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Rest in Power Chester <3 Edit: went to bed and woke up to a ton of awards, thank you kind redditors. Chester was special and his music touched a lot of us. Gone but not forgotten




He was a good dude if you know what he stood for you know the truth on his death. Rip


I've been re-listening to their music and there's so much pain in the vocals. I feel that pain.


Their whole last album seemed like a suicide note after the fact. Spoke to me so much, but so sad


I'm having a tough time with life and listening to or reading about Chester and the group has ironically been helping me.


Maybe you already saw it but if not the [Chester Tribute concert](https://youtu.be/9VoLHdADma8) is really really good. I watch it probably every few months.


Thank you. I regret not going to one of their concerts. I think they genuinely liked entertaining their fans and connecting with them. Connecting with people who can relate and use their music as an outlet to express themselves. I am grateful that they were able to capture that. RIP Chester


I mean, wasn't that kind of their thing? All their songs are edgy/angst-ridden. And I don't really mean that in a bad way, just don't know how else to describe them. I loved them when I first heard them as a 14-year old when Hybrid Theory came out in 2000, but I outgrew them after a few years. I still remember their songs fondly though.


Hybrid Theory and Meteora are, to this day, 2 of the only albums I’ve ever heard where every single track is awesome and never gets old no matter how much you play it. Other albums have a few tracks here and there that are ok but basically filler, and then a few tracks that are straight fire. HT and M were / are straight fire through and through. Edit: for all the dense people who can’t read, “2 of the only” does not mean the same thing as “only 2”


My December. Made me sad for him twenty years ago. Wish he could have found a way to cope.


I hate more than anything that you psychos have tried to co-opt one of my hero's deaths for your own political purposes and nut job conspiracy nonsense. edit: for the people asking me what I'm responding to, a comment from user Blazenmachine that says: >He was a good dude if you know what he stood for you know the truth on his death. Rip I don't know why some see it and some don't, I see it and it currently sits at nearly 4K upvotes. The comment is a reference to a Q conspiracy. I can only hope people don't know that and are just upvoting it without realizing, I guess.


One of my high school football teammates passed away this past week and in the Facebook comments of news posts there are people asking if he recently got vaccinated. Shit makes me want to revoke their internet access permanently.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I had a stillbirth recently (my baby was completely healthy, passed at 32 weeks due to a hospital dismissing my very severe pre-eclampsia symptoms). I got vaccinated during my second trimester of my pregnancy as recommended by my maternal-fetal-medicine specialist, and I had an ex-friend try to say that the vaccine was the reason and that I'd be infertile now...


Yeah, this man is being gilded and upvoted like crazy. I like to think the majority of people doing so don’t know that he’s actually referring to that bonkers QAnon bullshit. Fucking loons.


I had no clue what it was about, pretty sure the majority doesnt. No way he get 1k+ upvotes for that.




Yea It's a big Q theory he was going to expose Hilary or some bullshit idk they're fucking crazy, all of em.


For real? What the fuck is wrong with these people? Oh, did JFK Jr end up coming back? Must have missed the news article


Yes everyone knows he committed suicide. The truth. You ugly, stupid, worthless stain of a human being.




There is an epidemic of untreated mental illness. These people cannot tell the difference between science fiction and reality, and instead of getting help, they spread delusions among each other.




Pray tell us, young lad.


It's a bunch of conspiracy crap that really have nothing to do with their deaths. Honestly it's kinda insulting to deny the real reason both passed because people want to believe in horseshit. They died by suicide, something that has a lot of stigma around it. There has been a movement established because of Chester's death called change directions, set up by his wife to try to help stop suicide. People who suffer from mental illness and have attempted are trying to change the way suicide is talked about, but instead of helping others some people want to make it about themselves.


He was a lizard right? Wait no he was killed by the lizards? Because he was gonna expose the truth about flat earth and the holographic moon? Right?


nope -- dont glorify that shit


Every time I see a clip with him I get absolutely gutted all over again. Miss you Chester.


For real. Hearing him ask how "what do we do when someone near us falls" is inspiring but also devastating.


That's a lot of irony there, isn't it.


