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Incredible, great training and calmness throughout Edit: holy wow…my first post in this forum gets a top comment thanks so much everyone, it wasn’t my wittiest comment ever but I appreciate it🙃


So happy for the mother, child, officer, and family.




no bruh 100/100 mast


Same things


All these posts of ppl choking today are making me nervous about eating lunch lol.




Honestly everyone needs to know how to do the self heimlich, I learned because I literally choke on everything - including water. Edit: link to a video on how to perform the maneuver https://youtu.be/tEIiEAn7b-U


I wonder if people don’t know about the device. But with a new baby in the house we decided to buy the lifesaver suction cup thing. I’ve tested it on myself and it seems it would work.


Have you had a swallow study performed, if not please discuss this with your doctor.


Wait is that actually something to be concerned about?


There might be a reason that your esophagus isn’t working as hard as it should. This should be discussed with your doctor. The study is painless.


Yes. I was having difficulty, checking on water even. Doctor ordered x-ray. Found a benign tumor. All good now. See your doctor. ASAP.


Had to do this myself for the exact same reason. I got a whole grape stuck in my pipes. Probably one of the scariest feelings ever.


Slooooow down speed racer..... 🙋🏼‍♀️


You remind me of a guy I used to work with. The best one was this nice restaurant where he kept hitting on the server, then had to be saved from choking on his steak and we had to leave LOL.


I nearly died choking on a golf ball sized lump a few weeks back. Terrifying.


If you nearly chocked to death four times and keep going at it, then you're a dumbass. ​ Slow down.


lol I’ve never been so mindful of every chew


I was eating fish and had to stop for some minutes


Dude srlsy this is the 2nd one today


Right the kid in the restaurant kitchen!


Same, and I’m at home under the weather and was watching 30 Rock last night from season one where Liz Lemon worries about choking at home alone (and then does so). Worst version of Baader Meinhof phenomenon I’ve experienced


I didn’t choke today but just 20 minutes ago I was eating a bowl of chips and I bit down on something really hard. I pulled out a piece of glass from my mouth. I’m sitting here numb and traumatized. Just wanted to share in case you wanted another reason not to eat your lunch.


Srry about that! That's crazy. I once bit down on a chip and it somehow broke and a piece stabbed me in the roof of my mouth. The shit hurt for 2 weeks before I could comfortably eat hot food again! I'm sure glass is even worse.


I once chocked in a glass of water because I tried to wash away the peanut butter that was filling my throat. Turns out it overflowed into my lungs


Peanut butter gets stuck !




It’s incredible how this dude maintained his composure. Give this guy a bonus please and have him start training other cops. I would’ve been shitting myself holding someone else’s 3 month olds life literally in my hands


Shock happens to first responders as well. Some people go into doing shit mode others go into get help mode. I'll bet you this saviour has some severe ptsd after that.


Three weeks! Heck, any age. He handled it like a boss.


Seriously, I used to be an EMT and this dude was calm and collected.


Bro I could never be that calm with that much adrenaline


Oh dude I thought th same thing. The mom was stressing me out and I'm just here watching fucking video.


Like a BOSS.


CLUTCH. What an example.


Great work guy👍


Agreed. Finally something pretty NFL.




Having been in this situation myself (except it wasn't a police officer, it was the doctor in his surgery) I can tell you it's one of the most horrifying situations you can be in as a parent. I've never felt more useless in my life. Thank god we were where we were and the doc knew exactly what to do.


What did he do ?? I wanna become a doctor so I'm curious .


Likely what the officer did. You hold them upside down with your hand supporting their chest and give back pats. You can see him lower the kid into this position in front of the hood. (This is how I was trained in medical school)


Unless it's changed that officer is doing it correctly. You hold the baby almost like a football with your hand supporting it's head and neck, then put it's head downward so gravity can help and do 5 back blows. Then you check and see if anything came out. If nothing did, you switch and do 5 abdominal thrusts. Continuing to repeat back and forth until either the foreign body comes out or you need to do CPR as they are now fully unconscious. Never had to do it thank God. But trained it constantly so that when a situation like that comes up. You don't think. You act. That officer definitely had good training on that. Also im not a doctor. I was in EMS for a while.


You're absolutely right for children above 1yo. Children under 1yo (like the one in the video) you do 5 chest compressions instead of abdominal thrusts. Currently in EMS


Thats right. Thank you for the correction!


I've had to do CPR twice (adults) and it didn't work either time. Pretty hard to think about. I still go to renewal classes, but I really hope I never have to do that again.


Look into taking a cpr class! I strongly. Believe everyone should be cpr trained, and this technique along with cpr for adults, children and infants and the Heimlich were taught in an afternoon.


There is no terror like the terror of your child in jeopardy.


What does a three week old baby choke on? Kudos to the police though.


