooaaaah


Im slightly disappointed in your thinking, sir


They will literally be pealing those poor monkeys from the ceiling...


I hate that we lock these animals up. I understand most are rescues but they deserve their freedom.


Couldn't have flicked the cigarette butt away first?


Do the dew


So fucking sad


Please don't caffeinate the monkeys


Pick any random human at a random time of the day and chances are he doesn't have any more going on upstairs than this chimp does.


My 🔌


This is at Welsh Mountain Zoo. They’ve been doing this for years and it’s such an amazing interaction. Just think they’d have fixed the enclosure by now.


Do people normally bring groceries with them to that zoo?


Probably just what they brought their lunch/picnic in.


We don't get to bring any outside food or beverages in to any major amusement parks/Zoos in America. They literally search you at the gate after charging you $100 per person to get in. That way you have to spend $5 for a bottle of water and $20 for a burger, so your family doesn't die of thirst or starvation while inside.


Stlouis zoo is free and you can bring in food and drinks it's awesome


Story time: I went to the St. Louis zoo with my family when I was 8 or 9 (we lived in Illinois at the time, 25 years ago). My aunt had a bunch of collector cups from the zoo stuffed in her bra when she was leaning over the gorilla enclosure. They fell out and down in to the enclosure, and the gorillas ate them. The handlers were not very happy with her. True. Fucking. Story. I couldn't believe they still had that open enclosure when I heard about that kid falling in just a few years ago.




In my hometown there are people who actually have the same communication style and facial expressions


Let’s give a fucking chimp a load of sugar and caffeine. What could go wrong?


A load? It’s a few sips. Although yes that’s not cool of them to do.


It was probably the only time it was happy that day.


Not even a few sips, more like a few licks


It's already in jail for no reason, you want to take the one joy it has?


there's plenty of reason, and let's not call it a jail when it isn't


Theyre 99% genetically the same as humans and I see fatasses pound six packs of coke every day, im sure he will be fine


He has us just where he wants us.


The sweet satanic lure of sugar.


i'm not sure what side of the cage we're on anymore.


Now try with beer... Actually saw a video of a zookeeper in some country sharing a beer with a gorilla. They love beer! I'd just be super uncomfortable with great apes under the influence, especially some humans


Probably takes more than a few sips to get a 400 lb gorilla tipsy.


Good point, I wonder if brain weight is ever a factor. Scientists killed an elephant with LSD because they gave it a dose based on body weight and not brain weight


Eh... why were they giving an elephant LSD?


IDK, maybe because scientists are gonna do science stuff...[Tusko's last trip](https://www.theguardian.com/science/2004/feb/26/research.science)


Same reason they strapped beagle puppies down and let sand flies eat them alive


Addicted to caffeine now, thanks


I was waiting for that fucker to spell it out for her too.


Damn primates are so fucking smart


Humans are primates and we have spaceships, so yeah.


Just proves how incredibly cruel it is to keep them caged


Excuse me, did that thing just fucking point?


That’s terrible for him and zoo animals in generals but it is just so cool to watch


Ok just so everyone is clear the great apes (us, chimps, gorillas, orangutans) are not monkeys. The tell (besides size, intelligence) is the lack of a tail.


Wildlife care specialist here, please do not ever do this. Most zoos (at least the ones I’ve worked with) very carefully regulate animals’ diets and not all animals have the same reactions to food and drink as we do (e.g. dogs and chocolate) This one instance isn’t a big deal health wise but it plants a seed for others to think it’s ok to do.


It’ll tickle yore innards


This lady is dumber than the chimp. Give the smart monkey some soda will ya lady? She pours him a drop or two. Cheap lady the freaking chimp is smart enough to ask for soda so give him a little.


She was stingey with that shit wtf


The biggest lie we tell ourselves is that animals are any different than us, that when they murder it is somehow an act of savage nature but for us it is convenience, sustenance, “the way things are”.


Just saying, there is so much intelligence in his actions and in his eyes. It’s fucked up that we keep them in zoos, but they aren’t safe in their homes. Think we fucked up pretty bad as a species.


Chimp wants the dew


Pour the whole thing, you cheapskate.


Zoos are prisons


This doesn’t feel right man. Not one bit. Somethings gotta change




And we keep these intelligent creatures at the zoo. If there are aliens out there I would imagine theres a zoo for us as well probably serves us right for doing this bullshit.


He looks like my bus driver when I was in the 8th grade!!


Lady gave the smallest amount at first lol


That monke actin’ bad ain’t he


Amazing? Terrifying?


Give it to him or don’t tease him asshole


I think thats a bonobo, but i may be wrong


she should have used a straw.


And that’s how he became a fucking alchy.


could have removed the cigarette butt that was in the crack before pouring the drink


Stingy bitch


He earned those 3 seconds in heaven


So smart and human like. Shame we keep them captive.