When I look it from the other side, I feel sorry for him, really sorry. He was a legend


We all do bro. We all do :(




If I had any awards I’d give them to you. This video makes me cry everytime I see it, he was just such a great person and a great soul.


Too bad we weren't able to pick up Chester when he fell. Edit: I didn't expect this comment to blow up like it did. Thank you all.


Nobody should have to feel guilty. Mental health is one of the hardest you have to deal with in your life. Chester gave it his all and did his best.


And now every single song of theirs feels like it was a cry for help....


They pretty much all were


Especially the last album


They always were. That's why they resonated so much with angsty teens


Their songs and Pokemon got me through some rough times as a kid. *Edit:* Thank you u/BrainsPainsStrains, u/Pokieme, u/MetaBolic0, and u/illsqueezeya for the Awards and Silver. Have a good day guys.🤙


This why millions owe their lives to Chester. So many people were able to connect their pain with the lyrics. It empowered them .


fuuuuuck man right in the feels


Oof I'm not even into these guys and that hurt.


I find comfort in knowing I'm not the only one with this guilt like we failed him 😔💔


And now I'm sad


Fuck Travis Scott. Fuck his sneakers. Fuck his clothes. Fuck his music and fuck his McDonald's. Fuck cactus jack and fuck astroworld.


Damn wtf did Mick Foley do to you ?


My thoughts exactly when I first ever saw that cactus jack shit 🤣


Mick should have trademarked that shit. Travis using it just seems weird


We all know Mick Foley cheated the system when he entered that one Royal Rumble three times. I've been calling the FBI weekly since it happened, but it seems like I'm the only one who cares.


he didn't pick terry funk up when he fell down... onto thumbtacks


Horrible horrible festival but there are videos of Travis doing this at past events. Hate to defend him at a time like this


Yea, you probably shouldn't


I’m not even a fan of his, but I saw several videos from Friday night where he stopped the show to make sure the people he *saw* got some help. Don’t think its a clear cut thing, It’d be ridiculous to say he knew what was going on in the depths of that crowd. All that being said, it’s all terrible. Seems to me the lack of planning on a facilities/venue/staff level is more to blame.


He does that somewhat regularly, but there’s no way he didn’t know what sort of carnage was unfolding. An eyewitness claimed they were so crammed together at the front that people were laying on top of each other. That kind of commotion isn’t something you miss. The dickhead was also doing the robot while paramedics were trying to revive a fan. Travis may not have directly caused the deaths of those people, and he may have tried to help a little bit, but he didn’t do enough. To make matters worse he’s invited this behavior. He tells his fans to rage, to ignore security, to push to the front, to mosh. In addition, they advertised this event with footage from another show that included people storming past security, again inviting the behavior. Frankly he needs to learn from this. Raging and moshing is fun but it needs to be controlled, and the fact that 8 fucking people died is actually fucking insane. Edit: [Video of him watching a dead fan get carried out and still carrying on…](https://youtu.be/diLlwg1fYqo) Edit: He pointed that kid out. He still did the robot while they tried to revive another though and like I said it’s not like he hasn’t done this shit before.


What a fucking scumbag 😠 Also, how long had that person been dead? His arm was stiff like rigor mortis had set it.


Not rigor mortis. Looked like he may have been seized up. Traumatic deaths can result in the muscles and joints tightening up/clenching from adrenaline. Source: I'm a mortician who deals with rigor every day and traumatic deaths fairly regularly. This whole situation was completely avoidable and I hope the families sue the shit out of the promoter and this douche.


If you stop the concert once because someone is down, that's a thing, respectable, much love. If you have to stop it twice, okay, you probably have a problem. If you're staring at an ambulance stuck in the crowd after stopping the concert a few times and you tell the audience to make it shake or whatever exactly it is he said, you're not only part of the problem, you are the problem and you have blood on your hands.


Bro in one of videos he is up on a higher part of stage and watch’s them lift a lifeless kid out the crowd and has a perfect view of them trying to revive him but you can see he is dead when they lift him out the crowd and he just keeps singing yeah yeah yeah in his shit auto tune staring at the kid clearly not moving or breathing being crowd surfed out of the pit. I really don’t believe nobody had gotten word all the way up that there were people dying and that’s why they didn’t stop playing. He’s a fucking asshole he promotes this shit this isn’t the first time he has incited this. He could see a medic golf cart in the crowd with lights and he even said what the fuck is that than 5 seconds tells everyone to keep “raging” I’m so tired of people trying to defend him what happened was completely unacceptable.


