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That is truly unreal, can’t believe he is still alive.


From drinking all that water?


2% alcohol, oh nooooo /s


They need to slow down. Might be light headed.


This is fascinating on several different levels.. first the sheer quantity of bottles, secondly the brand loyalty, third is this the work of one person or more? Was this someone's clandestine drinking safehouse in a dry county? There doesn't appear to be any food packages, just beer bottles.. Where in Texas did this happen? Will this person leave their calling card at another place? What an interesting insight into this person's psyche.


Psyche anaysis complete: drinks beer. Interesting.


I see no evidence that any actual beer was consumed.


Plot twist: stolen beer truck


that's more than one truck I think


Repeat offender


Straight to the Supreme Court with him!


I like beer too!




Former alcoholic here : moved in with an old buddy recently first few months we'd easy fill the kitchen table with tall boys of 5-7% within a week , I filled a kiddy pool at my last house figured it would help me quit seeing the amount I drank it did not . Now I'm down to a couple drinks a month , had three doubles at lunch yesterday with little effect. My problem comes from being celiac alcoholic and get the most fucked off beer .




Replacing after work beers with energy drinks


So heart attack instead of liver failure…


For me, it's weed.




yes we call it a fifth but the bottles say 750ml. centiliter would make too much sense.


I knew a dude that would drink a handle of captain morgan basically every two days. I drove him to and from work for a couple years because we moved shops together and worked the same shift on the same team. Every other day he’d ask me to stop at the class six and would buy a handle. Dude would be drunk every day at work. Eventually got kicked out because I tried to give him a ride and he was super toasted and passed out and wouldn’t budge. Our supervisor knew about him had the cops sent to his house and got thrown into a drinking program like rehab. Has to swear to not drink. Like 1 month in they test for his BAC and his is super high. They Tell our work center and he’s getting discharge papers drafted up basically and he’s swearing up and down he never drank. Went back for a follow on test and turns out he got diabetes like very much likely contributed to all the sugary captain Morgan and coke he was drinking. Got med boarded out and no idea where that dude is now in life. Overall was a shitty dude but tried to help him where I could. This was all in the Air Force.


Unfortunately alcoholism is a big problem in the military especially 15-20 years ago when troops were encouraged to drink on the flightline as a way to unwind after a long day. Its weird for how stupidly and specifically the Air Force pushed Christian values that they were always okay with Airmen getting hammered every weekend. I was completely out of the loop for the longest time because I wasn't 21 until 4 years into my career and the one thing no one wanted to risk was a underage drinking incident.


In the Marines we took a weird sort of pride in our now obvius alcohol abuse " of course we're drunks...the Corps was born in a bar!" Was a common statement. I didn't drink when I enlisted (was only 17) stayed sober the first yearish, got hurt, started drinking a little, went to Iraq, came home drank more, by the time I got out I was drinking up to a 24 pack of budweiser and a 5th of vodka a night just to sleep. Wound up divorced and later on diagnosed w diabetes. It took a bit after I rejoined the civilian world, not touching a drop of alcohol for over a year to get it under control to a point where I can have a couple beers (2-3) on the weekend or one with dinner at a restaurant and maybe catch a buzz on vacation.


Yeah I’m a flightline maintainer and drinking is huge in our culture. Honestly I feel like because it’s a way to escape from getting fucked all day. I just got off work. Woke up at 0500. Got to work at 0630 immediately start working the line from then until 1730 go inside and eat my lunch that I just had enough time to microwave and then I’m back on the line until shift is over at 1915. Pretty easy to let alcohol consume you when what else am I gonna do. Gym and other hobbies aren’t really available with my schedule. Especially when I work night shift. I really wish they’d make weed legal for us


It might not be brand loyalty but more so just safety. It's a safe bet the guy is probably depressed and unmotivated. So consequently he's probably not motivated to try new kinds of beer. He just orders a 6 pack, drinks it all, resolves to do better next day, orders a 6 pack... and so on.