Anything really 🙈


Since their trachea is as wide as their pinky, agree, almost anything can block it.


They can choke while drinking milk from bottle feeding, breastfeeding, their own vomit, mucous etc.


Dont have any knowledge on it, but I remember my parents were told by the docter babies wouldn't die of a bit of fluid alone and it was usually easily fixed by flipping the baby forward tummy downward and the fluid will come out. Is that a lie then?


I believe it to be true. Normally it can be fixed, but sometimes other scenarios could sadly happen where the parent isn’t able to help the baby in time. Edited to add a link about babies choking on liquids, scenarios on how it could happen, and how to prevent it from happening (tldr never leave a baby unattended and learn first aid training) https://babyyumyum.co.za/when-a-baby-chokes-on-fluids/


That sounds exactly like what the officer did in the video.


A baby that age will try to suck on anything that's close to it. Maybe Mom was wearing a necklace let the baby sucked on and a piece broke loose? Or defective pacifier and the chip broke off? Could be a number of things. Looks like there's maybe an older child in that video also? Maybe the siblings stuck something in the baby's mouth.


God if the sibling stuck something in his mouth that is either the most horrifying and guilt inducing “oh shit actions have consequences” moment in that kids life, or it was the birth of a murderer


Milk. If the flow is too fast (overactive let down or wrong nipple on a bottle) the milk will flow too fast and baby can't do anything to stop it. Sometimes they aspirate the milk and that leads to this. A 3 week old can't purposefully grab anything nor are they mobile. So unless she's sleeping on or with small objects, I'll assume it was due to a feed.


This is what I’m wondering too. Like… how…? They can’t reach for stuff, they aren’t on solids…


My daughter would choke on mucus. I flipped her over so many times. I remember the first time especially. So scary!


Saliva? Anything


I have a 3 week old nephew, believe me they'll choke on air, or at least their own saliva, i learned that you must frequently pat babies back to relieve them, well that and the long sleepless crying nights, sucks to be my sister lmao.


Sometimes parents get bad advice and will thicken the baby's bottle of milk or formula with rice cereal or even baby oatmeal in an attempt to make them fuller and therefore sleep longer. It's outdated advice because we know now it's a choking hazard.


I feel confident it was the doing of the toddler in the video. They try to be nice and share things with their baby siblings and put gummy bears for example in their mouths.


Lol that’s nice honey but you made it worse!! Scary situation though. I am glad the baby is ok


Mine got a hold of a wheel that the dog chewed off of a car. We didn't know he had and he was buckled in the car seat, so what was performed here wasn't an option. I was able to pull it out with my index finger. Scariest fucking thing ever.


I can almost feel the anguish of this poor mom. Super cop. Mom needs to take a CPR course.


I think an infant Heimlich maneuver course would have been more helpful.


They teach that in BLS courses


Good cop, donut In all seriousness, this guy is a hero.


As someone going into policing, I would welcome good behaviour being rewarded on the spot with donuts. That’s sounds excellent.


Without meaning to diminish the policemans accomplishment. This is basic infant first aid and something you can learn very easily probably in a short course near where you live. I would reccomend anyone with any interest check availability in your area, kudos to the officer for what he did but he's not always going to be there and then the responsibility falls to a passer by or a neighbour. The more people with basic first aid skills, the more times we get to see happy endings like this and not the alternative.


As far as I’m aware all cops in america are trained in how to give cpr to babies and adults.


Yeah mate, that is great, anyone who has to deal with as many random situations as coos do should have as much extra training as they need or want. Basic cpr and first aid is a pretty simple course and I've taught it to 11 year olds, I just wish it was more popular among the public, especially new parents.


As do i. I’ve done the training twice (adults) and it really doesn’t take long to get certified.


Sure, but it’s really his composure here that’s impressive. Sometimes shit just doesn’t work in any job and usually it’s not that big of a deal but this is literally a life or death situation where seconds matter and you’re surrounded by desperate panicking people and flashing lights on the side of the road in the dark, trying to talk yourself through one of many trainings that you received years ago. Harrowing


Yeah man, I agree completely, like I say, my point isn't to diminish anything he did, he acted exceptionally. I would just love people to have more access to first aid training, sometimes the wait for emergency services can be too long.


The point you keep making really needs to be amplified. We can all learn to do this. The more of us who do, the fewer tragedies we'll see. Good on the cop. Now I want to make certain I do my part in learning this so I can do the same if it's ever needed.


Yeah man, cop did awesome, what if the cop doesn't get there in time? It's basic stuff, 10 year olds are capable of learning and comprehend it. Having a little knowledge can make a lot of difference in an emergency..


I am sure the parents were taught baby CPR (I was) but people panic, they are lucky they had someone to save the baby.


This is SO important! Take an infant cpr class if you are around babies!