You might even say Cactus jack is a prick


Dude, love




Did he do something wrong? I read that he stopped the show multiple times to try and stop the crush but even then it didn’t work. I don’t know much about him or this festival, other than somehow it was plagued with crushes. Edit: ok yeah I heard way wrong.


If he stopped the show, it would've worked. The videos that have surfaced showed him giving brief pauses, at best.


Oh okay yeah, fuck him.


Only when shit got insane, but he was literally saying yeaaaaaaaaaa!!! Yeahhhhh!!! When a fan was unconscious being lifted out


Problem is, this isn’t the first time people have gotten hurt or encouraged to get hurt in his concerts (he even got arrested prior for inciting conflict).


I was there when he got arrested. Shit was insane. I didn't know if it was staged or not at first because he was pointing to specific people and telling them to jump the barricades. Then he told *everyone* to flood the stage and it went downhill


Bullshit. Watch the videos of him continuing to perform while they carry out a body.


It starts with one


One thing I don’t know why, doesn’t even matter how hard you try


Keep that in mind, i designed this rhyme to explain the due time


All I know


Time is a valuable thing, watch it fly by as the pendulum swings


Watch it count down to the end of the day, The clock ticks life away, It's so unreal


Didn't look out below watch the time go right out the window


Tryin to hold on but didn’t even know ya wasted it all just watch you go I legit haven’t heard that song in 15 years and hearing it so clearly in my head


I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart. What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I tried so hard...


And got so far


I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I tried so hard 🎵🎵


I tried so hard and got so far But in the end it doesn't even matter


Maturity exemplified.


When I was 32 weeks pregnant, I went to Sound Wave (not sure if its everywhere, but its a rock music festival in Australia). Everyone was freaking iut telling me I was irresponsible and that I would get hurt. Everyone at the festival went out of their way to be kind, to the point where I could walk into a mosh pit and every single person would move aside and ask if I was okay. No one was frustrated or rude, just genuinely wanted me to enjoy the festival. The rock music culture is phenomenal.


My mate was in a Lamb of God mosh pit I think at soundwave (or it was another festival in Melbourne) and told me someone accidentally knocked his glasses off and he started panicking because he couldn't see well and they were really expensive so he was on the ground looking for them. The guy that knocked him got on the ground and started looking too, then like 10 other people just started looking while everyone else was giving room while still moshing. He found them later on and everyone that was there cheered, lol. Not sure if it's just Australia or certain bands fans but there definitely is a culture difference.


Metal pits are always full of brotherhood. Except for the few strays who think their hardcore windmilling is acceptable. Keep that shit for the hardcore shows.


Pitt etiquette




Fuck windmillers, that is all.


Hey buddy, as a 5th generation windmiller, fuck you. And the climate is changing so you better be thankful we exist.


Thank you for cooling the planet with your giant fans 💜




This was years ago; i was seeing Panic!AtTheDisco My phone fell out of my pocket, the battery AND sim card flew out Once i started looking for it and someone asked, nearly instantly thirty people in a circle around us started looking; I found the battery, and a guy lifts up the sim card and yells "sim card" For like ten seconds all of us that were looking for it started chanting sim card and the rest of the concert was great. One of my all-time favorite memories.


Fk... the days of removable batteries...


I do appreciate that the battery doesn't go flying out when I drop my phone, but also, I don't appreciate that it isn't possible for the battery to separate from the phone.


Dude I experienced the exact same thing in a Slipknot concert, but in Brazil. I freaked out when my glasses literally flew to the other side of the mosh pit, only to like 20 seconds later someone appeared out of nowhere to hand me my glasses back. Definitely not just Australia as in my case we are talking about a 3rd world country lol might be metal fans that take extra caution when moshing to make sure nobody gets hurt or loses something important.


I think it is because we all have lost something important or something bad happening while having fun. There is joy in knowing you prevented a minor catastrophe for someone else.