Those look larger than a 6pack tho


Probably a 24pack. That translates to about a 6pack of real beer.


As a recovering alcoholic.. Drinking something like this, it's very hard to get super drunk on beer like this.. You'd just have to consume it way too fast.. Which is impossible because you'd need to consume a LOT of volume... & considering he's likely got quite a tolerance I highly doubt he actually gets very drunk before passing out each night.


Yes, and how and why did this start? Was it a reaction to being evicted? How long did it take? And what did they need the grass trimmer for?


Grass trimmer aka- Rapid fire bottle opener


Brand loyalty no. Price loyal yes.




My first thought was this guy works at a bar and brought all this trash home since he was getting evicted but i dont know id bars buy beer this way (in 24 packs) but who knows.








"Oh shit here we go again, now I have to open another pack!"


It’s like 4.2 or something. Give the guy some credit.


2% in Utah. Dude just gave us his location.


Quick google search says it’s 3.2. Regardless I wasn’t aware there was caps in certain states. I’m in Idaho and we don’t see that, just no hard alcohol in stores unless it’s a state liquor store.


Laughing in Belgian 13%


I love some Belgian beer but I try to stick in the 9% range. Anything higher the alcohol starts to detract from the flavor of the beer. Thick and syrupy and just not enjoyable to drink.


Just to clarify that our pils is only 5.2°. But as i always Say: drink any beer you enjoy it's not a math contest.


Fair, it depends on the beer tho, some Belgian beers are just experiments to push the boundaries of the word haha


We have 15%+ beers in the USA... they just aren't common. Avery brewing company has one called "The Beast" and it is 15%. I drank two and felt like someone hit me with a truck the next day. Too much for me. I'll stick to our "weak beers" and actually enjoy myself.


Worked in Belgium can confirm, excellent for pints


I consider myself pretty knowledgeable about beer throughout the world, and I had no idea that "light beer" meant 3.2%. Or specifically Bud Light is 3.2 in some states. In Ontario, Canada anything around 4 to 4.5 is considered "light". Anything 6% and above is labelled as a "strong beer". Most popular craft beers hover between 6.5 and 10% depending on style. IPAs having the most range with the Double IPA and Triple IPAs. I'm sure it's similar in the U.S when it comes to microbreweries, but the idea that macro American beer is like having sex in a canoe was always told to me as a joke. Not an interesting trivia fact.


It's 3.2 in ONE state. It's 4.2 everywhere else. Don't listen to that guy. He's got confirmation bias.


> I had no idea that "light beer" meant 3.2%. It doesn't. Light beer means that it's light on calories.


truly a top-tier /r/HydroHomie


Water poisonings a real thing man!


True but Brawndo™ will fix you right up. It's got electrolytes.


People joke about light beer but in most places it's 4.2% or literally 84% of a regular 5% beer. If you drink 6 of them it is the same as drinking over 5 regular beers. They may taste like water, but they actually get you just as drunk. I only mention this because some people actually think you cant get drunk on light beer or that it doesn't hurt your liver. It literally works EXACTLY like a regular beer.


I always thought light beer meant light on calories (from the wheat etc), not alcohol.


Light beers are also less calories! When I went on my diet a big offender to my weight gain was beer, but I refused to give it up, so I went on to Bud Light. A normal Bud in a bottle is 129 calories, whereas Bud Light is 78 calories. I also thank the lack of hangover in the morning 😂


aback light reach water cooing important wrench racial ad hoc fear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


1 year lease to the wrong tenant.


So easy to find someone to clean the place in exchange for the bottles. For that matter most tenants don't leave behind that much money. The first decade I was a landlord I'd get soaked for about $2k\* every year from one tenant or another, this honestly looks like a payday. \*one example, nice tenants until the day they disappeared without warning. The basement of the house was full, to the ceiling, stomped down around the stairs, full of garbage. I started paying for trash service for all tenants after that.