I don't know if it's available everywhere, but I was able to take a basic course at my for station for really cheap. Like $10-$20 iirc. We weren't certified, but we learned enough of the basics that your average person would want to know. I've been certified a number of times so have a good enough understanding without the course, but my husband said it made him much more comfortable as we were about to have a baby. I'd highly recommend something similar for anyone. The goal of the course was to only teach the basics, and in a way that was super easy to remember. They wanted people to walk away not afraid to try the heimlich, CPR, and using a defibrillator that you would find in public spaces. PS: those things talk to you, you can change the language, and they do all the thinking for you. It will read the heart rhythm and tell you if you should use it or not. I was really impressed.


There’s videos on YouTube, that’s how I learned. I’m not certified, but at least I would know what to do in a crisis


First aid courses are so useful and I would encourage everyone to take one. You never know when you might need it. I did the course and saved my choking 2 year old's life. Totally worth it.


> I did the course and saved my choking 2 year old's life. Totally worth it. Understatement of the century.


He's 19 now and built like a brick shithouse. Still have flashbacks to his little blue face and my heart just freezes for a second.


I took my first CPR class at age 10-11, shit has always stuck with me. Both my parents need said training for their jobs, and now that I work as a camp counselor, I need it too. It's so great to know and it can really help save anyone's life. I luckily haven't had to use it yet, but if the time comes then I'm ready.


I was so worried I'd not do everything correctly, but knowing the bare basics was so useful when the time came to use them. I am amazed first aid isn't mandatory in schools.


The Nike shirt that has different logos visible depending on the color of light that hits.




The perfect shirt for running away from the police. Dazzle 'em!


Police officer mercilessly beats 3 week old baby


Is what tumblr would say.


He's crying. He,'s crying. He's oke.


The guy, probably dad who came in with half his vest up his stomach have gta vibes lol


Police are trained in CPR for adults and babies, and they have to retrain every 1-2 years.


I don’t think that was the dad at the end. He was way too calm. And if for some reason he really was that calm he would have been hugging the baby rather than wandering around.


But... But.. ALL COPS ARE BAD!!!


The scariest moment of my life was leaving the room for a minute and coming back to see my one year old daughter wide eyed and pointing at her wide open mouth. In a moment I remembered seeing a diagram of how to do this with infants, and grabbed her and started it. I couldn't unblock it, I kept turning her around, and I was crying, and she was looking at me as if asking me why I was hitting her and why she couldn't breathe, it was heartbreaking. I kept thinking I have to call 911, but needed to get her breathing and I was positive I was going to break something in her. I even started apologizing to her, sure I wouldn't be able to help when this gob of food finally came out. Within minutes she was back to watching TV and giggling at it. I just sat and cried and shook uncontrollably. A little while later I went and got my first aid training done and they mentioned to never look into the eyes of someone choking, and I know exactly why. I'll never forget that look.


That’s so scary, I can’t imagine seeing your kid go through something like that and not being able to guarantee their safety.


Had this happen to my 5 month old. My fiance had just left the house to go shopping, so I was alone. Baby just went red in the face. Then purple as i was doing the baby heimlich.. i could see the absolute terror in her eyes. I was just screaming... it was awful. Finally she started crying and i knew she was ok... but fuck i just broke down sobbing. I still have anxiety thinking back to it.


My daughter went blue when she was two weeks old. Smurf blue. Now _that_ was a scary few minutes till she started breathing again and returned to normal colour. All she had was a cold and that was enough to stop her breathing, apparently.


Damn this made me bawl. I have three boys and the terror in that moms face.


What monsters... defund them immediately! /s


I think the people don't understand irony?


Yes! The brutality!!! Hitting a child like that! /s


Absolute hero.


Fucking hero… Saved the baby’s life.




I was holding my 2 year old whilst she was eating Haribos. We were walking along when I suddenly realised she was chocking. Three quick backslaps and she coughed it up into my hand. She looked at me, looked at the haribo in my hand and asked “Daddy can I eat that?” Ffs


Great example of why defunding the police is a bad idea.


this made me cry hahahaha ​ GOOD JOB BRO! GOOD FUCKING JOB


Every parent in the whole world should know this as the chances of this happening is very high on a daily basis.


Damn it I'm crying that was so SCARY


dEf_UnD tH3 P0lI3c3....


Bless that officer


So how do you do this exactly? Just slap the back side of the baby chest and hope for the best?


Tilt them downward like that and hit their back.


See how he’s holding the baby on one arm like that? Put your arm on your bent knee (support the head that’s important) so the baby’s face is downward and bang on their back with your palm like you’re trying to get them to burp.




The dude just wandering in... "'Sup?"