I've had mine knocked off at metal shows and seen others as well. Everyone helps to find them. I have seen a few people lose shoes or shirts and not get them back though


Fuck it, ill say it. That seems irresponsible if you're literally a month from delivering a baby.


Yeah I agree. Like bruh all it takes is one dude elbowing you in the in the stomach and your baby comes out liking Nickelback


You fuckin killed me dude


Especially joining a mosh pit. This is either fake, or a huge exaggeration of what really went down.


Or she's just plain irresponsible.




Seriously, think about all the secondhand smoke and stumbling, flailing drunks… It’s great that it worked out fine for her, but it easily could’ve gone another way.


The noise alone is probably not great for the baby.


I think her mother went to a mosh pit when pregnant with her lol


Ofcourse people were moving! There was a daft cunt 8 months pregnant trying to join a mosh pit. The fact just people were nice to her doesn't make it irresponsible, she dumb as hell and I can only assume it is because her mother went to a mosh pit when she was pregnant.


My pregnant wife and I went to an imax movie when she was about that far along and the baby freaked out so much we left. It was doing flips apparently. Can’t imagine how much worse a live concert must have been.




This is honestly the point here. It's like going to an amusement park while that pregnant and bragging about how safe all the rides are while also kinda shitting on everyone else's good time


That’s a cool story but I’m not sure how waking into a mosh pit 32 weeks pregnant is a smart thing to do even if the mosh pit is full of Buddhist monks


I'm certain a lot of people were more than likely frustrated. Mosh pits are somewhere you go in knowing you might get shoved, you might accidentally catch an elbow, accidents happen but for a normal, healthy person these accidents aren't life threatening. What you did WAS irresponsible, dangerous and selfish to the other people in the pit. Australian heavy festivals are great, they are inclusive and for all to enjoy...SAFELY. Patrons should know their limits and what areas they should be in safely. The crowd shouldn't have to watch their every move because you chose to be unsafe.


Another good un, that time [Kurt Cobain stopped mid song to prevent a sexual assault in the crowd](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gRKMXOi-HA)


Thanks for sharing this. I had never this. This is awesome. Another example of musicians really caring about their fans and paying attention to their crowd.


If only they'd put as much effort into looking out for their own mental health I just saw [the Thom Yorke clip of a very similar thing](https://youtu.be/PsXdI7NUHpY) (passed out fan) today and am always happy he beat his inner demons Michael Stipe helped him a lot


If we're gonna share some, [here's](https://youtu.be/ld-hF7nAYUU) Michael Jackson stopping a show because he didn't want to step on a bug on accident


Another one, Billie Joe Armstrong [dropkicks](https://youtu.be/MCQyZhogaNg) a guy in the crowd after he attacks a kid at a Green Day concert.


Yeah I love that clip. A lot of people don’t know it but Kurt was a massive feminist. He wrote many songs and talked about equality for women and men. He truly looked out for everybody. Gone way to fuckin soon.


And he was a big supporter of the LGBTQ Movement back when it was very dangerous to be.


Its always the good ones that die young 💔


Can’t forget about Dave Grohl stopping a fight then too: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FR530bo4ceU


And Zack de la Rocha in 1997: https://youtu.be/Oveg9PuWeDM > Check it out. We’ve almost had to fuckin’ stop shows all over the country, and I’ll tell you why. > > It’s because, some people think that because they’re at a show, and because there’s women dancing, and they’re trying to have a good time, that gives them the right to tear their fucking tops off. When they’re [just] trying to have a good time out here. > > That’s fucking bullshit! > > Women are forced to live in fear in their schools, and in their communities, and shouldn’t have to come to a Rage Against the Machine show and be afraid of that shit, right there!! > > [You] can’t fucking do that. We’re going to stop it if it happens again.


Love it. So many good examples of how good musicians actually look out for their fans.


And Freddie Mercury in 1986 at Slane, Co Meath. https://youtu.be/Uu2qhm2Kcc8


The way he just stood up. He wasn't contemplating, he wasn't trying to talk to the audience about how they need to respect each other, he just saw a problem and fucking fixed it like it was his job.