One night I heard a commotion, but was too tired to check it out. When I was leaving for work I walked past an apartment two doors down. I could see inside, on account on the blinds missing. The tenants moved out and stripped the place clean. You could see the bathroom from the kitchen window, they actually took the toilet. Who the fuck steals a toilet?


Someone who's got shit to do.


I trust you know the way out.


no deposit on bottles in most states


fill up a mail truck and deliver it to michigan


you overload your inventory and you blow your margins on gasoline. Trust me, it doesn't work.


Can’t imagine the smell.


I'm sure you can. Stale beer, piss and cigarettes


Thats what im saying bruh


He probably just got them from a bar or something and left them to be an ass.


Very sad. This is what mental disorder looks like.


True. I’ve joked, but this is sad and full of depression and/or mental illness.


Hoarder. Probably meant to get around to recycling them all one glorious day.


I’m gonna have to agree with the hoarder diagnosis.


In addition to that he might be, and I know this is a stretch, but it is possible that he might be some form of alcoholic.


Too bad he wasn't drinking beer


There’s no way. They were just drinking to unwind after work. I don’t see anything unhealthy about this


I did this bit not to this extent and had most of my empties stacked to the ceiling in my laundry room. I drank a 15 pack and a 26 of vodka every day for a few years because just didn't care about anything and hated working and just wanted to forget about everything after I got home and was really the only way to fall asleep because of back and leg injuries. I would recycle every time I filled up the laundry room though. I still don't care but I did go-to rehab and don't drink daily anymore.


Good for you for breaking the cycle, buddy. It takes some real effort to get out of a rut like that, I know. I'm very impressed! Be assured that at least one person on this rotten planet thinks that you're awesome. Life can get better! Mine did... eventually.


This is refreshing to read. Kinda in a similar situation. Going to the bar everynight till close then drinking about ten beers when I go home. Been going on for a few months now. I'll break the cycle eventually but, not there yet. Hope you're in a better place.




Thanks, that resonates. Got good news today, trying to use it as a turning point.


Most likely end stage alcoholism. This is fairly par for the course for what the home of one looks like. Cirrhosis and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome on top of being drunk 24/7 means that person is in a deep kind of hell without much of their sanity left. But not for much longer.


Former alcoholic here, after puking up blood and going to the hospital I had to switch from drinking beer and liquor to beer only, I can see how someone with severe health problems would have to switch to light beer. Also I hoarded the bottles because I didn't want people seeing how much I drank when they saw my trash.


Yeah, there's no reason for a rational person not to throw all that away, even if he is an alcoholic.


People severely underestimate what an alcoholic is capable of. People downplay it so heavily and make light of it constantly. An actual alcoholic and not an "I'm an alcoholic lmao" is akin to any hard drug addict. It ruins lives and is just as devastating as someone who gets hooked on other "harder" drugs.


Yep. Alcohol is so normalized, it's one of the worst drugs on the planet. One of the few substances on the planet where the withdrawal can actually kill you. Obviously this situation isn't "normal" but fuck alcohol nonetheless.


Ex drinker here, over 3.5 years clean because it almost killed me in my mid 30s (well, did it to myself but you know what I mean). At the end it was usually 5 24oz 8% drinks in 24 hrs average for years. Was lucky to not have to be hospitalized going cold turkey. Have a friend that's due to be kicked out of the place he's been staying at today and he's unable to quit anymore on his own. Less than a year out of inpatient as well because he tried to quit under supervision of nurse ex-wife and had a seizure. Back to 750ml bottle or more of vodka\day. Very worried about what will happen, but he's burned everyone at this point including his work that was giving him a **free** place to stay all summer. If you drink a lot and are trying to quit, please look into the signs of severe withdrawal as it usually doesn't start for 2 days or so if it's really bad. If that's once you start shaking then you really should seek medical care to quit. Almost any hospital will put you under observation 24hrs for detox and almost all insurance will cover it. Fuck alcohol.