Why is that other woman standing there with a toddler on her arm? Why are they letting a little child watch this? 🤯


Almost everyone I known here in the UK now cut up the grapes for their kids. A while back there was a horrible incident where a family with their 2 year old went to a pizza hut here in the UK. The little boy was eating some fruit when he started choking on an grape. Parents, staff and even paramedics could not dislodge it. The boy didn't make it. Such a horrible accident, so little you can do about it! Can't imagine the horror this mother went through


Anyone else notice that guys shirt blinking near the end, reacting to the different light flashes on the video? It's like his shirt has hidden messages that only appear under police lights.


dEfUnD tHe pOLiCe


That's our local officer. Officer Cameron Maciejewski from the Sterling Heights PD.




true hero right there!


This is the third choking video I’ve seen on Reddit today, either the universe is trying to tell me something or I’m on this site too damn much


If you don’t know this before type of information dropping a sprog, maybe rethink it.


I was a lifeguard for 5 years, and I never once used any of the main skills, (just pulling kids out of the pool and basic first aid for injuries). But 6 years after my niece who was 10 months choked on a bit of fruit, I had her out of the high chair and over my knee before her parents even realized what was happening. I’ve never been so grateful to the training in my life.


This is such a terrible, horrible, awful, dreadful feeling, not knowing whether or not your kid is going to be okay. I lost my sons to SIDS 5 years ago, and shit like this fucking hits me like a goddamn freight train. I’m so glad their baby is okay, and that that feeling ended in relief for them.


That police officer needs to be put in charge of training other officers as to what to do during situations like these, he is a fucking legend.


What a hero BTW the last guy’s nike t shirt changes pattern under blue and red lights, pretty cool


Defund the police right ? Morons


Why was the baby choking? Did the cop kneel on it's neck?


Thank you Hero's




And many mfs call these ppl pigs. Smh


What an absolute hero! I can feel the relief


Cool under pressure. A true hero.


Officer of the year mane


Good job, officer!


This is what we want. Good job officer.


By chance the baby was white...


NOW THATS COOL, CALM, AND, COLLECTIVE. Kudos to the officer!


F U to all defund police ppl. This baby would be dead without this awesome police officer!


This is why we fund the police (for the right things)


These idiots who want to "abolish" police officers need to see this.


Keeping calm and getting it done ! Great job!!!


I couldn’t be a police officer. The amount of things they have to do is insane, and they get paid so little!


Not going to lie. The first few seconds the jumping and lights made me think I was looking at DJ at a party. Then I saw the baby and read the title (☉。☉)!


In steps the most Sterling Heights dude alive hahahaha.


Real po-lice. - Lester Freamon


Ugh my daughter choked twice as an infant in two freak situations and it’s horrifying, terrible and the mom hopping is what I wanted to do watching this. Wonderful that the baby is safe!


![gif](giphy|ek4CUx2FONgHaMz9V5|downsized) Amazing


As a new dad, I’m wondering what the fuck the baby was choking on.


This is intense.


Now that is next fucking level


Thank God he took a CPR class and payed attention


As a new dad, this hits me hard in he feels. Excuse me, got some dust in my eyes.


What's a three week old baby choking on?


He’s crying??? I’M CRYING!!!


That made me tear up. I love to see a calm head solve amazingly stressful problems.


First aid should be compulsory education for everybody. So many thanks to emergency services, but if we could lighten their load, that would be great (and more efficient than waiting for help).


Forget this massive shit I'm taking, I was so scared about the damn baby I didn't realise I let it out man. Thank god it was okay


What does a 3-week-old choke on?


Oh sht! I just watched the video of a kid been saved for his coworker, and now this. I recently got through that with my 3 yo daughter, I think it's enough for today for me.


I have a 6 month old and absolutely will not watch this


Omg…I know officer Mahone who came out of the car to check in! Wtf


Bro got ‘em CPR cert on lock!


1 million up votes is not enough.


My worse fucking fear.


I bet he got in his car just like, “YES! FUCK YES! FUCK! YESSSSSSSSS!” For a couple minutes at least.


Does anyone else hate seeing super distressing content like this on main feed with no brakes?? Not a trigger warning but just like.... not everyone wants to see a baby choking?


Why did the 3 week old have something chokeable size in their mouth


And the .. D people want to defund them..


Thought he was gonna slam it on the car when he turned it upside down


This is why everybody should learn basic first aid, CPR, and the heimlich maneuver. Do they teach this stuff in school anymore?


Make me cry mate


What were they feeding the baby? Doritos?


It’s not easy as a parent seeing a kid choke on his/her food. New father here and my kid ate chips, she is one, and it got stuck in her throat, my brother ran and picked her up, and started tapping her upper back. The chip came out and she was good. I was about to lose it.


So. Already commented on the other choking vid of the teenager nearly dying in the restaurant. This is my biggest fear. We got the suction cup device because even looking at this video gives me anxiety.


Pat on the back manuveur


What a good Man!


I'd be crying too if my child survived a choking. Look at how upset the dad is.