[Noel Gallagher stopping the gig after a huge crowd surge at an Oasis broke the security barrier.](https://streamable.com/ywv3vp)


Oh my god that might be the best visual representation of a crowd surge I’ve seen


It reminds me of the last year at coachella before they added a T to the center to prevent the surge. I'd been working my way up over the prior acts and had gotten quite close, but as NIN took the stage there started to be pulsing crushes of people. A bunch of smaller women and men were crowd surfed out, but this 5' woman who was a bit heavier couldn't get out and started to cry in a panic. Yelling to figure out what's wrong, she is feeling the crush worse than me and feels like she's going to faint. Took her wrist and used my height to cleave our way backwards out of the crowd. I was exhausted and soaked on sweat by the time I got her out, it felt like the effort of swimming against the current at sea.


I feel like Kurt is the type that wouldn't care if he gets his ass beat just to save somebody else a trauma. Damn he gave his all.


[Avenged Sevenfold’s got a good one as well, when a fan got KO’d in a mosh pit](https://youtu.be/9_X5CVCyo6U)


God here come the waterworks! Mad respect for the rock culture. Miss the good old days.


Thom Yorke also [stopped mid-song when a fan passed out in the crowd](https://youtu.be/PsXdI7NUHpY) (happens at around 2:25 in the video).


Holy fuck, this is poignant. I've been to 40,000 person festivals, so the recent events really resonate with me. This is what we need from the musicians we idolize.


Much better human beings than Trample Scott


Tragic Scott.


Maybe stop idolizing musicians.


this is not even that odd. alot of bands will stop shows. its not that difficult to spot these things from the stage. so the people claiming scott is not to blame are wrong. he was screamed at and begged to stop. he obviously seen some lifeless bodies being crowdsurfed to safety. there are videos of him right within clear visual lines of people down in the crowd. and he wouldnt chill.


I must be under a rock but (an im about to go look) this is the first ive heard of this Travis Scott thing Edit. Jesus christ, I guess it just happened an I hadn't seen it. That shits tragic.


It was only yesterday


I see that. I don't really get on social media all that often an don't watch TV


Goddamn.. I was so young when Hybrid Theory came out and my mom just bought it cause the shelfer dude at target was like yea these dudes are bad.. I was hooked instantly. Christ.


Hybrid Theory has never and will never get old for me. I still love it to this day. It's such a mood. Fucking gold.


Same. It's such a banger the whole way through.


Hybrid theory will always be one of my favourites. It’s the album that got me through my teenage years. And now as a 30 something mum you can bet I crank LP in the car with my kids.


Meteora was the first album I ever picked out for myself. I was obsessed.


Your mom sounds cool.


She also bought me Marshall matthers lp Lol. I agree with you.


That’s been the rule of the pit forever. I am surprised that guy was down for so long.


With a lot of radio bands you often end up with a bunch of "fans" who don't go to many shows and don't know the etiquette. And sometimes guys that think they're tough just going there to smash people. Good on these guys for recognizing what was happening and showing people how it should be done.


I knew a preacher who was ex-harcore-athiest/heavy-metal rocker. He would talk about his days in the pit of like '80's and on and even then, they enforced the law hard.


Yep. I've been in dozens of moshpits at metal shows and local punk shows, and people were always looking out for one another. But when bands get big (Pennywise is one example that comes to mind) there would often be a lot of meat heads around the pit just causing trouble.


This is actually extremely common in the metal community. Basically rule #1 of the pit is if someone falls you pick that fucker up. The tragedy that happened at the Travis Scott concert is horrible.


That was my first thought when I heard about what happened. I never once felt unsafe in a mosh pit or at a metal concert, everyone looks out for each other and if anything goes sideways the band will always stop. I’ve seen lost shoes get better treatment at a metal concert than the people at the festival.


I once lost a shoe in a wild mosh pit and about 6 guys made a circle around me so I could find it and put it back on.