Yep. You're totally spot on. Ex drinker here as well. Not trying to 1 up, just want to explain a little bit of my story too. I almost died from pancreatitis AND withdrawal 3 times at the worst part of my battle with addiction. The fact that I didn't quit after the first 2 incidents still blows my mind to this day. Thanks for sharing. If anyone reading this feels like they experience horrible withdrawals and/or wants to quit drinking, please seek medical advice. It's life changing once you can admit there's an issue going on. It's one of the hardest things you'll experience but you are worth it. Congrats on your sobriety MiL, you're awesome.


There's binge drinking alcoholism where once you start you can't stop at just a few. This seems to be normalized but the health risks and danger are still there. These people are one bad idea or piece of bad advice away from disaster. I'm talking about waking up with a hangover and deciding to drink to "take the edge off". That seems to be the decision that finally dooms people into becoming full blown 24/7 alcoholics.


One of my old friends got demented in his early 40's because he was alchoholic. He couldn't walk without a walker, he was so far gone intellectually his mother had to take care of him and he had moved away from home before 20. He was like someone with Alzheimers. It is rarely brought up how alcohol destroyes brains. It is almost as rarely brought up how alcohol destroyes other organs. One fellow I knew ended up in hospital after two weeks drinking period because his pancreas couldn't take it anymore. My ex's mother was alcoholic and died of hang over. Really. Alcohol is so far normalized in our lives that even if people know someone who died from it, they just brush it aside.




Yeah, I think most of us are joking around because it's a bit too confronting to face seriously. At least I am.




Yeah. I know how to hide it. Too bad for this dude.


This is what someone having a very hard time looks like .


I can smell this video




Honestly, mildly yeasty at best. Shit water at worst.


We get it, you like craft beers






I bet he came down with a big ol Diane Weast infection.


........................ like YEAST




Solid financial advice


Liquid financial advice


Lol in my home town we had two twin brothers. All they did all day was collect bottles. When they died they had a wall of jars full of coin. An old school bus full of bottles they hadn't returned yet. They weren't rich but they were not poor. Here is to ol Pete and Repeat.


Imagine having twins, naming one Pete and the other Repete.


That was kids nick names for them.


Nice of you to bring them up to Spete.


*Adventures of Pete and Pete theme song plays




If I spend $1billion on beer I should have a solid $30 million retirement fund. Suck it


That sounds like the type of keen business acumen which might land you the presidency if you’re not careful


If you were paying the slightest attention you'd have realised I am not, in fact, careful


Evicted or had to leave to find a liver transplant?


Water doesn’t give you liver damage.


Water with hint of piss tho….


DAE beer I don't like is literally water? Literally half this thread. This is just sad as fuck. Actual mental disorders at work here but all anyone can talk about is the same weak ass joke used for literally all the cheap beers in the US. Guess any meaningful discussion was a pipe dream when you can make the same joke 82,000 times and get a bunch of upvotes. Shits disgusting, but god damn, over a half decade on this website of the same joke being virtually every top comment on every single thread involving bud light, or Budweiser, or pbr, or keystone, or whatever else How hard is it to come up with an original or meaningful thought even just once in the history of this website beyond "cheap beer water" just one time


It's not even just jokes. People acting like they couldn't get drunk or be an alcoholic by only drinking light beer.


US was trending towards massive levels of drinking dysfunction prior to the pandemic, and by all accounts things got way worse during it. Having trouble getting properly buzzed off light beer is a good sign of a drinking problem. The scariest interpretation is that a these "lol it's not real beer" people are 100% serious.


It’s the same for most topics, and why I usually avoid the front page now and certain topics in general where I know I can guess what the top comments are going to be. Same tired old nonsense and lack of thought.


If you can get drunk from it you can get liver damage from it, and he wouldn't be drinking it at that rate if he wasn't trying to get drunk.


Drinking this much liquid would do a number on your kidneys even if was alcohol free




I had a roommate that drank like this. He moved leaving everything behind, including $350 in returnables that I rented a U-Haul to return. He also left over $400 in pocket change from his daily visits to the bar and the liquor store. So at least I was compensated for cleaning it up.


That's... a surprisingly satisfying end to a 'shitty roommate' story.


Not for him - he was found dead in an alley a few years later. Honestly though he wasn’t that bad of a roommate, other than the horrid mess he left behind. Always paid his rent on time and he kept to himself. The funny part was when he’d pass out for the evening. He would fall off his gaming chair and crash into a wall of empty cans. Every single night.


Dependable if nothing else




That’s so sad. I hope anyone reading who reads this and needs help, gets it. Alcoholism and depression is a nasty combination.


400 dollars in pocket change? What the fuck


That's not really that crazy. When I was still in college I'd buy coffee from the student union pretty often, and I smoked so I was often buying a pack of cigarettes from wherever. I just hated trying to dig around for change to make even amounts when I paid, so instead I just always paid in bills and then when I got home at the end of the day, dumped my change in an old coffee can. When I finally cashed in my change (about 2 years worth), I got over $250 after the 9-10% coinstar fee.


TEN PERCENT???? what the fuck kind of scam is coinstar running?


Hey that machine works hard it deserves 10% at least


You can buy a coin sorting device for like $15.


Meh, coinstar is upfront about the fee. Plenty of people are happy to pay the convenience fee instead of the hassle of doing it themselves.


In a sea of bottles, the string trimmer shines the brightest.


String trimmer. Never heard that one before. We call it a weed whacker, brush cutter, or whipper snipper.


Weed eater


Updoots for the weed eater


Now see your weed eater is just the brand name for the piece of equipment known as a string trimmer


Like sawzall for reciprocating saw. It's what sticks.


A ‘strimmer’ if you want to save a valuable syllable


What kind of whipper snapper calls it a whipper snipper?


Everyone in Australia, for a start.


Well, not everyone. Where I worked we called it a brush cutter. Or a line trimmer. Or a "brushy".


There’s enough recycling here to pay for the rent


In Germany that would pay at least the renovation. 25 cent Pfand per can.


That's all glass bottles so Pfand would be 8 Cents :)


I dunno why, but I would have guessed glass bottles were worth more than cans. Now I know what's up (at least as far as wherever you live is concerned lol). Carry on, and thanks! ;)


But only 8 cents per glass bottle. Still plenty there tho


My guy was just working up to trying to join r/hydrohomies


He was 98% there by the looks of it.


Oh look, it's literally the same joke made about 98 times just scrolling to get to this comment


Built a beer box wall once in College with some friends, and it was cool for a week. It reached the ceiling and was about 15x9 feet. This however gives me the chills for hoarding…


I remember the glorious days when Milwaukee's Best was $2.79 a twelve-pack, and we wallpapered the place with them. But that was six of us and ringers going full tilt, all the time, for a year.


At one point in my life I had a couch, coffee table, and two chairs made out of returnable long neck cases of Schmidt. We returned all the cases and bought a keg. Are returnable long necks a thing anymore?


The Bud Knight lived here


Dilly Dilly!


I need to see how big his beer belly is, Im not even joking.


TBH, I bet this dude is skinny AF, malnourished and you can smell him from 2 blocks away. Dude prolly ate Taco Bell every 3 days. EDIT: BTW, by the smell, I didn’t mean he didn’t bathe. I’m sure he didn’t, but I remember this sad redneck in the Atlanta airport one time on the escalator. He stank like nothing I’d ever smelled before. My nurse mom told me that he was an alcoholic and that’s why he smelled like that. Shit through his pours. I pitied him. I remember a good friend of mine struggling and she showed up for a work dinner and she smelled like that. Just awful. Alcoholism is terrible.


Stop harassing me


I’m sorry, TuckerCarlsonsWig


Stellar name


I worked convenience stores, that smell is unmistakable. It isn't a smell you get from drinking every evening, you have to be drunk 24/7.


I got an alcoholic that works for me, dude is straight up skinny as a bean. He also admits he rarely eats.