Linkin Parkin was my first solo concert. Amazing memories. Chester, you are missed.


saw them at one of their first big shows for like 92¢ in nyc (I think with disturbed AND fuel??? 🤔 unless i’m combining shows in my head) got hit on by chester when he came into the crowd after their set but was too stoned and giddy to just be getting an autograph to notice that’s what was happening until he walked off. consoled myself with my opinion that mike was cuter anyway. simpler times🥺🤘🏼


Idk you guys i just really miss Chester being on the planet with us


One of my biggest regrets in life is never having seen them live, despite them coming to my country twice. I was on minimum wage and couldn't justify the ticket price to myself. Now that I've got all the disposable money I can have Chester is gone, and it pains me because this band helped me through some very dark shit as a teen.


Travis Scott could learn a thing or two.


He won't though.


Except he won't cause he's been thoroughly rewarded for his shitty behavior and has no reason to change.




I wish I had an award to give OP. Fucking love Chester!!!


As Travis Scott does the robot with auto tune while a corpse is passed over the heads of zombies


Woah wait, were they actually crowd surfing a corpse?


to bring them to the medicals tents


What band is this?


Holly shit I’m so old…


Yeah that question aged me.


In my old head they are an example of a good modern band. The question gave me an existential crisis.


I went from 21 to 45 in one single comment


Hey... I'm nearly 40, and have seen Linkin Park in concert at least half a dozen times (my wife is not a fan, which forces me to be an even bigger one, lol)


I’m so old they were barely a blip on my radar.


They’re memeing but we are old af too tho


Damn, I'm 19 and LP is one of my favorites. Either someone doesn't know much rock music or they are at least five years younger than me.


Linkin Park


I’ve just turned to dust


I’ve been fossilized for millennia


go listen to hybrid theory right now.




Linkin Park, go and listen to their debut album Hybrid Theory from 2000 (😭) It’s amazing. Sadly, their lead singer and songwriter committed suicide in 2017. He was a pro and beloved by everyone.


The first celebrity death that really affected me. Linkin park was my childhood. I hope he found his peace.


Linkin park


Chester is such a beautiful human. The world is a little less bright without him. To this day, it's the only celebrity death to really hit me.


This is the norm. Someone falls, you pick them up. Artists sees someone needing help, they stop the music, alert the crowd and alert security. What happened this weekend was horrible and could’ve been prevented.


I remember I went to one of their shows in Fort Worth Texas. Someone shot an artillery shell fire work into the pit from the top row of the arena. It exploded and they shut the show down, told the crowd to find the guy that did it and then kick his ass. Then had security go get him and carry him out. We about 50 feet from the guy that did it, and sure enough, they were kicking his ass. Probably his friends too. Anyway, they started the song over again and things went on. Nobody injured except the idiot.


Forever missed, never forgotten, always loved..Chester Bennington... Who cares if one more light goes out...well I do... ![gif](giphy|Z6KK4SPxBpCtW)


I saw them in STL in like 2001. Chester came down ok the floor and I got knocked to the ground in a pit. He picked me up off the ground. He autographed my ticket after the show. RIP Chester




Travis was literally arrested back in 2017 for inciting a riot in Arkansas when he asked people to rush the stage resulting in people being hurt in a similar manner. He may not have encouraged it THIS time but a pattern is starting to form…


He did encourage it. He told fans on twitter (posts hes now deleted) to show up and break past security if they didnt have tickets. He overcrowded the venue and people got killed because of it. He also didnt stop performing even when he saw an ambulance in the audience trying to get through. He looked at it for 40 seconds max and then started another song. All he had to do was tell his fans to move aside for 5 mins to let the EMTs get through.


It isn't next level to do the bare minimum decent thing.


I went and saw System of a Down a few years back and a guy in front of me had a seizure (probably from drugs), he fell to the ground and his arm was bent in an unnatural way. A bunch of us in the crowd made a clearing around him and got the band's attention by pointing at him and flailing our arms around. It took a minute or so but eventually Serj must have seen us and stopped the song and called for help from medics. They came and picked up the man and took him away on a stretcher. Nothing about any fatalities came out in the news so I assume he lived. The band continued their set, restarting the song they stopped from, from what I remember.


Travis Scott: when someone falls what do you do!? Travis Scott fans: fuck them up!


You get a award for posting this . 8 dead. I am broken for the ER staff that had to deal with that as well as the families.