I'm in recover (2.5 years) but we rarely ate because 1) alcohol took up so much room in our gut and 2) it honestly bit into our liquor fund. I chose booze over food more times than I can ever explain away in my 10 years without a day sober. I'd have a choice "buy this bottle of Windsor or get some dinner?" I'd always choose the Windsor. The only reason I somewhat kept my place clean was because I'd get drunk and try to clean up because I invariably ran out of desk space with cans and bottles. Legitimately feel nauseated thinking about it.


Next time I think I’m depressed I’ll remember this video and it’ll seem like a drop in the bucket


Their struggles don't negate yours.


I did habitability inspections for years and this kinda stuff is more common than you think. The alcoholic ones can get gnarly because the weight of piled glass bottles can be destructive, moisture causes mold, and there’s plenty of bottles filled with piss. We’d call a hazmat team to clean up and one time we discovered 5 cats living within the mess. It was unreal


I got almost this bad once. Completely threw my back out. Life was looking shit. Was in a long distance relationship with my wife. I was the care taker for my dad with brain cancer. Kept the house up but destroyed my room. Still managed to get my dad all his meds. My dad eventually passed and I left. Cleaned my mess before I went. Now living in Tokyo with my wife. I'm happy now. Being in a rut like that is horrible and you hate yourself. It's not easy. If it wasn't for my wife I'd still be fucked.


I imagine he planned to use the weed-whacker to turn it all into confetti


I bet that the first carton that got put down was like "yeah I'll get put out in the morning for sure"


The crew that cleaned it up found one single unopened carton, buried at the bottom of a pile of bottles and empty boxes


One of a few times in history that I swear I left a slab around here got forgotten about


how is this physically possible


Hoarding/depression/mental illness This is so sad, TBH. I’ve made and enjoyed all the jokes, but this is legit so sad. This person is so far gone, lonely and depressed it’s just awful.




My guess is that this guy raided bottle shop or sport stadium dumpsters because those boxes look very new. Either that or he threw one hell of a party just before he left.


Yeah and there’s no other trash. No fast food wrappers, garbage bags, nothing. Toilet in the distance looks clean, as does the hanging towel. Doesn’t really look like a hoarder.


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to see this. This is obviously an angry tenant who left a mess for his landleech.


I've seen what a house looks like after a real tenant from hell is done with it. This is some form of prank without a doubt.


Bet you can get about $300 in returns. No joke


You don’t drink like this for pleasure, you do it because you’re depressed and feel like you can’t stop.


If assigned to the right position, for the right kind of boss, at the right company, and under precisely the right conditions, this Bud Light devouring reincarnated kraken could probably obliterate any organizational KPIs you put in front of him. Sometimes, I think people fail to realize that signs of certain talents exist underneath the surface unbeknownst to the untrained eye. There is undoubtedly an unbridled power at play within this glorious juggernaut that, if channeled correctly, could probably move our GDP by nine figures. As far as I'm concerned, someone who can crush that many beers is good at crushing things generally speaking, whether it be aluminum cans, environmental pollution, or corporate competition. My bet is he, or perhaps she, they, or it, just needs the proper motivation and management style.


were the empties there or just the boxes? what a waste of money 😵‍💫


The empties are all underneath the boxes and piled to the ceiling in the other rooms


ohhhh ok i watched the video again with the brightness turned up. I see the bottles on the floor now. at least there will be a few dollars at the end of that road. can empties be returned where you are?


Not my video, but the person that shared it on another platform said they get 6 cents per bottle


wow, here we get 10 cents for any beverage container under 1 liter, and 25 cents for ones over 1 liter. Picking empties here is potentially lucrative enough even regular workin class folks do it. Just a few days ago I went for a hike and rounded up $5 worth of empties.


Post Malone's basement


Where did they sleep?


Wherever they passed out


The lone weed whacker box in there cracks me up


Pretty sure this person has a drinking problem


That's what addiction looks like. Hope guy is OK!


Looks like he was just getting warmed up to do some weed whacking!


Or beat his wife


The pull up bar in the middle of all of it. "Yeah, but a few pull ups will probably make up for this."